Delete Confirmation

September 23, 2012 - 02:48 PM

Please prophetically intercede for my lonely holiness in the presence of the Lord Jesus Christ having no wife nor children (Jeremiah 16; Revelation 19:7-9). Being spiritually married to the Lamb of God for rest of my life in holy submission (of a dedicated life in the Father God). Becoming a great Miracle Worker for the great Shekinah glory of the Father God whom sits on the Throne in the Kingdom of Heaven (Ezekiel 1; Daniel 7; Revelation 4). Pray that I will love to learn to enter the Joy of the Lord (Matthew 25) and love to love my bridegroom in the beauty of His Holiness (Psalm 92) in the very spirit of Jesus Christ! The deep intimacy that I experienced in my youth will come quickly upon my spirit in the days to come to usher me into ascension of glory beyond the veil (of the Holy of Hollies) in the temple of my spirit (to tabernacle with the Most High God in His thick smoke of Holiness, Shekinah Glory, and Marvelous Majesty!) Thank you, Great Man of God!
Harold Kirk Richardson, Irvington, NJ USA
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