Delete Confirmation

August 12, 2014 - 05:57 AM

Well to be honest our greatest need is the money for our next building. However, we would never ask anyone to give anything unless God spoke to them to do so. As most everyone know the one thing we have never asked for is money. However, God has spoke to some to give and they have and some continue to do so. The only way we can continue to walk in God's blessings, is to continue to do what God has told us to do. And we will receive an even greater reward in heaven if we do so. God has spoken many things to many people and it is important the they do what He has called them to do. God spoke to us about starting Talk with the Prophet and we had no idea the effect that would have on so many people. We praise God that people are seeing the truth and are set free from bondage. We are so thankful for all the God is doing through the website and the video church. We know that God will continue to do great things and we expect to see it! God Bless you all.
Love Bro David
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