Isaiah 61:11

For as the earth bringeth forth her bud, and as the garden causeth the things that are sown in it to spring forth; so the Lord GOD will cause righteousness and praise to spring forth before all the nations.

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July 23, 2015 - 05:33 AM

  A good morning to all our friends all over the world. Its another beautiful morning here on the East Coast. Church services were wonderful and we know your services were the same. The coffee pot is on and we have fresh cupcakes and ice cold lemonade today. We are in prayer for every one and we know that God has heard us and that He has answered. Have a super great day in the Lord!
Love, Tom, Sue and the Gang from Maine
Delete entry # 1426
July 22, 2015 - 04:35 AM

  A good morning to all our friends all over the world. It's another beautiful day here on the East Coast. The coffee pot is on and we have fresh cupcakes today with ice cold lemonade. It is Wednesday and that means church and fresh prophetic words. We are in prayer for every one and we know God has heard us and that He has answered! Have a super great day in the Lord!
Love, Tom, Sue and the Gang from Maine
Delete entry # 1427
July 21, 2015 - 09:43 AM

  Praise Godforthose two very powerful sermons.It seems like you alwayslead the way for what God is saying to His church.Praisse God for that as the end is very close and we need to be ready or left behing. Pleasekeeppraying for us as the tests are far greater now than ever. We are praying for you also. God bless and keep you safe!
Love, David from the Ivory Coast
Delete entry # 1428
July 21, 2015 - 05:29 AM

  A good morning to all our friends a;; over the world. It is another beautiful day here on the East Coast. The coffee pot is on and we have donuts and ice cold lemonade. Thank you for the prophetic word. We are in prayer for every one and we know that God has heard us and that He has answered. Have a super great day in the Lord!
Love, Tom, Sue and the Gang from Maine
Delete entry # 1429
July 20, 2015 - 09:06 AM

  Praise God for those two very wonderful messages. We had 5 miracles, 8 healings and 14 souls saved and filled, Praise God for that! It is very bad here but God is keeping us safe and He is saving souls. Please keep us in your prayers and we will do the same. God bless you all!
Love, Maryfrom Kenya
Delete entry # 1430
July 20, 2015 - 05:31 AM

  A good morning to all our friends all over the world. Church services were wonderful and David did a good job. The weather is beautiful! It's just wonderful and so was the weekend. The coffee pot is on and we have fresh cookies and ice cold lemonade. We are praying for every one and we know that God has heard us and that He has answered. Have a super great day in the Lord
Delete entry # 1431
July 19, 2015 - 05:43 AM

  Praise God for a powerful camp meeting. We had many miracles and healings with many souls saved. It was awesome! We have 7 this morning who are coming for a miracle. All have cancer! Please pray for them. Thank you and God bless you.
The Von Plotts from Germany
Delete entry # 1432
July 19, 2015 - 04:35 AM

  There is 5 coming for a miracle from MS today, would you please remember them in prayer? Thank you and God bless you ministry.
Love, Rev Fwesoyama from Japan
Delete entry # 1433
July 19, 2015 - 04:12 AM

  We have 4 coming today who need a miracle from cancer' could you please pray for them? Thank you and God bless you and your ministry.
Bro Billy from S.Africa
Delete entry # 1434
July 18, 2015 - 05:05 AM

  A good morning friends We had 3 healings from the Camp Meeting and we loved it. We have 4 coming who are deaf an need a miracle. Can you please pray for them? Thank you and God bless you and your ministry. We are praying for you!
Love, Rev Sureat from Poland
Delete entry # 1435
July 17, 2015 - 06:02 AM

  A good morning to all our friends all over the world. It is another beautiful day here on the East Coast with lots of sun. It is Friday and that means a nice weekend ahead with fresh prophetic news. The coffee pot is on and we have fresh cream puffs today with ice cold lemonade. We are in prayer for everyone and we know God has heard us and that He has answered those prayers. Praise God. Have a great weekend in the Lord!
Love, Tom, Sue and the Gang from Maine
Delete entry # 1436
July 16, 2015 - 07:30 AM

  Praise God for those powerful messages. No wonder there is revival going on at your church and every church that is hearing what God is saying through your web ministry. Praise God for that! Please pray that revival will come to our church as we set Wednesday night to hear your broadcast. Thank you and God bless you and your ministry.
Love, Rev Sid from Monaco
Delete entry # 1437
July 16, 2015 - 05:49 AM

  A good morning to all our friends all over the world. Church services were wonderful and so were yours. The coffee pot is on and we have fresh cupcakes and ice cold lemonade. We are in prayer for every one and we know God has heard us and that He has answered. Have a great day today!
Love,Tom, Sue and the Gang from Maine
Delete entry # 1438
July 15, 2015 - 09:37 AM

  Thank you so very much for those two very powerful messages. They were wonderful and we had miracles, healing and souls won to Jesus. It may be bad here but God is awesome and He is working very hard and souls are coming in. Please keep us in prayer as the end is very close and we want to get everyone in that is coming in, in.
Love, David from the Ivory Coast
Delete entry # 1439
July 15, 2015 - 08:59 AM

  I found this on Jordan news.
‘Death to America’ just last week

Hatred towards the United States remains a basic tenet of Iran's ruling system, on display just last week during an annual protest day that saw large crowds across Iran chanting "Death to America" and "Death to Israel".

Iranians danced in the street when they announced a deal had been made on the nuclear reform, which basically gives Iran freedom to keep doing what they have been doing. They are not our friends and they hate is. Watch out America. Remember the plane they have?!
Love David
Delete entry # 1440
July 15, 2015 - 07:33 AM

  Please pray for Martin as he needs a miracle, He has a hard time breathing without oxygen. Thank you and God bless you and your ministry. We loved the camp meeting videos! We are praying for you! And the "Talk With The Prophet was wonderful and helped us a lot. Thank you!
Love, Relph from England
Delete entry # 1441
July 15, 2015 - 05:23 AM

  A good morning to all our friends all over the world. We had a lot of rain yesterday evening and during the night but it is clear at the moment. The coffee pot is on and we have fresh cupcakes today with ice cold lemonade and it is Wednesday and that means church and fresh prophetic words. Praise the Lord! We are praying for every one and we know that God has heard us and that He has answered. Have a great day in the Lord today!
Love, Tom, Sue and the Gang from Maine
Delete entry # 1442
July 14, 2015 - 05:33 AM

  A good morning to all our friends all over the world. Its another beautiful day here on the East Coast with clear skies. Thank you for the prophetic news and that very powerful story on the fulfillment page on Babylon. People in NYC need to move and quickly! Te coffee pot is on and we have fresh donuts today, with ice cold lemonade
We are in prayer for every one and we know that God has heard us and that He has answered those requests. Have a super great day in the Lord!
Love, Tom, Sue and the Gang from Maine
Delete entry # 1443
July 13, 2015 - 05:21 AM

  A good morning to all our friends all over the world. It is another beautiful day here on the East Coast. Church services were wonderful and so were your services. The coffee pot is on and we have fresh cookies an ice cold lemonade today. We are in prayer for every one and we know that God has heard us and that He has answered. Have a super great day in the Lord. Jesus is coming soon
Love, Tom,Sue and the Gang from Maine
Delete entry # 1444
July 12, 2015 - 04:38 AM

  Thank you for prayers and the miracles. 14 miracles, 7 healings and 10 saved. Praise God! We have 3 more who need their miracles from 1MS,2 Cancer. Please pray for them! We love you and thank you. We are praying for you all!
Love, Tony from Italy
Delete entry # 1445
July 12, 2015 - 04:25 AM

  had all four blind people receive their sight during Cam Meeting. Praise God for that! Now we have 3 more who need a miracle! Please pray for them. We loved the camp meeting very much, It was awesome! God bless your ministry!
Love, Rev Stone from S. Africa
Delete entry # 1446
July 11, 2015 - 06:10 AM

  Could you please pray for 4 people who need a miracle for cancer? They are in the last stage of cancer and only given a few days to live, Thank you and may God bless your ministry over and over.
Love, Rev Jones from Algeria
Delete entry # 1447
July 11, 2015 - 04:23 AM

  Please pray for the 2 blind people coming, the 4 deaf and 3 with MS. Thank you and God bless you and your ministry as it is very powerful and we love it very much. God bless you!
Ronda from France
Delete entry # 1448
July 10, 2015 - 06:58 AM

  I come to read prophetic word, fulfillment page and guestbook and tell me people what God has said and what He has done and we rejoice in the Lord. It is still bad here but God is doing a great work. We are showing the camp meeting as much as we can. Please keep us in your prayers as we need them. God bless you and your ministry!
Love, Little John from Liberia
Delete entry # 1449
July 10, 2015 - 05:49 AM

  A good morning to all our friends all over the world. It is a beautiful day here to day with lots of sun and it is Friday and that means a nice weekend ahead with fresh prophetic words. The coffee pot is on and we have fresh cream puffs today with ice cold lemonade. We are in prayer for every one and we know God has heard us and that He has answered. Have a great weekend!
Love, Tom, Sue and the Gang from Maine
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