Delete Confirmation

November 15, 2012 - 10:26 AM

Bro. Don Evans, Every so often in the course of history there are individauls born who defy common reason and statistical explanation. These are the truely great ones who break the tether of their generational expectations and rise to the highest call that seems to echo from somewhere beyond the heavens. The prophets of old peered into the future and sopke of these violent ones who who would force their way into the Kingdom, take hold of Heaven, and pull it down to earth. You are one of those reigning Men of God that refuses to have their exploits be a mere reflection of the past, but instead break the gravitational barriers of naysayers and doubters, journing far beyond the boundaries of reason into places where no one has ever gone before. You have captured the pize of the upward call of God that lies in Christ Jesus. You are God;s history maker, the Lord's chosen one. His mighty man, His true servant walk in His Master's footsteps. Thank you and God bless you and your ministry.
Love, Bill Johnson from Bill
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