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November 11, 2012 - 05:26 AM
Please pray for all those coming for a healing or miracles this morning. Many need Jesus Christ as their Lord. Some have cancer, TB and aids, Some need smaller but hurting things. We have 32 all together coming. Thank you very much and God bless you as well. We are praying for you! Love, Tony from Italy
November 11, 2012 - 05:06 AM
Good morning friends, Please pray for those coming and those at home listening to the video. We have 18 coming who need miracles in their ears and eyes, MS< RA< TB< and Aids. We know God can give them their miracles or healings. He can save them! Thank you and God bless all of you. Love, Your friend from Down Under
November 10, 2012 - 11:34 AM
we asked everyone who needed a healing or miracle to come for our harvest Sunday. We are expecting 75- 100 to come hear the video and get on fire for God. Please remember them in your prayer. God bless all of you and your ministry too! Love, your friends from the mountain in Ten
November 10, 2012 - 11:25 AM
Well, we can see and know where most of the people in America are. They are blind spiritually, deaf spiritually and do not listen to God. That is why judgement has to continue to come to America until the final one will come and the true church will be going and then they will wakeup to the wrath of God with not way of escape. How sad! But we saw it in the elections very clear. They want sin and wrath comes instead. Love Fred from NM
November 10, 2012 - 11:17 AM
We do have 37 coming just for healings. The doctors cannot help them, but God can. Please remember them in your prayser for the video church. Thank you and God bless all of you. Love Elishbath from England
November 10, 2012 - 05:32 AM
Thanks for stopping by I just missed you. Unfortunately as much we don't want to see it happen, our decision will cause some hardship. We saw it going that way even though we were still praying and hoping it could be different. We see and know the days and the hours we are living in and it has to come. We will soon see many things take place that will be hard, but we will go through victoriously and then Jesus will come and take us home. Praise the Lord for that!! Until then we have some work to do to complete all God has called us to do. He has great things in store for His people even though it will be disaster after disaster for the world. Praise the Lord our trust and confidence is in him. Oh that the people would turn to Him before it is too late. Truly the time is short. Have a great day in the Lord!! Love Bro David
November 09, 2012 - 10:52 AM
I came to read prophetic word and guestbook and tell my people all God has said He would do and all He has done. We praise God for that! We love videos and saw many healings and miracles. Thank you and God bless you and your ministry. We are praying for all of you! Love, Little John from Liberia
November 09, 2012 - 05:14 AM
Hi Tony, We will go to prayer for them, believing their home will get restored like new without costing them anything. As a partner, and a friend, you do not need to send any money for anything we can help you with. I believe David has your email address and I will send you that to day by attachment to your email. God bless you all! Love, Bro Don
November 09, 2012 - 05:09 AM
Good morning to all our friends all over the world. It is another beautiful sunny day here on the East Coast. It is Friday and that means a nice weekend ahead and we have fresh cream puffs today. We are in prayer for every one and we know God has heard us and that He is answering those prayers. Have a great weekend in the Lord! Love, Tom, Sue and the Gang from Maine
November 08, 2012 - 03:48 PM
Hi Brother Don and Everyone at RMMI. Brother Don can you please send me the links for "Developing Your Spiritman, or Spiritual Growth" and "a study on 666, the mark of the beast" also if you have anything on deliverance and dicernment as well? I will drop a check in the mail this weekend. Also could you all please pray for my aunt and uncle they are in thier 90's and have had thier home flooded in the storm. They are devistated. Thank you so very much! Love, Tony and family :)
November 08, 2012 - 03:30 PM
Last month, The Weather Channel released a list of the 26 names it will use to track noteworthy storms this season. In addition to Athena, many have mythological or historic ties, from Brutus and Caesar to Gandolf and Plato. Other interesting selections include Q — for the subway line in New York City — and Rocky for the mountain chain. The Weather Channel said giving a storm an official name will be based on a series of objective and subjective factors, such as impact due to snow or ice within three days, disruption to road and air travel and life-threatening conditions from wind, snow, ice and cold. How about Zeus! That is the last name on the list! with names like these there is bound to be disaster! Even so come LORD Jesus! Love RPJ
November 08, 2012 - 06:39 AM
There will be 2 days of darkness(Hopelessness) soon for often it is in the times of darkness your true hope is revealed ! So "WATCH CAREFULLY" for "I AM about to Reveal The Truth in ALL Things that have been hidden in the Darkness ! " For My Light Of Truth is about to Cleanse, Reveal and Bring ALL that is of ME into balance and place And My Lampstand shall be found in this TRUTHLove, El Ben Hosea from Israel
November 08, 2012 - 06:31 AM
Dear Jeremiah, We have gone to prayer on your behalf and we know God will turn this around for you. I have a teaching called "From little to over flowing" that I believe will help you. If you can send me your email address and $5 dollars, I will send you that study in an attachment form. Read and follow it and your troubles will be over. Love In Christ RMMI Staff Bro. Don
November 08, 2012 - 06:23 AM
Good morning to all our friends all over the world. It is a beautiful sunny day on the East coast. Church services were wonderful last night and we know your services werethe same. The coffee pot is on and we have fresh cupcakes today. We are praying for every one and we know God has heard us and that He is answering those prayers. Have a super great day in the Lord! Love, Tom, Sue and the Gang from Maine
November 07, 2012 - 10:59 PM
Governor Chris Christie of NJ said concerning Sandy and this storm so called(Athena) that he's just waiting for the locusts and pestilence next! If he only knew the words that came out of his mouth! Love RPJ
November 07, 2012 - 09:45 PM
My name is Jeremiah i am serving God but i just don't know why i am facing financial probblems and unable to settle debts.Please pray and tell me whats the probblem.I want GOD to use me mightly for his kingdom and want HIM to fill me with NEW anointing for HIS Glory.Thank YOu GBU
November 07, 2012 - 03:42 PM
Great services Sunday morning and night. I trust every one got to hear them. If not check them out as they will put you on top. RMMI Staff Love, Bro. Don
November 07, 2012 - 07:09 AM
You were the only prophetic website that if we listen to what God had to say, that because of the people and their desires, we were going to get obama again. How sad as now the world shall go deeper and deeper into sin and wickedness. We need that powerful shaking you continually tell us is coming and need in order for people to really turn to Jesus before we go. We love your site and we are praing for you, Don't stop!! Love, Big John from Texas
November 07, 2012 - 07:04 AM
Praise God your prophetic word was true even though we do not like another 4 years of what we had or even worse as the Lord says. But we see it all over the world. People do not want to do what the true prophets or pasors are telling them, they want the worldly type of living and doing what they want to do. Because of this, we are now going to see the very worst with no joy for the world, but joy and peace for ONLY those who walk according to His Word. Now it is going to get bad! Love, Jake from S. Cal
November 07, 2012 - 05:51 AM
thank you for giving us the true prophetic word even if at times we do not loike it, we always know God is with us and for us. that he will take us through victorously. thank you! love, Fred from England
November 07, 2012 - 05:17 AM
Good morning to all our friends all over the world. Just like your prophetic word said, we did not get the one we wanted and its 4 more years of whatever. The coffee pot is on and we have fresh cupcakes today. The weather is nice. We are in pryer for every one and we know God has heard us and that He is answering those prayers, Have a great night in church and God bless all of you! Love, Tom, Sue and the Gang from Maine
November 06, 2012 - 09:06 AM
I am praying that the enemy does not get your workers to back of from the things God has given them to do. We are to close to the end to back off now and be defeated or lose out with God because of some trick of the devil. Please, the chuch needs you so establish your hearts like never before. Thank you and we love all of you! Richard from England
November 06, 2012 - 08:29 AM
We just got home from the hospital with Jimmies cancer report. The doctors could not believe it. The cancer is all gone and no one has ever heard of this type of cancer vanishing like this. We wanted to let you know. We love you and your video church services. We tell everyone we can! Love, the Furgasons from Or.
November 06, 2012 - 07:47 AM
Praise God for all He is doing. It was a powerful weekend and we had many miracles and healings. A cripple man got out of his wheelchair at the command of God's Servant and walked. People gave their hearts to Jesus and praised Almighty God. Thank you and God bless you and your ministry. Keep us in your prayers as it is very bad here but God is moving in a powerful way for us. Love, David from the Ivory Coast
November 06, 2012 - 05:00 AM
Good morning to all our friends all over the world. It is a foggy morning but the sun is trying to burn through. The coffee pot is on and we have fresh donuts today. Thank you for the fresh prophetic word as it is very helpful. We are in prayer for very one and we know that God has heard us and that He is answering those prayers. Have a super great day and please vote! Love,Tom, Sue and the Gang from Maine.
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