Previous Predictions Page 24 April 2008 on....
7-30-08 pm service
For an eagle searches to and fro, his eyes are sharp and clear and he watches carefully, he watches for the storms, he watches for food, he watches for his enemy, clearly he can see. He can soar high above all the circumstances, he is not troubled on the right hand nor the left hand nor does he put a lot of effort in his flying, unless he has to, for he knows the secret of being a victor and overcomer. Be like the eagle, wait upon me and renew your strength, wait upon me that your spiritual eyes can see, wait upon me for all that I have for you. For truly in the world right now, saith your Father God, is much trouble, trouble that they know not how to deal with. They know not how to stop the drought, the global warming, the flooding, they know not how to stop the rains, the forest fires, they do not know these things. They do not know how to stop the wars, the troubles that are taking place in the world and the troubles yet to come. But I do, yea and I shall show you, I shall open your understanding that you can walk in all the provisions that I have for you, that you can be like that eagle, that you can see the storms before they ever come. You can see the enemy before he ever comes, that you can walk in the provisions that I have for you. Draw close, very close, much closer than you are, draw close to me.
For is it not time to walk with sense and sensibility, is it not time to prepare for the winter and for the winter season? I say unto you, prepare for the winter season, even now it is not too early. Therefore, you would walk as my children prepared for every season.
Know my word, allow not fear to grip your hearts because of seeing the things that are taking place in the world, seeing great drought, seeing the famine, seeing the cost of prices rising all around and in every area. Do not allow fear to come in, for many of my children are allowing fear to grip their hearts because they truly do not trust me nor do they fully know my word and know how to stand upon my word. Therefore, have I said unto you to be prepared, to be prepared that no matter what takes place in the world around about you, no matter how high the prices get, you are filled with great joy knowing that I am coming soon and you are filled with my peace, knowing that I will provide in every area no matter what. It is truly the hour to know my word and know how to stand upon my word that you can truly walk in the victory that I have given unto you. Pray for those who are in the areas that are being hit with the tornadoes and the hurricanes and the earthquakes that they truly listen to my voice and move out of there as I have said. That they can truly be underneath my protection and that they can fully know and rest in my word as I have said. It is an hour to know my voice and to follow after me; it is an hour to truly press in with all that you have. For it is that time and that hour that I have spoken to you about where I am moving in a mighty way and great are the blessings that shall overshadow my church. Therefore, I say, follow me like never before, walk with me, know my word, walk in the abundance of the blessings that I have.
Call upon me for wisdom and knowledge, for you will need my wisdom and you will need my knowledge that you can discern good from evil, that you can walk in my perfect path. That you drift not to the right nor to the left, that you lag not behind and do not run ahead, for these are danger zones, traps of the enemy, snares. But as you seek my wisdom and my knowledge the Holy Ghost will be your teacher and guide. He will guide you along the path that I desire for you to walk, he will guide you into perfect health, he will guide you into prosperity. He will guide you that even though the times are very, very bad, they will be as if nothing to you. For you will be using my wisdom and my knowledge, and therefore, you shall be the victor.
7-27-08 am service
Set your eyes upon my word, meditate in my word, learn to live in my word, for as the days ahead become darker and darker my word shall give unto you strength, my word shall give unto you power and authority, my word will give you the ability to turn bad into good. For as you stand on my word and my promises, I watch over them to perform them. Let not fear enter in, for as you see the cost of food continue to go higher and higher, as you begin to see the effect of the droughts and the global warming and the things that are taking place throughout the world, be not deceived, truly these are the last days, many things are coming to pass now like never before, all the signs are very clear. But these things are not for my church, for you are not of this kingdom, and I, your Father God, shall take you through this time victoriously. So put all of your trust in me, lean upon me, walk with me.
Trust not in man’s wisdom, for his wisdom shall lead you astray, but trust only in me, use my wisdom, use my knowledge, for that shall give unto you great success. Oh, I say unto you my children, walk in my word like never before, know the power that exists in your tongue and speak only therefore my word, knowing that life and death are in the power of your tongue. Speak forth life, speak forth my word only, put a guard upon your mouth that you truly only receive the things that you desire. For many people speak negative things not even knowing that it is coming out of their mouth because they are not guarded, they are not listening, they have not paid attention to the things they are saying. Therefore, I say unto you, know my word and know what my word says, for in these days ahead my children, you need to speak only my word. For my word shall bring you great victory, my word shall bring you peace, it shall bring you great success, therefore, I say unto you, speak only my word. Know my word like never before and know what I have said, for I have said you are the overcomer, you are the victorious one, you are the head and not the tail, above and not beneath. Therefore, I say unto you, speak not defeat, but speak only my word that you can truly walk in the fullness of all I have in store for you.
For a wise man is always seeking to gain, to prepare for the things that are ahead, to make himself ready. Be wise, for as you use your wisdom that I have given unto you, you are able to overcome many things. You are able to do things that in the natural you could not do before. Therefore, walk in my wisdom, use my wisdom.
7-27-08 pm service
Let your heart and your ears be in tune to me, that I may speak to you, that I might give you revelation, that I might open your understanding, that I can show you the things that are ahead, the things that shall come. That you can have a clear understanding, that the troubles of the world do not shake you, nor disturb you, nor cause you fear. For you shall know truly, it is the last days, that I have given my word to you, and you shall go through this time victoriously. Press into my word, meditate upon my word, let your thoughts also be in my word that you are open, that I can move mightily on your behalf, that I can bless you, that I can encourage you, that I can uplift you. And when you hear of the troubles in the world, they will not bother you. Oh, the tornadoes shall yet come, the floods shall come, the global warming shall continue and the drought shall widen and the cost of food shall go even higher, but you will not fear, for you will know that I shall provide for you. I shall take you through this time victoriously, I shall be the light upon the path that you trod, you will not walk in darkness.
Learn now how to rest in me, even as a young child rests in the arms of its mother, so you rest in me, knowing that truly I, Almighty God, have all things under control. No matter what takes place in the world, no matter what the enemy might try to do, know that I, your Father God, have all things under control. Learn now how to rest in me, knowing that I fulfill my word, knowing that I do not change, I am the same God that I was yesterday and I will be the same God tomorrow as I am today. Therefore, I say unto you, learn now how to rest in me, even as a baby rests in the arms of its mother; learn how to rest in me, knowing that I will take care of you, knowing that I will give you all that you need.
It’s far later than most know, it’s far later than most see or understand. Truly, you are in a time right now preparing to go on into that heavenly place. Walk very close by my side, listen very carefully to my voice, know the things that I speak to you, then be quick to obey.
7-23-08 pm service
For my word is true, my word is your confident expectation; my word speaks not only to your heart, but to your life, to the path upon which you walk. It gives you insight and instructions, it teaches you the way to walk, it shows you what is ahead and what is going to happen. I watch over you and protect you, yea, I give unto you my word, I stand on my word and I stand on my promises, and when you speak forth my word, when you stand on my promises, it shall come to pass. For it does not go out and return void, but it fulfills the things that it is sent forth to do. Do not be concerned or worried over these last days nor the things that are taking place, let them not surprise you, for if you have been in my word, if you have been studying my word, you would see all these things, for my word declares that they shall come. But they are not for you, they are for the people of the world, they are a sign unto them that it is the last days, that they need to come into the safety of the fold, that they need to give their lives to me and walk with me. Put all your trust in me, and as you walk during these last times, you shall see a light that shall lead you upon the path that you are to walk in. You shall have the wisdom and knowledge that will keep you on the course that you need to walk. Nothing shall take you by surprise and nothing bad shall happen to you. For I shall supply for you, I shall protect you and I will care for you.
Know my word in this hour and this time, for it will give you the strength that you have need of to truly walk as I have said you can walk, as the overcomer, as the victorious one, as the head and not the tail, above and not beneath. But if you know not my word, you will not be able to walk as I have said you can walk, because you will know not the power, you will know not the authority that I have given unto you, and therefore, you will not walk in the freedom that is yours. Therefore, I say unto you, know my word like never before, know what I have provided for you, know what I have given unto you. For it will give you the strength that you have need of to truly walk in these days ahead of you in great victory. Therefore, I say, know my word like never before, that it is within your heart, that it is not just head knowledge, but it is heart knowledge, speaking forth in great faith, knowing that I, your Father God, will do all that I have said I will do. Therefore, I say unto you, know my word like never before, for it will give you the strength that you need to truly be victorious.
Truly it is such a fine hour, a fine hour, not a troublesome hour, not an hour when you should be troubled in any area of your life. Not an hour when you should be walking in defeat or lack of understanding or wisdom or knowledge. For it is a fine hour, it is that hour when I am pouring out my Spirit without measure, when I am giving you wisdom and knowledge such as never before in history. When my understanding is wide open that the Holy Ghost can teach you the things that are ahead. Yes, truly it is a fine hour.
7-20-08 am service
Keep your eyes sharply focused on me, keep your eyes sharply focused on my word, let your ears be open that you can hear what the Spirit has to say to the churches, that you are aware of what is going on, that you are not asleep, that you are not caught in the traps of the world, that you are not deceived, but you know the things that your Father God has spoken to you. You know what his word says; you know the things that are coming, the things that are happening. For I did not, not for a moment, cause these things to be without forewarning you, for it is in my word, it is written there, for I have spoken unto you. You are living in the last hour and many things are taking place. It would be wise to put your stocks in a very safe place, for soon you shall see the collapse that I have told you about. Don’t be fooled by the things that are taking place or the peace talks that people talk, for they talk the talk but they don’t walk the walk. For they know not what is going on, they know not the hour, they know not the time. Beware of the tornadoes that shall rip across the Midwest this week. Beware of the hurricane that begins to form this week. Beware of the floods and the drought, the global warming and the high cost of food and the famine that is going on worldwide. But let them not trouble you, for you are not of this world, you are of my kingdom and I shall take you through this time victoriously. So keep your eyes upon me, upon my word, meditate in my word, study my word, know my word that you can walk in the peace that I have already prepared for you.
Know ye not my love for you, know ye not all the blessings that I have in store for you? For I will supply, I will meet your every need, for I have said I will never leave you nor will I forsake you. No matter what takes place in the world, you can count on me, I do not change nor does my word change, it is everlasting, it is sure. Therefore, I say unto you, know my word like never before, speak forth my word and watch as I, Almighty God, do all that I have said I would do. Know my great love for you and know that there is nothing too difficult for me to do, your Father God. Know me like never before and know that I will see you through, I will see you through these days ahead in great victory. Therefore, fear not the things that shall take place in the world, fear not, but I say unto you, rather walk in my peace, knowing that truly I, your Father God, will see you through. I will take care of you, know that my mighty hand is upon you, and I will watch over you even as my word declares, I will do so.
When you see the skies all black with storm, you know that a storm is coming, a storm is brewing. When you see these things in the spiritual realm, you also know that a storm is coming, a storm is brewing. But yet you know my word, for if you have studied my word you know that I will take you through this time victoriously, that I will cause you to be the overcomer, the head and not the tail, above and not beneath. I will cause you to prosper coming in and going out and I will make you the victor. So keep not your eyes on the storms of the world, but keep your eyes open in the spirit realm that you may know what I, your Father God, am doing.
7-20-08 pm service
For my love for you is far beyond your understanding, and yet you get glimpses of it, but I love you, I love you, I love you so much that I sent my Son that he could die that you could have life and that more abundantly. I desire to care for you, I desire to love and bless you, I desire to lift you to higher places, to watch over you and protect you, to surround you with my angels that you can be comforted on every side. Fear not the things that you see coming on the face of the earth, let them not trouble your heart. Be busy about my work bringing in the revival, bringing in the souls, bringing them in from the harvest field. For you have a word for them, you have a hope for them, you can show them and tell them the things that are taking place that they can come in, that they can be saved. Let not these things, let not the cares, let not the problems of the world overcome you, they are not for you, I know at times they seem like they are, but that is only the enemy, they are not for you. For I shall supply for you and I shall take you through this time in great victory. Put your total trust in me, for truly I love you.
Be my diligent servants, ones who are diligent to follow my will, ones who are diligent to get into my word like never before and to know my word. For it is an hour to truly be my servants, to be my hands and my feet and to go forth and do what I have called you to do, to meet the needs of others around about you. I have given unto you all that you need, I have given unto you the wisdom, the knowledge, I have given unto you boldness, therefore, I say unto you, it is time to step out and to be those servants I have called you to be. For oh, the harvest that is ripe, and oh, the starving people who need to know my love and they will see my love through you. Therefore, be not afraid to share me with others, for it is that time, it is that hour, they are looking and they see the signs that are going on in the world. And yes, they have great questions that are arising, and yes, I have need of you my children that you might be the open vessel to answer those questions and to give unto them my love, my peace, my joy. That they can see and know that truly I am here to take them through this hour in great victory, if they will but trust me, if they will but come unto me, yes, I will see them through. Be open to my Spirit like never before, that no matter where you are, no matter where you go, you are open that I may use you, that I may speak through you to touch the lives of others, for it is that hour, it is that time. Therefore, I say unto you, be open to my Spirit that I may use you.
For my provisions are far greater than any of your needs. My supply that I shall give to you will be more than you have need of. My healing power shall flow through you, my strength, my ability, my comfort, my peace. Be not disturbed by the things that you hear in the world, realize it is that time, it is that hour and these things must come to pass. But they do not come to you, for you are not of this world, you are of my world, you are my children, and I, your Father God, shall take care of you.
7-16-08 pm service
For man goeth around as if he had no knowledge whatsoever, he goes this way, he goes that way, he is always trying to fulfill his way. Therefore, the world is in terrible trouble, for they seek not my wisdom, they seek not my knowledge, they do not need my help or they think they do not need my help. Oh, what a sad situation, oh, the calamities that are coming upon the face of the earth, for they have not listened to my word, they have not followed my word and they go about as if nothing is taking place. They claim to be walking in faith, but the way they walk is not my faith, for they go their own way and do their own things. And the storms shall come, far great storms than they have seen before and the drought shall increase and widen and become far greater than it is now. The heat wave shall roll through many areas in a great and a powerful and a mighty way. The tornadoes shall grow larger, more vicious and do more damage. The hurricanes, they will come, the cyclones, they will come, oh, the trouble, the trouble, the trouble. The famine, the lack of food, the high cost, the banks that are closing their doors and going belly up, oh, if they would only turn to me, if they would only listen to me, if they would only do the things that I would tell them to do, but they hear not my voice. Therefore, you are living in what I call the very last days, not only the last day, but the last hour of the last days. Many things are taking place, but for my church, for those that are listening to me, I shall take them through this time in great victory. They shall be the overcomers, they shall be the head and not the tail, they shall be blessed going out and blessed coming in, they shall be blessed with everything they put their hand to. And the world shall look upon them and want to know how and many, many shall come into the kingdom of God because of what my church shall do in these last days.
My children have you considered the lamb and how gentle the lamb is? Have you considered the dove and how gentle the dove is? Have you considered the flight of the eagle and how softly and gently she soars above? But I say unto you my children; my presence, my word and my Spirit are even more gentle than these. And in these last days of caution and care, it takes an ear to hear the voice of my presence and of my Spirit and of my word. For in the midst of your storm, I will come, there is no storm too great that I cannot be the center of, saith the Lord. But you must look to me, the peace of your storm and I will be there.
Be awake, be alert to your spiritman, allow not the enemy to come in and to deceive you in any way shape manner or form, but I say unto you, allow your spiritman to be open to me at all times. That when I give unto you those checks, when I give unto you those signs, follow not after the enemy, but I say unto you, follow after my word. For you know my word, and as you are grounded in my word, you shall truly walk in all the fullness of the victory I have in store for you. Therefore, I say unto you, be alert at all times to your spiritman that when I speak unto you, you quickly listen and do the things which I have spoken unto you to do. For when you listen unto me you, will not fall prey to the enemy and his traps. Therefore, I say, be alert, be alert, be alert.
The ways of Solomon led to wisdom and great wealth, but the lust that he had lead to destruction. Are you walking in my wisdom, are you walking in my ways or are you walking in your own?
7-13-08 am service
Be not fearful, for I love you with an everlasting love. I watch over you carefully to perform my word concerning you, to strengthen you, to uplift you, to help you, to be there for you, to listen as you speak my word, to carry out the things that you call upon me to do, I am there for you. Let not the troubles or the cares of the world come upon you. There are many troubles, there are many cares on the world right now, they know not which way to turn, they know not where to go. For they do not seek my counsel, but they do their own things, they do not know me nor walk with me even though they profess to know me, they know me not. Therefore, do not be fearful, for I am your God, I am your Lord, I will watch over you, I will take you through these troubled times. Fear not the tornadoes, the floods, the high heat, the global warming, the melting of all the icebergs, the flooding, the forest fires, the hurricanes, the strong winds, the straight winds, fear not these things. Fear not the famine, nor the drought, fear not the pestilences that are coming upon the face of the earth now, fear not these things. For they are not of you nor are they of my house, for I keep my house, I bless my house, I fill my house with good things, and as you walk with me you eat of those good things, those pleasant things. So fear not the things that you see now, but look to me, trust me, trust me like you have never trusted me before, trust me and I shall take you through this time victoriously.
Know above and beyond any doubt that nothing is too difficult or hard for me to do. Know that I will provide no matter how hard the times get in the world or how difficult they may seem, I am here to provide for you, to make a way where there is no way. You must also know that I am that kind of God, that I will provide, I will give unto you all that you need to truly walk victoriously, successful in this hour and in this time. Trust me like I have said with all your heart, do not lean on your own understanding, but I say unto you, glean from my wisdom and knowledge. For I shall give unto you all that you truly need to walk as the victorious ones I have said that you are. Do not walk in fear or become fearful, but I say unto you, just allow my word to dwell richly within your hearts that you truly know that I am your Father, I will do all that I have said that I will do. Know that I am your God, the God above all gods and I will deliver you out of any kind of situation or trouble that you find yourself in. Know that I am God, know that I am your Father and I care for you and I will do all that I have said I will do. Trust me like never before, know beyond a shadow or doubt that I will provide, that there is nothing too difficult for me to do.
Fear not the shortages that are about to take place, fear not the rush on the stores, fear not the shortness of many articles, for I shall supply for you abundantly and I shall take you through victoriously. Let not those things trouble your heart, but rather yet, praise me, exalt my name, lift my name even higher and I shall see you through this time.
7-13-08 pm service
For truly it is a glorious hour, an hour when my church shall reach its highest, highest place ever, where it shall walk in the fullness of my glory, where it shall move forth in the fullness of all my power. It shall go forth and do things that you read about in my word that the world can look upon them and see the miracles, that they can see the signs and wonders and know that truly God is moving there. Oh, I say unto you, look not upon the things that are taking place in the world, let not your heart be troubled by those things. For they are not for my kingdom, they are not for my church, they are not for my people, but it is the hour and it is the time for them to take place, but as you walk with me, they will not affect you. The tornadoes will not come nigh your dwelling, the straight winds will not come nigh your dwelling, the cyclones, and yes, there will be, the typhoons, and yes, there will be, the earthquake, oh, a great one, it shall not come nigh your dwelling. Walk very closely to me, keep your eyes upon me, pray concerning these things, even the forest fires, they will not die down, it is too dry and it is only the beginning of the hot weather there, pray, pray concerning these things, the hurricanes, pray concerning these things. Pray about the drought, the global warming, for it shall get worse, the high cost of food and the gasoline prices. But do not let them affect you, for I shall supply all your needs, I shall take you through this time victoriously and it won’t be long and we shall leave this earth. Rejoice in your heart that the time is getting shorter, but be not moved by the things that you see.
Fret not, but rather rejoice in all things, for truly you have a God who shall take care of you, who shall see you through, who knows what tomorrow holds. Therefore, fret not, but I say, rather rejoice knowing that you are the overcomer, knowing that you are the conqueror, knowing that you are the head, not the tail, that you are above and not beneath. Rejoice my children, for great are the things that I have in store for you for this hour. Oh, it is a great hour for my church, for those who are truly walking with me, who are living their lives for me, they shall be filled with great blessings, they shall find happiness, they shall walk in great success. Therefore, I say unto you, fret not, but rather rejoice knowing who your God is, for you have nothing to be concerned about. For I have given unto you my word, I have given unto you my promises, and yes, I watch over my word to perform it. It does not go out and return void, know that in your heart and know the importance of speaking forth my word, having it within your heart, letting it flow out of your mouth like a mighty rushing river. For the enemy cannot stand against my word, but great victory comes because of my word. Therefore, I say unto you, fret not, but rather rejoice, rejoice, rejoice, rejoice, rejoice, for truly your God shall see you through these days ahead.
Be a wise steward, not a foolish steward, for the foolish steward receives many blessings and quickly runs out to enjoy all of them. The wise steward invests those blessings that they keep coming in day after day after day.
7-9-08 pm service
Fear not the things that the enemy shall try to do, for I am in charge and he is not. Put all of your trust in me, walk in my word, know my word, stand very closely by my side, know my voice and hear my voice, listen carefully to the things that I say unto you. Fear not the things that shall take place, fear not what the enemy has said, for I can turn it all around in a twinkling of an eye or I can continue to go forth as my word says we shall go forth in these last days. So fear not these things. Be not concerned over the forest fires that are burning, be not concerned over them, be not concerned over the drought, or the global warming, or the things that trouble man's heart, for I control these things, I am on top of these things, they are recorded in my word, you need not fear these things. For I shall give you a breather, a short breather, saith your Father God, make good use of that time.
My eyes are always upon you, I watch over my word to perform it. So when you speak my word, quickly my angels go to work to bring to pass those things that you have spoken that line up with my word. I do thank you for walking very closely by my side; I thank you for being one with me. For in the days that are ahead you will need to be even more so with me, so walk very closely, very closely.
7-6-08 Campmeeting pm service
For I say unto you, my Spirit is here this night in a way that it has not been yet. Don’t go away without letting me fill you tonight, for tonight is the grand finale, says the Lord and the grand finale is always the best.
For truly it is a time to set your sails high again, set them high that my wind can blow upon them, that my wind can blow upon you. That it can birth miracles, creative miracles, healings, deliverances, that it can do all the work that I desire, all the work that you need. So set those sails high, concentrate, listen, meditate, hear what the Spirit has to say, hear what the Spirit has to say.
Do not be one who is dull of hearing, but open up your ears and listen to my Spirit, know the difference between the true and the false, know the difference between my word and the word that has been twisted and turned around to make it man’s words. For many shall be deceived in this hour because they do not know the truth of my word, because they have not studied for themselves to show themselves approved. It is not an hour to be following man’s traditions; it is an hour to follow after me and my word. For many shall be deceived because they do not know my word and yet I have given unto them my word that they can truly walk in the truth and the light that I have given unto them. That light which guides them, directs them down the straight and the narrow path, which very few shall find. Oh, but I say unto you, those who are in my word, those who know my word, they shall not be deceived in this hour, but they shall truly walk in victory. They shall be that victorious people that I have called them to be for this hour and this time. Know my word like never before; know the difference between the true moving of my Spirit and that of the false. For my true moving produces great results and those results, oh, they prove true through and through. Therefore, I say unto you, draw ever so close to me, know my word and know the truth of my word.
Do not get your eyes upon the world nor the things that are taking place in the world, for it is that hour and it is that time. But that will not affect you, for you are not of this world, you are of my kingdom, I am your God, I am your Father and I will watch over you and protect you. The floods will not hurt you, the drought will not hurt you, the famine will not hurt you, the high cost of living will not hurt you. There shall be earthquakes, but they shall not hurt you, there shall be volcanoes, but they shall not hurt you, you will hear of typhoons, straight winds, but they will not come nigh your dwelling. So keep your eyes upon me and upon my word, upon the things that I have to say, listen carefully, meditate on them, walk very closely, for I will walk side by side with you. I will strengthen you, I will empower you, I will clothe you with my righteousness that you can stand in the fullness of my glory.
For I have called you to be a fruitful plant, saith God. Not just a small plant with a little bit of fruit, but I have called you to be a plant with a lot of fruit. And you say, how can I be that plant with a lot of fruit? For the Lord has spoken, and saith again, know my word that you might spread forth, spread forth your branches, saith God. For as you understand my word you will move forward and you will stretch out and bare much fruit.
7-6-08 Campmeeting afternoon service
I see you, I know all your needs, I know the things that you do not know that I need to give unto you to make you the complete vessel that I have called you to be, and you shall be that. Do not fear over that, for I have need of you. There is a mighty work to be done in these last days and I have need of you that you might be my hands, that you might be my feet, that you might be my mouth to go forth and speak my word. For there will be many opportunities with all the troubles that are coming now, when people lose their homes and their jobs, they have no place to look, you will be there. And you will minister unto them and they will come safely into the kingdom of God and they shall be hungry and they shall eat and eat and eat. But the world shall be filled with disasters, with signs, signs pointing toward the end. Therefore, I say unto you, continue to draw closer to me, draw closer to me, do not become idle, do not become slack, do not be like the world.
For yea, saith the Lord, it is not a time to flit, it is not a time to flirt with the world, but it is a time to be established. For I say unto you, if you commit yourself, your life will come up to me as a memorial. Even as of old, saith the Lord, those that followed my ways and did that which would please me, I come unto them in a greater way, to bring them into the greater way, to bring them into the greater part of my kingdom, saith the Lord. I say unto you, commit now like you have never committed before that I might take you to a greater place in me. For I have many great things ahead for those who commit to my word, commit to my will, saith the Lord.
This shall be a service of desserts, for I shall bless you, I shall honor you, I shall lift you up and you shall rejoice in your heart, that yea, you were here. For my presence shall be very real to you, far more real than you have ever experienced before. So don't be afraid to take a lot, take all that you want, for I will freely give it to you.
For when you eat too much at my table your belly doesn’t ache. Eat lots, says the Lord.
7-6-08 Campmeeting am service
Oh, how sweet it is to bathe in my presence, to allow the anointing to flow upon you, to allow my word to enter into your thought life that you can move it into your heart, that you can walk by faith knowing what my word has said. Not being moved, not to the right, not to the left, not backwards, not ahead of me, but walking closely by my side, so in tuned with me that you can hear the voice of the Holy Spirit as it talks to you and not be deceived or fooled by the evil one. That you may know and understand, even though he may speak word, even though he may speak scripture, listen carefully, for he twists them. But know my word and walk in the presence of my word. For the days are very evil, many things are coming upon the face of the earth now, great troubles, great disasters, earthquakes, typhoons, cyclones, volcanoes, many things shall take place, you shall see them, you shall hear about them, you shall remember that I told you these things, walk by my side. Be not fearful of the sicknesses that shall come upon those that are not under the covering of the blood. Be not fooled; be not deceived, but walk by my side.
Be not caught off guard, but what a man sows that shall he also reap. Know that there have been things sown even from greet leaders that shall bring destruction to the earth. Therefore, I say unto you, be not deceived, but rather know my word, know what I have said concerning this hour and what shall take place. Do not walk in fear, for when fear grips your heart, the enemy has control, allow him not control of your life, but allow my word to control your life, allow my Spirit to control your life. For when you walk in my Spirit, you shall not walk in the flesh and you shall walk in the blessings, the abundance of the blessings that I have in store. Oh, I say unto you, it is not an hour to be fearful, but it is an hour to be joyful, knowing that truly I am coming soon, your Savior, your Lord, your King of kings, your all in all, know that I will take you through these days ahead. Therefore, allow not fear to come in and grip your hearts, but I say, rather allow my joy to fill you like never before, allow my peace to pass over you, the peace which passes all understanding. Let that guard your heart like never before knowing that truly you serve the God of all gods and I will take care of you, I will see you through. Therefore, I say unto you, do not be deceived by the things that take shall place in the world, but I say, keep your eyes upon me and my word. For as you keep your eyes upon my word, you shall truly walk in the pathway of great blessings, the pathway of great success, the pathway of peace. Oh, I say unto you, keep your eyes upon me.
I will be your pathfinder, saith God, I will be that which will speak to you for the directions that you must take. I already have the map for each one of your lives, and if you will hear my voice, I will direct you every step of the way. But you must hear my voice as I speak unto you, saith the Lord.
7-5-08 Campmeeting pm service
Continue to walk very close by my side, continue to meditate upon my word, upon my promises, upon the rhema word that I have spoken to you. Continue to walk according to my counsel; for you are not of this world, but you are of my household, you are heirs to my throne. For in the world there shall be calamities, darkness and you shall see many things as they begin to take place. Many more jobs shall be lost, great companies shall file bankruptcy; the forest fires in Florida shall grow larger and larger and larger. The drought shall get larger than it is now, global warming shall continue to get hotter than the scientist say, for they know not what my word says. Hurricanes, yes my children, hurricanes, tornadoes, many tornadoes, snow, snow in areas that shall shock you, the drought, the lack of water, oh, you shall begin to hear of the lack of water that they do not want you to know about. You shall continue to see as two countries fight the EU and refuse to join yet, for I do not want them to join yet, it is not time. But I say unto you, fear not these things, for gas prices shall go up, food prices shall go up, but I am more than able to take care of you. Put your trust in me, put your confidence in me, do not worry about the things that shall come to pass. For truly, I shall do a great work on your behalf and you shall walk in a higher realm than you are walking in right now. Your hearts shall be open even more so than they are right now, that when I speak to you, you will be quick to obey. Your hearts won’t be hardened in areas that they are hardened in now, your response won’t be slow like it is now. For as the calamities hit, others will quickly come running in, if you are not careful they will run right by you and press into the fullness of the things that I have. For it is the hour when you should go into the highways and the byways and compel them to come in. The unlovable, they are going to come in and they are going to come in so hungry, welcome them, remember that I do the cleaning, you do the catching. Walk; walk, in the gifts that I have given unto you.
For many miracles, many signs and mighty wonders shall occur, saith God. For even now the Spirit of the Lord hovers over this tent this hour looking unto those who will believe for their miracle. For they have seen the signs and they have heard of the wonders and they are ready to receive. Be bold in this hour to receive all that I have ready to give unto you and be not afraid. For in that boldness I will shoot you forth even farther than you would go for, to do great and mighty exploits yourself, saith God. So you will get a double portion this night when you go forward for me.
A book can contain all of the blessings that you have ever heard of. It can have all the joy, all the happiness, all the keys that will bring healing, that will bring health, that will bring prosperity, that will cause you to be everything you have ever dreamed of or everything that you have ever desired to be, but if you leave the book closed, it will do nothing for you.
7-5-08 Campmeeting afternoon service
Prepare your hearts, for as you can see, saith your Father God, many claim to be hungry, but few really are, and because you are hungry this day, this service I shall meet with you in a special way and you shall receive things that others will not receive.
Open your trunks, prepare to pack the blessings in that you desire, prepare to stuff it as full as you possibly can. For as I said, I have come to bless you today.
7-5-08 am service
Set your sails high, for the winds shall blow this day, saith your Father God. Yea, it shall catch those sails, it shall lift you to a higher plateau, my Spirit shall fall upon you without measure, I shall do great signs and wonders, yea and you shall be renewed, you shall be refreshed. You shall be built up in a manner that you can go forth in these last days, that miracles and signs and wonders can take place by your hand, by your mouth, as you walk with me, as talk with me, I shall move mightily.
For it’s not by might, nor by power, but it is through my Spirit, by my Spirit. Oh, I say unto you, allow my Spirit to flood in you like never before, like a gushing river shall it flow. Oh, I say unto you, open up your hearts even right now to allow that river, the river of my Spirit to flow through you. That you might be strengthened, that you might be empowered, that you might receive all that you need to truly walk as victorious ones, as I have said you can be for this hour and this time. Oh, I say unto you, allow the river of my Spirit to flow through you like never before, a gushing river, saith the Lord, not just a trickle, not just a stream, but I say unto you, a gushing river, one that gushes out. Oh, I say unto you, open up your heart right now and allow my river, the river of my Spirit, oh, to flood in your life right now. Oh, for I say unto you, as you open yourselves unto me, I shall fill you to overflowing. There shall not be an area of your life untouched, but I shall fill you to overflowing with everything that you have need of. And you shall find that you have greater strength, oh yes, a greater strength to stand with me like never before and to stand for me like never before. You shall have that strength as you open your spirit to my river, you shall be strengthened because I have given the anointing, I have given the power, I have given the authority, and as you open yourselves unto me, you shall be filled.
Therefore, I say again unto you, you personally, set your sail high, set your sail high. That my wind can catch that, that I can pour into you that river of life, that river that I desire to flood you, to cause you to rise higher and higher and higher, to flow fluently in all my gifts. Set your sail; allow the river to carry you.
For I will blow great bellows of mercy, saith God, on your left side, on your right side, in front of you and behind, above and beneath, for I shall lift you up as well, saith God. I am pouring out my mercy.
7-4-08 Campmeeting 2008 pm service
Don’t be a coward that tiptoes around, that hides its head in the sand, that is afraid to come out in the dark. Be a light that drives the dark out of the world, be a light so bright that the devil flees. For he knows you know my word and that you stand on my word and as you stand on my word he knows you will be victorious. Be courageous in all that you do, and say, speak forth my word, for there is power in my word. Walk in my word, live in my word, bathe in my word, allow the anointing of the Holy Ghost to charge you up for the days, for the hour that you are now living in.
7-4-08 Campmeeting 2008 afternoon service
Keep your eyes upon me, walk in my word, study my word, know my word, next week shall be a very, very troublesome week throughout the world, disaster, calamity, you shall hear of these things. Keep your eyes upon me and be troubled not, but know these things must come to pass, but know that I have also talked to you.
Learn to trust me now, learn to walk in my word now, for now is the time to be prepared, to have your house founded upon my word, where your foundation is steady, where your foundation is sure. For there will be storms that will blow, for the enemy is at work, yet those who know my voice and those who know my word and have built their foundation strong in me, they shall stand in this hour. They shall not be shaken by the things of the world, they shall not be shaken with fear, but they shall rise and become those giants I have called them to be for this hour. Get into my word like never before, know who your trust is in, is it in man or is it in me? For if it is in me, you have nothing to worry about, but if your trust is in man or worldly things, you shall surely fall, for your foundation will be weak and when the storms come it shall be wreaked. Therefore, I say unto you, know me, know my word, know where your trust is, for if it is in me, you shall surely stand strong in this hour, but if it is not in me, you shall be shaken.
7-4-08 Campmeeting 2008 am service
Be not fearful of the things that you see taking place in the world, for it is that time my children. The global warming, man cannot stop it, for it is recorded in my word, the famine, the drought, that is recorded in my word, these are end time events, things that shall take place now. Let them not trouble your heart, for you will go through these times victoriously if you put your total trust in me. Fear not the big cutback in the airlines, fear not the oil prices, as they shall rise again and continue to rise as I have told you until the antichrist takes over his system. Fear not the 666 that they are going to try to push on you now, for it is that time, but it will not be mandatory yet, but do not receive it, for it is not for you. Fear not the many things that are taking place in the world, the tornadoes, the forest fires, the flooding and even snow, you will hear of in the high places, fear not those things. But put your total trust in me, for I will take care of you, I will take you through this time victoriously and you shall walk in the victory that I have for you.
For indeed it is a time of collection, saith God, a time of collecting all the things that I have brought unto you even this day and in this hour. Be as a vessel to collect as much as you can to receive, so you have enough for the last days, saith God. For I am pouring it out right now, and I say, collect it into your spirit, into your being even now.
7-3-08 Campmeeting 2008 pm service
Let your eyes be fixed on God, let your ears be open that the Spirit of Almighty God can speak to you, let your hearts be open that the Spirit of God can move powerfully in your midst. That I can bring forth miracles, signs and wonders, that I can show you the things that are coming and taking place in the world, that you may know and understand the things that my word has declared so that you may walk in the fullness of the power, the anointing that I have given unto you. For I have called you for this hour, I have called you for this time, I have called you for this moment, that I, your Father God, may move mightily upon your behalf, that I can do things for you that you can walk, that you can birth into the kingdom of God souls, souls from the harvest, for truly the harvest is ripe. Look not upon the things of the world with fear, for you are not of this world. Let not the tornadoes, the floods, the global warming, the drought, the earthquakes, the pestilence, let them not bother you. Let not the forest fires bother you, let not the high price of gas or the high price of food trouble you, for you are not of this world. For I, your Father God, shall take you through this time victoriously that you can walk in the victories that I have for you. Walk very closely, listen very carefully and do as my Spirit bids you to do.
Fear not, oh, fear not and rejoice and be glad for the Lord will do great and mighty things. For behold, saith the Lord, I am the line of Judah and I have come to strengthen you, I have come to mold you, and I have come to shape you. Be as one who yields himself, saith the Lord, that I might fill you with my Spirit for this last hour. For indeed these are the last days and behold I have overcome the adversary and I desire for you to walk over the adversary too and to conquer his works. Be bold and be strong in this last hour, saith the Lord. Get ready, get ready and get ready, saith God, for I am going to do great and mighty things in your midst even this night.
Shake off the shackles that bind you and be freed in my Spirit, free to move, as I desire for you to move in this day and this hour. Oh, shake off those shackles and be freed in me, for you have been bound long enough, saith the Lord. Let go, let go, let go and be free in me. It is an hour to press in like never before, it is an hour to be about your Father’s business. Therefore, I say unto you, allow not the enemy to shackle you down with fear, allow him not to shackle you down with doubt, allow him not to shackle you down with all these worldly things. And I say, shake them off and be free, be freed even this night that you can be open to receive of me all that I have in store for you in the rest of these meetings this week. Oh, I say unto you, freedom, freedom comes in my Spirit, therefore, I say unto you, be free in me.
For the word of the Lord has been delivered unto you. The Spirit of God is hovering over you and moving mightily up and down, across, throughout the whole tent, saith your Father God. For it is a time of revival, it is a time when I shall meet you, it is a time when I shall change you, it is a time that I shall do a work in your heart.
6-29-08 am service
Let not the troubles of the world disturb you; let them not rob your peace or your joy. For know this fact, that I, your Father God, shall supply for you, I shall take care of you, I shall lead you through this time in great victory. You shall not be part of the darkness of this world, for you are not of this world, but you are of my kingdom, and therefore, I will be the light upon the path that you trod that you may walk in that victory. But the world shall walk in darkness, they shall see the pain, they shall see the suffering, they shall see the things that shall come to pass now, but if they will turn to me, they can walk in the victory even as you walk in the victory. They will not see the tornadoes, they will not see the hurricanes, the floods, the forest fires, the drought, the global warming, the lack of food, the lack of gas, for I will provide for them, I will take them through this time victoriously. So draw even closer to me, for the days are very short now, very short, but walk in the victory that I have for you, become the overcomer, become the victor, become all that I, your Father God, said that you could be.
Prepare your hearts, make yourselves ready for the great blessings that I have for you this week, the miracles, the healings, the signs, the wonders, the mighty moving of the north wind. Watch, listen, prepare yourself, make yourself ready, for truly it shall be an awesome time, saith your Father.
Allow my light to shine on you. Don’t walk in the shadows, for it is your choice my children, you can walk in the shade and shadows or you can have my light shine upon your pathway. Truly, in my light is joy, peace, all my provisions, in the shadows are all the other things you don’t want. So chose to walk in my light, let my light shine upon your pathway that you can truly walk a joyous victorious walk.
For wouldn’t you rather walk in light than stumble in the darkness? Chose light over darkness.
6-29-08 pm service
Prepare your hearts for great things, prepare your hearts for great things, for truly I, your Father God, am moving in a far mightier way than you realize, that you recognize, that you even know. A powerful way, a way that shall lift you up into the heights that I desire for you to be, that you may walk close by my side, that you may walk in the arena of miracles, healings, deliverance, that you may even see the dead risen from the dead, that you may see those that I have touched in a mighty way, that your eyes will not be upon the darkness of this world, for truly there is great darkness in the world. Fear not the global warming, fear not the earthquakes, fear not the floods, the forest fires, the drought or the high cost of living, fear not those things, for I shall take you through this time in great victory and you shall walk in that victory that I have for you, you shall walk in all that I have said that you could be. Therefore, draw closer to me, expect great things, expect great things.
I am the God of great exploits; expect me to do great and mighty things on your behalf. For when you do not expect me, how can I move the way I desire to move? If you come not with anticipation, if you come not with excitement, how am I able to truly stir up the spirit that needs to be stirred up? It is an hour my children where you need to come expecting from me and time of great expectation. For truly the services I have set in order this week, great and mighty are the things that I, Almighty God, shall do. Know that I am the God of great exploits, know that I am the God of miracles, signs and wonders, that there is nothing too hard for me, nothing is impossible for me, and those who come expecting, they shall receive. Know this in your heart my children, as you come to receive of me know that you shall receive and great shall be the anointing that shall be present. For I have set these meetings in order, yes, and my anointing resides, oh yes, it resides even on every single speaker, on everything that shall be done. Therefore, I say unto you, come open to hear my word, come open to be used of me, come open, come open, come open, that you can truly rise and be the servants that I have called you to be for this time and this hour. Oh, I say unto you, allow that spiritman within you to get excited like never before, for truly I am doing great and mighty things. Know ye not that this is the great hour of the end time revival, know ye not? Therefore, I say unto you, come with your hearts prepared, ready to worship and praise me like never before, for it is that hour. For many of you have become so stiff and you need to get loosened up in my Spirit that, oh, my Spirit may move upon you like it has moved upon you in times past. Where you dance like you have never danced before, where you shout like you have never shouted before, where you lift your voice unto me like you have never lifted it before. It is that time my children for my Spirit to move without measure. Therefore, I say unto you, allow your spiritman to be open to me, allow your spiritman to be open to me, that truly I can do all that I desire to do in this week and that you will receive all that I have in store for you. For it is an appointed time, it is an appointed hour and mighty, mighty, mighty are the things that I have in store. Therefore, I say unto you, come surrendered unto me, come humble unto me, come before me like never before, open, open, open and watch as I, Almighty God, move on your behalf.
A gusher, a gusher, for the rain shall fall upon thirsty ground, it shall bring forth fruit, it shall bring forth great things, that the people shall be blessed, that they shall be watered to the fullest, that they may walk in the fullness of all that I have for them, that they may know above and beyond any doubt that they have been with me.
For I say unto you, prophetic camp meeting 2008 will be great, great, great, says the Lord. Come expecting to see, come expecting to receive, be not disappointed. For those who come expecting will leave with what they came expecting to see, says the Lord, but those who come just to sit by and watch will leave the same as they came. So come expecting, says the Lord and leave your umbrellas at home, come feel the rain as it falls upon you, says the Lord.
6-25-08 pm service
Oh, the power, saith the Lord, that pours out from heaven above this day, for I would say unto you, prepare yourselves, for the power of God to be poured out in the days ahead. For I will move like I have not moved before in a greater measure than you have seen and known before, but I say unto you, prepare yourselves, that you might see me move, saith the Lord. For I shall move here and I shall move there, and I say, if you keep your eyes open you will see the move of the Spirit, saith the Lord, for I shall do great and mighty things. So, therefore, I say again, prepare yourselves, prepare yourselves, prepare yourselves.
For it shall be an awesome hour, an hour that shall fill your heart with joy, with excitement, with great cheer, where you shout, where you praise my name, where you lift it higher than all others. That others can see you, that they can see the excitement upon your face, that they look and watch and see what you are so excited about. And they see my powers that move, they see my hand as it moves, they see the miracles, they see the signs, they see the wonders, and they are caught up in the awesome move that I have for this hour and this time. Their eyes are off the world and on me, their eyes are off the world and they watch the things that I, their Father God, does. And they shall come into my kingdom and be my children, for they shall know in their hearts that truly I am God, that I am moving mightily on the behalf of my people, that it is this hour, it is not the hour that the world is living in, but it is my hour. It is my last hour, saith your Father God and my presence shall be seen by all.
Have you buckled in, are you ready, are your ready or are you still setting back daydreaming and not seeing what is taking place? Prepare yourself I have said, prepare yourself.
6-22-08 am service
Blessed is the hour that you are now walking in, it is a glorious hour for my church, but they need to listen far more closely than they have ever listened before, they need to walk closer to my side, they need to study my word, to know my word, to hear my voice very clearly. For the enemy is going about doing a powerful work in these days, in this time, in this hour, but you my children are far greater than him. For I have given unto you all power, all authority, all ability, that you can walk in the fullness of everything that I have for you, that you can be the overcomers, that you can walk in victory. For I have said that I will provide for you, I will care for you, I will protect you; I will cause you to walk through this time of darkness in great victory. Not so for the world, not so for the lukewarm Christians, not so for the false, for they don’t know my voice, they don’t know the moving of my Spirit, they do not see the things that the enemy is doing is a counterfeit. They do not see the things that are taking place, at times they don’t even see the drought or the flood other than what they hear. They do not see the signs, they did not see the volcano or the typhoon or the great storms here or the great storms there, they do not see the lack or the shortages, they do not know that the prices of oil shall rise again. But I tell you these things; I show you these things that you will know. Be not affected by these things, do not allow the bad news to trouble your heart, do the things that I, your Father God, have told you to do, follow me as I lead you and truly you shall see the greatest move of God you have ever seen. You will need not to look elsewhere, for I, your Father God, shall do all that you need and I shall give unto you all that you need and I shall bring those that you shall minister to. So walk by my side, do not go to the right, do not go to the left, do not go before me nor lag behind me, but walk by my side.
It is an hour to be plugged into my power, for you can do nothing except what I have given unto you. For I have given unto you the ability, I have given unto you the strength, I have given unto you all that you have need of to truly be the overcomers and the victorious ones. Therefore, it is an hour to truly be plugged into my power, for you can do nothing in your own strength or in your own ability, but through me you can do all things because I have given unto you that power and ability and authority. Know that you are great warriors in this hour and this time, and yes, mighty are the things that I shall do. Gird yourself with my word like never before knowing that when you speak forth my word it is strong, it is powerful, yes and it pierces the darkness, the darkness of the world, the enemy and the forces of the enemy and mighty are the things that I am able to do. Know me like never before and draw ever so close, walk in the spirit, be lead by my Spirit. Do not walk in your own desires or your flesh, but I say, walk in my Spirit that you may be the most effective, that you may be all that I have said that you can be for this time and this hour. Know it is the hour to be plugged into my power.
Being plugged in is the key to the tremendous revival that I am doing, being plugged into my outlet, being plugged into my local church, being plugged into my power. Not a loose plug in, not your cords out, not the plug dangling, firmly plugged in, one hundred percent committed, one hundred percent going forward and then watch and see what I, your Father God, shall do.
6-22-08 pm service
Powerful, mighty, wonderful, yea, shall be the works that I shall do, powerful, mighty, wonderful, for they shall not lack in any area. For I shall pour out my Spirit without measure, I shall do a work that will cause you to rise to the very top, that will cause you to walk in the fullness of my power, that will bring forth miracles, signs, wonders. The deaf shall hear, the blind shall see, the dead shall be raised, a glorious hour for my church, an hour such has not been seen, an hour that I have chosen for this very time, for this very season, a powerful hour and truly you shall walk in the fullness of it, yea and it shall flow in a mighty way. Fear not the things of the world, fear not the drought, fear not the earthquakes, fear not the tornadoes, fear not the hurricanes, fear not the typhoons, fear not these things that the world is seeing, the floods, oh, fear not the heat wave, the global warming, fear not these things, the high cost of food, don’t let that trouble you. For I am well able to take you through this time victoriously, for you are not of the world, you are of my family, and I put food on my table, I put clothes on the back of my children and I make sure that all needs are supplied. So fear not these things, but press into the fullness of the things that I have for you.
Get yourself ready for all that I am going to do even through your camp meetings. Prepare your hearts now, make them ready, set aside the time that is desired that you can be in my presence, for I shall be there in a very, very, very special way. It is not a time that you want to miss out on, but it is a time that you are going to want to spend in my presence. Open your hearts even right now to me, for I have great things in store for you. Mighty, mighty are the goings on in the spirit realm, things that you do not even know that are taking place are taking place and I am moving in a powerful way, more powerful than you even recognize or realize. It is truly that hour to get that fire within you like never before that you are truly on fire with a zeal like never before, that that zeal just spills out and ignites others whose fire needs to be stoked a little. It is an hour to truly press in like never before, for truly I am doing all I have said I would do and even so much more, more than you realize, more than you see with your natural eye, I am moving in mighty and great ways. Do not be fooled by the false that is taking place in the world, but I say unto you, know my truth, for it is the truth that shall set you free. It is the truth that shall sustain you in this hour and this day. Run not after things that are false, for they will only bring you great disaster and pain in your life. But as you run after the true Spirit, my Spirit, you shall be filled to overflowing with all that you have need of and you will find that your life is filled with great success because you are following after me and because you are doing what I have told you to do. Oh, I say unto you, press in like never before, know my word; know what I have said concerning these end times. The world is going to get darker, yes, oh but I say, much greater things are in store for my children who walk with me that it shall overshadow the darkness that is taking place in the world and joy and peace shall fill their hearts and gladness, oh, gladness shall accompany them day by day. Walk with me like never before, for truly I have great things in store for you.
The anointing oil is flowing, the anointing oil is flowing, bathe in it, let it saturate you; let it fill you to overflowing. For truly the north winds are blowing, the north winds are blowing, the north winds are blowing, it is that hour my children, it is that hour. Prepare your hearts now, it is that hour, prepare your hearts now.
6-18-08 pm service
Be not disturbed by the bad news that you hear from the world, remember you are not of this world, but you’re of my kingdom, you my children, you are heirs to my throne and I shall take you through this time victoriously. So let not those things trouble your heart, for if they trouble your heart, do not listen to them, but keep your eyes, keep your thoughts, keep your mind upon the things that I have said unto you. For truly it shall be a great time for my church, a time of great victory, a time of soul winning, a time of miracles, signs and wonders, a time of great joy that will fill your heart and give you an inner peace knowing that you know. It shall not be so for the world, for they know not the counsel that you know, they know not the things that you know, not even the false church knows what you know. For they trust in man, they trust in themselves, they trust in their leadership, they trust in all the things that will bring them nothing but disaster, for they do not trust in me, put all your trust in me. The tornadoes shall continue, the flooding shall continue and grow worse this week, oh, the drought, the famine, the cold weather that hits some areas, the earthquakes, trouble on the right hand, trouble on the left hand, even overseas there is great trouble, trouble everywhere you look, but not for my church. So keep your eyes upon me, for if you are one that looks at the darkness, the darkness shall overtake you, but if you keep your eyes on me, you shall walk in the victory that I have for you.
For there is nothing more steadfast than that of my word, saith your Father in heaven. For my Spirit is like the sweet nectar, saith the Lord, coming down and filling your lives and making you beautiful as a flower. In a world that is looking, in a world that is desiring and listening, saith the Lord, you are that beautiful flower. Many beautiful flowers have gone, saith the Lord, but I remind you that my word remains strong and it is a sure and steadfast foundation to build ones life. Continue to be that beautiful fragrance wherever you go and wherever you are, because my Spirit dwells within you richly.
6-15-08 am service
It is a time of great rejoicing, a time when the angles are singing like never before, a time that the earth knows that the time is so short. Oh, what a glorious hour, what a glorious time, oh, the things that shall go forth now, saith your Father God, things that were hindered, that were bound up, that were tied up, that the enemy felt that he had a stronghold on, but they have been broken. And now, saith your Father God, oh, the joy that shall come to the body of Christ, the miracles, the signs, the wonders, the anointing such as you have never felt nor seen before, a great awakening, a great awakening. Not like the false but much more powerful, so powerful that it shall burn up the false so quickly that it will die out, that man will stand back and wonder where his plans went wrong. When many of the great TV ministries shall dry up and wonder where their plans went wrong. For they were never my plans, saith your Father God, for they counseled not of me, even though they said they talked with me, they counseled not of me, they spoke not to me. But oh, what an hour for the body of Christ, what an hour you are in right now. Count the horses, count the horses, for if you are watching you will know the time, you will know the hour, you will not know the day, but you will see the things that are happening. The earthquakes, the flooding, snowstorms, the drought, crops lost, oh, I will tell you, for the world it is a terrible time, a disastrous time, a time when there will be great famine, a time when there will be great drought throughout all the land, a time when the global warming will get hotter, and hotter, as you have already seen. Oh, it is a terrible time for the world, but if they will come out of the world and come to me, I will protect them, I will feed them, I will clothe them. I will take them through this time victoriously that they can be just like you and not have a worry or care in the world as you walk by my side. It is a joyous hour, an exciting hour, a time of fulfillment when all that I have promised shall now be fulfilled. Watch, for truly all that I have promised shall now be fulfilled.
Know the love of your Father. Know ye not that it is my desire that you walk in the fullness of all that I have given unto you? For truly you are joint heirs to the throne of Almighty God, I have given unto you all the power, all authority over the enemy and it is my desire that you truly walk in that sweet victory that I have given unto you each and every single day, learning to live your lives in the fullness of my word, that as you speak forth my word the end result is that of which you desire, which is pure victory. Know that I have given unto you all good things; I will not withhold anything from you. Therefore, I say unto you, know your Father’s love and know all that I have done, know all that I have given unto you as my child, as an heir. Know your rightful place that you may stand and receive the fullness of all I have for you in this hour and this time. Allow my peace, oh, to saturate you like never before that the things of the world trouble not your heart, yet joy fills your heart knowing that I am coming soon and mighty are the things that I shall do in this end time. For as you read my word and as you know what I have spoken, you know of the great, oh, you know of the great blessings that are for my church, you know of that end time revival that is taking place and your heart is filled with joy. For it is rejoicing because you know that I am coming soon. Oh, it is an hour to truly know me like never before and to know my love, and to know what I have given unto you and what you possess as children, as heirs to the throne of Almighty God. For I truly love you with an everlasting love, know my love like never before.
Prepare your hearts, make yourself ready, get your mind focused on what I am about to do. Prepare yourself now for the camp meetings, prepare your mind now for the camp meetings, don’t just come. Prepare yourself, make yourself ready, make yourself focused that I, your Father God, can do all that I desire to do.
6-15-08 pm service
For it is the best of hours, the best of times, the best for my church, for it is that hour when great and mighty things shall take place, when the harvest shall come in, when miracles, signs and wonders shall be seen. People shall receive their sight, the deaf shall hear, the lame shall walk, creative miracles, miracles so great that the world will stand back in awe and they will come to look and see and my Spirit shall touch them. It is a great hour, saith your Father God, an hour that my church shall be exalted and lifted higher than all others, there will be a marked difference between the real and the false, but not so for the people of the earth, not so for the false, great disaster lies ahead. And even though there shall be some changes that look good, they will return to the bad and even to the worse. The global warming shall continue to get hotter, you remember, I told you some places would be cooler, do not be fooled. The drought shall continue to widen, lost crops like never before, famine, earthquakes, pestilence, sicknesses that you have not seen before, many things shall take place now, for you have stepped into a new hour and many things shall take place now. You shall see as Russia continues to build up, as China continues to build up, as Iran continues to build up, and you will hear about the plans, the secret plans that were stolen and sold. You will hear of many things, all disaster for the world, but don’t let them trouble your heart, for you are the victors and I shall take you through this time in great victory. So fear not these things, but walk by my side, and as you walk by my side, oh, the joy, oh, the blessings, oh, the victories that shall be had.
Know ye not your God, know ye not the hour you are living in, know ye not these things have to come because of where you are at according to my word. Do not allow fear to grip your hearts, for many will allow fear to overcome them because they really do not know me nor do they really know my word and they do not really know how to stand in this hour to truly trust me with their whole heart, for they have not built their foundation upon my word as I have instructed them to. And, therefore, when these storms come their foundation is shaken and the shake causes them to even tremble. But it is not an hour to fear, it is an hour to rejoice, it is an hour to get into my word, it is an hour to truly enter into all of the promises that I have given unto you. For it is now time for my children to see the fullness, yes, the fullness of all that I have promised them, all that I have said I would do. It is an hour to press in like never before, not to slack off, but press into getting into my word and spending time in my word and spending time in prayer daily that you yourself are built up in me, that truly when the storms of the world come, it does not affect you because you are grounded in my word. Oh, it is an hour to know me like never before and to truly know me as your God, as your Father, the one who provides, who is your all in all, who will take you through no matter what comes. It is that time, it is that hour, therefore, I say unto you, press into to me like never before. Allow not the distractions of the world, allow not the distractions of others around about you cause you to get your focus on other things other than me, but rather I say, focus yourself like never before. Dedicate yourself to my work, commit yourself to me that truly I can do all that I have said I can do and you can receive the fullness of all that I have said is yours. It is that hour to press in; it is that hour to receive what I have in store. Therefore, I say unto you, hear my voice, know my word, harken unto my words, and do what I have spoken unto you to do that you can truly walk and be prosperous, as I have said that you can be.
Keep your spiritual ears open, listen carefully throughout the days, for I shall speak to you and you shall hear the things that I shall say. Be quick, be obedient and follow those things and do the things that I speak to you, but do not be fooled by the devil nor his voice, but hear my voice and be obedient to what I say.
6-11-08 pm service
You could call this the happy hour, for truly it is my happy hour, saith your Father God, for I am pouring out my Spirit without measure, I am filling you to overflowing that you may be equipped to walk in the fullness of all that I have called you to do, that you may be the head, the overcomer, the victor. For truly it is that time, it is that hour when you should be walking even as I have said that you could walk, that you could be blessed coming in and blessed going out, that you could be blessed in such a way that others look upon you and see the blessings that they may come to me, that they may come into the safety of the fold. For it is that hour and it is that time, but most people are looking at the things that are taking place around the world and fear is creeping in. Don’t let fear creep in, for I have promised that I will take you through this time victoriously, I have promised that I will stand with you and walk with you and show you how to go through this time in great victory. You shall not be troubled by the gas prices, you shall not be troubled by the high food prices, you shall not be troubled by the things that the world shall be troubled by. For you are not of the world, you are of my kingdom, and I, your Father God, shall take you through this time victoriously. Fear not the floods, fear not the tornadoes, fear not the snowstorms, fear not the earthquakes, fear not the hurricanes as they come in, for truly I, your Father God, shall take care of you.
For is it not a time of great mercy, saith the Lord? Is it not a time of great awe, a great reverence and great amazements, saith the Lord? For the revelation of my power, saith the Lord, is coming now in waves like never seen before, meeting the needs of each and every one who is walking according to my word and trusting me in all that they say and all that they do. Great amazement, saith the Lord, for my people do not know worry, for all their need is provided for, for they trust their God and their God provides for them. Oh, saith the Lord, oh saith God, continue on, saith the Lord, for indeed there is an audience for each and every one. Walk according to all that I have shown you and given you, saith God and you will indeed hear the clapping of the hands, saith God; you will indeed hear the applause that I have for you my people. For indeed you shall have an audience to speak to, even as in the early day of Pentecost, so in the latter day, saith God.
Know my peace that passes all understanding, for in this hour when the world is getting darker and darker and darker, you must know my peace, my perfect peace that you walk not in fear, that you walk not in worry, but yet you walk in my peace, you walk in my joy, you walk in my love. For as you get into my word, and that word gets deeper in your heart and you trust me even more so, that peace fills your life like you have never known it before. You will have nothing to worry about because you know my word is true and I have said I will take you through these days ahead in great victory. Therefore, fear not when you hear the tragedy that is taking place in the world or the new diseases or the sicknesses that are coming upon the face of the earth. Be not fearful, but I say unto you, walk in my perfect peace knowing that I have given unto you the surety of my word, that I will keep you safe, I will protect you as long as you are walking with me, as long as you are underneath my covering. Therefore, I say, do not fear this hour you are living in, but rather rejoice, for it is a great hour for my church and I am doing great and mighty things. Look forward my children with great expectation for all that I, your Father, have in store for you. For truly this is a great hour and this is a great time.
Aliyah, Aliyah, Aliyah, Aliyah, Aliyah.
6-8-08 am service
Stand fast, be unmovable, stand on my word, stand on my promises, for it is an evil hour that you live in. Waiver not, for if you waiver you are like a leaf upon the ocean tossed this way and tossed that way and the enemy will get victory over you, defeat will come to your house. But if you stand on my word and stand on my promises you shall walk as an overcomer, you shall be the victor, you shall be the head, not the tail, above and not beneath, you shall be victorious in all that you do. Even though it is the last day and the last hour, even though you are seeing signs of defeat, you are seeing signs of discouragement, you are seeing signs that tell you can’t get by, believe them not. Believe my word, it is very important for you to believe my word, to speak my word, to stand on my word, do not allow these things to trouble you. For it is that hour, it is that time when you are to see these things; the world shall become even more filled with the things that you are seeing now. The global warming shall continue to get warmer and warmer, the drought shall spread, famine shall spread, food prices shall go higher, gas prices shall go higher, I told you that they would not stabilize until the antichrist takes his place. Fear not the things that are taking place, for you are not of this world, you are of my world, you are of my kingdom and I will watch over you and I will protect you and I will supply for you, I will care for you. Continue to speak that war will not come, be diligent, you are not being diligent, saith the Lord, be diligent. For things are about to take place that are not yet do in time, but the enemy wants to rush them that he can heap more sorrow on you, more pain on you, more suffering on you. Be faithful and speak my word, as you speak my word things change, they change for the good. Keep your eyes on Europe, for she is about to place the mark upon everyone, her goal is to get it all marked by the year 2010, America will follow suit, keep your eyes on these things. More tornadoes shall come, more flooding shall come, snow shall even come in some areas, earthquake, watch for the hurricanes, for it is clear right now, saith your Father God, but keep a watch on that, be praying concerning that. Pray concerning the other things, the loss of jobs, the high unemployment, pray concerning these things, but be not moved by them. Do not be worried, I have told you I shall take you through this time victoriously.
Who shall stand against you, have not I said it is not you whom they fight, but it is me? Therefore, know that I have already given unto you the victory in every single area. Therefore, I say unto you, allow not the enemy to think that you are defeated when I have already said; I have given unto you the victory. Know my word in every situation and know that it is my word that shall bring you through these days ahead. That is why it is important that you get into my word and not just know my word in your head, but know it in your heart. For head knowledge will do you no good, it is the heart knowledge that will carry you through. For when you know it in your heart you believe and you walk in the faith that I have given unto you and that faith produces the result that you desire. Be not one who is a doubter, be not a doubter, but I say unto you, be one who believes my word and stands upon my word and truly walks in the faith that I have given unto them. For they shall truly have all that I have said that they shall have in this hour and this time. They shall not be one who stands upon the wayside and watches while others are receiving, but they will get in themselves and receive. For it is that hour and it is that time and I have said that my Spirit is being poured out and it truly is my children. Therefore, I say unto you, walk with me like never before, know my word unto you, know that I have already won the battle for you. Therefore, I say unto you, stand upon my word like never before and know that great things are in store for you.
It is the hour and time to bring back your remembrance of the Trojan horse. Know and understand and beware, watch carefully, watch carefully, watch carefully.
6-8-08 pm service
Oh the joy of serving me, oh the great blessings that I have for every one of you, blessings beyond the thoughts of your mind, beyond the hopes that you have. For they are my joy, they are my hopes, and my ways are far above your ways and yet I shall bless you in ways that you shall rejoice in your heart knowing that you belong to the Father’s House. Knowing that you are walking in my perfect will, knowing that I am watching over you, protecting you and keeping you safe. And the enemy cannot touch you, for I have put a hedge round about you, I have charged my angels over you, I have done all that is possible that you can walk in the victories that I have for you, that you can be the exalted ones, those that are lifted up on high, those that are praised by others, those that walk in the fullness of the blessings that I have. Oh what a joy it is to serve me, for truly as you do, I bless you. Walk according to my word, walk according to my promises, let your eyes be upon the promises, let your eyes be upon my word, let your spiritual ears stand open, that you can hear, yea, even as I speak to you, even as my winds blow upon you, even as you walk close by my side, that you can hear my voice and another’s voice you will not follow, that you may be ready, oh warriors ready, ready warriors, ready to go forth into the battle because you know that you have won, that you drive the enemy out, that there is room for multitudes to come. Oh the joy, oh the joy, the joy, the joy, joy unspeakable that stands before you, blessings, blessings, blessings, the honor that I have for you. Look not upon the world or the things that are taking place in the world, for by reading my word you should know that these things have to take place, that they shall take place. But your eyes can be upon me and upon the harvest field and upon the work that I have given you to do. That you may walk in the fullness of that work, that, that work can be accomplished, that there is hope, hope in your heart. For as I speak to you, saith your Father God, I have great, great, great things in store for you. Not little things, not little things, great things, great things in store for you and it is not that far away, saith your Father God, for it is knocking on your door. If you would open your ears you would hear it knocking, but at times you are so negative you can’t hear it. Oh I say unto you, draw nigh unto me, for great things shall be done this day, saith your Father God, great things shall be done this day.
For I have equipped you for my service, therefore, be not afraid with how you will go about doing my will, for I have given unto you the means, I have given unto you all that you need. Therefore, walk in my boldness that I have already given unto you, be my mouthpiece, speak my word to those around who are in great need. Give unto them my word that they might walk in the light of my word, the truth, that they may not be in the darkness anymore, that they may be set free and walk in this end time army. For truly I have equipped you for service, I have given unto you everything you need, therefore, think not of yourself so little, for I will use you if you are open and willing to me, that is all I need, is an open and willing vessel to flow through. For I do not look at past failures, no, I look at the here and now, I look at the growth you have made, I look at where you are in my word. I have made you, I have equipped you, I have given you the keys to walk as the giants I have said that you are. Therefore, belittle not yourself, but rather look, look at yourself as the giant I have made you into. For truly I have made you into that great warrior, the warriors I have need of for these end times, to march forward in my army in great victory. Therefore, I say, listen not unto the enemy when he comes to you telling you lies that you are unable to do what I have called you to do, that you are unable to open your mouth and speak to others, for that is a lie right from the pit of hell, I have given unto you the ability. Therefore, I say unto you, step out in the boldness that I have given unto you and watch, watch what I, your Father, Almighty God will do.
North wind blow hope, hope, hope, blow hope on my people.
Lift your hands up to me and receive, lift your hands up to me, receive, receive, receive, receive.
6-4-08 pm services
Keep your eyes on my word, keep your eyes on my promises, don’t be moved to the right nor to the left, don’t draw back, but continue to stand on my word, stand on my promises. For my word will not go out and return void, it will do those things that it is sent forth to do, but you have got to stand fast, don’t be moved, stand on my word. For you are living in an hour and a time that it is very important for you to learn to stand on the word, to line up with my word, to be what my word says that you are that you can walk in the victories that I have for you. For if you have listened and you have watched you have seen the tornadoes, you even seen the small hurricane that formed, you have seen the forest fires, the flooding, the snow, the earthquake, you have seen these things and you shall see more of them, much, much more. The global warming, the higher gas prices, the higher food prices, but don’t be moved, for I have told you that I will take you through this time victoriously, that I will make you the overcomer, that I will give you the victory. Continue to stand and bind up the forces that are trying to start war, continue to do that, it is for your benefit. Stand in my word, stand in my word.
You are my representatives, saith the Lord, you are my earthly representatives, saith the Lord, you are those who I have called to be ambassadors, saith the Lord, you are those who I have entrusted with my Spirit, saith the Lord. So, therefore, I say unto you, walk worthy of the calling that I have placed upon your life. For you are in this world, but you are not of this world because you are of me, saith the Lord and have heard my voice. Therefore, be my representative before a world that does not have hope, be my spokesperson, for opportunities shall increase in the days ahead to speak on my behalf. Do not be ashamed my children, for I say unto you, I have given you the kingdom and you have the keys to go in and out. Speak my word and be faithful.
Have your hearts stayed upon my word, for when your heart is stayed upon my word you are not swayed to the right or to the left, but you are steady strong. Know the hour and the time that you are living in, know that there are great changes that shall take place in the world. For have not I said that you are not of this world, it does not affect you, for I have given unto you the keys to truly walk in the total and complete victory, I have given unto you keys to walk in total success. Therefore, allow not fear to grip your hearts when you hear of all the changes that are taking place in the world. But rather know that I am the Almighty God, there is no one beside me, I am more than able to do all that I have said I will do. Therefore, put your trust in me like never before, have your heart stayed upon my word that truly you are not swayed to the right or to the left, but you are steady, strong, standing strong in the promises that I have given unto you and in the faith that is yours. For truly I have made you the overcomer and the conqueror as my word has declared. Therefore, I say unto you, walk, walk, walk therein, for I have great things in store for you my children. Press in like never before and have your heart stayed upon my word that you can stand in these times ahead.
Be a great warrior, put on all you armor, fill your heart with my word that your mouth becomes like a machine gun, that my word goes out, that it goes out to do the things that I, your Father God, have sent it forth to do, that great results, great results can come, fill your heart; fill your heart with my word.
6-1-08 am service
Affordable, yes, affordable is my walk, for when you walk in my walk it is affordable, you are the victor, you are the overcomer, you are the one that is the head and not the tail, you are above and not beneath, you are what I have said that you are and you shall be all that I have said that you shall be. You shall walk in the fullness of all my power, all my authority, all my ability, all my wisdom, all my knowledge, in my integrity and you shall know for I shall show you. For I have said I shall do nothing except I reveal it to my prophets first, therefore, you will have a great understanding on the things that are taking place. They shall not catch you off guard neither shall they surprise you, but you shall know, for I have told you. Not so for the world, for when the world looks they see not, they know not, they understand not, they can only guess, they cannot know the things that you know, for it has not been revealed to them, but it has been revealed to you. And I say unto you, it shall be a dry, dry summer, high humidity, drought, famine, high cost of food, high cost of gas, bad time for the world, but not for you. Tornadoes such as they have never seen and hurricanes come rolling in, earthquakes, volcanoes, tidal waves, straight winds, oh, the disaster that is coming now. Oh, that they would look and understand which time zone they are in according to the trumpets, for if they understood those they would understand where we are and they would rejoice, for their redemption draweth nigh. But be not fearful, nor allow these things to bring concern to your heart, for I have told you that you will walk through this time in great victory, if you walk with me, if you listen to me, if you do the things that I tell you then you shall not lack in any area and you will not have to draw back, scrimp, or do the things that the world does, you will walk in the victory that I have for you. Therefore, I say, draw closer, draw closer, draw closer.
Have I not made you the head and not the tail, above and not beneath, have I not made you the overcomer, the conqueror, you walk in victory as I have said. But I say unto you, listen not to the lies of the enemy, but rather rise up and stand upon my word and walk in the power, the authority that I have given unto you to walk in for this hour and this time. For the enemy has no control over you, therefore, allow him none. For I have great things in store for my church, oh yes, but they must follow me, they must keep their eyes upon my word, upon the promises I have given unto them, upon the visions and the goals that I have placed in front of them. It is that hour to achieve all that I have said that is yours. Therefore, I say unto you, run with all of your might, do not lag behind, but rather put on my full armor daily that you can be ready for anything the enemy might throw in your path. For I have given unto you all the keys you need to truly walk in that victory. Therefore, I say unto you, look to me, keep your eyes upon me and my word, for truly, I am the I am, and I shall do all I have said I will do.
For what good does it do a man if he becomes a scrooge, if he becomes a miser, if he gains nothing not even his own soul, what good does that do him? Is it not wiser for him to give all unto me and reap the harvest that I have for him, is that not wisdom?
6-1-08 pm service
There is a wind blowing, the wind of my Spirit, it is blowing on the embers, it is blowing on the sparks, it is blowing. Soon, very soon, saith your Father, there shall be a roaring fire, not a fire of the false, but a fire of the real that will consume the false. It will eat it up and spit it out, it will purge it, cleanse it, but there is a wind blowing. It is blowing, even tonight, it is blowing, it is moving, it is moving preparing the hearts and the lives of my people, calling them to be ready, telling them how to be victorious, how to be the overcomers that they may walk in the victory that I have for them, that they may see the light upon the path and walk in that light. For they are not of darkness, the world is of darkness, the world is being consumed by the darkness, for the world is preparing for the antichrist like in no other time in history, they are looking for that man of peace, they envision him as changing everything and everything becoming better because of him. They know not the true light, they know not the true peace, they seek not my throne nor call upon me or look for divine wisdom and knowledge, but they follow after the sorcerers, they follow after the channeling, they follow after the wickedness of the world, they pattern everything they do after the false and know not. They do not see the signs that are so clear, the tornadoes, the high cost of food, the famine, oh, the worldwide famine, the famine that is going on right now, the famine that you shall hear more about as the summer goes on into the fall, the famine, the global warming, the hurricanes, the forest fires, the flooding, the earthquakes. Oh, the trouble, the trouble, the trouble, not only here in this country, saith your Father God, but throughout the whole universe, the trouble, the shaking that is going on, the confusion that is going on, they know not which way to go. And many countries are looking at other countries and looking at their wealth, the things that they have and they are preparing now to make their move to take those things. Oh, what an hour it is, an hour such as the world has never seen, for the birth pains are growing stronger and stronger and longer. Oh, if they would only look, if they would only understand, if the light of the church was only brighter the souls would come in. If the laborers were only willing to go into the harvest field and bring in the harvest that is there, oh, what a revival would sweep across the land. But many sit and wait for me and I will do what I am going to do, oh, the miracles will come, the signs and wonders will come, the healings will take place, my glory shall be manifested that all can see, but many will receive no rewards and they will have no rewards in the world to come. But there will be those, oh yes, there will be the faithful who will go forth and do the things that I have told them to do, and oh, the greatness of the rewards, oh, the greatness of the rewards. Draw closer, let the winds blow on you, let them blow on you even this night as they blew on you not too long ago but even with more power, saith your Father God. Let them blow.
It is an hour to be equipped with my Spirit, for those who know not my Spirit nor the leading of my voice they shall surely fall in the day and the hour that you are living in. It is not an hour to walk around trying to do your own thing or using your own wisdom and knowledge, for you are like the man who built his house upon the sand and when the storms came it quickly blew down. But those who walk by my Spirit and are equipped by my Spirit their foundation is in my word and they know my voice for they are mine. And when the storms come their foundation will stand strong and they shall be like a giant, unmovable and mighty are the things that I shall do. It is a great hour, it is a great time, prepare yourselves like never before, for have not I said that it is the hour where my power shall fall like never before, my true anointing, my true Spirit like you have never experienced it before? It is that hour and it is that time, therefore, I say unto you, prepare your hearts for the things that are ahead, prepare your hearts for the move of my Spirit like never before that you are totally and completely open to me that I may flow through you, that I may use you as the vessels that I desire to use. For truly I have said each and every single one of you are important, yes, I have need of you and it is of utmost importance that you open yourself to me, your spirit to me that my words may flow out of your mouth that I may use you in the way that I need for this hour and this time. Oh, I say, prepare like never before, for if you do not prepare it shall suddenly come upon you and you will feel so overwhelmed, but if you prepare as I have said, you will not be overwhelmed when the crowds come in, you will not be overwhelmed when people show up at your doorstep asking questions, but you will have the answers because you have prepared your hearts before me and your spirit is ready to hear and to listen to me and to give out the things that I have need to give to others. Therefore, I say unto you, do not, do not put off, but I say, prepare your hearts, make yourselves ready for what I am doing and what I am about to do.
Let your ears be open to the voice of Almighty God, be ready, be obedient, it is time for the north wind to blow and as you speak those words into being blow, blow, blow. For as your breath goes out so goes out my words, saith your Father. Step up, step up, be my vessel.
Blow wind blow, blow, blow, blow Lord blow.
Do you hear the sound of the leaves rustling, for the wind is blowing through those leaves, even the trees of the field are clapping their hands, for the wind is blowing, do you hear that sound my children?
Lift up your sails and catch the wind, lift up your sails and catch the wind.
Put on your dancing shoes, let the joy of the Lord be your strength. Let his joy fill your heart, for you will no longer be sorrowful, for you shall be joyful. Therefore, get on those dancing shoes and dance for joy, for you shall not be weak, for you shall be strong in me and you shall be dancing and joyful and worship me in gladness and in strength.
5-28-08 pm service
Hold fast to your faith, hold strongly to the things that I have spoken unto you, stay in my word, meditate in my word, uplift yourself and build yourself strong in my word, know my word. For it is my word that gives you life, it is my word that gives you strength, it is my word that gives you power, it is my word that sets you free, and as you see the signs of the last days, you will also read in my word where I have told you these things. They will not trouble your heart nor will they cause fear, for you will know exactly what I have said, you will not be moved by what others say or others predict if it does not line up with my word, for you will know my word. You will stand strong in my word, you will be a light on the path that others may walk on that, that others may know my word, that others may see and find my word, that they can come into the safety of the kingdom, that they become my children even as you are my children. So fear not the things that are taking place, for tornado season is not over and they shall continue to be bad. Hurricane season shall start soon, the forest fires, the flooding, the hail, the earthquakes, the lack of food, the famine, the drought, many things are taking place, the cost of living continually goes up day by day by day causing more crime, more violence. And the spirits that are loose in the world are wicked spirits, saith your Father, but you need not fear these things. For I have given you power to tread upon them, I have given you power to be overcomers, I have given you power to be the victors. And as you walk with me I shall supply for you, I shall provide for you and I shall take you safely through. So look not on the cares of the world as if they will affect you, but look at them as signs of my soon coming, and as you do, that great joy shall fill your heart and you will know in your mind and in your heart that you have won.
For it is that hour to be keenly aware of my Spirit and it is that hour to know and understand all that I am saying and doing, because it is that last hour, saith the Lord. The last hour when my workers rise up to glean, saith the Lord, the harvest that is ripe and white and ready for harvesting. It is that hour, saith the Lord, where my workers go forth and bring forth a message, a timely message in a time of need, it is that hour. I am calling you to go forth, saith the Lord, with a ready word every day and every hour be ready. Be keenly aware of what I am saying and doing.
It is an important hour and an important time, know what my word says declaring this hour and this time. Know that these things that are taking place in the world must take place because of where you are according to my word, the time that you are living in. Be not afraid nor allow fear to come in unto you, into your hearts, but I say unto you, allow my word to fill your heart, allow my word to proceed out of your mouth that you can truly walk in the faith that I have given unto you, that you can walk in the victory that is already yours. Know this is a great hour for my church and there is nothing that the enemy can do to stop them from receiving all that I have in store. Therefore, walk with me like never before, do not fear nor allow doubt or unbelief to come in your heart, but rather trust me, believe me, walk in the faith that I have given unto you that you can truly walk in the realm that I have called you to walk for this hour and this time.
Believe not the things that man tells you, the things that man’s wisdom brings forth that does not line up with my word, cast those things down, don’t meditate on them, don’t hold them in your mind, cast them out. Fill that vacant spot with my word, stay away from the false, stay far away, cover yourself, stand in my word, stand in the place that I have placed you. Run, run, do the work that I have called you to do.
5-25-08 am service
Let your heart be filled with my faith, let your expectations be far greater than they are. Walk closer by my side, much closer than you are, walk continually by my side, let your ears continually be open that you can hear my voice, that you can follow the things that I speak unto you. Let your eyes be upon my word and upon the signs that you are seeing, for truly there are many signs right now, if you look carefully you will begin to see signs like you have never seen them before. The tornadoes shall continue to come, larger, more terrifying. Hurricanes will start soon now, flooding, drought, famine, the global warming that is taking place, the higher cost in food, the higher cost in gasoline, all these things are signs, clear signs, clear signs of where you are at and what is going on in the world. There are wars and rumors of wars, all countries are facing this drought, all countries are facing the famine, all countries are facing the global warming, and yet there are snowstorms in different places, there is flooding and the forest fires this year shall be far greater than the forest fires of last year. Everything you see shall be more, more, more, for it is that time, it is that hour and those things shall grow worse, they shall not get better. But the hearts of the people are open, for if you will but open your mouth and speak to them you will be amazed, for they are hungry, they may rebel at first, but they will come back and ask more because they want to know, they can see the signs, they can see the things that are taking place. Be not deceived, be not tricked, watch your mouth, watch the words that come out of your mouth, for many are calling bad things upon themselves; they are calling in things that they do not want. Speak my word, walk in my word, live in my word, for the hour is late, very late, but my church shall walk in total victory, they shall be the overcomers, they shall be the head and not the tail. Therefore, make yourself ready, prepare yourself now and you will not even notice the hardships that others are noticing, you will walk as if there in nothing changed in your life, if you will walk with me.
Walk side by side with me, be about doing my business and what I have called you to do, prepare yourselves for the things that are ahead. Know that it is an hour to get into my word like never before and to truly build yourself up in my spirit that you can truly be fully aware at all times the things that are going on round about you. I have said that I will keep you safe, I have said I will never leave you nor will I forsake you and I will be true to my word, for I am a faithful God, you can count on me, but I also need you to press in. I need you to walk in my word, to speak my word, to know my word that you can truly stand as the giants; the warriors that I have said you are in these end times. It is an hour to walk in unity like never before, for when there is strife and division, the enemy comes in and does great things. Yet when you walk me in total and complete unity and in unity with one another the enemy is not allowed in and great and mighty are the things that I can do on your behalf. Therefore, I say unto you, walk in unity like never before, for it is of utmost importance that you truly walk with me like never before, that you can truly see the fullness of everything that I have promised. Do not allow yourself to sell yourself short because you go to the left or to the right, but rather keep your eyes upon me. Keep your focus upon that vision and goal that I have set in front of you, the promises, and truly receive the fullness of all that I have said is your for this hour and this time.
Be wise, be careful, be a good steward, for I cannot bless you when you are not walking according to my word, when you are not walking according to the promises, when you are not fulfilling the things that I have told you, when you are ignoring me and truly you do ignore me at times. Walk close by my side; for the days ahead are going to be terrible days for the world, terrible days for people round about you. And if you are walking with me they are going to see my blessings upon you, they are going to see you walking in abundance, they are going to see that you are having no struggle, that everything is going on as if the cost of everything had not gone up, as if there was not a lack, as if there was not a shortage, they will see you walking in the victory. And that is what will bring glory to my name and that is what will bring in the souls. For when they see you walking in the victory they will walk side by side with you and you will be a mentor to them and they shall be mentors to others and the harvest shall be great.
5-25-08 pm service
Woe unto the people on the earth that know me not as their Lord, that know me not as the one that provides, the one that takes care of, the one that protects, woe unto them. For they see not what the antichrist is doing, they see not what the devil, what Satan, has planned, has plotted, what he is doing now on the face of the earth, they know not these things. And they have no one to turn to when the floods come, when the earthquakes come, when disaster strikes their country, they know not who to turn to. Learn from this, draw close to me, walk by my side, for you can walk in this time in great victory, you can walk as the head and not the tail, you can walk as above and not beneath, you can be victorious in the things that you do, if you walk by my side, if you draw close to me, if you study my word and know my voice, if you listen carefully to the things that I say. Do not be caught in all the traps, all the snares, all the problems, all the things that are taking place right now in the world, for it shall get worse. For the tornadoes shall continue to roll in, the forest fires will continue to burn, the drought will widen, the global warming will warm up even more so, famine, famine, famine, high costs, everything, everything skyrocketing. But fear not, for I am able to take you through this time, I did not bring you to a time like this for you to stumble and fall, nor for you to get buried under the circumstances, no, no, saith your Father God. For this is only the time, the season that it should be, but yet my people should walk in great victory, they should walk as winners, they should walk as heirs to the throne. They need not to fear these things if they will keep their eyes on me, if they will put their trust in me, I am more than able.
This is an hour when you will really know who you are in me, for those who trust me, for those who know who I am, their God, their Father, their provider, their all in all, they shall not be affected by the things in the world. But those Christians who say they are Christians and yet are not based in my word, you shall see fear come upon them like never before, they do not know who their trust really is in. For their trust has not been in me like they have thought, and therefore, when these things come in the world it shakes them terribly, even like a bad earthquake and great fear comes upon them. But not so for my true children who walk with me and who know my voice and who truly know my word, they are not affected by the things in the world, for they are not of this world, they are mine. They have a covering that I have given unto them and they truly walk in the power and authority that I have given unto them. My word says, do not fret, but rather put your trust in me, trust me with your whole heart, for I am the God who does not change, I am the same yesterday, today and forever. My word is true and my word comes to pass. Therefore, press into me like never before, know the greatness of the hour you are living in, know the importance of not only just living in my word, but walking in my word and speaking my word. For my word shall cause you to walk in the path of great victory for this hour and this time. Therefore, I say unto you, press in like never before, walk in my word, live my word; speak my word, for you shall truly see the outcome that you desire. Walk not in your own presumptuous ways, but I say, walk in the way I have provided unto you, a way that is filled with faith, faith that I have given unto you. Walk ye therein, for in that pathway is great victory, in that pathway is great success, in that pathway is all that you have need of. Therefore I say unto you, walk close with me, and do not veer to the right, nor to the left, but walk side by side that you can truly receive the fullness of all I have in store for you.
The world has a measuring rod and I have a measuring rod. The world’s measuring rod is not my measuring rod. If you put all your trust and all your faith and all your confidence in the measuring rod of the world, you will miss it. But if you put your faith and trust and confidence in my measuring rod, you shall be the victors.
5-21-08 pm service
Oh, the foolishness of man, the foolishness of his counsel, for he seeks not my face, but he makes his own choices, and even though they are choices that seem good, they are choices that end up bad. I would say unto you, continue to pray, pray until the President is out of office and a new one comes into office, pray, earnestly pray. For he is making new plans, he is making new designs; he feels he is doing it for the good of the country. So I say unto you, beware, beware of the tornadoes that shall come throughout the summer, far larger, more powerful, more destructive, pray concerning the hurricanes, the tidal waves, the typhoons, the cyclones, the straight winds, volcanoes, earthquakes, flooding, global warming, the drought, higher gas prices, higher food prices, higher clothing, everything to go up. Continue to pray, look at the signs, know what trumpet you are seeing, understand my word, understand the things that I have said unto you, be not deceived, be not fooled. Take the new anointing that I have given unto you, run with it, run with it, heal, deliver, set free. Keep your eyes open, watch for the false, watch for the false.
I say unto you, when the spirit of conviction comes do not let it flow by, saith the Lord, for it is of my Spirit, saith God, to teach you all things. I say unto you, when I speak unto you and it is contrary to your ways, be ready to yield unto me, saith the Lord. For I remind you that my ways are not your ways and my thoughts are not your thoughts, and when I speak unto you a word, even if it is a word of correction, be open my children. Let not your hearts become hard, but be open to all that I have for you and would say unto you. For I am able to keep all things in balance, saith your Father God and I am able to keep you even during this time. Flow with me, saith the Lord, for I am moving powerfully in these last days, a powerful river is flowing of my Spirit. Be as one who gets upon the raft and says, let’s go and enjoy the ride. For I will keep you safe as you allow my Spirit to move in your life.
For truly these are the end days and I will no longer tolerate the foolishness that goes on in the church. For it will be as in the days of Ananias and Sapphira when my Spirit will slay those who mess around. It is not a time to mess around, says the Lord, it is a time to be serious, for these are serious times and I have shown mercy in the past, but I will not show mercy anymore in my church, says the Lord. These are serious times and it is a time to get serious, saith the Lord.
This is the hour, the end time hour, when my prophets shall speak clearly in every service, regardless of how they feel they will bring forth my word. For my word is important for the body, that the body may know and understand the things that I am about to do now, the things that the devil is about to do now, the circumstances that they shall see round about them that they may position themselves in a place of safety, a place of victory, a place of being the overcomer. Therefore, I say unto you, listen carefully as you hear their words, do not just allow them to go in one ear and out another, meditate upon them, know what I have said.
5-18-08 am service
Oh, the greatness of my glory which shall fall upon you in a way such as you have never seen before, the glory shall fill your life. Others shall see the glory cloud upon you, they shall see the presence in your eyes, they shall sense my anointing as you speak unto them. For I have done a great thing in your lives, saith your Father God, a thing far greater than you recognize, a thing far greater than you know yet. But as you go in my word, as you speak my word, demons will be riled up, people will be healed and delivered and set free and the lost will come unto you, you will be a light upon the path that they see. You shall be a drawing force, it shall draw them unto you that they may come into the kingdom of God, that they may come in where the safety is, that they walk not in the darkness of the world. Therefore, I say unto you, expect things to take place in your life, listen carefully as I speak to you and speak the words that I give unto you to those that I tell you to speak to. Let your ears be open, be aware of the false move, for they have sent it to all states, be aware of it. Be aware of the things that shall take place upon earth now, the terrible tornadoes, for if you think the others were bad, the terrible tornadoes that shall come, the earthquakes, the flooding, the hurricanes before long, the drought, the higher cost in food prices, gasoline still going up, the confusion in the world, wars, rumors of wars, troubles on the right hand, troubles on the left hand, those in authority knowing not what to do, where to turn. But you, you are not of this world, you are my people and I shall lead you, I shall guide you, I shall direct you, I shall show you the things that you are to do. I will tell you the things that you are to say and I will protect you, if you will walk with me, if you will walk with me I will protect you, if you walk with me I shall supply for you, if you walk with me, you will walk in victory.
It is time for my church to walk in true obedience, not only just to my word, but also to what I speak to you to do. It is that time where you need to be willing to do all that I have said for you to do, to truly be able to stand upon my word like never before and to follow after my word, to crucify the lust of your flesh and to truly walk after the ways of my Spirit, it is that time, it is that hour. Oh, I say unto you, press in like never before. Do you not know the great things that I have in store for you? Do you not know what this hour holds? Therefore, I say unto you, lag not behind, but press in, press in, press in, be one who receives all that I have for this hour. Do not be one who stands on the wayside and watches while others receive and while others receive great blessings, when you too could be receiving in just the same way, if you would but jump in and flow in my river, it is that time, it is that hour. Therefore, I say unto you, walk in my obedience like never before, obedience to my word, what my word speaks unto you and tells you to do and what I speak unto you, the directions I give unto you. For you shall truly walk in the fullness of my blessings, you shall walk in the fullness of my peace, for you shall know that you are truly walking in my way, a way that is filled with great success. Therefore, I say unto you, press in like never before, for truly this is a great hour, this is a great time for my church as I have said. And yes, I am moving in a mighty way, in ways my people do not even see and yet I am moving on their behalf. Therefore, I say, keep your eyes upon me; walk with me like never before, for truly I have great things in store for you my people.
Can you find a grain of white sand mixed in sugar? Are you so wise that you can discern the things that are taking place? Without my wisdom, without my knowledge could you understand all things? I say unto you, get into my word, get into my word, for when you look upon the world you see man’s foolishness as they use their own wisdom, as they use their own knowledge, as they go their own ways. You see them struggling to find answers and causing greater problems with the decisions that they make. Be not like them, for I have given unto you wisdom and knowledge, I have given unto you all understanding, I have given you the ability to be everything that I have said that you could be, but you must walk by my side, you must know my word, you must study my word. For the evil of the world is getting more evil than ever, far greater than anything you have seen in the past and you cannot walk in your own wisdom, you cannot walk in your own knowledge, you cannot walk in your own anointing. For it takes my anointing to break the yoke, it takes my anointing to set you free, it takes my ability, my ability, saith your Father. Therefore, get into my word and draw nigh to me.
5-18-08 pm service
Let your hearts be filled with great expectation, meditate upon my word and upon my promises. I have told you to keep track of them, to mark them down, to see that they are coming to pass, for if you are walking with me, they will be coming to pass. It is the hour that I have poured out my anointing upon you in a special way that you may grow and grow and grow that your spiritual insight shall be far greater than it ever has been, and as you walk with me, great things shall take place. So let not the things of the world trouble your heart, fear not the tornadoes, even though they shall get worse now, fear not the global warming, fear not the floods, fear not the drought, the earthquakes, the volcanoes, fear not those things, saith your Father God. For they are only signs and you shall see more signs, you shall hear of wars and rumors of wars and you shall see trouble on the right hand and on the left hand. You shall see the prices of food and clothing and other things as they go higher and higher and higher. But fear not those things, for if you have listened to me, if you have done the things that I have told you to prepare for this time, it will be an easy time, saith your Father and I shall take you through this time victoriously. But I say to you again, press in closer to me, walk by my side, listen to my voice, hear it, be quick to do the things that I tell you and as you do you shall be the overcomer.
Where is your trust, are your trusting in the things and the ways of the world or are you putting your total and complete trust in me? For if you are not putting your total and complete trust in me in the hour that we are living, in and the days that we are in, you will fail at what you do. Your trust needs to be in me, for I am your provider, I am the God who makes a way where there is no way, I am the God who provides even food on your table when there is none or gas in your car when there is none. I give unto you the things that you have need of. Therefore, it is not the hour to try and do things on your own, for in your own strength you shall surely fail, but with me you can do all things because I am your God and I have already provided and made the way. Therefore, I say unto you, trust me like never before, put your total and complete trust in me knowing that I watch over my word and I do that which I have sent my word to do. Know above and beyond any doubt that I will see you through no matter how difficult things get in the world around about you, I, your Father God, will see you through. Know that in your heart, and allow not the enemy to bring in fear or doubt or unbelief, but rather trust me like never before. For if the Hebrew children would not have had their trust in me when they were thrown into the fiery furnace, they would have not seen the outcome that they desired. But because they knew who their God was, they came out on top without even the smell of smoke. I can do the same for you, but you must believe and you must trust me and know that truly I am your God, I am your Father and that there is nothing too difficult for me to do. No matter what takes place in the world, I am still God and I will see you through. Know that above and beyond any doubt in your heart that you can truly walk in the victory that I have for you.
Prepare for what I am about to do for you, make yourself ready, for as you make yourself ready, you will open the doors that blessings shall come upon you such as you have never received before. I shall bless you abundantly over above and beyond all that you expect, but you must make yourself ready, you must keep yourself alert, you must listen carefully to the things that I speak to your heart, you must do them quickly, and if you will, saith your Father God, oh the blessings, oh the blessings, oh the blessings that shall come.
5-14-08 pm service
Let your eyes be upon me and upon my word, meditate long in my word, meditate daily upon my word, draw yourself even closer to my word than you have ever been before. For as you draw closer to my word, I will open your understanding in ways that you have not understood before that you can see more clearly, that you can understand more clearly. Fear not the things that are in the world, fear not the attacks upon Pentecost, fear not the things that they shall say, for that is all part of the devil’s plan trying to cause people to back away and go another direction. But I have not called you to back away, I have called you to run out front, to be the front-runners, that people can know and hear and understand the things that I am saying. That not only will they hear the events that shall take place on the earth, but that they will hear what I have for my church. For it is my church that I am concerned over, I am not concerned over the world, for I have already told you in my word what shall take place in the world. Yes, you will continue to see forest fires, a snowstorm just like you just saw, another big earthquake, floods, and the drought shall widen even more than it is now and there shall be a cry for water, food prices will continue to go up, gas prices will continue to go higher. Let not these things trouble you; they are only signs of the end times. But I am able to take care of you, I am able to supply for you, I am able to provide for you, that you can walk through this time in great victory, that your table shall not be empty, there shall be clothes upon your back, shoes upon your feet, gas in your gas tanks, heat in your house. Fear not the things that the enemy says, but laugh at him, for you are not of this kingdom you are of my kingdom, you are my people, my heirs and I shall take care of you according to my kingdom. Be not fearful of the strong winds, the tornadoes and the hurricanes that shall come, be not concerned over them, for they are only signs, only signs, and all those signs point toward the soon coming of your Lord, my Son and your God.
What a beautiful place of rest my people have when they take refuge in me, saith the Lord your God. For the world does not understand the peace that you have, for they have not the peace that I have given unto you. You have a rest that will keep you and protect you and guide you for the days ahead, and in that place of rest, saith the Lord, I will remind you of my word, and as that word comes into your heart and into your mind, speak it forth with your lips, find comfort in my word, saith the Lord. For I will strengthen you on each side, even as the enemy would intend to arise on each side, I will be your protector there, saith God. For I shall rise higher, you shall be strong, for I have filled you with strength, I have filled you with strength and I have filled you with power, therefore, take comfort in this, for I will be your refuge and you will be victorious.
For my Spirit keepeth you very well informed that you walk not is ignorance, but that you know that you can walk in the light, that you don’t have to walk in darkness, that you can walk in the victory, you don’t have to walk in the defeat, that you can be the overcomer and you don’t have to be underneath the load. Therefore, draw even closer to me now, for many great things, many great things are in store for you now.
5-11-08 am service
Let your ears be attentive, listen carefully, ponder the things that I say unto you, realize the importance, recognize the dangers, understand with your spiritual mind the things that are going on. For the enemy has another great move going on coming out of Florida again, far worse than anything that came out of Canada or Pensacola, a mighty outpouring of demon spirits, a demand for you to allow them to lay hands upon you that they can transfer these spirits from themselves unto you, the very spirits that were locked in the very pit of hell that were reserved for these last days. Therefore, I say, beware; be very cautious, for those shall spread all over now. Allow them not to lay hands upon you, it would be even wise not to go to Florida, for in Florida there will be a great outpouring there. For Florida’s days are numbered, even as California’s days are numbered, the time is getting very short. Fear not the tornadoes, for you shall see many, many, many more tornadoes yet this year and the death toll will go up when hurricane season hits, you shall see the hurricanes. You shall see the floods, and oh, the drought, the drought, the drought, the parched land, the vegetation dying, the trees dying, the animals dying. Oh the drought, the global warming, the earthquakes, volcanoes, cyclones, typhoons, you will hear of all of them, the straight winds with such force as they have never seen before, that make some tornadoes look small. Oh the changes that shall take place because we are living in that time and that hour because it is that hour. But be not deceived by the triple outpouring of the devil, for it is time now, saith your Father God, for my outpouring and it is not by chance that it is Pentecost. For you shall see that outpouring, saith your Father God and it shall be with signs, it shall be with wonders, it shall be with miracles and it shall be far more powerful than that that the enemy has. Souls shall be saved, the lame shall walk, the deaf shall hear, the blind shall see; even the dead shall be raised. The anointing, oh the anointing, the awesome anointing that shall fall, open your hearts, be prepared, for it is that hour and it is that time, saith your Father.
Allow not fear to come in, but I say unto, allow my peace which passes all understanding to rule and guard your hearts. The world is going to only get darker and darker as I have said and you need to walk in my perfect peace. For I have said I would warn you of things that were to come and I give you these warnings that you can truly walk in the fullness of my victory, that you can be the overcomers and the conquerors that I have said that you are. But walk not in fear nor allow the enemy to place fear within you, for I have given unto you all power, all authority over the enemy and his demons. But I have also said, it is not an hour to go about even now without covering yourself in my blood daily and doing so over your family that they can walk in my perfect protection, that they may experience my peace. It is an hour to walk in wisdom and to truly do all that I have said for you to do. For the great things I have in store for you, they are innumerable. Therefore, I say unto you, press in like never before, allow not the enemy to slow you down, but truly receive all that I have for you. For I have given unto you all things that you might enjoy them, that you might live the life of great blessings, the life of prosperity, the life of peace, the life of joy, the life that is filled with my love. Therefore, I say unto you, know me like never before and do not fear the enemy, for he can do nothing to you as long as you don’t allow him to. Therefore, I say unto you, it is important in this hour and this time to keep up your guard, to put upon that full armor that I have given unto you that you may quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one. Speak forth my word like never before, have yourself armed with my word knowing in your heart that when you speak forth my word, it does that which I have sent it forth to do. For it is that hour and it is that time and you need to know who you are in me and the power and authority I have given unto you. For truly I have blessed you above all blessings, I have given unto you the keys of walking in great victory. Therefore, I say unto you, be not deceived by the evil one, but walk with me like never before and truly walk in the fullness of all that I have already provided for you to walk in.
For I have told you it is an hour when you need to get into my word like never before. It is an hour when you need to know my word and what my word says. It is an hour when you need to walk in the spiritual realm, for the enemy is working overtime, for he knows his time is very short and he is determined to do all that he can do before that day of judgment comes upon him. Be not deceived, but draw closer to me, it is not a time to draw away; it is a time to draw closer to me. For those that are not walking with me, those that know not my word, those that cannot tell the difference between the truth and the false, they can be caught away, they can be caught captive and these seducing spirits shall not turn them loose. Oh, what an hour it is, but it is a glorious hour.
5-11-08 pm service
Let your spiritman be alive, let your ears be open to the moving of the gifts of the spirit and the operation of the spirit, because that is realm that you should be walking in. Know my voice, do not follow another’s voice, hear clearly, understand the things that I say, watch, keep your eyes alert, look at the signs round about you, for truly there are many signs, signs that are taking place all the time, signs pointing to the soon coming of your Savior Jesus Christ. Walk in that spirit realm, receive the power that I have for you, receive the gifts that I have for you, then operate in them, operate in them, walk in the fullness of the things that I have for you. Fear not the world nor the things that are taking place in the world, for many things will take place and you will see them, let them not trouble your heart, for I have told you I shall take you through this time victoriously.
Did not I say that I would flow through all of you from the oldest to the youngest? Therefore, I say unto you, be a vessel that I can use, surrender to me open to my Spirit that I may speak through you, that I may touch others through you. For it is that hour, it is that time, where I need you to be flowing in your gifts. I need you to be open to my Spirit at all times that I can flow through you and use you in a powerful and mighty way, for you have gone through the preparation phase, and therefore, yes, you are ready. Therefore, I say unto you, surrender yourself to me that truly I can use you, that I can use your mouth, your hands and your feet, that I may lead you and guide you in a path that you need to go in. Walk with me like never before, for truly it is the hour of greatness, of greatness like none other that my people have ever seen before. Therefore, I say unto you, press ye in even more so and receive all that I have in store for you. Do not miss out, but rather receive, have your spirit open to receive of me that you may be filled to overflowing with all that I have to give to you.
Listen my motley crew, my remnant, my sure foundation, for I speak unto you this night, saith your Father God, that I have great things in store for you. Listen carefully, follow my instructions in this night, for I have two things which I shall say unto you, and if your spiritual ears are open, you will hear them and you will respond. And you will be likened unto a wise man that built his house upon a sure foundation and you will not lack in power in any area of your life. But if you listen not and respond not, you shall be likened unto the man that built his house upon the sand and when the storm comes your house will surely fall.
At the end of our service, the Lord gave us an audible command, not once, but twice, to come forward and let him breathe on us. As we were doing that, the Spirit suddenly hit a young man who called out in a very loud voice, “Wind blow form the North, wind blow from the South, wind blow from the East and wind blow from the West.” The young man then fell down under the power and hit his head on the baseboard radiator with a loud bang and got up without a bump or bruise.
5-7-08 pm service
It is an hour of great expectation, it is an hour when my people shall walk in great victory, it is that hour that I have spoken to you. I have told you time and time again that the hour was here, that the time was here. Be not troubled by the storms, be not troubled by the drought, be not troubled by the high prices, realize that I shall take you through this time victoriously, that you shall walk in the victory that I have for you, that you shall be the overcomers, that you shall be the head and not the tail, above and not beneath. Walk close by my side, fear not the things that are ahead, for I have them all under control and you will walk in the victory that I have for you.
For is it not a time of great divine revelation, saith the Lord your God, a time of great revelation, a time of great revealing to the hearts that look to me, saith the Lord? I say unto you, it is that hour and it is that time, be receptive, saith the Lord, for I am speaking even in every hour, and it is that hour, saith the Lord, for you to hear my voice. For I am speaking, saith the Lord, I am speaking directly to you wisdom, knowledge, and understanding, I will impart to you. Seek me now, saith the Lord, and see if I will not give you a word even this hour, saith God. Hear my voice, for I speak unto you abundantly, for my river flows abundantly and out of that river, saith the Lord, comes great abundance, great anointing, great victory, great deliverance, great substance. Allow your faith to rise up, saith the Lord, that you might hear all that the Spirit is saying to you the church.
Do not fret, do not worry, isn’t my word true? Will I not do all that I have promised I will do? Look not to the circumstances that may be around you, but I say unto you, keep your eyes upon my word, keep your eyes upon what I have said knowing that I have given unto you keys to truly walk in the fullness of all the blessings that I have given unto you for this hour, the victory is yours, I have already purchased that. Therefore, I say unto you, walk, walk with me like never before, walk as that conqueror, walk as the overcomer, because I have made you into them. Therefore, do not allow the enemy to get your mind clouded and cause you to become down, but I say unto you, keep your eyes upon the finish line that I have in front of you, keep your eyes upon me, for I shall carry you through. Therefore, do not fear, do not fret, nor worry because I, your Father God, have all things under control.
For the light is so bright upon path, for I light that path that you need not walk in darkness, but you can walk in the light, even as I am in the light, that you may see clearly, that your spiritman may understand, that you may be all that I have said that you could be. You do not have to walk in darkness; you do not have to stumble around, but walk in the light that I have given to you.
I say unto you, be the ones I have called you to be. Do the things that I have called you to do. Be the right warriors I have called you to be for the last days, victorious on every side.
5-4-08 am service
For the spiritual child listens carefully, he searches out my word, for he knows the words that I have said, he sees and understands the things that are about him, he looks up and rejoices, for he knows that his salvation is coming very quickly now. He looks at the signs round about, they trouble him not, but they bring him great joy, great excitement, for he know that I shall take him through this time victoriously. He knows that he is the victor, he is not looking to become the victor, he is not looking for the blessings, he is walking in the victories, he is walking in the blessings, he is walking in the fullness of my word. He sees the storms, and they are all about, for you have also seen the tornadoes, the cyclone, the volcanoes, the earthquakes, the snowstorm, the drought, the famine, the high cost of prices, you have seen all these things, for I have told you that they would come and they are here now, saith your Father God, they are round about you. Do you not know also that Jesus is coming soon or have you put it off into the distant future some place? Will you be one of those left behind because you are not watching, you are not looking, you are not preparing, you are not making yourself ready? Things will not get better on the face of the earth, the antichrist will come and he will make big promises, but things will not get better, they will continue to get worse even as my word has said. Therefore, I say unto you, press into the fullness of the things that I have for you. I have more than enough, I do not lack, you should not be concerned over the things of the world, you should be concerned over the souls, the souls that are round about you. For the harvest field is white, it is ready for harvest, I have heard your prayers and I have prepared the hearts of the people, they are ready, are you ready? Or will the troubles and the cares of the world wrap you up as the devil desires for them to do, and cause you to run after those things, feeling that you will lose, that you will not have, that you will want, if you don’t press into the fullness of those things? There is a better way, saith your Father God, a much better way. Walk with me, walk by my side, take counsel from me, listen, do the things that I say, for I have told you that I have given unto you strong words, strong words of preparing, strong words of changing your attitude, strong words of focusing that you may be walking as I desire that you to walk, that you walk in the victories that I have for you. For there is victory all around you, in front of you, behind you, on both sides of you, you are encompassed by my angels that you cannot fail, if you will walk by my side.
For I am fine-tuning you just as an instrument is fine-tuned that you can truly be all that I have said you can be for this hour and this time. For I have great things in store for you my children, but it is the fine-tuning that you have need of to truly walk as I have called you to walk, that you might be able to play the melody and harmony that I desire for you to play. That your mouth may speak forth my words even as a baby speaks forth words, so shall you speak forth my words and it shall be fluently. You will not have problems, but it shall flow out of you like a mighty rushing river and it shall touch the lives of those around you. Therefore, I say unto you, fear not, but walk in my boldness, the boldness that I have given unto you, that when you open up your mouth, my words shall come forth and they shall do all that I have said they shall do, for it shall even cause the hardest heart to turn. Therefore, I say unto you, walk with me like never before; allow me to truly use you as I desire to use you. Walk not in your own fleshly desires or your own fleshly ways, but walk according to my way, according to my Spirit that you can truly be all that I have said you can be. For it is that hour where my harvest is coming in, it is that time where I need laborers; I need you to be my mouth, to be my hands, to be my feet. Therefore, I say unto you, be that vessel that I can truly move through, walk before me with great humbleness and purity, for truly I do have great things in store for you. Walk with me like never before.
Prepare your heart with my word, for there is a great food shortage, the greatest food shortage that the world has ever seen, a spiritual food shortage. And those that are hungry will go to those places where they can receive the food freely, because they have not money that can buy that, because that food is given freely. And if they cannot find it in your two hundred mile area, they will go to the area where they can find that food. Be my food bank, be my food bank, feed my people.
5-4-08 pm service
Draw your strength from me, draw your comfort and your peace from me, walk closely by my side. Do not allow the things or the pressures of the world to get you down, for when you do you play into the enemy’s hand and he has the victory. And the damage that he does is damage that needs to be undone and only by my Spirit can it be undone, only can there be healing through my Spirit. Draw closer to me, you are living in a time and an hour when many things shall change for the worse, but yet you have a unity, a unity with me, a unity with my body that you can walk in close relationship, that you can walk in the love, the surety that you win, you don’t lose, you win. You are the victor, you are the head and not the tail, you are above and not beneath, allow not the pressures of the world to overtake you, you have been delivered from them, transformed out of them and transformed into my kingdom. You are heirs to my throne, joint heirs with Jesus, walk in the reality of my word, walk in the power of my word, walk in the assurance of my word. For I have told you the days are going to become more evil, things are going to be far worse than they are now. Now is a very easy time, and if you are having struggles now, it is because you are not walking close by my side, you are not putting your total trust in me, you don’t realize that I can take you through, that I can give you the victory that you have need of. So make a change now, saith your Father God, draw closer to me, let my love flow through you, let my unity establish your unity with the whole body that you can be one, that you can walk as one, that you can be strong and powerful and mighty, that you can look to my promises, to my goals, to the things that I have told you and realize that you are a victor, that you are an overcomer, that you are going to go out of here with me and you are not going to be defeated when you go out, you are going to be a victor. Let not the troubles of the world come upon you, nor the things of the world, separate yourself from them, separate yourself from them. Draw nigh unto me and I will draw nigh unto you.
Be not one who quits or gives up, but knows that your strength comes through me. For a runner when he is running a race he has to keep his mind focused upon that race, upon winning, upon getting to that finish line or else at times the body tells you to give up. Be not like those who give up and do not receive the prize, but I say unto you, keep your eyes upon the goal that I have given unto you, knowing that at times the enemy will fight, but yes, I have already made you the overcomer, I have made you the conqueror. Therefore, I say unto you, speak my word and keep your eyes upon the goals and the visions I have given unto you. Allow not the enemy to come in and to cause distractions that might bring you defeat. But I say unto you, keep your eyes upon me, for I am the author and finisher of your faith, I will see you through, I will take you to the very end. Therefore, I say unto you, do not fear, but walk with me like never before. Get so close to me that you hear my very heartbeat that you know my deepest desires. For truly I have great things in store for you my children, this is a great hour, it is a great time, my church shall become all I have said they shall become and they shall flourish even as I have said they shall flourish. Therefore, I say unto you, keep your eyes upon me, allow not the enemy to bring distractions, but I say unto you, run with your whole might knowing that I an coming soon and great shall be your reward.
Between now and fall you shall see many great changes, changes in global warming, changes in the drought, changes in the famine that is going on, more troubles throughout the world, more tornadoes, hurricanes, forest fires, trouble on the right hand and trouble on the left hand, lack of food, lack of jobs, let not these things trouble your heart. For I have told you I shall take you through this time victoriously, be not troubled by that, for if you trust me, I will open doors for you, I will provide for you, I will heal you, I will care for you and you will be victorious.
4-30-08 pm service
Let your ears be open, listen to my voice, know the thoughts that I speak unto you, develop them, enlarge them, cause them to come to pass. Be like a hungry shopper at a sale and push your way through the crowd to gain the harvest that is out there. For the laborers are not working, they are like you, sitting back, be hungry for souls, truly the harvest field is white, the end time is here, the invitations have gone out and many make excuses, many turn their backs, many go their own way. But I say, go into the highways and the byways, compel them to come in, give unto them what you have, feed them, nurture them, strengthen them, uplift them, lead them, for truly they need someone to lead them. Be a mentor to them, watch over them, don’t let them slip away, hang on to them tightly, for truly the last days are here and many evil things are taking place and it shall get move evil yet. For man looks for someone to save them, man looks for someone who promises a change, only when they look, they take the approach that the devil will take, the antichrist will take and they cling to it and they run with it as a blind man would run with another blind man not knowing where they go and falling into the traps and the ditch along the way. Open your spiritual eyes, come alive, come alive, be aglow, for truly this is the hour when you should be aglow with the Holy Ghost that those round about you can see the fire burning, that they can see the miracles, the healing, the signs, the wonders, that wisdom may flow, that knowledge may flow, that you can go forth and do the things that I have called you to do, for it is that hour. Therefore, I say unto you, rise up out of your seats and run, run, run to the battle, for truly it is time.
For it is that time of commitment, saith the Lord, to focus on what I have called you to do. It is a time for regulation and balancing in the spirit, a time for fine-tuning of your hearts and of your minds. It is a time of commitment to put both hands to the plow and say count me in and it is there, saith the Lord, that the vision of the Lord will open up unto you. For thus saith the Lord unto you, I cannot declare and reveal the vision unless you put both hands to the plow and commit yourself and go forward. Those of you who have committed, saith God, I have revealed great things unto you. And I say it again, run with me, run with great speed, sprint even, saith the Lord, for it is that time and it is that hour.
For when a runner enters into a race he doesn’t just wear any kind of shoes, for he picks out the kind of shoes that gives him the kind of support he has need of and ones that are light that he may run swiftly without any kind of stumbling about him. Therefore, in the race that you are running, remember to gird yourself with my word, and to have my word not only in your heart, but on your lips speaking forth the end result that you desire. As you keep your eyes upon that finish line remember my promises unto you. Do not let them go, but rather, oh I say unto you, grasp them, hang onto them, for you shall see the fulfillment of them.
I have given unto you tonight many key words to meditate upon, for each one is a key that unlocks a doorway, and as you open that doorway, you shall go to great success in my kingdom. Focus, I say unto you, focus, purpose, purpose, plan, set your goal and reach what you are shooting for.
4-27-08 am service
Are your hearts filled with expectation, are your eyes open to the things that are taking place, are your ears open to my voice that when I speak to you, you hear my voice, that you obey, that you answer, are you walking by my side? For now is the hour, saith your Father God, when you need to be walking very close, for the enemy is going round about seeking whom he may devour, he is going to and fro, he is speaking things into people’s hearts, into their minds, to control them and control the things that are going on, to deceive them, to draw them into his army, into his church. For truly we are in the last days, saith your Father God, and many things are happening far faster than you want to admit, more things are going on than you want to look at or want to see and yet they are taking place. All over the world things are taking place, the drought, the famine, the earthquakes, the flooding, the tornadoes, the tropical storms, oh, the troubles that are going forth even as far as volcanoes. Oh, I tell you, many things are going on and the world sees it, and yet the church sometimes sees not the signs, they understand not the signs, they know not what is going on. For times are bad, the global warming is far greater than man realizes, they know not the things that are taking place. But I say unto you, know these things, for if you do not know these things you cannot walk with me like you should, but as you know these things, then you will draw closer to me. For I have all the answers, I have all the supplies, I will take you through this time victoriously, but you must walk with me. Don’t be like a little child in the store that runs off from his parents and knows not how to get back, but be the wise child that holds onto a finger, that holds onto a cart, that holds onto a dress, that stays so close because they want to be close to their parents. For they know that is where the safety is, the security is, where the protection is, be like that and you will walk in the victories that I have for you. For I have many great victories, many victories I have yet, walk, walk close to me.
It is an hour for my children to truly wake up and see who I am; for I am the God of all Gods there is none above me. I am not dead, for I am alive and mighty are the things that I am doing. Yet at times my people do not call upon me, and therefore, they do not receive the answers that they have need of because of their lack of knowledge. Oh, my children learn to trust me now, for I have given unto you everything that you need to truly walk in victory. I have made you the head and not the tail, I have made you the overcomer, I have made you the conqueror, it is time for you to rise up and to walk as those that I have called you to be. For I have given unto you my word and my word does not go out and return void, but it goes forth and does that which I have sent it forth to do. Know that I have given unto you all power, all authority over the enemy, you are victorious in every way, walk victoriously. For many times my children walk in defeat because they walk not in my word nor do they really know my word to be able to trust me and to speak forth my word that victory can come. It is an hour to know me like never before, to know me as your Father, to know me as your God, the God who does not change, who is the same yesterday, today and forever, and how I moved before, I will move even in a greater way by my Spirit, but many of my children are not even ready for that. It is an hour to draw close to me like never before that you can be ready for all that I have in store for you and that you can rise up and be the giants that I have called you to be for this hour and this time, to possess the land that is in front of you, to take back from the enemy that which has been stolen and to truly walk in the fullness of the blessings that are yours. Oh, it is an hour to rise up like never before and to walk in the shoes that I have given unto you to walk in and to truly walk in the faith, the power and authority that is yours.
There shall be a great shout of victory, a great shout of joy, a great shout of pleasure as you walk by my side, as you walk in the blessings that I have for you, as you wander through all the promises and claim them all for your own and see all the blessings poured upon you. A great shout, a great time of victory for those that walk by my side, those that know my word, those that know my promise, those that know how to receive the things that I have for them. For I am pouring out all the blessings now, I am emptying out all the promises now, for the time is close to the end and it is time to pour them out and receive the things that I have for you.
4-27-08 pm service
It is an hour of great expectation, an hour when the ears of my servants, they are listening, they are watching, they are looking, they understand the signs that they see, they understand what I am saying, they understand what is going on. There is not doubt, there is no fear, but there is great expectation, for they know that the hour draws very close now. When they look at the signs throughout the world, the troubles on the right hand, the troubles on the left hand, the war, the rumors of war, the drought, the famine, the earthquakes, the pestilence, the tornadoes, tornadoes this week, great tornadoes, when they see and hear these things they look up, they rejoice, for they know their redemption draweth nigh. Therefore, I say unto you, draw closer to me, walk very closely by my side, listen, be attentive, let your ears be open to my voice that you may speak to those that I need you to speak to, those that I need you to warn, those that need to come into the fold, for the time is running out. Walk closely by my side, stay in my word, know my word, know the moving of the Spirit and understand the things, that I can use you, for the hour is late.
It is not by might nor by power, but it is by my Spirit, learn to walk in my Spirit like never before, learn to put off your flesh like never before and to truly walk as my Son walked on this earth ready to show forth my love, my compassion, give peace to those who have no peace, give hope to those who have no hope. For you are my hands and my feet, you are my mouthpiece for this hour, my harvest is oh so ripe and ready. Be instant in season and out of season, ready to share with those around about you my word, my love, my joy, my peace. For oh, the hungry, oh the hurting, oh the things that I shall do, but I have need of you to work and move through you that lives can be touched, that people can be ministered unto. Learn to listen to my Spirit like never before, and when I prompt you to speak to someone, do not stand back and say, me Lord, you want me? But rather rise up in the boldness that I have already given unto you and speak forth my word unto them that they may know, that they may hear and that they may come into the knowledge of what my Son Jesus has done for them. Oh, the great things I have in store for those who walk with me. Look not to the right nor to the left, but keep your eyes upon me and my word, upon that finish line that I have set in front of you, for truly I am coming soon. It is not an hour to look one way or the other; it is an hour to look straight ahead and to do what I have called you to do for this time. Oh, the joys of the blessings that I have in store, therefore, I say, walk with me like never before, walk with me, walk with me, walk with me.
I am speaking very clearly to my church, to my servants, for they know my voice and they listen and another’s voice they will not follow, but they walk by my side, they are ready, they are willing to do the things that I speak unto them. For they sense in their spirit the closeness of the coming of the Lord. They are laborers willing to go into the harvest field and bring forth the harvest. Those servants I look for, saith your Father.
4-23-08 pm service
Hope is the word; hope is the word, hope, confident expectation knowing in your heart what I have said and knowing that it shall come to pass. For as you walk in the fullness of my word you walk in the fullness of my promises and the promises come into being. You need not to fret, you need not to worry, you need not to be troubled where you have sleepless nights, but your hearts should be filled with joy knowing that I have already provided for you, that I shall take you through this time victoriously, regardless of what the circumstances of the world look like. And if you look at the circumstances surrounding the world, they look very gloomy, but that is the time that they are in, the days are the last days, days when they shall see great evil, trouble on every hand, but that is not for my people. Therefore, I say unto you, you have hope; stand in the hope that I have given to you, that confident expectation knowing in your heart that you have those things that I have said. And then the high cost of gas will not trouble you, the high cost of food will not trouble you, the drought will not trouble you, the storms will not trouble you, the lack of jobs will not trouble you. Nothing shall trouble you, for you shall know that truly I am your Father, I am your God, and I shall take you through this time victoriously.
For I would say unto you, it is a higher plane that I have called you unto, saith the Lord and it is a river of life that I have called you to swim in. Swim in that river, saith the Lord, know the joys of swimming in my river, know that joy, know my presence, know my glory, know me like you have never known me before. Soon I will have you walking on that water, for you will not know fear, but only faith to its fullest. For is it not you that I am pouring out my Spirit on and is it not upon you that power rests? Rise up and swim, know my presence like you have never known it before.
An experienced logger knows his trees; an experienced teller knows the real from the counterfeit. You as Christians should know the real from the false, you should be able to know by looking upon them with the gifts that I have given unto you exactly where they are and what spirit is operating in them. Therefore, I say unto you, draw closer to me that you may know.
4-20-08 am service
Let my word be in your mouth, let it be sharper than any two-edged sword, let it come from a heart of faith knowing what it says and knowing what it will do. For you will need my word in this hour that you are living in, you will need my word that you can go forth and bring forth the victories that I have said unto you. You will need my word as a sword that will fight your battles for you, that will bring your victories, that will bring forth healing, that will drive away the pestilence, that will cause the drought to stay from your land, it will cause the floods to go elsewhere. Oh, I say unto you, know my word; speak my word, for in the hour that you are living in great disaster is about to take place. The global warming shall continue even faster this year than last. Famine, shortages, higher gas prices, all these things stand before the world, and not before my people. For I, your Father God, yea, I will make a way for you and I will provide for you and I will take you through this time victoriously. So fear not the earthquakes, fear not the tidal waves, fear not the flooding, or the snowstorms, fear not the heat wave, fear not these things, but know that I have delivered you from them. When you feel these things breathing upon your back speak my word, speak my word, stand on my word, walk in the victory that I have for you. Be not troubled on the right hand nor the left hand, be not troubled by the things that are in the world, live independent of the circumstances, live above the circumstances, be like the eagle, sour high above them all. Let your eyes be sharp and clear that you may see the enemy and know the enemy, that you may dash him against the rocks, that you may cast him down, that you may walk in the victory that I have for you. Let not fear enter your hearts, be not anxious over anything, but walk in the fullness of my word, for you are my children, yea, you are my children and I shall take you through this time victoriously.
Do not fear the enemy, for he can do nothing, I have given you all power; I have given you all authority over him and his demons. Therefore, I say unto you; even though in this hour his activity shall get even stronger in the world, do not fear him. For I have said you are not of this world, you are mine and you have overcome the world because greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world. Be not afraid, but I say unto you, know the position that I have given unto you as heirs and joint heirs to the throne of Almighty God. Stand; walk in that power and authority that is already yours through my blood that was shed for you. Know what I have given unto you, know the things that are yours that you can stand upon and truly walk in the victory that I have given unto you. For man can do nothing to you, no, as long as you do not open the door, therefore, I say unto you, walk in my word like never before and know what my word says. Know how to walk victoriously in this hour; for I have given unto you all the keys that you have need of to truly walk in that victory. Therefore, I say, know my word and know, know the position, the authority and power that I, your Father, have given unto you.
Be not like a bee with one wing that makes the noise of a bee with two wings, but only goes around about in circles and never gets off the ground. Know my word in your heart, speak my word with your mouth, be like the bee that can fly.
4-20-08 pm service
My love for you is far more precious than you realize, it is far deeper and far greater, for I love you, I loved you before the foundations of this earth. And I watch over you and I am willing to take care of you and provide for you, I am willing to go before you and make a way where there is no way. Be my children and walk closely by my side, do not walk to the left nor to the right, don’t rush ahead, don’t lag behind, but walk by my side. For the days ahead are very evil, wicked days, far more wicked than you realize yet, far more evil than you even know about. But as long as you walk with me there is safety, there is protection, for I care for you and I watch over you, and I protect you. The drought will not affect you, the high cost of living will not affect you, the high prices for gas will not affect you, for I am able to take care of you, I am able to take you through this time in great victory. For this time has to come, for it is that hour, it is that hour. So walk with me, walk by my side.
Is there any mountain too hard for me to move? Have not I said I have given unto you complete victory? Therefore, do not fret when the enemy throws these mountains in front of you, for you shall leap over them as if you are like on a pogo stick, leaping above and beyond the circumstances not even touching the mountain, but leaping over. Therefore, I say unto you, keep your eyes upon me and know my word like never before. Allow my peace to rule your heart, for truly I shall see you through these days ahead in great victory, even though darkness covers the world, you have been given my light and that light shall pierce that darkness. Therefore, I say unto you, do not be concerned what tomorrow holds, but know that I have everything under control. Walk with me like never before, for I know the end and I have promised that I will show you, yes, I will show you the things to come and I will give unto you the guidance, I will give unto you the directions that you truly have need of to walk victoriously in this hour. Therefore, I say unto you, allow my peace to rule your lives knowing that I, your Father God, am right beside you walking with you and that I have all things under control. Therefore, fear not nor be afraid of what may take place tomorrow, but I say unto you, trust me like never before, for truly I shall see you through, yes, I shall see you through these days ahead. Therefore, fret not nor worry, but trust me like never before.
An obedient servant rises to the top even as Joseph rose to the top. The enemy tried to put him down, but every time he tried Joseph rose one degree higher. The same is true with you, for as the enemy attacks you and you put him down, I lift you even higher and I strengthen those areas, I empower those areas and I give unto you wisdom and knowledge that you can walk in the fullness of everything that I have said that you can walk in. So walk by me, do not, do not, I say, lag behind or sit by and watch, for if you do, the enemy shall overcome you.
4-16-08 pm service
WARNING, WARNING, LISTEN, it is time to pray in a mighty way, for that stubborn Bush, that prideful Bush has plans that are not good for you here neither for Israel nor for other places. For he desires to make a move before he leaves office that he can stay in office. Beware, beware, seek my face, call upon my name, let this warning speak to your heart. Great disaster, great disaster stands near by, it is not a time, saith your Father God, for man to make foolish moves. It is not a time for them to do things, and yet because of their heart, because of their stubbornness, because of their not following me, but following the antichrist, they go their own way to do their own things. They see not the drought that is all over, they see not the earthquakes that are taking place all over nor the volcanoes nor the flooding nor the global warming nor the fish vanishing, they see not any of these things. They don’t see the signs and yet the signs are all round about them. They don’t see the higher cost of living or the lack of crops or the crops that are being turned into fuel, they see not these things. For their eyes are blind, they take not counsel of me, they take counsel of the ungodly, the foolish and they follow after their own desires and their own plans. But I say of you, you are my church, and I, your Father God, shall watch over you, I shall keep you safe, I shall protect you, yea, I shall even go to war if need be on your behalf, I shall supply all your needs. Walk very closely by my side, listen carefully and pray, pray, pray, don’t stop praying until June is by.
Fire and destruction, saith the Lord, even great billows of smoke, saith God. Who has a heart of understanding and who can remember, saith the Lord? So I say unto you again, pray, pray with all of your heart that you might be strengthened and destroy the plan of that which has been spoken. Speak peace, saith the Lord, speak peace.
Remember that I have a covenant with you, you are of my kingdom and not of this world, therefore I, your Father God, will provide for you, I will protect you, I will care for you. For I have you covered like a blanket would cover a child, your covered, my angels around about you. So do not walk in fear, but walk in the love that I have for you, walk in the protection that I have for you, walk in the care that I have for you.
Oh, the peace, saith the Lord, that I have for you. For as you walk in my presence, saith the Lord, the peace does not decrease, but increases with greater measure with each step that you walk in faith according to my word and that which I have spoken, because you believe, saith the Lord, great peace surrounds my people. Walk, saith the Lord, walk with me, saith God, walk with me and know the peace that increases around you.
4-13-08 am service
Be not discouraged, neither be not down, for I shall watch over you and protect you and keep you safe. I shall supply all your needs, I shall bless you coming in, I shall bless you going out, I shall raise you to a higher standard that others will look upon you as the ones that are blessed. They will seek your wisdom and knowledge, how to walk in the blessings that you are walking in. Rejoice in your heart, for truly great things, great things shall take place for the church, not so for the world. For it shall be a terrible time for the world, hurricane season will be the worst seen in many years, tornadoes will continue to tear up the land, there will be flooding, there will be droughts, volcanoes will erupt. Oh, many things shall take place now and you shall see them week-by-week, month-by-month. The hot weather shall come back in, but as I have said before, in some places it will be cooler fooling them, but it shall quickly return to the global warming, the high heat, the drought, the famine, the high cost of living, gas prices continually going up, the dollar continually weakening. But fear not, for I shall take you through this time in great victory and you shall be blessed, oh yes, you shall be blessed, you shall be blessed.
Fear not the great changes that you shall see take place in the world, but rather know the days that you are living in these things must come to pass, for my word is being fulfilled. Therefore, allow not fear to grip your heart, but rise up like never before and stand truly as the heir that I have said that you are, trusting me with your whole heart, knowing that no matter how dark the world gets, I will see you through, I will provide, I will make a way where there is no way. For I am your God, the everlasting Father, trust me, know who I am, know that there is nothing too difficult for me to do. For I am the Almighty and I will do all that I have promised that I shall do. Therefore, I say unto you, remember my word unto you, and know that my word does not go out and return void, but it does that which I have sent it forth to do. Therefore, I say, in all things speak forth my word no matter what the circumstances around about you say, speak forth my word and watch as those circumstances line up with my word and you walk in total and complete victory. For I have given it unto you, therefore, I say, walk ye therein. Know my word like never before, trust me like never before, for truly I am your Father and I do love you with an everlasting love.
Keep accurate records in your giving to me, your giving to my kingdom, your giving into my work. For I shall balance the scales in favor of you and you shall be blessed far greater than you realize at the moment. It is not time to back off, but it is time to press in and receive greater blessings than you have ever received before.
4-13-08 pm service
Let there be great expectation in your heart, let your heart come alive with my word, let my word fill your heart that it fills your mouth that you speak forth my word, that you speak forth my promises, that you speak forth those things that you desire to have, the blessings that you desire to walk in, the peace, the joy, the healing, all those things that belong to you. Let my word come out of your mouth with great power, with great authority, with great expectation. Fear not the things of the world, for as you look on the world you shall see all the disaster that is taking place whether it be here in this country or whether it be overseas. You see those things, fear not those things, you are not of this kingdom you are of mine, but realize those signs must come to pass, those things must be fulfilled, for my word declares that they shall be. So the global warming shall continue, there shall be earthquakes, volcanoes, there shall be flooding, there shall be droughts such as has not been seen before. The global warming will get warmer and warmer even though I have told you some places will be cooler and they will think its not so, be not fooled. Keep your eyes upon the wars and the rumors of wars; keep your eyes upon the things that are taking place throughout all the world. Be not affected by the gas prices nor the higher prices for food, use the wisdom that I have given unto you, use the power and authority that I have given unto you, use the ability that I have given unto you and you will walk in the great victory that I have for you for this hour. You will walk as heirs to the throne of Almighty God, your light will shine brightly and many, many shall now come in.
Oh, the joy for those who know me and know that I am the same God yesterday today and forever, I do not change. And even as I delivered my Hebrew children and the Israelites, so shall I deliver you in these days, for I change not nor do my ways change. Walk with me like never before, keep your eyes upon the visions and goals that I have placed in front of you, keep your eyes upon my word. Allow not the enemy to cause you to go astray or to veer to the right or to the left, but I say unto you, keep your eyes upon me, for I am the author and the finisher of your faith. Trust me like never before, follow me very closely, know my voice that you can walk in the fullness of all the blessings that I have for you for this hour and this time. My people shall walk in that perfect peace, that peace which passes all understanding, for it shall rule and guard their hearts and they shall be filled with my joy knowing that I am coming soon and great shall be the reunion that we shall have. It is an awesome time, it is an awesome hour, therefore, look forward with great expectations for all that is in store for you my children. Press forward like never before and do all that I have called you to do, for truly I have called you for such a time as this and I am moving even though you may not see it and you may not recognize or even know, but yes, I am moving on your behalf and I am doing great things. Therefore, keep your eyes upon me and walk with me, for I have great things in store for you.
Listen carefully to my divine directions, unite and begin to fulfill it.
4-9-08 pm service
For as sure as the sun comes up and the sun goes back down, as sure as there is day, as sure as there is night, I, your Father God, shall fulfill my word to you. I shall open doors for you that have never been opened before, I shall cause you to mount up, yea, with wings like eagles that you can soar even higher than you have ever soared before, that you can run faster, leap higher, jump higher and do more in a short time. For truly the time is short, saith your Father God, it is very short and yet there is ample time to fulfill everything that I have told you to be done. Keep your eyes upon me, not upon the weather, not upon the storms, not upon the drought, not upon the global warming, not upon the famine or the high cost of living, not even upon the war or the nuclear weapons that are being built. For they are not to bring fear to you, for they cannot harm you, for I shall watch over you, protect you, and keep you safe, I shall take you through this time in great victory. I shall give unto you wisdom and knowledge and insight such as the world does not have. For they are looking for a man to give them a change, they are looking for peace, they are ready to accept the antichrist and he is ready to move into his position. But fear not these things, but press into the promises that I have for you. Press into the blessings that belong to you that you may walk in the fullness of the blessings, that you may be the head and not the tail that others can look upon you and see that I am moving mightily on your behalf and come into the kingdom of God and walk by my side. Let not the things of the world trouble you, you are not of this world, but walk by my side, walk by my side.
Do not think that it is impossible for me to do these things, saith the Lord. For am I not the God of the time and am I not the God of the anointing, and am I not the God of all power, and am I not the God of all creation? So fear not and know, says the Lord, that I am God who is able to help you do all these things. Though man would say it is impossible, I say unto you, I make it possible if you will believe in me and if you trust me. Allow me to move upon you and show you the creativity of my mind, that when I say unto you, you can do these things, then know you can rise up and do them. For I will fill you with everything that you have need of, saith the Lord.
Apples for apples, oranges for oranges, grapes for grapes, for whatsoever a man soweth that shall he also reap. Therefore, I say unto you, be careful the things that you sow, for truly you shall have a harvest and you shall reap those things that you sow.
4-6-08 am service
Let your hearts be filled with great joy, let laughter flow from your lips, look through my eyes, see the victory that I have given unto you. Look ahead and realize the things that shall take place, it shall bless you, it shall cause you to be the head, it shall lift you above others that others may look upon you and know that truly you serve the one and only true God, that I am your Father, that you are my people. Be not moved by the things that shall take place upon the face of the earth, be not moved if the summer seems cooler in many areas than you expect to see it, but because of the ocean it will be cooler in some places. But the drought shall still be there and the hot weather shall return suddenly upon them and they will know that global warming is still going forward. Watch the tornadoes, watch the flooding that shall still go on, the straight winds like you have never seen, hail, great hail, hail without tornadoes or hurricanes, drought, famine, high cost of living, all these things you shall see. But remember you are only pilgrims, you are only passing through here, you are of my kingdom. There is no lack, there is no want in my kingdom, and I, your Father God, can supply all your needs. I can cause you to walk in the fullness of the victories, I can cause you to be over the top, let not fear therefore come your way, let not the things that take place trouble your heart, but know in your heart they are end time signs, things that have to take place in order for the fulfillment to come to pass. Therefore, rejoice I say, rejoice, look up, for your redemption draweth nigh.
Do I not know all things? Do I not even know how many hairs on your head, how many grains of sand there are? Oh, I know them my children? Know that every thing, every little thing is important to me. Therefore, come to me, for I will meet your each and every single need from the lowest to the greatest, for one is not bigger than the other for me, they are all the same. I am concerned with everything that concerns you. Learn to come to me, learn to put your whole entire trust in me, to cast your cares upon me, that you can be as a child running with the greatest, lightest step, that no care is weighting you down, but that you are truly filled with my joy to overflowing. Take note of how little children enter in and that is how you should be my children, free, because I have made you free. Know my word and know that I have all things under control and that I know the end. Therefore, I say unto you, draw close to me like never before; listen to my voice like never before. If you don’t know my voice, learn to know my voice, for my word says, my sheep hear my voice and another’s they will not follow. Therefore, I say unto you, develop that, that you can truly walk in the victory that I have in store for you. For truly it is the hour to press in like never before. It is the hour to do all that I have called you to do, even though the time is short, there is enough time to do all that I have said I will do. Therefore, I say, place your trust in me like never before, liken unto yourself as a little child without any cares, without any worries, dancing about free as free can be.
Be good stewards, watch your money, don’t spend for things that you do not have a need for. Watch, be accountable and you will walk through the times that are ahead in great victory.
4-6-08 pm service
You are blessed, oh, how blessed you are. Why will you not walk in the fullness of my blessings? For I desire to bless you, to bless you coming in, I desire to bless you going out, I desire to cause you to prosper, to do well in all that you do, to walk in the fullness of all my promises. For as the days become more evil and as the times become more hard and as the world cannot make ends meet, you should walk in the fullness of my promises, in the fullness of my blessings, it will not affect you. Walk in them I say, be not troubled by the wars, be not troubled by the storms, be not troubled by the drought or the famine, be not troubled by the tornadoes, the earthquakes, the flooding, the mudslides, for they will not come nigh your dwelling. But walk with me even closer, walk very close by my side, know me in an intimate way, know me in a way that I can bless you even more than you are being blessed now, know my blessings.
As my Spirit rains upon you, so the blessings come. Know that it is that hour my children where the showers of my Spirit cover the earth. It is that time for that last revival, it is that hour for my children to truly walk victoriously and to become all that I have called them to become, to rise up to be those Joshua’s, those Caleb’s the mighty men, it is that hour, it is that time. Draw close to me like never before, know my word that you can truly walk in the provisions that I have given unto you for this hour. Do not fall short, but rather run with me like never before, lag not behind, but know, know my will for you and know the desires I have for you that you can truly be walking where you need to be walking with me. It is a great hour for my church, yes, a glorious hour, one that has been set aside. I have called you for this time, for this purpose. Be my hands and my feet and do the things that I speak unto you to do, for the harvest is, oh so ripe, they are ready, especially seeing the things that are taking place in the world. So do not be afraid to share my word with them that they truly can come and experience my love and to flow in my Spirit and be covered with my blessings. Even as the showers fall, physical showers, so do my showers of my Spirit rain upon you and shower you with great blessings. Therefore, I say unto you, receive the blessings that I have for you, do not turn them away, but I say, rather with open arms receive my showers of blessings.
Let not the wind blow out your light, but let your light shine brightly that those round about you can see it. For the world is in a darkness and the darkness continues to grow darker and darker and darker. Therefore, let your light shine brightly, let your light shine that they may come and find me and know me and walk with me. Don’t let the wind blow it out.
4-2-08 pm service
For as you walk with me, set your eyes straight ahead, look not behind you, forget those things that are behind. But press forward; reach for the goal, for truly it is the time now, saith your Father God, to walk into all the promises that I have given unto you. To be blessed on one side and on the other side, to be blessed before you and behind you, to be blessed in everything that you set your hand to do. Fear not the things that shall take place in the world, but look to me, look to my promise, look to my word, and realize that I have always fulfilled my word, that I am more than able to take you through this time victoriously, to bless you, to prosper you, to heal you, to deliver you. Walk with me, keep your eyes fixed on the goal, watch the goal watch it.
I say unto you stand fast; stand fast in your faith, saith the Lord, that you might be steadfast, says the Lord. Be strong and be of good courage, for I have filled you with my faith, saith the Lord. Be strong with the word that I have given unto you. Be full; be full of the word that I have given unto you, that you might be my child with great power to overcome all that would arise in your path.
Meditate on my word that you may be strengthened and that you may walk in the power and authority that I have given unto you. For as you know my word and as that word gets deeper within your heart, as you meditate more on my word, you realize the position and authority that I have given unto you as heirs and joint heirs, and yes, that is when you rise up and become all that I have called you to be. It is an hour my children where you need to draw ever so close to me. For even though the world is growing darker, yes, I am moving in a mighty way and I am doing all that I have promised that I would do. Therefore, I say unto you, draw ever so close to me, know my voice like never before, and you know my voice by getting into my word and knowing how I speak and knowing how I move. Therefore, I say unto you, get into my word like never before that you can truly stand in this hour and this day that you are living in. For I have given unto you all the keys that you have need of to walk victoriously, yet at times, my children do not take the keys and unlock the doors that are in front of them. They stand there defeated when they should be walking in total victory. Know my word; learn how to speak forth my word in each and every situation that you encounter. For my word brings forth the end result that you desire, my word brings forth victory. Therefore, I say unto you, know my word like never before and stand fast in my word. For my word will truly give you the strength that you have need of to walk in these days that are ahead of you.
You shall enjoy bathing in the blessings that I have for you. You shall enjoy walking in all the joy, all the promises, all the thrills that I have for you. For it shall be a great time, it shall be an awesome time, it shall be a time when you shall know truly what it means to be an heir and a joint heir to the throne of God, to walk in the royalty that has been given unto you. It is that time my children.