May 08, 2013 - 07:47 PM Please pray for me and my ministry. I have just started my own church,I have been in ministry for over 20 years and have pastored several churches, but now at age 52 God has blessed me with my own church and pray that God will send me praise and worship singers and leaders and workers and musicians. Pray that God will enable me to go into full time ministry. I have also started with the Food Bank through my 501(C)(3) non-profit,tax-exempt ministry, to help the poor and needy. Pray that God will give me Favor with Himself and mankind. I have worked for the Coca-Cola company for over 28 years and now I have got hurt on the job and workmens compensation is giving me a hard time, it doesn't want to take care of my treatment or any further testing. I need another surgery on my left shoulder, They did take care of the surgery on my right rotator cuff, but they have denied any thing and everything on my back, both lower and upper; I have buldging and have damaged disc in my upper neck area and lower back. Please pray that God will heal me, my lower back gives me the most trouble, I am in lots of pain. God also has blessed me in my later years of life with two children of my own, I have a 2 year old son and a four year old daughter and I am 52 years old. Please pray for my finances and those of my ministry, The Living Bread Holiness Church and Conference. Please send me an anointed and imparted into prayer clothe, I need it right now,urgently and if God would lead you to send me a prophetic word. Please pray that God would give me as many gifts as I can have; to be a blessing to His people and the lost. Pray that God will give me great boldness and a photographic memory, to be able to study and remember His word. Pray that God will give me the gifts of words of knowledge and wisdom, prophecy,healing and working of miracles and discerning of spirits and interpertation of tongues. I know that... |