February 10, 2017 - 07:40 AM Shalom my good friend and Prophet, Our hearts were sadden by your news that you could not be with us this year for our prophetic meeting. But I deeply thank you for the scriptures you sent me pertaining the prophetic. W will disscuse this and make sure we understand the prophetic word concerning Israel fleeing to our hiding place as soon as we see the antichrist sitting up his headquarters in the Temple. Also, who you believe the antichrist could be along with the false prophet. From their Jewish back ground, I can see how this very well could be! Thank you for this and may God bless you and your ministry. I do agree on Jeremiah 51:33 and Hosea6:1 now that you cleared us Judah for us! Love, El Ben Joseph, prophet to the house of Israel, Shalom |