Delete Confirmation

December 03, 2012 - 01:01 PM

These comments were posted on the chat. Thought you all would like to see them.
Love Bro David

Greeting my Brother. Oh my what a powerful anointing the scoker field was packed. many came in ambulances but left without them as they had received their miracles. When Pastor said the "Wind is Blowing" people fell all over the place and miiracles sweep throughout the whole crowds like a flood. Blind saw, lame walked, crippled were made whole, and those to week to move on their own, rose and walked. 1000's were heled and just as many got miracles. 250 came to the Lord and were filled with the Spirit the Holy God's altar call lasted 3 1/2 hours never, never have we seen anything like this. I sure hope you get this testimony so others will know. I am sorry we missed you but will chat again soon <Frank from Singapore>

Greetings from S. Africa Yes, this was the Brother Don Evans we had back in 1982 and he is far more powerful now then we was then. We had literly 1000's of miracles and that many healings as well. We had over 400 come to Jesus and get filled. Our churchs grew by the 100's. Thank you and we will now join with you every week for one video service or more. Thank you and God bless you!! <Bro Jacobs from S Africa>
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