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December 28, 2014 - 06:03 AM

AirAsia Flight QZ8501 disappeared Sunday with 162 people on board. "There were numerous showers and hail throughout the Java Sea and the flight path," The Weather Channel's Michael Palmer says.

The Norman Atlantic, carrying almost 500 passengers and crew, was 44 nautical miles northwest of Corfu when it sent a distress signal.

Officer Tyler Stewart, 24, was shot by a suspect in a domestic violence case in Flagstaff Saturday, and the gunman then killed himself, police said.

Aries Woodfin, 33, allegedly posted messages on Facebook threatening to kill police officers and "innocent white children."

"We thought that he was going to be � I shouldn�t say this at Christmastime � but the next messiah," veteran broadcast journalist Barbara Walters told CNN. Newsweek editor Evan Thomas told MSNBC, "I mean in a way Obama�s standing above the country, above � above the world, he�s sort of God." And upon Obama's 2012 reelection, Newsweek celebrated the occasion with the front-cover headline, "THE SECOND COMING."
Love, Rev Vin from S. Africa
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