Delete Confirmation

October 11, 2012 - 03:54 PM

The best way to receive deliverance is going to someone who is able to do that. It is the only sure way to know that the demons have left and it is easier that way. Especially someone who has the descerning of spirits and can easly see and recognize the demon(s). The demons can be there even after being saved, same with generational curses. And yes demons are fallen angels. In fact there have been many times people have said they saw angels and in fact were actually demons. Same with Satan, remember he was the most beutifull angel there was and not the red man with horns that we are accustomed to. An "angel of light" is what the Bible refers to them as. Even if you think there is a change that you need deliverance it is always best to check. It is nothing to be ashamed about as God wants His people to be free. We are always here and glad to help. Many have received deliverance from the videos and even the chat. Hope this helps.
Love Bro David RMMI
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