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February 11, 2015 - 08:41 AM
Proof of why Russia is moving against us. Moscow's Muslim community is looking to raise funds for several mosques on wheels, in a bid to offer the city's crowded places of worship some relief and make it easier for Muslims to pray. More than 1 million rubles ($15,100) is needed to pay for two mobile mosques and six small tationary ones, the TASS news agency reported Tuesday, citing the project's organizers.Each mobile mosque will be equipped with a room for ritual washing, a small prayer room and a vending machine that will provide the organizers with a small but steady income. Muslims can summon the mobile mosques to any part of the city by making a request online, and their services will be provided free of charge, TASS reported. "The rhythm of the modern city and the small number of places of worship don't always allow Muslims to pray on time," the organizers were quoted as saying. The organizers — who also run a website called HalalGuide, informing users where they can buy halal products in Moscow — added that they were planning to expand the project if it proved a success. In accordance with their faith, Muslims are required to pray at least five times throughout the day and are bound to meet strict conditions during each prayer. Moscow only has six conventional mosques to accommodate the hundreds of thousands of Muslims living in the capital. Hundreds of thousands!! Love, Bro Don Evans
February 11, 2015 - 08:31 AM
Why Jordan is moving troops to Iraq border Jordan continues its efforts to hit "hard in the very center of [Islamic State] strongholds" as it sends "thousands" of troops to the Iraqi border. Jordan’s King Abdullah is making good on his promise to hit Islamic State (known both as IS and ISIS) militants hard in retribution for murdering Jordanian pilot Muath Kassasbeh. After launching new air strikes last week, King Abdullah has now deployed “thousands” of troops to its border with Iraq to escalate its show of force against the terrorist organization, NBC News has reported. Other nations have now vowed to support him. King Abdullah has made it clear that he is enraged by IS acts, and that he fully intends to respond accordingly. In a meeting with US lawmakers, he incited the violent Clint Eastwood film “Unforgiven” to provide a framework for his approach: “Any man I see out there, I’m gonna kill him. Any [expletive] takes a shot at me, I’m not only going to kill him, I’m going to kill his wife and all his friends and burn his damn house down,” one of Eastwood’s characters says in the film. In addition, King Abdullah told the Examiner: “The only problem we’re going to have is running out of fuel and bullets," but others are now stepping up with what is needed to do the job. Love, Bro Don
February 11, 2015 - 06:26 AM
God's Love And Grace pictured! Ruth, the Moabitess, marries the kinsman redeemer, Boaz in the powerful story of Ruth. Their ultimate marriage led to the birth of Jesus Christ. What a wonderful display of God's love for all those who will receive Jesus Christ as their Lord. They too will be saved and become part of God's family!
February 11, 2015 - 06:17 AM
Jordan has deployed "thousands" of troops at its border with Iraq as it ramps up a campaign against ISIS militants, sources say.
An 11-year-old girl from a Cleveland suburb has been charged with murder in the beating of a 2-month-old who was staying with the girl and her mother. Demon spirits at work! Love, Bro Don
February 11, 2015 - 06:15 AM
A San Diego man and his partner became the first male same-sex couple to be chosen for a Navy homecoming "first kiss." Sick, very sick!
We just keep finding things showing us that Jesus has to come soon! Love, Bro Don
February 11, 2015 - 05:49 AM
A good morning to all our friends all over the world. It is cold but no snow yet today. They say we have over 52 inches of snow here in some places. A record! Not as bad a Boston with its 80 inches, but could case flooding in different places. It is Wednesday and that means church and fresh prophetic words. Praise God for that! The coffee pot is on and we have fresh cupcakes today. We are in prayer for every one and we know God has answered. Have a super great night tonight Love, Tom, Sue and the Gang from Maine
February 10, 2015 - 09:47 AM
Isaiah 19:25 – An Egypt/Judah/Assyria Highway? Could this be the first project at the beginning of the 1000 year reign? Please answer this on your talk show. Thank you! Love, Fred from Ok
February 10, 2015 - 09:46 AM
Wow what a sight. I forwarded it to Pastor Evans. I dont know why but for some reason when anyone sends an email through the website it always comes from Pastors email. Anyways we got it thank! Love David
February 10, 2015 - 09:38 AM
February 10, 2015 - 09:15 AM
Question to the Prophet. When will this happen? Isaiah 19:23-25 19 The earth will crack and shatter and split open. 20 The earth itself will stagger like a drunk, sway like a hut in a storm. The world is weighed down by its sins; it will collapse and never rise again. 21 A time is coming when the Lord will punish the powers above and the rulers of the earth. 22 God will crowd kings together like prisoners in a pit. He will shut them in prison until the time of their punishment comes. 23 The moon will grow dark, and the sun will no longer shine, for the Lord Almighty will be king. He will rule in Jerusalem on Mount Zion, and the leaders of the people will see his glory. Love, Rev Aca from AZ
February 10, 2015 - 06:18 AM
Dear Urgent, We have gone to prayer for all your systems and we know that God can and will give you a miracle! Start confessing God's Word that you were healed by the strips of Jesus, and that no sickness or disease can enter your dwelling. You are a spirit being and have a soul and live in a body. And start thanking Jesus many times a day regardless how you feel and continue to do this until you have your complete miracle. Then tell as many as you can about it. God bless you! Love, RMMI Staff Bro Don
February 10, 2015 - 06:10 AM
URGENT MIRACLE/HEALING REQUEST: I'm battling physical conditions and need manifestation of very critical healing miracle for total body restoration/regeneration for myself Mary to be free of pain,muscles and skin to be elastic and free of tight restrictions on whole body causing structural/skeletal instability and misalignment,need colon to work properly, need to be able to walk and function normally, right leg hip joint stressed and muscles in right leg painful, eyes needing healing of macular degeneration and cataracts, hearing, I'm also believing for perfect teeth miracle.. also to be able to lay down to sleep.This situation is very tiring and fatiguing. I believe anything is possible no matter how unusual or rare the situation is. A word of knowledge if possible would be so encouraging,thank you, mary 970-282-8551
February 10, 2015 - 06:08 AM
Hi Bro Don, I heard you once teach that showed you that when you were not in the service, that was when demons tried to move. Well, that was yesterday morning! The man who had 2 dreams, but neither from God. I pastored in Palmyra New York many years ago, and we found a lot of those spirits operating because J Smith. The area was loaded with them! I was glad when the Lord moved me away from there. I saw this same spirit operating in a tall man, Sunday morning in your church! I guess you were not there. So I wanted you to know as these spirits will kill a Bible believing Church if allow to speak. If you need any help. please feel free to contact me Be more than glad to help! Love, Rev Jim from SC
February 10, 2015 - 06:00 AM
A good morning to all our friends all over the world. Thank you for the prophetic word. It is not snowing right now and that is great! Hopefully this will be the last of the worst. The coffee pot is on and we have fresh donuts today. We had some snow removed from our yard as we did not have room for more! We are in prayer for every one and we know God has heard us and that He has answered. Have a great day in the Lord! Love, Tom, Sue and the Gang from Maine
February 09, 2015 - 05:15 PM
Yes Steven it looks as if it did not record the whole time. Unfortunately we did not back it up on the hardrive. Some saw it live but other than that, thats all we have for now. Sorry about that. Love David
February 09, 2015 - 01:22 PM
Hi brother Evans "The 3RD Rail Electrified for a Purpose" video is only 16 minutes long and missing the sermon on YOU_TUBE & USTREAM. In Sundays service mention was made to what the false prophet was saying regarding the antichrist. Do you have a link to the articles. God bless you and the team Stephen - Australia
February 09, 2015 - 10:06 AM
Hi Bro Don,
If you need help dealing with that spirit, I'll be more than glad to come for a service and deal with it for you/ I love you and your ministry and I am here if you need me. Love, Rev Sam from Ga
February 09, 2015 - 10:01 AM
Hi Bro Don, I've been following you since you first came on the computer and you sure have grown since then. I am retired now and do not drive very far. I saw this man who stood up and told of a dream, really 2 dreams he had. I knew you were not there as I have personally seen the power and authority you deal with demons spirits. Remember the truck garage? Look at your video when you get a chance because this is a religious spirit. A-Want-A-Be prophet. We use to see a lot of them here in Pen. You came for a Miracle/Healing Crusade and we sure did have that, but because of the demon activity here in Avaco, you had to deal with that. Remember? I will be praying for you and your ministry. A lot of people around the world are looking to you for help and the last thing you want, is for them to follow this false spirit. Love, Bro Jim from Avaco, Pa
February 09, 2015 - 09:32 AM
I see others have already warned you concerning the religious. prideful spirit that tried to operate Sunday morning. I also did not see you as you were not there. Others did not pick it. Maybe you'll see it yourself as you watch the video. Hope your feel better and are back at the helm. Love, Rev.
February 09, 2015 - 09:26 AM
I don't normally say much concerning other's ministry, but you have a very prideful religious spirit that pushed his way to stand up and share a dream not from God, then try to tie it into scripture. Do not let this get a strong hold or people who are not strong in the Spirit will get drawn in. A religious spirit fools a lot of good people because it can sound good and the scripture they us normally back up what they say when used as they use it. Just trying to Help! Love, Rev Freddy from Singapour
February 09, 2015 - 08:55 AM
Hi Bro Don, I would say watch that tall man who had a dream. Religious Spirit, A Wanta-be-prophet. I know you were not there, just wanted you to know. we've dealt with they kind many times over the years. They just half to get their two cents in or they will leave. You have a great ministry and we do not want to see anything ever stop it. Love, Rev Jim from S. Africa
February 09, 2015 - 08:28 AM
The two young preachers sure did a great Job! Good message David and you to Randy. I know David and love to watch him grow. I see you had a strong religious Spirit operating because you were not there. We will be in prayer concerning that for you. This spirit believes it knows everything, so it may act up until it is dealt with. I am only telling you in case you do not know. God never used a club, He allowed the enemies to do that and yet He was always there to help them. The devil wants us to forget that so we do not call out to God. Have a great day! Love, Aca from AZ
February 09, 2015 - 07:20 AM
"A marriage contracted between individuals of the same sex is invalid in this state," Alabama's Chief Justice Roy Moore wrote. "Praise God, Yes!! Thank You!
Jordan announced it has carried out dozens of air strikes on the Islamic State group, as a top US envoy said Iraqi troops would begin a major ground offensive against the jihadists in the weeks ahead....
• Iraqi forces readying for massive ground attack against IS — US general
General John Allen, the US official coordinating the international anti-IS coalition, on Sunday said His Majesty King Abdullah is an example of exceptional leadership in the region, noting that the US and its allies listen with interest to his views on major causes Love, Bro Don
February 09, 2015 - 07:09 AM
Good morning to our friends. We missed Pastor but are praying for him. David and Randy did a good job. The tall man is being used by Satan, yet telling you a truth and yet blaming God. In case you did not know! I know pastor was not there but this went around the world. It is very similar to what Obama said about Christians. We are doing great and God is moving in a powerful Way. Please keep us in your prayers as we need them! Love, Mary from Kenya
February 09, 2015 - 06:32 AM
A good morning to all our friends all over the world. I just got dune plowing for now. Yes, it was a snowy, cold weekend and this next week does not look much better. Church services were great and so were your two services. David did a super and Randy had one of his best ever! You did have a man as you know, way out in left field. That's to bad! W missed pastor and hope he is doing much better now! The coffee pot is on and we have fresh cookies today. We are in prayer for every one and we know God has heard us and that He will answer. Have a super great day in the Lord! Love, Tom, Sue and the Gang from Maine
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