Previous Predictions Page 35 Jan 2018 on..
12-30-18 am service
But the truth is, because I have overcome so have you overcome, for you are the overcomers and the world shall see your miracles, they shall see your signs, they see your wonders. They shall see that mighty harvest as it comes in and the outpouring like they have never seen in all their life. For it shall be your time now, saith your Father God, and the things that you do shall be mighty, oh they shall be mighty. But you must press in, you must receive the things that I have for you, you can’t sit back and figure I have got it, if you haven’t got it, you better get it. For if you don’t get it, you will be defeated and yet you can be the victors, you can be the overcomers, you can be the head and not the tail, you can be above and not beneath. But you must listen and follow and do the things that I speak unto you, you must act, for action is a great part of your faith, for faith without action is dead, dead, dead. You don’t want dead faith, for faith does nothing; you want faith that has got the actions that follow with corresponding miracles, signs and wonders. You need all that I have for you and I desire to give you all, yes, I desire to give all, for it is that time and it is that hour, saith your Father. Be not like Gideon, for he thought he had nothing, it took an awakening, an awakening, then he realized what he did have and when he found out what he did have the miracles came. The miracles that everybody said couldn’t be done, for he did it with less than what man thought it needed to be done with and so can you.
Oh, the joy, the great joy that shall fill your heart as My Spirit is poured out without measure, you will not be able to measure it, you will not be able to measure the miracles, you will not be able to measure the signs or the wonders or the things that I am about to do. Therefore, I say unto you, walk in that Spirit realm, get into that Spirit realm and stay in that Spirit realm and walk in that Spirit realm. For I have called you to walk in the Spirit realm, you are not in the Old Testament anymore, saith your Father God, you need to walk in that Spirit realm. For it is in that Spirit realm that you hear my voice, it is in that Spirit realm that you get directions, it is in that Spirit realm that you follow me and you see the signs and the wonders and the multitudes, the multitudes follow you, they run after you, they cling unto you, they hear my word, they hear my voice to know the things I have said. For it is the Spirit realm, the Spirit realm, for it is not by might nor by power but by My Spirit, saith your Father.
For, I say unto you, I have not given you a band-aid, why do you look for a band-aid, says the Lord, when I have given you my word, I have given you total healing, I have given you the ability to trust me, says the Lord? For I have given you that word, my word is true, it is sure and will always go out and do what you need it to do, says the Lord.
For many years ago I showed you what was to come and what would take place in the last days, the last hour, I gave you my promise that I would pour out My Spirit without measure and that all would see and know who I was and now others are beginning to see this and they are telling people it is time, but I already told you it was time. For it is that time and it is that hour and, so therefore, my word is being fulfilled. Do not listen to man, for he does not know, but listen to what I, your Father God, has to say, for if you are looking in the Spirit ream you would see how I am moving already, you would see the things that I am doing already. You would know each and every service when I am speaking unto you the greatness of the importance of it for you to be victorious, for you to be the overcomers, for you to do the things that I have called for you to do in this day and this hour. For I am looking for those faithful ones who will run with me, who will do all that I have called for them to do, for it is now that time and it is now that hour and my word shall be fulfilled. Are you ready to do what I have called for you to do, saith the Lord?
Are you ready to work for me, are you ready to work for me in a seconds notice, for if I called for you to preach today could you get up there and preach my word? For if I called you to be a greeter today could you be a greeter, the Lord God says? If this place was overflowing today, where would you put the people, the Lord God says? Be ready to make the dining room an overflowing room because this place is going to be filled before the new church is built. Be ready to set up those chairs within a seconds notice, the Lord God says. Be ready to allow my Holy Spirit to move upon you each and every week, for if I told you to walk up to a person and tell them about me, are you willing to do it? The Lord God says, be willing to be used by me within a seconds notice. Just because you see a little bit of my miracles, my signs and my wonders, it is nothing as to what is yet to come. I have more and more, the Lord God says, each and every week My Spirit is going to get deeper, so be ready to be touched by me each and every week. Open up your spiritual ears, allow me to touch you each and every day, open up your Bibles each and every day, read it, spend time with me in prayer. The Lord God says wake up you dead churches and go to a church that is on fire for me. Come to the altar, allow My Holy Spirit to touch you today, the Lord God says, I want to move upon each and every one of you, because my shekinah glory is here.
Our sister is bringing another message to Israel.
Israel, Israel, oh my people, for you have gone and done the things that I have told you not to do, and even though all the plans are not set in place yet, but shall be very quickly now, you have done what you should not have done, for I have told you not to do that. But you are stiff-necked, you refuse to listen, you have refused to accept and receive the Messiah, you have refused the things that I have said to you and you claim that you are my people. You speak of the covenant and I honor the covenant that I have with you, but you don’t honor it, you are far from it. And even your prophets and your priests are not walking according to the word, but the time is extremely short now because of what has been done, what has taken place and yet the world sits there dumb, not knowing, not seeing, not understanding what took place and yet it was on the news. Things shall suddenly move faster now, Russia is moving extremely fast, watch her, for I have a fishhook in her mouth and I will bring her down against you to punish you before long. And you need to flee, flee into the mountains and hide, but it will do you no good, you will remain there until my Son Jesus returns to show you that he is truly the Messiah and you accept him. Oh that I could put that off, oh that it didn’t need to come to pass, there is a little time, a very short time that you can turn before all this takes place. But the moment, the moment the pen is put to the paper and the seal is placed upon it, judgment shall come.
12-30-18 pm service
Let your hearts be established in my word, for as your feet are grounded and your mouth is filled with my word then you speak forth the miracles, you speak forth the praises; you speak forth the things that shall come to pass. And many watch and see and they know that you are of me and, therefore, they come unto me and follow you, revival comes because of that, saith your Father God and revival is here and you shall see it as it grows week after week after week. You shall see the things of the world too as they begin to take place and I will tell you more about them tomorrow night as you celebrate the old year out and the New Year in. But let your hearts be established in me, is your heart established in me, that should be the question? For everyone should look in a mirror and look at themselves and answer that question. Are you fully established in me, because you need to be established in me and, therefore, you can move forward and do the things that I tell you to do.
Keep your eyes on China and don’t be fooled, for she is making a move right now that many do not see nor understand. But, I say unto you, beware, beware, beware, keep your eyes on China.
For, I say unto you my children, this is the hour of bewilderment for the world, says the Lord, for they shall be bewildered, but you shall understand the things that are going on for I tell you of these things, says the Lord. Therefore, don’t let fear come nigh your dwelling, don’t let fear come nigh your heart, but stand in faith, says the Lord, for I have given unto you the victory, says the Lord.
For this may be the end of this year and
preparing to be the beginning of the New Year, but before the new year many
things shall yet take place, some you will not hear about until you enter into
the new year, but there shall be many changes and many things you shall see take
place. For many things already laid
out and in order and the different countries that are against me and against you
are ready to move. They are ready
to fulfill their roll, they are getting ready to go and do the things that the
devil has told them to do and yet man does not know this. Man is not aware of the demon activity that goes on or how
the principalities and powers in high
places control and rule many things. But,
I say unto you, listen to my voice, walk in the spirit realm and you shall
fulfill all that I have for you and you shall know and you shall not fear.
For you will know what I have said and you will know that my word is true
and that my word shall do the things that I said it would do.
So put all of your trust in my word, in my word is truth.
For truly there is a great warfare going on in the spirit realm, and if you are not aware of it yet, you need to be and it is time to begin to pray in the spirit realm, did you hear that, do you understand that my children? For if you do not understand what that means, that means you need to ask of me, for I said if you would ask I would give unto you wisdom that you have need of. But you should know by now what is going on and what is taking place, five or ten minutes is not good enough, for you need to be in constant prayer as you go about throughout the day that you can be in victory in every single area of your life. For if you are walking in the spirit realm you are not fulfilling the lust of the flesh, that means you are not doing your own things, but you are doing the things that I desire for you to do. You are hearing my voice when you are in the spirit realm and I can lead and guide and direct you like never before. Be open, be open, be open and be ready when I call upon you, for many changes are coming, saith the Lord.
12-23-18 am service
For truly that shall be a great day, but yet there are many great days ahead for you, saith your Father God, for you are only tiptoeing now into that next move and you shall see miracles, signs and wonders like you have never seen. You shall see the multitudes as they come in, for they shall come in even though you have non-believers sitting right here in your midst, they shall see it with their eyes and then they shall know. And they shall fall on their faces and cry out to me and ask and beg for forgiveness that they may walk in that supernatural realm, that they may also experience the things that you shall also experience and others shall come, oh they shall come, they shall come, they shall come. You will not be able to number them, you will not be able to put them into one building, for they shall come and they shall come. For I shall meet with every single one of them whether it is in the parking lot, whether it is in the new building, whether it is in this building, whether it is in the front, wherever it is, saith your Father God, I shall meet with them. And my power shall fall upon them and it shall be a glorious hour, oh for my church it shall be a glorious hour and you shall walk in the midst of my beauty and you shall see and hold in your hand the very treasures that I give unto you that shall bring in that revival, that shall pay for that revival, that shall cause things to line up for when the rapture takes place and that is not far off, that is not far off. But, I say, rejoice, rejoice this day, rejoice, lift up your voices, rejoice, rejoice, rejoice.
For it is a good hour for the faithful ones and truly you are faithful, but the enemy is working very diligently upon others and trying to draw them away and yet they have heard, they have heard with their own ears the things that I have said to them, the things that are coming. It shall be a great cost to them unless they turn quickly; for they shall pay a terrible price that they should not have to pay. But, I say unto you, rejoice again, rejoice, for heaven has been opened unto you and you shall see my glory.
For truly it is a new day and it is a new hour, for as I spoke unto some and said the sun is shining down upon you many would run and look outside and say where is the sun and yet your are looking with your natural eyes, you are not looking in the spirit realm, you are not seeing the things that I am doing. You are not seeing how I am manifesting myself in your presence, each and every time that you come you are in my presence and I am here to meet with you. But it is that time and it is that hour and great and mighty shall be the things that I will now do on your behalf. For you have only begun to see what I can do and it shall come, it shall come like a mighty rushing wave, it will come and it will feel like all at once you will be like, wow Lord, many will be thrown back and not know what to do. For they will be trying to run as fast as they can to get into the place that I have called them to, but for those who are ready, those that have done what I have told them to do, they are ready to move, they are ready to move, they are ready to move and it is that hour now, saith the Lord.
For, I say unto you my children, stand firm, stand firm, stand your ground, grab my staff, says the Lord, grab a hold of my word, says the Lord. For I am going to lead you into the final destination, says the Lord, and you are going to go out victoriously, says the Lord.
For let your ears be wide open and listen as the Spirit speaks clearly to you, for the time is here now that even those that watch this on video and watch this on their computers, that watch this anyway but being here will not be blessed like you shall be blessed. For all shall have to come, and if they haven’t come first, then they cannot receive the blessings that you shall have, for man cannot do what he wants to do and think that I will bless him. For I have given him a choice, I have laid that choice right before his face, and he has heard it with his ears, and if he doesn’t do it, he would be like the widow woman who I spoke unto to gather up her pots, to pour oil in the pots, if she had not done that she would have died. Or the widow woman when Elijah spoke unto her to feed him first, if she hadn’t have done it, she would have died, but she was faithful, they were faithful, they did the things that I told them to do, and because they did the things that I told them to do, life, life, life sprang up before them, joy sprang up, money sprang up. Oh, the wealth of the heathen came flooding in that they walked in victory and it shall be the same now, saith your Father God. For I have a thing to do and I have made the choice and I have chosen the place and I am going to do the work that I said that I would do.
And I speak unto you Israel, my people the Jews, do you realized because you have rebelled, you have been stiffed- necked, you have refused the Messiah when he came, that you will spend three and a half years here after, after the church is gone. And you shall see all kinds of disaster, I shall protect you, I shall feed you, but you will not be in comfort, for the place will be so full you will hardly be able to turn around, and more will want to come and can’t come and many shall die on the way, oh why couldn’t you turn, why couldn’t you turn. But you plot right now to divide my land again when I told you not to do that, why do you do that, why do you pick those that will tickle your ears, why don’t you listen to the true prophets? For the true prophets do speak yet today and yet you listen not, you yell, get down, (a sarcastic sound), yes, they are gentiles yet they are saved and they know me and they flow in the Spirit and they shall go three and a half years before you. And then when you see my Son and when he comes back you will have to repent and call upon his name and then I will honor my covenant with you. But not so with the gentiles that remain after my church is gone, they have no covenant like that, that is their last opportunity; their last chance and they shall remain behind. Therefore, I say, turn, turn, turn now, you will do what you should not do next week and then your doom will be sealed.
For come and get healed today, get set free today; get your life put right with God today. For I say, come to the altar today, get your life set free today, for I say, Satan will not be able to touch you again.
12-23-18 pm service
Let your hearts be filled with joy this night, saith your Father God, for I have spoken to you about all the wonderful things that I am about to do for you. So let your mind be stayed upon them, let your thoughts be there, let your confessions be there, allow no negative confessions to come in. For if you can’t say I am blessed of the Lord, then you are not really saved, you don’t know me. For I am your Father, I have promised to take care of you, provide for you and watch over you and keep you safe and I have been doing that and I will continue to do that. And yet it is time for me to move through you that you can see the miracles, the signs, the wonders, that you can lay hands on the sick and they shall be healed, that you can see the blind eyes opened, the deaf hearing and the lame walking. All these things are possible and as the world sees these things they will come unto you and I do not want them coming unto a negative fountain that is spouting forth words that are lies and untruths. But let your heart be filled with my word that you can speak my words, for my word never lies and if you speak nothing but my word you are speaking truth and if you are speaking truth it shall come to pass. It is an easy thing that I say unto you, it is an easy thing to explain to you the time ahead, for there is no fear, for I am the same God that is taking care of you this long and I will take care of you all the way through right on into heaven. So you need not fear, just walk in the joy that I have given to you, walk in the peace that I have given to you, walk in the assurance, for my assurance is your key.
For everything in my word is positive and never negative, it is always the truth and never a lie, it does go forth and bring those things that be not as if they were. So rejoice, rejoice, rejoice.
For I say unto you, my children, allow my word to be like a stream, a river, says the Lord, with no breaks within it, says the Lord, but one continuous path, says the Lord. For it shall draw all things that you desire or have need of, says the Lord, unto you.
For it is hard to achieve victory if you are down and out, you must always be on top, for as I have told you, you must speak forth only my word, not the negative things, not what man says, but what I, your Father God says. For my word carries the final authority, my word goes out and does not return void, and my word, it has done what I have called it to do. For I have told you to be cautious about the things that you speak, you do not want some of the things that you have spoken forth, even though at times you have not set a guard upon your mouth like I have said to. It would be wise to cancel out all those things that you have spoken, even those you know not of, that way I can move upon your behalf in a mighty and powerful way, because it is you, not me that limits me at times and that is not my desire. For it is my desire that you walk in the fullness of everything that I have for you, and oh, do I have great things in store for you. For some have been receiving them already, but some have not because they are not really pressing in like I have said to, they are not doing the things that I have called for them to do. But all can receive the blessings, all can be the victors, all can be the overcomers, for I am not a respecter of persons, but it is important that you do the things that I have spoken unto you to do. But it is important that you remain on top at all times and do not open the door for the enemy and allow him to get in and destroy you. For it is important that you speak forth only my words and do not allow those negative things to come forth out of your mouth. For I have told you it is different in these days and these hours and the enemy is fighting harder than ever before. For you need to understand the importance of the things that I speak unto you, for truly I have great things in store for you my people and I do not want you to miss out on what I have for you, saith the Lord.
For the world, you need to wake up, for the world shall be a darker and worse place, but for my church, my church is going to be a joyous time. For in my church there are going to be blessings, for in my church there are going to be healings, miracles, signs and wonders. So wake up world and be shaken, allow me to come into your life, for it is time for my church to have that victory against the devil and tell that devil to get under its feet. It is time for my church to tell that devil to get out of their lives; it is time for my church to move forward. Get up today and do a miracle march and tell that devil that those miracles are coming into your life, those blessings are coming into your life and you have those victories today. Tell the devil to go and go far away because Jesus has paid the price.
12-19-18 pm service
For, yes, it is true my children where two or three of you are gathered there I am in your midst and I long for your worship, I long for your praises, that brings joy to my heart and yet at times my people forget to praise like they really should. For truly if they loved me with all of their heart they would be in my house when the doors are open, they would be coming to hear what I have to say. But they are not paying attention to the things that are going on in the world, for it has not gotten bad enough yet, changes are coming, for you are approaching the end of the year and the starting of a new year that means that what has come has been fulfilled and new is coming. There will be many changes that come with the New Year and I will speak to you about those in your New Year’s Eve service. But you do not need to fear them, you only need to walk with me and do the things that I have told you to do. For I have laid the way for you to be victorious, I have laid the way for you to be the overcomer and I desire to bless you and move upon your behalf in a mighty and powerful way. Bring in the impossible that man has said would never take place, I have made possible, I have removed the roadblocks and things are taking place that you know not of yet. For you have reached a great milestone, the blocks have been removed, the stops have been taken out and it is now time to begin to move into the position that I have called you to. It is that time and it is that hour, saith the Lord, so be ready, be ready, be ready to begin moving like never before.
For the time is short and you need to get into my word today, for when the time comes and you are not ready, you are going to want to wish that you were ready, for you are going to ask God to forgive you, but it will be too late. So get into his word today and you shall see great and mighty things coming on your behalf and God will provide for you. He will provide for your shelter, he will provide for your food, he will provide for everything that your heart desires.
Know all that I have for you, says the Lord and know how I dwell in each and every one of your presence, make the decision today, come into my presence daily, that you can be used, that you may be given everything that you have need of that your joy might be full, that you are filled to overflowing with my word, with my knowledge that you may share with others around you. For the time is short, yet I have need of you, saith the Lord. Oh, I say unto you, spend time with me daily, get into my word like never before, spend time in my presence that you, you yourself are filled to overflowing with the peace that you have need of for that day, for this hour. Oh, I say unto you, know my heart, know the heart that I have for you, saith the Lord, and walk, walk in my love, walk in my way, walk in my word and you will find great peace, you will find great joy, you will find great contentment.
12-16-18 am service
Oh what a great hour, what a powerful hour for my church and for my people, oh the hour, the hour you have longed for, the hour that you have looked for, the hour that you desire to see and be a part of. For truly it is upon you now, saith your Father God and great and mighty shall be the things that I shall do. For I shall go before you and make a way where there is no way, I will open doors that could not be opened, I will cause things to come to pass in the supernatural realm that man has never seen and they shall flock in like multitudes. They shall come from near and they shall come from far, but they will come, they will come and you shall see the glory of God as it is manifested in your midst, as the angels descend upon you, as My Spirit is turned loose one hundred percent as I begin to do all, all that I said that I would do. Even the doubters, the unbelievers, those that are lukewarm shall become red hot and they shall burn blue with a flame of God and you shall know, you shall know, you shall know.
For my word has gone out and even the lesser, the lesser prophets are hearing it, they are taking notes of the things that the true prophets are saying. Yes, they are parroting the same thing, but they are saying the things that the true prophets are saying. For it is that hour and it is that time, saith your Father God and it is calling your attention to the things that the Spirit is saying to the church. For it is that hour and you need to be paying attention, you need to be here every time the doors are open, you need to be here to hear what I am saying in order to stand strong, in order to be the overcomers, in order to see all that I have said that you shall see. So back not off, but press in even more so, saith your Father God, for it is that hour, it is that hour.
The pastor noted, as we have told you before, our sister speaks basically to Israel, so the words that you hear now may contradict what has already been said because it is for the Jews and the Jews do not go when the church goes, they stay for another three and a half years. The following is the interpretation.
Why will you not listen, saith your Father God, for the prophets of old have spoke to you about this time, concerning this time, they spoke to you concerning the Messiah and yet you refuse to believe. Even though you have seen the signs, even though you have known my word, many of your leaders have gone the wrong direction and again you speak of dividing my land, again you speak of giving my land away. I have told you no, no, no and yet you’re resisting and they shall see that very soon now and America is behind it and, therefore, I will divide America because of you. And they will not be there to help you in your time of need and I will not be there to help you in your time of need because of your persistence, because of the desire of your heart, because you know my will, you know my will and yet you refuse to do my will. Therefore, you shall reap, oh you shall reap, you shall reap and you will not enjoy what you reap and you will hid in the cave and you will cry out to me and it will be as if I did not hear you, as if I did not know you and you will wait there, you will wait until your Messiah comes and will be seen by your own eyes and you will know that it was true, for truly my word stands.
For it is not so for you my church, for you shall go, and for those that are not ready when you go they will be lost forever. For there is no second chance and I have told them even though the false prophets and the false teachers are telling them that is not so, my word declares that. For just as the time of Noah I am the one that closed the door and I am the one that opens the door, nobody else does that only me, saith your Father God and when I close the door it is closed. Therefore, I say unto my body, make yourself ready; prepare your departure, for the time is coming very quickly now. So set your house in order, for truly, I shall do great and mighty and wonderful things for you. For you shall see my hand when it moves in all of my power and all of my might, for I shall do what I have said I shall do. Listen not to the false prophets for they don’t know, they are guessing, they are guessing, they are guessing. They are sounding good, but if it doesn’t line up with my word you should know without anybody telling you that is not my word and that is not what I shall do. For what I shall do for you shall be super great, it shall be the supernatural all the way and your hearts shall be filled with joy and you shall rejoice, for it is that time.
So let your ears be open, for even your children shall come unto you and tell you the things that I have spoken unto them and it will shock you, but their words will be true and will come to pass. So take heed and listen, listen, I do not need any doubters, I do not need any that will struggle and fight the word, know my word, know my word, know my word.
For, I say unto you my children, my word is like water, it is not made to be drowning in, says the Lord, for it is easy to understand. Clear your mind of the thoughts of the devil and understand my word, says the Lord, my word is easy, it is life, are you ready to read it, are you ready to understand it? Ask my Holy Spirit, says the Lord and he will reveal it to you, says the Lord.
For my word has gone forth and it shall not return void but it shall go forth to do the things that I said it would do. I have warned you about the day and the hour you are living in, I have told you exactly where you are at. I have again warned Israel of what shall come because of her decision. For she is going her own way and does not listen to what I have to say and many will be lost because of that. Will my church listen and do what I have said unto them or do many have to be lost because they decide to go their own way? Do not be like my children Israel, but be the ones that I have called in this day and this hour to be my giants, to be the overcomers, to go forth and take the land that I have given unto them. To go forth and bring in the harvest that is ripe, for I have said the laborers are few and I have called unto you to come, to come, to come and to reap the harvest that is ripe. For it is that time and it is that hour and there is very little time left, for many things shall happen very quickly now, for as you have already seen that Israel is ready to sign. What does that mean, what have I told you, for you saw the earthquake in Alaska, you saw an earthquake again this week in the mid-fault, will the next one be the one that starts it all? Be ready, be ready, be ready, for time is at hand.
The Lord God says, be watching of going to fake churches by those going to fake churches, get out of fake churches and come to the church that is on fire for God. Come to the church that has the healing, the signs and the wonders, because the fake churches aren’t preaching my word, they are preaching their words. Come to the church that is preaching my word and lead by the Holy Ghost, the Lord God says. The Lord God says, you have seen the multitudes and multitudes in the Bible who came and only had certain amount of loaves of bread, I sent the guys out and multiplied that food and there were leftovers. The Lord God says, today he can multiply that food for you so it lasts you; just have to believe in him. He wants to multiply for you; the Lord God says he wants to open up the miracles, the signs and the wonders today, so come. He says those knees shall be healed today, he has knees for you, he says those headaches shall be gone today; he says those eyes that have been paining you, that have been troubling you shall be healed today. The Lord God says that arthritis that you have shall be delivered from you today. For the one that has burdens upon them shall be set free today, the Lord God says. For osteoporosis, shall be gone today, the Lord God says. The Lord God says cancer is just a name; it has to bow down to the name of Jesus. He say whatever your need is to come today, he says he wants to set you on fire today, he says come and allow him to. So come be healed, delivered, set free today because he wants to touch each and every one of you.
12-16-18 pm service
Oh the sweetness of my word as you feed upon my word and mediate upon it, it fills your whole body, it heals, it delivers, it sets free, it gives you wisdom and knowledge far above the wisdom and knowledge of the world. For my word is the truth and as you meditate upon it, it makes changes in your life that you become greater and greater and greater. Your wisdom becomes greater, your knowledge becomes greater and as you lay hands on the sick and they are healed and delivered and set free, remember that it is my word. Therefore, be not fearful of speaking my word or acting according to my word, but do as my word says and watch and see, for truly it is far sweeter, far sweeter than you have ever known.
And you shall see the glory of the Lord such as you have never seen the glory of the Lord before, for that hour, that hour is very near.
For, I say unto you my children, the time of the gentiles has not been fulfilled yet, says the Lord and what my word declares before that time is over, says the Lord, I will pour out My Spirit, says the Lord upon all flesh and you will see the full manifestation, says the Lord, watch, watch and see, says the Lord.
So let your heads be held high, for truly you are the new creation reality, you are my righteousness, you are mine. You are not like the Jews, for they have their own covenant with me, but you are mine and through my ability, through my wisdom, through my knowledge, through my power you can do all things through Christ Jesus who strengthens you. You can be the head, you don’t have to be the tail, you can be above and you don’t have to be beneath, you are the overcomers and you can walk in the fullness of my glory, but most do not understand that or see it or even realize it. For I have made you a new creation, the old one is gone, it is not there anymore, you’re my creation, walk in the fullness of all that I have for you.
For you my people have many good things to look forward to in these days and these hours, for all the promises that I have given shall come to fulfillment. For I have said that you would be the head and not the tail, above and not beneath, I said that my true church will be the main attraction and the main focus in the very last days. Yes, there will be things going on in the world, but you will see them as a sign, they will not affect you if you are walking with me the way I have told you to, if you have put all of your trust and your confidence in me you will only have to look forward to the promises, the blessings, the things that I said that were yours and that I would do for you in these days and these hours ahead. But be filled with joy; be filled with peace, for truly I will carry you through the days ahead victoriously, saith the Lord.
For you know anytime that you have a banquet the dessert is always the last thing and you are approaching that time right now. And you are going to have a banquet like you have never had, a banquet of miracles, signs and wonders, a banquet of souls, but remember at the end of that before you go is the dessert.
12-12-19 pm service
For it is a great hour, an hour oh so great, an hour when my work shall be totally and completely fulfilled and all my promises to you shall be yea, oh they will always be yea. And I shall fulfill them to you as you walk by my side, as you draw closer to me, but it is an hour also when you need to listen extremely carefully that you do the things that I tell you to do, that you walk not in the traps of the enemy, that you are not caught in his snares, that you are free to do what I tell you to do, that you hear the Spirit, that you hear my voice, that you know my word. Not what you think what my word is, but that you know my word, that you can walk in my word, then you can walk victorious that you can be the overcomer, that you can be the head and not the tail, you can be above and not beneath. For truly my word has gone out and it shall not return void but it will do those things that I sent it forth to do. So fear not, for the enemy is a defeated foe and, therefore, you will walk in victory when you know that, when you really know it, most do not know that, for they fear the devil for some reason yet he is a defeated foe. Therefore, I say unto you, believe my word, know my word, stand on my word, walk in the fullness of my word, for it is my word that will take you through.
Never fear the devil, for he is a defeated foe, as I have said over and over and over he cannot defeat you if you know that, if you walk in the realm of the Spirit.
Continue to be faithful, for it is the faithful few that shall be the giants. It will be the faithful ones that make the services when others could make it but don’t. For they will hear the things that I have to say and they will do the things that I have for them to do and, therefore, they shall be faithful.
12-9-18 am service
Let your hearts be filled with great joy, for great things are on there way, therefore rejoice, do not put on the clowns face and drag your chin on the ground, but put on that smile, lift up your eyes and look up because your redemption is drawing nigh, understand and know that I am your source. For the greatness of the things that shall now be done shall not be understood, for they shall be far greater than anything that you have ever seen. For the harvest shall come in, yes, the harvest shall come in and the saints shall grow more spiritual and more spiritual and more spiritual. For it shall be an exciting time, a time of great joy, a time of great peace, a time when I fulfill all my word unto you, even though you do not know the things that I am yet going to do. I say unto you, therefore, listen very carefully, ponder the things that I tell you, that means to think upon them, meditate upon them, weigh them out, weigh them out that you understand what I am saying. For truly they shall be things you have never heard of and there shall be ways you have never heard of and yet I, your Father God, shall lead you through the wilderness and it shall be a victorious wandering and you shall not fret over anything including food, water, whatever. For I shall totally completely heal you, strengthen you and provide for you that you are able to do the things that I, your Father God, said you shall do, it shall be that hour. Oh, what an hour, what an hour, for multitudes shall flock in for their healings, for their deliverances, for the things that I have for them and you will be in ministry for twenty-four hours of the day as I have said before. So let your hearts be filled with rejoicing, for the hour is at hand.
For the Holy Spirit shall guide you in a way that he has never guided you before, for it will be a closer, a much closer relationship and, therefore, you must, you must walk in the spirit realm, you must fulfill the spirit realm, you cannot lack in that area. But you need to be strong in that area and flowing in the spirit like you have never flowed before.
Let your Bibles be open as they lay in your house and allow the Holy Ghost to guide you through the scripture verses. Not the ones you want to read, but allow the Holy Ghost to lead you through, to educate you, prepare you, to make you ready. But, oh what an hour is ahead, an hour ahead like you have never heard of, never seen, never enjoyed, but you shall embrace it and it shall be good. And you shall see the multitudes as they come and you shall see the laborers as they come, for laborers are what you need and I have those perfect laborers for you in every single area and you shall rejoice as the work of God is finally coming to an end and it shall be fulfilled to the tee. There shall not be one little dot, not one little tittle that is not crossed and dotted and fulfilled, it shall all be wrapped up even as I have said it shall be wrapped up. Therefore, you have to understand my word, you have to know my word, you have to walk in my word, you have to hear my voice, for there are very few of you that know my voice. Learn my voice, walk, walk, walk according to my word, for I have said so this day, your Father God has spoken unto you and gave unto you wisdom and gave unto you knowledge, therefore, do as I say that I can do as I have said I would do.
For even as my angels, says the Lord, look into the things that I am doing yet they don’t comprehend it, for it is not meant for them to understand it, says the Lord, it is meant for you to understand, you to function in, you rule in, says the Lord. Therefore, I say unto you, you need to press in, press in, press in, because it is you that needs to understand these things, says the Lord.
For truly it is that time, it is that hour, as I have said you could call it the final quarter, the final minutes, the sprint to the finish line. For truly it is now that time and so the things that shall take place would be great, some of them will be wonderful, but many things will take place that will not be so good like I have already told you. But those things are not for my church, those things are for the world to wake those up who are asleep, they are not for my people who are walking with me the way I have spoken. So, therefore, you do not need to fear those things, but you only need to walk in the fullness of all the things that I have for you, all of the blessings. For truly, it is a great and wonderful time for my church, for even as I have turned all the lights green and yet at the moment you would say, Lord, well they are holding, but you do not see what is going on in the spirit realm that everything is go, go, go, go, and you will see it, you will see it in the weeks to come how everything is go, go, go, and you cannot move fast enough to get everything done. Didn’t I tell you that is how it would be, but yet it wasn’t time yet, it wasn’t the hour yet, but it is now that hour, it is now that time and it is time to run with me and do all that I have called you to do for these days and these hours, saith the Lord.
The Lord God says, as you guys are sitting here today, he is showing me the new buildings being up, the harvest being ripe. The Lord God says, he says that when that building, when it is up it is going to be jam packed to the rafters, not just dead people, but people who are on fire, so if you don’t get on fire you are going to get left behind. The Lord God told me the people that are lame, blind, the people with walkers, wheelchairs, all that are coming are being healed, delivered and set free. So wake up today, get your life right with God, get your life ready, because the harvest is coming, for the harvest is ripe and there are people out there crying inside waiting for God to show them where to go. The Lord God says this is the place to come, the Lord God says he is going to send someone to you to come, because the harvest is going to come, you are going to see miracles, signs and wonders and that pile is going to be high with those wheelchairs and crutches. The Lord God says today whatever your need is Jesus has already defeated it when he went down and defeated the devil, when he died on that cross. Bring your needs to the store place today and allow God to move upon you and stop holding it in, stop allowing the devil to show you that little pain, allow God to deliver you from it today, the Lord God says. So come be healed, delivered, set free, come and allow his anointing to fall upon you, come and allow your cup to be overflowing today.
12-9-18 pm service
Just allow your spiritual ears to hear in the spirit realm as clearly as you can. Continue to draw closer to me in the word, know my word, don’t allow people to come to you and say my word says, does my word say that, for is not that what the devil did to Eve? Don’t allow them to fool you or deceive you or trick you, for they are children of the devil and because they are children of the devil they go around to trap and deceive others. Let your ears be open to my word, to my counseling, to my instruction, for I shall heal you from the very top of your head to the soles of your feet that you walk in perfect health, that you lack nothing, that you are able to run and carry out my word, to carry out the things that I will have for you to do. For there shall be many things, for I have said unto you, you shall be operating twenty-four seven, no one person can continue that schedule, so there will be many. Be ready to be one, be ready to do the things that I have for you. Oh, the glory, the glory, the glory that you shall see and the honor that I will give unto you, those that you will help and soon become part of your laboring force reaching others. So when the harvest is in full swing, oh there will be multitudes, multitudes, multitudes and you don’t have a building big enough to house all the multitudes, but they can come and land can hold them. Oh and they can be touched and healed and delivered and set free and they can be taught even on the side bank or walking a trail with you or in your house. For the work that I shall do shall be a great work, all you need to do is be ready to flow with me, walk with me, allow My Spirit to move through you and you shall see glory like you have never seen.
Do not be fearful or do not think well, Lord, I don’t know enough to do that, you don’t need to, what you need to do is listen to me, know what I tell you to say. Do what I tell you to do and you will find that everything will go perfect.
For what things does a man know except I speak to him, says the Lord. Some things are in my word, but yet I reveal them to them at a time when they need them, says the Lord. For my word is profitable unto all things, says the Lord, especially to those that are in need of a certain thing at times, says the Lord. You need to hear what I have to say that you can give them the word in that time, says the Lord.
For if you are my children then my word says, my sheep know my voice and the voice of another they will not follow. So, therefore, you know my voice and yet most of you are not taking the time to listen to the things that I am speaking unto you. So you haven’t gotten to know my voice like you should, but you will. For if you begin to spend more time with me you begin to know my voice, as you begin to get into my word more and more you shall know my voice even clearer. For it is important for the days and the hours that are ahead that you know my voice so I can use you in a mighty and powerful way. For if you know my voice then I can speak through you to others, and oh, the changes that shall take place. For man’s wisdom can do nothing, but my wisdom can accomplish anything, saith the Lord.
For, I say unto you my children, I have called each and every one of you, says the Lord. I have given you gifts yet the gifts sometimes sit dormant, says the Lord. Use the gifts that I have given unto you, open your mouth, do the things that I have called you to do and you shall see, you shall see, you shall see, says the Lord.
12-5-18 pm service
For my love is flowing like a river, flowing like you have never felt it flow before, because it is my love that will draw you closer, that will keep you safe to me, that you will turn to me, that you will trust me, that you will walk with me. For I love you with an everlasting love and I desire that all, all come to the knowledge of salvation, I desire that you understand my word that you walk in the fullness of the things that I have for you. I desire that you be overcomers of fear that fear does not control you or you are not fearful of the things that are coming, for there is nothing to be fearful of. For I am with you and I said I would go with you all the way, I will never leave you, I will never forsake you. Therefore, trust me, do not be concerned about the things you will see in the news, the things that you will hear, for I love you and I am watching over you and keeping you safe.
For love is the greatest and as you allow that love to flow through you, you will love others and others will feel that warmth and they will come unto you and you can teach them and show them the way. You can be the light upon the path that they walk and they can feel that comfort and they can feel that strength and they shall find the way and they will reach heaven.
For my word is truth, the things that have been spoken, the things that have been written, the things that have been recorded, they are truth, they bring life unto you. For I have said to speak forth my word and I will move upon your behalf, but I also warned you not to speak forth the negative things, not to speak forth the things that were not my words. For I said that those things would also come to pass if you were not careful. Be very aware of this in the coming days ahead, for many things can be avoided by setting a guard upon your mouth, for many will face disaster because of the things that they allow to come out of their mouth. So set a guard and only speak forth my words, only speak forth those things that are edifying and uplifting, for those are the words that are needed, those are the words that shall bring about change, those are the words that shall bring about results. For truly it is a time and hour like at no other time before, it is the last hour, a time when I said I would pour out My Spirit without measure, a time when I said many great and wonderful thing would take place for my church. Not so for the world, but if you are of my household you have many great things to look forward to in the coming days ahead. Be uplifted, be excited, be filled with My Spirit to overflowing that my love, that my joy, that my peace shall be resonating out of you that they can be seen by others. For truly those are my fruit and my sheep shall bear my fruit, that is what my word says, so be filled with my word, saith the Lord.
Beware of the peace treaty, for they are pushing extremely hard to get it signed and that shall trigger things and things will take place so quickly that you will be amazed at the change but be in prayer, be in prayer.
12-2-18 am service
Be aware of your angels and get used to knowing them, for it has been assigned to each and every one of you two that were called your guardian angels, and if you are spiritual, if, you should recognize these. For you are coming into the hour when you are going to need them like you have never needed anything before, you need to know them, for they have been assigned to you to be ministering spirits unto you, to carry out my will, not your will. Therefore, you have got to know my will, because if you don’t know my will you are always trying to do your will, and if you are trying to do your will you are not achieving anything at all except spinning your tires and becoming more confused or more mixed up. Know my word, know my word, my word is so important to you, the hour is so late, so many things are going on that people are not even recognizing. Did you recognize the earthquake in Alaska, do you understand what that means, you should, you have been told. Oh, that my people would wake up out of their slumber, they are not having a dream, they are not having a nightmare, none of those things should ever have taken place in your life. Your dreams should be bound up and given unto me and I will give unto you the dreams that you should have that you can walk in the fullness, the fullness of My Spirit, that you can walk according to my word and walk according to my plan. Man can’t do that, no, man can’t do that, he has to submit and surrender one hundred percent to me and allow My Spirit to move within him, allow My Spirit to lead him and guide him and direct him, to allow My Spirit to move freely and then it becomes something special, he can becomes a giant among all those walking on the earth. How many Samson’s were there, how many, how many Moses’, how many Elijah’s, or Elisha’s, how many Abraham’s, wake up. Don’t try to be something you are not, be what I have called you to be, for when you know what I have called you to be then you fulfill my word and when you fulfill my word victory comes. It was just weeks ago they were telling you, you were at a standstill and yet doors have opened, even a bank that you didn’t even know about suddenly opened its doors and you haven’t even talked to them. Oh, there are other ways to that are opened that you don’t know of, that you understand not. And I have ways for you to prosper, I have ways for you to be victorious, I have ways, ways that you haven’t even heard of or tested or tried yet. But you shall if you are walking with me, if you are listening to My Spirit, if you are not trying to do your own thing and force your own way in. Let my way be the right way, for then, then, only then you shall be everything that I want you to be. For I have great things for you, great things for you, great things for you, will you do them?
For even my messages to you have dovetailed each other without anybody talking together and figuring out what they are going to do and what they are going to say, for you don’t do that here and you shouldn’t do that here. But if you listen you would find that one built on the other and as they built then you knew the directions that I was sending you, the directions that I desired that you take. Why, that you could be one with me.
For I say to you, my children, open up your eyes upon the things in which I am speaking unto you and educate yourselves on them, says the Lord, for everything that I have given unto you is in my word. It is up to you to press in and receive those things that I have already spoken unto you, says the Lord. Educate yourself, educate yourself.
There is coming a time and an hour when you will not open your door and go out without hearing from me first, for it will not be safe, it will not be safe. And you won’t be running here and there like you do now, because I haven’t told you to do that, and if you go, you will end up getting yourself into trouble that you can’t get out of. You need to listen, the hour is clicking down, the time is getting shorter, there is ample time to do everything that I desire to do, but you must do it in my timing, and not yours. You must walk side by side with me; the Holy Spirit must be constantly your teacher and your guide. You cannot worry about things, for I have told you not to be worried or not to be anxious, not to walk in fear, I have told you that. So you can’t be in those areas, you can’t be a scatterbrain otherwise, you need to hear my words and hear them clearly and not put your words in there to change my words to say what you want, you need to hear what I say. But it all shall fall together so fast, so perfectly, it will be the glorious hour that you have ever seen on the face of the earth. And the miracles, the signs and the wonders and the glorious church shall all be because you have listened and you followed me.
Know my word like never before, know the promises that I have given unto you and said are yours, take hold of them. Do not allow the enemy to have them, do not allow him to steal them from you, for I gave them to you and yet at times you have questioned me and said, Lord, is it ever going to come to pass and yet you are not walking in my timing and when it begins to unfold you will see how it all works out perfectly. Continue to keep your trust and confidence in me, continue to look to me, for it is the time and the hour when all things shall come to fulfillment, I have already told you that. And even some have not received some of the things that I have for them because they have not been as faithful as they needed to be. But you can still receive those things that I have said are yours, for it is the hour of fulfillment, understand what that means, that means everything that I have spoken unto you has to take place, has to come to pass. For it is the hour of fulfillment.
For have I not told you that all things are possible with me, says the Lord? Therefore, if you are believing for something don’t limit me, says the Lord, don’t speak the words that you speak but speak my words. For if you desire more than one vehicle, if you desire another house, trust me, says the Lord and I will supply it.
Remember that every perfect and good gift comes down from heaven. Therefore, ask yourself, is that a good gift or is it one of those traps of the devil? I don’t give traps, use your brains that I have given unto you, be wise, don’t be simple.
The Lord God says, how on fire are you today, how on fire are you? This church should be packed today, the Lord God says the harvest is ripe and laborers are few. Get on fire today, the Lord God says, get out of your seats come up and allow God to move upon you, stop sitting back and stand there, for if you want God to move upon you, you want him to move upon your life, get out of your seat and allow him to. Get out of your seat allow him to touch you today, get out of your seat and allow him to set you on fire, get out of your seat and allow him to heal you and give you a miracle. Stay there and you cannot get it, if you allow him you can get it, so get out of your seat and allow God to move now.
12-2-18 pm service
For my word goes out and never, never comes back empty, if it doesn’t come back it means you canceled it out, not me. For I have told you my word will go out and produce those things that I have sent it forth and it will. So if there is any shortage on any side, then you need to do some changing. I hope my whole church can understand that, because of the time that you have now moved into, you need to get your answers, you need to know my voice, you need to recognize your angels and walk very closely by their side, because they are walking closely by your side, realize they are there, if you call out to them they will answer. Be not fearful of the things that you hear taking place throughout the world, for as I have told you before I did not create hell for you. Hell was created for the devil and his angels, only those that are following him are going there, those that aren’t following him are not going there. Therefore, you can walk in the victory that I have for you, you can be the overcomer that I said that you could be, you can be above and not beneath, you can have all the joy pain free, believe me, believe me.
Oh my love, how great my love is for you, for I loved the world so much that I sent my Son to die, but the verse afterwards tells you that I did not send him to condemn the world, no, no, no, but that the world through him might be saved. For if they go to hell it is not for sin, they refused the free gift that I have given them.
For my word declares that you are saved by my grace not by any works that you should do, says the Lord, but by my Son, Jesus Christ and I said unto you, he died for you and he came up to me, says the Lord, with his sacrifice that was well pleasing, says the Lord. Therefore, offer yourselves up to me, sacrifices, says the Lord.
For that is why I said unto you that my grace, my grace is sufficient, for in the very beginning the devil plotted and planned and tried to trap and trip and fool people, but I was always ahead of him and always had a plan to deliver you and set you free, to cause you to be the victors, to cause you to be the head and not the tail, above and not beneath. So walk in all the victories that I have for you, for truly they are yours. So be not fearful of the things that he says, for he cannot do one single thing, he can’t even take your life unless I give him permission and I am not giving out permission today for that. So walk in the victories that I have for you, walk in the joy that I have for you and be the overcomer that I said you could be. For I would show you anything or do anything that I could to make sure that you settle it once and for all that your name would be written in the Lamb’s Book of Life and truly you would be there on that great day.
Therefore, know my word like never before, for it is in my word that I have given you the keys to walk in victory that you are not defeated, that you are not downtrodden, but that you are the victor and that you are the overcomer. For in the days ahead there are many things that shall take place that I have already revealed unto you and great shall be the disaster that shall take place. And yet my promise to you is what, did not I say that I would take you through the days ahead victoriously? Would I not say I would be with you every step of the way; there is nothing that you needed to worry about but to put all of your trust and all of your confidence in me. For truly that is what I need you to do my children, I need you to trust in me now like never before and see that I shall do what I have said that I will do. For the days ahead can be very easy or they can be met with great difficulty, yet I have already made a way for you even as I made a way for you when Jesus went to the cross, I have already made a way and all you need to do is walk in that way, saith the Lord.
11-25-18 am service
Unpack your running shoes, put away your pride and your stubbornness, let your spiritual ears be open that you can run and that you can run the race far swifter, far faster than you have ever run before. For truly it shall be an exciting time, saith your Father God, it shall be a time like no other time and it shall be now, not later, for if you wait until later you will find yourself waiting forever, but in hell and not in heaven. Therefore, I say, wake up, wake up, run the race, for the race is ready, the race is now and it shall be a great race and there are many things that shall be done. For truly the change has come and has taken place and your caught up in it. Therefore, I say, run, run, run, run I say, run.
For my word unto you has been run, run, be not stubborn like a donkey, for the donkey can miss out. Be like the one that heard my voice and saved his prophet from death. Listen, listen and run full speed ahead.
For I say unto you, my children, my word has been laid open for you. Run in my word, says the Lord, I have not hidden anything from you, for it is right open for you now, says the Lord. Run, run, run in my word, says the Lord.
For it shall be exciting, it shall be unbelievable, but most of all it shall be supernatural and you shall see supernatural things such as you have ever seen in your life. You shall hear me tell you to do supernatural things that shall change your whole life and cause you to be a victor, an overcomer, cause you to rise to the highest place possible, for you shall be above and not beneath, you shall be the head and not the tail, you shall be over not under. Therefore, I say unto you, listen carefully to my words this day, saith your Father God, ponder them, do you know what that word ponder means, it means to think upon them, not reject them, think upon them, think upon them. For you will need meditation, for that meditation shall bring you victory, that meditation shall make you everything that I desire that you be. Listen, therefore, and follow and do the things that I say, for truly it shall be awesome.
For I told you that all the lights have turned green and you have seen a little bit of that, but you have not seen it in its fullness yet. But if you would look in the spirit realm you see how everything is go, go, go, and now it is the time to run and it is not time to tarry, it is not time to wait, but it is time to run, it is time to get into that place where I have called you to be and run with me. It is time to run, it is the last run, the sprint to the finish line, it is that time now, saith the Lord.
Do you have a roadblock in your life today; do you have something that stops you from running? Today is the day to stand up to the devil to tell him to get out of your way. Today is the day to tell the devil you have the victory in the name of Jesus. Devil you cannot win because Jesus has defeated you already. The Lord God says, get up out of your seats today, do a victory march, then come run to the altars, allow the Holy Spirit to come upon you today and give you direction, so run, run, run.
11-25-18 pm service
It is a great hour when you live in my presence, when you walk in my presence and when you feel my presence as it surrounds you and fills you to overflowing. Oh the joy, the joy, the joy, the joy that shall fill your being as you walk closely by my side, as you begin to realize and see and understand the things that I am doing in this hour and this time and this day. Oh what a glorious hour it is for my church, not for the world, not for those that don’t walk close to me, but for my true church, those that hear my voice, those that know my voice, those that follow my voice, those that are obedient and walk with me. Oh the joy, the joy, the joy, it is an hour so great you don’t fathom the depth of it, nor the height of it, nor the width of it, for it is far greater than anything that you have seen or known. But you shall know it, oh you shall know it and you shall walk in it and it shall fill you, it shall fill you to overflowing.
For My Spirit shall come upon you in great measure, great measure and your spiritual eyes shall come alive like it has never been alive before and you will walk in the supernatural and the supernatural will become the natural, for it is that hour.
For, I say to you my children, the hour in which you lived previous to this next hour was an hour of preparation, says the Lord. And now is the hour to take activation of My Spirit, says the Lord, and do all the things that are written in my word and now you are ready, says the Lord.
For as you listen as I speak to you and become obedient and do the things that I say unto you, even though they shall sound very strange, things you have never heard, but as you become obedient you shall see the doors open like never before. You shall see the wealth of the heathen even flowing in like never before, you shall feel the anointing upon you that gives you boldness like never before. For you shall be walking in a realm that you have never walked in before. So fear not the things that I say, for if you look in my word you will find that they are there, they are right there before your eyes, it is just you have never known, you have always looked at things in the wrong way, you have been very negative and, therefore, you have never seen the glory of God performed on your life because of that negativity. But as you begin to see and walk in the Spirit and begin to agree with me, for when you agree with me and my word and you say the things that I say, then all of heaven moves on your behalf to bring the answers and you walk in the fullness of the glory of those things. So learn to do it very quickly because what I tell you shall come to pass very suddenly and I have some things for you right now, saith your Father God, that you need to begin to do and I shall tell you those things and many of you will not do them, but out of them shall come at least three multimillionaires. Oh the joy, the joy, the joy that shall now come.
For it is time in a sense to become activated, for no longer sit back and wait, but to rise up and begin to run as I told you this morning. It is time to move forward, it is time to go forth and do the things that I have prepared you to do for these days and for these hours. For multitudes shall come very soon now even though it the natural you don’t think that is even possible. I know it is possible and I know how suddenly it will take place, and even you yourselves will stand in amazement at the things that shall take place, even though I told you about them over and over and over and over. Have you been in the word, have you been spending time in prayer, for if you have you are ready, if you have not, you need to so you can be ready, so you do not have to catch up. For do you not remember I said many would come and run by those that have been sitting under this anointing for many years? Where is your hunger, have you lost sight of the promises that I have said were yours? They are still sitting there waiting for you to claim them, but many will go unclaimed and will be given to others, but that is not my desire. My desire is that all are blessed and walk in the fullness of everything that I have for them. But that choice is up to you my children, that choice is up to those who desire me more than the earthly things, who desire to do my work more than their own, who desire to follow after me with all of their heart. Be one of those, my children, be one of those.
11-21-18 pm service
For let your hearts be filled with great joy, let that joy bubble over, for truly all of the things, the blessings, the promises, those things that are going to be fulfilled, now can fill your heart already with joy just thinking upon those things, mediating upon those things, and calling to your remembrance the things that I have promised you, the things that I have said unto you. For all of them, all of them shall be fulfilled, this place should be filled to overflowing with your praises, with your thanksgiving. Don’t be narrow-minded and look at one day, don’t look at yourself and be selfish, but think upon the blessings, think upon the promises, think upon the things that I, your Father God, have said. For truly they shall come now, they shall come in great abundance and they shall bless you and you are to bless others or I will withhold those things from you and I will not give them to you, saith your Father God.
For joy is not unconditional, peace is not unconditional, happiness is not unconditional, it has been given freely to you, that in order to receive it in full abundance you must give it to them.
For let me tell you a truth my children, for the things that are going on are drawing my children away from me at times, says the Lord, their joy is being given unto someone else, says the Lord. But give it unto me, says the Lord, give it unto those that deserve it, says the Lord, for truly they need it, says the Lord.
For there is great truth behind the statement that I gave you in my word, that the joy of the Lord is your strength. For when you have joy there is nothing that can stop you, there is nothing that can slow you down or hold you back, but you are filled to overflowing, that is my desire for you to be in these days that you are living and walking in, saith the Lord. For the things that are going on in the world are terrible and if you get caught up in those things then the enemy can get a hold of you with fear and depression and doubt and unbelief and you do not want those things. So be filled with my joy to overflowing, let nothing stop you or hold you back and do not allow the enemy to steal it, for if he cannot steal your joy he cannot steal anything from you. For I have already given unto you victory, even at times you don’t see it, even at times you don’t feel it, my word is true and my word holds back and my word says that I will carry you through these days victoriously. My word say you are the overcomer, my word says you are the head and not the tail, above and not beneath, you are the victor, you have the victory, saith the Lord.
11-18-18 am service
Let your hearts be filled with great joy, but for you this is a new hour, a very new hour, an hour when I fulfill my word to you like never before. For all the doors are open, all the lights are green, there are no stops, there are no delays, it is full charge ahead and you shall see, you shall see. For there shall not be a thing that you cannot afford to do that you desire to do, but you shall go forth, you shall go forth as I have said unto you and you shall be all that I have told you, you shall be. For all the lights are green, yes, again, I say unto you, all the lights are green, no more speak doubt, no more speak fear, no more speak discouragement, but speak my words, speak my words and I shall quickly do the things that I have promised you.
For the wind is blowing and the wind is blowing good things, for it is good things that it is blowing in and it is blowing in every direction. For they shall come from every area and there shall be no stopping them, there shall be no stopping them, and people shall come and there shall be no stopping them, for the wind is blowing, the wind is blowing.
It is that time and it is that hour, saith your Father God, oh, the blessings, the blessings, the blessings, they shall come like rain drops and they shall flood upon you and the dams will not be able to hold them back. For they are blessings that you have earned, blessings that you have deserved, blessings that now can come, for it is that hour and it is that time, saith your Father God. For many have doubted, many have mocked, many have made fun, but now they shall be the laughingstock for I, your Father God, shall do the things that I have said and man shall see it, man shall see it and they shall be touched by the greatness of your Father and the greatness of you and the greatness of the work that you shall do. For I have laid it out, oh, I have laid it out step by step, I have laid it out ounce by ounce, it is ready, it is ready, it is time, it is time, it is time, saith your Father, yes, it is time.
For therefore, I say unto you, set your face upon the things that I am doing, saith the Lord. Look not to what the world is doing because it is full of fools, saith the Lord, foolish things the world is doing. But look unto me, for my word declares the things that I am going to do, says the Lord, look into it, look into it and see, says the Lord.
For truly I am the God of the impossible, for I make all things possible, there is nothing that can stand in my way that I cannot move through, saith the Lord. For I have given unto you my word and I have given unto you my promise, why doubt those things, for I can do any of them very easily. But it is your faith that holds you back at times, for you don’t really use it like I have said to use it, you don’t really stand upon my word even though that is the only sure thing that you have, my word. Oh, my people, that you would stand upon my word now like never before that you would put all of your trust and all of you confidence in me. For I will move the mountains that stand before you, but to me they are nothing but a little anthill and I can step on them and wipe them out very easily even though to you they seem impossible, to me they are nothing. Stand upon my word, put all of your trust, put all of confidence in me, for I will move in a mighty and powerful way if you trust me, if you do not doubt but believe what I have told you, believe what I have said that I would do. For it is now that time, it is now that hour and it wasn’t that time or that hour before, do you understand that my children, it is that time now? So stand upon my word like never before and allow me to move upon your behalf like at no other time, saith the Lord.
The Lord God says, take that rain jacket off; take that umbrella off today because he wants to rain upon you today with his miracles, signs and wonders. He wants to take that stress from you today, he wants all your burdens to fall upon his feet today. So take that umbrella off, take that raincoat off and come and allow God to move upon you today.
11-18-18 pm service
For truly my revival fire shall burn within you, for I shall set you aglow with the Holy Ghost and with the fire of God. You have heard of the fire of God, you shall burn with that fire, it shall burn within you brighter than ever. And you shall walk in the fullness of my strength; the fullness of my power and you shall be all that I have said that you would be. For it is that hour, it is that time, saith your Father God, don’t allow the things that take place to surprise you, for I have told you they shall, yes, they shall, they shall and you shall be victorious, you shall be the overcomer, you shall be the head and not the tail above and not beneath. You shall be all, all that I have said you will be, you will be that glorious church without spot or wrinkle, that church that brings in that end time revival that lasts almost a year and multitudes, multitudes shall come. So rejoice I say, rejoice, rejoice, let that fire burn tonight, let that fire burn.
Be not fearful but be filled with the boldness of the Holy Ghost, be brave, be strong, be wise and walk in my power.
For, I say unto you my children, when My Spirit gets a hold of you, you won’t look at the circumstances, the circumstances will look at you and tremble, says the Lord. For I am the Lord thy God and I will do all that I said that I will do, who dare stand against me, says the Lord, for they shall be beaten to powder, says the Lord, for I am the Lord.
So don’t allow the enemy to knock you down or set you back, but rise up in the power and authority that I have given you and put him in his place, for he has already been defeated and yet at times he needs to be reminded of that. But you have been given all power and all authority over him. So do not allow the things that he is trying come against you to hold you back from doing what I have called you to do, saith the Lord, for I have already given you the victory over him.
11-14-18 pm service
Are you watching and praying like I have told you to watch and pray, are you aware of what is going on in Israel or are you sleeping as normal, disobedient as normal and not listening? Oh, the disaster that is about ready to take place, the disaster that could have waited a short time, but shall now come, but not at the time that it should come. Therefore, I say, watch and pray, you know my word or should know my word, you know what is for this hour and what is not for this hour. You are not ready for a cashless society, but you could have it tomorrow, you are not ready for some things that could suddenly happen simply because no body prayed. They couldn’t even pray for one hour when my Son Jesus, when they asked him, don’t be like that. I have some great and wonderful and mighty things yet that I desire to do and I shall do them with or without my people. I shall do the things that I have promised, I shall fulfill my word and those that walk by my side shall go out victoriously, they shall be the overcomers and they shall win, win, win.
Set your course, set you goal, set it firmly, not wishy-washy, but set it firmly, firmly, that means you don’t change directions at any time at any point but you press on, you press toward the goal, you press toward the goal.
It is a great hour though, the greatest hour that my church has ever seen and yet some are living as if it is the worse hour, why? Is not my word true, have I not promised, if I have promised I will do what I have said that I would do, you can guarantee yourself on that. So why not receive the blessings instead of the curses?
What are the things that you are allowing to come forth out of your mouth, for does not confession bring possession, are they the things that you desire, or are they the things that you don’t want? For truly I have told you to set a guard upon your mouth, for the enemy is running with those negative things that come forth and he is bringing them to pass very quickly and those things are coming upon you and you do not realize that you are letting it come forth out of your mouth. For I have said that you should be the overcomer, that you should be the victor, I did not say that you would not go through battles and I am not talking about that. But I did tell you that you would walk in victory and not be defeated and yet if you are walking in defeat it is because you have planted those seeds and they are now producing. Repent, call upon my name, for I will hear you and I will turn it around and set a guard that the negative things do not come forth but only my word comes forth. Then you can go forth and do all that I have called for you to do and you can be the victor and the overcomer and be all that I have called for you to be. For I have many great things in store for you, but if you allow the negative things to come forth you must reap what you sow, isn’t that what my word says? But yet there is time for you to receive all that I have said that you could receive in these days and these hours, for I have promised them unto you and all you need to do is speak forth my word, saith the Lord.
11-11-18 am service
For my word is sharper than a two-edged sword dividing to the marrow, if you walk in my word you shall walk victoriously, you shall go through this time that you are in right now. You will be the overcomers, you will be the head, you will not be the tail, you will be above and not beneath, for I, your Father God, have told you that I will watch over you, that I will protect you, that I will keep you. I shall make a way where there is no way and you shall be that army of mine that I have talked to you about and you shall lead many, many, many shall come in, in these last days, saith your Father God and they shall come quickly. And you will see them coming from the north, the south, the east, the west, they shall come, for the call has gone out. So fear not the evil that is on the face of the earth at the moment, for I have said I will watch over you, I will protect you, I will take you safely through. Trust me, put all of your trust in me, put all of your confidence in me and walk with the assurance that I have given unto you. For truly I am the Lord thy God and I go before you and make the way, walk with me, walk with me, walk with me.
For even in his last days Samson was a great warrior and my church shall be far greater than Samson was and they will be able to walk with their heads held high. For they are children of the King, they are heirs to the throne, they’re joint heirs and I love them with an everlasting love. Therefore, I say unto you, fear not, fear not, fear not, for I have made a way for you.
For I say unto you my children, rise up and get on my highways, I am taking you away, says the Lord, you will go higher and higher, did you hear me, you will go higher and higher? Rise up; get on my highway today, says the Lord.
So even though you see trouble on the right side and on the left side, fear not, fear not, for they are not of me, saith your Father God and they shall not overcome, but you shall overcome. For you are the head, you are not the tail, you are the head, I give unto you my word, I give unto you my promises, I stand with you and I fight for you, so who can stand against you? Know ye not who you are, for you are children of the most high King, you are joint heirs with Jesus Christ your Lord and you are the top, the very top, you are the heirs, the very heirs to the throne, the heirs, the heirs. For it shall not be long, saith your Father God, when you shall come, yes, you shall gather together at that banqueting table and you shall know and you shall see and you shall understand. For I have told you these things, so fear not, fear not, but trust me, trust me, trust me.
For will I not move upon your behalf if you call upon my name? For at times you try to do things in your own power, in your own might, in your own strength, and yet I stand by waiting for you to call upon me that I may intervene upon your behalf. So you see it is not by your own might or your own power, but it is with my power and my strength that you can do all things. For it is with my power that I fill you so you can make it through, saith the Lord. For I desire for you to be all that I have called you to be, I desire for you to walk in victory and be the overcomer, but you need to walk with me, you cannot do it on your own, but you need me my children. For truly it is that time and it is that hour that I have spoken to you about, it is time to rise up like I have said, it is time to do the things that I have called for you to do, but you need to walk with me in order to do those things, saith the Lord. Walk with me, walk with me and be the overcomer that I have called you to be.
For those of you who are not from our church and you don’t know, our sister has been gifted with a very special gift, she speaks in perfect Levitical high priest language and the people Israel respond to us and write to us. So the words that God speaks to the Jews usually are different than ours because they stay a little longer, but that is who if you hear anything that is different, that is why.
But, I say unto you my children, you are stiffed necked, you are rebellious and you still continue to go your way. The dividing of Israel is very soon now and you are not standing up and protesting the way that you should and stopping it and, therefore, it shall come, I have warned you, I have told you. For the antichrist speaks before your people every day, he rules the mountaintop there, many are following him and soon, soon he shall establish his throne upon my throne, oh foolish, foolish, foolish. Turn, turn and repent, there is still yet time, saith your Father, there is yet time, be not foolish, do, do what my word tells you to do.
The Lord God says today he wants to be your Shepard, he wants to be your healer, he wants to be your all. He said open up the altars this morning allow him to heal, deliver and set you free, allow him to give you directions for your life today, allow him to move upon you. So come and allow God to move today, the Lord God says.
The Lord God says there is someone sitting here today you are waiting for your miracle. The Lord God says you need a miracle in your feet, will you come to the altar right now, the Lord God say you will have that miracle, God is tugging at your heart right now. So come and get that miracle right now before it is too late.
11-11-18 pm service
For I love you with an everlasting love, a love far greater than you realize, you are the apple of my eye and I long to bless you, I long to prosper you, I long to keep you safe in my arms and I try very hard, saith your Father. But at times your mouth, your confession, your believing causes disaster to come upon you, it is not from me, for I never spoke those things into being, but you do. But if you will walk closely by my side, I will go before you and make a way where there is no way, I will open doors that are shut so tight that man cannot open them, but I will open them and you will walk through them with no effort whatsoever. I will cause you to prosper that you will not owe any man anything except love and I will do it in a short time, a very short time, for the time is very short. So fear not what is going on in the world, fear not the things that you hear, but look into my word, look into my word, don’t say you know my word and then speak things that are not in my word. Know my word, for as you know my word, as you walk in my word, then you become the victors, the overcomers. And the time is very short, things are going on right now, next week as you hear the news you shall be shocked at the things that are going on. But let not fear overcome your hearts, for you win, you win, we knew nothing but win, we win; write that down that you will remember that. For I have told you I shall take you through this time victoriously, I shall cause you to be the head and not the tail above and not beneath.
For the enemy is a liar, he is the father of lies, he has always told nothing but lies. Therefore, do not listen to him and those that belong to him lie right along with him. Mark them, that is what I have told you to do, mark them.
For when you rise up with My Spirit that I have given unto you, says the Lord, you set the camp on fire and the devil is left with nothing but him and his demons naked, says the Lord. Therefore, let that Spirit rise up within you and burn the camp down, says the Lord, take charge, take charge, rise up, speak my word and destroy all that the devil would try to take what he has and places that upon you. But you have the authority, says the Lord, therefore, he is lying, take authority over his lies in Jesus name, says the Lord.
11-7-18 pm service
For truly it is the hour to lift up my name and exalt it like none other. It is that hour, saith your Father God, that the whole world knows whether you love me or whether you don’t love me, whether you honor me or you are ashamed of me. For I love you with an everlasting love and I am not ashamed to tell you that I love you. I am not ashamed to say that I will go to the ends of the earth for you, that I will bless you coming in, that I will bless you going out, that I will cause you to be the head and not the tail above and not beneath. If you will put your trust in me, if you will walk with me, if you let others know, if you honor me, I will honor you, if you favor me, I will favor you, but if you walk with your head down, if you deny me then my word says I will deny you. But it is that hour, saith your Father God, to exalt my name, to lift it above all others, for there is a hungry, a dying world out there and they need to come into the safety of the fold while there is yet time. For the time is running out extremely fast, walk with me, love me, allow me to love you.
For truly my love is everlasting, man does not understand my type of love, he confuses it with fleshly love. My love goes much deeper, much deeper and when you love me with all your heart then you will serve me with all your hearts.
Be not fearful, for I have promised you that I would watch over you, that I would protect you, that I would take you safely through the times that are here, and they are here now, they are not coming, they are here now and I will take you safely through. Therefore, take my hand and walk with me, for as you walk with me each step you draw one step closer and when that hour comes, and it will come very quickly now, you shall go with me and you shall be mine and I shall be yours, for truly I love you.
For truly it is a great day and a great hour for my people, for it is the hour when you can walk in the fullness of all of my promises, the fullness of the blessings, the fullness of everything that I have for you for these days and for these hours. For I am pouring out My Spirit without measure just as I have promised I would do in the last days and it is now that time and it is now that hour. And some have seen that as it has already started, others have not experienced the fullness of it yet, but they know, they know, they know it is on its way, they can feel it in the atmosphere. For truly it is that time and it is that hour and I desire to move upon your behalf in a mighty and powerful way. But they need to keep their eyes upon me, do not be concerned with what is taking place in the world at the moment, for I have said that I would carry you through the days ahead victoriously. Yes, there is a set appointed time for things to take place and you do not want to see those things take place until that time, but continue to be in prayer. But you still have my promise that I will carry you through these days ahead victoriously, that the things that will take place do not have to affect you. So stand upon my word, stand upon my promises and receive all the things that I have for you in these days and these hours.
11-4-18 am service
Not only have I overcome, but you have overcome also, and yet you do not totally realize the victory that you have. For you are still battling the devil when you should be walking on him, instead you fear his demons and they should fear you. For you are the overcomers, you are the victors, and in the hours, the hour that you are living in you are my army, you are my defenders, you are those that go before. When you speak forth my word all the world shall know that my word has been declared and it shall come to pass. For I am not, I am not just a god, I am the God, there is no other but me, I am the only one and my Son Jesus paid the total price that you could walk in the freedom, that you could walk in the victory that you could be all that I have said that you could be. Yes, and this is the time, this is the month that you need to declare the things that I have said, you need to rise up, you need to come alive. For as soon as you speak evil it shall overcome you, but when you speak my word you shall have the victory, you shall be the overcomers, you shall be the victors and all things, all things belong unto you, for I have given them unto you. For I have made you heirs to my throne, joint heirs with my Son Jesus and you can do what I have said that you can do.
For the hour of great victory is at hand, saith your Father God, the hour that the church has believed in, the hour that the church has waited for, that hour, that hour, it is here now my children. Therefore, I say unto you, walk in those victories, claim those victories, know what belongs to you and walk in that area, don’t walk in the areas of defeat. For the enemy, he is roaming about seeking whom he may devour and he will devour all those that speak forth unbelief, those that speak forth negative things, those that speak forth sense knowledge faith. For as you walk in my faith, as you walk in my victory you shall have that victory.
For my children when I spoke light, light came about, says the Lord. For whatsoever you believe in your heart and speak, says the Lord, will come to pass whether good or bad. Therefore, speak my word, for my word needs to dwell in your heart richly that it comes out, says the Lord. Bind my words upon you, says the Lord, allow my words to affect you, says the Lord.
Victory, victory, victory, oh the victories, for victories are ahead for every one of you, if you walk according to my word the victories that I have for you, the blessings that I have for you, the riches that I have for you. For the possessions of the world will come unto my church and my work shall be done, for my work will go out and not return void and it will fulfill the things that my word says that it will do and you will walk in those victories, victory, victory, victory, victory.
For it has been recorded in my word the things that you would see in these days and these hours and it has also been recorded that my church would walk in victory, that my church would walk as the head, that my church would walk as the overcomers. And yet where are my overcomers, saith the Lord, where are my overcomers? Rise up in all the power, all the authority that I have given you, put the enemy under your feet and step into that place that I have called you to, step into that place that you can receive the victory, that you can receive the healings, that you can receive the miracles that I have for you. For I desire to pour out my blessings upon you and all you need to do is rise up and put the enemy beneath your feet, saith the Lord.
When Jesus was here when he prayed for people they were healed, when he prayed for the blind they could see, when he prayed for the dead they arose, when Jesus died he went to that cross for each and every one of us, he went down there, he defeated the devil so that we could have the victory today. The devil cannot win because we have the victory in Jesus, the Lord God says, whatever your need is tell the devil today you have the victory. Don’t allow the devil to walk on you, but you walk on the devil. The Lord God says do a victory march today and then come and allow the miracles, signs and wonders to move today and tell the devil you have the victory.
11-4-18 pm service
For truly it is a two way street because I need you, therefore, I have given unto you those things which you must do. You think that you need me and yet I have done everything humanly possible for you, there is nothing more I can do, not in this life, for it has all been done and yet I need you. I can do it without you, but I need you and many do not realize that, for they go about their own business as if I am not even there. They don’t think about me throughout the day, they don’t call upon my name, they will tell you they do and they do not realize that little lie can keep them out of heaven. Therefore, I say, draw closer to me, love me, love me like you would a sweetheart, love me, for I love you and I will always be there for you. I will meet every single need that you have, I will fight off every enemy that comes against you, I will strengthen you, I will empower you, I will prosper you. Call upon my name and I will answer you and I will show you the great and mighty things that I desire to do for you. Be ready, be ready, for you are in November and I need you.
When no matter what story you look at you can see my love, you see my love always there, my love was never lacking. If they were lacking my love that is because they were not walking with me, they have departed from me and they have gone their own way. But if you walk with me I will always be there, for I love you with an everlasting love.
For I will never leave you nor forsake you, but at times it is you that have forsaken me, at times you have not done the things that I have told you to do and at times you have reaped things because of that. But for those who go with me, for those who do all that I have said to do, they shall be the ones that are blessed, they shall be the ones that are victorious, they shall be the overcomers. And yet I have promised that to all of my children, if they would only do the things that I have told them to do, if they would only spend time with me, if they would only get into my word. For there is still time yet my children and I desire to move upon your behalf in a mighty and powerful way. Draw closer to me, draw closer to me, do not be one that is shaken when the wind blows, but be one who has a strong foundation that cannot be moved, that when even the greatest tempest arises, you can speak forth my word and it must go. For that is what I did even though my disciples didn’t and yet they could have, but they didn’t know my word, but yet when the Holy Spirit came and filled them, you saw how much more powerful they were, how much more they knew at that point in time. For to be without My Spirit is to lack my power, my authority, my ability. So you see you must be filled with My Spirit to walk in the fullness of all that I have for you in these days my children. Be filled to overflowing that there is room for no more, for truly I desire to bless you and move upon your behalf. I desire for you to walk in all the things that I have for you in these days and these hours, I desire for you to receive all that I have for you. For I love you with an everlasting love and I have already made a way and all you need to do is walk in that way, so, therefore, the choice is up to you. Do you want to receive all that I have for you or do you want to be continually defeated? All you need to do is follow my word, saith the Lord.
Oh, the blessings that I have for my children, those blessings are for this life not the life that is to come and you can only receive the blessings in this life not the life to come. So if you want to walk in the fullness of your blessings, then walk by my side, listen to my voice, do the things that I tell you and truly those blessings shall overtake you. You won’t have to go after them searching and looking and wondering where they are and saying I don’t think I received mine. Of course you didn’t because you didn’t do what I told you to do. Honest, honest, honest, we need to be honest.
The enemy tries to deceive you and speak wonderful things in your ears, but if you line it up along side of my word you will see all the holes and you will think a mouse has been in there, and worse yet a rat, because they sure eat a lot of holes in it. Know my word, don’t know your interpretation, but know my word, for when you know my word then you shall walk in the victories and the victory will be so great, so great, so great. Walk, walk in my victories.
For my children my word is the now foundation, says the Lord. There are no holes in my word, when it is knowledge there are no loopholes, there are no shortcuts, but my word is quick and powerful, says the Lord, and it will do all the things that you need it to do, says the Lord. Because I have backed it up, I have already spoken it, says the Lord, therefore, you just need to speak it and live it, says the Lord.
10-31-18 pm service
For the strength of my word shall strengthen you and cause you to walk victoriously and my word tells you, you are an overcomer, my word tells you that you are the victor, my word tells you that you shall prosper and be in good health. Walk by my word, read my word, know my word, study my word, for truly the greatest attacks in these days that we are in right now will be against my word. Know my word, know my word, stand on my word, for I have told you these things would come to pass and you are seeing them round about you. But there are things that you can do, so make sure that you do what you can do and I will do what I have said I will do.
Can two walk together accept they agree? Don’t say you are walking with me if you are not agreeing with me, because if you don’t agree with me, you are not walking with me.
For the time is short, so follow me, for when it comes to going in the rapture you shall see great destruction, for the rapture is coming, you need to be ready. For the time is short, today beware of November, for mighty stuff will happen.
Once again I have warned you about November, have you been in prayer about the things that I have said to be in prayer about, are you praying that the things the enemy desires to take place will not take place before the appointed time? For that only means more hardship for you in the long run, yes, I will be with you, I will carry you through, but there will be obstacles you will have to go over that you won’t have to go over if it happens in my timing, be in prayer, be watchful. For I have warned you many times already of November, be in prayer, be watchful, make sure that you are hearing my voice, make sure that you are seeking my face before traveling, it is very important during the month of November that you do this. For you will see much greater things than you have seen this year combined in November, it is very important. Do not put it off as being little or does not mean anything, for I have spoken it unto you many times, because it is very important. Heed unto the things that I have said and be ready that you are not caught off guard, that you can do all that I have called for you to do. For, yes, the time is short, but yet I shall fulfill all of my promises to you, I shall fulfill all of the things that I have spoken unto you. For I have said it would be a short work, but much, much would take place that at times you would be going twenty four seven, remember all of the things that I have told you would take place. Do you remember all of the things that I have said that you would do? For you might want to look some of those things up, for if I were to remind you of them all we would be here in to tomorrow and you don’t really want that. So search it out and see, ask me to bring it back to your remembrance, for my Holy Spirit will do that if you ask. For truly I desire for you to be blessed beyond measure, I desire for you to be the head and not the tail, I desire for you to receive all of the things that I have for you. So heed unto my warnings, do as I have said and be in prayer, saith the Lord.
10-28-18 am service
For truly there is nothing, nothing like my power, there is nothing that can even compete with my power, for I have all power, I am the great I am, I am the alpha and omega I am. Oh, I tell you my children, I desire that power fills you to overflowing, that that power flows from your veins, that that power flows from you mouth that you speak my word as you call out the things that be not as if they were and suddenly they become and the world sees it. For truly they will know that I am God, that you are mine and I have called you, for it is that hour and it is that time for that to come forth. So fear not what the enemy says, fear not what he tells you to do, but walk, walk in my strength, walk in my power, walk in my ability, for I am I am I am you know that I am and, therefore, as you speak my word I will do it, I will fulfill it, I will see that it comes to pass. For it is revival time, it is revival time, it is revival time.
For if you follow me each day, I will be able to save you for the rapture. For the Lord God will save you for the rapture, if you follow him today he will save you for the rapture. For November will have great things come. But for the people that do not follow God, it shall be terrible news. But the people who follow God today, shall be saved for the rapture. Etc etc will not go. Actions, if you fall into debt he will save you from your actions. November will have great things come. But if you do not follow God it shall be terrible news, but if you do follow God today you will be saved from your actions
For truly it is an hour so great, so great that my church doesn’t seem to realize what hour they are in. For when I created the heaven and the earth it was not as great as this hour you are now moving into. It is the hour you prayed for, it is hour you have hoped for, it is the hour that you have looked for and yet many turn it aside and say it is not coming yet. But, I say unto you, yes it is, yes it is, I have been giving you my word, I have been giving you the warnings, I have been speaking to you that you would know and understand, I have shown you clearly pictures of everything that is going to take place and you know more than others and later they come along with the words you have already spoken months, weeks, sometimes years before. For they haven’t heard, they haven’t known, they have listened to the wisdom, they have listened to the knowledge of man, but they haven’t listened to My Spirit, they haven’t listened to me. Therefore, I say listen, listen, for it is a spiritual walk, it is not a natural walk, it is not a natural walk, and if you are going to be the victors, if you are going to be victorious you must, you must walk in the Spirit.
My church is much like the days of Gideon, for they are hiding from the enemy, they are afraid of the enemy and they hide, they hide. The world is lying, lying, the news is lying, the newspapers lie, they don’t tell you the truth, only my word is the truth. Therefore, I say unto you, read my word, know my word, study my word, but most of all speak my word out of your heart, speak my word out of your heart, speak my word.
For have I not spoken to you in my word, says the Lord, concerning the last times, how my church, my church would say in their hearts that my Master delayeth his coming, I will do what I want to do and then when I come, says the Lord, what will I find my church doing? For now is the time, says the Lord, now is the time, I am coming and I am coming quickly, you better be ready, says the Lord.
The Lord God says if your life is not right with him today get it right with him today, get your life right with God today. The Lord God says get out of the dead churches today and go to the church that his fire is in, that he is moving in, that allows the Holy Spirit to move. Get out of the church that you don’t see the miracles, signs and wonders, because my church has the miracles, signs and wonders moving because they believe in me, they have me in their heart. The Lord God says for it is time for that revival heart to burn within you, he says it is time for those miracles, signs and wonders to move each and every day. It is time to invite your neighbors, it is time to invite your friends, it is time to invite your families, get them right with God today before Jesus comes back. Get your coworkers right with God, if you can, tell them about Jesus, all you have to do is believe and pray to God and he will show you the way, maybe will have to bring someone else in the fold to do it, but he will bring them in if you trust in him. So trust in God today for your neighbors, friends and family because the harvest is white and it is time for my revival fires to burn. So come today allow his anointing to fall upon you, today allow his miracles, signs and wonders, allow him to touch you like never before.
For I have wept over you and I have spoken to you not once but time and time and time again and yet you continue to be stiffed necked, you continue to go your own way. You have refused the Messiah, you have refused me and yet darkness stands at your door right at this very hour. For if you allow that division of your country one more time, then suddenly you will realize that Revelation fourteen is taking place in your midst and you quickly move into Revelation fifteen. And you will see the church that has stood by you and upheld you and called upon my name on your behalf, you will see them gone and they will be there no longer to support. The Holy Spirit will be there no longer as a support, there will be three and a half years of the worst hell you have ever seen and you have to hid in Petra, you will have to stay there and those that don’t go there will die, the blood will be from Israel to Petra. Oh, the disaster, the disaster, the disaster that lies ahead, for truly it is there, it is there, I have told you and I have told you and I have told you. Watch out, watch out, change your desires, do not do what you are planning on doing next week, do not, for that is November and I have warned and warned and warned about November and that will be it.
10-28-18 pm service
For truly it is a time to come deeper, to come deeper and to come closer to me, says the Lord. Not only just deeper in my word, but deeper in the sensitivity to My Spirit, for when I speak to you, you know that it is me speaking to you, that there is no question in your mind whether it is me or someone else. You are so sensitive to My Spirit that you know that very whisper when I beckon you to pray for someone or I beckon you to do something, that you know that very whisper and it resonates in your spirit and you know that it is I, your Father God, speaking to you. Yes, it is time for my children to become deeper, to become deeper and deeper. Oh, the things that I have for this hour and this time, do you not know the deepness of the hour, do you not know the lateness of the time. It is the time, it is the hour to draw ever closer to me, for great and mighty is the destruction of the things that shall take place in the world, but yet great and mighty are things that I shall do, saith your Father, I shall pour out My Spirit just as I have promised. Oh, it is time for my people to get ready like never before, it is time for them to shake off the shackles and to let go of the things that weigh them down and to be free in My Spirit, free, free, free that they can truly hear and know, know my voice like never before. It is the hour to draw closer my children, it is the hour to draw closer, to know my voice, oh it is that hour, it is that time. For I say unto you, press in like you have never pressed in before and you shall see that result of your actions. For my anointing is only getting greater and greater and greater, my presence is only getting greater and greater and greater and you shall see mighty, mighty things. Therefore, I say, draw close to me like never before.
For I say unto you, as you, when you call upon my name you shall see my glory, my glory shall shoot across the earth, says the Lord, as I call, as I call you to worship me, says the Lord, as you call upon me and you do the things that I have called you to do you shall see me move powerfully, says the Lord. For I shall cover the earth with my power, you shall see it and you will be a part of it, says the Lord. Watch, watch as the demons flee, as the demons try to find a place to hide, says the Lord, for truly you shall see my glory, says the Lord.
For truly great is the hour that you are living in. Does not my word say that my people shall do exploits in this hour, that greater things were yet to be done, even greater than what Jesus did when he was here upon the earth? And yet greater has not yet come to its fullness, but it is ahead for you my children, that should bring great excitement to your heart to know that I, your Father God, am going to move in a mighty and powerful way. Will you be ready when I call upon you, will you be ready to raise the dead, to lay your hands on the sick, to pray for the needs of those who have them, are you ready to do that? For my word says that my people can call upon my name and I will hear them, I will answer their prayers and yet very few are calling upon my name, yet I have given that power to all. Know me like never before, for truly disaster is coming for the world and I have warned you about that, I have told you about the next month that is up and coming and the things that shall take place. You do not have to fear those things, for if you are walking with me there is nothing that you need to worry about, the only thing you need to do is be hearing my voice and doing the things that I am telling you to do so that my work can get accomplished, so that I can move in all the ways that I desire. For truly it is a great time and it is a great hour and I desire to move in a mighty and powerful way. Be ready when I call upon you, says the Lord.
10-21-18 am service
My word in your mouth coming from your heart brings forth miracles, brings forth signs, brings forth wonders, for there is absolutely nothing, nothing that you cannot do. For I have given you the power, I have given you the ability, I have given you the strength, you do not live in the Old Testament you have a new covenant, a better covenant, you walk by my covenant with you through my shed blood, not an animals blood, but my shed blood. Therefore, I say unto you, walk, walk according to my word, walk according to my promise, do not fear the things that you see and hear coming to pass on TV and on the radio, but let your heart be filled with joy, let my words be rich, let those words go forth and touch and heal and deliver and set free. Let my words help those round about you, for that is your job, that is your ministry and you are slack in doing the things I have told you. When is the last time you told somebody about my love, when is the last time you lead somebody to the Lord, or will you stand before me one day with no rewards to lay at my feet? Come, come I say, come closer to me, come closer to me, for truly my word, my word has gone forth.
For I have declared before the foundations of the earth the things that my people would do especially in these last days. And yet my people do not study that, they do not know what the blueprints say and, therefore, they walk according to their own mind, for know ye not that my ways are not their ways, my ways are far above their ways. My ways lead to happiness, my ways lead to heaven.
For those that come unto me in these last days it will require a complete surrender, for the time is short and you don’t have ten years, you don’t have five years to get ready. Therefore, you need a complete change, for I need those that will walk with me, I need those that will do what my word says; I need those that will bring in this harvest. For it is them that will receive the rewards, for many will receive no rewards, for they have done nothing, but those that have been diligent, oh, they shall be blessed, they shall be blessed, they shall be blessed. For my word, my word says they shall be blessed, for they have been diligent and they have done the things that I have told them to do and they have stood in faith, not sense knowledge faith, but true faith. And they know that faith is active and they know that faith works and they speak my word and they do the things that my word says to do and they are the victors, they are the overcomers. For the enemy is working extremely hard right now, and you see it and you hear it, I have told you to watch and pray against the things that you know are not of me and they can be stopped. The time cannot be lengthened, no, no, no, no, for my time is my time and my time will end.
For, I say unto you my children, you need to allow me to take the strongholds off from you, says the Lord, remove them in the name of Jesus Christ I say unto you today, says the Lord. Remove them says the Lord, for they are restraining you and keeping you from the truth and not operating in the truth, says the Lord. Open your eyes and see the things that are before you, for great, great are the things I have before you, says the Lord.
Are you ready, are you ready, if Jesus came back today is your heart ready? Get your life right with God today. You don’t know what day he is coming back; you don’t know what hour he is coming back. So get your life right with God, get your life right with Jesus today. If you have not confessed him as your Lord and Savior do it today. The Lord God says are you ready for the miracles, signs and wonders, are you ready for my anointing to flow today? So come and receive whatever you need today, his anointing is flowing, he says come allow him to move upon you. Come and allow him to remove those burdens from you, come and allow him to move those loads that you are trying carrying on your own and give them to him today. Come and allow him to remove those blurry eyes and let them be able to see, come and allow him to heal those burdens from that heavy heart today. Come and allow him to remove each and every one of your pains, your sicknesses, come and allow him to touch your life today, because that miracle is sitting here for you. Come and allow him to give you that boldness today the Lord God says. Come and allow him, whoever has that stomach problem, allow him to heal it today in the name of Jesus, he says come and allow his miracles, signs and wonders to flow in the name of Jesus.
November, beware of November, for great miracles will happen that have not happened before. Beware of November, for stuff will happen that you have not seen before. So be ready, be ready, be ready for November, for great miracles will happen.
10-21-18 pm service
For my love is flowing out to you, it is an everlasting love, a love that is always there, a love that protects, a love that guides, a love that directs that you may walk in the way that I have laid out before you. For I have the wisdom, I have the knowledge and I give unto you my wisdom and I give unto you my knowledge that you may walk by my side, that you may know like I know, that you may speak like my Son Jesus spoke, that you can do all things, that you know in your heart, that you know that you know that you know that you can do what I said that you could do. For the days ahead you shall need this, for starting even tomorrow, saith your Father God, you shall hear on the news many things, many things that are trying to come upon you and if you are faithful you will be praying. You won’t be off on some fun show, you will be looking at my news and finding out what the enemy is doing. For many of the things he is trying now you would not want, because they would be six to eight months early and you would go through more suffering, more pain, more of a fight than if it is on time. For when it is on time, it is my time, so when the enemy catches you napping, when the enemy catches you, that your spirit is not alive, your spiritual ears are dull, your spiritual eyes are blind, then you don’t speak my words. When you don’t speak my word there is disaster, stop the disaster, stop the things that it is not time for, don’t let them come to pass, but speak my word, speak my word only.
For the foolish allow their mind and their mouth to run all the time, they bring in their own disaster, they bring in their own pain, they bring in their own sickness. Don’t be like them, speak words of wisdom, speak words of understanding, speak my word.
For there are some things that they are trying to push to come to pass now, they would like to sign the peace treaty, they would like to bring in the cashless society, they would like to bring in the mark of the beast, but these things are a little early. Rise up, begin to speak my word, if you don’t know my word, I have given you My Spirit that you can pray in your spirit, I have explained that very clearly in my word. I have even told you that you don’t know how to pray, therefore, pray in My Spirit. If you would do that, the next few months will be far more enjoyable than what shall come if they do what they want to do. Remember both sides are working towards their goals; my goal is different, do what I say.
For I have given you the mouth of a lion, says the Lord, a mouth that scares away the devil, not one that receives what the devil is saying. But speak my word, for that will roar him right away, says the Lord. Do you have a mouth for me or do you have a mouth of a pussycat, says the Lord? Be bold, be bold I say, be bold.
10-17-18 pm service
Let your spiritual eyes be open, for I have spoken unto you to watch and see and pray and none was done, and yet I speak and often nothing is done. How can I warn you, how can I protect you, how can I keep you safe? Surely you can watch one hour and yet the disciples couldn’t even do that, but could you watch an hour? Watch, I say, watch, take heed, take heed for some things would not have taken place if you had prayed.
For the hour is very late and many things are taking place day by day, many things that are not written in my word, therefore they are not of me and those things can be cast down, those things can be stopped. But the things that my word says shall come to pass, you cannot stop them. Therefore, know; know what you should pray, when you should pray and why you should pray.
For the hour is short etc. etc. etc. and you shall receive greatly and you shall go through smoothly and you shall prosper, for you shall live longer years, for you shall live until the rapture, if you follow me today you shall live through the rapture.
My word never steers you in the wrong direction and yet at times when I speak people do not take the time to do what I have said. And yet you say, Lord, but I didn’t see anything, no, that is right, but you don’t know everything like I know everything and yet there are some things that could have been stopped. For many things took place this week that you knew not of and yet, I say unto you again, will you not be my watchmen, will you not do what I have called for you to do for yet this time so that lives may be spared, that souls might be saved? For isn’t that how I instructed you before, for you can still pray that way. For truly the hour is late and the days are darker than at anytime before and the enemy is working like mad to seek, kill and destroy. But, oh, that my people would take time to call out to me, to pray for somebody else who might be in need. For do you not know that at some point in time somebody was praying for you? Be faithful my children, be diligent to do the things that I speak unto you to do. Do not allow the enemy to have you so tied up that you cannot do what I have called you to do, that you cannot be faithful unto me. For the day is coming where I shall call upon you even more than I do now, so you need to be ready when I call upon you, saith the Lord.
Beware of November, for there is stuff that will be going on that has not gone before. Beware of November; beware of November, for great things shall happen.
10-14-18 am service
I gave all for you, I receive all from you, for I love you with everlasting love, it is my desire that you are victorious, it is my desire that you are overcomers that you overcome the evil one, for it has already been done for you. And if you become bold and walk in my word and refuse to walk out of my word you will always be an overcomer, you will always prosper, you will always have help, you wont be battling sicknesses because it has already been defeated for you, you will be on top and you won’t be on the bottom, you will be more, more, more than a conqueror. For I have given you wisdom, I have given you knowledge, I have given you everything and your excuses will never stand at the court of heaven. Don’t use excuses, walk in my word, know my word, for many terrible things shall yet come to pass and you will see them. You have seen the oil, for truly miracles, signs and wonders are taking place, therefore you have seen the dove, you have seen my love, you have seen my mercy, soon you will see the fires, for the fire will fall, but the fire is not for my people that are walking with me. Did you hear that, if you are not walking with me the fire is for you? Therefore, walk with me turn from your wicked ways, turn from your own wisdom and your own knowledge, for it is garbage, use my wisdom, use my knowledge, walk in my power, walk in my ability. It has nothing to do with you in a sense, accept being obedient, if you are not obedient you are not walking in my strength, you are not walking in my power, you are not walking in my ability. If you are not humble, you are too proud, I can’t use you, read my word, know my word, understand my word, for the hour is far later, far later than you realize. Know my word, the days are so close, so close, but yet it is coming so fast, so fast. You need to walk by my side, take a hold of my hand and walk with me, hear the voice of my Son Jesus, hear the voice of the Holy Spirit, hear my voice, put away your wickedness, your childish ways, put away those things and become an adult and walk, walk according to my word.
For when you speak my word from your heart not your head, but from your heart, then you begin to realize that your mind has been renewed. For it’s my word, my word and I have said to you my word never, never, never goes out and returns void, it is always fulfilled. Therefore, I say, speak my word speak my word.
For I say unto you my children, don’t be confused in my word, but be infused with my word, says the Lord. As you become one with my word I become one with you, says the Lord and I will bring all the fruit of my word into your life and to those around you, says the Lord. So don’t be confused, for I have not given you the spirit of confusion, I have given to you my mind, says the Lord, therefore use it, function in it, allow it to be one with you, says the Lord.
For my word is truth, speaking forth my word gives you the power and the authority over the enemy. So if you stand upon my word just as I have written it, just as I have spoken it, just as how I meant it to be, if you stand upon it there is nothing that can come against you, there is nothing that can overcome my word. My word is the highest authority, it carries all of my power, all of my ability and I have given that over to you my children that you could use that at any moment that you could put the enemy in his place. For I have already defeated him, but yet at times you give him victory because you do not stand upon my word like I have said for you to do. At times you open doors that I have closed and you allow him a way in. Set a guard upon your mouth that only my words come forth and stand upon my word and when you have done all that you can do, stand therefore, for your victory is at hand, saith the Lord.
Get your life right with God, make sure your life is right with God, it is getting closer and closer when Jesus comes back. You say your life is right with God, then why do you try to do it on your own? Because if you do it in the Lord, if you allow God to carry you, you will get through are just going to get farther and farther away from God. So stop doing it on your own, get your life right with God today, get closer to him, seek ye first the kingdom of God, seek ye first the power, seek God today, let him renew your mind today, let him get the wickedness out of your head, allow him to get the devil out of you today and set you free. Allow God to renew you today, renew that fire within you today, renew you so you can walk with him today so when the people come you will be ready. Allow him to restore you today, not tomorrow, but restore your health today, do not do it on your own, but allow God to do it today because you have the victory, all you have to do is knock on the door and ask him, you shall receive it.
10-14-18 pm service
For my word is all powerful and it is my word that I have given unto you, for even my Son is my word, for he was with me in the beginning, he has always been with me and everything that was created was created by him. And, therefore, when you speak forth my word all power goes forth and most of my children do not understand that and yet they can speak the word from the devil and get sickness, poverty, disease and not stop speaking that. But my word, my word is light, for when you get my word you get light, it lights the path upon which you walk, there is no darkness, there is no stumbling, there is no falling. So draw closer to my word, get into my word, know what I have told you, know what I have warned you is coming, for many things are coming now and I share them with you that you can be prepared, that you can be ready, that you can go through that time victoriously, that you don’t have to be down having your pity party. But you can be rejoicing knowing that you are a child of God, that your name is written down in the Lamb’s book of life, that you are an heir to the throne, that you are mine, thus saith the Lord.
Be not fearful, for fear is not of me, neither have I given unto fear, for fear is of the human flesh, fear comes from the enemy, it comes to destroy you, it brings many sicknesses and diseases with it. Therefore put fear away, fear it not of me.
For my children have I not told you my word is like a hammer and it breaks the rock to pieces, says the Lord, the things the devil tries to put on you break them with my word, says the Lord. Take authority over them, use the wisdom I have given unto you to take authority over the devil, say the Lord, for I have given it unto you, use it, says the Lord.
For I have not given you a spirit of fear but of power and of love and a sound mind. Therefore, when you speak forth my word the enemy has no victories; the enemy cannot come against you in that area. But most of the time my people do not speak forth my word, they speak forth the circumstances, they speak forth the negativity, they speak forth the lying symptoms that they feel at that moment. And yet I have not created you to live by sense knowledge faith, but I have created you to live by my faith, to walk in the power that I have given to you, to walk in the authority that I have given unto you, to walk in the ability that I have given unto you and that is my power, my authority, my ability. So everything that I, your Father God, can do you also can do. You need to know who you are in me, so that when the enemy comes against you, you can put him in his place. For you have already been given the victory over him, but at times he needs to be reminded of that. Stand upon my word and do not allow fear to come in, for when fear comes in faith goes out, saith the Lord.
Samson was extremely foolish and he followed his flesh and that flesh almost destroyed him, but when he woke up, when he repented, when he called upon me I heard him and answered him and I gave him a far greater victory in the end of his life than he had with everything put together during his life and I will do the same for you.
This shall be a strange week, so as you listen especially to the news, when you hear things that you know are not what I would tell you, it is going to be like quickly speak my word. Do not allow those things to come upon you and don’t turn off the TV and the radio and not hear, for surely then they shall come upon you.
10-10-18 pm service
Let your spiritual eyes be open, for as you see the second altar call coming to pass and as you watch the death toll and the destructions, you will know that I have warned and I have warned, but they haven’t listened. And, therefore, we are drawing closer and closer and closer to the third and then sudden destruction, destruction that I have warned that millions upon millions upon millions shall be lost in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, and yet that is not the end. That is not my wrath, for I am not pouring out my wrath, I am doing all that I possibly can to reach, to turn around, to call those in that need to come in, to wake up the Christians that you are going to be lost for eternity, not for a moment, not for a week, not for a year, but eternity and you need to wake up. Wake up and listen, listen, witness, tell others, warn them, for the hour is late, very late and it is growing darker and darker and you can even see the news media picking it all up realizing soon that there shall be killings like we have never seen just because one side did not get what they wanted or the other side didn’t get what they wanted. The demons that came out of the bottomless pit are working harder than ever and many don’t even recognize it, they can sit right next to them, they can hug them, they could eat with them and they wouldn’t even know it. The church is asleep, asleep and it needs to wake up, it needs to wake up, it needs to be that glorious church without spot or wrinkle, that church that my word declares it shall be. They shouldn’t be worrying about who is going to eat what or how much food you are going to have; you should be worried are you ready, are you ready. Remember there was ten virgins and only five went, there were two in the field and only one went, there were two in a bed and only one went, which one are you? It is time to wake up, it is time to wake up, for soon, very soon it shall all come to an end.
But yet my wisdom is out there for you, for when you received my Son Jesus Christ he also gave unto you wisdom, wisdom. But have you taken that wisdom and applied it to your heart, have you even renewed your mind with it? For I cannot help you unless it is in your heart, unless your mouth is speaking it out, for out of the mouth, out of the abundance of the heart it comes, get it in there.
Many things are going to come quickly now and I shall give you more wisdom and I shall give you more knowledge. I shall show you again the pictures of exactly how it is going to take place. What did I just say, how it is exactly going to take place? Don’t listen to those that say different, don’t listen to them that say I told them this, for I am telling you and I am telling all for the first time, the only time, that it shall come to pass.
Etc. etc. etc. trust in him, you need to trust in my word and believe in me, for the time is short and it is very short. Trust in my word and you shall receive victory, but if you don’t listen to my word you shall not receive, for you shall be down in the dumps. But if you follow me today you shall receive great peace, great measure pressed down.
For everything that you have seen is coming to the point that I said it would get to, the point when disaster would have to come, the point when decisions would have to be made to follow me or to go another way. It is all coming down to that time that I talked to you about and, yes, great shall be the disaster that shall take place. For I have also promised that during that time there would be even a greater revival than man had ever seen before. Are you looking forward to that, are you looking forward to the outpouring of My Spirit without measure? For truly I desire for you to be on top, to be the head and not the tail above and not beneath, I desire for you to be walking in all of the blessings and all of the victories that I have for you. For you should not be defeated in these days and these hours, but if you are walking in defeat you are not trusting in me, you are not trusting in my word. Yet I have given unto you my promise and I will hold up my end, all you need to do is put all of your trust and all of your confidence in me. For it is not my desire for you to go through the things that the world shall go through, for that is only to wake those up who are asleep that they might, that they might come unto me before it is too late. For it is not my desire that any are lost, but a choice must be made, they must choose to accept me, they must choose to follow me. So do not become caught up in the things that shall take place, for they are not for you, neither do they have to come nigh your dwelling. For if you know me like you think you know me you can stand and the storm must part around you, the enemy must flee before you, do you really know who you are in me? Know who you are in me like never before, for the enemy desires to do much harm, but those who stand upon my word shall be the victors. Those who stand upon my word shall be the overcomers in the coming days ahead, saith the Lord.
Etc. etc. etc. the devil, he shall not bother you. For if you don’t resist the devil he shall be able to bring curses unto you, but if you resist him today he will not be able to attack you. The Lord God has said you have power and authority over the devil and all these animals, for they cannot harm you. For the devil has been defeated because the Lord kicked his butt and he will be defeated when he got to heaven he has put him in jail, in hell and he has taken the keys. For you have the victory today, you have the victory, the victory, the victory.
10-7-18 am service
Let your hearts be filled with joy, for when your heart is filled with joy, then you have my strength and my strength makes you an overcomer. So allow that joy to fill your hearts continually, for many of my people are defeated because they have no joy, therefore they have no strength. The joy of the Lord is your strength and when you receive my joy you walk as the victor, you walk as an overcomer, you walk as a child of God, an heir to the throne of God and all things are possible for you, for all things are possible for me. Do not get your eyes on the victory that seems to be at hand at the moment. For my time clock is still running, that did not slow it down, no, it did not stop it, my time is still running and the time is getting shorter and shorter. But press in, for the revival is at hand, multitudes are coming in and multitudes will be coming even though they fight you and they hinder you and they slow you down, yet my clock is still running and I will do everything that I said I will do. And you shall see it and know and you shall rejoice and you shall minister unto the multitudes as they come and great miracles, great healings, great deliverances shall take place. So let your hearts, let your hearts be filled with joy, let it be filled this day.
For my joy touches every part of your life, many sickness come upon people because they have no joy, one look at their face and you can tell that they are beaten down, that they are discouraged, that they are in pain, that they are suffering. When yet by my stripes they were healed and they can walk in the fullness of life, they can be the overcomers, they can be the victors, they need joy, joy, joy unspeakable.
Walk in the Spirit and you will not fulfill the lust of the flesh, that should be a daily walk, for the Holy Spirit is your teacher, he is your guide, he is your instructor, you shouldn’t do anything without hearing from him. And if you’re in my word, if you’re studying my word, he speaks my word, he walks in total agreement with me, know my word and walk in my word. For there is a religious element that is rising up very fast, it is not of me, it is a false element and they would love also to take over the whole world and make it become a dictatorship. And it would not be a true religion, it would be a false religion, but it will sound so good, it will sound so good, for they shall tell you how they will win the whole world and hand it to me on a sliver platter, but it is false my children, it is false, it is false, it is false. Know my word, beware, beware, beware.
For truly my word is always truth and my word always lines up with itself, so when one goes and says this is God’s word, but does not line up with what has been recorded in my book, that should right a way tell you something is wrong. And yet at times my people do not recognize that because they do not know my word like they should. But it is a time now, saith the Lord, it is a time now to get into my word like never before, know my word inside and out, that way when the false rises up you will recognize it very quickly just because it will sound almost the same but something will be missing, something will be left out, something will be added that was not there originally making it false. For you can test everything against my word and if it lines up it is truth, if it does not then it is false, but you must know my word in order to do that, saith the Lord.
For, I say unto you my children, I know who you are, you may not know who you are, but I know who you are. Seek me, press into me, says the Lord, and you shall know who you are through me, says the Lord. You need to know who you are that you can do all the things that I have said and created you to do, says the Lord, know, know, know.
As we are sitting here today I see a vision, a vision of the new church building being built. The Lord God says call it into existence, that that building is built, he says because you are going to see people from the hospitals walking out of the hospitals because they hear about the miracles, the signs and the wonders I am doing here. You are going to see people with crutches, people with canes, people with wheelchairs; you are going to see them healed in the name of Jesus. So do not call it out, but call it into existence, because it is going to happen before the end times are here. So be ready to be used by me, the Lord God says be ready in a second because the people are coming, because the harvest is ripe. You are going to see the lost come to be saved; you are going to see people come to be healed, delivered and set free. So be ready in season and out of season, for I want to use each and every one of you, so get your life right with me today, the Lord God says. The Lord God says today you have the victory, so do a victory march and come to the altar and allow me to move upon you today.
10-7-18 pm service
For my word goes forth in truth and I speak it in love because I love you with an everlasting love and it is my desire even from before the foundations of the earth that you would walk according to my word, that you be part of my family. For I have an inheritance for you and I do have an inheritance for you that you can walk in wisdom and knowledge, therefore I gave you the Holy Spirit to be your teacher and your guide to teach and show you all things, even the things that are to come yet, and I told you if you walk in the Spirit you won’t fulfill the lust of the flesh. Therefore, I desire that you walk according to my word, according to my promise. For the days ahead of you are darkness, darkness like you have never seen before and you are the light and where your light is there should be no darkness, you should be able to drive the darkness out and you should be able to see clearly anyway and you should be able to walk in the gift of the discerning of spirits and you should be able to discern both good and evil. And when you can discern both good and evil then the devil cannot get you into one of his traps, it is when you use your worldly mind, it is when you use your worldly teaching, it is when you live by your sense knowledge faith that is when you get caught in the traps. But if you live in revelation knowledge, if you walk in the Spirit even as Jesus walked in the Spirit then you can see all things. Then you become the victors, you become the overcomers, you walk in divine health and you will know when the enemy is trying to hit you, you fear not for you know you are the overcomer, you are victors. So when these things in the world continue to grow worse and worse and worse and this one says that and that one says this and this one says that, because you know my word, you will know what I said and what I said shall come to pass. Not what they said, the only way what they said will come to pass is if they are saying what I said. Therefore, you need to listen, pay attention, for the devil desires to trap every single one of you, he desires to destroy every single one of you, he hates you, I love you. Therefore, I say walk, walk with me, walk with me, know my word.
For you have sowed many seeds and because you have sowed many seeds there is a great harvest coming, a personal harvest and sometimes people don’t think about the personal harvest. But I have a personal harvest for every one of you and that harvest shall come to pass in this life and you will walk in the fullness of joy.
For truly my word is a sure foundation that you should be standing upon, you should be speaking forth my word calling those things that be not as if they were and they shall be, saith the Lord. For even right now in the small battle that you are going through are you speaking forth my word over the situation, are you standing in agreement that my work is going to be fulfilled and man shall not stand in my way? For if all were standing in agreement then wouldn’t it be done? But I have even said if two or three would set themselves in agreement that I would move upon their behalf in a mighty and powerful way. But I put a challenge out to those of you, my chosen few, will you stand together and agree upon my work that it shall be done, that the things that I have spoken unto you shall be fulfilled? For if you can do that you shall see great victory happen very quickly. Oh my word will be fulfilled, but it is my desire that you reap the rewards of all the things that you have sowed, but you cannot do that if you are not walking according to my word, if you do not do the things that I have called unto you to do and it is my desire you receive all of the blessings that I have for you. For there are great and mighty things that shall take place yet before my church is taken out of here and I desire that you my children have a part in that, saith the Lord.
For my ways are not your ways, matter of fact, the greatest, the most intelligent people in the world have sought for me and couldn’t find me, they don’t know me and yet my people will believe them and they won’t believe me. My way is truth my way is life and that more abundantly, my way is a way of peace, of joy, oh the joy, the joy, the joy unspeakable. So when you lay down your head at night in bed you can sleep without fear, without torment, without trouble and wake up in that joy knowing you have another day, knowing that I will be with you, that I will walk with you, that I will talk with you. And very few of my people know my voice, oh they claim they do, but if you listen carefully to what they say, no, they don’t know my voice, they know the voice of the enemy because they have followed it so long. Know my voice, know my word, walk with me, walk with me.
For, I say unto you my children, why is it when I call upon you to receive of me you come with a thimble? Do I not have more to give than a thimble full, says the Lord? Don’t limit me with your unbelief, but come to me believing and receive all that I have for you, says the Lord. Put the thimble away and grab what I have given unto you, says the Lord.
10-3-18 pm service
Let your hearts be open with great expectation for the things that I, your Father God, shall do, for I am pouring out My Spirit without measure, I am fulfilling all of my promises and I am doing all that I said that I would do. And as you walk with me, oh your joy shall be filled like it has never been filled before. So fear not the things that are going on in the world for there will be many things taking place, but let not that trouble your heart, remember I said I would take you through safely. Walk by my side, follow me, for I shall lead you into victory like you have never walked before and your joy, yes, your joy, your joy shall be full.
For there is nothing, nothing, absolutely nothing that is impossible for me to do and I shall be doing the impossible, I shall be making myself seen and known by the whole world, they shall know that I live and they shall know that you’re mine and I will move, I will move, I will move on your behalf.
For truly there are many that I have called for this time and this hour, many that I have called to come and fill openings, to come and fill positions and yet they have dragged their feet for a season or two. But now they shall come and they shall do just as some have done and they shall run past those who are almost sitting at idle at the moment, but they too shall get on fire and begin to run again with me. For it is that time and it is that hour and there is a harvest that is yet to be reaped and yet there are few laborers to do it at the moment. But I am raising up my laborers, I am calling out to my laborers to come forth, to come fulfill the call, come to fulfill the call, for it is now that time and it is now that hour, saith the Lord.
9-30-18 am service
For truly, if you, if you have asked me into your heart, you are a child of God and I will go before you and I will open doors that no man can open, I will close doors that man cannot open, I will protect you, I will give you wisdom and knowledge, I will take you through these last days in victory and you shall be a victorious person. You shall be an overcomer and you shall be blessed coming in and you shall be blessed going out. For I shall raise you to a high place that you never thought that you would stand in before, for I shall exalt you, yes, I shall exalt you, as I exalt all of my children. I lift them all up into higher places, for I make them more, more than they ever though they could be, for I know who they are, I called them before the foundations of the earth and I am here to lead them through these dark hours that are ahead. For the world knows not the things that are ahead, but you are seeing them, you are seeing things take place on TV you would have never thought you would see take place, you are seeing the evil like you have never seen it before and it shall continue to get worse. Even before your next Talk With The Prophet you will see great and terrible things take place and you shall know, you shall know the hour is short, very short. But I can take you through that in victory, I can make you the overcomer, I can supply every need that you have, you don’t need to fear now that you are walking with me.
For, I say unto you my children, my word is like an elevator, as you stand upon my word you continually go higher and higher and higher, says the Lord. As you press into my word, as you read my word, as you speak my word, the things of this world shall quickly pass beneath your feet, says the Lord, but you will continue to go higher and higher with me, says the Lord.
For truly I desire those that will not back down when the pressure comes on them, they will not fear, but they will exalt my name above every other name. For that is where I call my children, for my children are bold, they are vicious, they speak forth my word and they are not afraid of the devil nor none of his angels nor those that walk with him. Be strong, be strong, be strong.
For there are many great and wonderful things that I am going to do even this day, before this day is over I am going to show you how quickly I can move and you shall see it and when My Spirit hits here like it has already hit overseas you shall see things take place suddenly, suddenly. For you have in your midst the greatest miracle worker, the greatest healing ministry the world has ever seen and they shall see the fullness of it. They shall see the fullness as I have promised unto you and multitudes, multitudes will come, many will be carried in and walk out, many will be blind and see, many will be deaf and hear, for there will be nothing absolutely nothing that I will not do for you. For it is the final revival, it will be three times greater than you have seen before. So, I say unto you, rejoice, rejoice, rejoice, for you are mine, you are mine, you are mine.
Weep my children, I say weep, for your President has sold you out, it will not be long now, they will divide your land and it won’t be much longer and the peace-man shall become the enemy-man and he shall sit upon your throne and the church shall be gone and they won’t be here to help you. Oh, the hour is so short and you are headed the wrong way, I say weep, weep, weep, call out to me for mercy that I may move on your behalf, but it is doubtful, it’s doubtful you will. And because you will not you will be here that extra three and a half years, oh the time of trouble, the time of trouble, the time of trouble, it is at hand, it is at hand. Cry, cry, cry out to me, I say cry out to me.
The Lord God says get your life right with him today, get your life right with him, for the time is growing shorter and shorter and shorter. If your life is not right with him get it right today, if you are not feeling good today come and allow him to do a miracle upon you. If you need a blessing come and be touched by God, for he is moving mightily this morning, so come and receive what he has. He knows what you need already, for he said he can give it to you if you will just come and receive it. He said that miracle that you need is like nothing for him, he can do it like he says. But you are afraid to let him to do it, he says open up your heart, allow him to come in and give you that miracle, allow him to deliver, allow him to set you free today. The Lord God says come and receive this morning.
For you have only seen bits and pieces of what I can do and what I will do. For the things that shall take place in the coming days ahead will be far greater, far superior, they will far exceed everything that you have seen in your years of ministry thus far. Expect a greater anointing upon your ministry; expect to see a greater outpouring, for I have promised it for this day, but it is time that it is released, saith the Lord.
When the devil attacks you, when the devil attacks stand in the name of Jesus, Jesus died for each and every one of you, he has fought the good fight, he has the keys. So when the devil attacks you go after him in the name of Jesus Christ, go after him by the word of God, stop standing around. He says you have the victory in the name of Jesus, stand up and use it; you have the victory for everything in your life, so stand up with the word of God and use it.
9-30-18 pm service
For truly it is a glorious hour, an hour like no other hour you have ever seen, for it is the last days, saith your Father and great and mighty things are taking place. Not for the world, but for my church, that church without spot, that church without wrinkle, that glorious church shall rise up out of the ashes, it shall come alive with new life, with new power, with a new anointing far greater than it ever has been. And the multitudes, the multitudes shall come in and you shall see it, saith your Father God, it shall be a great hour, a great hour. Fear not the evil, fear not the things that are going on, but I will take you through safely, trust me, trust me, trust me.
Let not your hearts be troubled, do not allow the fear of the world come upon you, for I have made you overcomers, I have made you victors. You are the head you are not the tail, you are above and not beneath and I shall move mightily on your behalf, I shall protect you, I shall care for you, I shall strengthen you, I shall take you through.
Therefore, I say to you my children, cast off the doubt, cast off the fear, cast off the unbelief, for I am thy God, says the Lord and I will do all I said I will do. Therefore, look unto me and see and believe in your heart and you shall receive all that I have promised you, says the Lord.
Yes, truly it is time to rise up, rise up in the new strength, rise up in the new power, let that new anointing, let it come upon you. For you shall be like those that were in the valley of the dead bones and life shall come into you and you shall be giants among all men and the multitudes shall come unto you and they shall be saved and then the rapture shall take place, but not until then, saith your Father God. So fear not the things that are happening, fear not the things that are shaking things, but pray, seek my face, call upon my name, know me, know me in a way you have never known me before, walk closer to me, closer, closer, closer, I say walk closer to me.
For you have entered a new, a new hour, for I have told you already you have entered that hour of the last great revival and I shall pour My Spirit out like never seen before, greater than any time in history. And, yes, people are already seeing it in other places throughout the world, but not quite here in America yet because sadly most of my people have turned themselves off, they are not allowing My Spirit to flow freely like I desire. They have not received that new anointing, they have not received that new filling, but very soon now you shall see it spread like wildfire. For I have told those to come and receive my anointing and take it back with them that revival there also will break out like wildfire. For it is now that time, it is now the hour and great and mighty shall be the things that you shall do and you shall see. For it is not by your might nor is it by power but it is by My Spirit, saith the Lord and so shall it be done as My Spirit floods through my people. So will the dead bones come alive and the breath of life will come into them, saith the Lord, for it is that time and it is that hour.
And yet again, I say unto you my children, weep and cry and call out to me, for you are listening to the wrong people, you are ready to divide your country again. You are ready to allow the antichrist to take over and sit upon your throne, sit upon my throne. I have warned you and talked to you but you are stiff-necked, you are stubborn, you’re not listening, you will not listen. The time is very short and after my church is gone you will be here for another three and a half years, saith your Father and you will not get right until you see Jesus come, your Messiah and you look upon the hands that have been pierced and the side that has been pierced and you call out. Wake up, wake up, wake up, I say, wake up realize where you are at, realize what is taking place, do not divide your country in half, do not, do not. For it is my land, saith your Father God, it is not yours, it is my land, be not foolish any longer, heed, heed the words that I say, listen, listen, listen.
It is time to rise up, time to rise up, for My Spirit is moving and being poured out, revival is on its way. Be filled to overflowing, be filled with my power, be filled with my anointing, be filled, be filled, be filled.
It is time to gather yourselves under my anointing, the call has gone out, the time has come. So come, come; come gather yourselves under my anointing.
9-26-18 pm service
For let your hearts be filled with good cheer, for I am moving powerful on the behalf of my church and many things are being seen now that have not been seen before. Many things are taking place and there is great rejoicing going on in the churches who are walking in the Spirit and they know and they see and they understand the things that are going on. It is a great hour, not a great hour for the world, but a great hour for the church, it is that last hour, the hour that my Son comes back for you and the time is growing shorter and shorter and great disaster shall take place and you shall see them. Remember this month is not over yet; there are many things yet that could happen. So keep your eyes upon me, keep your eyes upon my word and keep your eyes upon my promises, for truly everything that I have said you shall see.
Be like Gideon, keep your eyes open, listen carefully to my voice, follow the leading of the Holy Spirit and you can be one of those that sees multitudes, multitudes saved and delivered and set free.
9-23-18 am service
For truly my love is being poured out upon your hearts, being poured out upon all the hearts, for the Spirit of my God is moving mightily my word says and truly it is moving mightily, it is speaking to people today like never before, there is a hunger like never before. For they sense in the Spirit that the time is very short, very short and many things shall take place that they understand and know and they move in the realm I tell them to move in and, therefore, My Spirit can speak to them, can speak clearly to them as they understand and know. For great blessings are being poured out, great blessings and I offer my people to enter into the blessings that I can meet every single need that you have, there is not a need that I, your Father God, cannot meet, there is not a need that I will not meet. Therefore, draw closer to me, walk with me, let your hearts be open, let me move through you in a mighty way. For truly I love you with an everlasting love, I do love you.
For I have told you that in the last days I would pour out My Spirit upon all flesh and it is being poured out, but some are not entering in, they are not receiving the Spirit and they need the Spirit in order to stand strong in these last days, you must walk in the Spirit realm. You must know the Spirit and the Spirit must be able to speak to you and you must hear his voice, so draw closer, draw closer, draw closer.
For I say unto you my children, for I have not called you to be a flicker or a puff of smoke, but a flame, says the Lord, flame, do you understand what a flame means, that means it is overpowering all of the darkness around you, says the Lord, overpowered by my love, by my Spirit, says the Lord. Light, light, light it up, says the Lord.
For truly it is not by power nor is it by might but it is by My Spirit, saith the Lord. Even as I have already spoken unto you that it is by My Spirit, that means you need to be filled with My Spirit to overflowing that you can go forth and do all the things that I have called for you to do and be in these days and these hours. For truly it is a great and wonderful time for my church, not so for the world, for very soon destruction shall come, but my church shall be filled to overflowing. For My Spirit will fall in a mighty and powerful way and fill every inch, every crevasse and those who come will be touched by me, saith your Father. For it is now that time and it is now the hour for My Spirit to move in its fullness. For in times past it moved, but not in the fullness that it shall now move, saith the Lord, for it is now that time and it is now the hour. So be filled, be filled to overflowing, saith the Lord, for it is by My Spirit.
Do you feel that you’re bound; do you feel that you are bound by those shackles today? You have sickness that you can’t get rid of, you have got bills that you can’t get rid of, you feel those shackles are so tight that you can’t go forward. You have something stopping you from moving and doing your ministry. The Lord God says take those shackles off today, I have those keys, all you have to do is come and receive and I can set you free from whatever is holding you back. So come and be set free today, there is nothing that I cannot do, the Lord God says, so come allow me to set you free.
For, again I say, walk with me, walk with me and you shall do mighty and glorious things. For, again I say, walk with me, walk with me, walk with me.
9-23-18 pm service
For as you lift up and magnify my name all of heaven moves mightily on your behalf, all my promises to you become operational. For I love you with an everlasting love and I desire to move mightily on your behalf, I desire to do the things that I have promised you and I long, I long to refresh you with my blessings that you may walk in the fullness of all that I have promised you. For it is that hour and it is that time, it is that hour that you become the overcomers, it is that hour that you bring in the multitudes, it is that hour that the harvest is ripe, it is that hour. And, therefore, I will move mightily to see that everyone that you speak to comes, saith your Father God. For as you put out the line I will catch the fish and I shall bring them in and I shall clean them, that is not your job, but that is mine, you love them, you love them like I love them and as you love them and as I love them they shall become one with us.
So be like a kid in a candy store, take everything you want, for I freely have given it unto you and I desire that you are blessed, blessed, blessed, blessed.
For, I say unto you my children, my church is filled with those that love me, those that are filled with My Spirit, those that act on my word, says the Lord. Do not be despised about the things that my children are doing, says the Lord, but the false is filled with those that despised what my true children are doing, says the Lord. Be not like them, but be full of the things that I have you do, says the Lord.
Therefore, rest assuredly in my word, for just as sure as I have spoken it forth unto you, so it shall come to pass. For you can always stand upon my word, for my word goes out with one purpose, it is sent forth to accomplish those things and it does not return void but it goes forth to do and complete the works that I have sent it forth to do. So it shall be now that you will see my word come to fulfillment, you will see my word completed before you. For it is that time and it is that hour, as I have shown you in times past that it was not yet time, and that when the time had come, the fulfillment would come and you are seeing those things, saith the Lord. Do not be moved by fear, for fear is not of me, and though great disaster shall come, it shall not come nigh your dwelling if you are standing upon my word. For I have given unto you my promise and I said I would carry you through the days ahead, and even greater, I said I would pour My Spirit upon you without measure that you would be blessed so much that you won’t even realize what is going on in the world, if you are not looking carefully. For I have great things in store for you my children, so stand upon my word, rest assuredly upon it, for I will carry it forth even as I have spoken it unto you, saith the Lord.
9-19-18 pm service
Let your ears be open that you can hear in the Spirit realm, that you can know and understand the things that are taking place, because at times my people don’t listen to the news or do they even listen to the things that I say unto them and they walk around as if they were deaf and it is very dangerous, it is disastrous. Many things are taking place already throughout all the world, the signs of war are clearly seen, clearly talked about and they are coming to pass very soon now and yet those that walk around walk as if nothing, nothing is going to happen and that is very unwise, saith your Father God. I shall protect you, I shall keep you safe, but you must hear my voice, you must walk with me, you must understand the things that I have said unto you. For truly great disaster is coming, far greater than you realize, it will be greater after you are gone, but up until the time you are gone there will be great hatred towards the Christians, there will be war against the Christians. Walk, walk in the Spirit, walk in the Spirit.
There is a great revival which is also started, there is a great outpouring of the Holy Spirit, there is a great move of God, but it hasn’t come to America. Are not the churches praying, are not they calling out to me for the revival that I promised would take place in these last days? For it is not by might nor by power but by My Spirit, the Spirit realm is extremely important and I need those, I need those that will walk in the Spirit realm.
For if you were tuned into the Spirit realm as you should be, you would see what I see, you would know what I know, but sadly most are not walking in that realm, even though they need to be in this day and this hour more than ever before, because of the evil that is upon the face of the earth. Because the enemy is fighting like mad, he has laid the traps and sadly for some they are walking blindly into them. My church needs to be aware, my church needs to be awake, you need to know, you need to be hearing my voice like never before. For my sheep know my voice and the voice of another they shall not follow, that is what my word says, and yet do my sheep, do my people really know my voice like they should? Oh, my children, it is time like never before to draw closer to me, it is time to know my voice, it is time to walk in the Spirit realm at all times, for then I can move upon your behalf in a mighty and powerful way, I can protect you and keep you safe in the way that I desire. For truly great disaster is ahead for the world, not for the church, but for those who are asleep, for those who are not aware of what is going on, they shall be caught up in some of those traps because they are not walking with me the way they should be. Do not be one of those, but be the overcomer, be the victor, be the one that I have called to go though the days ahead victoriously, saith the Lord.
It is time to call them in, it is time to bring them in, it is time to go out and find them, for truly the harvest is white now, white right now.
Do not be deceived, but if you follow my word you will succeed greatly and great things shall come to pass, great and mighty things shall come to pass, saith the Lord of Hosts.
9-16-18 am service
For you shall overcome also, for many have rose up against you in the past and I, your Father God, have stopped them, yea, I have put them down. For I have a plan, I have a plan, saith your Father God, do not forget my plan, for my plan shall come to pass, even though the enemy raises up a standard against you I shall rise up like a storm, I shall rise up with power, I shall rise up with might. For it is not by power nor might but it is by My Spirit, remember it is by My Spirit; there is no one, no one, no one that moves in the Spirit like you do. Therefore, I say unto you, rejoice, rejoice, rejoice, for truly the victories are at hand, truly you shall walk in those victories, you shall see those victories. For the blind shall see, the lame shall walk, the deaf shall hear, the dead shall be raised and they will know, they will know, they will know that you are mine, saith your Father God, you are mine, you are mine, you are mine.
Where in times past the enemy has tried to do many wonderful things that he though were wonderful, but I knew they were evil and, therefore, I overthrew him. I have the same power, the same ability, the same mind, the same strength, for I have given unto you my word, my word, my word, rise up, I say, rise up, I say rise up.
Be not fearful for fear is not of me, speak not negative, for I have told you that I have warned you, I said I would remove those that stand in your way and just in a short time you have already seen those backing off that were standing against you. Soon, soon, saith your Father God, you shall see the multitudes as they flock in, for I shall bring those that hear my voice, I shall bring those that know my voice, I shall bring those that what to run, run, run with me. For they shall know, truly, for my key has always been it is not by might nor is it by power but it is by My Spirit, it is by My Spirit, it is by My Spirit, it is by My Spirit. Step into that double anointing, step into that last outpouring, let my anointing come upon you with great power, with great authority, with great ability, for it is by My Spirit, saith your Father God, it is by My Spirit, it is by My Spirit.
For truly it is by My Spirit that breaks every yoke of bondage, every yoke that is controlling everything that is holding you back. So step into My Spirit and allow me to set you free, allow me to renew your mind, allow me to totally completely overhaul you, saith the Lord. For truly it is that time and it is that hour, the filling of the past is no longer good, but it is time now to come and receive that new outpouring, the last great outpouring that I have promised you. For some have recognized it and have begun to receive it, it shall spread all over the world. For truly it is that time and it is that hour, but you must receive it, saith the Lord. Do not fight it, do not hold back, but come, come and open yourselves to me and allow me to fill you completely, to fill you to overflowing, saith the Lord, for it is that time and it is that hour, saith the Lord.
For, I say unto you my children, I have a special anointing for each individual of my body, says the Lord, an anointing that can’t be carried over to someone else, but only you can fill that anointing, says the Lord. So come and get it come and get it, says the Lord.
How hungry are you today, the Lord God wants to know how hungry are you today? Do you want that miracle, do you want that touch from God, do you want to go to that feast? God has a feast at the altar, a feast for the whole church; he wants to fill you up and overflowing. So come and receive it this morning.
9-16-18 pm service
Oh, the blessings, the precious blessings that I am pouring out upon you, the blessings, the blessings, for they shall overtake you and you shall realize and know in your heart that truly all good and all perfect gifts come from me. For they shall be blessed, they shall be blessed and you shall be blessed because of it, for I shall bless you coming in and I shall bless you going out, you shall be the head and not the tail, you shall be above and not beneath. For I shall lift you up now that we are in the time that we are in and you shall see, if you listen, now that the hurricane is no longer visible and you will hear the news and you will see the things that have taken place that you didn’t see and you will understand why I have spoken to you. For truly it will be so clear, yes, so clear, I need your understanding, I need you to know, I need you to understand. For many things shall come to pass that I have said unto you, things that some will enjoy and some will not. Therefore, I have said unto you, do not be negative, for as you speak forth those negative things they shall come upon you so quickly and you will not enjoy them and you will have a hard time getting rid of them until you get a hold of my word and stand upon my word and my promise, for I have set you free. And as you speak forth those negative things you yourself set you into a captive, be not captive, for I have set you free, whom I have set free is free indeed. Therefore, walk according to my word, walk according to my promises and see and see and know what I shall do for you.
For the days ahead are easy days for those that are walking by my side, they are glorious days, they are exciting days. For you will know that you are walking as a victor, you will know that you are walking as the overcomer. But it shall not be for those that are not walking like they think that they are walking, that do not know me as they think that they know me. For truly for them they need, they need to come to the place where they know me and walk with me.
Do not allow yourself to be deceived, for if you allow yourself to be deceived you shall become a captive of the one that is deceiving you and he shall destroy you, for that is the devil, that is Satan himself. But know my word, for when you know my word then you walk in the victory, for even when you possess something you must confess that you have it or you don’t possess it, confession makes possession. Walk according to my word and speak my word, for there is only one truth, that is my word and when I speak of the truth I am speaking of my word. So as you hide my word in your heart you shall not sin against me, as you hide my word in your heart you shall become strong, you shall be the overcomer, you shall become the victor. For my Son while he was on earth, if you study his life very carefully, never spoke anything that was negative, he always spoke my word, he was always in agreement with me, we were never in disagreement, we were always in agreement and because we were always in agreement he saw the miracles, he saw the signs, he saw the wonders. And when you speak the same as he spoke, then you too shall see all the miracles, all the signs, all the wonders.
That is why my children you need to know my word like never before, so you can speak it forth that you do not allow the wrong things to come forth, that you do not allow the negativity to come forth. For if my word is in your heart that will come forth out of your mouth, for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks, for they are those things that are within you. What are those things that you have put within you, saith the Lord? For if it is my word then my word will come forth, let my word come forth, for my word, my word, my word carries the final authority and yet your words get you caught up in bondage at times and that is not my desire. So speak forth my word, saith the Lord, speak forth my word.
For my word is written in such a way that if you are walking in the Spirit and if the Spirit has become your teacher and your guide you shall clearly understand all things. But many translations out there do not teach you my word, they are not my word and they have changed little things and when they change the little things they change big things. Know my word, study my word, meditate on my word, hide my word in your heart, for then you shall become a giant, and as you become a giant, you will be an overcomer, and as you become an overcomer, you are a victor, and as you’re a victory then you walk even as my Son Jesus walked when he was on the face of the earth, that without the background, without the understanding, without the foundation you cannot walk that way. Therefore, I say, study my word, study my word, study my word, know my word, know my word, watch the translation as you read my word, for not all translations are my word.
For, I say unto you, my word is that river in the wilderness, says the Lord, and no matter how barren it is around you, you always have fresh water to drink, says the Lord. You will be able to grow and grow and grow no matter what the circumstances are and those will come to me because they will see you prosper, says the Lord.
9-12-18 pm service
Let your hearts be filled with praise, let my goodness just consume you; fill you over and over and over. Continue to lift my name, exalt my name, enter into my praises, for truly great and mighty things are taking place as you have noticed and seen. Keep your eyes upon me and upon the things that I am doing, walk very closely by my side, let no fear come into your hearts, be not fearful to deal with the things that see are not of me. For many shall turn back in these last days because the demon power grows stronger and stronger because of fear, fear is not of me. Therefore, walk not in fear, but deal with the problems and walk closely by my side and let my blessings overtake you, let them shower down upon you, let them strengthen you, let them lift you up in newness of life. For truly the hour is great.
Oh, the joy, the joy, the joy, for truly it is falling like never before, for with the joy comes the supernatural strength, the power, the uplifting that makes you stronger and the anointing, the anointing, the super anointing that is being poured out now. Press in, press in, press in, receive, receive.
For the fullness of everything I desire to do is at hand, for you have entered into that time and that hour, that time when I have promised I would pour out My Spirit without measure greater than at any time before, for you were not in that time before, but you are in that time now. Oh the greatness of the blessings that I desire to pour out upon you. If you only knew everything that I have for you your hearts would be filled with great excitement and yet you should be excited for how I am moving upon your behalf, how I am protecting you and keeping you safe, how even when you speak to the weather it has to change, saith the Lord. For I have given unto you my promise over this area, over your land and that has always been fulfilled, saith the Lord. So do not fear the things that shall come, but rejoice, rejoice, rejoice, for truly great things are in store for my church, for my people, for those who are walking according to my word, for those who are doing the things that I have called for them to do. For truly it is a great time and a great hour, saith the Lord.
9-9-18 am service
Let my word dwell in your heart richly, richly, get rich in my word, know my word, study my word, study my word, study to show yourself approved by me, not by others, but by me. Let my word dwell richly in your heart, for you need to be operating in discerning of spirits because you have studied the word, not in the gift, not in the gift, for most of you could not handle the gift. For many requirements come with the gift and it is one of the most sought after gifts and yet man, if they are not spiritual, cannot handle it, they can’t handle it. But you can get a form of that by studying my word, then you know my word so well that when others fake my word, when others pretend to be spiritual, you pick that up. For it is sad when my church sit and listen to the false and think that it is real, it is sad when my church can hear those flowing in the false and yet they don’t know the difference, that is not my church. For my church is a glorious church without spot or wrinkle, my church is a powerful church that has the gifts of the spirit in operation that has miracles, signs and wonders, that has healings, my church are the adults, they are not the children in the room. The false church is the children in the room, for they don’t know my word, and because they don’t know my word, they haven’t seen the things that have already taken place throughout the world today, today, already today. Did I not warn you of September? For when you go home and listen to the news, if you listen to the news, most will go to a football game never knowing what the news has to say, never knowing what took place already today until tomorrow or the day after, till somebody tells them, that is not the mature church. For if you had a leak in your plumbing would you just sit there and watch it run on the floor until the room flooded and then call the plumber? Be not foolish, but wake up, wake up, wake up, for there are great and wonderful and mighty things going to take place, and if you want to be part of them you have got to be on the front line, you have got to be in the action, that is the only place hero’s are made, in the action. Heroes are not made of those that stay behind; heroes are made in the action. Act on my word, act on my word, flow in my word, know my word, for then you shall act according to my word.
For the old, old picture that many of you hung on your refrigerators that showed the two little men laughing their heads off, and they said, the devil said what? When he speaks of the disaster, when he speaks the multiple things that are going to happen you need to laugh, it is funny, it is funny, he has no power, he has not authority only that which you give to him, you should be laughing, it should tickle your feet, you should laugh and laugh and laugh, for in laughter there is joy and in joy there is strength and you shall be mine, mine, saith your Father God.
For my word coming from your mouth spoken out of your heart can remove any, any, any mountain that stands in your way. For when it comes out of your heart you believe it, for you have stored it in your heart, but if it comes out of your mind that is the flesh in operation. Do you not understand that, do you not know that and the flesh profits nothing but disaster, sickness, sorrow, pain? Put up you no fishing signs, for I have given you those no fishing signs, don’t allow the enemy to dig up things to cause you pain, to cause you hurt, to trouble you, to cause you to stand still and not go forth. Put up my signs that say the fishing is good, I am going to eat all the word that I can, that I can get fat on the word, that I can be filled with the word, that I can overflow with the word.
For, I say unto you, I have given unto you a prophetic ministry, says the Lord, of miracles, of all the things you have seen in the Old Testament and they shall become greater now, says the Lord. The things back then are not what you will see today because these will be greater things, yes, those around the world will not like what they see because you speak my word, you speak the truth, says the Lord. Don’t fight me, says the Father, but live for me and do as I say, says the Lord.
For just assuredly as any road map, I have laid the course out before you, I have said not to turn to the right nor to turn to the left, but stay on course. For I have laid it out step by step by step, and if you follow those steps, most assuredly you shall fulfill all that I have said that you would fulfill. Yes, there will be roadblocks that the enemy tries to throw up along the way, but remember that I have given you the power and authority to overcome them. For I said that you could drive straight through them, saith the Lord, for they would not hold you back, they would not slow you down. So do not allow the roadblock that the enemy has throne in front of you to hold you back, to stop you, to keep you from doing what I have called for you to do. For the end is sure, saith the Lord and the course is straight and all you need to do is to keep moving forward and do all that I have called for you to do. For surely, surely, surely the victory ahead is great, saith the Lord, that is why the enemy desires to hold things up, for the victories ahead are great, the victories ahead are great, saith the Lord.
For my angels claimed this house while you slept, they left the anointing strongly upon this house, that when you came, the anointing would fall on you this morning, saith your Father God. For my anointing is here for you, my anointing breaks every, every yoke of bondage, my anointing sets the captives free, my anointing causes the glory that is already in you to flow out of you because the Holy Ghost put that glory in you, not man. And as you flow in my glory people see me, I am magnified, I am manifested and I am moving, I am moving, I am moving and the miracles, the signs and the wonders that automatically take place simply because my glory, my glory, my glory is here and you should be shouting, the rooftop should be raised up high. For truly my glory is here, the glory of the Lord is here, the glory of the Lord is here, the glory of the Lord is here.
The Lord God says it’s time for the harvest, it is time for the harvest to come, it is time for the dead churches to wither away, it is time for the false church to wither away. For if your church doesn’t see the signs or the wonders and healings and the miracles it is time to come to a church that God is moving in. So get out of the dead churches today and go to a church of mine, the Lord God says, so get out of those dead churches. The Lord God says he has healings, signs and wonders, he told you last week there is someone that was here that did not receive because they did not come up, the Lord God says it is someone that lives on this property, he has a whole new body for them today. He has a miracle for you today, come and receive it the Lord God says. The miracles, the signs and the wonders are flowing for what your need is today, come and receive it.
God is saying from this day forth we are going to be known as the house where everybody is healed.
No more, no more, no more, no more, the Lord said, for you shall be known not only as the house that is healed, you shall be known as the house that brings forth deliverance and demons shall flee, they shall flee in the midst of the service, they shall flee in the worship, they shall flee, they shall flee, they shall flee.
9-9-18 pm service
For truly I am moving in a far greater way than you have ever seen and I shall open up your eyes and you shall see the things that I, your Father God, shall do. For it is an hour of great excitement, it is the hour when my Son shall come for his bride and it shall not be many days hence, saith your Father God. And you shall see other signs, signs in the world that brings trouble in the world, brings trouble to the hearts, brings trouble. So let your heart not be disturbed, for I have told you these things and I have warned them and when I have warned them and they refuse to obey me and follow my directions, let not your heart be troubled. When they sin they have gone the wrong way, but if they would repent and return to me, I would show my love unto them and they can walk with me even as you walk with me. But, I do not, I do not enjoy disobedience, I will not honor disobedience and during the time of the millennial reign you remember one sin and they died, they don’t live a thousand years.
For the righteous shall flourish and great, great shall be their rewards, great, great shall be the moving of the Spirit in them bringing forth miracles, bringing forth signs, bringing forth wonders that the eyes of the unsaved can be opened and they can come safely in the fold before it is that time, saith your Father. Pray, pray, pray.
Be not negative, but exalt my word, speak my words, do not say you do not have enough room, do not call in those negative things. For when you call them in then they bind you, they hinder you, they slow you down. But speak my words; for if you look and study you will find my word brings forth the results that you want, your words, they are not my words, for my words are far higher than your words. Therefore, wisdom would say speak my words, speak my words, speak my words.
For, I say unto you, my words shall be like wings unto you that you can soar over the enemy, says the Lord, over the circumstances of the world, says the Lord. For you have been called to a higher position, a higher place, says the Lord, than those that are walking on the surface of the earth, you are seated with me, says the Lord. Rise up and read my word, study my word, speak my word, live my word, says the Lord.
For truly many dark days are ahead for the world that is why you my people need to be walking in the light, you need to be in my word, you need to be spending time in prayer that you are not caught off guard. Yes, you shall have a very clear picture of just what is about to take place, for I have revealed many things unto you, but if you are not paying attention you could get caught off guard. Therefore, you need to walk very closely by my side through the coming days ahead, for I have spoken unto you about them and the things that would take place. Fear them not, for they will not come nigh your dwelling, that is a promise that I have given unto you. But do not allow the enemy to grip you with fear, to grip you with doubt or unbelief, for those things are not of me, saith the Lord and that is not my desire. For my desire is for you to go through the days ahead victoriously, to be the overcomer, to be the head and not the tail above and not beneath, but to be victorious in every single area of your life. Therefore, walk very closely by my side and be watchful for the things that shall take place, saith the Lord.
Be not fearful, for it is not an hour to be fearful, for fear is not of me, for I have given you a sound mind, I have given you my faith and every one of you has a measure of that faith, and if you have applied it rightly, it has grown and grown and grown. Therefore, walk, walk in your faith, but let that faith be total assurance, let there be no questions whether it happened or didn’t happen, know, know, know that it happened, know that it happened, know I say, know.
So what is accomplished by fear, fear accomplishes nothing, so why would you fear when it accomplishes nothing? Have you not listened to me, have you not heard anything that I said to you concerning fear? I have told you over and over, fear not, I have given you all that measure of faith, put your faith into operation and fear not, for fear accomplishes nothing.
9-5-18 pm service
There is a love that I have shed abroad in your hearts and it shall come to full manifestation that you shall walk in that agape love, you shall walk in the fullness of the love that I have and that love shall be spread from you to others round about you and your touch shall be the touch of love. And there shall be miracles, there shall be signs, there shall be wonders, multitudes will come seeking you out, seeking me out. They will come unto me and you will minister unto them, you will feed them the bread of life, you will lay hands on them and they will be healed and delivered and set free. They can be filled with my Holy Ghost, oh the power, the anointing that shall come, oh it shall come quickly, it shall come quickly. So, I say unto you, be not discouraged, be not faint of heart, for many things shall take place now and you will see them as they take place. But remember I have said unto you I shall take you through safely, for I know the way through the wilderness, I know the way. Walk with me, walk with me, walk with me.
For the love that I have for you and the love that you shall share with others was not here in times past in the world, it came as my Son Jesus came and he gave you that new law, he gave you that new law, you shall love one another even as he has loved you and that love shall flow out and those round about you shall sense it. They shall feel it and they shall draw closer and closer, for it is that love that shall draw them in and they shall come and they shall come and they shall come.
My word says you shall know them by their fruits, and if my love is not in them, are they truly mine? For I have said that my love shall abide in my children, for I have even so much as commanded that you love one another even as Jesus loved you and died for all of you. So, also know this, if my love is not in my people they are not really of me, for those who are walking with me shall have my love and it shall be seen in every area of there life, saith the Lord. Know them; know them by their fruit.
For my love working in you automatically produces miracles, automatically produces healing, automatically produces deliverance. For with my love I loved the sick, I loved those that needed miracles, I loved those that needed deliverance and I gave that unto them and you shall also give it to others.
9-2-18 am service
Let your hearts be filled with great excitement, great joy, great joy, for I shall begin to do things now, saith your Father God, that you have not seen. For I shall move even upon those that have sense knowledge faith, I shall move upon their hearts also because they have a form of faith, and as they exercise their faith I, their Father God, shall move upon them and they shall know me and they shall come unto me, they shall cling unto me and they shall run, run, run and they shall run fast. So put on your running shoes, for in order to stay ahead of them you will need running shoes, saith your Father God, there shall be an hour of things coming to pass very fast and you shall see the miracles, you shall see the signs, you shall see wonders. For I have told you about this month, there is great disaster coming this month, but there are great things, great things for my church, there are great things for my people. Forsake not, forsake not, I say to you, assembling yourselves together, but do it more so, for you will need the encouragement of one another, you will need to be built up, you will need to be edified that you can run the race that is set before you. For it shall be a long race and yet it will be a short race, it shall be high, high, high and yet you shall be able to climb to the heights and over the heights and into you the arms of your loving Father and he shall catch you away, yes, yes, yes. Press in, press in, for it is a great hour, it is a great hour, saith your Father.
Not only shall it be a great hour, but is shall also be the hour of separation, for I shall separate the false from the truth, it shall be the hour of Ananias and Sapphira, it shall be the hour when I shall move in a way you have not seen me move. For my anger has been kindled and the hour is short but, I say unto you my children, press in, press in, press in.
For I say to you, don’t operate by your own faith, says the Lord, but use my faith, says the Lord. For it is not in the things that you’re doing, but rest in me, says the Lord, for My Spirit will give you all the things that you have need of, says the Lord. Rest in me and you will see that you have all the victory, says the Lord.
Thank you, thank you, thank you, you shall say, for you shall see the greatness of my power, the greatness of my love, the greatness of my ability. For my people shall be exalted far above those that are not saved, far above those that have no faith, far above those that do not love me at all that are my enemies and will remain my enemies, for their hearts have already been set as stone and they will not be moved, saith your Father God. But you shall see, yes, you shall see, it shall be a great hour and over and over again you will say thank you, thank you, thank you and the praises shall rise and the praises shall come before my throne and greater, greater, greater things than these shall I do.
For truly it is an hour of greatness, great disaster for the world, but great things for my church. Great and mighty miracles, the healings and signs and wonders shall I pour out upon you, saith the Lord. For it is now that time, it is now that hour, you should know that like never before as you begin to see the things come together, that you begin to see them unfold. For you should have a very clear understanding by now, saith the Lord, for it is found in my word, it has been recorded in my word and I have not hidden it from you, but at times you have not been faithful and been in my word like I have told you to be in my word. And, therefore, I have not been able to reveal those things unto you, but it is time now, saith the Lord, it is time now to put on your running shoes and run with me. It is time to do the things that I have called for you to do, for there is a great and mighty harvest that is out that needs to be reaped and I need my laborers to go forth and bring them in. For I have said go into the highways and the byways and compel them to come in, don’t tell them what they are doing wrong, but show them my love, show them I am a God of mercy and grace and love and forgiveness. For I shall heal and deliver and set them free, and oh, the joy that shall fill my house, the praises to overflowing, saith the Lord. For it is that time and it is that hour, the hour of that last great revival that I have called for this day and this hour, saith the Lord. So, rejoice, rejoice, rejoice, for the things that I have ahead in store for you, saith the Lord.
The miracles, the signs, the wonders are here, I have a whole storehouse full of parts, I have a whole storehouse full of compassion for each and every one of you. Why are the hospitals full, why are streets full of sick people? It is time for my people to go out and pray for the sick, it is time for my people to go out and tell people about me, it is time for my churches to be full, it is time for the people here, for the sick to be healed and delivered and set free. It is time for people to be touched; it is time for those people with those pains to be gone. For those of you who are sick come and be healed and delivered and set free, for I have parts like never before. For those that were told at Campmeeting that you could get rid of those glasses and smash them, it is time today for that to be fulfilled. It is time for those eyes to be one hundred percent, the Lord God says, if they aren’t done yet. It is time for those people that have carpal tunnel, you want that gone, come get a new hand today, come and get new arm today if your arm hurts, come get new legs. The Lord God says you have a hip problem, come and get a new hip today, the Lord God says you have got depression, come and be delivered from it today. You need to be blessed, there are people that need to be blessed, the Lord God say his blessings are flowing today, it is time for the harvest to come in, it is time for the sick to be healed, delivered and set free. So go ye into the world and tell them about me, because the Shepard is here and he is ready to move upon each and every one of you today, next week, he is ready to move tomorrow, he will never leave you nor forsake you, so come and be healed, delivered and set free.
9-2-18 pm service
Again, I say unto you, it is a great hour, far greater than you even imagine, far greater, for it is the hour when I do great things, far greater than man has seen. It is an hour when all of my power shall flow through you, when my anointing shall flow through you, when miracles, signs and wonders will take place before your eyes. It is an hour, an hour, oh a great hour, saith your Father God, for the church. It is not a great hour for the world, but it is a great hour for the church. For the world shall see many disasters, they shall see as New York City is destroyed in twenty-four hours, they shall see that. They shall see as the volcano takes place up in Alaska and the West Coast is gone. They shall see the dividing of the United States; they shall see those things, for the hour is at hand. Therefore, I say unto you, draw closer to me and know me, know My Spirit and walk in My Spirit, for you shall see even this month, saith your Father God, many things taking place, Ohio has already gone to the mark of the beast, many other states are ready to go that way. The cashless society is at hand and my people are not even aware because they are sleeping someplace, they don’t listen to the news, they don’t follow the news, they don’t know what is taking place. They don’t even come to my website and read it there and if they would read it there they would find out what is taking place, but they don’t do that, saith your Father God. Listen, listen, it is time to wake up, it is time to dig your head out of the sand, it is time to press forward, it is time to press forward.
It is time to make sure all the supplies that I have told you to carry that you have on hand, for things are going to happen suddenly and as they happen suddenly it will be like any great disaster that happens suddenly, the grocery stores will be empty, you will not find even a bottle of water. Therefore, prepare, make ready the things I have told you, for I have told you exactly what you need, make yourself ready, make yourself ready.
For, I say unto you, in the midst of all this, says the Lord, my love shall super abound in your life, says the Lord. For my love shall cover everything that you have need of, says the Lord. Tap into me and allow my love to flow through you that those around you receive the things that they have need of, says the Lord, for I am a covering unto you, says the Lord.
Fear not, for truly you shall see my love like you have never seen it before, for I can take a cup of rice and I can feed your whole family for a whole day. I can take a glass of water and make it last for three days, I can do great things, saith your Father God and I will do great things, for you are mine, you are mine and I will be with you even as I was with the children of Israel. For all those years I was with them, even their shoes didn’t wear out, it shall be the same with you, saith your Father God, for I love you with an everlasting love and I will care for you. I will shower you with my love, I will shower you with my protection, I will shower you like you have never been showered before.
So do not fear the days ahead, do not fear the things that shall take place in the world, for you are not of this world, but you are of my kingdom and, therefore, you can stand upon all my promises that I have said are yours and that I would carry you through the days ahead victoriously, that there is nothing that you need to fear, there is nothing that you need to worry about. So when fear comes in faith goes out and then I am not able to move upon your behalf. So do not walk in fear, do not walk in doubt, do not walk in unbelief, but trust me like never before, allow me to do the things that I desire to do, allow me to carry you through the days ahead victoriously. For truly I desire to make you the head and not the tail above and not beneath, I desire for you to excel in every area and if you are walking with me you shall, saith the Lord. For I have said it would be so in these days and these hours, that my church would be the main attraction, that my people would be blessed like never before and it is that time and it is that hour. So even though great disaster shall come to the world, for my people, those who are walking with me, they shall be victorious, they shall be blessed, for I will move upon their behalf in a mighty and powerful way. So do not fear the things that are coming, but walk with me, saith the Lord.
Therefore, know that I will do all that I said I would do; I am able to do all that I said that I would do. I am here for you, I will not let you go without, put your faith into action, fear not, fear not, for I am with you. I am with you always, I walk beside you, trust in me, trust in me, trust in me.
8-29-18 pm service
For it is a glorious hour, an hour that every eye has looked forward to, an hour that those that love me have confessed the desire to see and know. For it is that hour, saith your Father God, a victorious hour for those that are walking with me, for those that know my word, for those that stand on my word and speak my word, it is a victorious hour. It is not a victorious hour for the world, for as you watch the news you can see the world falling apart, falling apart in every area, you can see things that look like they were a success turn suddenly, turn and go the other way, for it is that time and that hour. The world doesn’t know it and the world thinks that it is just going to be roses and whip cream, but disaster, disaster, disaster lies at the door. But don’t fear, make sure you are grounded, make sure you understand my word, make sure you understand the promises that you can be the overcomers, that you can be the head and not the tail above and not beneath, that you can be that victor that I said that you can be, for truly the hour is at hand.
For when the enemy comes in I raise up a standard against him and stop him. For when he tries to destroy he has no power, he has no authority, he has no ability whatsoever only the ability that you give to him. Therefore, stand on my word; stand on my promise and watch, watch as he flees.
For the path of victory is always through my word, for everything that was created was created by my word. When you stand on my word, when you refuse to be moved off my word, then you see the greatest victories you have ever seen. Therefore, I say to you, stand, stand on my word, stand, stand, stand on my word.
8-26-18 am service
Cling to my word, hug it with a bear hug, squeeze it tighter and tighter and let it come out of your mouth and put away the negative words, for they are calling destruction down on yourself. Therefore speak my word, for you are living in an hour now that is an hour of great tragedy, disaster on every hand and you cannot afford, you cannot afford to speak those negative things. Speak my word, speak my word, for I shall take you from victory to victory to victory, I shall make you the overcomers, you shall be the head and not the tail, you shall be above and not beneath and you shall walk in the fullness of my promises, for I have given them unto you. Walk with me, walk with me closely, hug my word, hug my word and you shall be that overcomer.
For you are what you say you are, if you say I am sick, guess what, saith your Father God. My word says you are healed by the strips of my Son Jesus, you have miracles by the word you speak, my word, you walk, you walk in that victory, for I have given that unto you. The devil at one time took that all away from you and gave you sense knowledge faith, now walk in revelation knowledge, know what my word says and walk in the victory.
This is an hour of great disaster and yet you as my children can walk as the victors, you can be the overcomers, you can walk even as Paul walked and he was never defeated, even though he went through many things, he was always the victor. Listen to my words, walk according to my words, walk according to my words, for this is the greatest hour the church has ever had, but many shall look at it negatively and they shall reap disaster because of the way they look at it. Therefore, I say again and again unto you, speak my word, speak my word.
For, I say unto you my children, I am your shelter, I am your refuge and I am your strength, says the Lord, in the good times and in the bad. For my time is always a great time for you my children, rise up and take hold of the things that I have given unto you and walk and let your name be written, says the Lord.
For have you not learned in times past that my word always carries you through, that my word always goes out and does what I said it will do? Even now so shall it prove again to you, saith the Lord, that I will carry you through these days victoriously if you are walking with me, if you are walking according to my word, if you set a guard upon your mouth and only allow my words to come forth. You shall be victorious, you shall be the overcomer regardless of the things that are taking place, regardless of the disaster going on all over the world, you shall be victorious, but you must, you must, you must put a guard upon your mouth and only allow my words to come forth, saith the Lord. For your words get you in trouble at times, but you need to learn now, saith the Lord, you need learn now so that I can spare you many of the things that are now to come. For if you do not learn you shall be caught up in these traps of the enemy and that is not my desire for you. So get into my word like never before, for does not my word say that out of the heart proceedeth forth those things, and if my word is in your heart, than that is what will be coming forth, saith the Lord, that is what will be proceeding from you mouth because it is in your heart. So get it in your heart like never before, for truly the days ahead are disastrous, but I shall carry you through victoriously, saith the Lord.
The Lord God says stand upon his word today, he went to that cross for each and every one of you, he took those nails for each and every one of you, he died on that cross because he loves each and every one of you, he went to that grave for each and every one of you, but he did not stay at that grave, he went down, he defeated the devil, he defeated the devil, he came back and he is risen. He is not dead, he is risen, he is sitting by his Father today, he is here for you to be healed, he is here for you to be delivered, he is here to set you free. Whatever your need is today he says come allow him to touch you and allow him to heal you and deliver you and set you free. Allow his anointing to fall upon you like never before; he loves each and every one of you.
8-26-18 pm service
I am always with you, I desire to be with you, I love you with an everlasting love, and as I draw closer to you, I say, draw closer to me, draw closer to me. Take my hand and walk with me, for truly dark days are ahead, we are seeing things that are coming in this month, in the eleventh day on through. Beware of those dates and be in prayer that you may walk victoriously, that you are not shaken, that the world does not shake you when disaster strikes the world, but that you know, that you wake up finally, that you draw closer to me, that you come to me, that I, your Father God, can protect you and keep you safe that you walk in victory, that you go forth, that you go forth in that victory, that you may be the overcomers, that you may be the winners. And when you hear that trumpet blow then you shall go, go, go.
True colors, true colors, if you look you will see them, you will see both sides assembling and your spiritual discernment shall show you the truth and you shall see the wickedness, even in those that claim to be righteous and they’re not righteous. For they are just as bad as the world, for they only want to become the conquerors, they want to be the overcomers, they want to rule and run the earth even as the devil rules and runs the earth right at the moment. But be not fooled, be not fooled, learn, learn, learn.
Let not disobedience rule your life, for it was disobedience that caused Adam to sellout to the devil and the devil took charge. I have told my people to do certain things and many have not, they have not, they have not done as I have told them to do. They leave doors open, when disaster strikes them don’t blame me, saith your Father God, for I have told them to ask, require of me, talk to me, talk to me. For I desire to keep you safe, I desire to help you, I desire to go before you, I desire to show you every trap, every rattlesnake that is ready to bite you, every coral snake that is ready to bite you. I’m here, I’m here, saith your Father God, to protect you.
For truly my word carries the final authority, my word carries all the power and authority that you ever have need of and I have told you that if you stand upon my word, if you know my word like never before, then you would be victorious in the days ahead. For you can bank upon my word, there is nothing, there is nothing that my word does not do or accomplish, for it goes out and does not return void but it goes out to do all that it has been sent forth to do. For you see the time and the hour that you are living in, and if you do not see it, then you need to come and be prayed for that your spiritual eyes can be opened, that the traps that the enemy has you in can be loosed from you that you can see very clearly the days and the hours that you are living in right now. You should know just exactly where you are at. For I have spoke unto you about the three altar calls, I have spoke unto you about September, not only once, not only twice, but now a third time, beware of September. For many things shall take place, some that I have shown unto you, some that you know not of yet. For I have not revealed them unto you because it is not the time for them yet, but it will be very soon now. But it has been recorded in my word that these things must take place, for it is that time and it is that hour just like I said that it is now time for the people to now flood in here. It is now time for the buildings to go up, for the enemy cannot hold you back any longer, for I will remove him, saith the Lord, if he stands in my way. For he has been fighting you like mad and yet have you been praying and declaring my word that I have given unto you? Have you been standing upon the promises that I have said you shall see? A few have, but where are the rest of you, do you not realize that the work has to take place now? For soon the people shall come and there will be no place to put them and they shall be lined up outside and not even able to get in. But I will move in a mighty and powerful way, I will minister to all those who come, if they come they will receive, that was my promise I gave unto them. Even during the Campmeeting the ones that came received and the ones that didn’t, did not receive, because they did not come like I spoke unto them to come. But they shall come, they shall come, they shall come and my word shall be fulfilled because I have spoken it and, therefore, it must come to pass. And I need you to understand that, saith the Lord, I need you to understand the importance of what that means. For even the disaster must come to pass because of the day and the hour that you are living in, but remember that is not for you, for I shall protect you and keep you safe even as my word has said. I will carry you through the days ahead victoriously if you are standing upon my word, if you are walking with me; if you are doing everything that I have told you to do. For truly it is that time and it is that hour so do not fear, do not fear, but stand upon my word and know that I am doing all that I have said that I would do, saith the Lord.
8-22-18 pm service
For truly My Spirit is moving in a mighty way, in a way that man hasn’t seen and known before, but in a way that is not strange. For many walked in My Spirit realm, many knew, many talked and many flowed, oh, and it shall be so in these last days, saith your Father God. For My Spirit shall move more mighty, more mighty than man has ever seen, it shall be in you and flowing from you and the power, the power shall be awesome and people will see the miracles, they will see the signs, they will see the wonders. For the hour is at hand, saith your Father God, yes, it is at hand and watch, watch, watch as I do the things that I have told you that I shall do. And prepare yourself and make yourself ready, draw closer to me, draw closer to me, draw closer to me, for truly I will use you.
It is not by might nor by power but by My Spirit, saith the Lord, for the Holy Ghost shall descend upon you and it shall fill you to overflowing and you shall go forth in power such as you have never known and the world shall be awakened, yes, there shall be revival that shall awaken the world and they shall know a Holy Ghost revival like they have never known before. For the first one was way, way back, but this one here shall be now, saith your Lord, this one here shall move mightily upon the face of the earth. This one here shall bring miracles, signs and wonders; this one here shall do the work that will bring in the last harvest.
For man shall not do in his power and in his strength, but the Holy Spirit will do through you and with you, for it shall be a powerful move, saith your Father God, a powerful move, a powerful move. You shall see signs, you shall see wonders, you shall see miracles, you shall see the dead raised and the world shall know, for it shall be a powerful move.
For I have told you in times past I have called it for this time and this hour, not another time, not another hour, for there is not time to hold back for many more years. For I have told you, you have already past that point where we cannot hold things up any longer, but they had to begin to move forward. For even my word says if I did not shorten the days the very elect would be deceived and you see the deception going on all over the world as man is trying to be God and it is not God. But beware of those who are speaking forth the false words, beware of those who are not mine, for the enemy is trying like mad to deceive people and many are running after him because it is tickling their ears and yet it is not what my word says, it is not what has been recorded in my word. For I have told you to measure everything against my word to see if it be true or not and yet at times people do not do that and, therefore, they get caught up in traps of the enemy because they do not know the word like they think they do. So even when they read these new bible translations and it says things differently than what the King James says and they do not even realize it or understand it because they never had my word in their hearts. Do not be deceived by the things that are going on, for I have told you the lateness of the hour, I have told you what is to come in September, I have told you about the things that shall take place and yet I shall move in a mighty and powerful way and the real will be much greater than the false ever was or could be, saith your Father. So do not fear, do not fear, do not fear, but get ready, get ready, get ready, for that time is here now, saith the Lord.
8-19-18 am service
For, I say unto you my children, surely I am coming soon, are you ready for me to come, says the Lord? Are you ready, for the cavalry is on its way, says the Lord, the cavalry is on its way to help you, to lift you up, says the Lord. Are you ready, can you hear it, says the Lord, for my people are coming, my people are coming. Receive, receive, receive what I have for you today, says the Lord and rejoice, for I am coming, says the Lord.
The Lord God says make sure your heart is ready; make sure your family is ready. The Lord God says he is coming soon, the Lord God says go out and tell the lost, go out and tell the lost about him, go out and pray for the lost, go out and pray for the sick, the Lord God says, for it is time for my church to be filled, it is time for my church to be filled to the rafters with people. It is time for the lost to come in and be saved, the Lord God says, so get your hearts right with God so that you can move and be used by him today. The Lord God says get right with God so he can heal and deliver and set you free today. It is time for your brothers and your sisters to be healed, it is time for your uncles to be deliver and set free, it is time for them to come and know God. It is time for the needy to be set free; it is time for you to show the love of God. Be ready to be moved by God today, he said come allow him to touch you today, allow him to heal you today, allow him to deliver you and set you free, allow him to show you what he wants you to do for his kingdom today.
8-19-18 pm service
For, I say unto you my children, it is not an hour to sit back and relax, but to turn on the news and see what is going on, and by the news I am talking about My Spirit, says the Lord. Do you hear what the Spirit is saying to you tonight and yesterday and the day before, says the Lord, for I have spoken to you about the times that are coming ahead. These are dangerous times if you are not walking with me, says the Lord, therefore, I say unto you, if you become fearful you need to press in, press in, press in, for the things that are coming shall not be fear unto you but you shall have that peace that surpasses all knowledge and understanding as I have told you, says the Lord. Press into me, press into me, get into my word, for my word is your victory, says the Lord. In my word you will find all the keys to the things that you need, says the Lord. Therefore, I say unto you, rise up this night and press in press, in press, in, says the Lord.
I say to you this night, why have you come here, have you come here to meet with me, then meet with me. Give me your love, give me your praise, worship me and I will move mightily on your behalf. For if you come here and you are not meeting with me, why are you even here I ask. You need to be serious in these times, serious in your walk, serious in your prayer, serious in your reading of my word, you need to seek me, these are dangerous, dangerous times, I warn you my children, wake up before it is too late and you find yourself in peril. Wake up, wake up, wake up.
8-15-18 pm service
For my word shall go out and it shall not return void but it will do those things that I have sent it forth to do, for that is my word, for that is my promise to you. For as you speak my word, as you speak my word all of heaven, all of my power, all of my authority, all of my ability is at your command and I go forth to do the things that you have said to do. So be not fearful, be not fearful, but speak my word, speak my word, and I, your Father God, shall move mightily, I shall bring those things to pass that truly you are the victors, you are the conquerors, you are the overcomers, for that is what I have said.
For the way to my house is easy, saith your Father God, for I have made it easy, but you have made it difficult, you have made it hard by making it negative instead of positive, that you could see, that you could see above and beyond any doubt the things, the things that I have declared to you.
Know that my word is a firm foundation, and when you have built upon my word, there is nothing that can tear you down, there is nothing that can slow you or hinder you or stop you from doing what I have called and said that you could do. But you need to build upon my word; you need to have that sure foundation, that foundation that cannot be moved, that foundation that is not shakable. For many, many, many have not built upon my word and they shall be shaken to the very core, but they shall come running back to me, for they will soon realize the lateness of the hour. They will realize it is that time and it is that hour even as I have spoken unto you time and time again that it is that time and it is that hour. Be ready, be ready, be ready to do all that I have called for you to do, saith the Lord.
8-12-18 am service
For truly in the days ahead you should know me like never before, you should draw closer to me than at anytime before that you can walk with me hand in hand step in step that I can carry you through these days ahead. For the things that are ahead are not for my church, but they are for the world, they are for those who are asleep to wake them up. For I have called this hour a great and wonderful hour for my church, a time when I shall meet with you in a powerful way, a time when I will pour My Spirit out upon you without measure. For truly that is my desire for you in these days and these hours that are ahead. So look to me, look to me, look to me, for I, your Father God, can carry you though these days ahead victoriously. For I do not desire that you walk in defeat, but I desire that you walk in the victory as the overcomer doing all that I have called you to do, saith the Lord. For it is that time and it is that hour so draw closer to me.
For the things that I have for you my children are good, they are to help you, they are to prosper you, says the Lord, they are not to bring you down, they are not to weigh you down. The things that I have for you are to lift you up, to raise you higher and higher, says the Lord. Therefore, press in and receive all the things that I have for you, don’t delay; get it today, says the Lord.
Dwell in my word, make it a constant thing, don’t make it a hit or miss, but I say to you, dwell in my word, allow my word to be within your heart daily that you speak forth my word that that’s the first thing that comes out of your mouth in any and all situations, that you can become those victorious ones that I have called you to be, so that you can be the overcomers that I have said you are. Dwell in my word, dwell in my word, dwell in my word.
So as you speak my word then you speak into being the things that I have already created, for I have told you these things, that my word is the truth. It is not what you learn in schools, it is not what you learn from mothers and fathers, it is not even what you learn from preachers. My word is the truth, and as you speak forth my word, my word, then you walk in the victories that my word has said that you have. When you speak your words then you bring forth the things that Satan has for you because normally your words line up with him and not with me because you are afraid to speak my words. Speak my words, speak my words, speak my words and I will do what I said I will do.
For one of the first things that I tell my people when they get saved is renew your mind, it’s like a computer, it is filled with garbage and you are speaking garbage and you are reaping garbage, empty it out, put my word in and you receive the things that I have said.
The Lord says do you want to get closer to him today, the Lord God say come this morning open up your hearts, sing the song again, raise your hands to him, seek him this morning, not man, but seek God. The Lord God says come this morning and seek him and allow God to move upon each and every one of your needs. Come and renew your mind as you sing the song, come and be delivered and set free today.
8-12-18 pm service
For in truth I do love you, I love you with an everlasting love, and that I have told you many times. My love never dies down, even when you’re bad I love you, and all I ask is that you love me, that you walk close by my side, that you listen carefully as I explain to you how to live victorious, how to be the overcomer, how to be all that you desire to be. For I know the way, yes, I know the way and many have followed me and they have reached the highest goals that they have ever had and you can reach those goals for I love you. Yes, truly the end is here, the end is here and you are seeing all those signs, yes, some are even counting days, but they don’t know the number of the days. But, I say, beware of September, beware of September, beware of September, for you shall see the three altar calls, yes, you shall see those three altar calls come September. You shall see things that shall amaze you, frighten you and cause you to wake up and press in. It is sad that many have to see those things before they press in, but I say to you now before that, press in, press in, press in.
Let not your hearts be troubled, for you have my word, you have my promise and you know from reading my word everything, everything that you need to know, everything that is going to take place, everything that is going to come to pass, you know from my word. You don’t have to walk in darkness, you don’t have to stumble, you don’t have to fall, but you can be victorious, oh yes, you can be victorious, you can be the overcomers. You can be the ones that rise to the top, that bring in the multitudes, it is time for the multitudes to come in, yes, it is time.
For it is your time and hour, saith the Lord, it is the hour that I have promised and my church should be thriving, my church should be on fire like never before. Yet even this night where are your people, for they have allowed their fire to go out, for they have not continued to build upon as I have said to do. But very soon now, very soon now the shaking shall come and those who are not running with me will be caught off guard, and they will need, they will need to get back with me, saith the Lord. But allow me to ignite your fire, allow me to put the wood on that fire so that it does not go out but that it burns for all eternity. For I have told you, you need to be refilled and refilled and refilled so that your oil is full at all times. For some have come and gotten filled, but have they ever been refilled? For I have said that I would pour out My Spirit upon you once again, that is a refilling, but it is over and over and over, saith the Lord, so that you can be on top and go through the days that are ahead victoriously, so you can be victorious in every area of your life, for truly that is my desire. But you need to get into my word, you need to draw closer to me, for most are not walking as closely with me as I desire, even though I have continually said over and over it’s that time, it’s that hour. Do you not realize that the enemy has clouded your vision and you do not see clearly and yet I have laid it out very clearly for you, but you forget about those things at times? So, I say unto you, get into my word, allow me to ignite those fires in you that you can go forth and do the things that I have called for you to do. For the days ahead shall be very troubling for the world and for those who are not walking with me, but for my church, for those who are walking closely with me, those who are on fire, they shall walk through it like it is not even taking place. For that is my promise that I have given unto you, that I, your Father God, will carry you through the days ahead. So draw closer, draw closer, draw closer.
8-5-18 am service
For truly the abundance, the abundance that I have for you, for as we move through these last days all the promises, all the promises shall be fulfilled, and you shall walk in a realm that you have never walked in before, because it will be a glorious church without spot or wrinkle that goes out, not a defeated church, not a church down and out, but a church that is walking the victorious life. For they know my word, they know my promises and they walk according to my word, they walk according to my promises and the abundance, the abundance that is shared upon them. For many do not desire the things that I have given to them and they walk, they walk in weakness, they walk in pain, they walk in suffering, for they do not believe my word. For my word is truth, my words cannot lie, and when you begin to believe my words in that area, you will walk in the victories that I have given to you. You will be the overcomers, you will be the blessed ones, you will lead multitudes into the throne room in these last days. So fear not, fear not the things that are coming, for I have already told you I have made a way for you and you shall go through this time in victory, it shall be a great hour, a great hour, saith your Father God.
Who is my child, are you not heirs to the throne, do you not have an inheritance, are you not able to walk in the fullness of the things that I have given to you, do I not love you? Oh, I have said I love you, I love you, I love you and I desire to bless you, I desire to heal you, I desire to deliver you and set you free, I desire to fill you with My Spirit, I desire to do the things that my word says. Therefore, I say unto you, walk, walk, walk in the fullness of the Spirit, walk in the Spirit, not in the flesh, but walk, walk, walk in the Spirit.
For this is the time, saith the Lord, that my church shall be like a mighty symphony all playing their part following the same lead, says the Lord. For all shall be moving upon my tune, says the Lord and you will know them by their tune, says the Lord, if they are not playing my tune they are not of me, says the Lord. Fill the void, fill the void, step in now, says the Lord and play your part.
For before the foundations of the earth I set forth my plans before I created heaven and earth, before I created the universe, before my Son Jesus came to pay the price that you, you could be the heirs to my throne, that you could walk in the fullness of the things that I have. For he has paid it, he has paid it in full, he has paid it with his blood and, therefore, you are the victors, you are the overcomers, you are the head, you are not the tail, you are above, you are not below. For I have defeated Satan and he has been defeated before you and I have given you all power and authority that you can go forth and do the things that my Son did. For greater things than these shall you do, and that is so, oh press in; press in, for the day, the day of his coming is soon.
For, I say unto you, walk in the fullness of everything that I have for you, walk in the fullness, I say, walk in the fullness. For truly many, many, many are not walking the way I would like them to, for they are walking defeated, they are walking in lack, they are walking in want. And does not my word say that there shall be no lack or want for I shall fulfill those needs? Does not my word say that you have already received the victory, does not my word say that you are the head and not the tail, above and not beneath, does not my word say that you are the overcomer? So then why are you not walking according to my word, why are you allowing the enemy to come in and defeat you when you should be trampling all over him? Oh, my people, you need to get a hold of my word, you need to get a hold of my word so you can be victorious in these days ahead. For the enemy is not giving up, the enemy is not stopping, but you have the victory over him, you just need to learn how to use the tools that I have given you against him so you can defeat him, saith the Lord.
The Lord God says, he sent his Son to the cross for each and every one of you, he sent his Son to that cross because he doesn’t want anyone left behind, he wants everyone to go to heaven, so he gave his Son as a sacrifice. Do you accept him today as your personal Savior, he wants every one of you, he gives you a choice, you can either accept Jesus as your personal Savior or you can go to hell. He doesn’t want anyone to go to hell with Satan; he wants everyone saved, for he gave you this choice, he gave you the choice of salvation. The Lord God says today, not tomorrow, but today he wants to move upon each and every one of you, he says the Lord is my Shepard. He wants to be your Shepard today, what does a Shepard do when his flock is safe, he takes care of them, what does a Shepard do when they are disobedient, he takes care of them. He wants to take that pain from you today, he wants to take that heartbreak away from you today; he wants to bless you today. He says come and allow him to move upon you today, because he loves each and every one of you. He wants each and every one of you saved, he wants each and every one of you to be delivered, he wants each and every one of you to be set free today and be healed.
8-5-18 pm service
For I etc etc etc and I have prepared for you, says the Lord, for all you have need of is ready this night, says the Lord, if you believe, if you are ready to receive it, says the Lord, for I have given it unto you this night. Press in, press in, press in, for this is the time, this is the hour, says the Lord, for you must press in.
Is your love red hot or is it lukewarm or is it cold? How much do you love me, have you ever asked yourself that question, what is my love like? Seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all the other things I will add unto you. Have not I showed my love, for I love you with an everlasting love, I love you, I love you, I long to move mightily on your behalf, I long to do the things that my word says that I could do, I long to do that. Do you long to see me, what is your love like, have you ever measured your love, do you know what love is or is love a strange topic that you only put into Corinthians the thirteenth chapter and you don’t understand what it is saying? What is love, what is love, I love you.
For the hour is very late and the enemy is working as hard as he possibly can, but my people should be walking in victory, they should be the overcomers, they should be the head and not the tail. For I have given unto them every spiritual gift that they need, there is nothing that they need; I have already given to them. I give to them that they could win, that they could walk as I have said that they could walk, that they could be as I have said that they could be. Why, because I love you.
7-29-18 am service
Do not be deceived but let your spiritual ears be open that you may listen, that you may hear, that you may understand. For there shall be three main altar calls calling all over the world for my children to come to me, they shall be very loud, they shall be very clear. Then after that you shall see destruction like you have never seen it before, for it is that hour and it is that time. I have spoken and I have spoken and I have warned and I have warned and yet you remain in a sleep-full condition as if nothing, nothing is going to affect you, but when it comes it will affect you if you are not walking by my side. If you are not awake, if you are not flowing in the spirit, if you are not pressing forward you shall feel the aftereffects and shall know the aftereffects, for they shall be very clear. For, I say unto you, draw nigh unto me, come to me, come to me, come to me, press into that place, press into that place that one time you walked in, but you no longer walk there. Press into that place that I, your Father God, can show you my love, that I can show you my concern, that I can show you my care, press into that place I say, for truly there is a far better life than the one that you know, for I have an abundance for you, saith your Father God, abundance.
Even though you may not understand in the spirit realm the things that you should, you can, you can, you can, you can if you will but press in.
For a lukewarm condition is very, very, very bad, did I not say that I would spit them out of my mouth, that means that they are not going to make it. Therefore, I say unto you, press in, you spend more time trying to run away and figure out how you can get things on your own rather than come unto me and ask of me. You have not because you ask not, for you ask with mental assent, you ask with faith that is not faith, you ask with everything but what my word tells you to do. If you will stand on my word and stand on my promises, quickly, quickly, you will see that my word is truth and all those things that you ask for shall come into being. For it is that hour and it is that time, you don’t have another three years, so wake up, wake up, wake up and press in.
For, I say unto you, where my fire dwells there is protection, says the Lord, there is holiness and there is all manor of good works, says the Lord. For there is no evil that shall befall you when my fire dwells in you and you let that fire out, says the Lord and consume all those around you. Let my light shine, I say, let my light shine therefore that all men shall come, all men shall come, says the Lord.
For not am I the same God yesterday,
today and forever, am I not the same God that heals, delivers and sets free, am
I not the same God that raises the dead and fed the multitudes?
Am I not more than able to meet every single one of your needs and yet I
continually offer them up to you and you have not because you have not come to
me the way I have said to come. You
have not come open, you have not come and received the things that I have for
you, and those who did receive, the enemy came and met them and stole
immediately because they allow things to come out of their mouth that were not
my words, saith the Lord. It is
that time and it is that hour that I have spoken to you about, it is that time
when you are entering into more warfare than you have ever seen before and yet I
have already given you victory over that, saith your Father.
I have given you victory in every area of your life and all you need to
do is walk in those areas, saith the Lord.
All you need to do is speak forth my word, for I have said if you would
speak forth my word the enemy has to flee, he has to flee, he has no choice.
But at times my children forget the things that I have told them that
they could do and they are so easy and that is why you need to keep my word in
your heart at all times, you need to know my word like never before. For in my word are all the keys to be successful in these
days and these hours, saith the Lord. For
you do not have to fear the things that are coming, for they are not for my
church, they are for the world, they are for those who are asleep to wake them
up, to give them one last chance to come in before I take my church out and it
is too late. Oh, my children, I
love you with an everlasting love and I desire for you to live and walk in the
fullness of everything that I have for you.
So do not, do not, do not give victory to the devil by opening up your
mouth and allowing things to come forth that are not my words, but stand upon my
word, stand upon my word like never before and receive all of the things that I
have for you. For truly I love you,
saith the Lord, I love you.
Be in prayer for the little ones as they come, for I have prepared their hearts and their hearts are more hungry than you have ever seen before. And they shall respond as my word goes forth, be prepared, be prepared, saith your Father God, that you may become a light unto them that they will know that they can call upon you at any moment, at anytime and I, their Father God, shall answer them. Be ready, be ready, be ready, for the hour is now.
For truly this is the end time, I have called upon you many times, many, many times. It is time for the harvest, it is time to reap the harvest now, wait no longer my children, for I need you, I need you, I need you. Reach out, reach out and bring in my harvest, I need my people, I need all, I need all my people, but reach out, bring in the harvest now.
7-29-18 pm service
For truly you are more than enough and yet many of my people do not know that and they are destroyed because of the lack of knowledge, but if they would read my word and believe my word just as it is written, you would find out that truly you are, you are more than enough. You have all the power, all the authority, all the ability, you lack nothing, you have been equipped with every spiritual gift that there is, and yet you don’t realize this, therefore you don’t function in this and therefore you don’t see the miracles, the signs, the wonders that you should be seeing in your own personal life, you can be that, saith your Father God, for it is that hour and it is that time. I am calling upon you to press in even harder than you have ever pressed in before and to move into that place that you can walk in the fullness of everything that I have for you. For it is that hour, it is that time right now, not later, now, now, saith your Father God, now.
What do you say concerning yourself, do you speak my word or do you speak the words of the enemy? It would be wise if you spent fifteen minutes a day looking at yourself in the mirror and telling yourself what you are in Christ, who you are in Christ and what you can do in Christ. And you would find in a very short time you would be walking in the fullness, even as Jesus walked, there would be miracles, signs and wonders following you every place that you went. For you are all that I said that you are and you can do all that I said that you can do, you can be all, all that I said that you could be. But you have got to believe, you have got to believe, you have got to believe.
For, I say unto you my children, you must tend unto the things that I have given unto you that you can build them up, says the Lord. Use what I have given unto you that you can do the things that I have called you to do. For if you sit back and let them sit, they will not ever profit, says the Lord and then what will you have to say for it, says the Lord.
For truly my word stands forever, my word will not go out and return void, therefore as you move and speak forth my word all of heaven, all of my resources begin to move on your behalf to bring those things into being. It is so easy, it is so simple and yet my people are afraid to walk in the supernatural and because they are afraid to walk in the supernatural they do not see the supernatural. But if you would walk in the supernatural you would see the supernatural, for I, your Father God, would make sure that everything that you did, everything you said would come to pass and many, many would see, many would quickly follow and you would see multitudes, multitudes, multitudes coming in.
For I need you my children to be walking in the area where I can use you, where I can use you to minister unto the multitudes or I can use you just to minister unto one. It doesn’t matter, but I have need of you my children, I need you to be in that place where I can use you when I call upon you that you are ready, ready to do the things that I need you to do, saith the Lord. For it is that time and it is that hour and I need all, I need all, I need all of you to be in and not on the bench, saith the Lord, for I have need of you in these days and these hours. So do not allow the enemy to get you down, do not let the enemy think that you are of no use to me, for you are of great use to me and I desire for you to receive all the things that I have for you in these days and these hours. But you need to draw closer to me, to get into my word, you need to spend more time in prayer that you are ready, that you are ready for me to use you in these days ahead, saith the Lord.
7-22-18 am service
For my word is truth and as you stand on my word then my word comes to pass, but if you are double-minded then you are not standing on my word and a double-minded man will receive nothing, absolutely nothing. You must be steadfast, unmoveable, for the enemy is working overtime right now and even if you look around in your midst you will see those that aren’t here because the enemy, the enemy is at work. Therefore, I say unto you, get a hold of my word, stand on my word, do not be moved, refuse, refuse to be moved, then I can move on your behalf and I can bring the victories that you desire, the victories that you want. But do not, do not allow the enemy to make you move, be steadfast, know my word, stand on my word, for I have said my word shall not go out and return void, that means it will do whatever its sent forth to do. You have got to believe that, you have got to stand, you have got to refuse to move and I will move on your behalf and you shall have the victories that I have promised you. This is the last day and the fights that are going on are far stronger, years ago they were not this strong, but because the time is so short the enemy is doing all that he possibly can to make sure you don’t get to heaven, stand, stand, stand, stand don’t be moved.
For if a wild animal was to come upon you would you not do everything in your own ability to drive them off or would you just lay there and let them eat you up finger by finger, arm by arm, leg by leg? You are in a warfare, I have given you all the equipment that you need to fight and win. Therefore, again I say, fight, fight, fight, fight, fight, fight.
Even Samson when they made an ox out of him blind as blind as could be kept grinding, kept grinding, kept grinding until he realized that he still had feelings, that he still had me, that I had not forgotten him, that I had a covenant with him and he called out to me and when they moved him back to where he could reach out and touch those giant pillars of that day Samson, Samson used that strength, used that feeling, not his eyesight, because he couldn’t see, but he used what he had and he had the victory. David as a little boy looked at that huge giant, and he was not moved because he knew I had stood with him before, he killed the Bear and the Lion, the same God was with him, the Philistine had no god and David took that little sling and he won the victory. He took the enemy’s sword and cut his head off, are you willing to fight like that? At times you will have to, saith your Father God, if you desire to win.
For My Spirit is upon you and as My Spirit is upon you than everything that I am you are, everything that I have you have, every ability to overcome anything that stands in your way. For I have said that you only need to speak unto the mountain and it has to be moved because that is what my word says. Therefore, if you would use my word against the enemy he must flee before you, but you must know my word, you must know how to speak forth my word, you must know how to stand upon my word. For if you do, you will have great victory, saith your Father, you will have great victory. For I have made the way for victory for you already, but the enemy is trying more than ever before and you are allowing him the victory because you are not standing up against him. You are not standing upon my word; you are not speaking forth my words. Do not allow him any longer, for I have told you before it is time to play offence and quit playing defense, for some the enemy has backed into a corner, are you going to allow him to defeat you or are you going to rise up in the power that I have given unto you and defeat him? The choice is yours, saith your Father, for I have given you all the things that you need to be the overcomers.
The great Shepard says whoever has those mountains he wants to take you through those mountains, but you have to remove that bolder today that is not allowing him to move upon you, it is not allowing him to take you farther. Take that bolder out of your heart today, take that bolder and tell it to move in the name of Jesus, take that bolder and say devil you have lost, I have won in the name of Jesus, because in the name of Jesus that bolder has to move. The Lord God says he is flowing today, he is flowing, his healings, his miracles, his blessings are flowing from heaven, he says come and allow him to move upon you, so come with that bolder removed, come with that heart open come and allow him to move upon you.
7-22-18 pm service
For it is a great hour, a great hour for my church, far more greater than many realize, far more greater than many understand, but it is the last hour and, therefore, I saved everything that is the best for the last. And many of my people shall walk in it, they shall rejoice, they shall know above and beyond any doubt the great anointing that they shall have, the miracles, the signs, the wonders they shall see. For truly it is the last hour and we have a world, a world that needs to come in yet and they shall see a demonstration of my power, a demonstration of my anointing, they shall see my word come alive and they shall know above and beyond any doubt that there is a God in heaven that loves them and he sent his Son to die for them that they too could go to heaven.
For the anointing shall break every barrier, you will be shocked when it moves a mountain for you, you will be shocked when you see the dead raised, for there are those that the devil is trying to destroy, whose life is very short, but I, I, your Father God, shall raise them from the dead, for it is not their time and it is not their hour and they do not understand the word like you understand the word. But they shall know, they shall understand and you shall see, you shall see, you shall see.
For have not I told you my children that my light shall shine in the midst of the darkness, says the Lord, though the hour looks dark yet my light is far brighter, far greater than the darkness for those that are walking with me, says the Lord. Walk in that light that I have given unto you to walk in, for there shall be the miracles and the blessings, says the Lord.
Many, many more were delivered and set free this morning than you have in here, for that python spirit has captured many around the world, but as the word went forth they were set free. You shall see other things happen, but you need to enter in, for if you don’t enter in the devil already has you. You don’t understand that, you say oh but I am a Christian, I said the devil already has you. But you can break from that hold, you can be set free, you can move forward and receive the things that I have for you. So listen very careful tonight as the word goes forth, for I shall speak to you very clearly in the word that does come forth, for I have some great things for you this evening, things that you do not want to miss.
For you know not the things that I know nor do you see the things that I see unless you are tuned in intently to the Spirit realm and yet very soon you will know how to do that at times. But when I speak unto you, you need to do the things that I am telling you, for it is for your benefit, it is so I can move in even a greater way upon your behalf. Do not miss out on the things that I desire to do for you, for the enemy desires for you to miss out on those and so he lies to you, he gives you feelings that are not my feelings. He whispers into your ears and yet you should know his voice, for my word says my sheep know my voice and another’s they will not follow, but yet at times they are following the wrong voice. Oh that you would come closer, oh that you would get into my word more often, oh that you would spend more time in prayer, for this is the last day and the last hour and I have already told you the enemy is fighting harder than ever, in fact my word tell you that if you would read it. But know the day and the hour that you are living in, but I have also said that you shall be the victors, you shall be the overcomers, you shall be the head and not the tail above and not beneath, but you must walk according to my word, you must walk according to my promises. For I have given you all the keys to be successful and all you have to do is use those, saith your Father. So don’t miss out, don’t miss out when I open the opportunity for you to come and receive, for those who come shall receive, but those who don’t will leave with nothing, but that is not my desire, saith your Father.
7-18-18 pm service
For each day grows sweeter and sweeter and sweeter and sweeter for those who are walking with me are being blessed far above beyond what they have ever been blessed before. The blessings are rolling in and they will continue to roll in till all, all the promises are totally fulfilled. Therefore walk very closely with me be obedient do the things that I speak unto you, follow me, follow me, for truly I desire to bless you I desire to prosper you I desire to heal you walk, walk very close with me.
What is the safest most assured thing in all the world, my word, for my word shall not go out and return void but it will go forth and do the things that it is sent forth to do. Therefore when you speak my word when you speak my word when you speak my word the answers come quickly.
Before the foundations of the world before time when I put everything together and set my plan into action I planned for this day for this hour for this time. For it is the time that my son returns for his church very soon now I made many things that were for this hour and this hour only. And as you walk with me as you follow my ways these things will begin to operate in your life and your life with be far richer far blessed far more anointed than anything that you have ever known. For truly I have saved the best for last.
7-15-18 am service
For truly you are a child of God, and in the days that are coming ahead, you must remember your first love is me. For you are to love me with all your heart with all your soul with all might, I am to be first place not other things. For it seems at times my church can put everything else way ahead of me and by doing that you leave the door open that the enemy cannot only fill you with demons but he can defeat you, he can put sickness on you, he can cause terrible things to come upon you. Therefore, I say unto you, be careful, be careful, study my word, you will see all these things recorded in my word, they are not something that is new, it has always been there. But as you walk with me, as you believe me above and beyond anything else in the world, then I can work miracles on your behalf, I can give you signs and wonders, I can cause you to be the top and not the bottom above and not beneath, I can cause you to be the overcomer. But I need you, you need to walk like my word says, you need to study my word, for that part seems to be lost anymore and many, many, many are not walking the ways that I have taught them to walk. They are not doing the things that I have told them to do, they put other things first even including pain, is pain first, no, I am the Lord thy God that healeth thee, I am the Lord thy God that delivers thee, I am the Lord thy God and I am to be honored. And those that go to heaven shall honor me and with me they shall exalt my name and lift it above all others. Therefore, I say unto you, be careful, for truly these are the last days.
For, I say unto you my children, My Spirit, the checkered flag, is out, are you running the race that is set before you or are you willing to make it, says the Lord? For you need to run, run with all that I have given unto you, run with my word, run with the talents that I have given unto you. Don’t sit back and say, well, I can let someone else run for me, you have got to run, says the Lord, you have got to run. Wheelchairs do not make it to heaven, says the Lord; you need to come through that ride on your own and the word that I have given unto you in Jesus name. You need to say that, say in the name of Jesus.
My word is truth, there is no other truth other than my word and yet many are afraid to confess my word, for they say that is a lie. I, your Father God, do not lie, my word is truth and as you stand on my word, as you confess my word, as you speak my word all of heaven moves on your behalf to bring those things into being even if they are to be created, I move on your behalf. Therefore, speak my word, speak my word, speak my word.
For there is not one mountain that can stand in your way if you speak my word, for I have said that if you have faith as a mustard seed and said unto that mountain be thou removed and it would have to be removed, are you speaking unto those mountains in your life, are you using that faith that I have given unto you? For every single one of you has been given a measure of faith, but are you leaning on your sense knowledge faith and what you are seeing and what you are hearing and what you are smelling, where are you walking, what are you depending upon? For if you are depending upon word, if you are walking according to my word, you would have the victories in these areas of your life. But you allow the enemy to come in and lie to you and defeat you and yet I have given you all power and authority over him. It is time my church to rise up and put him in his place, it is time to speak unto those mountains and command them to be removed. Not ask them, command them, for that is the power and authority that I have given unto you, it is that time that you must use those things, that you must do the things that I have spoken unto you to do. For there is not much time left, for these are the last days and yet there is plenty of time for my work to be fulfilled, but I need you my church to rise up and begin to do the things that I have said unto you to do. Begin to call those things that be not as if they were and they shall be, that is what my word says and that is the promise that I have given unto you. So it is time now to begin to do those things, saith the Lord.
Most of my church today is like Samson, they have broken every vow but one and they are so close to breaking that one that they would be lost forever, forever, forever, forever. Samson almost broke them all, but he yielded and stopped, he called upon my name and when he called upon my name I restored to him his strength, his power. His victory in the end was far greater than any victory that he ever had, it can be like that for the church if they will again begin to walk again according to my word, if they will begin to do the things that I have said in my word. If they become holy instead of worldly they too can be victorious in the end.
Where is your heart today, the Lord God says where is your heart? It is getting closer and closer to my Son Jesus to come back, is your heart with me today one hundred percent? Is your heart right with God today? My Son Jesus died on that cross for each and every one of you, he died on that cross for your healing, he died on that cross for your miracle, he died on that cross for sin. So where is your heart, you need your heart right with God today. Come this morning and allow him to touch your hearts today, come this morning give him whatever is not of God today, come this morning and allow him to take that mountain out of your life today. Come and allow him to deliver and set you free today.
7-15-18 pm service
For the power of the spoken word that I have given unto you will remove any mountain that stands in your way, it will bring forth miracles, signs and wonders, it will do all, all that I have said that it would do. Therefore, I say unto you, press in, arm yourself with my word, fill your heart with my word that when you open your mouth my words come out and not yours. For then you shall see the victory, you shall see the revival, you shall see the things that I, your Father God, have told you that are yours, they are yours. For I have given them unto you, I have chosen you as the vessels, I have chosen you as the ones that shall go forth with this and the hour is now upon you and, therefore, it is time for you to go forth, go forth, go forth, go forth, go forth, I say go forth.
For, I say unto you, that if you believe on me, says the Lord, you shall have whatsoever it is that you are believing for, says the Lord. What are you believing for, that is the question that many of you need to ask yourself, is what are you believing for that you can receive what I have for you, says the Lord.
Who are these great men and woman that I called, they were only people just like you. They heard my call, they sold out one hundred percent and they followed me, for if you look at their lives you will see that. Who was Elisha, he was nothing but a servant of Elijah the prophet, but he knew what he desired and he had twice as much as Elijah. Who was Jesus my Son, did he not say unto you greater things than these shall you do also, where are your greater works, where are your greater works? Go forth, go forth, go forth, for I have called you again and again go forth.
For that hour is upon you now my children, do not allow the enemy to hold you back any longer, but step up to the place that I have called you to. Stand up, stand upon my word, go forth and do the things that I have told you to do, for I have said I need all of you in these days and these hours, not just a few. For the multitudes will come, are you believing that they will come or do you think, oh maybe we will see them and maybe we won’t? What are you believing, are you believing that my word is truth, are you believing that I am going to do all that I have said I will do? For I will do it, the question is will I be able to use you or will I have to use somebody else, saith the Lord? For I desire to use all of you, saith the Lord, so be in that place where I can use you, for it is that time now and it is that hour now, saith the Lord.
Look at yourself like a baseball team when it is your turn to bat, do you sit on the bench, do you just sit there and look or do you go forth with a desire to get a safe hit and win the ballgame? You are my baseball team, I am calling upon you.
For, I say unto you, the church has been in the field long enough now it is time to get the hit, says the Lord. Hit the ball, hit the ball, hit the ball and run home, says the Lord.
For you have always been the home team and the home team always bats last and has the best chance to win and I have already created you to be victors, so all you need to do now is go forth, go forth and walk in the victory that is yours, saith the Lord.
7-11-18 pm service
For truly I have always been for you from the very beginning, before the very foundations of this earth I was for you, I planned and I purposed and I made the whole universe for you and it has always been for you. I said I would never leave you, I would never forsake you, that I would be with you until the very end and I will be and I will go through these trials and make you victorious. I will cause you to be the top and not the bottom; I will cause you to walk in victory, constant victory as long as you walk with me, as long as you are obedient, as long as you do the things that I tell you to do. Put your mind away and let that mind that was in Christ Jesus be in you that you may walk that way. For you are going to have to step forth in my word and go forth in my word and possess in my word the very things that I have given to you, because I love you, I love you, yes, I love you.
Lift up your voices, take a deep breath, saith your Father God and take in that fresh air and rise up, rise up, rise up. Do you not know that my word says that when the word goes out the enemy comes in immediately, immediately to steal that word? You are always in a battle, the greater the outpouring the greater the battle, but you are the victors, you are the victors, you must shake the dust off your shoes, you must go forth, you must go into the victories that I have for you. For greater things are yet ahead, greater things are yet ahead, don’t let him drive you back into a corner, you have just won a battle. Why are you running from him, why are you being defeated by him, rise up, did I not give you more power, did I not give you more authority, did I not do more than you have ever seen before in your life? Then it is time, it is time, it is time, saith your Father, rise up, rise up, rise up, rise up.
Ring around the rosy is nothing, saith your Lord, but dodge ball, dodge ball, are you not playing more doge ball? Don’t go back to ring around the rosy, but rise up, rise up, rise up.
For, I say unto you my children, you have the word with fire, says the Lord and does that fire dwell in you, or are you empty, says the Lord, did you not receive the fire to go out and burn down the enemies camp, says the Lord? Set forth the enemies camp on fire, watch him run; watch him run in Jesus name.
For you must constantly be on the offence, you must be constantly going after the devil and running him off. Don’t sit back and allow him to continue firing back at you, but take him on, take him on. For I have given you the power I have given you authority, I have given you the ability, so do not let him have his way, do not let him have power over you. For you have been given all power and authority over him and all you need to do is use the things I have given unto you, all you need to do is rise up and take your place and your position and use your power and authority and defeat the enemy, as I have already given you victory over him, says the Lord.
Tell the devil today he is defeated; tell the devil today he is defeated in the name of Jesus. For when you stand on the word of Jesus, when you stand on the word of God in the name of Jesus you have defeated the devil. The Lord God says he moved mightily during Campmeeting, but he is not done moving, the Lord God says. He says come this morning he has got miracles, healings, signs and wonders, he wants to touch each and every one of you from the little ones to the older ones. He wants to move mightily upon each and every one of you, come and allow him to move upon you, come and allow him to touch you, come and allow him to heal and deliver you and set you free today.
I have given unto every one of my children a shield, and that shield is to stop, to stop the fiery darts, not let them through, but if you let the shield down the fiery darts come through. Therefore, I have told you put on the whole armor of God, you are in a warfare, you are in a warfare and the enemy is going to war, but if you follow my words, if you put your shields up instead of your umbrella you will find out that he doesn’t get in and if he doesn’t get in you walk in victory twenty four seven, three hundred and sixty five days a year. Don’t allow the enemy to come through, I am not the one that stops him, I have given you all the power, all the authority, all the ability, now stop him, stop him, stop him.
7-8-18 pm service
Again, again today, today this night, saith your Father God, the gold shall fall upon you, yes, it shall not be the fake gold, but the gold blessings that I have for my faithful ones, for you are faithful, you have been found faithful and I love you with an everlasting love. And this evening, saith your Father God, oh I am going to meet with you in a special way and you shall sense my presence, feel my presence and know that I love you, I love you, I love you.
For, I say unto you my children, my anointing, my power shall consummate you this night, says the Lord, for the work that I have set for you to do. And this will be the night, says the Lord, that you truly say today God has set us free and led us through the things that he has called to do in Jesus name.
For now you are ready, you are ready, you are ready, you have made yourselves ready, you have been faithful from the beginning and now and now and now tonight, tonight, tonight, yes, tonight.
For I desire to move upon those who are open to me, I desire to pour my blessings out upon those who are faithful and you my children are faithful. You my children are open to receive the things that I have for you and, therefore, I shall move upon you in a mighty and powerful way this night, saith the Lord. For truly I love you with an everlasting love, I love you my children, but be open to the things that I desire to do this night, saith the Lord.
7-4-18 evening Campmeeting service
So let your hearts be filled with excitement, for you know what, it is today, it is today, it is today, I your Father God, shall move in a mightier way than you have seen before. For I have not finished, saith your Father, no, no, no, I have not finished, there are too many miracles that need to take place tonight, too many healings, too many deliverances and I shall move, yes, I shall move, I shall move, I shall move, why, it is today, it is today.
For, I say unto you, this is just the beginning of today, says the Lord, this today shall continue on, says the Lord, it shall continue on, it shall not stop, for today is the day that I have made, says the Lord.
Don’t think you have received everything yet, for I have so much more for you, plus there are those here that have not been here and, therefore, I shall meet that need.
For there is not one person that I desire to leave without being touched by me, there is not anyone that I desire to miss out on the things that I have for them. Yes, and it has been a great week, but it is not over yet, for there is still time to allow me to move upon your behalf, there is still time to receive your healings and miracles, there is still time to receive the things that I have for you, saith the Lord. For I desire that you leave this place so filled up, so on fire, ready to run and do the things that I have called for you to do. For this is the last hour, this is the last day, saith the Lord and truly I desire for my people to be on fire, so on fire for me, ready to go forth and do the things that I have called them forth to do in these days and these hours, saith the Lord. It is that time and it is that hour and this is still today, saith the Lord, this is still today.
For I said unto you that in the last days that I shall pour out My Spirit upon all, all, all, all flesh, all flesh and that outpouring is far greater than anything you have ever seen before in your life. The problem is most people don’t recognize the last days, they do not know the hour, they do not know the time that you are living in and they listen to those that tickle their ears and tell them that they have time, it is those that they listen to, those that say everything is going to be good. It is not going to be good, it is only going to be good for the church, it is going to be bad, just because you have got a President that is following in the steps that I tell him to walk does not mean it is going to be good, it is going to be bad, saith your Father God and you shall see it. Look at the news today and you will see what is going on all over the world.
But prepare your hearts for the important thing is that I minister to you this night, today, right now, today, today, not another day, but today. For it is that hour, it is that time and I shall meet your needs, look to me, look to me, listen, listen.
The Lord God says there is someone here, it is a lady, that’s been in a relationship, been beaten, been battered, the Lord God say he wants to take that hurt today, he wants to take that pain, he wants to deliver you from it today, he wants to heal you from it. The Lord God says there is someone here that has been picked on and called names, today he wants to take that hurt from you, today. The Lord God says there is someone here that has a heavy heart, a heavy heart and they weren’t in the other services today so they didn’t get it earlier, someone that wasn’t here earlier, the Lord God says, but he wants to take that heavy heart and heal it, the Lord God says, for that leg that has been bleeding, he wants to heal you from it today, the Lord God says that one with the bad leg, today is the day, get that medicine that God has sent for you, so come and receive it today, the Lord God says. The Lord God says he wants to heal each and every one of you, he wants to deliver, he wants to set you free, he wants his anointing to touch you now tonight, yes, he wants that heart that is not beating right, he wants it to beat right, yes, he wants that vertigo to go today, yes, he wants those eyes that are not seeing right to see today, the Lord God says he wants to touch the wives, the women tonight. The Lord God says he has something for each and every one of you, so come and receive.
There is somebody here tonight that God is talking to, those in the medical field again tonight, he has been doing this off and on all week, those in the medical field, you are doing some type of work in the medical field, he wants to anoint your hands that you can bring forth healings, that you can bring forth miracles, that you can touch those that you have ministered to that they too can be safe. He wants to anoint you now go forth, go forth. You have infection in your gums, God wants to give you a miracle tonight, I don’t know if you are a child or an adult all I know is what God told me. There is somebody here tonight that hasn’t been here that has a back problem, God wants to give you a miracle for that back, not just a touch, but a miracle, a miracle for that back problem. Corporeal tunnel, corporeal tunnel, again tonight God wants to heal some people of that, just start coming to the altar, don’t sit there and wait just hurry yourself up, there are men up there that will definitely pray for you. Somebody has still got a hearing problem, a hearing problem, God wants to give you a miracle and God wants to heal an eye, it could be your turn tonight, he says that you don’t have to have that laser surgery, I can do it, I can do it, I can do it, for your miracle is there, so get that eye healed in Jesus name. Ingrown nail, colorblind, colorblind, God wants to give you a miracle, rheumatoid arthritis etc.. etc.. Somebody has chest pain, you ignore it quite often, you think it is heart, but if you really look it is on the wrong side, you are over on the right side, you are on the right side, but God has got a miracle for you and it is important that you get that miracle, it is on the right side, right where your chest would be or right where your breast would be, whatever you want to say, a miracle for you, a miracle for you.
Scribe note: Many other healings called out refer to the video archives for this service date.
7-4-18 afternoon Campmeeting service
Are you not all yet still hungry, for some people talk about the Spirit filling like eating food and that is not so, that is not so. For of the Spirit you can eat and eat and eat and still want to eat more, more, more, more. And again today that is what I want to do for you, I want to move powerfully, I want to move upon you, I want to fill you to overflowing. I want to make new vessels of you; do you know what the word full means? For if you were really full I couldn’t put one drop in you, you would overrun, I want you that full at all times. It is going to take that in these last days, it is going to take that and you are going to see people in wheelchairs, you are going to see people blind, you are going to see people deaf and I will say, heal them. And because you are filled to the brim you will do it, you will do it, you will pour out of yourselves and they will receive of themselves and they will have their miracles, the miracles will be there, the signs will be there, the wonders will be there, and again, again, again it is going to be that way right now today, today, today, today. Don’t look for those that haven’t come, don’t look for those that you desire to be here, you are here for yourself; I am not done with you. Let me complete the work I desire to do in you.
Be not like my little prophet here, says your Father, who is so tired he can’t give out. Don’t be so tired you can’t give out. Don’t come to me with those excuses, but I have so much to do Lord, for if you do you are not really of me. Because I give you so much, so much you can never run out, you can never run out. Open up, open up, let me fill you even moreso; let me give you zeal if you need it.
For, I say unto you my children, I have a fresh supply for you today, I have a fresh supply for you today if you just open up your mouth and receive it, receive it. Don’t zip your lips, open your mouth, open your mouth receive the fruit I have for you today, says the Lord.
Oh, I have so much, so much, so much that I want to give, don’t think you have received everything that I have yet, for if that was so, truly you would be a giant then and I don’t have many giants, yes, I have had many giants. And today I want to anoint some special giants again, because I don’t have many of them, I don’t have many of them. So I am speaking to you as you sit here and listen and if you don’t listen spiritually you will never understand what I am saying. Do I have a Catherine, is there a Catherine here, is there a Deborah here, is there a Deborah, is there a Ruth, is there a Ruth here, is there a Naomi here, a Naomi, if you are here come, because I have got something for you, oh yes, I have got something for you.
Here I am once again, I have come to meet with you, I have come to give you more, I have come to fill you more, I have come to heal and deliver and set you free once again. Will you come and meet with me; will you come receive the things that I have for you? Open up unto me, saith the Lord, open up unto me, for I know what you have need of, I know the things that you have need of and I am more than able, I am more than able, I am more than able to meet every single need. But I desire to bless you, I desire to pour My Spirit out upon you, not just in a small amount, but in great measures, for I desire, I desire for you to be filled to overflowing. I desire for you to be filled to overflowing just like I said.
The Lord God says if you will just come and raise your hands to him he will fill you.
7-4-18 am Campmeeting service
For truly your presence has come before my throne and my heart has been touched and my presence in now filling this tent and I am ready to move with all my might, I am ready to move with all my power, when, today, today, today, now, now, now. I have come with the miracles that you have come for, you can look around you, you can find all kinds of miracles that have already happened in here. But today I have come, I have come for your miracle, I have come for your miracle, you came and I met you, I am here, saith your Father God, I am here, I am here. I don’t need to call you out, I will call you out if you need it, but come, come, come. Come receive, receive, don’t worry about what man is doing, for the door is open for you, for miracles, miracles, miracles are flowing out today right now. Come get your miracles, get your miracles.
The Lord God says you want a healing, he told me to give this testimony right now, the Lord God says, you want that fluid off your legs today, I came up here yesterday that fluid is pouring off me, my legs, I have lost ten pounds since yesterday, do you want to lose weight, come and lose it today. The Lord God says miracles are falling; the Lord God says that knee that hurts, he says today is the day for that miracle to be final, come. The Lord God says that heart that has a heavy burden; today he wants to take that burden off of you. The Lord God says you are sitting there in pain, come, come right now, I will strengthen your back, I will make your back straight again, get out of that chair come up, saith your Father God, come, come, come. Cancer is going to flee, fear is going to flee, demons are going to flee, healings, miracles, now, now, now.
I love you with an everlasting love, I am moving powerfully, I have even sent people to you to encourage you, will you not come get your miracle, I love you. You said I am going, I am going, I am going to get my miracle, well your miracle is here, your miracle is here, I cannot give you the miracle if you don’t ask, faith without action is dead, dead, dead, come, come, come.
David, I just was revealed by God that somebody said they would come to get their miracle, but they wouldn’t come up front unless you called them out by name, I don’t know them, you do, but they are waiting to hear their name, let them know they have got a miracle, cancer too is going to go with it, your not going to die. They sent you home to die more or less, but people have been praying for you, saith your Father God, I have heard their prayers etc.. etc.. I want to give you a miracle, I have been getting more information.. a street from Cortland and I have a first name, David you want to know the next name, I mean God is speaking loud and clear got a miracle, got a miracle
Etc.. etc.. for even though he is not here, I am still moving upon him, upon his heart, etc.. said he was concerned, but now I can get a hold of him, for he has seen me once again move, he has seen me once again move and he will come into the safety of the fold.
All those who have stood behind the scenes he wants them to come up and receive the things that he has for you, so come up and receive the things that he has for you.
Scribe note: Many other things called out and can be referred to in the archive video for this service.
7-3-18 evening Campmeeting service
For truly I shall move in a mighty way in your midst, for I am ready, I am ready, but are you ready? For many times you take your thoughts off me, you sit there and hum to yourself and you don’t hear the things that I say, but I am speaking loud and clear, it is not a time to entertain yourself, it is time to listen to your Father God. For I have many things that I desire to do and if they are not done, you will not be ready when all hits the fan. You will not be ready where you think your ready, I know, but you will not be ready. Therefore, I say unto you, listen, receive those things that I have for you, for I desire to bless you, I desire to cause you to rise up to a level you have never been before. I have called you to be all, all that my Son Jesus was, greater things, greater things than these he said you shall do, greater things you shall do and you shall do the greater things if you receive the things that I have for you, for it is yours today, today, today.
For I say unto you, my children, that this whole meeting, this whole process of these meetings have come together this very night, today, says the Lord. It has been to tune my church body to where it needs to be that I can use you and play you the way that you need to be able to by used, says the Lord. For if you are out of tune with me, you will not be there when I need you, says the Lord and therefore I need you to come closer, come closer, come closer.
For behold, I say unto you, will it be like the time just before my Son went the first time, before he came back, how many multitudes followed my Son and yet on the day of Pentecost one hundred and twenty in the upper room. And then on top of that, stop and think, they get filled with the Holy Ghost and they do absolutely nothing, you say they turned the world upside down, no, no, no, no, don’t jump chapters, persecution had to come to make a move and get out and go and do the things that I, their Father God, had told them to do. It is going to take persecution again, saith your Father God, persecution again, persecution again, persecution again, because you are not willing, you are not obedient, be willing, be obedient, be willing, be obedient and move, move, move, move.
But be ye like a young man, a very young man that his brothers thought they were more spiritual and more powerful and yet when the giant stepped out they hid in caves and the young man came because he knew his covenant God. He knew the promises of his God and he knew above and beyond any doubt that he could slay the giant that he could bring the victory, and because of his faithfulness, because of one man’s faithfulness all of Israel was spared. You can be the one that spares all of America, you can be the one that spares all the world, you can be the one, if you will sell out one hundred percent to me and think not of yourself but humble yourself, humble yourself and walk with me.
The Lord God says you saw the kids last night how they came up and they were open and so if every one of you would open hearts like the kids, he says, you all would be healed, delivered and set free, you all would allow me to move upon you and get you ready for what I need my church to be. So open up your hearts and allow me to touch you today, yes, today.
For my presence is here and I desire to move upon you once again and it doesn’t matter who is here, all that matters is that you come to receive. For I have said that I would give you something in each and every service and here we are again with another today and I am ready to move, are you ready for me to move upon you, are you open to receive the things that I have for you this night, saith the Lord? For I desire to do a work, I desire to do a work like at no other time before, I want you to be so blessed, I want you to be healed, delivered and set free from everything that is holding you back, everything that is slowing you down. You can be victorious; you can do the things that I have called for you to do in these days ahead. Yes, troubling things are ahead for the world, but they are not for my church, it is to awake those that are asleep that they will come into the safety of the fold, that they will get themselves right, that they will stop playing church and get serious with me. It is not for my children who are walking with me, you shall see the things that are going on, but I do not mean for them to affect you, but if you are not where you need to be they will affect you. So you need to come, you need to come, you need to allow me to fill you up to overflowing, saith the Lord.
There is a Mary Ann calling out, God wants to give a miracle to Mary Ann, are you here or are you on the internet Mary Ann, there is a Philip, a Philip that God is going to cause a miracle to come through his legs that the braces are coming off and he is walking, he is walking, Philip, Philip, God has got a miracle for you Philip. There is still one amongst you that sits here and sits here and sits here and I call out for healing for your ears, do you want to sit there and ware that hearing aid all your life or can I give you a miracle, can I give you a miracle, I desire to give you a miracle, etc etc that needs that miracle in their ear, that has a hearing aid, you are sitting right here in this tent with a hearing aid, God said, you have got a hearing aid on that is what God said, he wants to give you a miracle, miracle, I haven’t seen you in my eyes, so I don’t know you
Are you yet so cold that you sit under my anointing and refuse to accept the things that I have freely given, for I am trying to pour My Spirit out upon you, but if you do not receive it you will leave the same way you came and I have offered it to you each and every service. Do not allow me to pass you by, but come and receive the things that I have for you. For I have promised to pour out My Spirit upon you without measure and the ones that are coming are getting filled to overflowing, I am touching them in ways they do not see or imagine. For many have come and been healed, delivered and set free that knew nothing, that knew nothing, but I, your Father God, knows. How can I touch you, how can I spare you from things if you do not come when I call, even though I said come and come and come and you sit here under the anointing and allow me to pass you by. Don’t allow me to pass you by this night, but come and receive the things that I have for you, saith the Lord.
7-3-18 afternoon Campmeeting service
For I am more than willing to light a fire in you, but are you at the place where you are able to burn or are you so green you would only smoke. I desire to bless you, I desire to prosper you, I desire to heal you. Someone has a little baby that is very, very, very sick, I see that little baby right now, it has blue eyes almost reddish color hair, the eyes, the whites are all red, God is giving your baby a miracle right now, right now, right now in the name of Jesus, right now in the name of Jesus. I am seeing a whole bunch of babies now, they are in a cancer hospital in Maryland, yes Father, miracles, a miracle, three times a miracle Father. Somebody called in cancer of the pancreas and stomach pains, God wants to give you a miracle if you are listening; if you are listening right now God is giving you a miracle right now. A boy just got hit in a playground somewhere on a bicycle, a pickup truck; a red pickup truck just hit him. Father, right now in the name of Jesus give him a miracle, give him a miracle, a miracle right now. If you have come this far, God says then come a little farther, don’t be afraid of me, don’t be afraid of the heat, but I want to heal you, I want to give you a miracle, I want to deliver you, for today, today, today, today is your day, I want to do it today, this service, not another service, right now, you won’t have to wait, you will get your miracle right now.
If you are in driving distance don’t watch this on a phone, don’t watch this on a computer, I am not meeting people within driving distance on phones and computers, I have come here to meet with you. Those overseas cannot make it, therefore I go there to meet with them, one more day you need to come, your miracle is here, your miracle is here, come, come, come receive your miracle, your miracle is here.
Where is your faith, where is your faith, I ask you again, where is your faith etc etc etc, if you had the faith of a mustard seed, how small that mustard seed is, that I would pour out my healing upon you, don’t you believe in me? This is what is happening, you have allowed unbelief to creep in, you have allowed unbelief to creep in, you say, oh he can’t do that, I can do that my children, believe in me, believe in me, I said to believe in me, because I can heal all things, believe in me, have faith in me as I want to heal you this day, saith the Lord.
Somebody is having a heart attack right now, you need to get here, don’t go to the hospital, come here, God will give you a miracle. Get out of the house, get out of jail, wherever you are, God says you are not that far away, don’t go by 911, come and I will give you a miracle.
Did not I say I wanted to deliver, I wanted to set free, did not I say I would even raise the dead, for I spoke those many weeks ago that I would do it, I your Father God, because I came here to meet with you and I told you if you came to meet with me I would pour My Spirit out upon you without measure. I would give you those healings and miracles that you have need of, I speak unto the church in Rome, you wrote and asked for prayer, there are twenty five of you that need miracles, your miracles are here and all you need to do is come and get them. And yet I healed that little one so you would see and know and believe that I could do it and I am still the same God today that I said I was and your miracles are here, but you have to come get them. It is that time and it is that hour and My Spirit is moving in a mighty powerful way and I desire to touch, I desire to heal, I desire to deliver and set free. For the ones who have come, I moved upon in a mighty and powerful way and I will continue to do so. But if you do not get your miracle, it is not because I did not offer it; it is because you didn’t come as I spoke unto you to come. It is time now, it is time now, come and get your miracle, come and get your miracle, saith the Lord.
God has given me some numbers, there are two from Homer, NY, both have called, a man and a woman, both different phone numbers, God has a miracle for both of you and you haven’t come, we have Norwich, the Lord is telling me there are eight of you he spoke to, he has got a miracle for you, you are not going to get it by staying there, the only way you are going to get it is by coming, by coming. We are not just trying to get people to come; this is what God is saying. Right down here in Dryden he says they are listening right now, well then come, come, God has got a miracle for you, come. Pancreatic cancer, God has a miracle for you too, right now you are sitting right in here, right now and you don’t even know it, you get a lot of heart burn, a lot of heart burn and you think it is all heart burn, just go up front and get your miracle, please, God has got a miracle for it, it is not just a heart burn, it is not just heart burn. Can the blind see, yes, if they come here they can, thus saith your Father God, if the blind come they will see, if the blind come they will see, if the lame come they will walk, if the deaf come they will hear. Somebody has got a spider, whatever that is, not the one that crawls on the ground, God wants to give you a miracle, you know what it is because the doctor has told you that you have it, it is very critical, come get your miracle wherever you are come.
Etc somebody’s big toe on the left foot, terrible pain, maybe it is broken, I don’t know, but it is in terrible pain, God wants to give you a miracle. Amy, wherever you are Amy, God just heard your cry, yes, the door is open, you can come back to salvation if you want, he wants you right now, don’t pick up that needle, don’t pick it up, God wants to set you free right now Amy, right now the door is still open, you can come back, he loves you, he loves you, come back now. Fred, God is giving you a miracle, you just get out of that bed right now, ask the hospital for your clothes and you can go home right now, you are not going to die, God says you will be hear till he comes. Somebody has got a lot of gas, gas, gas, not necessarily the kind that you chuckle about and thought about, but it tastes like rotten eggs most of the time, God wants to heal you right now, he wants to heal you right now, right now, right now, now.
7-3-18 morning Campmeeting service
For we have another beautiful day again today, my children I send you greetings from all over the world to encourage you and uplift you. I show you that my miracles, my power, my anointing is moving just mighty as I said it was and you can see it, it is today, it is today, today again, again you shall see my hand as it moves in this tent as I touch those, as others come and they shall come today, today they shall come and you shall see and you shall know, oh yet today, today, today saith your Father God, today.
For even though there have been some battles have you not been victorious, have I not still continued to move mightily upon your behalf? And, yes, the enemy will try again, but you will be victorious, I will still move upon your behalf and everyone who comes and sits under this tent will be touched by Almighty God, if they will allow me to do it, saith the Lord. For each and every day, each and every service I have extended a special invitation to everyone who has come, everyone who has come to receive from me. And here we are again, a brand new day, today, this very day I, your Father God, have come to move upon you once again. Have you come to receive the things that I have for you? For you have not received everything yet, saith the Lord, for I have more of it to pour out, I have more blessings, I have more anointing, I have more fire, I have more healings, I have more miracles and as you go forth the rest of the world is joining with you rejoicing over the things that God is doing. For truly it is that time and it is that hour and my revival, my revival is spreading across the world and you have seen that and you will see it as it gets stronger, it gets greater and greater, saith the Lord. For it is that time and it is that hour.
For I have said to you my children today is like a parade for you, are taking the spoils, says the Lord, you have to parade around in victory, says the Lord. Praise me, worship me, show them the victory that you have stolen, says the Lord.
To move and flow in the Holy Spirit you have to be free and I have been making you free, for it is the hour and the time when you leave the church outdoors, you leave the traditions outdoors, you leave yourself outdoors and you come into my presence and allow My Spirit to move through you and minister to those round about you. You allow me to touch and heal and deliver, as I said when you come up front don’t tell me what you have come for, for I have called you up here, I know what I have called you for, come to receive what I have for you, come and receive. Oh, it is going to be good, good, good, good, good, good. Better, better than they used to say about Kentucky Fried Chicken.
The Lord God says are your fires burning this morning, come and stoke it, come and stoke your fires, come and allow me to move upon you this morning, come and allow me to set you free this morning. Come to receive whatever I have for you this morning.
Someone has got problems with their pancreas and God wants to heal that, there is somebody with a gallbladder that is not functioning perfectly, God wants to give you a miracle, he is talking about in the tent right now, so if you are having migraines quite often, you have got it, you haven’t got one right at the moment, but God wants to heal you of that, somebody is having trouble with your spine all of it way down the spinal cord, sometimes it is so sore that you can’t lift on it or sleep on it, God wants to give you a miracle there, somebody has an ear problem, God says I have called you out, I have called you out and I have called you out, now come get your healing, so whoever you are please go and don’t leave till you get it, he wants to give you a miracle. There is somebody else who has got a hearing problem, you haven’t been here and you haven’t gone he wants to heal ears also cataracts, your cataracts are gone, gone, gone in Jesus name, nose, you can’t breath properly through your nose, the Dr’s are trying to tell you, you have sleep apnea, but it is not that God says, if you keep using that machine that machine is going to kill you, but if you will come and get your miracle I will give it to you now, someone is having a problem with their arch, you have pain in it right now, somebody has a very, very short memory, you forget everything, God wants to give you a miracle before it gets worse, God wants to give you a miracle now, it is getting too close to something else, if your memory is like that and you forget things and if you can’t tell me what you did last year you need to get up there. God is talking again today about schizophrenia (bipolar), if you are in the tent we want to give you deliverance, if you are some where in the world God is going to give you a miracle, sugar level, your sugar level was very high this morning, God wants you up there if over 5 he is going to give you a miracle, next time you prick your finger it is going to be under that, left leg right in your heal you get prickling it comes and it goes he wants to give you a miracle too, it is in the heel
7-2-18 evening Campmeeting service
Do you not know that I delight in the praises of my people, do you not know that when you lift voices unto me that the enemy leaves and he flees? Oh, as you praise me, as you praise me the enemy has nowhere to go but to flee from the situation. Therefore, I say, know how important my word is, that when you speak forth my word victory, victory, victory comes, for my word is the only answer. My children need to know that my word is the only answer, and as you stand upon my word, my children, as you stand upon my word you shall receive the victory that I have promised unto you. For you are the overcomers, you are the victorious ones, you are the head and not the tail above and not beneath and as you speak forth my word you shall walk as the overcomer that I have said you are.
For again you have proven my word truth, for I have told you, you would have battles, I have told you to pray and not cease, but you did not pray, but you won the battle, you won the victory. For if you look it is not nine o’clock as the enemy has said, it is not even close to nine o’clock and you have already won. So be prepared, be prepared for today, today, today I am going to do it again, again.
For truly this is the day, this is the hour, this is the revival that I have said would come, it is here, it is here my children. Rejoice in it, rejoice in it, receive the things that I have for you, for each and every day is new today in my revival, saith the Lord and I will pour My Spirit out each and every day, saith the Lord. For truly it is that time and it is that hour, so rejoice, rejoice, rejoice, saith the Lord.
For I say unto you my children, the rain is symbolist as how I am moving, says the Lord and a rain that cannot be measured into one single drop, says the Lord, for I have got multitudes, multitudes, multitudes for you tonight, today, says the Lord. Therefore, soak it up, soak it up, soak it up, soak it up.
Do not be discouraged or down, but be filled with my joy, be filled with my joy, let it run over, let it run over, for the enemy did not conquer one little ounce of ground, none, none, none, saith your Father God. And those that would have come wouldn’t have come anyway, so rejoice, for I have you here and now it is you I shall meet with, it is you, I shall meet every single need that you have this night, every thing, I said even financially I will meet your needs. Regardless how big the finances are, saith your Father God, I shall meet that need and you shall see it. And in the days to come you shall tell others, you will remember, you will rejoice, for I, your Father God, yes, I am here today, today, today.
The Lord God says come this afternoon, come and stand at the altar, the kids, the grownups and etc etc etc just praise him tonight, allow him to move upon you, let’s worship God, let’s praise him now in the name of Jesus.
For truly, I say unto you, let this be a night of worship, begin to worship me, begin to worship me and as I speak to you, as I whisper in your ears, just go to the front, go to the front and I, I, I shall meet with you. Worship me, worship me, worship me.
Those that got filled with the Spirit today, the Lord is impressing on my heart, we are going to right now spend some time praising in out heavenly language that God give to you today. So whatever that is, I just want you to lift your voice and we are going to pray in our heavenly language, let my strength well up in you tonight.
For are you not seeing my hand, for I am even touching those that for a while have been very, very cold, very dry, but now new life has come, new life has come because revival is here, revival is here, new life has come and you are seeing that, you are seeing that. Praise me, worship me, exalt me.
For thus saith the Lord, it is not etc etc, so come and be revived, allow that fire to burn like never before, for truly you are needed for this day, for this hour, so come and receive it, saith the Lord.
If there is anybody out there tonight that never received Jesus as their Lord and Savior, I want to invite you to come up and we will pray with you.
Was there not two working in the mill, was there not two working in the field, was there not two sleeping in the bed doing the same things and yet only one was taken, says the Lord. Do not be imitators, but be real, says the Lord, don’t be the imitator, but be real, says the Lord, be real, says the Lord.
afternoon Campmeeting service
For truly today you shall be set
free, today, today, don’t look at the numbers, I am not interested at the
moment in those that are not here, but I am sure interested in you, for I have
some things for you, precious things, precious things.
I want to move mightily, I want to touch, I want to heal, I want to
deliver, I want to set free, you say when Lord, today, today, right now, today,
today. Not in the evening service,
that is another service, and if you notice he preached last night about when,
today, did you hear that, he said today, today, today, today.
So when I call you out don’t come forward and ask or don’t answer if
they ask you what did you come forth for, if you didn’t know why you are
coming forth, why are you coming forth? Let
it be settled in your heart before you come and I will, yes, I will, I will
touch you.
Etc etc etc the battle is not yours,
the battle is not yours, have faith in me because the battle is not yours, did I
not just say it, the battle is not yours, trust in me, turn to me, know me, I am
your God, I am your Lord, I am the one that you need to trust in.
All your bills will be taken away if you just come to me, if you come to
me and know me. Oh, my precious
children, know me, enter in, enter in, enter into the heavens of my praise.
Oh, my children, love me, because I love to hear you sing unto me, I love
to hear your praises, I love to hear you when you come and just lift up my name
and call upon me because I am there, I am there.
Remember Daniel in the lion’s den, he didn’t give up, oh the lions
laid down and slept. I will do the
same for you in your troubled time; I will take those things and just lay them
down and put them at peace. Turn to
me and know me, saith the Lord.
Haven’t I told you that it was
today again, haven’t I told you that each service would be a new day, that I
would move upon you here and now. For
those who would come I said they would receive, have you not seen those things
already. For if you have been a
doubter, your eyes should have been clearly opened by now, even as I called my
servant out this morning and he received the things from me.
He knows he received and everyone should have seen him receive.
So you my children should be receiving the things from me, those who come
and sit under the tent time after time, service after service, do you leave the
same way you came or do you receive the things that I have poured out in that
service? For I have given different
things in every service and yet there have been healings, there have been
miracles, there has been deliverance and yet it is available again now.
For there are some who have not been here yet, I am calling you out,
saith the Lord, it is your time, today is here.
What is it that you have need of, for I will deliver you, I will heal
you, I will set you free this day, saith the Lord.
To you that are listening all over
the world I have things for you too. Many
of you have already received many miracles, many miracles and yet I have more
miracles, oh I have more miracles. And
somebody has been crying out and I heard their cries and today, today, today
this service, not shall I only minister to others, but I am going to minister to
the kids. I am going to baptize
every single child that wants to be baptized with the Holy Ghost and they will
have their own heavenly language today, today, today I am talking about, I am
not talking about another day. So
don’t get bored, don’t run off, stick around, for I’ve got words for the
blind, I’ve got words for the deaf, I’ve got words for the lame, I’ve got
words for the cripple and they shall see, they shall hear, they shall run, they
shall walk, they shall leap. Don’t
you want to see it, watch, watch today, today.
The Lord God says there are people
sitting in the church right now, there is a person here that has a hard time
when their kids are getting in trouble, when there kids are getting in trouble
the Lord God says he wants to deliver you from that today, he wants to deliver
and set you free from it today and give you that peace.
The Lord God says there is someone in the tent who has a heart defect;
today is your day for a miracle. The
Lord God says there is someone in the tent who has epilepsy, you can be healed
and delivered and set free today. The
Lord God says there is someone here today, not tomorrow, but today that has
trouble seeing out of one of their eyes, today is the day for your miracle,
today is the day for your miracle, the Lord God says.
The Lord God says there is someone here today that is losing their voice,
today is your day for your miracle. The
Lord God says all shall see and all shall hear their voice and receive.
The Lord God says today is the day for your miracle.
There is someone who has popped their knee out; today is the day for your
miracle. There is someone that has
a relative that has an addiction, today is the day to come forward and pray for
them. There is someone here today
whose has a family that needs to be set free and saved, today is the day for a
miracle. The Lord God says there
are children that are sitting in this tent that asked Jesus in their heart in
Bro Ben’s service, God wants to touch each and every one of you today. So come forward he says, whatever your need is, come forward.
Bring all the children unto me and I
shall fill them with the Spirit as I have said and you shall see the changes,
the changes in their life. Don’t
hold them back from being filled with the Spirit and speaking in tongues, for
that is the strength, that is the power, that is the anointing of the Holy
Ghost. Bring them, bring them, I
want to fill them.
note: This is a partial list of things God is calling out: schizophrenia,
hepatitis, God is saying, bubonic plague, scabies, measles, a miracle, a
miracle, a miracle for measles, African sickness, African sickness a miracle, a
miracle, a miracle, the lame, the lame, the lame a miracle, for you cripples,
cripples get out of your wheelchairs and walk, now there is a miracle for you,
get out of the chair and walk, disease of the bone marrow, not cancer, another
disease, it is a flesh eating disease, God wants to give miracles, miracles,
wherever you are, one more time for the tent, one more time for the tent, I want
to heal deaf ears, deaf ears, deaf ears, swallow your pride and come God says,
carpal tunnel, God has got a miracle for every single person that is affected,
varicose veins, better known as spider veins, he has got a miracle for you, he
has got a miracle for you.
call in from the internet, they are addicted to TV, God is giving you a miracle
right now, he is delivering you and setting you free right now, he is breaking
that, he broke it, you are free, you are free. Somebody told me they would be
watching this on their phone and God said Diane Cash, if you did what you said
you were going to do, I am drying up those legs right now, I am melting that fat
off you right now, that water is gone right now in Jesus name.
Tony, a new anointing, a new anointing, I am building that fire in you
right now
7-2-18 Campmeeting morning service
For surly today is the day, it is time today again, we have today, today, not another day, not another day. Some of you missed the other day, some of you missed because you weren’t listening and the enemy, the devil, it was the devil that sidetracked you, because he doesn’t want you coming and receiving the things that I have for you. He doesn’t want you set free, for I am trying to heal you, I am trying to give you miracles, I am trying to do all these things because the revival is here. It is here today, today, not some other day; it is here today, today. I will touch those in the medical field again today because I want to anoint your hands, your hands, because your hands are going to be so, so, so powerful in these last days to bring in the sick, to cure, to touch, to heal, to exalt my name, it is today, today, saith your Father God today, today, today. So open yourself, and if you need to be set free don’t be afraid, but get set free if you need to, come and I will touch you, don’t be afraid to fall. I am God, you should be able to fall before me on your face, and yet they have catchers for you, so why are you fearful? Be open this day, saith your Father God, starting right now, right now this service today, today, today.
For the Lord said, my Son has risen for another today, says the Lord and he is shining bright as he always has, says the Lord. Are you able to touch him, are you able to receive the things that he has for you today, says the Lord, for he is here and he is lifted up and he is ready for you to come to him, says the Lord.
For am I not able to do all things, for at times you doubt, but my word has stood true time and time again and yet I said greater things would you do than Jesus did when he was on the earth. Because I called for that at a different time, I called for that in the last day and in the last hour to be greater than any other time before, to be greater than the day of Pentecost, three times greater and that time is here, that time is now and I am pouring out My Spirit once again. And all over the world they are rejoicing because of the things that I am doing, this tent should be filled to overflowing, are you telling people about the things that God is doing or are you coming in and leaving and ignoring all the things that are happening right before you. For the only reason that you have not received is because you have not done the things that I have told you. For many have received, many have received and they are continuing to receive and yet here we are again today and I have opened it up unto you to come and receive the things that I have for you. Will you receive those this day or will you leave the same way you came, saith the Lord?
How can I prove to you that this is all real, how can I prove to you that you sit there and do the thinking and it is the devil that gives you the thoughts and, I say, come and he says sit. I say be healed and he says remain sick, how can I explain to you listen, listen very carefully now, for if the highest house in this nation honors you, does that not tell you something? Are you so dead that I need a resurrection party to resurrect you that you can receive the blessings, the miracles, the healings, are you so righteous that you’re more righteous than me? No, I gave you that righteousness, I gave you that righteousness and today, today, today, today, today I shall heal, today, today I shall bring miracles, today, today I shall set the captives free, when, today.
The Lord God says there are no excuses today because the kids are over in the church and being touched right now, there are no excuses why you can’t come. So he says I have already given the altar call, so come, be healed, delivered and set free. So come and be touched in the name of Jesus.
Notice the difference this day my
children, do you notice the peace that fills this tent, do you notice that? For my presence is here, my miracles are here; my anointing
is here, my power, my ability. So
don’t think of what you are going to do, just follow me, let the Holy Ghost
take hold of you like he has never taken hold of you before and let the Holy
Ghost do the work today, let the Holy Ghost do the work today, let the Holy
Ghost do the work today.
Cancer be healed today, I say oh man of God I have called you and I have already laid my hands upon you, for you are not a doctor in the sense of doctors, you are my doctor, without medicine you touch and heal, without medicine you know the sicknesses and diseases. I have a very special gift for you, far above, far above the gift I have already given you today, you can come and receive that. People with back problems, God wants to heal you right now, right now, right now, etc. etc
From this day forward it is going to be alive in Green NY like it has never been there before, for my healing power shall be turned loose upon that place and the church shall grow and multiply and they shall be filled with the Holy Spirit and it shall bubble over and bubble over from today, from today, from today on.
When you go forward don’t tell them what you want, don’t tell them your problems, don’t tell them anything, because if they are really a man of God, they will tell you. If they can’t tell you, go to a worker that can.
7-1-18 pm Campmeeting evening service
Yes, I am here to meet with you again today, today, it is a different time, but today, and I will be there tomorrow, the next day and the next day, but don’t worry about them, it is today. And I said I would do all things this day, this day, and I desire to move mightily, I desire to bring forth miracles, signs, wonders, I desire to speak to you about the things that are coming and they are coming. I desire to open your hearts with a new love for me, a new anointing, a new power, for it is that last day revival that you read about in my word. And it is not coming; it is here my children, it is here, don’t believe what others are telling you, it is here, you have seen it. You have seen it, Friday here you saw it, all day Saturday you saw the miracles, you saw the signs, you saw the wonders, and if you haven’t received by now, it is because you didn’t come. For I have pleaded with you, I have begged you just come and receive, for I love you with an everlasting love far greater than your love, your love can’t touch it with a candle. But I love you and I desire to bless you, I desire to empower you for the things that are coming that you will be the overcomer, that you will be the victor. Be ready; be ready, for you are going to see things tonight that you haven’t seen yet.
You shall notice as the Holy Ghost begins to move and touch you going up and down every single aisle, maybe resting his arm upon you back where you need a miracle, then he gets to encourage you and lift you up. If the cushions could sink down you would see me as I sat there, because the cushion beside you would show that I am there. Many of you have seen this many times before, so it is not new to you, but to many who have come out of dead churches that don’t allow the Holy Ghost to move, that don’t flow in the gifts of the Spirit, it is new to them. But I love them anyway and I desire to fill them also with the Holy Spirit, because really, this last revival, this last revival, this last revival is a Holy Ghost revival.
Is there anything, anything that is impossible for me to do? You saw creative miracles already did I not speak the heaven and earth into being, did I not hang the stars in space? I am ready, I am ready to do the same for you, oh yes, I am ready to do the same for you, I desire to bless you, I desire to heal you, I desire to touch you, I desire to lift you up. For truly around the world, as you know they are trying to stop my word from going forth, they are trying to stop what is taking place, but fear not, fear not, for I have given you an anointing and a power that cannot be stopped, cannot be quieted. For if you think the three thousand on the day of Pentecost was something, if you multiply that by three, that is what my word says, three times greater, oh the joy, the joy, the joy, the joy, the joy, the joy, the joy that shall fill your hearts, the joy, the peace, the peace. So don’t come struggling when I call you out, don’t come thinking, come because of what I say to you. For as a man thinketh in his heart that is what he is going to be. So if you are not thinking my thoughts, if you are not thinking my words, then you are going to miss it. Don’t miss it, don’t miss it, don’t miss it, don’t miss it, don’t miss it.
For the Lord says when the ice cream parlor is giving away free ice cream everyone in town wants to get their free ice cream. What about my ice cream, says the Lord, for I have greater things than they can supply you with, says the Lord. Come and get the things that I have for you, says the Lord.
And yet you have not seen the fullness of everything that I desire to do, for I desire to continue to move upon your behalf so that when you leave here you are set free, you have been delivered, you have been healed, that you are on such a spiritual high you can go for days and days and days. Oh, that is what I desire to do for you my children, for you see things are going to change in the world, disaster is coming, and if you are not ready when that takes place you could be caught up in that, fear could come in, but that is not my desire. For I have said it shall be a glorious hour for my church, but for the world there will be much disaster and destruction. For even right now in the news, if you were to look you would see destruction all over, for it is that time and it is that hour, but that is not for you, but you need to come unto me so I can fill you to overflowing. You need to come so I can give you the things that you have need of, so I can give you the miracle that you have need of, so I can give you the healing that you have need of. Yes, even this very night the miracles are here, the healing is here; the deliverance is here for those who want it. For some have refused, but the day is coming when you will not refuse me, for I have warned you before what shall happen and I will not warn you again. But it is time, it time, saith the Lord, it is time to do the things that I have called you to do, it is time to run with me, it is time to sing and to shout and to rejoice, for revival is here, revival is here, saith the Lord. It is that time and it is that hour, so don’t miss out on the things that I have for you, but come and get them, saith the Lord.
The Lord God says, if he were to stand here at the altars and were to have hundred dollar bills in his hand and were handing them out to each person, how fast would you run for that, how fast would you run for that? The Lord God says he is out there right now ready to move upon you, he wants to heal, deliver and set you free. You should run faster than that for God, there is more; he wants to fill each and every one of you, he wants to touch you. So come.
Bobbie, I heard your cry, I heard your cry, saith your Father God, Bobbie will not die, for I have moved mightily upon him and he has his miracle. Therefore, rejoice, rejoice, rejoice, because it is yours.
Deliverance from drugs, deliverance from alcohol, deliverance, deliverance, you don’t have to be bald, if you can believe me I’ll give you a head of hair tonight, saith your Father God, etc
I say to all my little ones, my children, if I have been speaking to your heart to pray for somebody near you, lay your hands upon them and I will, I will, I will give them that miracle.
Again, tonight God says, anybody in the medical profession, if you haven’t been up he wants to anoint your hands, whether you are a nurse, doctor, whatever, or a dentist, he wants to anoint you in a special way and if you lay hands on people from this day forth they shall receive their healings, they shall receive their miracles. It is for you tonight, he is going to give you that anointing. There must be some here that haven’t been up front yet.
Scribe note: Many other things were called out that are not recorded here but are available by watching this service in the video archives.
7-1-18 Campmeeting afternoon service
Again, I say unto you, welcome, welcome, for again it is today and today this day right now is likened unto the Price is Right and I am the head of it and my Son Jesus is the spokesman and the Holy Ghost, the Holy Ghost is giving out gifts, and if you were on that program how would you act, would you sit there with your mouths glued shut or would you be singing the praises? If your football team just won the Super Bowl would your mouths be glued shut or would you be praising? Am I not more worthy of your praises, am I not your Father, did I not say today, this day, you are not going to get another today, today your speaker will have a real good message, but this will be the last today message until tomorrow and then we come today, today, today. If you don’t get it in this service you won’t get it today if you don’t get it in this service you won’t get it today. Wake up wake up for truly I am speaking, saith your Father God hear me hear me hear me for it is today, today, today.
For My Spirit is here and I desire to move, but I cannot do that if you do not allow me, so it is time now, saith the Lord, it is time now to get ready for me to move. Will you allow me to move upon you this very day and pour My Spirit out upon you? For I said I had gifts for each and every single one of you, not just three or four, but for every one here that is here today, that is here this very day under this tent, I have something for you. But only you can receive that, but I have extended an invitation to you, will you receive the things that I have for you this day, saith the Lord or will you leave the same way that you came?
For I say unto you, you are guaranteed to receive the things that you have come for, saith the Lord. You don’t have to play games, you don’t have to hope, but you need to know that if you come today you will receive, says the Lord. You don’t have to hope for things like you do on the game show, but know that I am here and you will win, says the Lord.
For truly this is not a luck game, there is no luck here, there is no luck here, all you have to do is listen, obey, listen, obey. Don’t think your thoughts because your thoughts are not my thoughts, your ways are not my ways, for you cannot think in the same realm as I do, but I am here, I am here, I am here.
For I am the creator of the heaven and the earth, there was nothing before I created it and I created it all by my word, I spoke it into being, so that includes creative miracles, if you need one, did you hear me my children? Don’t think of your miseries, don’t think of your pain, for I have offered you a one hundred percent guarantee, all I ask is come, come.
etc I am here, I am here, look up to me, I am here etc etc etc allow me to move in you in my strength, allow My Spirit to flow, you must know me, you must know my Father, so allow My Holy Spirit to come into you and become the physical power upon you that you may have the boldness that you need. Move out, move out, thus saith the Lord.
The river is flowing already, why are you standing there, get up on your feet and run to the altar, for the river is flowing with healings, deliverances and setting free and it is free to every one of you, so come and run and get.
7-1-18 morning service Campmeeting
Yes, my children, it is today again, today, not another day, it is not Friday, it is not Saturday, it is not Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday, today, today and once again I am going to meet with you in a powerful way, when, today. I am not talking about the afternoon service or the evening service when they come, that will be another today, for I have told you the theme, the theme is today, I am doing it now this day, this day, this day and I will move powerfully. Even though you have received in the other services, I have things for those that are here that have needs for today, this day, this day, this day. So, rejoice, rejoice, rejoice, because this day is here.
For truly this is the day that the Lord
has made let my people rejoice in it and be glad, for if I told you all the
things that I have for you today, some would stand back and not even believe me,
but I tell you again and again I have something for you again today. I have something for those who are coming today, today,
today, I have something for you, saith the Lord, so enter in and receive all the
things that I have for you. For
they are great and they are needed for these days and these hours, saith the
For, I say unto you my children, My Spirit is moving and My Spirit is here today to meet with you, says the Lord, it is here for you. Not some other day, but for today, it is here for you, says the Lord. Therefore, you can receive the things that I have for you right now today, says the Lord. Receive that today.
Yes, truly today, has that sunk into your mind yet, are you waiting for another time thinking maybe I will get my miracle on Monday or maybe I will get it the last day? No, no, no, no, today, this service, this service, when the next service comes it will be that service, when the next service comes it will be that service, but for the moment right now it is this service, this day, this day, say that to yourself, this day, yes Lord this day. And truly I shall meet with you in a powerful way regardless how many miracles, how many healings, how many touches I have given you, I shall give you more, when, today.
The Lord says today his wind is blowing, his wind is blowing his anointing, his wind is blowing his healing, his wind is blowing his miracles, his wind is blowing signs, he says today come to the altar and receive whatever you need, today, because he wants to move upon you. The next service is going to be something different, so whatever your need is today, come and receive it, because it might not be offered next service. So come and receive it today.
6-30-18 evening Campmeeting service
For truly it is an hour to rejoice, for I have moved in a mighty way and now it is another time for another today, every service will be a new today, as I have told you. The other services are past, we cannot go back to them, but we can build upon them, we can build upon them and we can see new miracles, we can see new healings, we can see new deliverances and we can see new people as they begin to flow into here. For they shall come now, they shall come now, for I have heard the cries of and saw the tears then I answered and I had mercy, I had mercy, for I love to extend mercy, I love to extend mercy, for grace, for grace, for grace. So prepare your hearts now, for tonight is another today, another today and my servant shall be faithful and he shall bring forth the words that I have given to him. And again My Spirit shall move with all the power, with all the might and with all the ability that I have and I shall touch you and heal you and deliver you and set you free. So don’t set your mind on what is going on in the world, it is not a pretty picture, it is not a pretty picture and the Philistines were firing shots at Israel again and Israel is firing shots at the Philistines again and they are trying to conquer the mountain, the dome, and if you were to study my word carefully, you would see where is my house, where is my house, I cry. I also cry where is your faith, will there be faith, yes, for some have my word tucked tightly in their heart and they will allow nothing, absolutely nothing to pry it out and take it away. Be ready therefore, be ready therefore, for the today that I have tonight.
I told you, you would have battles, the battles are not over, I told you also to pray and speak my word, don’t cease, I did not say just pray one time and think you have it. Are you more mightier than Jesus my Son who had to pray twice? I said pray, pray, it is still time to pray, pray for every service, pray for Sunday, pray for Monday, pray for Tuesday, pray for Wednesday. Bind up the things that are trying to come, loose my word, loose my word that I can do all that I desire to do.
For I have so many things, so many things, so many things for you. For it is that hour like I have told you, and if every one, if every one had the faith, if every one believed, if every one was obedient you would have seen far more already if you had been filled to overflowing. For I have promised you that and I said I would do that, but I said you had to be willing and you had to be obedient and that word obedient does not always fit into your frame. For Israel was stiff-necked and stubborn also and they are still a stiff-necked stubborn people, but I have a covenant with them. Because I have a covenant with them I keep my covenant, I have a different covenant with you, a far better covenant and I keep my covenant with you because I love you also. So prepare yourself now for my motivator shall speak forth words now and listen carefully, for these are all new, new today, new today and for today. Open your ears and receive.
Someone in the room today has a heavy burden, the Lord God says he wants to take that burden off your heart today, he wants to take that burden off your heart, he wants to deliver you from it today and give you the joy. The Lord God says there is someone here today who had a heart attack in the past, the devil is trying to attack you with a heart attack again, but he says today he is going to heal you and deliver you from it. The Lord God says today he wants to show his love to each and every one of you, he wants to show his mercy to each and every one of you. He says come today allow him to move upon you, yes, I see you sitting there, I see those cries, I want to take those cries, I want to turn them to joy the Lord God says. So he says come, I see you that you are lonely, the Lord God says he wants to find someone for you today, he wants to give you a companion, his Son Jesus Christ wants to come into your heart like never before, he says come today. He says if you come he will move upon you, so come today.
6-30-18 afternoon service Campmeeting
For this is the truth, for I speak unto you not a new thing, but very, very faith thing that I have spoken to you. For many umbrellas never came down, never, oh what a shame, what a shame, what must I do, what must I do to bring you revival? Is not my word good enough, do you not know that when I speak it is a commandment, it is not a suggestion, that you are not to dig in your heels, for you are not refusing your pastor, you are refusing me. You are not doing as I have told you, I have multitudes that I could bring in right now, but I cannot bring them in until you line up and become obedient to the things that I have said and so far that is not happening. There are good things, many good things, many wonderful things going on and yet the spirit of rebellion is far stronger, and some things are not going on, they are not going on. I said the message of the Campmeeting is today, today, today, today, not some other day and definitely not wait, you have waited long enough, now aren’t you getting tired of waiting? Don’t you realize I have a perfect time and if you miss that perfect time I have to find someone else that will do it? It is not the first Campmeeting that I have spoke to you this way, I hear the cries of my servants as they cry out, Lord, where is that revival you promised us, where is it? I have people that are trying to fight against leadership, I have people that are deliberately trying to be disobedient, I can’t put up with that, do you not realize that? But open up your hearts, for I have got a new chance for you, that is how much I desire to pour My Spirit out on you. For David is determined to preach what I gave him, he won’t change it for something else, he is determined, he is determined, he is set like flint and I shall anoint him and you will not know the David you shall see. The anointing will be so powerful upon him you will not be able to resist, but if you do resist, it could be the last time I speak to you. Please, I love you, I love you with an everlasting love, I want revival, I planned it, I purposed it to take place right here in the center of New York State, right here on this property that I gave to you. I flooded money in from around the world that you didn’t even have to go to the bank and borrow one penny, not one penny and so far this night you haven’t had to borrow one penny. Can I birth revival now, can I birth revival now, for it is up to you, saith your Father God.
For if you were in India you would have heard the cry and many of them there are watching you even though it may surprise you, they are saying what is wrong with those people, they tell them we worship the cow, they claim we do this and they claim we do that, but I know the prophet and when the prophet speaks I know his voice. And fifty sixty even a hundred thousand will come out, for if Bernie was still alive he could tell you and you would be amazed, but I want to do the same, I want to do the same for you.
For I said to you my children it is not in my word written that many are called yet few are chosen, and because of the disobedience of my people, they are stiff-necked, says the Lord, they need to be able to be teachable to do the things that I have called them to do, says the Lord, just as you have seen in the Old Testament when my people were in the wilderness and yet they all saw the same cloud and sat under the same cloud, but yet how many made it across the Jordan, says the Lord? Don’t be that way, says the Lord, but receive the things that I have for you tonight today.
When America decided to drop the bomb on Japan I moved upon the hearts of the people that they would go before them and drop leaflets warning them to flee from that area. You say that is stupid God, no, that is love, you see I love those people even though they weren’t saved. I loved those people, I did not want to see them dead, but they would not listen, they would not even listen when the sirens went off. They wouldn’t listen when the bombs dropped, millions, millions died and millions are still suffering from the effects of that because they would not listen. This is what the devil desires to do to America; this is what the devil desires to do to you. Please, please take heed, listen to my warnings, listen to my warnings, be quick to obey.
For truly this is the day that I have called, for this is the day that I have set aside, not another day, not yesterday, not tomorrow, but today. So when I speak, and it is of utmost importance you grab a hold of the things that I am giving out, for I did not give them yesterday nor will I give them tomorrow, but today only. See it is one of those deals that is only good today, so grab a hold of the things that I will give you today. For many even right now have still not taken their umbrellas down and yet I have spoken unto you twice and now a third time. Will you allow me, your Father God, to move upon you, will you allow me to do the things that I have said I desire to do or do you have your minds made up, your own agenda set aside, and if you do, I cannot move upon you. But there is still time yet, for I will lay it out very plainly for all to see and for those who hear, I tell you now run to the altar to receive it, saith the Lord. For I will pour it out, but the door will open and the door will close, so you have to get it while it is there, saith the Lord.
The Lord God says, open up your hearts now, let your umbrella down, he says he wants to move upon you today, he wants you to come to the altar today, not tomorrow, but today and be filled to the top. He wants to heal any sickness, he wants to deliver demons out of the one that has demons, he wants to set you free today of the sicknesses. He says come today allow him to move upon you, because he wants to move upon each and every one, so he says come allow him to fill you, to deliver you, to set you free, allow him to heal, allow the miracles to flow, so come, come, come today.
I say to those that sit within the hearing of my voice, whether it is in the tent or whether it is overseas or wherever it is, one more time and I will not call it out again to this people here, I want to give you a miracle in your ears. You know you can’t hear, come receive your miracle, come receive your miracle.
Diabetes, come receive your miracle, cancer come receive your miracle, disobedience come and be set free, demon activity come and be set free, come don’t be so proud you don’t come and miss it, come, come, come.
My daughter, I say unto you, even though you just got here come, for I have some mighty, mighty gifts for you, far beyond your understanding, but they are mighty and I need you, come, come
etc. do you receive what the things are that you do not want to come up for, says the Lord, why do you receive the things that you don’t want. Receive the things that I have for you, says the Lord.
etc. you could choose your seats, you could even change your hair or you could put your hoodie up or you could run and hide in the sanctuary or you could go home, but don’t you think that I know where you are, don’t you think that I know you, because if I don’t know you then you are going to hell. I said the Pentecostal people depart from me you workers of inequity, I never knew you, don’t be like those, but come, please come, come, come.
Scribe note: Many other things were called out a complete list of all things could be seen and heard in the video archives of the afternoon Campmeeting service 6-30-18.
6-30-18 am service Campmeeting
For as bright and beautiful as it is so shall this day be also, saith your Father God. Today, today, today my miracle working power will be flowing, it will be like Niagara Falls and you will sit and wonder and think and praise me and exalt my name. For truly it is that hour and it is that time even though throughout the world right now there are many, many disasters, but you are not aware of them because you are not watching the news, you have not heard the news. But, I say unto you, the news is the good news that Jesus Christ is King of Kings and Lord of Lords, and I, your Father God, am here, yes, I am here in your midst, I dwell in your midst and I am moving freely on your behalf. So open your hearts, open your lives, let my words, not your words, let my words come out of your mouth, let my words go forth, let my words do the work that I have told you they will do, let my words, let my words, let my words, saith your Father.
For, I say unto you, do not put your raincoats on, for my mist from the water that I am pouring out upon you shall rain upon everyone, says the Lord, that have come to hear and be with me, says the Lord. So bring forth those things that I have said unto you to bring forth, says the Lord and you shall receive all that you have come for, says the Lord.
For it is like I said already, the rain shall fall, the rain shall fall, it will be a spiritual rain and yet some of you will sit within this tent and you won’t even get damp. For your umbrellas were up the minute you came in and you haven’t let the umbrellas down, but if you let the umbrellas down I will come in, saith your Father God, I will pour My Spirit out upon you, I will pour miracles upon you, I will pour signs and wonders, I will pour deliverance upon you and it shall be a great move, it shall be a great move, for I will have a Holy Ghost hour, that is what it will be, a Holy Ghost hour and I will be here to move upon you, I will be here to bless you, I will be here to do great and mighty things, saith your Father God.
For it is time to soak it all in, it is time to allow My Spirit to pour out upon you without measure. But it is you that must allow me to do the work that needs to be done. Don’t come with your own thoughts or ideas, I said come expecting and that is it. Come expecting me to move upon your behalf and you will see me move, you will see the miracles, the signs and the wonders, you will see it even this very day, saith the Lord. For it is that time and it is that hour for that last great outpouring that I have promised, that day is here, saith the Lord and I will pour out My Spirit on those who come and do the things that I have told them to do. Those who come expecting, those who come and pray as I have told them to pray and others would come to receive the miracles that I have for them. And then I will move upon you and you shall receive the things that you have need of and nobody will have to lay a hand upon you, but it will be my hand and I will touch you, saith the Lord, for truly I love you with an everlasting love and I desire to move upon your behalf. So allow me this day, allow me this day to move upon your behalf, saith the Lord.
The Lord God says, open up your hearts this morning, whatever is holding you back give it up, give your heart to the Lord today. Open them up so he can move upon you, for his anointing is flowing this morning, his healing, his deliverance is flowing, he wants to move upon you at the altars this morning. For each and every service today his anointing is going to get stronger, his anointing is going to get deeper. So come this morning and allow him to heal you, allow the miracles to flow, allow his deliverance to be here to be set free. So come this morning allow him to move upon you.
At this time let the peace of God fill your hearts etc etc etc etc, let the umbrella’s down, don’t hold your hand down and think I am going to move upon you. I said be obedient, do what I say, it is time now, it is time now, it is today, have not I told you it is today? It is not another day, it is today, it is this day, this day, this service, this service, not another service, this service, another service shall speak to you in another way, but I am speaking to you now. Come and receive the things that I have for you, come, come run to the altars, run to the altars.
6-29-18 pm service Campmeeting
For truly it is a great hour, an hour such as the world has never seen before, an hour when my glory shall be seen by every eye, even those that aren’t saved my glory shall be seen. And they shall see my hand as it moves with miracles, signs and wonders, not what they are saying that the antichrist will do, because he cannot, he cannot, he cannot do the miracles that I can do. He has no power, he is not all power, he is little power, so fear him not, for I have told you that. But watch, watch as this week goes by, as you sit under this tent, as you hear the things that are taking place in the world, you shall know and see and understand that truly this is the last hour, this is the last hour. Even though some will mock and laugh and say no, no, no, but they don’t know my word, are not the horses riding, are not you seeing things in the book of Revelation? Then it is time my children, it is time to read my word, it is time to agree with my word, it is time to stand on my word with all boldness, with all authority, with all ability, it is that time, it is that time and I shall move for you. Oh, I shall move mightily, I shall move mightily in these days, I shall move mightily on your behalf. There shall be miracles, you shall see them with your eyes, healings, deliverances, you shall see them and when the Spirit arrives, arrives on the scene I will move upon them mightily and you shall see them cast out, you have seen that before, but far greater now, saith your Father God. For I will not put up with the things that I used to put up with, it is that day, it is that hour, it is that time and you shall know, you shall know, you shall know. So let your hearts be filled with joy, let that joy bubble over, let your praises come before my throne, for as you worship me and praise me I move mightily.
The headlines tomorrow morning shall cause fear and trembling in many hearts, for they will wonder is war here now, no, but it is soon coming. And what you hear is because they are trying to take my land away and I will not, I will not, I will not give up my land again. For it is mine, saith your Father God and I have spoken. I don’t care who says it is theirs, for I gave it to Israel and it belongs to Israel.
Remember it is your time to minister, for I have talked to you already concerning this, it is your time to minister and I told you if you pray for others you receive your healing, you receive your miracles, you will receive the things that you need. But if you get greedy you will receive nothing, saith your Father God. For I have spoken to you, I expect you to listen as I speak unto you, I expect you to do the things that I tell you. I expect you to be one in my army, I don’t allow stragglers in my army, I don’t allow those that go their own way and do their own things, but I speak to you and say this, this, this, this and I expect you to be obedient. For obedience is far better than sacrifice, some of you love to sacrifice, but you don’t love to be obedient, you don’t obey, you don’t obey, you don’t do the things that I say. But, I say unto you, it is that hour, it is that hour, it is that time when you must, when you must do as I say, for it is for your safety, it is for your protection, it is for you, saith your Father God.
For there in nothing, there is nothing that you need to fear in these days ahead, but you need to be aware of the things that are going to take place. You need to be aware and be walking in My Spirit at all times where I can speak unto you and at times I will tell you to go here for a day or two or I will tell you do not go there by any circumstances. But know that it is only to keep you safe through the coming days ahead, for I have warned you about this day and this hour and the things that would take place. I have warned you about the things that have to come and I have told you that now is that time, now is that hour, but that also mean that it is the hour of revival, it is the hour for My Spirit to be poured out without measure. It is that hour for you to see the miracles, the signs, the wonders like you have never seen or experienced before in your entire life. For many have said Lord, we have seen you do great things, yes and that is true, but greater things are ahead, greater things are here now and My Spirit will fall upon you in a mighty and powerful way in these next few days and those who come and do the things that I have told them to do, those who come with great expectations they will leave with their needs met. They will leave with their miracles, they will leave with their healings, they will leave with their deliverance, saith the Lord. For it is that time and it is that hour, so come, come, come, come from near, come from far, come, come just as you are and receive from the Father, saith the Lord.
The Lord God says, this is a miracle
prophetic Campmeeting and there is going to be miracles upon miracles, he says
the prophetic word is going to be mighty this week.
So he says open up your ears and listen to all, he says the miracles and
the healings and deliverance is going to flow mightily.
He say invite, invite, invite people who have cancer, invite people who
have broken legs, invite people who have missing body parts, for you are going
to see them grow back. He says
bring them because he is going to move, he says bring the lost because he wants
to see them saved, he says bring the sick he wants to see them healed.
So he says bring them because he is going to move mightily all week.
He says today he wants you to come and allow his anointing to flow upon
you because he loves each and every one of you.
He sent his Son for each and every one of you because he loves you, so
come this night and allow him to move.
For, I say unto you my children, your praises, your exceedingly great praises worshipping me, says the Lord, it shall come to a mighty exceeding pitch. For you will see me move in all my power, in all my glory, says the Lord. Praise me, praise me, praise me, says the Lord.
6-24-18 am service
For truly you are the overcomers, has that settled into your heart yet, that means you have all power, all authority, all ability, that means you can speak to the weather and it has to do what you want and not what the weather man says. Satan may be the prince of this world, but you have the power and authority over him, for you are joint heirs with me, you are joint heirs with Jesus. You are the head and not the tail, you are above and not beneath, therefore you can speak forth my word and it has to come to pass and it shall come to pass. For I have given you all power, I have given you all authority, I have given you all ability, you need to rise up into your positions, for it is that hour and it is that time, it is that hour and that time when you must, you must, you must do the things that I tell you to do. You must do them as I tell you to do them, don’t say you know these things, because most of you don’t know these things, but I shall tell you, I shall lead you, I shall guide you, I shall direct you that you may be the overcomers of the hour. And multitudes shall flock unto you, they shall come, they shall come, as I have said before they shall come and you shall show them, you shall lead them, so you need to develop extremely fast. For if they come to ask you wisdom and knowledge you cannot give them your wisdom, you cannot give them your knowledge, you cannot tell them what you want to tell them, you tell them what I want you to tell them. You hear my voice clearly, you follow my voice clearly, you do the things that I tell you and you shall see the greatest revival the world has ever seen. The lame shall walk, the blind shall see, the deaf shall hear, the dead shall rise. For you shall see it, it shall be awesome and you shall rejoice in my presence, for I, your Father God, have told you these things, it is that hour and it is that time. You are not going out like a whipped church, you are going out as a victorious church without spot or wrinkle, a glorious church, for it is going to be a glorious hour you have ever seen. For I, your Father God, have declared the time, I have set the time and the time is upon you, don’t listen to what man says; I have said the time is upon you. Get ready, get ready, get ready, for you are going to see things come this Campmeeting that you have never seen and the devil will fight, yes, he will fight, but he is a defeated foe, remember that he is a defeated foe. Therefore, walk in victory, walk in victory, walk in victory.
It is time to put always all doubts, it is time to put away all fears, it is time to put away all murmuring, all bickering and listen to what I say, listen to my words. I know you don’t believe it, but it is I, your Father God, that is speaking and my word is truth and my word shall come to pass and you shall see it and it shall come quicker than you have ever seen it before. It shall be more powerful than you have ever seen before; for it is here, it is that time, it is that hour. I could not pour this out before, for I had to wait, for I had to wait for that exact hour and you are at that hour. Therefore, I say unto you, be ready, be ready, be ready, for it is going to be far greater, far greater, far greater, it is going to be more victorious, more victorious than you have ever seen before.
For if it were I, saith your Father God, I would tell the blind, I would tell the lame, I would tell the halt, I would tell those that were missing parts to come, come, come. For if they will come I, their Father God, shall meet them and you shall see it and you shall rejoice in my presence. For it is that hour and it is that time as I have said before, wake up, wake up, come alive, come alive and be bold, be bold, be bold, for that is what Paul prayed for. You need that boldness and you need to speak my words, you need to do away with that faith that is not faith and take on that faith that is faith and do exploits, exploits, do you hear what I have said, exploits in my name. For I am the Lord thy God and there is absolutely nothing that is impossible for me to do and I shall do it, I shall do it, if you proclaim it I shall do it, if you speak it I will do it.
For the Lord says to be surprised means you weren’t expecting, says the Lord, for I told you I am going to do these things and these things I will do, says the Lord. So don’t be surprised, but you can be amazed, says the Lord, at the things I am doing, says the Lord.
For I say unto you once again, set your expectations high, for I am going to meet your needs, saith the Lord. I am going to come and meet with you like you have never seen before. For at times my Shekinah Glory will hover over the tent and many will lay under the power of God for hours and yet it will only seem like minutes have gone by. For truly it is that time my church, it is that hour, let yourselves begin to get excited for all the things I am going to do and come expecting great things, don’t come expecting little things, for I said come expecting great things, for I am going to move in a mighty and powerful way upon your behalf and you shall see my word fulfilled as I have spoken unto you. And I call unto those who are listening, come, come, come and receive your miracles, come and receive you healings, come and receive your deliverance, saith the Lord.
For the Lord says invite people, invite people that have cancer, because you are going to see them delivered from that cancer, invite people that have aids, you are going to see them delivered. The Lord God says invite, invite people for Campmeeting, because if you thought last year people were being healed and delivered and set free and you have seen miracles, it is going to be double or triple this year, the Lord God says. For he says come, invite, no matter what they need, if they need an arm I can grow an arm, I can give an arm, I can give a new heart, the Lord God says. But invite the sick, invite the people that have needs, invite the people that need Jesus and those who to be delivered and set free, the Lord God says, so invite them. The Lord God says today come and allow his miracles to come upon you, allow his healings, allow his deliverance, he says come this morning allow his anointing to fill you, the Lord God says, he says come.
6-24-18 pm service
What a great day of rejoicing, truly it is, oh the joy, the joy, the joy that is filling the hearts of my people, the excitement that is building up. For in the wind they can feel the Spirit blowing and they know, they know, they know and they know they know in their heart and it is settled, is it settled in your heart, do you know in your heart for that is important, oh so important? For the enemy battles and many times he wins only because it is not settled in the heart. We can say, oh this and oh that, but if it is not settled in our heart we lose and we should never lose, we should always have the victory, we should always be the overcomer. Whatever they call out that they have need of my church should be able to give it unto them, they should be able to move forward in great victory, great confidence, they should know, they should know, they should know. It is not a thing of saying I know, you need to know, you need to know in your heart, your heart needs to be settled. So, I am saying, settle your heart, settle your heart, settle your heart that your mouth can speak what you believe in your heart. For then the victory comes, the victory comes and you walk in that victory and you become an overcomer and you see things so beautiful that you have never seen before why, because my timing is now.
For truly it is time, it is time, it is time, my time, not your time, for if it was your time you would be dancing, you would be praising me, you would be exalting me, you would be lifting me higher than others. It is my time, yes, it is my time, it is my time, it is my time, and as you get into the mood of moving with me, it will be your time and when it becomes your time then there will be nothing, absolutely nothing, absolutely nothing, that you cannot do. For I have given unto you all power, all ability, I have said speak forth my word and I will do it, call upon me and I will answer. It is time, it is time, it is time, move in because it is time.
For when I called Gideon he could not see that it was time and he sounded like many Christians today all the negatives, the doubts, but as I spoke to him My Spirit moved upon him, pretty soon he got a glimpse of what was ahead. And then he did foolish things in a sense you would say, he got down to a mighty, mighty small force, but that force was enough and that force brought a victory against the odds, almost thirty times to one, they got a victory and not always did they get a victory, but my church Israel at that time they got their victory and it saved them, it saved them, it saved them. Will not this hour also save my people, will not this hour also set them in the place that they should be set in or are you a Gideon?
For I have told you that it is that time now, it is that hour now where it was not that time before, but it is that time now. And so the very things I have spoken unto you, you shall see come to pass, you should be expecting to see them every time you come into my house. You should be praying about the things that I am going to do throughout Campmeeting that those who come will be ministered unto, that they will be healed, delivered and set free, saved and set on fire. For many shall come to receive of me, many will come not expecting and they will leave receiving nothing because they did not come the way I told them to, but for those that have come expecting they shall receive. For it is that time my church, it is that hour, it is that appointed hour, that divine hour that I have called, that I have set aside for now and I shall move in all my might and in all my power upon those who are open to me upon those who are walking according to my word and doing the things that I have called for them to do. For it is that time and it is that hour, know without a shadow of a doubt like never before that it is that time and it is that hour and I, your Father God, am going to move in a mighty and powerful way. Look for me to do great and exciting things on your behalf, look for them, saith the Lord, for truly they are here and you shall see them, saith the Lord.
For the Lord says he has prepared his table, he has set it up for this time, says the Lord. For I have called those that are coming and they shall come and they shall sit at my table and they shall dine with me, says the Lord and they will have a meeting with me, says the Lord, like at no other time. For I have called this time and I have set this time appointed for this hour and it will not be late and it will not draw to them and it should, says the Lord, it will be set and it is ready to go, says the Lord.
For the Lord says he knows those that are hungry, those that are on fire, those that desire to move with him, says the Lord. For he has not called those that are backslidden, those that are asleep, for he has warned them, he has warned them over and over, says the Lord, I have warned them and they do not want to come, they do not want to move, but I have called those that want to move with me, says the Lord. Come and come and come, says the Lord.
6-17-18 am service
For truly it is that hour, saith your Father God, yes, it is that hour when you need to rise up and walk as joint heirs with me and Jesus your Lord, it is that hour, it is that time. You need to stop lagging behind and you need to begin to move forward with all the promises that I have given to you, you need to move forward with the wisdom and the knowledge, you need to be those that are not destroyed because they lack the wisdom and knowledge. You need to be those that the devil does not walk over and trample on with sickness and disease, for you are a child of God. It is that hour and it is that time that you need to walk according to my words, walk according to my promise, for I have poured out My Spirit without measure upon you, I have poured out My Spirit, I have poured out my wisdom, I have poured out my knowledge, for you are in the last days. Do not let man deceive you thinking that you are not in the last days, do not allow man to tell you that it is fifteen, twenty years away, for that is a lie of the devil, he wants you to stay lukewarm, he wants you to stay as you are in unbelief. Know that it is the hour, it is the time to walk in belief, it is the hour and time to walk in faith, it is the hour and time to be an overcomer, it is that hour, it is that time, saith your Father God. So put away childish things, for you are no longer a child, you are mature, you are an adult, walk ye therefore as an adult. Walk according to my word, walk according to my promise and watch and watch what I shall do for you. For others shall look upon you, they shall come unto you and you will need to be in the place that you can touch them, that you can heal them, that you can deliver them, that you can give them a word. For they will flock to your doors, they will be healed in the parking lot, fire shall be upon the roof and you shall see the promises that I have said. It is that hour, it is that time and it is not that far off, wake up, wake up, wake up, come alive, come alive, for you are a joint heir.
It is that hour, it is that time, saith your Father God, when even the young people shall go out in the yard as they have in times past and they shall bring in the money and they shall lay it upon the altar. For you have seen those days, saith your Father God, in the past and you shall see them again in the future, for I shall rain down money upon your lawns and upon your house and you shall walk in the prosperity that I have promised you. For I shall make kings and priests, I shall exalt you to high places, all you need to do is walk in the Spirit, you need to hear my voice, you need to know my voice, you need to flow with me. For it is that hour, everything has changed now, all new rules apply now according to my word, according to my word, walk according to my word.
For I have so many wonderful and great things in store for my church, for those that are walking according to my word, for those that are walking in faith and not sense knowledge faith, for those that are walking as I have told them to walk. Get into my word, know what I have said, be what I have said you are, act like I said, do the things that I have said, for truly as you do that you shall see great miracles, you shall see great signs, you shall see wonders. You shall see the dead even raise up and come to life that others, others will flock in, for it shall be the greatest revival that they have ever seen, for I have told you this. And it is that hour, it is that hour now and you know that even in the natural hour there is only twenty four hours, so I am talking about a shorten version, for you are already into the beginning of the last seven years. It is that time, it is time, it is that time, it is that time, it is that time.
So begin to let that excitement build in your spirits as you see the things that I have said shall quickly come to pass. Expect me to move in a mighty and powerful way, for many are not expecting me to move, they come in, and oh, it is just another Sunday, we will go to church then we will go home and repeat and repeat. Since when did you come and not expect me to move, since when did you come and not expect to meet with your Father, for have not I come here, here to meet with you? For that is my word, that is my promise that I have given unto you that I, your Father God, would be here. For is this not the Father’s House and am I your Father God not here in my house? For I am here each and every time you meet together, I am here even when you are not here, saith the Lord and yet when you come, come to meet with me, for I am here to meet with you, I am here to meet your needs, I am here to deliver and set you free and all you need to do is come unto me, come unto me. Come unto me and allow me to move upon your behalf, allow me to give you those healings and miracles, allow me to set you free and to set you on fire like never before. For truly you are living in the end days, do you not understand that and my revival fire is falling, even now it is beginning to fall upon you, but many have not received because they are not open, they are not ready. And yet I have said come and be ready, come to receive, come open so I can show you, saith the Lord. For truly it is that time and it is that hour.
The Lord says he is here this morning to meet with each and every one of your needs, he says come this morning, get fired up for him, get fired up for Campmeeting. So come this morning and allow him to heal and deliver you and set you free. Come this morning and allow him to move upon you, come this morning and allow him to stoke your fires, do not sit back but come and allow him to move upon you today because he loves each and every one of you so come, come, come.
6-17-18 pm service
For truly it is a day to rejoice, today you shall praise me in my name, for the King is coming soon, the King is coming soon, do you realize that, do you understand that, has it sunk into your hearts the one that you long to see, the one that you long to talk to, the King is coming soon. And your hearts they should be busting, they should be overflowing with joy and the peace, the peace that I have given unto you should fill your hearts. For you should have an understanding, you know that truly this is the victorious hour, an hour when you are walking in all the victories that I have for you, an hour when you are an overcomer, an hour, an hour when truly you triumph. For it is your hour, it is the hour that I have promised, the greatest hour that my church shall ever see. It is that hour, it is that hour, it is time, saith your Father God, let the praises ring, let the praises ring.
For it is the greatest hour, for if you read my word carefully you would see all the miracles, all the signs, all the wonders, you would see how you would walk. Oh you would walk in that victory, you would walk in that power and the devil would flee from you, there would be no sickness, there would be no sorrow, for you would know, you would know my word and you would stand on my word. For it is an awesome hour, saith your Father God, one like man has never seen, one like the church that doesn’t seem to understand like they should understand. For from Genesis all the way to Revelation I have explained it to you over and over and over, but many men have taught you to read it negatively instead of positively so you don’t see the beauty of it. But realize that this is the greatest hour, the greatest hour that man has ever seen. And it shall be the greatest hour that you have ever seen and, therefore, the victories shall be so great, so great that people that don’t know me will come unto you and beg of you to tell them of me that they can get right, that the harvest can come in, that the harvest can be complete. For it is that time and it is that hour, yes, it is that hour.
Do you understand all the things that you have to partake of in these last hours, the greatest hours of the church age that anyone has ever seen or experienced, even greater than the days when my Son Jesus walked the earth. For I said greater things would you do, for I was only showing you what could be done and greater, greater, greater is what I said you would do. It is that time church, it is that hour, that last hour, that final hour when the harvest shall come in, when the wealth of the heathen shall be poured out unto the righteous, when My Spirit is poured out without measure, that should excite your hearts like never before. For not only will I use you, those who are open in a mighty way, but I will touch those who need a touch like never before. I will heal, I will deliver, I will set free and I shall raise the dead, saith the Lord. For many will come unto you with needs and I will be there to meet with them, for it is that time and it is that hour, saith the Lord.
For, I say, the harvest is filled to the very brim of my joy and my strength, of my wisdom, of my knowledge, let it be running over unto others that need a touch, that need a healing, for there is nothing, nothing that is impossible for you. You can lay your hands on it and it shall be healed, you can deliver, you can set free, you can do, you can do, you can do it, I said you can do what I said you can do.
For My Spirit is here and I shall raise those up that need to be raised up, says the Lord, for you shall no longer lay dormant, for I shall raise you up with a new fruit in you, says the Lord, and you shall produce the fruit that no one else thought you could produce. But I, your Father God, knew the whole time the fruit that you could do, says the Lord.
6-13-18 pm service
For the awesomeness of my glory is being seen throughout all the world, those that are not seeing it are asleep and need to wake up, for the things that I am doing at the moment can be seen even on the news, they can be seen. For I am moving in a powerful and a mighty way doing exactly what I told you I would do, I am not doing what the false prophets tell you, I am doing what my word says that I will do and it can be seen very clearly, very plainly. For my word has never changed from the very beginning and yet man’s word seems to change every other day but not my word. For in my word is declared the beginning from end, in my word is declared the healings and the miracles and the prophetic word. In my word the prophets speak, in my word people find salvation and deliverance and so it shall be with you. So get into my word, draw nigh to my word, when is the last time you read my word? For many don’t open the book, not at all, saith your Father God, and if they do they read for their own pleasure, they do not read what the Holy Spirit tells them to read. Watch, walk carefully, know and be ready, for the hour is very close.
Do you understand the word short, for the time is very short, it is not long, don’t start putting years when I start talking short? But prepare your hearts, prepare your hearts, prepare your hearts, make yourself ready, make yourself ready, for the hour, the hour, the hour comes quickly now.
6-10-18 am service
Yes, truly you shall see just how amazing I am, for my power has been released and many have received and many more shall yet receive and they shall do things that they never thought in their life that they could do. But because it is my hour, not your hour, it is my hour, saith your Father God, and therefore they shall do things they never, never could do before. But, I say unto you, remember the four gospels basically are the life of Christ and the disciples; it doesn’t have New Testament truth in it, sense knowledge is there. But starting in the book of Acts you begin to see the new covenant, you begin to see what I have already done for you and what I am going to do for you, and as you study that you will realize the power, the power that is now available. For there is not a miracle that I can’t do, I can create the whole body in just a second, saith your Father God, I can do all, all that I have ever done, even from the very beginning. There is nothing, nothing, nothing that is impossible for me if you get that into your heart, if you get it into your heart that your heart rules and not your mind. As you walk closely by my side, as you don’t think upon the things, for as a man thinketh, do you remember that, so is he, think my words, speak my words, stand on my words, boldly proclaim my word. For it is my word, it is my word and I stand behind my word to fulfill my word, I stand there to complete it and all the angels in heaven stand there ready in their battle garments that they may battle on your behalf and bring forth the victories, that they will know it is the last days. You won’t have to listen to the news and yet the news shall be filled, filled to overflowing with what is going on. From now to camp time, you will not believe the many disasters that shall take place. But I have a word, yes, I have a word, saith your Father God, don’t stay away from Campmeeting, make your plans to be there, for I am going to be there in all my power, all my glory, all my anointing and you shall see, oh you shall see, you shall see, you shall see, for it shall be far greater, far greater than you even imagine. Oh, there will be some that come with their negative mind that see nothing, but it will be there, for I, your Father God, have said so.
It shall be like one two three four, today, today, today, not some other day, that is what you shall be shouting, that is what you will be praising God for. You will see miracle after miracle after miracle after miracle after miracle after miracle, nothing, nothing, nothing will be hindered, only those that don’t want to believe, but you will say, yes Lord today, today, today, yes Lord today, today, yes Lord today.
Oh the glory of the Lord as it descends upon you, oh the glory that you shall see, the glory that you shall walk in. My praises shall ring throughout all of heaven and you will find your voice lifting higher and higher and higher and praising me and exalting me. And you shall see how I am protecting you and watching over you because as you look to the north and to the south and the east and the west you see disaster, disaster, disaster. Oh the joy, the joy that shall flood your heart, the joy that shall fill your life, the joy that shall make your home a place that people want to come to. For voices will no longer be raised in your home, for you shall show love, you shall walk in love and you will not speak negative. For the negative things that speak shall come upon you suddenly, suddenly, suddenly they shall come. But those that speak my word, those that stand on my word, they shall receive what they are speaking and they shall think upon me and their minds shall be locked in place. For they shall know that I, their Father God, am showing my love, I am pouring out my love without measure, I am moving as I have said in my word. For you read it from Daniel to Revelation, you read it, you read it, you read it, for it is there, it is there, I have told you what I shall do.
For truly there are many, many that are even here this day that have not received the things that I have for them. Are you going to open up unto me and allow me to do a work in you or are you going to keep living in sense knowledge faith and never receive the things that I have? For truly it is that day and it is that hour when I have promised that I shall move upon you without measure, but you cannot base that on some feelings, for you should have moved past the feelings by now. You should have full understanding of what sense knowledge faith is by now and you should know that I, your Father God, will do what I have said that I would do and you can bank upon that and you can stand upon that word and receive the things that I have for you. For I have given them unto you and all you need to do is just receive it, for anytime, any service you can receive those things, for they are here for you my people because I love you, because I need you to do the things that I have called for you to do. For I cannot have you sitting on the sidelines able to do nothing, for that is not what I have called you to do. For I have called you to be a part, I have called you to enter in and I have called you to do a great and mighty work. So, I say unto you, open up unto me and allow me to do the work that needs to be done, know without a shadow of doubt that I have done it regardless of what the enemy lies to you and tells you that it is not done or he sends that pain again or whatever, know that I, your Father God, have done it and consider it done and you shall walk in the fullness of everything that I have for you, saith the Lord.
The Lord God says, he is calling the lame, he is calling the blind, he is calling the sick, he is calling the diseased, he is calling the people that need to be set free, pack your bags, get your tents ready, get a motel booked, get here at Campmeeting because your Almighty God is going to move mightily. He is going to heal, he is going to deliver, he is going to set free, so pack your bags and get here. You want him to move upon you, come, because his anointing is going to be stronger, triple of what it was last year, the Lord God says, for he says come, come, come. He says today the miracles are flowing, today, so if you want a miracle today come, if you want to stand in gap for someone today come, if you just want a touch from him today come.
The Lord says as you stand in my presence and receive the things that I have for you, you shall be healed, delivered, you shall be set free, you shall receive the things you have need of, says the Lord. But if you don’t receive it, it is because you are not pressing into me, says the Lord, your heart is not right, says the Lord. So press in, press in, for if you love me you will receive all that I have for you, says the Lord.
6-10-18 pm service
For truly the beauty of the days that stand before you, not the days that stand before the world, for we know that judgment is coming quickly upon them, but the beauty, the beauty of the days that stand before you. The joy, the joy, unspeakable that I am pouring out upon my people, I am encouraging them, I am lifting them up, I am healing them, I am delivering them, I am setting them free and I am moving powerfully on their behalf. For it is that time, saith your Father God, it is that time when I take you through victoriously, when I make you the overcomers, I make you triumph in this world and the world shall look upon you and they will stand amazed, for they have never seen me move this powerfully. But you are mine, I love you with an everlasting love and I am removing all spots and all wrinkles that I can take you when my Son comes. Rejoice I say, rejoice, for the hour is at hand.
For the cry has gone out throughout all the earth rejoice, rejoice, rejoice, for your redemption draweth nigh, it is that hour it is that time, saith your Father. It is that hour of great joy, that hour of great peace, that hour of rejoicing and singing praises unto me. For it is that hour, it is that hour and you shall see, you shall see.
I tell you, my children, have I not told you to remove the mountain in your life, says the Lord. For I have not called you to move around it, but to go through it, says the Lord, for why leave a mountain behind you when you can remove it, says the Lord? This day I tell you remove that mountain and cast it into the sea, says the Lord, drop the plow, says the Lord, rip up that fallow ground and plant the seed of my word and watch my harvest come in like a flood, says the Lord, watch the thing I promised unto you come to pass, says the Lord. Drop the plow, drop the plow, drop the plow and go through, says the Lord.
There is a great hunger, a hunger within their hearts, for they desire to know me, they desire to see me, they desire to come into my presence and worship and praise me and they shall do that. For the multitudes shall come, the multitudes shall come, you will not be able to contain all those that I have for you, saith your Father God. But it shall be a great hour, you shall see the fire on the roof, you shall see the trucks coming, you shall see all that I have promised you, for it is that hour. It is that hour, it is that hour, it is that hour, it is that time, saith your Father God. So lift up your voices and sing praises unto me, lift you your voices and give thanksgiving unto me, for truly it is that hour.
For truly great excitement should be filling your heart even this moment as you look forward to the things that I am going to do on your behalf. As you look forward to the coming weeks ahead when I shall pour out My Spirit without measure. You should be excited, and if you are not, you need to get into my word and allow me to light that fire so that excitement should rise within you that you can come and receive the things that I have for you. For many, many have needs and they are not able to receive because they do not believe that I can move upon their behalf even though my word has told them over and over and over that I am the God of the impossible, that I can do all things and yet they do not believe that I do the same things today that I did a thousand and two thousand and three thousand years ago, for truly I am the same God today and forever. So trust me with all your heart, allow me to do a work like never before and allow that revival fire to burn within you like never before. For truly it is a great time and it is a great hour, saith the Lord.
6-6-18 pm service
For great praises have been coming before my throne, for my people, my people are waking up, yes and they are praising and exalting my name and lifting it much higher, much higher than before, they are in my word more than before, they are seeking my face more than before. For they see the signs, they see the volcanoes, they see the earthquakes, they hear the wars that are going on especially in Israel. And they realize, yes, it is that time, it is that time, it is that hour and they know soon destruction shall come to America and they are leaving California twenty five thousand people a month. Oh, I tell you they are waking up, they are waking up, they are waking up. Are you waking up, for that is my question to you tonight, are you waking up, look round about yourself, where is everybody, where is everybody? Do they not realize the lateness of the hour, do they not know the traps that the enemy has that he can set at any moment at any time, the bondages that he can put them in, do they know, do they know? Come draw nigh to me, come closer to me, walk in the Spirit continually, let your ears be open, let your hearts be open, let your eyes be open, look and see and know and understand that truly this is the end times.
For a rose is a rose is a rose and a rose always smells like a rose, but those that are not mine you can smell the decay, for they are dying and do not know it. For they are not walking in life, they are not walking in the abundance of the life and slowly but surely the enemy is taking its toll. Therefore, come and walk by my side, come and walk with me, for if you walk with me you shall go when I go, you shall be there when I get there and it will be a glorious hour, a glorious time, be a rose, be a rose.
Many need to clean out their ears spiritually, their eyes and their mouth; for the things that they say are taking them captive, their disbelief separates them from me. But be not like that, be not like that, be not like that, come alive, come alive, come alive, know the difference between life and death, the difference between life and death, know it, know it, know it.
For if you have sowed yourself in my word then should you not be reaping fruit and not just fruit but the good fruit, the righteous fruit, the prosperous fruit? And yet many say that they are grounded in my word and they are feeding upon my word and yet where is their fruit, where is their growth? Do not be deceived, for many are coming in my name and they are not of me and yet I have warned you about these things and that they would take place, for the enemy is trying to deceive more than at any time before, you need to watch out for these things. For my word has said you shall know them by their fruits, so what is the fruit that they are producing, you can ask yourself that question and you can clearly see whether they are for me or whether they are not for me, saith the Lord. For it is that time and it is that hour and you shall begin to see them more and more and more and they shall prophecy, but it shall not be of me, saith the Lord. For do not grab a hold of that word nor run after it, for it will sound super good, but it is nothing but lies and empty promises. But I, your Father God, have given unto you great promises in these days and these hours, hold on to those things, run with those things. For truly they shall come to fulfillment, for they are from me and I am truth and, therefore, they must come to pass, for my words always come to pass. Do not be deceived by the things that shall come, but know without a shadow of a doubt that my word is truth and it produces what it was sent forth to do.
6-2-18 am service
For truly it is a time and an hour to worship me like you have never worshipped me before, for it is my worship and my praise that drives the enemy from your place. It is my worship and my praise that brings victory and glory, it is my worship and my praise that brings forth all the promises that I have promised unto you. And many, many are not worshipping me, they are a long ways from me and they think they are walking with me, but they are not walking with me. They are walking in their own selves, in their own worries, in their own fears, in their own troubles and yet I am always here, I am here to meet every single need, oh my children draw closer to me, stop running away from me. For the hour is very late, there is going to be a time when you can’t run fast enough to catch up again and you will be caught in the snares and the traps that the enemy has already set for you. For that trap has been set, you are dependant upon other things and I should be the only thing that you are dependant upon. For I am the only one that can help you, I am the only one that can deliver you, I am the only one that can set you free, and as you believe me all that shall come to pass, saith your Father God, for I love you with an everlasting love. It is the last hour and yet my people do not understand that because many stand out there and lie to you and tell you, you have much time, but if you would look at the things that are going on around the world you would see that there is not much time. For there are killings everywhere, there are those that are attacking their own children, they are attacking other children, they are attacking anything and everything that is in sight, for they are of the devil and they know it not, they have been possessed by the devil and they know it not. Oh, many are under possession, many are under oppression, but I, their Father God, will deliver them, I will set them free, I will give them the peace that they desire, I will give them their miracles, their healings, I will do that because I love them with an everlasting love. Draw near to me, don’t say I am, no, you are not, draw near to me, nearer, nearer and nearer.
For even in your own homes, even in your own homes you see the enemy at work because you are not drawing closer to me. For if my presence fills your house the enemy wouldn’t dare to step on your property, if my presence filled your house the glory of God would be there, the miracles would be there, the signs and wonders would be there. Draw closer to me I say this day, draw closer to me, don’t run from me but draw closer.
For when my worship goes forth why does this church move even in far greater ways than at normal times? Do you not see my mighty hand when you are worshipping me and praising me and exalting my name above all other names? Oh, do it in your homes children, do it in homes, let there be worship, let there be praise, let my name be lifted above all other names, let my presence fill your house to overflowing that your children are touched, that your grandchildren are touched, that everybody that comes through your door is touched by my presence. Let my presence be seen, let people when they look down see fire upon your roof and know that the presence of Almighty God is there. For I desire to bless you, I desire to move in your midst, I desire to do things you are not even aware of, to deliver you, to set you free, to cause you to be a worshipper. Be a worshipper this day, be a worshipper this day, for I have got great things in store for you and I shall do them, saith your Father God, just worship me, praise me, exalt my name, lift it up I say, lift it up. For this day, saith your Father God, there shall be great dancing, there shall be great rejoicing, for my people shall be exalted up and they shall walk in that heavenly realm and they shall feel My Spirit as it moves upon them in a mighty way. For I am here this day, this day, this day I am here, saith your Father God and I shall meet with you, yes, I shall meet with you, I shall meet with you.
So allow me to break those shackles off your feet, allow me to open your mouth that my praises can come forth, for Satan has had many of you bound for so long, for I have come here today to set you free. So allow me to set you free, allow the chains to fall to the floor and rise up and praise me like never before, saith the Lord.
The Lord says, as the oceans roar, as the seas roar, as he opens up his floodgates he says he wants to heal, he wants to deliver. He has shelves full of body parts, he has fingers, he has ears, he has noses, he has eyes, he has legs, he has backs, he has everything. Whatever you need this morning he wants to heal, he wants to deliver, he wants to set you free, but before that he says get up this morning and do a victory march because each and every one of you have victory in each and everything because Jesus died on the cross for each and every one of you, so you have the victory. So do a victory march and come and be healed and delivered and set free this morning.
Great warfare, great warfare, and a week of great warfare, but fear not, I say to my people, for I, your Father God, shall protect you, yea, I shall stop the missiles, I shall stop the bullets, I shall stop the bombs, and you shall be victorious, you shall be victorious. But I say unto my church, look, look, listen to the news, realize that you are in the last days, wake up, wake up, you are asleep, wake up, for truly things are taking place now that you must, you must be aware of, you must understand, you must know. For the enemy is no respecter of persons and what he is doing to them he can also do to you.
The Lord says, have I not called you by your own name, says the Lord, do I not know each and every one of your lives, what you do in the secret time and what you do in the open times, says the Lord. Don’t try to hide the things from me that you need, says the Lord, for I know what you have need of and, therefore, I speak it forth, so come, come, come.
He says after you do a victory march allow those shackles, allow those things that are hurting you, allow them to fall apart, allow them to go so that I can heal and deliver and set you free. As you do a victory march come and let them go away because you truly have the victory and those shackles need to fall, those walls need to fall today.
6-2-18 pm service
The angels sang with you this morning, saith your Father God, oh the worship, the worship, the worship, for as you worshiped like you did this morning, then I can do great and mighty and powerful things on your behalf. And oh the joy, the joy, the joy that my heart was filled with listening to you as you praised me and then I decided to praise you and bless you and anoint you and to heal you and deliver you and set you free. For you are in that time and in that place, saith your Father God, it is the last hour and oh the joy, the joy, the joy that I shall fill you with. So continue to worship me, continue to praise me, continue to exalt my name and I, I, your Father God, shall exalt you.
For there is nothing absolutely nothing that can defeat you, for my angels watch over you and protect you. Yes, I have charged them to do this and you do not have to fear the things that are coming, for the minute you decide to call upon me they shall be there to help you and you shall know that truly, I am the Lord thy God.
Oh how sweet, how sweet, how precious, how precious are your praises unto me. Oh the joy, the joy, the joy in my heart, the peace, the peace that should be flooding over you right now that you know that I love you. For I am sharing my love now, I am pouring out my love, my love, my love, receive my love.
For this is a special hour that no generation before you has ever seen, for it is the last hour and many things shall take place. You shall see them on television and some may bring you fear, but fear not, for I have told you these things and I have told you that I shall take you through this time victoriously. Do you know what that word victoriously means, you don’t need to worry, you don’t need to shake, you don’t need to fear. For when you call upon me I will be there, my angels shall be there, you are very well protected even now, even at this moment, saith your Father God, you are far more protected than many places. For I have set you aside for a special work and when you are having services the anointing shall be so great, so special, so awesome, that the enemy won’t dare to come aboard, he won’t be here, so you have nothing to fear. So open your hearts, open your hearts, allow me to move mightily on your behalf, allow me to touch you and heal you if you were not here this morning as I was healing, as I was moving in power and might. If you have something, if you have something you have need of, I want to give you that, saith your Father God. I want to touch you this very night, I want to heal you and deliver you and set you free, those that aren’t here can’t receive it, those that could come. Oh they should be here, saith your Father God, the more I say come it seems like the farther away they go. Many are like that, but very soon they will be caught in the trap and they will come begging and crawling in misery and in pain and suffering and I will be there for them, for I love them with everlasting love. So fear not, fear not, fear not, but press in, press in, press in.
For truly it is an hour like no other hour or time that you have seen before. For you cannot compare this to anything, for if you did you would not think big enough, you would not believe enough to see me do the things that I desire to do in these days and these hours. For the world has not ever seen a move like I have said would come in these days and these hours and yet you have seen me move upon your behalf time and time again, but you have not seen me move to the fullest that I shall move. But my word has always been that those who came expecting would leave with the things that they have come for. Those who have come through the website have always received those things, the ones that are close enough to come should come here to receive them. So if you are within two hundred miles and you have not received, it is because you have not come here like I instructed you to. For I have spoken unto you that now was the time and now was the hour to come and yet many have not even attempted to do so. Some have tried at times and the enemy has stopped them so they didn’t try again, but he only kept you from receiving the things that I, your Father God, had for you, for it is that time now, it is that hour now, do you understand that my children? For you shall see many all over the world come for their marching orders and they shall receive them and carry it back with them to their areas, that is what I said would take place. And now it that time and now it is that hour that you shall begin to see those things. But for those who are in your area, I have called them to come to this place to receive the things that they have need of, that is the way I set it up and so if you are not receiving that is why and you need to come. For if you come expecting to receive from me you shall receive it, saith the Lord, that is my promise I have given unto you. For I have even said those who came would receive in the parking lot before they ever entered the doors of my house. For they are hungry and they are coming to receive from me, they are coming to meet with their Father and I am here to meet with them and I will do all that I have said that I would do. For it is that time now and it is that hour now and you will begin to see these things take place, saith the Lord.
5-30-18 pm service
For let your hearts be filled with great excitement, for I am moving mightily on behalf of my people, it is not so when it comes to the world, for they are not mine and because they are not mine they are under the power and authority of the enemy and he is a cruel taskmaster. But you, you are mine, it is your hour, it is your time, it is your expectation, all you need to do is dig a hole and I will fill it, saith your Father God. There is no reason to be standing still, it is time, it is time, it is time, time to press forward, it is time to do the things that I, your Father God, has said, it is that time, it is that hour. And every hour that you delay and wait is an hour that you have lost and can never be returned again. So rise up, rise up, rise up and walk in the fullness of everything that I have given unto you, claim, claim your authority, claim your place, claim the promises.
Press in, press in, press in, for those that are not pressing in shall never, never press in, for they are sluggers, they don’t know what they desire, they do not know what they want and, therefore, they get what they are believing for.
For truly it is a great and glorious hour for my church, an hour when you should be running with all of the promises that I have spoken unto you. For it is the hour when everything must be fulfilled and, therefore, everything that I have spoken unto you is now the time and the hour to receive of those things. This should bring great excitement to your heart, for many have not gotten a hold of it totally yet, but for those that do they shall run, they shall run, they shall run and the blessings that shall come will be far greater than anything ever imagined. For it is that time and it is that hour, it is the hour that the wealth of the heathen shall come into the righteous. Many have experienced some of that already, but not to its fullness, but only for those who press in and receive everything that I have for them, for some don’t even realize that they can receive it. But grab a hold of all those promises, for I have given them unto you and it is that time and it is that hour for them to be fulfilled. So do not think that you have lost them, for it was not time before, but it is time now even though at times you have seen partial fulfillment, have you seen the complete fulfillment of everything that I have told you yet? It is that time and that hour now, saith the Lord, so expect it to come to pass and you shall see it, saith the Lord.
5-27-18 am service
For it is a day and an hour when my people need to listen very carefully to the things that I speak to them, to stop pushing them away but pay attention. For the enemy is moving rapidly and many are being deceived, many are already taken captive and many more shall be taken captive, but there shall be a revival that spreads through the land just as I have told you and I shall set them free. For I reveal things to you before others even know, I show you the way, I speak truth unto you and many call it a lie, but I speak truth, for I do not lie. Therefore, listen, listen that you may know and understand, for I desire to set you free, I desire to heal and deliver, I desire to cause miracles and signs and wonders to come forth. Not like the signs and wonders of the enemy, but true signs, true wonders that the world can see and know that there is a God, that they can come in this last revival that is going on. For the only way that they can come in is if somebody tells them, are you speaking my words or are you speaking your words? For somebody has to establish my word upon the face of the earth in order for them to come to pass. Do you know my word, do you hear my voice or are you deceived by another’s voice, where are you my children, where are you? I say come closer to me, come closer to me, come into my chambers, set yourself in there alone with me and hear my voice. For the things that you are going through you should never, never, never have gone through, you need not go any longer, saith your Father God. For I love you with an everlasting love, and throughout the whole world there are many in captivity even as the woman, you remember the woman, I said she ought to be set free, isn’t she a daughter of Abraham, are you not daughters and sons of Abraham also, then you should be free? Let me set you free, let me heal you, let me deliver you, let me fulfill my word to you, for I desire to do that and I long to do that and this is the hour, this is the time when no matter what you have been going through, no matter how impossible the doctors tell you, they don’t know, they have never known. Listen to my words, stand on my word, stand on my promise and I shall set you free.
For my word has gone forth, right now you heard my words, act upon it, act upon it, act upon it.
For truly when my word goes forth it does not return void but it goes forth to accomplish all that I have sent it forth to do. So I tell you this morning you hear the words of the Lord, do you believe me that I can do anything and that I will do all things? So come and allow me to move upon you this day, allow me to set you free and remove you from the traps that the enemy has placed you in. For many, many, many have been caught up in those traps, some have been set free, but many struggle with those things each and every day, they toil and tarry and yet do you not know that who the Son has set free is he not free indeed, saith the Lord?
The Lord God says he is here today to set each and every one free. He is here to deliver you, he is here to heal each and every one of you, can he not heal? He can heal cancer, he can set you free from it, he can deliver you from it, he can deliver you from aids, he can deliver you from hepatitis, he can deliver you from drugs, he can deliver you from addictions, all you have to do is come and give it to him today. Whatever your need is this morning come and give it to him, he said he will deliver you and set you free and heal you today.
For I sent forth my word for you to walk in, says the Lord, this day I set your foot upon solid ground, says the Lord. If you would walk in my path that I have set before you, you will live and walk in victory, says the Lord. Will you obey my word, says the Lord, will you get up, will you come forward and receive what I have for you, says the Lord? It is your decision.
5-27-18 pm service
For my word is truth and my word is powerful and my word is quicker than any two-edged sword, I can divide to the marrow, I can quicken with life, I can give new strength and new energy, I can lift you up to realms you have never been in before and I shall do that, saith your Father. For it is that time, it is that hour; it is a glorious time for my church, a time of great expectation, a time when all, all your prayer requests shall come to pass, all. For as you walk with me I strengthen you, whatever you give to me I give back to you far over above and beyond all that you think. All that you keep and refuse to give to me I take from you and I give to someone else that will be faithful. For I am a God that demands love, I am a God that demands obedience, I am a God demands that you walk according to my word, but I am a loving father at the same time. And I love you; I love you with an everlasting love, I love you with a love that no one, no one can give you the love that I give to you. Share your love with me, share your time with me, draw closer, for truly the hour is an exciting hour if you look at it that way and it shall end so quickly. Therefore, walk, walk in the promises now, don’t wait until your schedule, because your schedule will be far too late, but walk in my schedule, walk in my timing, walk with me, walk with me.
The Lord says when the stripes were placed upon him they were for us, says the Lord, that we could walk in the fullness of his word, that we could walk in the fullness of the health that he has given unto us, that we could be healed, says the Lord. Oh my people, if you would just believe and put your faith in me the only Son of God, says the Lord, you will walk in that perfect health, you will walk in the ways that I said you shall walk, says the Lord, walk, walk, walk.
For ruby and gold seems like the wealth that you desire and yet my wisdom, my wisdom is far more precious than gold.
For truly I care even about the smallest of things that seem so minor to some and yet are very troublesome to others and yet because I am a God of great love and compassion I care about those small things. The scrapes, the bruises, the cuts, the things that children come unto me for, but sometimes the older ones do not, yet do I not care for them just as much as the little ones? For you see I care about all things, saith the Lord and I desire that you bring those things unto me when you have needs. And yet many try to get by on their own strength and their own power, and yes they do, but at times it does bring them trouble and hurt. So, I say unto you, know without a doubt that I care even for the smallest of things and if you would bring them unto me I would move upon your behalf. For there is not one thing that I would not do for anyone who would ask of me, for that is my word and that is my promise that I have given unto you. For it is my desire that you walk in the fullness of everything that I have for you in each and every area of your life, in your health, in your finances, in your jobs, in your families, regardless of what it is it is my desire that you are walking in total perfect victory, saith the Lord.
5-23-18 pm service
For the hour is great and as you watch you can see that day by day things are getting worse, they are not getting better and they try to lay the blame upon the new President, but that is not so, that is not so, saith your Father God. For their greed, their ambitions and their desires drive them in the direction that they are going, be not like them, be not like them. Let there be unity in your midst, put away petty differences, for you have an enemy far worse than the one that you think that you are fighting, put them away. For you need one another in these last days, that is why my word says forsake not, forsake not the assembling of yourselves together, don’t do it and yet my people do it. They do not realize the disaster that has already walked through the door or the disaster they will see tomorrow or the next day and the next day and the next day or the things far bigger than that that are coming. For even the experts that don’t even know me are warning of the big earthquake, they are warning and warning and warning. They are warning about the nuclear disaster in Japan and how it has spread through the ocean, they are warning about the volcano in Hawaii, they are warning, they are warning and yet nobody, nobody seems to care one way or another. They just go on as if nothing is happening, they don’t come into my chambers and call upon my name, they are not seeking my face, I don’t see tears, I don’t see tears falling. They know not that their children or their children’s children shall be caught in the traps that are going on today. Only prayer, only prayer can give them the victory and take them through safely and we are not seeing it, saith your Father God. Oh, there are great victories, there are great victories, there are great victories to be had, great victories, and the more the devil fears you the harder he fights you, don’t you realize that? He fought Jesus, he fought David, he fought Gideon, he fought Paul, you can look through my word and you can find those one after another that he has fought, it is not a strange thing. I told you in this world you will have tribulations and trials, but fear not, for I have overcome the world, they do it because the enemy hates you, he hates you, he hates you. But on the other hand I love you and my heart goes out to you and I desire to bless you, I desire to prosper you, I desire to make you an overcomer in every area of your life that this time will seem so small, so small that you will go through it in great victory, leading many others into the kingdom of God and setting many free and bringing forth miracles, signs and wonders that they will know that truly there is a God that loves them, for truly I do love you.
The rain falls upon the good and upon the evil, it blesses the good, it blesses the evil. For with my love you will hold not back but you give, and as you love like I love, you will love, you will love, you will love and you will love.
Oh, the great joys, the great joys, the greatness of the blessings, the promises, the promises, all those that I have given unto you that you haven’t yet seen, you shall see and you shall see them clearly, clearly before this year passes.
For truly there is not one thing that you need to fear in this world, for I have made you the overcomer, I have made you the victor and yet all you need to do is walk in the faith that I have given unto you and to speak forth my words that I have given unto you, to see and walk in the fullness of that victory. Yes, there are many things coming that shall shake the world and leave many places in great ruins never to be inhabited again, but I have forewarned you of these things and it is a sign of my soon coming when I shall take my church home with me for three and a half years while the wrath is poured out. And yet while that time is taking place on earth there will be great rejoicing in heaven and then to return for the thousand-year reign with my Son. So you see even though there are a lot of bad things that will be happening all around, I have many good things in store for you, for I have said I would pour out my blessings upon you in these days and these hours. But you cannot receive them if you are not walking according to my word; if you are not doing the things that I have called for you to do, if you are not being the one that I have called you to be in fulfilling the things that I have called for you to fulfill. For I need you my church, I need each and every one from the greatest to the smallest, for I shall use you in a mighty and powerful way, but you must allow me to, saith the Lord. You must allow me to use you, you must allow me to work in your life and on your behalf, you must not give place to the enemy, for many are doing that and they realize it not. For where are my people even on this night, are they here, are they about the Father’s business or are they doing their own thing even though my word is very clear it is very important that you are walking with me. For the enemy is going to be fighting like never before and you do not want to leave him a door open where he can get in and bring destruction or defeat. For it is not my desire that my church is defeated, but it is my desire that you walk in the fullness of the victory that I have already given unto you. But you only need to realize that you already have it, past tense, it has already been done and, therefore, all you need to do is walk in the fullness of it, for that is my desire for you my church for these days and these hours. So you see there is really nothing that you need to fear, for fear is only of the enemy and at times it needs to be cast out. So if you are in that place come and get it cast out so you can be all that I have called you to be in these days and these hours, saith the Lord. For I have great things in store for those who are walking with me according to my word.
5-20-18 am service
For truly you are a child of God and because you are a child of God you shall go through these last days victoriously, you shall be overcomers, overcomers in a sense that you will not be defeated on any front. You shall be able to do all I, your Father God, have told you that you could do if you are walking with me, if you’re a child of God these will be things that you shall do. Those that know me not cannot do those things, but those that know me they shall be overcomers, they shall be the victors and they shall walk in great victory. They shall not be disturbed by the things that they see on the left or the right, they shall not be moved by the enemy, for the enemy will be at work also, but he will not be able to do anything against you. For I have given you a release from that, as you walk with me he will fear you, he will flee from you, he will not come nigh your dwelling. Therefore, I say, walk by my side; draw closer to me, become all, all that I have said that you could be.
For those that belong to me know, they know that they know that they know, they don’t doubt, they don’t waiver, but they know and, therefore, they can do everything that I say they can do.
For my word is truth, my word never lies, and when you speak my word you speak truth, when you speak man’s words you speak lies. But if you speak my words, if you come into agreement with me, if you are touching upon my word and standing upon my word, all of heaven moves on your behalf. There is nothing that is impossible, you can do all things through me, I am the one that strengthens you, I am the one that lifts you up, I am the one that wakes you up every morning that opens your eyes that you can see, that you can hear. For it is I, your Father God, that loves you with an everlasting love, that love is far greater than any love that you know on earth. For my love is the greatest of all loves, that is why I have told you to walk in my love, to walk according to my words, to walk according to my promises. For when you do those things you don’t doubt, you don’t waiver, but when you stand strong the answers always come, you are always the victor, you are always the overcomer, you are everything that I said that you could be. For you are mine, saith your Father God and I created all this for you and I laid out all my plans for you, walk, walk, walk accord to my words.
For truly there is nothing, there is nothing that I would not do for you my children, for I love you. For I would move any mountain that stood in your way if you would only ask and yet at times people don’t believe that I can do those things and yet you have seen it over and over again through my word. You have heard the testimonies of some of the great past leaders how I moved upon their behalf, and yet even in your own mind you have seen how when you called out to me, I have moved upon your behalf. But yet many times you tried doing it in on your own strength, on your own ability and, therefore, you failed. But if you fully understand that through me you can do all things, if you asked according to my name, I shall do it. If you would get that into your heart and quit moving in sense knowledge faith, you would have the victories in those areas of your life where you need it. For I have already made the way, I have already paid the price and all you have to do is receive it. But first you have to put your trust in me; you have to put your confidence in me and not on your own strength or your own ability. For my word says, from where does your help come from, are you looking to me for that help, are you looking to me to deliver and set you free, are you looking to me to fire you up like never before for these days and these hours that are ahead? For I have given unto you my word, I have given unto you my promise, that I, your Father God, would take you through these days victoriously, that you would be the head and not tail, above and not beneath and all you need to do is walk, walk, walk in that, saith the Lord, for I have already given it unto you.
For those of you that are in those places that I have told you to get out, the Lord God says, today is the day to get out of there, today is the day to get out of town, today is the day to get out of those dead churches. The Lord God says, get out of there before it is too late, get out of there, the Lord God says, because it is time for the end time, it is time for the devil to attack you, it is time to get renewed today, it is time to get restored. If you are drowning today in debt, if you are drowning today in sickness, the Lord God says, today is the day for him to depart it from you. So come this morning and allow him to depart it from you. The Lord God says if you are sick today, if you are in pain today, he wants to deliver and set you free from it. He wants to give you a new knee today, he wants to give you a new back, he wants to give you new eyes today, he wants to give you a new heart today. So come this morning and be healed and delivered and be set free.
For I say unto you my children, I have set the stones on my foundation, says the Lord, my house is built beginning with the first stone, Jesus Christ, he is the chief corner stone, says the Lord, and each and every one of you are built up upon him, says the Lord. Get into my word, know my word, know your position that you can be used and you can be used without any issues, says the Lord, that you don’t have any hesitations, that you are set, set in the place that I have set you, says the Lord.
Israel, Israel, Israel, I weep and cry for you, for you have rejected your Messiah and the disaster that shall come upon you very soon now shall be far greater than anything that you have ever gone through in your whole life as a nation, never, never, never. And you shall be locked way in that cave for three and a half years waiting, waiting, waiting, because of your stubbornness, because you won’t listen. And there shall be many others like you also, in only they will be out in the world and there will be wars going on the right hand and on the left hand. There shall be blood to the horse’s bridles, they shall see the things that are written in my book and they shall know that it is that time. And there will be times when you are down to bread and water, there will be times when it will be so hot that you can’t sleep, but you brought this upon yourself when you won’t return to me, you won’t come back to me, you won’t. And yet I will fulfill Abraham’s covenant to you, I will be your God and when you see my Son come in the end times and he comes to you first, then you will know, then you will know truly the Messiah has come.
5-20-18 pm service
Let your voices be raised in praise, let My Spirit move mightily among you this night, saith your Father God. Worship me, praise me, exalt my name above all others, open up your hearts, open up your hearts and allow the Spirit of God to fall upon you in a mighty way.
It is a glorious church without spot or wrinkle; the enemy cannot put any wrinkles in you, for I have declared you a glorious church without spot or wrinkle. I have declared you are the head and not the tail, that you’re above and not beneath. I have declared that I have poured my power, my wisdom, my might upon you that you could walk in all the fullness of the things that I have for you and I shall touch you in a way this night that you will know in your heart that you have received these things and because you have received these things you shall go from this place tonight far, far charged up than you have ever been before.
For the darkness encompasses the world, says the Lord, yet in my house the light shall continue to burn brighter and brighter, says the Lord. And you know the path to walk in, says the Lord, for you have my word, you have my promises, and you know which way to go, says the Lord. Therefore look up, look up, for I am coming, says the Lord.
For truly I am turning up the heat as you begin to rise up, even more so you will drive the enemy off to where he will be so far away he won’t even be able to touch you. He won’t be able to come against you like he has been, he won’t be able to do the things because he won’t want to even come within fifty miles of you, saith the Lord, because he knows that he will get beat up when he does. So rise up, rise up, rise up, allow me to supercharge you tonight, for I am turning up the heat, I am turning up heat, I am turning up the heat, saith the Lord.
For I have so much more for you, so much more for you, I desire you to drink in all that I have, let yourself drink it in, drink it in deep, saith your Father God. For everything that I have for you I desire to give unto you and it shall be far greater, it shall be more powerful than anything I have ever given to you before. And you shall feel it, you shall know it, not that you go by feelings, but you will know what I have done this night, saith your Father God, for it shall be overwhelming.
For it is like a giant fireball, saith your Father God, and the enemy is trembling, for he sees what I am doing for you. It is like a volcano and he doesn’t know how to stop it and it shall grow and grow and grow and grow and grow, so open yourselves, open yourselves, open yourselves.
I saw a vision; it was like a hot mighty branding iron, a hot piece of metal that comes fresh out of the fire and anything it touches, does it not leave its mark? So shall it be with my true children who are on fire and filled with My Spirit, anyone that they come in contact with, I will leave my mark upon them and they will know, they will know, they will know, they will know, they will know that truly Almighty God has touched them, saith the Lord.
5-16-18 pm service
etc. people, and you can be the overcomer, you can be the winner. Worship is so important and yet the world does not understand or even know or consider worshipping me. But those that love me worship me even when they are not in my house, they worship me in their closet, they worship me in their bedrooms, they worship me in their front rooms, they worship me in their kitchens, they worship me in their cars, every place they go they worship me. For they love me with an everlasting love and I love them, and because they treat me that way I move mightily on their behalf, mightily on their behalf to perform miracles, signs and wonders. You have seen already this week the very things that I spoke to you would take place and it didn’t get any better, it got worse and it shall continue to get worse, not for my people, not for my people. My word has never, never said that it would be bad for my people, that is false teaching, it probably will be bad because they don’t believe me, they don’t believe my words, they don’t believe the things that I have told them or said to them. They just sit around, twiddle their thumbs and think it is all going to turn out all right and that is not the way my word works. For there is a part that you play, and as you play your part, as you do what I have told you to do, I move mightily on your behalf, press in, press in, press in. For as you watch the news it shall get worse and it shall come suddenly, suddenly, suddenly, suddenly.
For my people are in an hour when I shall love them like I have never shown my love before, I shall protect them, I shall take them through victoriously, I shall warn them. But their ears must be open in the spirit realm, for if they are not open in the spirit realm they cannot hear me, and if they cannot hear me, then they fall into the traps.
For it is a very dark hour, a very dark hour and as I told you before things are changing rapidly, suddenly they are making changes. So don’t be concerned about what your brother is doing, be concerned about what you are doing, be concerned about where you are at, be concerned about whether you hear my voice or not, whether you are flowing in the spirit or not, whether you are the head, but mostly you are the tail but don’t know it. But press in, press in, for I shall make you to be the head and I shall make you to be the overcomer.
For you need to know the importance of knowing and hearing my voice. For many are not hearing my voice the way that they should be, even the way that they think that they are. For I desire to speak to you on a daily basis and most are not giving me time to allow me to speak to them on a daily basis, and yet I try, but they are so busy in other things they do not hear me, they do not pay attention to the things that are going on. And yet this is an hour and a time when I have told you suddenly things will change, do you understand what that means? For even in a twenty four hour period everything shall be changed, are you ready for that day and that hour, saith the Lord, for it is very fastly approaching and could take place at any moment? Are you ready for the ninety day period that I told you to prepare for, for you have had ample time to prepare for that time and you should be ready that I can bless you through that time and that you can even bless others. For there are many that have not prepared and they will come unto those that have prepared, will you be able to give unto them and know that I, your Father God, will supply each and every one of you needs? Do you believe that I can do those things for you, saith the Lord? For I have said it is easier for you to believe for me to multiply something small than to make something out of nothing even though I can do either. But it takes faith, the type of faith to move mountains and yet there are many mountains that stand in your way and yet you have the faith to move them, but you do not act upon it. Remember faith without actions is dead and, so therefore, you need to put actions to your faith so that I can move upon your behalf and do the things that I desire to do. For it is that time and it is that hour and I desire to move upon your behalf in a mighty and powerful way, but you need to be in that place, in that position where I can. You need to allow me to move upon your behalf, you need to allow me to do the work that I desire to do and stop telling me how I need to do it or how the work should be. For I, your Father God, know how and I have already planned it before the foundation of the earth and yet at times man has his own ideas and gets in my way and does not allow me to move. So, I say unto you, allow me to move upon your behalf, allow me to do the things that I desire and you shall see all of the things that I have told you come to pass in this day and this hour, saith the Lord.
5-13-18 am service
You are now entering into the hour, the hour of sudden changes, sudden changes. Keep your spiritman wide open, listen carefully to my voice and know the things that my word says, for everything is declared in my word and everything shall come to pass even as my word has said. So be not disturbed, for I have said that I would take you through this time in great victory. You shall be the overcomers, you shall be the head and not the tail, you shall be protected as long as you walk with me, as long as you keep my words, as long as you don’t drift a hair to the left or a hair to the right, you have to stay on center, stay on center, for it is an hour of sudden changes, don’t be caught outside of that in one of those sudden changes. But yet you shall be victorious as I have said and you shall see great and wonderful things done, but this is the hour, this is the hour of sudden changes, be ready, be ready, be ready.
For even though you are in the last hour my church shall be victorious, it is those that do not know me, those that are not walking according to my word, those who have been walking in disobedience and have not come and repented and turned back to me, it is those that need to be concerned. For their lives lay in the hand of Satan and he has no mercy, but for my people I am their Father and I love them with an everlasting love and I shall protect them and I shall take them through this time in great victory.
This is also the time and the hour of signs and wonders and miracles, healings, healings like you have never seen before, miracles like you have never seen before. It is an hour when the world shall know that truly, there is a God, that he does reign and that he does move in all power, that he does answer prayers, that is supreme and all others have to bow down to him. There is none like him and his Son Jesus has paid the total price that man can walk in that victory if they will receive him as their Lord and their Savior. It is that hour and it is that time, saith your Father God, even though it is a lateness of the hour there is still time for great victories, there is still time to do the things that I have told you that you can do, there is still time. For I have seen to it that time is still there for you and you shall move in great power, you shall move in great might and all shall see and the multitudes will come flocking in, for I have told you that the multitudes would come and truly many of them are making preparations right at this moment and you shall see them before long. For it is that hour, saith your Father God, yes, it is that hour.
My people, says the Lord, are like a mighty cloud, for I seed them with My Spirit, says the Lord, for they pour out My Spirit to those underneath them, says the Lord, those that need miracles, those that need healing, those that need salvation. They shall see my power flow through you, says the Lord, they shall see you move in mighty deeds, mighty things shall take place, for I, your Father God, have given it unto you to pour out, says the Lord.
For there are many of my people needing yet this day, that are in need and did not I already pay the price for all those needs, for the healings, for the deliverance, for the salvation and yet man is not telling them the truth because they are following after man and not God. And yet I have said get out of those places that are dead and My Spirit does not move and come to my house, the Father’s House, where the Spirit speaks freely and is able to do the things that I desire it to do. For it is in those places that I heal and deliver and set free for those who come open ready to receive the things that I have for them. For each and every service I am here to meet with them if they have come to meet with me, and yet sad to say most have not come to meet with their Father God, as they should. For it is that time and it is that hour where sudden changes shall take place and for those who are not walking with me they shall become caught up in some of those things. For that is not my desire, saith the Lord, but it is my desire that my people walk in the fullness of the victory that I have for them, that they are the overcomers, that they are the head and not the tail, above and not beneath. It is time, saith the Lord, it is that hour and that time to begin to get more serious with me, it is time no longer to play church, but it is time to make things right and to get back on track with me and do the things that I have called for you to do. For the time is short and yet there is much work that is needed to be done and I need my laborers that I have called to do the things that I have called for them to do. For suddenly, suddenly I have told you, suddenly things shall change and those who are walking with me will not be affected, but those who are not walking with me shall be affected greatly. So be ware, be ware, be ware, for sudden changes are coming, saith the Lord.
Did I not tell you that I was going to heal, deliver and set free whoever wants it? The Lord God says, when his Son Jesus was on the earth the multitudes followed him, not one or two but the multitudes, they wanted healing because they knew that he was my Son. Did I not feed the four thousand, did I not feed the five thousand, they only had a couple loaves with a couple fish, did I not multiply that? Whatever your need is this morning, God says bring it and he shall fulfill it, he says this morning come and he will fill you up. Come and he will fill you up, so come, come, come.
5-13-18 pm service
Because of your faithfulness I shall shower you with blessings, blessings like you have never seen before, blessings like you have never walked in before, blessings that shall fill your heart with joy, blessings that will cause you to be able to give above and beyond what you give now that you will be able to help others that have need. That you will be able to give into my work, that you will be able to exalt my name, that you will be able to do the things that I, your Father God, am calling you to do. For these things are not just for you, but they are for my work, and as I bless you, you shall bless my work and my work shall go forth because of what you do. Many times you scratch your head and wonder how high Almighty God can do this, I am not some little thing that is unable to do what I have said that I would, but you believe that or you wouldn’t say those things. I am God and I can do what I have said that I can do.
For I shall bring in those that even you know, says the Lord, and you would say to yourself, him Lord, how in the world did he ever come into church, for I say your Father God knows the hearts of those that you do not know, says the Lord. Therefore, I say unto you, rise up and speak the words to those that I tell you to speak to, for truly they will come, says the Lord.
For truly it is that time, saith your Father God, it is that time for you to go into the highways and the byways and compel them to come in and don’t tell me you have been doing that for I know you, I saw you, I have watched you and your mouth has been locked shut. But open your mouth, saith your Father God, and you will be amazed at those that you shall bring in, you will be amazed at those that you thought would never darken my door, you will be amazed at the work that I do. For it is my work, it is not your work, it is my work and if you do what I tell you to do you shall walk in the blessings of it.
For I know the inner desires of man and I know his heart and, therefore, when I speak unto you and say, speak unto this one or speak unto that one, do not question me. For when you speak forth my words then you will see how changes shall take place. For I have told you this before not to speak forth your own words, but to speak forth mine, for I know exactly what they have need of at that moment and I can bring about change. So do not fear, but walk in the fullness of everything that I have called you to do. For it is that time now and it is hour to start bringing in that harvest, saith the Lord.
5-9-18 pm service
For it is a great hour, far greater than
you realize, far greater than you are meditating upon, for many are not looking
nor expecting the greatness of the things that shall take place now.
Not for the world, not for the world, for that will be a time of the
greatest disasters that they have ever seen.
But my church, my church shall walk in the victories, they shall be
overcomers, and they shall flow in the supernatural such as not been seen on
earth, no, not even when my Son Jesus walked on earth.
For he said unto you, it is expedient that I go, for if I do not go I
cannot send you the Holy Ghost and greater things then these shall you do, and
that shall be this hour, saith your Father God, the greater things, the greater
things. For the best has been saved for last, but you have three
groups, one who wants to rule and reign simply because they want it to be like
it was way back in the Roman Empire, then you have those that want to do it
religiously, but they also want to control and rule and reign like it was way
back in the Roman Empire. And then
you have those that are expecting me, that are waiting and are longing, that
desire to see me and their expectations are great and yours should be also if
you understood my word. For why do
you think you get a new heaven and a new earth, because Adam sold you out and
the heaven and the earth you have got now, even though it is beautiful, it is
absolutely nothing, nothing in comparison to the one that will come down, oh the
joy, the joy, the joy that is ahead. But
the enemy, the enemy is going to ride over many of you, even some of you sitting
in here tonight, saith your Father God. For you don’t know who you are, you don’t know your
authority, you don’t know what I have given unto you and, therefore, the enemy
he lords it over you and he has no power to lord it over you. For he has been stripped of all his power, even the keys to
his very house, but you don’t understand that, oh that you would, oh that you
would. For you are at the threshold
right now, do we divide Israel and therefore America gets divided because of it,
is Babylon knocking on the door, will the earthquake start in Alaska and move
down the coast to Mexico? Yes,
these things are knocking on the door; they are knocking on the door.
Prepare yourself, make yourself ready and get into my word and know my
word that you can walk through this time in victory, either that or you are
going to be taking the mark because you are going to be hungry, you are going to
be sick and you are going to be in need, but if you are walking with me all your
needs shall be met.
For truly it is a new hour because of the lateness of time, a new hour when the resurrection power fills all those that are following me, all those that are walking with me, supernatural power like not seen before, so it will make Samson look like a Sunday school teacher. Oh the joy, the joy, the joy, unspeakable, unspeakable that my people shall walk in. Oh the newness, the newness, the newness, even their bodies, oh the newness, for the hour is now here.
Do you remember what my word has said about getting up and turning back that you shouldn’t do that, but when you have done all that you can do to stand, stand therefore? For I have even told you in times past that you were on the brink of a miracle and I gave you that teaching through your pastor. You understand the things and how the enemy works, but yet you have overcome him because you have overcome him through me if you stand upon my word. You have the victory in every area of your life if you are standing upon my word, there is not one thing that can overcome me and my word and if you are standing upon my word then what can overcome you? For you have all my power and authority, but at times you lack to use it, as you should, even though I have given it unto you to use it as you see fit. For I have even said that you could call fire down from heaven if need be and yet there are very few who could do that because they don’t really know my word like they think they do. And yet it is so clear, if they would just open it up and read it and study it, but most do not spend the time that is required to study and yet my word says, study to show thy self approved, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth. And even those would see much clearer the truth from the false and would not get caught in the traps of the enemy, so there is a key there that you need to get a hold of. For if you are in my word then I can give you revelation knowledge that I couldn’t otherwise, I can show you things and give you better understanding of what is taking place and what is to come. But you have to get into my word, you would have to dig in, not just the surface, but really dig into it and let it get a hold of you, that it proceeds forth from your inner man. For truly, I have called you to be victors, I have created you to be the overcomers, and all of my power and authority is at your dispense. For truly, I have such a higher life that you can live than most of you are living and that is my desire for each and every one of you. For I have said all these things could be added unto you, but most forget the key about seeking me first and so they get caught up in other things that are going on. For it is that time and that hour that I have spoken unto you about, it is that last hour, that hour I shall pour out My Spirit without measure on those who are open and ready and willing to receive the things that I have for them and they shall walk in the fullness of everything that I have. Will you open up yourself to me and allow me to do the work in you that needs to be done so you can receive the fullness of all that I have for you, for that is all you need to do to fully receive everything that I have for you. But you need to understand the importance and the lateness of the hour, and if you do not, then you need to get into my word and find out, for it is clear and I have spoken unto you time and time again about Ezekiel thirty-seven and thirty-eight. Are you watching Israel and the things that are taking place, for you would understand clearly, for it lines up with my word. So know that there is nothing that you need to fear in these days and these hours, for I have many great things in store for you, all you need to do is receive all that I have for you. Get yourself into that place where I have called you to be in for this time and this hour and do the things and the work that I have called for you to do. For truly, it is a great hour, it is a great time and I will fulfill my word that I have spoken unto you, saith the Lord.
5-6-18 am service
For as my praises echo through heaven, strength, strength, strength comes unto you, for the joy of the Lord is your strength and when I am exalted I exalt you, when I am lifted up on high I lift you up on high. For if you read my word and study my word and know my word you would see these things and know these things and then you would walk, you would walk, you would walk according to my word, and as you walked according to my word, everything changes, everything changes. Your faith gets stronger and stronger and stronger, your words are more my words, they are not your words, they are my words, they are what I, your Father God, have said and as you stand upon my word and stand upon my promises I am bound by your word to fulfill those things. And yet you don’t understand that, but if you would, if you believe, if you would totally trust me, I could move mightier than I am moving on your behalf, I could exalt you even higher, I could bring the impossible and you could walk in the impossible. You would be the overcomers, you would be the head and not the tail, above and not beneath, you would be all, all, all that I have said that you could be and that is what you need for the hour that you are living in now. For the enemy is at work overtime, everyday you can see it on your news, everyday you can see what he is doing all over the world. And if you understand my word you realize the volcanoes and the earthquakes and all that is not of me, that was due to the fall of man. But you are seeing those things because it is that time, it is that hour and it grows shorter every week, the time gets less every week, you cannot allow Satan to hold you back, you cannot allow Satan to stop you and the only way you can do that is by speaking my word. Speak my word, believe my word, stand on my word and it shall come to pass.
For my word is the only word that makes a roundtrip from heaven to earth and back to heaven again and then I fulfill it. For when you speak my words, not your words, when you speak my word out of your heart, all of heaven, all of heaven moves on your behalf and I said it would not go out and return void. Therefore, when you believe it, it is fulfilled.
Therefore, I say unto you, know my word like at no other time before, know what my word has said so you can speak it forth, saith the Lord, so those things can come to pass that I desire. For many times you allow the wrong things to come forth and you are paying the penalties for that. But for those who have learned how to put a guard upon their mouth, they are not having to fight those battles that others are fighting, but you all can be victorious, you all can have the victory in that area of your life. But you need to get into my word and get it in your heart so that only my word proceeds forth, for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks, do you understand that my children, so that is what is proceeding forth out of your mouth. Therefore, you need to get into my word and have my word in your heart so the word is what is proceeding forth and then, and then you shall have victory in the areas of your life that you are struggling with now, saith the Lord. For the enemy is fighting harder than ever, but you have the victory over him, but you need to do the things that I have spoken unto you to do and not allow the enemy any more victories, saith the Lord.
Because of my love and my love for a family, I created man, I created him in my likeness and in my image that he would be an overcomer, that he would never die, never die, never die, that he could speak forth my word and call those things that be not as if they were and they took place. But he sinned and sin entered into the world and man fell and man reaped the results of that first sin. And until they receive Jesus Christ, the second Adam, the last Adam as their Lord and their Savior, they are bound in that sin. But it has always been my desire to bless you, it has always been my desire to give you the desires of your heart, it has always been my desire that you walk even as I walk, even as my Son Jesus walked. They walked with no sin whatsoever in their life, they walked with no sickness, they were never created to die, they were everlasting beings. And I desire to bless you like that now, saith your Father God, I desire to take you to that other realm, and even though you may have not known these things, you should, because my word declares that to you. From the book of Genesis all the way to the book of Revelation it is all laid out very clearly and yet man tells you, you can’t understand it, therefore, you change to a weaker watered down translation and you never learn my word. Learn my word, learn my word, know my word, know my word, stand on my word, for I have given my oath that if you ask anything in the name of Jesus, I will do it for you, I cannot lie, and if it is not operating, it is not me, my word is there, I watch over my word to perform it. Draw closer, for the battles that you have had before this have been minor, minor, if you think they are so great you can’t get victory over them, what are you going to do now that the devil and his angels are on earth and you are going to have encounters with them and you are going to have to fight. And if you fight in my word, if you stand on my word, you shall be the overcomers.
For, I say unto you, it has been the devil’s plan from the beginning, says the Lord, to keep my church ignorant of what my word declares and make you believe that you are not who I said you are, says the Lord. For I have told you, you could understand my word and you are to live in my word, but the enemy has come in and you believe a lie, says the Lord. Rise up and stand on the truth, for your words have been sound against me, says the Lord, your words have been sound against me. For you say my word is not truth, that my word does not come to pass, than you shall feel the thing that you said and take it away, says the Lord. But, I say unto you, rise up and stand on my word and don’t be moved, says the Lord, for I will perform my word, says the Lord.
The Lord God has given you, each and every one of you a choice today. He has given each and every one a choice to come this morning, a choice to come and allow him to move upon you. He says, whatever your need is to praise this morning, do not pray. So come and raise your hands, sing my glory, praise me this morning at the altar. He wants you to come and praise him because he wants to move upon you, he wants fill you, he wants your cup to run over this morning, he wants to ignite those fires, so he said come each and every one of you.
5-6-18 pm service
For truly it is a great hour, that is for my people, for those that love me with all their heart and walk with me according to my word and my promise, it is a great hour, far greater than ever seen by man. An hour of victory, an hour of being the overcomers, an hour of walking in the fullness of the blessings that I have for you, even though the world is not seeing these things, the world is ready to go bankrupt, the world is ready for the stock market to crash. All these things shall take place very soon, very quickly, but my people, my people shall not be affected, they shall be walking, they shall be enjoying, they shall be in peace, they shall be the overcomers because I have promised them these things. And even though war, war is very close, yet they shall still be in peace, for they shall have the assurance in their hearts that I shall take them safely through this time, take them through in victory, take them through in joy.
It is an hour to be in prayer also, saith your Father God, for there are two submarines that they know not where they are. But they are moving and they are headed for their target and they are loaded and ready. Therefore, you need to be in prayer, you need to be seeking my face and calling upon my name, for truly millions, millions could be affected.
For I speak another warning unto you even as I have warned you in the past of the things that would come. Do not take these things lightly, for it is of great essence that you take this matter to prayer. For even as I have told you before it was not time yet, the time will come and you need to be prepared and make yourself ready for that hour. For I have showed you, I have warned you and you should have a clear understanding of what has to take place in these days and these hours, but do not fear them, for they are not for you, but warn, warn my people that they flee out of those areas. You say, Lord, we have warned them, warn them again, for there is still time yet for them to get out and I am speaking unto them to warn them to get out of those areas, pray that they flee those areas. For the enemy has them so tied up that they don’t think that they can make it anywhere else, but that is not the case. For they are mine and I will make them victorious wherever they are at, but I cannot protect them if they are not in the areas that I have told them to be in. It is that time and it is that hour and you are seeing all of the signs all around you, you are seeing things come to pass just as I have told you and you will see the great shaking that I have said. You will see mid-fault opened up even as I have showed some already and warned them about where they are living, that they need to move out of. Be in prayer about those things, for it is important, for I love my people and I desire for them to be in the areas where I can protect them, but at times they dragged their feet. Even as I spoke unto you to move on your building and you dragged your feet a little bit and you see how much fighting you have had to do. I knew you were going to come upon those things and yet I have made a way, a way for everything to take place, but you need to be in prayer. For the enemy desires to hold you up yet again, and if you do not pray, if you do not seek my face you will not see that project started this summer and that is not my desire. But it is time my church, it is time to rise up in your place and in your position and your authority, it is time to speak forth my words and it is time to flow in the fullness of everything that I have called for you to flow in. To be the overcomers, to be the victors and to do the things that I have called for you to do, for it is that time and it is that hour, saith the Lord.
5-2-18 pm service
With the hour it is becoming clearer and clearer and clearer even the world sees the changes, even the world sees the time, but they do not understand it like you do, for they have not read my word and if you read my word you should understand it clearly. For I say in Revelation you are blessed, you are blessed if you read it, that means you can read it and be blessed and yet you stay away from it or you confess I do not understand. And I have not given you a no understanding, I have given you understanding that you can walk in the victories that I have for you, that you can be the overcomers, for I knew these days were coming from the very beginning, I knew these days were coming. And throughout my word I have warned you, I have explained it especially to you, you have heard more than others and you should know and understand. I warn you, I warn you of the things that are taking place even right here in your area things so evil and yet they welcome them with open arms and they do not realize what they are welcoming or how terrible it is going to be. Are you awake or are you sleeping? Wake up, wake up, see what is happening round about you and realize that it is going to get worse and worse and worse unless you begin to take over and condemn it, cast it down, stop it, bind it up. You are the ones that have the power to bind and loose, you are the ones that can walk in victory, you are the ones that can be the overcomers. I need those that will walk with me.
You are like Gideon, you have far more power, far more authority, far more ability than you even know and you hide in fear from the enemy. Why are you hiding from Satan, he is a defeated foe, I have told you that in my word. He has no power, he has not authority, he only has the power and authority that you give to him, I don’t give him any. Therefore, take the power that you have, take the authority that you have and become an overcomer for me.
For truly I have given you power to tread on the enemy, to put him underneath your feet and yet you only need to learn how to use that power that I have given unto you, for you will find that you have more than you ever thought or realize. For many have not come to the realization of who they are, they do not know that all of my power, all of my authority, all of my ability they have at their disposal, they can use it at any moment. For I have spoken unto you about this time and time again and yet there are many that are still walking around lacking, there are many that are still going around defeated, there are many who the enemy is having a field day with and it should not be so. But you should be in that place where you are the overcomer; you are the victor, for that is who I have created you to be. I have given unto you all the tools to do that, but you only must use your faith that I have given unto you. For I have even said if you had faith the size of a mustard seed, and you do, I have given unto all a measure of faith which is much more than you have need of. For I said that you can move a mountain with just a little bit of faith and yet where are my mountain movers, where are those who will stand upon my word? For many try and the enemy just keeps flicking at them and they run and hide and that should not be so. For I have said when you have done all to stand, stand, for the enemy knows that he is defeated and yet you just need to remind him of that and put him in his place. For truly I have created you to live a much more victorious life than what most are living sad to say and yet all, all can live it, for that is how I designed for it to be. Oh that you would get a hold of the truth of my word, oh that you would draw closer to me that I could speak to you and that you are hearing my voice. For there are many that are not hearing my voice and yet they say they do, but in reality they are not hearing my voice. But it is that time and it is that hour where you need to know my voice, you need to be talking with me each and every day, not just once or twice a week, not once a month, not whenever you feel like it. But you need to be in constant communion with me in these days and these hours, so I can show you the things that are taking place, that I can show you when not to go or when to go, you need to be in that place my children. So if you are not, get yourself there that I can use you in a more powerful way than I am already. For there are many that are in need and if you are not listening to me, how do you know when I am speaking unto you to minister unto those? For you need to get a hold of these things so you can do all that I have called for you to do, saith the Lord. For it is that time and it is that hour, I have spoken that to you over and over and over and you should see the things that are taking place all around the world and know that you are in that very last day and that very last hour and you need to be doing the things that I have called for you to do. You need to be going out into the highways and the byways and compelling them to come in. Did you hear that, I said compelling them, that is what I spoke unto you and yet are my people doing that, for if they were, even now this church would be filled to overflowing. For it is that time my children, it is that hour and you need to begin to do some of these things that I have spoken unto you to do and you will see, you will see the fruits of your labor as they come in, saith the Lord. For they will come in quickly, they will come in quickly as you begin to speak forth my word unto them as I give it unto you. So step into that place and be all that I have called for you to be in this day and this hour, saith the Lord.
4-29-18 am service
For, yes, it is true, forever, forever I shall reign and if you are mine you shall reign with me, all of eternity stands before you, the joy, the happiness, the glorious events that we will do. Oh, the joy, the joy, the joy, it will fill your hearts to overflowing even more so than the life you are walking in now. Walk in your faith, the faith that I have given to you, not the faith that the devil has entrusted unto you, but walk in the faith that I have given to you. Stand on my word, don’t be moved, don’t be moved to the right, don’t be moved to the left. For as you see and watch the news you see people moved from the right to the left, from the left to the right, they don’t know what they are standing upon. I only have one word and that one word I gave unto you, I did not give you man’s knowledge, man’s wisdom, man’s understanding, I gave you my word and my word shall stand forever. And you shall walk by my word, you shall live by my word, you shall know my word and never be defeated, for you are the overcomers, you are not going to be but you are the overcomers, you are all that I have said that you are. And many of you have received many things already, your bodies have received many things already, things are changing and you are seeing the changes and you don’t have to try to do the things that others are doing to try to get those changes. For you have realized that truly my word is true and if you stand on my word it shall be done and if you are walking according to my word; you are walking according to the victories that my word gives to you, for all the victories are there. For I have given you victory in every single area, I have made you the head and not the tail, above and not beneath, that is where you are. But the enemy would have you believe that is not so, he wants to keep you hurting, in pain and suffering and sickness, he wants to keep you in shame, he wants to keep you in doubt, he wants to keep you in unbelief. For he hates you and he desires to destroy you, but I stand in his way, for you are mine, saith God, and I will not allow him, I will not allow him. You haven’t realized that he can’t take one single life without my permission, he may hit you with sickness but he can’t take your life and he shouldn’t be able to hit you with sickness. For you can realize that, for there is nothing, there is nothing that is impossible for me to do and I desire to do all that I have told you that I would do. I desire to move in might and power and strength, I desire to bring in the end time revival at the same time the enemy will try to bring in his revival, you better know the difference. Don’t get caught in that fake revival, know what my word has told you about the revival, that you shall see and walk in the fullness of that revival, for that is the only revival that you need.
Even with Samson when he finally woke up to where he was at and realized he broke all of his vows he cried out to me and did I not give him enough strength to destroy more enemies in that day than he did in his whole life? Truly he was an overcomer, truly he was a victor, you can be also, just believe me, believe my word, don’t get moved off my word, don’t even let dynamite move you off my word, but stand, stand and when you have done all to stand, stand.
The Lord says, many of my children try to juggle between my life and the devil’s world, says the Lord, but you cannot juggle the two, says the Lord, you must pick up the one and drop the other, for you are to carry my kingdom within you, says the Lord. Despise and reject the world, do not become part of the world, but separate yourselves unto me, says the Lord and you shall see that fire grow, says the Lord.
For I have given you the victory in every area of your life, I have made you the overcomer even though at times you do not walk like that. But get a hold of my word, get a hold of my promises, know who you are as heir and joint heir to the throne of Almighty God. Take your place, take your position, use the authority that I have given unto you that you can do all the things that I have called for you to do. For the enemy has many in a vice and he continues to squeeze and squeeze and squeeze, will you fall prey unto him or will you stand and speak forth your authority that I have given unto you and command him to loose his hold on you and be the overcomer that I have called you to be. For many have set back far too long and let the enemy to have his way with them, the Lord says it is time no longer to allow him to have power and authority over you, but it is time now to take the power and authority that I have given unto you and use it and put him in his place. For if you do not do that you will fall prey to him and I do not desire for that to happen. So you need to rise up, you need to rise up this very day, put him under your feet once and for all and do not allow him a place in your life, saith the Lord. For many have opened the door a little bit for him and he whips it wide open and that is not my desire and I have even told you that you needed to put a guard upon your mouth so that those things did not happen. For truly I have created you to be the overcomer, I have created you to be the victor and all you need to do is rise up in that power and authority that I have given unto you and take that place that I have called you to be, saith the Lord, as an heir and a joint heir to the throne of Almighty God and you will see your victory. You can see your victory even this day if you will begin to rise and say, enemy you are under my feet, saith the Lord, you are under my feet and begin to stomp your feet, the enemy is under my feet, the enemy is under my feet and he will remain there until we go to heaven, saith the Lord.
Do you believe, the Lord God wants to know, do you believe that he can move that mountain, do you believe that he can take care of your finances, do you believe that he can heal you, do you believe that he can set you free, do you believe that he can fix your marriages, do you believe today that he can do all things, do you believe? If you believe this morning seek to whatever your need is, come this morning allow him to do it.
For truly my revival is coming, saith your Father God and it shall be just like I have already told you, it shall not be like the false ones, it shall not come out of Canada, it shall not come out of Florida, it shall not come out of Missouri, it shall not be any of the leaders of the old false, for I have showed you that clearly before. You should never be moved on that, you should stand strong and speak my word, for I have told you, I have told you and I have told you what I brought you here for and I have told you the revival that shall come. And my word is true and my word does not lie and my word will come to pass even if you don’t believe it, you will sit on the sidelines and you will watch and you will cry and you will weep and cry because the door will be shut. It will be shut because you have refused to believe and I will shut that door and all you will do is sit and watch and watch and cry and cry and cry because you are not included. But be included this day, saith your Father God, come unto me, come unto me, let me set you free, let me set you free, let me drive out the demons that are holding you in sickness, let me deliver you and set you free. Let me deal with your mind that you haven’t renewed, let me remove that sense knowledge faith, let me give you real faith, for I have given unto my people a measure of faith. Operate in that faith; move in that faith and stand in that faith, for truly it is yours, saith your Father God.
4-29-18 pm service
For it is a great hour, saith your Father God, an hour such as man has never seen yet, for many things shall take place now during the last hour, things that I have written to you about, things that if you have read my book and studied you would know about, for it is contained therein. You shall see the false as it rises up and tries to fight and defeat my church, but my church shall stand and my church shall be established throughout the world and the revival that shall come forth all the world shall know that I am God. For I shall do miracles, signs and wonders more, more plentiful than ever seen before and people shall flock in and they shall sense My Spirit moving. It will not be the shakes, it will not be that, for that was false as you know and there shall be signs in the false church too, but you won’t see the miracles, you won’t see the healings, you won’t see the deliverances, but you will in my church. For I shall do those things that my word declares that I shall do, I shall establish you that others shall know that truly you belong to the Father’s Church, you go to the Father’s House and your word, your word is powerful and your word comes to pass. So fear not, fear not the changes that have already taken place, don’t fear those, but know what my word says, know what I have said. Study my word that you know that you are not fooled, that your not deceived, but you walk in the power, that you walk in the anointing, that you walk in the Spirit, for truly you are a Spirit being. Therefore, I say unto you, cultivate that, that you know what it means to walk in the Spirit and allow the Spirit, allow the Spirit to be your teacher and guide.
For truly, the Spirit will lead and guide you into all truth and he will give you the wisdom and understanding that you have need of that you can see, know and understand with clarity the things that are going on and the things that are taking place. But the enemy only deceives you and his word will never line up with my word, for it might sound like it at first, but in the end it always tails off and does not line up. So do not be deceived by those things, but allow me to fill you to overflowing, allow me to take you to new heights, allow me to do a work in you like never before. Allow me to fill you with my Holy Ghost fire that you can be on fire for me and do the things that I have called for you to do, that you can go forth and defeat the enemy crushing him under your feet even as I have spoken to you about this morning, that you can do and be all that I have said that you could be. For I have called you my motley crew, my mighty warriors, my chosen ones and I have a very great place for you and a very important job for you that is to be done. And yet it requires more than one or two, but requires all of you to fulfill the things that I have called for you to do. For every one has been given a different task to carry out to bring into fulfillment all that I have said. For even those ministers in the parking lot will not miss out, for they will see miracles before they ever reach the door and the great rejoicing that shall be all around as people flood into here to receive the things that I have for them. As the lame come, as the sick come, as the druggies come, the unlovely, those who need me, you shall deliver them and set them free and they shall run out of here on fire to go forth and do my work, you will see all these things, saith the Lord, for it is that time and it is that hour. So do not let the enemy fool you, for you will not see any miracles come out of the false move like I have already said, yes, there will be signs, but not in that manner. But in my move there will be signs, there will be wonders and people will see and know without a shadow of a doubt that truly, Almighty God, is moving in this place.
For the enemy has no power and therefore you shall be like Abraham, yes, you shall be like Abraham and you shall go forth to do the things that I have called you to do and you shall be great, you shall be great, you shall be great.
For, I say unto you my children, that it will be like the day of Pentecost when My Spirit came in and sat upon the mouths of those that were filled with My Spirit, says the Lord and my church took off just as it did in those days. So shall it be the same this time, says the Lord, for my Holy Spirit shall move and guide my church body to do the things that are done, says the Lord, all for the glorification of My Son Jesus and I, says the Lord, for I have come and I have sent my Holy Spirit to help in this time, says the Lord.
Remember that my power was far superior to the power of the false. They would try to copy, but the copy would fail, because the real would eat it up.
4-25-18 pm service
For truly it is a great hour for the watchmen, for if they are doing their job they can keep my church alert ready and willing. For it is that hour and it is that time when the more that you know, the more that you believe, the more that you understand, the greater victories you shall have. Delays we do not want, so strive to make sure you have no delays but you continue to move forward, for it is very important since it is the last days and there are only so many days before the rapture, you should be prepared to reach your goal. Know the things that I have said unto you, know exactly where you are at every moment, know. Hear my voice, for if you don’t hear my voice then you are in jeopardy, walking in disability, you jeopardize everything that I desire for you to do. You can’t walk in the peace, you can’t walk in the assurance, you can’t walk as the overcomer and I desire that you walk as the overcomer, I long for you to know and understand, for I have given you all the tools, all the tools that you need. I have equipped you with all the equipment, my word tells you that, you are fully equipped, therefore it is you, it is not me. So change the things you are doing, line up with my word and walk in the victories that I have for you.
There are many areas that are in great, great danger because of what the world is doing and you need to stay away from those areas unless I clearly, clearly tell you that it is ok. Don’t be stubborn and just go because you know better, you can do that, but if you don’t come back it is your fault not mine, saith your Father. You need to wake up, listen, listen, listen to the commands that I give you, for those commands are like life and death. You can be victorious, you can be the overcomer, you can be everything I have told you to be, but listen, listen, follow directions. Stay away from Mexico, Mexico, Mexico, stay away, stay away.
Make sure that you are watching the things that you are speaking forth out of your mouth, that your confession lines up with my word with what I have told you and what my work shall be here and the things that you shall do. Do not limit me, for when you limit me that puts a door open for the enemy to get in and hinder and slow down and try and stop the things that I am doing for you. And like I have already said, the clock is running out and there is not time for delays and as you can clearly see the enemy has held you up a lot longer than he should have. But are you speaking forth my word over the situation, are you praying like I have commanded you to in speaking forth my word. For I have told you speak to those things that be not as if they were and they shall be, that is what my word says and that is what you should be doing. Do not look at the circumstances, look at my word and the things that I have told you, the things I have told you, you would do and you would see and the circumstances will quickly line up with my word. But you must not allow the enemy to bring in doubt, to bring in unbelief, to bring in fear, for many, many of my people do not believe that I will fulfill my word that I have spoken, they are beginning to question, Lord is this ever going to take place? Has not my word always been fulfilled since the beginning of time? And yes, you can say well Lord the Israelites waited around in the in the promise land for forty years, yes, because of their own confession and their own action and they were not able to receive of the things that I had for them because of that, so be very careful. For I desire for you to receive all the things that I have for you, but if you are not walking in the place I have called you to, if you are not walking and doing the things that I have told you to do, you cannot receive the fullness of everything that I have and that is not my desire. For I desire to pour my blessings out upon you like at no other time before, so do not put limitations on me, but renew your mind with my word, that means to take the old out, the sense knowledge, take it out and fill it with my rhema word, the spoken word, my knowledge that I have given unto you. Fill it with those things, fill it with the things I have said that you would see and you would become, for I have given you many promises and you need to hold on to those, you need to be expecting to see me move in a mighty and powerful way, not sitting back and wondering, Lord, when are things going to take place? Begin to expect it, begin to come into my house expecting to see it filled to overflowing, begin to set your time so you can be here earlier, so you can have a seat, for the day will come when you arrive late and there won’t be any place to sit down. Don’t you know my children that I love you with an everlasting love, and it is my desire to see you receive all of the fullness of everything that I have for you? So you need to align yourself with my word so that I can begin to move upon your behalf, that I begin to bring those things into being. For just as I have spoken it unto you, I shall fulfill my word, that is my promise, I have spoken that unto you over and over and over and there should be no doubt left in your mind. So get that doubt cast out, that is right, I said get it cast out that you can come and receive the fullness of everything that I have for you in these days and these hours, saith the Lord.
Remember they already have the facilities to lock up the strongest of the Christians, therefore I say, set a guard at your mouth and don’t do foolish things. Don’t utter words that could cause you to get into trouble, but set a guard at your mouth, set a guard at your mouth, watch the words that come out of your mouth, watch the actions that you do, watch, because they are watching you.
Between Russia and China they own the sea, we search for their submarines and we cannot find them, we search for the battleships and without satellite we would never find them. There is a great warfare ready to take place because of the sea; the ocean surrounds every little place there is.
4-22-18 am service
For I am moving mightily, yes, mightily and every single one of you should feel that moving, you should feel what I have done in your body already and what I am yet going to do for you, for even as I have touched your pastor I shall also touch you. For I am not a respecter of persons and by the time the multitudes flow in you shall be perfect, there shall be no sick among you, no feeble among you, no lame among you. For I am the Lord thy God and I faileth not, even though man does not believe me, I do not fail. Do not operate in sense knowledge faith, make sure your mind is renewed, make sure that you believe, if you believe you will act on what is said not what you feel. Believe, saith your Father God, for great disaster now cometh upon the face of the earth and you shall see it all. For you cannot poke a dog in its eye continually no matter how tame and not have him respond, and you shall see the responses, they shall not be what you want, but it is that time and they shall not change because it is that time. For I have told you to watch this month, watch, watch, watch, be a watchman, what does that mean, do you know what it means when I say be a watchman, that means go to prayer. Watch and pray, watch and pray, watch and pray, be ready, be ready, for if you are not ready then the strongman can come into your house and steal whatever he wants to steal. But if he looks in there and sees Samson with all of his muscles, with all of his strength, with all of his power that I gave to him, he will not come in, he will not come in but he will flee, he will flee, he will flee, he will flee. But if you are whimpering, if you are crying, if you are asking me why, why, why, then he will come in and he will plunder you, oh, even worse and it will get worse and it will get worse until you get sick and tired of it and rise up in your legal rights and take authority over him and cast him out and run him out. Take the frying pan to him, but move, saith your Father God, move.
For you don’t have to shake yourself like Samson did, but back then the anointing came on them, the anointing now lives within you, you need to let it out.
For, I say unto you my children, my Son Jesus has made a show of the enemy openly, how he was defeated, says the Lord, and therefore he clothed you with his veil, says the Lord. He has given you his armor, his power and authority to do the things that he requires of you to do, says the Lord. Notice I said he requires of you to do, he requires you to use the name of Jesus, he requires you to stand on the word, he requires you to use that power, says the Lord. Use it to the greatest ability that I have given unto you, use it, says the Lord.
Know this, saith your Father, for many have sacred calves in their lives that they haven’t kicked out, that don’t give milk, you can’t eat them they are of no value whatsoever and yet you clinch onto them and you refuse to let them go, why, why? Do you not know the difference between the Old Testament and the New Testament? Do you see Paul when the snake bit him oh why me Lord, why me, he never quenched it, he shook it off, and a great revival took place and if you could have heard him he is saying no deadly thing that bites me can hurt me and just went on as if nothing took place, could you do that, I doubt it, you would run to the doctor. Oh, my children you are fastly moving into a time when you can no longer go to the doctors without the mark, for the mark is coming extremely fast. So if you haven’t built yourself up, what are you going to do then, because if you go then you give up your salvation one hundred percent, there is no way back, the bridge has been cut a long time ago, my word declares that unto you. And yet sometimes you only read the good things and you don’t read the other things that are so important or you don’t understand it and you go to a watered down version that doesn’t give you the truth. How can you be ready, do you not know that I loved you so much that I sent the only Son that I had to die that you could have life and that more abundantly, isn’t that what my word says? I did not send my Son into the world to judge the world, but that the world through him might be saved. I didn’t even want to put the word might in there, but the word might was put in there because so many refused that free gift, they have got to do it some other way, they don’t understand what the truth is, and because they don’t understand the truth, they water it down and they walk as if they were beggars. My sheep don’t beg, I feed them abundantly, I clothe them, I water them, I watch over them and protect them because they are seeking first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all the things that they want are just coming to them right and left, right and left. And my people sometimes are looking at them and saying why them and not me Lord, I am as good as them, no, you are not. If you are operating in sense knowledge faith you are Old Testament and you are going to have to get it like the Old Testament got it and they never got it until Jesus died. You have got to realize he is dead, he has paid the price, it is all yours now. There is not a price tag on it now, Jesus paid the price, it is yours, freely given to you, and I have also said to you, because you freely received, freely give it to others and I have also told you that if you have it in your pocket and somebody needs it give it to them. If you have to drain yourself where you have nothing, am I not able to fill it up even more so, even to the hundred-fold mark because you gave that? So if you gave a ten dollar bill then you would run off with a thousand dollar bill, read my word, for you are moving into the days when you are going to have to know my word in order to survive. Remember, I love you, I love you and I will care for you and I will provide for you and I will keep you safe, that is why you don’t have to fear, there is no fear in God, for the perfect love of God casts out that fear, I didn’t give you a spirit of fear. Look what I did give you and operate and walk in that and you shall see the miracles flowing from your very hands and your mouth and others roundabout you shall quickly come in and be saved and delivered and set free because then you will be walking in the true gospel.
The Lord says, stop wrestling with flesh and blood today and get up and do what the Lord God says. He says get up this morning and do a victory march, get up this morning, if you feel you don’t have the strength to get up, get up anyway and walk with Jesus today. For he is the healer, he is the deliverer; he is the one who can set you free. Stop standing back and say you can’t do it and get up, the Lord God says. Do a victory march and walk through and allow those walls to be broken in your body today, allow your body to be healed. After the victory march come to the altar for the healings, the deliverances and being set free will be there. For the blessings will be flowing today, for my anointing will be coming down, so get up and move.
4-22-18 pm service
For it is an hour to praise me like you have never praised me before, for it is a glory hour, it is the hour when I receive my church without spot or wrinkle, it is the hour when I take my church to be with me. For it is that hour, saith your Father God, even though the world does not know, even those that do not know me they do not know, but you know for you are mine. For I have called you, yes, I have called you, I have ordained you and I have made you ready to go forth and do the things that my word has called you to do. For it is that hour, saith your Father God, an hour of great rejoicing, an hour of great pleasure, not for the world, but for my church it is that hour, saith your Father God.
For truly when Moses saw my face on the mountain the smoke filled the air, the fire filled the air, the trembling of the mountain shook the earth and my people knew above and beyond any doubt that truly, I am the Lord thy God.
For it is a great hour for my people, a great hour, many have waited and waited and hoped and prayed, but now the hour is upon you. It is not a great hour for the world, for all the things that shall come now shall bring forth disaster, disaster, disaster, a shaking like the world has never seen that I may shake them awake, that they may come into the safety of my throne, that they walk by my side, that they know me as the Lord God, that they know my Son Jesus Christ as Lord. For it is that hour, oh what a shaking shall take place, but let not that shaking disturb you, for I have not given to man a spirit of fear, you don’t have fear. Walk in the boldness, the boldness that I have given unto you, the assurance that I have given unto you, for you know me and you trust me and because you know me and trust me I shall take you through this time in great victory, great victory.
For I remind you again that regardless of the things that are taking place in the world my church shall be moving forward, my church shall be prospering, my church shall be victorious and my church shall be filled to overflowing. Not the fake false churches who tried to stir up the movement of the Holy Spirit of there own means, but by those true churches who are filled with My Spirit and my fire and my anointing like seen at no other time before that people shall flood into those places to receive of me. For they shall know that it is that time, it is that hour, for truly the shaking that shall take place will wake them up so they see, so they know, so they realize that very soon Jesus will return for the church and they will make themselves ready for that time. So do not fear those things, for I have even told you, you would not even realize some things going on with all the things I am doing for you. So keep your eyes focused upon me so that you can do all the things that I have called for you to do. For there is a great work that is yet to be done and you shall accomplish all that I have called you to do, saith the Lord. For it is that time and it is that hour, but do not fear the things that shall come, but know, know that I have already given you the victory and you are going safely to the finish line with me, saith the Lord.
4-18-18 pm service
Have you been interceding in prayer as I have told you to do or have you not prayed at all? For it seems like the church is so asleep that when you do speak to them to pray there is no prayer going forth and yet you are in some of the most critical hours right now that you have ever been in. And I explained that to you that April, do you remember April, do you remember me talking to you about April, not just this month, but for the last three and a half months. From now until Monday there will be some very critical times, you need to be in prayer, you say why Lord, that man does not push you into an area that you do not want to be in before you have to be in it. It is very critical, do you understand the word critical. Are you listening to the news, do you know what is going on, have you watched, not just local news, because nothing is going on locally here you could say. Did you hear about the witches and the demons marching in the streets and praying and holding their services speaking curses upon the nation, upon the President and upon you as Christians and calling for other people to come out and join them? You could have stopped that in one moment and yet my people are not awake, they are not listening, they are not watching, things are going on, you are in the last days and it is going to get bad suddenly. Do you know what the word suddenly means, that means all the freedoms that you had before are going to vanish and things are going to change and it is not time yet, it is not time yet, you are not ready, you are not ready. But get ready, get ready, prepare yourself, prepare your family, do you not know the demons are getting into the average person and they are needing demons cast out that should not be. But the church is not on fire with prayer like they used to be, they are not fighting hell with fire, the Holy Ghost fire, for truly that is what you need. For it is that hour now, saith your Father God, right now, not tomorrow, it will be worse tomorrow, it will be worse on Saturday, worse on Sunday, you need to be in prayer, pray, pray, pray.
For I have all the power and all the ability and all the wisdom and all the knowledge and I can depart it and give it unto you that you can walk continually in the supernatural, but you have to want to do it, you have got to want to do it. You have got to begin to walk that way, act that way, respond that way and then the victory shall be yours.
Are you even aware that the peace-treaty they are working on you don’t even want? I don’t want it as your Father and God, it tells you in my word I don’t want it, for then they want my land and then they divide my land. Did you hear them talking about the earthquakes across the mid parts of the United States, there trembling, they know there going to have to open, the water is going to have to come down, pray, pray, pray.
One person walking in the fullness of the Holy Spirit could bind up the whole demon army, he can cast out every devil there ever was, he can perform miracles that the world has never seen. Yes, and that is the kind of church I am looking for, that is the kind of people I want to use. For then the world shall see and when they see it then you will see the revival.
For my people have forgotten that the way they wage war on the enemy is through prayer, through speaking forth my word, through commanding him to flee, taking their power and authority over him. For he has none and yet at times you let him go about like he has all of the power and authority and yet I have given that power and authority over to you. Therefore, you must use it, you must not stand idly by and watch as these things take place, and you say, well Lord, these things are going to happen. Yea, I said they’re going to happen, but I have expected my people to stand up, to rise up against it so it doesn’t come before the time that I have appointed it to come. For many things must take place and I have told you that, but when I have spoken to you to pray, that means it is not time for those things to take place yet, that means the enemy has something planned that is not good and it needs to be stopped. Therefore my people need to go to prayer, sadly my church does not pray like it used to and yet in these days where evil is more prevalent, where the bottomless pit has been opened, prayer needs to be more so and intercessory prayer, not just a little simple prayer, but intercessory prayer where you are spending time before the throne room of Almighty God. And yet you might say, Lord, we don’t know how to pray and yet I have told you when you don’t know how to pray, pray in the Spirit and in your understanding when you understand what you are praying for. For many times I called you to pray and you know not what for at that moment and later I might show you that you can pray in your understanding, but it is more important at that moment to pray in the Spirit that the Spirit can intercede on behalf of the things that are taking place. Understand the importance of this and how you need to be doing it more so now than ever before. For the demons that have been released are far greater than ever seen before, yes, they were around until I locked them up, but they have now been released and you have not had to personally deal with them. My prophet has dealt with some of them and he knows and understands this realm like no other, for I have given him a gift that you all should be praying for that you can see and understand the things that are taking place. For my people should be flowing in that gift so they know when I am speaking and when I am not. Pray, pray, pray, spend more time in prayer than ever before so that you can walk in the fullness of all that I have for you. For the enemy is trying to stop and hold you back and you need to pray concerning that as well. Yes, I have given you my word that he cannot stop you, but my people need to do what I have called them to do as well. But it is that time to go to war, it is that time once again to fight fire with fire and Holy Ghost fire shall win every time, but it is that time my church, it is that time. So rise up in your power and authority and put the enemy in his place and walk in the fullness of all the things that I have for you. For truly it is that time and it is that hour, saith the Lord.
Daniel prayed and the whole world changed, if Daniel hadn’t prayed Israel would still be in bondage today.
4-15-18 am service
For truly you are mine and your faithfulness is now being rewarded, for you are one of those churches that welcomes the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit has total freedom to move in your church. Therefore I can speak to you and I can speak to the world, I can speak to those round about you the things that are beginning to come to pass now and they can hear, they can hear my voice, they can hear my words and they can jot them down, for they shall come to pass. They will not delay, they will not go another way, but they will come to do the things that I have sent them forth to do just as I have told you. Not all churches are like you, they claim to be like you, but they deny the Holy Spirit and the moving of the Holy Spirit and will not allow it in their midst. But not so with you, for it has been that way from the very beginning and you have always allowed the freedom of the Spirit and, therefore, I can use you in a mighty way, saith your Father God. And it shall be a mighty way, it shall be far mightier far mightier than anything read in the Bible and you will be far mightier than anything that has been seen by man. For it is me, saith your Father God and truly I shall be at work and I shall do the things that I have said that I shall do and you shall see them. But stay open to the moving of the gifts of the Holy Spirit, do not allow the flesh to come in, for the flesh can stop things and the flesh is not of me. Therefore, only let my words come forth, stay open to my words, stay open to the things that I say, saith your Father God. For truly my words are true, you can bank on my words and they will come to pass, for when I speak unto you my word is truth and if you believe my word, if you believe my word you will act on my word. For believing is acting, if you are not acting on the word you don’t believe, you don’t believe but, I say unto you, begin to believe, begin to act on my word, begin to speak my word don’t operate in sense knowledge faith, move in real faith. Speak my word, declare my word, confess my word, for the more that you do that the more that I can move on your behalf, the more that miracles, signs and wonders can take place, the more of the glory of God that shall be set upon you that others shall see it that they shall come from near and far and they shall receive the things that I have for them. For if they don’t come, they are not mine, saith your Father God, but I am speaking to mine, yes, I am speaking to mine and they shall come, they shall come.
For I cannot move through those who believe not, neither can I answer their prayers, neither can I do the things that they call upon me to do, they have to believe, they have to believe, they have to believe. For believing is action and when they believe then they will follow my word and do my word and my word will come to pass. The enemy cannot stop it, but you can by your non-belief, by not believing. You say I believe, then let me see, saith your Father God, for if you believe, my word shall come to pass, for my word has always come to pass for over six thousand years my word has come to pass. So why would my word stop suddenly now when it is the last days, the end times? It will not stop, it will go forth even greater, greater, greater than it has before and those that have the boldness shall to step out and confess my word, they will open their mouth and say my words and set a guard at their mouth so the other things do not come out. They shall see the miracles, they shall see the signs, they shall see the wonders, they shall see what I have said that I shall do. Do not think it is over with those little missiles that hit, for it is not over, saith your Father God, for I have warned over and over quit poking the bear, quit poking the bear and you shall see the results in not many days. So begin to pray, begin to pray, begin to seek my face, for truly you shall see things you do not want to see, but man would not listen, but man listened to the harlot as she whispered in his ears and she is not of me. Even though she says she is me, she is not of me, saith your Father God, but watch out, watch out, for now it shall come.
For I say to you, do you not hear with your spiritual ears the sound of them storming, storming down the road, says the Lord, my people coming from near and far, coming, coming, says the Lord? Do you not hear them shouting the praises of their God, do you not hear them, says the Lord? For they are coming, they are coming; they are coming, be ready.
Be not fearful for fear is not of me, I have not given you the spirit of fear that is the enemy. Know your enemy, know my voice from the voice of your enemy, know my word from what your enemy says. For if you study carefully you see all of the Old Testament was sense knowledge faith, they had to see in order to believe, that ended, my Son Jesus fulfilled that and now you must believe in order to see, for if you don’t believe you will never see. Therefore, walk according to my word, walk according to my promises, walk according to the things that I have said and not the things that man has said.
For does not my word say that those that believe without seeing are greater than those that see it to believe it? And yet many people who call themselves mine, who call themselves Christians today do not believe the things that I am doing, do not believe the day and the hour that they are living in, they have the type of faith that has to see it first and that is not my desire. For I cannot move upon their behalf because they are not walking according to my word, they are not doing the things that I have told them to do. For truly I say unto you, those who believe me, who follow after my word, who do the things that I have called for them to do, they shall reap the blessings in these days and these hours, they shall be blessed without measure. I will be able to move upon their behalf and they will not walk in sickness or disease, but they will walk as healed, delivered and set free and they shall go forth and do the things that I have called for them to do. For I have told you that it is that time and it is that hour and many have seen the things that were spoken and how they have come to pass and they know and they know and they know that it is that time and it is that hour and yet my own church, who I have called, does not realize that it is that time and it is that hour. Wake up church, wake up, for do you not know that destruction lies at your doorstep and yet you are sleeping, you are not preaching my gospel like others are and yet you have not allowed me to move upon your behalf because you do not allow My Spirit to move. But for those who do, I have blessed them and I shall move mightily upon their behalf and they shall receive all the things that I have for them for these days and these hours. For I speak unto those who are in those dead places come out, come out, come out before it is too late, for you shall be lost with them if you do not come out of those places. For truly that is my word as I have spoken it and my word shall be fulfilled even as I have told you again and again and again, for it is that time and it is that hour, saith the Lord.
For have I not told you the harvest, the harvest, this pertains to the harvest, the Lord God says. Have you not seen when my Son Jesus was here the multitudes, not just a couple, the multitudes followed him, the multitudes. For I have told you the multitudes are coming, for every Sunday is going to be miracle Sunday, the Lord God says. For people are going to come that are lame, that are blind, they need limbs, their limbs are broken and I am going to heal each and every one of them, I am going to touch them. So be ready in season, be ready out of season, because I want to use each and every one of you when the multitudes come and they are coming soon, the Lord God says. For the devil is going to try to stop them, but he cannot stop them, for I am going to use your church to bring in the harvest, to bring in the lost. So be ready to be used by me, the Lord God says, for the multitudes are coming, it is going to be bigger then when my Son Jesus was in the world, the healings, the deliverances, the people set free. The Lord God says open up the altars this morning, allow him to move, because he has something for each and every one of you, because he loves each and every one of you, so come allow him to move.
Israel, oh Israel, do you not know what anniversary is here, do you not know what date this is, do you not realize that the words that you have heard have been true, that the Messiah is already here? Why are you looking for someone that has already come, for he shall not come to you again until he comes with his church to stop the wars that are destroying you and destroying the world. He will not come again until he comes to set up himself in your millennial reign, he will not come again. Therefore, you need to call upon him while you yet can, you need to call upon him before you go to bed and have to stay there for three and a half years until you see him, till your sense knowledge faith begins to operate and you see him. Call upon him, repent, turn to me, for many of you shall perish, many of you shall die. Wake up, wake up, wake up, call upon him, call upon him before it is too late. Don’t call upon man, but call upon him, for thus saith your Father.
Keep the President in prayer the Lord God says, keep the President in prayer, for he goes in many places, keep him in your prayers, keep the President in prayer. The Lord God says; as this world is worse and worse, keep him in prayer, because I am going to keep him safe, as they need your prayers all the time. The Lord God says as the devil tries to attack my people, if you keep your faith you will move forward in me, so keep your faith, you can move those walls in the name of Jesus. So keep your faith, when a wall comes up, tear it up in the name of Jesus, go; do not back down, the Lord God says. For the devil is going to try, but he cannot in the name of Jesus.
4-15-18 pm service
For my word is a strong tower and you can always hide in my word and my word shall protect you, my word shall keep you safe, for my word is my Son Jesus Christ. So speak my word, speak my word, be not fearful, for many are fearful of the things that are coming, be not fearful, hide in my word hide in my word, for as you hide in my word great and mighty things shall take place and you shall be safe, yes, safe.
The Lord say my word is the fire, My Spirit and that Spirit shall devour all the things in the flesh that you do not desire to have and neither do I desire to have, says the Lord. For I shall purge it out, purge it out with my word, says the Lord, for I shall make you pure, pure as gold, says the Lord and then you shall know as I know, says the Lord, when I take you with me.
For truly where My Spirit is there is strength, there is freedom; there is ability and authority. If My Spirit resides in you then all those traits also reside in you, those are traits that are received all the way down from the Father, for he has placed his full power and authority within you that you could be victorious in these days and these hours, that you could stand upon that word and the enemy would have no choice but to flee. For, yes, he tried at times, but when my people stand upon my word he has no choice but to flee and flee he does. Even though he tries to come again, you can stand upon my word and he has to flee, he has no choice, for he has already been defeated. Therefore, you do not need to fear the things that are going to take place, for the things that are taking place all around you will not come nigh your dwelling, for they are not for you, but they are for those who are asleep, for those who are not walking with me that they might wake up and come into the safety of the fold before it is too late, that they might see and know that truly the hour is late and soon Jesus will come for the church. Oh, that time is here my children, but this should be a time of great rejoicing, great excitement, for truly I am going to do all the things that I have told you about. It should bring joy to your hearts to see these things unfold before you. For even as the multitudes come through the doors and fill this place to overflowing that there isn’t even standing room and that is just the beginning of it. For I have told you the next building would be packed out before you even got in it and you will need to build again before you even finish and that time is upon you now my children. For you have not seen the fullness of that, but you shall very soon now and My Spirit shall be poured out upon you without measure and you shall experience all of the blessings that I have for you. So do not fear, but be excited knowing that I, your Father God, am doing all that I have said I would do. And then I shall come for my church and you shall come with me and dine with me and then return for the thousand year millennial reign, oh what a time of joy and excitement. So do not allow the enemy to bring in fear, for you have my word and as long as you stand upon it there is nothing that can come against you, saith the Lord.
For the wealth of the heathen has been saved up for you, for I have told you this before, but many do not believe this and so they will probably not receive it. But it is saved up for the righteous and those that believe shall be blessed above and beyond anything that they have ever dreamed and they will have more than enough to put into my work that my work can be completed. It is that hour when you must believe, for believing is receiving.
For as you stand on my word and you believe my word you know that you have the answer before you ever see it. If you don’t know that then you are not standing in faith, again you are flowing in the false faith, the sense knowledge faith, where you have to see it first. And during these last hours that faith will not work at all, only those that believe, only those that know my word, only those that stand on my word shall see the total fulfillment.
How much do you believe, are you ready for Michael to come and give you a word, would you believe it, would you believe it? For it is time for all things, all things to come to pass.
4-11-18 pm service
Harken and listen carefully and understand my words, for these words must come before Sunday April fifteenth so my plan will be established through my rhema word first! Listen ye inhabitants of Miracle City, more precious than Jerusalem until the rapture takes place. You shall increase and multiply so that you shall extend far beyond your present dimension. The increase of thy numbers of the multitudes shall be a fruit of the Lord’s blessing and an earnest of your further blessings (Psalm 107:38). You will be as safe and great as the presence of the Lord can make it. It is time to see a man riding on a red horse, and he will be standing among the trees, which are in the ravine with a legion of angels on white horses behind him. This man on the red horse is no mere man or angel. He is the same man Joshua saw standing opposite him with his sword drawn in his hand. Joshua asked, “Are you for us or for our adversaries, and he answered, “No, rather I indeed am come as the captain of the Lord’s host as the avenger of the Lord’s glory (Joshua 5:13-14). He is also the one whose voice Moses heard in the burning bush (Ex.3:4). He and his angels shall protect every path, every trail every road into and out of this property by day and by night, and he shall fulfill God’s warning to those who have not put a guard on their mouth and speak curses and judgment shall come quickly of them. For this land is now the Lord’s glory spot for the great things to come to pass and protect their present situation. He shall protect every path, every trail, every road in or out, and to bring judgment on those with unguarded mouths who bring the enemy down on God’s people and speak lies. For he shall defend them and deliver them from these present situations as they call upon him and his army. All the difficulties and oppositions to the building of the temple and Miracle City will be defeated even those that seem insurmountable. The enemies are proud and hard as great mountains; but when God has work to do the mountains that stand in the way of it shall dwindle into molehills. All the difficulties shall vanish and all the objections overcome. Every mountain and hill brought low when the way of the Lord is to be prepared (Isaiah 40:4). “Also the word of the Lord came to me saying, the hands of my servant have laid the foundations of the house and his hands will finish it. Then you’ll know that the Lord of hosts has sent me to you.” The same hands that have begun this good work will finish it. The hands of my servant laid the foundations of the temple and though the completion of the building delayed and is still under opposition it shall be finished and my servant will live to see it finished. He will be involved in the finishing of the rebuilding of the temple. He will bring forth the headstone with shouting and with loud acclamations of joy among the spectators. And great miracles shall fill the house such as never seen by these people before and it shall never stop until I remove my people in the rapture of my church. When the work is finished the people must thankfully acknowledge that it was the Lord through grace and not by their own power the work was completed. The Lord’s good will towards them, his good work in them and for them. Grace must be applied not only to the headstone but to the foundation-stone the corner-stone and indeed to every stone in the Lord’s building from first to last it is nothing of works but all of grace. Grace is the language of prayer as well as of praise now that this building is finished and all happiness attends it! Peace is within its walls. Let the beauty of the Lord be upon it. What comes from the grace of the Lord may in faith and upon good grounds be committed to the grace of the Lord. For the Lord will not forsake the work of his own hands. This shall be a full ratification of the prophecies of the Israelites’ returning to the Promised Land and their settlement again in the land. The exact accomplishment of the prophecies is a convincing proof of their divine original. The Lord confirms the word of his servant by saying to all you shall be built (Isaiah 44:26). No word of God shall fall to the ground nor one iota or title of it.
For you cannot continually poke a bear in the eye and not receive results of it, for every poke, they become more angry and their anger kindles and the missiles fly and the torpedo are on its way and great disaster stands knocking on the door. For you yourselves have not made ready for the last twenty years and yet you dare to shake your fist without consulting me because you have listen to the harlot and said that she died and married a rock star and you haven’t heard my words. For if you heard my words you would not, you would not have done what you have done.
For truly my word has gone forth and I have said I will first reveal it unto my prophets and my prophet has spoken forth the word this night. You shall see the very things you sow come to pass before Sunday, you shall see those things take place. Understand the importance of the timing how it is laid out, for I said it had to come before Sunday, before the fifteenth. You will begin to see the fulfillment of the things that were spoken and as you continue to see this take place as I speak to you and you see the fulfillment even as you have in times past the next day and the next week. But you shall see the things I have spoken about for twenty years come to pass in that manor, for it is that time and it is that hour. I have told you on Easter Sunday that hour had started and you have entered into that new time and so now my word that I have spoken unto you would now come to pass. Even as I have spoken unto you about the earthquake, about Babylon, even as I have spoken unto you about the great destruction that shall take place and how the mid-fault shall be divided. You are now living in the time where you shall see that take place and you will see those things take place before the church is raptured out, not after like the false prophets are trying to tell many. You will see the ninety day period where you will need your food supply that has been stored up. For many have said, Lord, I don’t think we are ever going to need this, you are now in that time when you shall need those things that I have told you to prepare for even as many started preparing four years ago or longer and are fully prepared for the things that would come and are only waiting to see them come and then they would begin to use those things as I told them. And many will come and it shall be multiplied because of what they have and they won’t be able to give it all away because many will come because they have not stored up and are in need. And those who have will give to them graciously because they have a heart of love, they have my love inside them and yet I will multiply their supply. So even as the widow woman the oil will not run dry even as you have seen and as my prophets have spoken. Oh, the day and the hour that you are living in is the day and the hour like at no other time, it is a day of great excitement and jubilee knowing that all of the things I have spoken to you about are now coming to pass and you will watch in amazement as they take place day after day after day after day take place. Yes, I said days, not weeks, not years, not months, day after day after day after day you will see my word fulfilled even as I have spoken it unto you. So do not fear the things that shall take place, for I have warned you long ago that they would come and now you know that this is the hour and this is the time that you shall see those things unfold even as I have spoken them unto you. But walk in the joy, walk in the peace, walk in the wisdom and the understanding that I have given unto you. For you are protected here and there is nothing that can come against you and destroy you, for you have the avenger of my glory that is here and it is time for his ministry to be fulfilled. It is that time and it is that hour, saith the Lord.
Allow not fear to enter into your hearts, for I have given you my word, my solemn promise that I would watch over you protect you and keep you safe, that I would take you through this time in total complete victory and it shall be so. I have also told you that when all this starts that you will continue your building program until I take you out and people will continue to come day and night, day and night, day and night. Multitudes, land shall be bought up round about you and my people shall move this way and come this way, for those that are this way have had the opportunity, but they have rejected them and turned them down, but those that come will come knowing what I have said and they will be willing laborers and givers unto you.
Your coming and going needs to be in line with me, you need to hear from me, you need to pay close attention because things are going to change in different areas so fast that your plans may seem good today but tomorrow could be disaster. But those that shall come, they shall hear clearly from me and they shall come, they shall come with their minds made up, their hearts made up and they have come to support the move of God that shall take place. And the miracles, the signs, the wonders will be so awesome that you will be so thrilled and so blessed as you reap your rewards that I have promised you. So what is going on in the world will not trouble you, you will be at total peace during that time and many, many, many shall come by day shall come by night. But remember my angels are watching over every road, every path, every trail and only those, only those that are for you shall make it across those paths.
Do not let that trouble your heart, for I will take care of that also, saith your Father God and no body, no body that comes here, no body that supports you shall be blamed, for they shall know that truly there is no way you could have done this.
4-8-18 am service
For my love is extended to you, not just in a shadow, but in all of my fullness, for I love you with an everlasting love and as you bathe in that love of mine I can protect you and keep you safe. For many things are about to happen and next week you shall see and understand and hopefully your walking by my side that you can walk in that shadow that you can be protected by that shadow, that you know in your heart above and beyond any doubt that I am who I say that I am, that I am your protector, that I am your leader, that I am your guide. For I love you and I desire to bless you, but judgment, judgment must fall upon the earth and it shall come, you cannot pray it away, you cannot pray the evil away, you cannot pray the things that are coming away. But you can walk in your perfect peace, you can walk in perfect protection, you can walk in the comfort of knowing that I’ll do all that I have promised you that I would do, if you trust me with all of your heart, if you have no doubt, if you resist fear and run it off, for fear is not of me, fear is the enemy. For my word stands as it is published, it has not changed; it does not waiver this way and that way like humans do. It is steadfast, it is sure, you can stand upon it, know the promises are true and when you stand that way the promises come to pass, you walk in the fullness of the promises, along with those promises I have told you the destruction that must come in the last days. All the prophets are saying something is going to happen, they are saying this month, I have told you way before this month that this would be the month things will take place. Therefore, I say to you, listen to me, don’t listen to others, do the things that my word says, stand on my word, stand on my promises, for my word and my promises shall come to pass, they shall not be delayed, they shall not be late, for I am never late, people are late, but I am not late, I am always on time and my word is on time. So put all of your trust in me, put all of your faith in me and I shall take you through this time victoriously.
For as you read my word over and over and over you begin to see the victories, it shall have made you the overcomers, the overcomers are the victors and, therefore, you should be always be overcoming, you are never defeated, you’re never down. Even though you see my people in the Bible were down at times, but if you look carefully that is Old Testament, you are not of the Old Testament you are of the new. Therefore, walk according to the New Testament and you will walk in the victories that I have for you.
For it is I, your Father God, who can deliver and set you free, it is I, your Father God, that shall carry you through these days ahead victoriously. But see I have given you the keys and the things that you need to do that you can walk as the overcomer, that you can walk as the victor. For truly that is who I have created you to be and yet by your own choices sometimes you walk like you are defeated, you are down and out and yet there is no reason that has to be. But look to me for where you help comes from, for man cannot help you the way that I can help you, man cannot carry you through the days ahead, but I can. For truly if you are walking with me the things that are going on in the world will not affect you, for that is my promise that I have given unto you. But see most are still so caught up and concerned with what is going on in the world that they are not really paying attention to the things that are going on in the spirit realm, they are not following me the way that I desire them to. But it is time my children, it is time to lay those things aside, it is time to set your focus upon me and the things that I am doing. For if you do not walk with me, if you do not walk closely by my side you are not under my shadow of protection, the enemy, the enemy can catch you and that is not my desire. For his desire is always to kill, steal or destroy, but my desire is to give life and that more abundantly and I desire for my children to live and walk in that abundant life that I have for them. So lay aside those things, lay aside those things and come unto me allow me to fill you to overflowing, allow me to do the work in you that needs to be done, allow me to carry you through these days that are ahead. For truly I desire for you to be the victors in these days ahead and I will perform my word as I have spoken it unto you. So walk with me, walk with me and you shall have the victory, saith the Lord.
Oh, the false prophets, they open their mouths and they utter their own words thinking they are spiritual, thinking that they are giving you wisdom, thinking that they are giving you knowledge and yet they are helping to destroy you because they belong to the devil and they speak his words to you. And the sad thing is that many times you listen to their words instead of my words. For my word was so true that I had it recorded and written in a book for you, you can look and see it line upon line you can read it and you can understand it, for I did not make it a mystery as some have told you. Matter of fact, I said anybody that reads the book of Revelation will be blessed, they would be blessed not cursed and the others are trying to tell you that you get cursed and you believe them. And, therefore, you read it not and you don’t understand it and then when the false prophets bring forth their words you listen to the false prophets. Be not like that, realize they are false, my word has told you from the very beginning there would be false prophets, there would be false antichrists, there would be those false soothsayers that come forth with their own words that sound sweet and yet they are not my words. For my word is truth and my word shall do what it says it will do, not only will it do what it said it will do, it will bring in the victories that I said it would bring to you and you will begin to notice that very quickly now that you have entered into the time that we have entered into. For if you watch the news this week many things took place just as I have told you they would and you will see even more so as we approach next Sunday, more so. So make sure you are ready, prepare yourself, get yourself ready, for as this time comes upon you and you are not ready and your heart is not established it is going to be a terrible time, a terrible time, a terrible time. Set your house in order, set your heart in order, set your mind in order, renew that mind that you can walk according to my words.
For I tell you my children there is great peace, prefect peace for those whose minds are stayed on me, says the Lord. So when you trust in me with all your heart and lean not unto your own understanding you have peace knowing that I, your Father God, shall meet your every need and take you through in great victory, says the Lord. But when you try to do things in your own strength and in your own power, in your own wisdom and knowledge and understanding, great shall be the fall, for you are not trusting in me, says the Lord, you are trusting in yourself and men. Trust in me, for I am the only way, I am the only way, says the Lord.
The compassion of Jesus, that Jesus went to all the cities and the villages teaching in the synagogue, preaching the gospel of the kingdom and healing every sickness and every disease among the people. When he saw the multitudes he was moved with compassion for them because many were weary, they were scattered like sheep having no Shepard. Then he said to his disciples the harvest truly is plentiful, but the labors are few, therefore, we pray for the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into the harvest. The Lord wants to know will you be his laborers today, will you pray for the sick, will you pray for the needy because that harvest is ready and the multitudes are coming? Are you ready to be laborers for Jesus today, are you ready to labor for the Lord God today? The Lord God says today he has opened the floodgates; he wants to fill each and every one of you with his anointing today. He said come forward and allow him to move upon you today, he loves each and every one of you and he wants to move upon you today.
4-8-18 pm service
For truly I, your Father God, desire to continue to move upon your behalf in a mighty and powerful way, I desire to bless you, I desire to fill you to overflowing so that each and every day, each and every week your bubbling over with my joy, with my praise, with my love, with all that is in me, saith the Lord. For truly it is that time and it is that hour that I have spoken to you about, the end hour, the very last hour when I have said I would pour out My Spirit without measure so that you can go forth to do the things that I have spoken unto you to do. Even though the disasters shall come, even though things shall continue to grow worse in the world, I will move in a mighty and powerful way on behalf of my church and the revival, the revival shall spread like wildfire like I have told you that you would see. And it shall grow all over the world as people come and receive the things from me like I have told them to do. For very soon now you shall see them as they start to come and you shall see as the revival, the revival, the revival has spread like wildfire and nothing can stop it, nothing can put it out. For it is the true fire, it is not the false, for the false flames up and quickly goes out, but the true fire is an everlasting fire and it shall burn and it shall burn and it shall burn, and oh, the joy that my people shall have, for they shall be overflowing with joy each and every day. For truly they shall know that I will carry out my word that I have spoken unto them, that I will do everything that I have promised that I would do. For it is that time and it is that hour, saith the Lord.
With revival comes great seeking, those who are seeking me with their whole entire heart. It is time to stop making excuses, says the Lord, it is time to make time for me, but how do you expect to grow if you do not spend time in my word? How are you going to be ready for those that are coming with great need and need to be ministered unto if you yourself are not preparing? Oh, I say unto you my children, it is the hour to stop making excuses, but it is the hour to get into my word, to spend that time in prayer with me every day, as I have said how important it is not to just only pray in your spirit, but it is also wanting to speak those things into being that be not and they shall be. So, I say unto you, build yourself up in My Spirit like I have told you to, do not put it off any longer, but I say unto you, stop making excuses and do what I have called you to do. For I have called you my chosen one, I have called you my choice, chosen people and it is really time for you to rise up like never before and to fulfill the positions that I have given unto you. So, I say unto you, stop making excuses to me, but I say unto you, rather rise up, rise up, allow my fire to get within you, in your soul, let my fire be your pushing force that you desire to do all I have called you to do and you see that end in sight and you want to receive that prize. Oh, I say unto you, let my fire be that pushing force, let my fire be the pushing force and start running, run, run, run with me like you have never ran before. For, I say unto you, you will not be disappointed, you will not be disappointed, for the reward is great, the reward is great.
For the time that I have for you my children is a time likened unto a flower as it quickly sprouts up and blossoms, says the Lord and yet the next instant it appears to be over. But that is the way this move shall be, says the Lord, it is going to be a glorious fast hour, says the Lord, but many great beautiful things shall be done in this hour and it will be over, it will be over and then you will be with my Son Jesus, says the Lord. And you will rule and reign with him and you will never have to come back here and live the life that was before, says the Lord.
4-4-18 pm service
For truly it is a great and glorious hour for my church, for truly I desire to do many great things for you my people in these end days. For truly I have promised that I would pour out My Spirit without measure along with many other things blessings and it is that time and it is that hour. So do not allow the enemy to steal your joy by the things that are taking place in the world that are happening all around about you. For I have warned you that these things would come so that you would not fear them, but you would be aware of the time and the hour that you are living in. And you are beginning to see how things are continuing to get worse and worse for the world and how it is continuing to get darker and darker and yet I am moving in a mighty and powerful way upon your behalf, even in ways that you do not know or understand yet, but you shall very soon. For I have called this time and this hour for now, saith the Lord and I shall fulfill my word unto you that I have spoken unto you concerning this time and this hour and all of the things that I said will take place, will take place. Yes, I know many have waited over twenty years to see the fulfillment of some of those things, but you shall see it because it is now that time and it is now that hour, even as you shall see the fulfillment of the disaster that shall come, even as you shall see the fulfillment of the fall of Babylon in a twenty four hour period, even though you shall see the fulfillment of the earthquake both along the coastline and also across the middle. You shall see those things, but know that I, your Father God, am carrying you through these days victoriously, you will be the overcomer as long as you are doing the things that I have told you to do, as long as you are keeping your eyes upon me and not upon the world. For the world cannot help you through these days ahead only I, your Father God, can help you through the days ahead. So you need to stay focused on me and do not fear the things that shall come, for they shall not affect you if you are walking with me the way that you should be, for that is not my desire. For they are not for you my people, but they are for the world to shake them, to wake them up before I come for my church, to take them home with me. So do not fear the things that are ahead, but rejoice, for I shall move mightily upon your behalf even though at times it will seem like great disaster all around and yet I will be moving upon your behalf in a mighty way that you won’t even notice it at times even though it will still be there. So do not fear, do not fear, but rejoice, for truly I have great things in store for you.
Reap, reap, reap, for you have sowed and you have waited, you have sowed and you have waited and it is harvest time now, for the joy, for the joy of harvest is here.
4-1-18 am service
For truly it is that hour and it is that time when the whole world, the whole world shall see my power, they shall see my glory, they shall see me as I move through you, as I bring forth that last revival, that great revival that you have all been waiting for, that you have been looking for as you move into that spot. Oh, the glory, the glory, the glory cloud that shall descend upon you, the strength, the power, the anointing, the anointing, the anointing, it shall be far greater than anything the world has ever seen, for it is that hour and it is that time, saith your Father God. Yea, the world shall be in darkness, the world shall have trouble after trouble after trouble after trouble, but not so with my church, saith your Father God, for it shall be a glorious hour. It shall be that hour I have explained to you, it shall be that hour that I have talked to you about, it shall be that hour that you have read in my book, it shall be that hour, saith your Father. Rejoice, rejoice, rejoice, for today started that hour.
For truly the lame shall walk, the blind shall see, the deaf shall hear, all over the world, all over the world my miracle power shall be working and you shall see that and they shall know that truly my Son is alive, he is not dead, he did raise from the grave and he is seated at my right hand ready to come for my church, it is that hour, it is that time. Prepare yourselves; make yourselves ready, for it is that time.
For truly I have so many wonderful great things in store for you, so much so that if I told you them all, you would not be able to believe or phantom them. But I have told you that now is that time and now is that hour and you shall begin to see it as I pour it out upon you my people because I love you my children, because I love you with that everlasting love. I desire for you to be the overcomer, I desire for you to be the head and not the tail above and not beneath, I desire for you to be all that I have said you shall be. And, therefore, I desire to pour My Spirit out upon you without measure that healing, signs and wonders will take place right before your eyes, saith the Lord, that my word can get accomplished. For there is work yet to be done, yes, there is work yet to be done and I need you my servants to be able to do that work and, therefore, I am going to move upon your behalf so you can do the things that I have called you to do. For it is that time and it is that hour, rejoice, saith the Lord rejoice.
For truly it is that hour, for I spoke to you weeks ago concerning this date, this month April and it is April, saith your Father God, not only is it April, it is Easter, Easter and not only that the Passover and not only that it is the fulfillment of my word that I said, that generation shall not pass before they see my Son come. It is that hour and it is that time, it is that time, many do not believe it, many look away, but the prophets have been speaking, they have been telling all about this date, this April begins it, has already begun, it has begun. The miracles, the signs, the wonders, the trucks coming, the fire on the roof, it is all coming, this is why I brought you here, this is the hour, saith your Father God. Oh, what a great hour, what a great hour, for you shall see it, you shall hear it on television, you shall watch it on the news, for it shall come to pass so loud that man cannot deny it, they will have to admit that truly there is a God in heaven and that he is at work and that his Son is coming very soon. Prepare yourselves and make ready, for it is that hour, saith your Father.
The Lord God says what did I tell you last week, I told you that this is miracle Sunday, the Lord God says. The Lord God say that the miracles are not going to stop today, they are going to keep coming. The Lord God says if you need a miracle today, if you need a healing, if you need to be delivered, he said come this morning because he is ready to move. He says it is time for the world to see the crutches, the wheelchairs, he says it is time for his word to be fulfilled, he says it is time for each and every one of you to be touched today, it is time for that headache to be gone, it is time for those chest pains to be gone today, it is time today for those ankles to be healed, it is time for those eyes to be one hundred percent today. The Lord God says not twenty percent, one hundred percent, it is time for those ears to be one hundred percent today, it is time for that vertebra today to be lined up. It is time for you to come and see what God has for you this morning because he is ready to move, so come.
4-1-18 pm service
etc sweeter and sweeter and sweeter and the anointing stronger and stronger and stronger and the exploits are overwhelming and the eyes look and watch and wonder, they come into the harvest because they are so hungry, so hungry and my people who are called by my name go forth as a mighty army sweeping across the land bringing in the harvest, bringing in the harvest, bringing in the harvest and the miracles, the signs, the wonders. Oh the joy of it all, the joy of it all, the joy the sweetness, the fragrance of the Holy Spirit stronger than you have ever smelled it, stronger than you have ever felt it and it tingles as it rushes through your body and touches those round about you bringing forth the things that they have need of. And now for the world, the world is in fear, tormented as it brings disaster day after day after day, oh the tragedies, the tragedies, but that brings them to me, for they are searching for answers and I am giving them those answers. So fear not to open your mouth and speak my word, don’t speak your word, but speak my word, for I shall give you the things you shall say to them, and as you say the things that I give unto you, you shall see my hand move like you have never seen it move before and you shall sense and know my power such as the world hasn’t seen. Rejoice, for the beginning has started.
Bring oil with you, bring oil with you, bring oil with you, pour it on the fire and let the fire burn, saith your Father God, oh let it burn, let it burn, let it burn. For it shall grow hotter and hotter and hotter and etc. can destroy etc, etc., for it causes them to come for they are hungry, they’re cold, they are thirsty, they are looking, they are looking at things, even fire burning way off, they travel for miles to seek the things that I have. Oh, what a glorious hour, what a glorious time, for it is that time, saith your Father God, watch and you will see.
For do you not see in my word how each and every thing has a divine time for appointment when it shall take place, when it shall come to pass and do you not understand the fullness of things that you have yet entered into this day, that the last final outpouring, the last stage of the race, the end run is here. You have entered into that time, you have entered into that hour and it shall be a quick hour and I shall move in mighty and powerful ways to accomplish all the things I have said that I would do, but I shall do them. So fear not the things that shall take place in the world, do not fear the disasters here and there and all around, for they shall not affect you if you are walking with me the way I have said you need to be. If you have your eyes on me you shall not be bothered by the things that are going on round about you. For truly it is that time and it is that hour for my church to be glorified, for my outpouring to be poured out, for the miracles, the signs and the wonders to be seen all throughout the world. Not just here and there but all throughout the world that every eye will see the things that I, your Father God, am doing and then they have to make a choice whether they want to enter in to my safety or they want to continue to go their own way, for every one must make that choice, saith the Lord. For it is that time and it is that hour and I have great things in store for you my people. Do not fear the things that are ahead, for you know that they must come now, you know you are going to see them now, but do not fear, for I have greater things in store for you my people.
For I say unto you, if you are doing the things that I have called you to do, says the Lord, you will not have time to look around you and see the things that the devil is doing because you are going to be too focused on the things that you are doing for me, says the Lord. For your mind and your activities will be focused entirely on me, says the Lord and you will be walking in that victory, you will be walking on the word, you won’t be established on the devils foundation, but upon my foundation and, therefore, you shall walk through this time victoriously and you will not even realize how bad it is out there because you are with me, says the Lord.
The hour shall be so high and the thanksgiving and the praises that come from those that you have ministered unto, those that receive miracles, those that have received healings, they shall say thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you and your hearts shall be filled to overflowing. For you have never felt nor seen the love that they shall share to you like this, but they realize that you have rescued them. They were dieing, they were drowning and you were there and you have brought them out of that miry pit and thank you, thank you, thank you they shall say and over and over you will hear it and your hearts will almost burst for this is the joy that I shall give unto you also at this time. You shall receive this honor, you shall receive this praise, you shall receive the things that I have for you, for you shall be doing my end time work, you shall be doing the work I have called you to do. And over and over they will say thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you and your hearts shall be filled with that praise. It will be a glorious hour, a glorious hour, a glorious hour.
3-28-18 pm service
For do you not see the things that are taking place around about you, do you not see the things all over the world that are taking place, and yet I have told that they would come, I told you that you would see these things. For I said through April things would not be good and I also gave you some very important dates in April that you need to watch and you have seen these things continue each and every week, the killings, the shootings and yet again it continues. For you are living in the end times and these things must take place because of the time and the hour you are living in. For you have seen how the demons are at work like you have never seen before, and yet I have given you the power and authority over them, so you do not need to fear them or be concerned about them in that sense, but yet I have warned you about these things so that you would not be caught off guard. For I have said I would not do anything unless I revealed it unto my prophets first and I have stayed true to that word that I have given unto you. I said I would take you through these days victoriously, all you need to do is put your trust and confidence in me, and for those who have done that they have not been affected by the things that are going on. But there are many, there are many that are grieved because of the things that are taking place and yet it is not My Spirit that grieves them, but it is that of the enemy and for many he has gotten a hold on them and they need to be delivered from that if they want to be victorious in these days and these hours. Be careful that you are not entangled in the traps of the enemy, for he lies in wait seeking to steal, kill and destroy and yet his tactics are not new, they are the same tactics he has always used. And yet my people are still not aware of these things, that should not be so my children, for I have shown it to you in my word, I have spoken it through my prophets, I have warned you time and time again that these things would take place, that you would see these things and they have come to pass even as my word was spoken that they would. But you see my children you do not need to fear those things, you need to be aware of them, but if you are walking with me and doing the things that I have called for you to do there is nothing that you need to fear. For if I be for you who can be against you, for not even the devil himself can come against you and win a victory, for I have taken the keys away from him and he has no power and authority because I stripped him of it so that you my children could be victorious in these days and hours. Do not allow the enemy to have victory in any area of your life, but rise up and put him under your feet, speak forth my word, for do you not realize it is the word that you speak that either brings you victory or brings you defeat. For I have said that you need to set a guard upon your mouth and you do not allow those negative things to come forth, for at times you slip up and don’t even realize it, but if you ask me I would show you, for some have and have been delivered from the trouble they were going through because they repented and cast down and annulled those things that they spoke. For you need to get a hold of that, if you haven’t my children, that there is power in the words that you speak whether they are life or whether they are death there is power in them. So be very careful, I have warned you about this again, speak forth only those things that would bring life, that would bring edification, speak forth only those that I give unto you. For it is not your words that shall change the cold hearts, but it is my words, and if you will allow me to use you, you will see how I work through you. But you must have your mind renewed, you must be walking according to my word the way I have spoken unto you, but yet even most do not even know what my word really says because they do not dust the cover off enough and yet my word says it is fresh and new each and every day, each and every day I have something new for you. But you need to set aside that time with me so that you can be all that I have called for you to be, that you can be the victor and the overcomer that I have called for you to be in these days and these hours. For the things that you are seeing now are only a touch of what shall come, for even April shall be much worse than what you are seeing now and what you have seen up until now, remember the dates that I have given you. But do not fear the things that shall come, for you know they have to take place, you know it is that time and it is that hour for I have spoken it unto you, I have recorded it in my word. But be in the place where I can use you when those come that need help, be ready, for they are coming, for you shall see all of those things I have said come to pass, for I will fulfill my word unto the church, I will fulfill my word that I have spoken. But do not fear, for I, your Father God, have given unto you my promise that I would carry you through the days ahead victoriously and all you need to do is walk according to my word and do the things that I called for you to do.
Be reminded of my promises this day, for my word does not go out and return void but it, but it goes out and does what it was sent forth to do. Be reminded of my promises this day, be reminded of my promises.
3-25-18 am service
Harken carefully to my words and listen, because of the shortness of the time left, the devil is speeding up his operations. Put a guard at your mouth, put a guard at your mouth, for the things that come out that do not line itself up with my word shall come upon you very quickly now, unless you set a guard at your mouth. Renew your mind because if you haven’t renewed your mind words are going to come out of your mouth that do not line up with my word and quickly they shall come to pass. But if you take heed, if you listen, if you listen, if you harken to what I am saying this will not take place, if it does take place, it is you. For I have forewarned you and told you the things that are coming, now you have seen everything that I have told you to watch in the news, and if you can’t watch the news without getting upset, don’t watch the news, don’t watch the news. Listen, listen to the things that I say, listen to the things that are shared and preached unto you, listen, listen, this is vital, do you understand the word vital, this is vital, set a guard at your mouth.
For Turkey has established her army, Turkey has held a talk with Russia, they are preparing for their march, but you my children stand in their way. Press into my word and understand these things, understand these things, for they have been shared with you and the same problem there, was you didn’t believe them, there is too much unbelief in your life, get rid of it and walk, walk in faith.
For, I say unto you, do you know who you are, says the Lord? Do you know the words that come out of your mouth create the power, says the Lord, in your life? Do you realize that the power in your hand has the power to deliver or the power to set captives free, says the Lord? Do you understand that the words out of your mouth and the power of your hands can set you free, says the Lord? Do you understand that the power that I have placed within you can break the bondages throughout all of those through the world, says the Lord? Release your mouth unto me and your hands unto me and see how the world can change for me, says the Lord.
Do you not know what my word says, that those I have set free are free indeed? I also warn you not to be entangled again by the yoke of bondage and yet many fall into that trap of the enemy. For do you not know that he has only come to kill, steal and destroy and he does all he can do to do those things to my people? And yet my people give him the power and the authority that I have stripped away from him because of the things that they have allowed to proceed forth out of their mouth. Understand the importance of the day and the hour you are living in, understand the importance of setting a guard upon your mouth and not allowing those things to come forth that would cause you or others harm. The blessings and curses cannot proceed forth from the same mouth, saith the Lord and yet they do, but it is the curses that you have seen come to pass, the curses you are getting caught up in and you are allowing the enemy to tangle you in. So allow me to set you free and do not follow again into those traps, saith the Lord, but only speak forth those things that are good, that are edifying to my body and do not allow those curses to proceed forth. You do not want to reap that harvest, saith the Lord, you want to reap the things that I have for you, you want to reap the good harvest. So do not be tangled in that trap of the enemy, but be set free and walk in the freedom that I have for you, saith the Lord.
For when my Son Jesus was here he went to that cross for each and every one of you, he went to that cross so you could be free and free indeed, the Lord God says. So he says when you come to him and you allow him to set you free do not allow the devil to put more stuff upon you, because it is you the Lord God says, that Jesus went to that cross to set you free and Jesus went to that cross for you to be healed and delivered. You shouldn’t have any cancer, you shouldn’t have any disease, you shouldn’t have any pestilence, the Lord God says Jesus went to that cross and shed his blood so you shall be healed in the name of Jesus. He said that Jesus went to that cross because he loves each and every one of you, he went to that cross so you could go to heaven. Do you believe in my Son today, do you believe in his word, do you believe in him? Come this morning and allow his shed blood to set upon you to be healed, delivered and to be set free this morning, the Lord God says. Allow his anointing to fall upon you today, the Lord God says as we come to Easter Sunday and as you celebrate the resurrection of my Son and my Son died on the cross, he said to invite people, invite people, because I am going to call it miracle Sunday. Do you hear that, miracle Sunday, because there are going to be miracles, signs and wonders, so invite, invite, invite.
If you have been watching the news you have clearly seen the trouble, the trouble, the trouble that is in the world, that trouble is coming, that trouble is coming. I have warned you about April, are you ready to go, I have warned you about April. I have warned you about the anniversary that closes out the generation that would see the second coming of my Son Jesus that takes place this year, that takes place this year, are you aware where we are at? For great trouble shall come upon the earth such as man has never seen before and it shall be far greater after I remove my church, for then the wrath will be poured out. Don’t listen to the false teachers, don’t get confused, my word in Revelation is extremely clear, yet man has taught you that you can’t understand it and yet I have said blessed are those that read this and understand this. Would I lie to you? Watch, for you shall see great disaster lining up and it shall come, but remember, remember you are safe here, you are safe here. And the multitudes shall come and you will have almost a whole year of revival before it is time to depart. The antichrist is working overtime right now and they are trying to get ready to sign a new peace treaty, beware, beware, beware, beware, beware, beware.
Israel, Israel, I speak to you only because I have a covenant with you. I told you I would not speak to you and warn you again, but because of my covenant I come one more time, for your days are numbered, they are ready to allow you to put a structure on Calvary’s hill, but that is not my temple. For if you read your own words that you stick to, I make a demand, where, where, where is my temple, that is because it is not there and it shall not be there as man prophesied, it shall not be, for it is not my word. But they will establish a new covenant with you, not me, but with you and they will allow you certain freedoms and the peacemaker, who is working so hard right now, that every eye should be able to see him. Every one of my children should know who he is above and beyond any doubt, but their heads are buried so deep in the sand they don’t even recognize him. You are going to have to flee, you are going to have to flee and go to your hiding place and that will be coming very, very soon and then you shall see the desolation of the temple. You shall see the two prophets, you shall see the church go and you will still be here because you have never accepted your Messiah.
Beware of the torpedo that can be directed from over two thousand miles away and yet hit its target. Beware of the missiles that shall come, beware of the destruction of Babylon in the twenty-four hour period. Watch out for the earthquakes, they’re coming, they’re coming, they’re coming, the next time that it shakes at all in Alaska will be your sign that it has come and it shall go clear to Mexico and you shall see as the Great Lakes empty out and the water flows down into New Orleans, and all, all the restrainers break. For they thought they got away with what they got away with, but I warned them, beware, beware, beware.
3-25-18 pm service
So let your hearts be open that once again I can give unto you the things that I desire to give to you. For as you press in like this I can continue to give you more because you’re hungry, you are doing what my word says and because you are doing what my word says I honor my word and fulfill it to you. For my word declares many things that people never receive because they do not always obey my word and do the things that I, their Father God, ask them to do. But they feel that they can be exempt and do what they want, but that is disobedience, when they operate in disobedience I cannot move on their behalf no matter how bad they want me to, I can’t do it. For my word declares that also, but you have proven that you are hungry, you have proven that you desire more and you have come and even as I met with you last week, I shall meet with you even in a greater way this week. For you need many things because of what is going to take place and what is going to be coming, you need to be in a place that I can lift you up so high that the enemy can’t reach you, that he can’t touch you, that you are more than overcomers, you are my sons and my daughters, you are my heirs and you trusted in the fullness of my word and my word says I love you, I love you, I love you.
For faithfulness is one of the greatest things that you can have, faithfulness is required, faithfulness is rewarded and you are being faithful and because you are being faithful I can reward you, my word clearly explains that to you. So as you are being faithful I, your Father God, becomes faithful and I reward you openly that others can see, that others can desire to press in to, receive the things that I have for them also. For I love them just as I love you, but your faithfulness is showing this night.
For, I say unto you, do not be moved by the things that are taking place in the world, that are taking place all around you each and every week, for I have warned you that things would come, I have warned you that it is that time and it is that hour. I have even warned you about April and yet you know not what is to take place on those days, but I, your Father God, knows and I know the things that you have need of. I know when you are lacking in strength, I know when you are lacking in joy, I know when you are at that point where it seems like you cannot go another day. And yet when I offer the things unto you that have need of would you not run to the altar to receive them? For I shall carry you through the days ahead my children that is a promise that I have given unto you and I know everything that you have need of, I know the lacks and the wants and I desire to fill those for those who are open and want to receive all that I have for them. And they shall get filled to overflowing, but I desire that all would have that hunger, would have that thirst, would have that desire to receive everything that I have for them. So come continually each and every service open and ready for me to move again, for do you not see, do you not realize, do you not understand that I desire to pour My Spirit out upon you, not just once in a while, but each and every time you come into my house, the Father’s house. I desire to meet with each and every one of you personally, to give you the things that you have need of to refill your strength, to refill your joy that you may make it through each and every day as the victor, as the overcomer, as the one that I have created you to be for these days and these hours, the one that is lacking nothing, the one that is never defeated. Don’t you see my children it is my desire to do those things for you, but is it your desire to receive all that I have for you, for it should be, it should be. For I desire that you open yourselves to me and allow me to fill you again even this night, and as you come each and every time into my house, I desire that you open yourself that I can full you at each and every service, not just on Sundays, but also on Wednesdays. For truly I love you with an everlasting love and I desire for you to receive all of the things that I have for you. For, I say unto you, open up yourselves to me this night and allow me to do a work that I haven’t done before, allow me to fill you to a new level that has never been filled before, allow me to move upon you like never before, saith the Lord.
Will you allow me to deal with all the things in your life that really need to be dealt with, for many of those things hold you back and I cannot bless you. Does not my word say that if you have sin in your heart I cannot answer your prayer, that means all of your prayers, not just one. There are things there that as I remove them and you fill them with spiritual things then you shall rise up to a higher level than ever before and I can use you in a far greater way. Every week I give you opportunities to deal with things, are you so spiritual that you have no problems whatsoever, you know that is not true, for at times everyone needs to come unto me. Be not one that thinks that they have no problems, but look at yourself in the mirror, don’t forget what kind of a person you are, allow My Spirit to move, allow My Spirit to move, cut off relationships that are hindering you, cut them off, cut them off, cut them off. But take the hand of the Holy Spirit, let it be your teacher, let it be your guide, let him lead you into all truth; let him do the work that I sent him to do.
Etc etc set you free, let him set you free, for Satan has you bound, but I desire to set you free, I am calling out to you, I am crying out, hear my voice this night and allow me to set you free, set you free, set you free.
3-21-18 pm service
For truly it is an hour of great excitement, an hour that my church has never seen nor has my church ever lived in an hour such as the hour that is now at hand. But it is my hour, saith your Father God, when I shall bring to pass all the promises that I have made to my children, I shall fulfill every one and they shall walk in the victories that I have given to them. They shall be the overcomers, they shall lead a multitude into the kingdom of God, they shall bring in the rapture of the church and they shall sing at the banquet table in heaven. For the hour is short, but the work glorious, glorious, glorious, the work, oh the work, the work, the work that shall be done. For man cannot stop it, lukewarm Christians cannot stop it, backslidden Christians can’t stop it, for it is my hour, saith your Father God and it shall come and it shall be powerful, it shall be powerful. And the demons shall flee, they shall flee, but my church, my church shall rise to conquer and to bring in the spoils and the kingdom of heaven shall be richer because of the work that they shall do.
For no longer, no longer lag behind, no longer live in the past, no longer live in the Old Testament, for it is your time to rise, it is your time to rise and walk in the victories of the new covenant, to walk as a new covenant child, to be the victors, the overcomers, to be all, all that I have said that you should be. Don’t look back at what the enemy has lied to you and said you will never be, for that was not me, I’ve said I shall, I shall, I shall and I shall.
Yes, truly it is a great hour and a great time, for I desire to move upon your behalf in a mighty and powerful way, if you align yourself with me and the things that I have told you to do, I can move upon your behalf. But some are not aligned with me, yet they are still holding on to some old things that they need to let go of, that they need to be set free of so they can do the fullness of all that I have called them to do. For you see as things are taking place each and every day in the world and how things continue to get worse and worse. Do you not realize the lateness of the hour you are living in; do you not realize that now is the time, the hour to do the things that I have called for you to do? And yet you cannot do them if you are not walking according to my word, if you are not walking according to the things that I have told you to do. For you shall see these things continually, even as I have already warned you about April, and no, it will not be what man says it will be, for once again man has it wrong. For they do not ask me, they did not hear from me, yet they go about with their own thoughts and ideas that are not of me. Do not be caught up in those lies of the enemy, for I have told you if it doesn’t line up with my word, if it does not line up with what I have showed you already, then it wasn’t going to take place. For I have always told you I shall do nothing unless I reveal it unto my prophets first and my prophet resides here and I have not revealed those things unto him yet, but they shall come, they shall come. But first there is a work that must be completed, there is a harvest that must be brought in, there is a revival that must burn hotter than ever before with fire seen upon all and upon the roof. You shall see those things, my work will be fulfilled as I have spoken it unto you, but you must get yourself into that place where I can use you for the things that I have called you to do for these days and these hours. For it is important that you do not lag behind, but that you are caught up so you can be caught up with me when that time comes, saith the Lord. For truly I desire you be everything that I have called for you to be, I desire to do all the things for you that I have promised you on a personal level. For I will fulfill my word that I have spoken, so don’t worry about that, but you can stop your blessings from coming in if you do not do the things that I have told you to do and I do not desire for that to be, saith the Lord. So align yourself with my word, align yourself with what I have told you to do and you shall see all the things that I have in store for you in these days and these hours, saith the Lord.
Don’t allow the devil to cause you to back off, don’t allow the devil to put lies into your mind, don’t go fishing in my lake of no fishing. Renew your mind, let my word reign in your life, let my word overpower you, become the highest, the highest that you have ever been.
3-18-18 am service
For let my wisdom flow that you can understand and receive the things that you need. Do not battle against me, for I am not your enemy, but I have told you very clearly who your enemy is and that he comes to kill steal and destroy, but my Son Jesus came to give you life and that more abundantly. He came to destroy the works of the devil, for the devil is the enemy. Let your ears be open to my voice and don’t listen to other voices, for other voices will lead you astray, will fool you and will help prepare the way that you are destroyed. Listen to my voice, know my voice, very few today seem to know my voice, they do not recognize my voice because they haven’t spent enough time with me, but know my voice, know my voice. This is a very serious time you are now living in, a very serious time; the devil is working ten times harder, ten times harder. Now he is not the victor, he is not the overcomer, he does not have power, he does not have ability, only that which you personally give to him. I have stripped him of all of that, my word declares that, he was stripped and his very keys of his house were taken from him. He doesn’t have the authority that people give to him, you have the power, you have the authority, you have the ability and when you come clothed with your armor he flees, he flees, he doesn’t stick around. So be careful, draw closer to me, spend more time in prayer, spend more time reading my word, meditate on my word, let it fill your heart, not your mind, for your mind needs to be renewed and the only way you can renew your mind is by getting it into your heart that you take authority, that you take control, that you rule and reign, that you have confidence in yourself. For if you have no confidence in yourself, how can you have confidence in me, for I live in you, I reign in you, so does my Son Jesus and hopefully so does the Holy Spirit. For you have the whole trinity in there, who can defeat it, my word asks you that question, who can stand against you, none, none. But the warfare shall continue to pick up now and it will pick up and it will pick up and you can hear more crazy things like those young boys getting stabbed to death by another young boy, by people getting stabbed to death in a school, many of them. Wasn’t there anyone there that could take a knife away from another youth? Oh, foolish Christians, you don’t know who you are, know who you are, know who you are, for when you know who you are then you can take authority over the situation and the situation is no more.
For my word is richer, sharper than any two-edged sword, it can divide right to the bone, right to the marrow, it can separate and when it is in your mouth, when you speak forth my word you can divide darkness from light and you can cause only the light to shine and no darkness. You can walk in victory and not defeat, you can be the overcomer not the under-comer, you can be the head and not the tail. Therefore, walk in my word, know my word, let it fill your mouth, let your heart speak my word out of your mouth and it will never, never, never return void.
For if you read the Old Testament or the New Testament you will find there are always true prophets and there were always false prophets. There were always those that spoke my word and always those that came with the lying thoughts that they gave unto you because they wanted you to think on them. Because as a man thinks in his heart, I have told you, so shall he be. Be wise, take heed to my word and hear what my word says and walk according to my word, so when you walk according to my word then you become the overcomer, you become the victor. There won’t be an area in your life that you won’t walk in victory once you get my word in your heart, and not in your mind, for that is sense knowledge faith and that produces nothing but disaster. Get it in your heart, that is your spirit man, it is not that thing that beats and gives you life, no, no, no. The life I give you is far greater than the life that your heart gives you, for I give you eternal life and your heart cannot give you eternal life. Know my word, know it from Genesis one, one to the end of Revelation, know it, for the Holy Spirit is your teacher and your guide he will teach you everything, he will guide you he, will quicken to your remembrance the things that you have studied and read. He will give you the verses that will bring you victory, it doesn’t matter what you think you lack, I am the provider of all things. There is nothing, remember, absolutely nothing that I can’t do, I created your body from the start so I can fix your body can’t I, it is far harder to create it than fix it. I set all the stars and the moon and the sun in place and they won’t fall out of the sky until the day that it is appointed for them to fall. And when they fall you will be in Heaven, you will be at a banqueting table, those still on earth will be under judgment, they will be under my wrath and my wrath hasn’t come yet. For I am a loving father and I love you with an everlasting love and I desire that you become spiritual giants, I desire that you become overcomers, I desire that you are there as my nurses and my doctors that as I bring the multitudes in you can minister to them, that you can minister them. I can’t use you when you are in a tizzy, I can’t use you when the devil has got you upside down, I can’t use you when you are filled with doubt and fear, I can’t use you, my word clearly tells you that. Therefore, I have given you a way out of all that, that you never have to be in none of that, that you can always be the victory, that you can always be the overcomer, that you can always be everything that I have told you that you could be. And many battles that you fight you fight with the physical, no, no, no, they are spiritual, they are spiritual, they are spiritual, they can only be won in the spirit realm. Therefore, as you fight remember, fight in the spirit realm, when you love, love in the spirit realm, when your faith is operating operate in the spirit realm. For you are a higher class being than those that do not know me, for you have had a second creation, you are a new creation. I didn’t take old parts to use; I made a new creation out of you. You have my ability, my strength, my power, my wisdom, my knowledge, my attributes, you don’t lack one single spiritual gift, learn how to operate in them, don’t be a Hosea four six person, don’t lack knowledge walk, walk, walk in My Spirit.
For I ask you this one question, says the Lord, what type of well are you, a well of life or a well of death, says the Lord? For my word dwells in you, in your heart and your heart is the well, says the Lord. Has my word come forth from your mouth or does cursing and death and poverty come from your mouth, says the Lord? For I have only given you my word, my word to speak forth to those around you, to you, to the church, you have my word dwelling within you. Speak my word and be full of life, says the Lord, do not speak forth death.
For every seed that is sown reapeth after its own harvest, therefore the things that you sow, that shall you reap, that is what my word has said. And yet my people still have not learned to put a guard upon their mouth and, therefore, they reap the things that they have sown forth out of their mouth unless they have repented of those things, saith the Lord. For I have told you, understand the importance of setting a guard upon your mouth that only those words of mine come forth, that only the good things come forth. For truly at times you do not do that and you run into trouble because of that, but that is not my will, that is not my desire for you. For my desire is that you are blessed in every area of your life, that you are healed, that you are delivered, that you are set free, that you are going forth to do all that I have called for you to do, that is my desire for you my children and I desire for you to walk in the fullness of all those things that I have for you. So, I say unto you, set a guard upon your mouth and do not let those things come forth that will bring you death and destruction, but only allow those things to come forth that will bring forth, that will bring life, saith the Lord, for that is what you need to be doing. For truly I love you with an everlasting love and I desire for you to be all that I have called for you to be. I desire for you to have all the things that I have set aside for you, the blessings, saith the Lord, that I have set aside for each and every one of you. I desire for you to receive the fullness of them. Draw closer to me like never before in these days and these hours and do the things that I have called for you to do, for there is a great work that is needed to be done and I need you my servants to do those things that I have called for you to do. For I cannot have somebody else do something that I have called for you to do, for I have called them to do something else, understand the importance each and every one of you have in my kingdom. For I have a specific job and task that I have given unto all of you and yet my people are not always doing those things. Get hold of my word, saith the Lord, like never before and run and run and run with me, for there is great work that is yet to be accomplished before my church is take out and I need my servants to rise up and do the things that I have called for them to do, saith the Lord.
The Lord says it is time to see those wheelchairs; it is time to see those stretchers out in front of this church. The Lord God says it is time for the healings, it is time for deliverance, it is time to be set free. For my Son Jesus came, did he not walk the earth and see a person with an issue of blood touch the hem of his garment, was she not healed? When my Son was on the earth did he not make the blind see, did he not make that guy that had demons in him, did he not deliver him, did he not heal the mute? The Lord God says did he not heal the sick that were sick; did he not heal the multitudes? The Lord God say when my Son Jesus died on that cross he gives you the authority in the name of Jesus, he gave you the authority, so today take the authority Jesus gave you, take authority over sickness, take authority over cancer and be healed in the name of Jesus. The Lord God says come this morning and be healed, come this morning and be delivered and come this morning and be set free.
3-18-18 pm service
For again I have a banquet for you I have many things that I shall deliver unto you this night, saith your Father God, things that you are not expecting, things that you are expecting. For I need to equip you with all the equipment that you need that you can be so successful in these last hours, so victorious in these last hours, multitudes, multitudes will flock unto you. For they shall hear and they shall come, they shall hear and they shall come, and oh, the wonders they shall see, for I shall be here in a mighty way, I shall heal, I shall deliver, I shall set free. Miracles, miracles, miracles, miracles, so prepare yourself and draw closer to me, listen carefully this night, listen very carefully this nigh, for I have something for you.
For I say unto you my children, for the key is set for you to be on fire for my fire dwelling in you richly, so hot, so hot, says the Lord, that you get fed up with the devil, you get fed up with the defeat he has on some of you because you fail to stand on my word, you fail to rise up and take your authority that I have given unto you. It is time to get fed up, says the Lord, it is time to rise up as I have called you to rise up, it is time to put on that armor, it is time to draw that sword, it is time to put up that shield, it is time to stomp on the devil like I have called you to do, says the Lord. My Son has already defeated the devil, why do you suffer defeat, why do you suffer defeat when I have given you all the things that you have need of, says the Lord. Defeat him; defeat him in my name, says the Lord.
So let your heart be filled with cheer, for the devil thinks he has defeated you, but you are like Samson and your last hour will be far greater, far greater, far greater than any hour ever. So let your heart rejoice this night, let your heart rejoice this night.
For if you take a close look at Samson it doesn’t matter what he did in the past, but it is what happened in the end that mattered most, how he turned his life back over to me and I filled him once again, but that filling was one like he had never had before, more powerful than those in the past. So, I say unto you my church, it doesn’t matter where you have been, but if you are walking with me, if you have sold yourself unto me one hundred percent, and say Lord, I am all in for these days and these hours, use me for your honor and glory, for those who have chosen to do that I am going to fill you like you have never been filled before, I am going to empower you like you have never been empowered before and you shall defeat the enemy and it shall be a great victory, saith the Lord. For it is that time and it is that hour, so rise up and rejoice, rise up and rejoice, for truly victory is at hand, saith the Lord.
For I have prepared you, I have prepped you, I have made you ready from day one, from the time you started you have plowed a straight furrow, you haven’t swayed to the right nor to the left and therefore I shall do a work that you will not even believe yourself. For it shall be so great, it shall be so powerful, it will be like none that the world has ever seen, ever seen, ever seen, the chariot of Israel will set on your roof with the fire of God at times and people shall see it for miles. They shall rush here and not find any fire and you shall see the other things that I have promised you, for they shall come to pass. Yes, every single one of them, even the President himself shall set his helicopter down on your land and come and receive from me, saith your Father God. You shall see kings, you shall see priests, you shall see queens and you shall see them as they come, for I will draw them. It will not be like the other ones that had the false fire, for I will draw them just like your website, I drew them, man didn’t draw them, they found you and these shall find you and they shall come, they know you, many of them know you and they shall come and they shall come and they shall come and they shall come and you will wonder at times if there will ever be an end of it. Not until I take you out of here, saith your Father God, so prepare, prepare, prepare, prepare, prepare.
Be ready to receive the anointing that I have for you, for it shall come in like a heavy cloud and it shall saturate you and you shall feel the touch of my hand as I touch you. For I shall touch you this night, saith your Father God, I shall touch you. Believe, do not doubt, I shall touch you, I shall touch you, I shall touch you.
11-18 am service
Let your hearts be open this morning, let your ears listen carefully, the spiritual warfare is going on like never before, it is an hour that Nimrod spirit is moving, remember he was a hunter, a hunter and he is hunting for you. If you walk in the spirit realm you will have no problems overcoming him and being the victor that I have made you. The disasters that you will see coming to pass will not trouble your heart like they will if you are not ready. And if you are not ready, anything that I do or anything you hear, you will begin to think that people are pointing at you and it is I, your Father God, that is speaking, I am not pointing at you, I am helping you. Be not fearful, be not fearful, you are living in an hour that has never been lived in before, it is the midnight hour, the bottomless pit has been emptied out of all of its demons and those demons are very active and the problems that you are facing now are more demon related than ever. I mean all sickness, all disease comes from the devil, it does not come from me, my word says you have been healed by the stripes of Jesus and if you are standing on my word you will walk in that continually and the enemy will not be able to overtake you, but when you surrender to the flesh and walk in the flesh then you are hit, don’t be in the flesh, walk in the spirit realm. For I desire that you be the overcomers, I desire that you be the victors and multitudes will flood in very soon now, for I have spoken to them to come to receive their orders and you will not be able to give them orders if you are operating in the fleshly realm. I don’t need flesh, flesh is not of me, flesh is of the devil, you should be dead and it should be Christ Jesus that lives in you now and not the flesh. Therefore, listen carefully to the things that are spoken to you, put on your whole armor, don’t leave part of it off, the armor is absolutely useless unless it is all on and keep it on. For you are in a battle, you are in the biggest battle that you have ever seen and the battle will increase the closer we get to the church going out because the devil is trying to get as many as he can before the church is gone. You should know these things from reading my word, it is very clear in there, don’t be fighting over the word, be in one mind, be of one spirit, think the same things, talk the same things, be the same in the spirit realm, in the spirit realm. Know the difference between the fleshly realm and the spirit realm, walk in the spirit realm, if you walk in the spirit realm you will not fulfill the lust of the flesh, you will be the overcomer, you will be the victor and you will walk in only victories, your household will live in victory, your children will be in victories, your job place will not be affected and go out of business, everything will be blessed if you are walking in the spirit realm. Therefore, I say walk, walk in the spirit realm.
For, I say unto you, did I not give my children in the wilderness manna from heaven to eat, says the Lord and yet they desired the flesh more than my bread, my bread of life, says the Lord, so do in this day my people desire the flesh. But I desire them to partake of my word, says the Lord, they establish my word in their heart that they can build upon the foundations which my Son Jesus has set forth for them to do, says the Lord. Press in, press in, press in, says the Lord, for I have placed my spirit within you to establish a firm solid foundation to further my kingdom, says the Lord. Go forth and take that fire that I have given to you and set it ablaze, says the Lord, set the land ablaze with My Spirit and you will be victorious, says the Lord.
For you are spirit beings, you live in a body and you have a soul. Let the spirit control you, let the spirit lead you and guide you, for that is why he was sent. Therefore, you will know, you will know, you will know, you will know, you will know.
With the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, the second one that some of you have received and other have not because they would not receive it, it is easier for you to walk in the spirit realm than the realm of the flesh. For the realm of the flesh destroys, it came to kill and to destroy you, he came to destroy your family, your friends, your relatives, the devil came to destroy. My Son came to give life, life, the Zoe life, the God kind of life and more and more and more abundantly, not less, more. And as you walk in the spirit realm my wisdom flows through you, my power flows through you, my knowledge flows through you, my righteousness flows through you, you stand on legal ground with all your requests and your answers come right away, the flesh gets no answers, for the devil can’t answer, but the Spirit can, the Spirit can, the Spirit can. And the Spirit keeps you informed of the things that are coming, the Spirit warns you, checks you, tells you to stop turn go another way. If you are not in that spirit realm, if your not walking in that spirit realm this cannot happen to you, I cannot warn you as I desire to warn you, I can’t strengthen you as I desire to strengthen you, I can’t lift you up into higher grounds, only in the spirit realm can I do that. For you are fleshly beings, you are earth bound at the moment, but when you received Jesus as your Lord and Savior that spirit realm was set free, it was under bondage because of Adams high treason, but you are free, you have been set free. Therefore, walk in the spirit realm, walk in the spirit realm.
For truly you walk in the spirit, you do not fulfill the lust of the flesh; you have gotten over to the place where you killed off the flesh because you have allowed me to take full control. You are walking according to my word, according to my promises, according to the guidelines that I have laid aside for you to walk so that you can be the overcomer, that you can be the victor, that you can do all that I have called for you to do. For when the flesh is still holding on you cannot excel and come to the fullness of everything that I desire for you to be. So, I say unto you, lay aside those things that are holding you back, lay aside those fleshly desires and come unto me and allow me to fill you with a newness that you have never experienced before. Allow My Spirit to have total control that you can be everything that I have called and desired for you to be, that you can be the overcomer, that you can do all of the things that I have called for you to do. For there are many, many, many that are not doing the things that I have called for them to do, for they are almost standing still, for they are not allowing me to use them in the way that I desire to. For if you have been filled with the Spirit should not the gifts be in operation in your life, for that is the plan that I have laid out and yet not everyone is walking in the fullness of that. For I desire for you this day to get hold of those things and run with them, saith the Lord, do not allow the enemy to hold you back, but lay those things aside like I have already said and allow me to fill you, to fill you with a newness that you have never had before, saith the Lord.
The Lord God says he has given each and every one of you a gift, are you using your gifts, the Lord God says if you don’t know what your gifts are, the Lord God says come this morning allow him to anoint you with your gifts, allow him to show you your gifts that he has given you. The Lord God says each and every one of you has a gift and he needs you to use your gifts to further the kingdom of God. He wants you to come this morning allow him to anoint you, he wants you to start allowing him to touch you, he wants you to come and allow his Spirit to move upon you this morning because he loves you with an everlasting love. Can you talk in the spirit, have you allowed him to anoint the Spirit to talk to you; are you listening to the words that the Lord God has told you? For he has words for each and every one of you, he wants to touch you, he wants to anoint you, he wants to heal you, he wants to deliver you. So come this morning allow him to move upon you, allow him to touch you, he loves each and every one of you with everlasting love.
3-11-18 pm service
For truly I am raising up an army who will love me with all of their hearts and man will never be able to stop them, the devil will flee from them for they shall have all of my power, they shall have all of my ability, they shall have all that I have given unto them. They shall not lack in any area and they shall march forward to conquer the land to bring in the revival, to bring in the souls, multitudes, multitudes, multitudes shall come in. For I am raising up an army that is sold out to me.
For truly my army shall be so powerful they shall laugh at the devil, they shall laugh at the demons and the demons will flee. They don’t even need to speak a word, for they know the power and authority and the ability I have placed within them. For this army is the end-time army, it is the army that will go forth with miracles, signs and wonders, it is the army that is sold out one hundred percent to me, not fearing what man shall say, not fearing what the devil shall do. For they are mine, they are mine, they are mine, saith your Father.
For the anointing shall be so strong upon them that those that do not know me shall fall on their face and cry out to me and I shall save them, I shall deliver them, I shall set them free. For they shall have an anointing like none others have ever had before. For it is that end-time anointing, the anointing of the overcomers, the anointing of the blood washed saints, the anointing that I, your Father God, has place upon them for this hour, for this time. For they shall have the resurrection power flowing from them to bring forth life to those that are lost.
Etc. For you say, where Lord, is this army going to come from, for you see us here are just a few in numbers? Did I not use Gideon’s few, did I not raise up the valley of dry bones, am I unable to do it again? And yet I have said it would be greater than anything ever seen before, so do not doubt how I will do it, but enter in to the fullness of everything that I have for you, for I desire to use you and my call has gone out to those around the world who have their spiritual ears turned on to me that it is time, it is time, it is time, saith the Lord. It is time for my army to arise, it is time for the valley of dry bones to arise, it is time, it is time for My Spirit to enter into you like never before, it is time, saith the Lord, it is time.
For have I not told you that I am about to do something, says the Lord? I am about to bring forth the glory that you have never seen before, for my glory shall cover the earth, says the Lord. There shall not be darkness that can hide, for I am around and I am around, I am around and my church shall be here waiting for me, says the Lord and they are going to be here until the day I come for them and they are going to be doing the works that I have called them to do, says the Lord. For I am the Lord thy God and I will do all that I have said that I am going to do and you shall be my mighty tool in my hand, says the Lord.
For my hand has been upon you from the day one, even those that are local, those that are close by never recognized and knew that. And yet those round the world, the eight billion, the eight billion that I have sent to your site knew, eight billion I sent and now I shall begin to bring them in just as I have promised. And they shall come from far and you shall be a transit church just like I told you from the beginning and they shall come for their marching orders, they shall come for their anointing, they shall come for their healings, they shall come for their miracles. Oh, they shall come, they shall come, they shall come. So let your heart be lifted up this night, saith your Father God, for my word is true, my word is true and I will do, yes, I will do all that I have said that I would do, I will do it.
Oh the glory, the glory, the glory that shall fall, for the fire shall be on the roof, the fire trucks shall come, the trucks shall stop and back up, they shall pull in, and as they touch my anointing, as they come through the arbor, they shall be healed and delivered and set free. The anointing, the anointing, the anointing shall be a thousand fold, you can’t even understand it at this moment, but you shall see it. And as you reach out your hand they shall fly through the air and fall on the ground, they shall fall on their faces and call upon my name for revival, revival is here, revival is here, revival is here.
Etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. for those who do not come cannot receive in the same way that those who come. So it is time that you come even if you are here, you have to come and receive. It is also time for you around the world to come receive those things from me, saith the Lord. It is that time, it is that time, the call has gone out, the call has gone out, come, saith the Lord.
3-7-18 pm service
Oh, the confusion that is filling the earth, for man that does not know me cannot understand the many things that are taking place. They think that this country is not going to make war or that country is going to make war and yet they know not, for if they knew, great fear would fall upon them, great fear. But I tell you the things that are coming that you can prepare, that you can be in prayer, that you can be safe, that you can be an overcomer, for you are the overcomers. For I desire for you to walk in victory every day of your life, I desire for you to be the head and not the tail, but you must walk by my side, you must know my voice, you must walk in the spirit realm. You should be praying no less than forty five minutes a day in the spirit alone, you need to activate the spirit that is living within you that desires to help you, that desires to be your teacher and your guide, that desires to show you everything that is going to come. You need to walk with him, you need to love him, like you love me, you need to love him like you love Jesus, you need to exercise the rights that I have given you, for as you exercise the rights that I have given you boldness comes upon you. So when boldness comes upon you the enemy flees, for that is the one thing that Paul prayed for and if Paul the great apostle needed boldness then you sure need it. Walk with me, walk with me.
For a wise mouse can steal the cheese off the trap, are you wise, are you wise, can you stop the enemy from trapping you? You can if you are walking in the spirit.
For there are many things that take place in the spirit realm that most do not even pick up or know, only those who are walking in the spirit realm, those who are tuned in. But yet I have said that you could do that if you would walk closer with me, if you would pay more attention to what I am doing and less attention to what is happening in the world. For truly many things are taking place, many do not even see, understand or know the things that are taking place and the things that I am doing. For I have called this for a great hour for my church and yet is my church walking in the fullness of the things that I have for them? Not to the extent that I desire. Some are taking hold of the promises I have given unto them while others hear the same word and do not grasp those promises and yet when I extend a free gift it is to all. Oh, that my people would grab hold of all the things that I have for you that you would take hold of all of the blessings, that you would run with of the power and authority and ability that I have given unto you. For it is yours and yet at times you allow the enemy to walk all over them, for I have told you that the enemy is under your feet, but you have to stand upon my word, you have to stand upon my promises, you have to allow me to work upon your behalf. And yet at many times you allow things out of your mouth that hinder and stop me from moving like I would desire to do. I have warned you to put a guard upon your mouth that in these days and these hours the things that you would speak forth would come to pass whether they be blessings or whether they be curses. So it is up to you if you desire to walk in the fullness of everything that I have for you, if you desire to experience the fullness of the end time revival that I have said is here. For truly I desire to pour out My Spirit upon you, but I cannot do that if you are not open to me. Grab a hold of the things that I have for you, grab a hold of the promises that I have said that are yours. For truly I have set them aside for this day and for this hour, for you do not want to reap what the world is going to reap, for they are about to reap disaster, for it has been waiting and lurking at their doorstep because of the decisions that they have made and the things that they have done and you do not want to be caught up in that. So grab a hold of all the things that I have for you and run with everything that I have for you and go forth and do the things that I have called for you to do in these days and these hours. For truly they are great and great shall be your reward, saith the Lord, for truly it is that time and it is that hour.
3-4-18 am service
Listen very carefully for there are many things that I need to share with you, for the generation that I said shall not pass away before my Son comes, that has already come. You have been over a year now and, therefore, many things shall take place that to some will be very fearful, but if you are walking with me you are walking in total safety, total safety. Watch your mouth, though you haven’t learned to put a guard at your mouth yet and your mouth is bringing things upon you that you do not want and now they shall get even worse. April sixteen through twenty, very, very important dates, April sixteen through twenty extremely important dates and if you don’t see or understand what took place during that time then you are not walking close to me. You need to come closer, you are too far away, come closer, come so close that you can lean on my shoulder, you can hear my whisper in your ear. For I speak very plainly now, the world doesn’t speak plain, nor the enemy that speaks to many, he does not speak plain and yet people follow him. Do not follow him, do not follow him, realize the hour is far shorter than you believe, the hour is far shorter than you believe and yet there is ample time to do everything that I have told you to do, some things are running behind schedule because not enough boldness has taken place. What are you fearful of, are you not my heirs, have not I given you all power and all authority and all ability, am I not on your side, then why fear the devil’s people? Those that are not on my side, those that are not on your side, those obey him instead of me, know the difference, know the difference. For I expect all of my people to be able to perform miracles, signs and wonders, to be able to call down fire if need be, to be able to walk in all of my power and all my authority and all my ability, to be everything that I said they could be that all the promises that I have given can be fulfilled. And you can walk in them even though the time is short, you shall walk in them and see the beauty of them and understanding of why, why, why, you will understand why the trials, you will understand why the tribulation, you will understand. But even without understanding put your total trust in me, for I shall take you safely through.
The river of life is flowing like never before, every day it shall refresh you, every day it shall strengthen you, every day it shall lift you up to higher ground and you will walk in the spirit realm where you have never walked before. Therefore, stay open to the Spirit, walk in the spirit.
For truly there are many that are not following my voice and, therefore, they are doing things that they should not be doing. You need to understand the importance of following my voice and doing the things that I have called for you to do and following not the voice of the enemy. For he only desires to deceive you and send you astray and that is not my desire, for my word says my sheep know my voice and the voice of another they will not follow, you need to grab a hold of that, you need to know my voice like never before. For the things that are about to take place are very bad, and if you are not walking with me, if you are not hearing my voice, how can I protect you and keep you safe my children? For the times are short and I have told you about the things that would come to pass, and very soon now you shall begin to see those things take place even if you have seen it in other things, if you have seen the fires and the other disasters that have taken place and that continue to get worse and worse every single year and yet I have told you about them even before they come to pass. Do you not see the things that are taking place, do you not realize the lateness of the hour, do you not realize that you need to be running with me so you are ready for me to use you one hundred percent, do you not realize this my children? For may have waited many years to see these things and yet they do not realize that they are taking place right in front of them and they know it not. Oh, that my church would come awake, that my people would wake out of their sleep before it is too late, that I can use them, that I can use them in a powerful way in this end time move. For I need those whom I can use to do the things that I have called for them to do. So remember my word says the harvest is great but the laborers are few because they have gone to sleep, they have allowed their candles to run out, they have allowed their oil to run dry and yet I have spoken about those things in my word that they would not fall into those traps. Wake up my people and realize the things that are taking place, realize the disasters that very soon are going to be coming, understand those things my children. For I do not desire that you are caught off guard, but that you understand and know exactly what is taking place so you can be victorious, so you can be the overcomers and you can lead others unto me, saith the Lord. For it is that time and it is that hour, saith the Lord.
The Lord says be ready in season, be ready out of season because I want to use each and every one of you, for your life has to be right with me, the Lord God says. Is your life right with me today? If you are not right with God get your life right with God because the harvest is coming and God wants to use each and every one of you when the harvest comes to pray for them. He wants to use every one of you when they come, but your life has to be right with God. If you are not right with God come to the altar this morning, pray to him, seek his face and see how to change your life around because he loves each and every one of you. He has the compassion like never before for each and every one of you. He sent his Son for each and every one of you because he loves you. When the harvest comes there are going to be more and more people, we’re going to need people, more people to help in the nursery, more people to help with the children’s church because there are going to be more kids. Are you willing to help, the Lord God says are you willing to do his work, are you willing to go out and tell people about him, the Lord God wants to know? If you are willing, if you are able he will give you the boldness he says today, because he loves you. So walk with him this morning, walk with him around, allow him to move upon you, allow his anointing to fall upon you, allow him to touch you this morning and after you get done walking come to the altar and allow him to fulfill all your needs this morning because he loves each and every one of you.
Be ready, for most of you even though you think you are, you are not ready. And for the things that shall take place you will see disaster like you have never seen before. It won’t come nigh your dwelling unless your mouth opens up and you say the wrong things, for you can pull that in very quickly now, don’t do it, don’t do it. Make yourself ready, don’t grumble, don’t complain, for if you study the book of first and second Kings you will see even my servant Elijah, the great prophet, kept complaining he wanted to go until I had to remove him and replace him by Elisha. Don’t be foolish like that, for I pay you a great reward, not only here but in the heavens when you come to heaven. Be prepared to do the things that I have called you to do, be prepared to know my voice, hear my voice, follow my voice and do the things that I tell you to do regardless of what you feel, it will be twenty-four seven, it will be far busier, far busier than any time you have ever had. And yet there will be ample time and those that have already prepared themselves for times like this, it will be nothing new, it will be lots of free time for them, for they have made a way where there was no way. Now make that way, make that way.
The Lord says put off the flesh and put off the sin, says the Lord, for those are the things that stand in the way of you being in the way, says the Lord. My way, says the Lord, is the way you shall go and my way is the way that shall be fruitful unto you. So put off the things that don’t profit in this day, says the Lord, put off those things that hinder and slow you down. Put them off and put my Son Jesus on daily, says the Lord.
Israel, Israel, Israel, my heart is heavy for you, for you have always been stiff-necked, rebellious and refuse to follow after me. You have always tried and push to go your own way and yet in your own history if you will look, Jordan, Jordan has been one of your worst enemies. Even though they speak good words, know they are not your friends and you shall see very suddenly as destruction comes to America, how quickly, how quickly, how quickly the antichrist shall rise up and desire to take his position. And you should have known, you should have prepared, you should have called upon my name, you should have come to me but you have refused. And even now they talk about impeaching your President and getting rid of him and yet he served me, he has served me, he has stood strong, he has stood strong. But you have those Jews that would quickly join the other side. Oh, I say, wake up, wake up, wake up, come out of your sleep, for it is only hours, only hours before you shall see disaster that you do not want to see. For the things are not going as you think they are going, for the enemy has already taken land and he is going to take more land and he is going to divide you, and yes, I will have to divide America because he has divided you and that division shall come.
The Lord say if you don’t have the strength this morning, if you feel you can’t walk with him he says stand and he will give you the strength this morning to walk around the church, inside, around the seats and he will give you the strength so you can do it. You will see the strength, the Lord God says, so get up and walk with Jesus this morning he said. Walk with Jesus and he shall strengthen you.
3-4-18 pm service
For it is a new hour, and as I move powerfully on your behalf, the wisdom, the knowledge, the assurance that I give unto you shall be above and beyond anything that the enemy tries to use against you. For they will not find anything nor will they be able to hinder or slow you down or stop you anymore. For it is expedient that I move forward with great speed and I will see to it that this does take place and I will equip you, I will equip you with the very best. For there is no lack of money as far as I am concerned, for I can supply any amount that you have need of. I can supply the workers, I can supply everything, for all you need to do is walk in obedience to me and do the things that I tell you. For that wisdom and knowledge shall be far above anything that they have regardless what area it is in, remember, I have called you here, I have placed you here, I have prepared from the foundations of the earth the revival that shall take place here and that shall, that shall come to pass. But you need to believe with all of your heart, you need to trust me with all of your heart, don’t go by your understanding, for you don’t know the things that I know. But walk, walk very closely to my side and allow me, allow me to do the things that I, your Father God, shall do. For you have seen how I have moved in times past on your behalf and how they have stood back and couldn’t do anything, but I, your Father God, have brought these things into being and it shall be so in these last days. And there will be so much disaster going on they won’t have time to monkey with you, they will need to come and receive advice from you. For it shall be a terrible time, a terrible time, but not for my church nor for my people, for it shall be a victorious time, saith your Father God.
For, yes, I have told you there is nothing that can stop you or hold you back if you are doing the things I have called for you to do. For truly man always tries to hold back my work, but he cannot no longer, so go forth in the boldness that I have given unto you, speak forth my words and stand upon my word knowing that I, your Father God, will do all that I have said that I would do. It doesn’t matter what the circumstances look like, it doesn’t matter what man may say, for man is not God, and I, your Father God, have dominion over all things and I can change their mind just as quickly as they can think about it. For truly I, your Father God, am moving in ways that you see or know not, so do not be concerned with what man says, for I overrule them and my word has the final authority. So, once again I say unto you, stand upon my word, do not be moved, do not be shaken, for truly I have given unto you my word and my promise that I, I, I will fight for you and I will surely do that even as you have seen it in the past as I have moved upon your behalf, I will continue to do so but even in a far greater way in these days and these hours. So do not fear the things that are coming, do not fear the disaster that shall come that shall shake the world, for it will not shake my church if they are standing upon my word, if they are ready, if they are walking with me the way I have called for them to walk. But there shall be a great shaking and it will shake many and wake those up who are fast asleep so that they can see and know the time and the hour and get their lives right before it is too late. Yes, many lives will be lost because they have not moved out of those areas that I have told them to and I have spoken unto them many, many times and yet they continue to ignore me and not heed unto my voice. But the others that will be shaken they shall come in, they shall come in, they shall get their hearts right and they shall begin to serve me a hundred percent and do the things that I have called for them to do. For it is that time and it is that hour, do not fear the things that are coming, do not be moved by the things that you hear in the news. For you have seen even as I have told you the great disaster each and every week that have come and yet many don’t even realize the things that are taking place or what I have said would come. But I said you would continue to see it until April and I gave you some dates this morning, do you remember what they were? For they are very important and you need to know about them, you need to be in prayer about them, you need to make sure that you are hearing my voice like at no other time before. Oh, my people it is that time and it is that hour and yet it is a great and glorious hour for my church, a time when I shall pour out my blessings, pour out My Spirit like never seen before and my church shall be blessed and my church shall be on fire like never before. But the world, the world, the world will be on a different kind of fire, for destruction, destruction, destruction is coming and they will have to face that, saith the Lord. But you do not have to face that, so do not fear, do not fear, but walk, walk, walk according to my word, walk according to the things that I have called for you to do, for truly you shall be victorious in these days and these hours, saith the Lord.
2-25-18 am service
For truly I have overcome everything that you could walk in complete victory, that you can walk as the overcomer not the defeated one, but as the victor, as the head and not the tail as above and not beneath. And yet at times you do not walk in that realm like I desire you to do, but you walk defeated, but get out of that place, put the enemy beneath your feet, for you should have already done this, for I have moved upon your behalf in a very powerful way last week. So do not allow the enemy to entangle you again in a yoke of bondage, but be free, be free, be free, for who the Son has set free is free indeed and you need to walk in that freedom. You need to walk as the overcomer, you need to walk as the victor, saith the Lord, for truly I have overcome everything for you and you need to just walk in the fullness of that, saith the Lord.
It is time for the church to put a guard on their mouth, for death and life are in the power of the tongue, know you not that my children? Many of you speak death because you speak not my word, it is time for you to put a guard upon your mouth and allow only my word to flow out of your mouth that life may flow not only to you but to others. It is time to put a guard upon your mouth, said the Lord, that you watch what you say, you watch the very words that come out of your mouth and that you speak only my words, that you only speak life, that you speak blessings, that you speak abundance, that you speak peace, that you speak love, that you speak joy. Speak only those things that are good my children, speak not the negative things, but I say unto you, speak only my words; speak life, says the Lord.
Do you not know the compassion that I have for each and every one of you, the compassion when I sent my Son to you, I did not send him to that cross for you guys to die and have sin. For I sent him so that you could have life and life more abundantly, the Lord God says. He says he loves each and every one of you with everlasting love, so stand upon his word, you know this world is getting worse and worse, you stand upon his word, have your armor on so you are safe. Stay in the word, keep your armor on twenty four seven, the Lord God says do not allow the devil to take your dwelling, but stand upon my word. The Lord God says this morning come to the storehouse, bring your needs, bring your wishes, bring your love, because the Lord God has something for each and every one of you because he loves each and every one of you. So come allow his compassion to touch you this morning.
2-25-18 pm service
For truly it is that time, it is that hour for my church to rise up into the place that I have called her unto. For truly many, many, many people shall come through this place and you need to be ready to minister unto them for they shall come in vast numbers and it will not be like you think it shall be, for it will happen much sooner and much faster. And overnight people will show up, will you be ready to take them on, will you be ready to minister unto them, will you be ready to do the things that I have called for you to do? For I have told you it is that time and it is that hour, I have told you to get ready and be ready. So if you are not, get ready, for very soon now you shall see the fullness of all those things. For it is that time and it is that hour, I have called it for this hour and this time and that time is here now, saith the Lord. So you need to be ready, you need to be in the place where I can use you, that I can speak through you to my people, for they will come to hear my words, they will not come to hear yours. But you can speak forth my words unto them and it will be the answers that they are looking for, but you need to be in that place where you can do that. So if you are not, get yourself into that place where I can use you in a far greater way than I am able to right now. For truly it is that time and it is that hour and things are beginning to happen very fast and very soon now you shall see them as they flood in here to be ministered unto, saith the Lord.
For I have told you I need you to be ready in season and out of season, says your Father God, I need you to be dressed for the ready, I mean to be dressed for the ready, for at a moments notice you can retaliate against the devil if I so call upon you to do so, says the Lord. For it is that hour and it is that time that warfare is raging and you need to be ready to raise up that sword to smite him in the name of Jesus, says the Lord. I need you, I need you, I need you to fight, fight, fight like I have never called you to fight before, says the Lord, for this is, this is the last day and this is the time that I have prepared my church for, says the Lord, to be victorious, to reign and rule with me, says the Lord, so be ready.
Look around about you; you see that days are getting darker and darker and darker. People will be coming to you, are you ready to minister to them, do you have my word in your heart that when you open your mouth it is my word that comes out, that is why I have repeatedly and repeatedly and repeatedly told you to get into my word to be ready, to be ready, for the time is short.
Get ready, saith the Lord, get ready for a quick ride, a quick ride, a quick ride, one that you will not believe in these end days, one that will happen so fast you need to be prepared. You need to be ready, get ready my church, get ready, how do you get ready, get ready, read the word, pray, read the word and pray, speak to me every day, follow what I tell you to do, do what I tell you to do. Don’t move away, don’t move away, don’t move away, get in closer this day, get in closer to me so I can use you, that I can use you, I need you in these end days, I need you, I need you, I need you.
2-21-18 pm service
For truly it is a great and glorious hour for my church, for I have promised many things in these days and these hour you are now living in. Not only have I promised to pour out My Spirit greater than any time before, but I have promised to bless, I have promised to move upon your behalf in ways never seen before. For it has been saved up for this time and for this hour and it is my desire that you receive all of the things that I have for you. Therefore, you must get into my word; you must be doing the things that I have called for you to do. You must be walking according to the things that I have spoken unto you through the prophetic and also in my word, you must be doing those things that you can receive the fullness of all that I have for you. For I do not wish that you are in bondage and that you are defeated, for I have created you to be the victors, I have created you to be free and those who have been set free are free indeed. So, therefore, do not allow yourself to be entangled again in the yoke of bondage, but go forth in the fullness of the freedom I have given unto you, saith the Lord. For the enemy has been defeated, he is defeated, I have made you the head and he is beneath your feet, but he needs to be reminded of that and that is your job, that is your responsibility and put him beneath your feet, put him in his place, remind him that he has been defeated and that you are the victors. For truly you are the victors, you are the overcomers; you are all that I have said you should be, saith the Lord. For it is that time and it is that hour and I desire for you to receive the fullness of everything that I have for you, the fullness of everything that I have for you, saith the Lord. For truly I love you with an everlasting love and it is that time and it is that hour, saith the Lord.
Scribe note: There was a second word but I didn’t get it recorded. I apologize, I messed up.
2-18-18 am service
For divine revelation knowledge begins to flow this day, saith your Father God, for I shall open up your wisdom, I shall open up your understanding and I shall speak to you in words that you can understand. And you can search my word and you can find all the truths that I have shared with you that you will know and understand the warfare that you are in now, the warfare that is taking place, what is going on in the church that you can be victorious, that you can be overcomers, that you can win every battle that you have, the strength, the power, the anointing to do the things that I, your Father God, have called you to do. For when I first poured out the baptism of the Holy Spirit those in the new church, the church that just formed, just started, turned the whole world upside down and now it is that hour and that time when the second anointing comes, you need that, it will be three times more powerful in your life, more powerful that you can win the battles that are ahead. For there are many battles that are ahead, as you watch the news you see all the things that are taking place, you see all the things that are coming. Let not any fear enter into you, for fear is of the devil, it is not of me, cast it down, annul it, cast it out, it does not belong to you. For you have the power, you have the authority, you have the ability and your thinking is not always right because you are warring a war that is not the war that you should be warring. You are in a spiritual battle, the spiritual battle does not annul my word, but it brings a spiritual battle. Do you understand the difference, a spiritual battle, a spiritual battle that can feel like a physical battle, but it is a spiritual battle? The spiritual battle can kill, the spiritual battle can destroy, the spiritual battle can do all things that the fleshly battle can do. But I have given you your armor and when you put on your armor there is no warfare that the enemy has that is able to penetrate your armor and defeat you. Learn, learn, it is expedient that you learn the things that I am sharing then you shall have victor in areas that you haven’t been able to have victory. Then you shall be the overcomer and the enemy and the demons will flee because they know that you have the knowledge, they know that you have the wisdom, they know that you have the understanding and they flee. Oh, they don’t flee from everybody, they only flee from you because you have listened, you have heard what I have said and you have taken action.
You remember Daniel, twenty one days, twenty one days, that is powerful, this greatly anointed prophet of Almighty God withstood an angel of darkness and his prayers were hindered. But I dispatched my angel and he went with a message and you shall receive the same message today, saith your Father God, the same message.
For I have always equipped my people to be the victors, now is the hour to equip you even more so than you have ever been equipped before. You are a special calling, none other has this calling, I have many, many, many in the Old Testament that had this calling, I have had many in the New Testament. But man always likes to make it look like everybody, everybody, everybody has the same calling, not so. When my son Jesus came no one could do what my son Jesus did, he had a mission, he fulfilled that mission right to the tee. You have a mission and I shall equip you for that mission and you shall instruct others that they will also be equipped for that mission. But they will learn from you just like they learned from Paul, the disciples did not know what Paul knew on the back side of the dessert in Arabia, face to face Paul and Jesus face to face learning what was ahead. It shall now be your hour, it shall now be your time and this very day, this very day if you listen, if you don’t run off, if you listen, if you don’t let the enemy, and he is going to hit you, if you don’t let the enemy cause you not to listen to what I have to say, you won’t be set free. But if you listen I shall set you free, not only will I set you free, I shall deliver you and heal you, I shall cause you to rise up far higher in your spiritual walk than you have ever walked in your life. And I shall make of you the overcomers that shall be needed for this hour, for this time, for this day, for this moment. Listen carefully, listen, listen, don’t put your words out there, I don’t want to hear your words, but listen, I said, listen.
For I tell you my children that is exactly what I said, my children, you are not dogs, I have not called you to beg, I have called you to come to my the table and partake of the meal that I have prepared for you. You don’t beg for what I have already placed before you, saith the Lord, take it, take it, take it and eat it.
The Lord says this morning the only way out of the utter darkness is to stand in the light, is through my son Jesus Christ. So if you are in the darkness this morning he said come and be in the light and get to my son Jesus Christ and stay in the word. Pray each and every day, the Lord God says, see my glory. You want to be healed, you want to be delivered, you want to be set free, come to my son Jesus Christ because the only way you can be healed and be set free and be delivered is through the name of Jesus as you pray to me. So come and be delivered, set free, come and let the light shine through you, the Lord God says, so come.
For truly my word is truth, there is power that I shall reveal unto you today, a key thing that you need to take hold of. So pay attention and do not allow the things that are going on around about you to distract you from the things I am trying to tell you this day. For they shall set you free from the battles that you have been going through, but you must listen, you must pay attention and you must hear the things that I am speaking unto you this morning, saith the Lord.
2-18-18 pm service
I ask of you this night but one question, what do you need, what do you need? Set your faith like flint, be fully persuaded, stand and don’t move and before the night is over I will meet your need.
The enemy was driven so far off he won’t show up at your house for many, many nights. So be not disturbed, but trust, trust and don’t allow, don’t allow the python to come back.
Set your course straight, you set your course straight, for as you plant your feet solid and as you activate your faith you shall move steadily toward that point that you are setting your faith. You shall lay hands on the sick they shall be healed, you shall speak a miracle and it shall come to pass, you shall cast out demons and they shall flee before your eyes, you shall speak my word and it shall come to pass. Set your course straight, set your course straight, set it now, saith your Father, for you know the course that I have given you, set it straight, set it straight. Don’t go to the right, don’t go to the left, don’t lag behind, that is very important, we will be moving at a fast pace, but set your course straight.
For I have great and mighty things in store for this place, oh, the greatness of all of it. For you haven’t even begun to see nor understand nor realize the things that I am going to do, don’t doubt, for there is nothing that’s impossible, absolutely nothing that is impossible for me.
For in times past the enemy has held you back, at times, but you have been set free and now you can run and do the things that I have called for you to do. And there is nothing, did you hear me, there is nothing that can hold you back or stop you from doing all that I have called for you to do. For if you are following after me like I have told you, you have set your course straight and you are doing all the things that I have called for you to do, there is nothing that can stop you from reaching that goal, saith the Lord.
The way may be short and straight, but it is that super fast highway that I have told you about, far faster than any highway in the world and when you set your goal, when you set your faith, you will accomplish those things so quick you will have to set another and another and another and another and it shall be fulfilled.
A tongue was given: Pastor remarked, “that was a word directly to somebody in their language in the Philippines. Don’t ask me to interpret; I just know what God told me. I don’t speak that language, but he was talking to a girl, apparently she is listening and God was telling her what to do right now.”
The blame stops here, when you received the blame, when you refused to make excuses, then I can complete my work in you.
Rise, stand and walk, for I have healed you, you are healed, go into the village, go into the village and speak my word and I shall use you. For your hands shall bring healing, your voice shall bring deliverance, go now, go now, go quickly.
2-14-18 pm service
For the hour of the redeemed is a great hour, a great hour, far greater than man has ever known and man shall walk in the greatness of it and they shall walk in the power of it and they shall walk in the anointing of it, for I, their Father God, have seen to it that everything that they have need of shall be supplied in these last days that they can walk as the victors, that they can be the overcomers, that they can be everything my word says that they are. But not so for the world, for it will be a dark, dark, dark hour and it will continue to grow dark because men are not seeking my face, they are not calling upon me, they are not asking me, they are trying to use their own education, they are trying to use their own wits, they are trying to use their own knowledge to tell others what is taking place. And everything that is going on right now in this hour is in the spirit realm and if they are not filled with the spirit they cannot distinguish what is really happening. They are ruled by their sense knowledge faith, oh I say, a bad hour, a bad hour, a bad hour, saith the head. But fear not, for I have promised to take you through this time victoriously, I have promised to bring in the multitudes, I have promised to show you miracles, signs and wonders like you have never seen, that is my word, saith your Father God, and it shall come to pass.
Oh, the beauty of the honey when it runs out of the rock, the water that comes out of the rock, the bread that comes out of the rock, the manna that comes down from above. Oh, the beauty, the beauty of the things that you shall now taste, the things that you shall now walk in and the victory that you shall have.
For my word carries the final authority and I have given unto you my word and I have given unto you my promises and I shall carry them through. It is not something that you will do, do you hear me, I said I shall carry it through, I will make sure that it comes to pass, for it is my word and I have spoken it unto you and, therefore, you can bank upon that. But you cannot bank upon man’s word, for man’s word goes out and comes back void, it does not go out and do what he has called it to do, only my word goes out and comes back and does all that I have called for it to do. Do you not understand my children it is that time and it is that hour for everything to be fulfilled, the promises, the blessings, the revival that I have promised to pour out it is that time and it is that hour. And, yes, even the disasters, the shaking and the destruction that I have called for, it shall come to pass because of the time and the hour. For I have told you, you will never have to fear those things, for truly I am moving upon your behalf in ways that you do not even know or see unless you are looking in the spirit realm. For I have given you this property, I have placed protection here, my legion of angels, who is led by the defender of my glory, abides here and watches over this land as I have instructed them to do and you have seen it over and over how even the storms have come and had to break apart and could not come upon your property here. So do not fear the things that shall come, for truly I, I, I am carrying you through these days victoriously and I will fulfill my word as it has been spoken forth unto you, saith the Lord, it shall come to pass. So fear not, but stand upon it and know without a shadow of doubt in your hearts that I will do everything that I have promised unto you to do, saith the Lord.
Learn quickly how to walk in the spirit realm because of the many things that are going to take place. You will encounter angels, but they won’t have wings, because angels don’t have wings. But know, know what my word has said, understand what my word has said, put them to work, they are ministering spirits sent unto you to work on your behalf, learn, learn.
2-11-18 am service
Let your spiritual ears be open, listen very carefully as I share with you many things to come. From now till April, the end, there will be much activity throughout the world, bad activity, not good activity. War stands right at the door, a nuclear attack stands right at the door, many things are preparing to happen, they are preparing to come. But I have given you the assurance that you shall go through this time victoriously. It is the hour, it is the time to press in like you have never pressed in before, it is the hour, it is the time to know my voice, don’t just say you know my voice, but I said to know my voice, to know the voice of the Holy Spirit when the Spirit speaks to you or quickens you, you understand the things that he is saying to you. For he is the action power that I have for you, he is the one who brings all resurrection power into being. He raised my Son Jesus from the dead, cannot he, not also raise the church from the dead? Is he not able to quicken you and bring you to life? For the world needs a church that is on fire, a church that is flowing in the gifts of the spirit, a church that doesn’t worry about their roast, their chicken or whatever they have in the oven, for they have come to seek my face, they have come to call upon my name. For I have told you before in times past there will be times when you will go twenty four seven, that is twenty four hours per day seven days per week. Your food with be eaten here, I will give you your strength, there will be people to minister to at all times, there will be more than one crew. For truly things are about ready to take place like you have never expected, even though I have told you, you haven’t expected them. The enemy has fought you harder than he has ever fought any anyone and yet I have made you the victor, the overcomer, the head not the tail above not beneath. I have made you to be everything that I said that you could be. My word, my integrity stands on the line, prove me, that is what I say, prove me and see if I be not God, prove me and see if I be not God, but beware, beware that you know these things are coming. I have already warned you about April, and you see it coming up slowly, but surely it is coming, are you ready, are you flowing in the gifts of the spirit, do you have the anointing upon you? Are you functioning under the anointing, for it is that hour and it is that time? Did you know the activator, the Holy Ghost, he is the action part of the trinity, he wants to move, he wants his hands freed, he wants to be freed, he wants his tongue freed, he wants to do more things than he has ever done even including the day of Pentecost. He wants to do it; he wants to be more active now, he wants you to turn him loose within yourself that he can flow through you. He is looking for many to stand in the gap, are you willing to stand in the gap, are you willing to do the things that he has called you to do? Because once it stops, the battles that you have gone though won’t dare come nigh you anymore, for I will need you twenty four seven, I will need you at a moments notice, I will need you when I need you, not when you need me. And I shall supply and sustain and meet every single need that you have. For the wealth of the heathen shall flow in here like you will not believe, when it starts you are only beginning to see the favor that I have given you with men already and that favor shall become overwhelming and it shall be poured out without measure and it shall come down upon you, I am talking between now and April, between now and April two thousand eighteen, do you hear that children? Some are lagging so far behind now they are going to have to run steady for many miles to catch up, don’t drag behind any longer, you don’t have the time to drag behind, you don’t have the time to put other things first, you don’t have the time. Can’t you hear My Spirit as it is crying out, can’t you sense the desire of the Spirit to flow more, not less, and yet we have got some that are filled but do not flow, why? They say no man, that is the devil, Satan, he is the hindrance, he is the one that puts the thoughts that you can’t do it. He is the one that says, oh it is not your turn, he is the one that tries to stop things. You don’t see it in my word that it says stop Spirit don’t move, therefore it is not me, it is the devil, the devil, do you understand that, you have an enemy he is called the devil and he fights you at every turn. If you are not being fought then you are not really fighting against him, he is not worried about you, he is not concerned about you. You are so far off on the back shelf that the dust is two inches thick on the top of you. Shake yourself if you have to, but allow My Spirit to move, allow me to move, allow the Holy Ghost to set a fire in this place that they will come from overseas just to get warmed by the fire of the Holy Ghost, to get touched by the fire of the Holy Ghost, to get set on fire by the Holy Ghost. It shall be the hour of the Holy Ghost, for the second outpouring shall be three times greater, greater than the first, and before the first there was very little, but on the day of Pentecost it begun. You have got another day of Pentecost coming very quickly now, very quickly, very quickly and then you shall see the Spirit in all of his fullness, and you shall see the operations that he helped perform through Jesus in operation, and you shall see as he works with me and we created the whole universe. You shall see and feel and know this power, for truly, truly the hour of the Holy Ghost is here.
For I say to you, count the cost, count the cost, not the cost of following me, but the cost of not following me, says the Lord, for the cost of not following me is far greater than you could possibly imagine. For you shall not make it, says the Lord, less you follow me, for does not my word say follow me, follow me says the Lord, count the cost.
You have seen all the strange new signs that you are seeing, whether it be in weather, whether it be in the flu, whether it be in the germ warfare, and there is germ warfare going on right here, it has been delivered to this country by their enemies. They are seeing germ warfare in North Korea right now, scratching their heads and not knowing what is going on and you shall see more germ warfare. But the good things, the good things I have said in my word, that any germ disease or virus that touches your body dies instantly in the name of Jesus. Speak my word, speak my words, know my words, study my word, get acquainted with my word, then when you open your mouth my words come out not yours.
Let the fire of My Spirit come alive in you like never before, open up yourselves unto me and allow me to fill you like never before that you can be so on fire all throughout the day and even when you go to bed at night, you will be speaking forth my word and my praises. And when you rise again you will be speaking forth my praises, you will be speaking forth my word because of the fire that is inside, my fire, my Holy Ghost fire. It is an eternal fire that gives you the strength and power and the ability like never before. For truly I desire to pour My Spirit out upon you without measure, not like you have seen before in the past, but three times greater than anything you have ever seen before. You could take everything that you have seen and multiply that and it would be greater, saith the Lord. For truly it is that time and it is that hour, but you must allow me to do the things that I desire to do. You must allow me to fill you, you must allow me to give you the power, to give you the authority, to give you the ability you must allow me my children. Do not close yourself up, but open yourselves up unto me and allow me to do the work. For even this very day I can give you that anointing, I can give you that fire like never before, but you must be open, you must allow me to purge out the things that are of the world, the things that are of the flesh. You must allow me to purge those out, you must let go of them, for if you do not let go of them they will do nothing but drag you down, they will hold you back and sadly many people are holding on to things that they do not want to let go of, those things that are carnal, those things that are fleshly. But allow me to purge today, allow me to fill you to overflowing, lay those things aside that so easily beset you and allow me to fill you like never before, saith the Lord.
You read about Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, this church, this church, every one of you are the Shadrachs, the Meshachs the Abednegos, and the devil, the devil is the king, he wants you to keep your mouth shut, but God says, no, Shadrach says, no, Meshach says, no, Abednego says, no. They said our God can deliver us, and this place the fiery furnace of the Holy Ghost should be turned up, turned up, turned up, turned up seven times seven, not three seven times. For you shall be the leader that the fire flows out of and touches the others and gives them their three or more. Did you hear me? You shall be so on fire that the enemy that tries to come cannot come on the ground; I have told you that before, they cannot enter this place. For they shall be like the guards that try to throw Shadrach and Meshach and Abednego into the fiery furnace and they shall be destroyed and you will call the ambulances and they will haul them away. The fire, the fire, so bad across the roof and people will call the fire department, but there will be no fire. Oh, it is that hour, it is that hour, it is that hour, it is that hour and you shall see it with your eyes, but there will be no smoke on you. Not one hair on your body shall be singed, there shall be no harm become of you and you shall be heard about around the world and they shall come. Oh, I know you won’t have the building up that you are supposed to have up, that is why I have told you a dome, an air dome, a dome, an air dome. Listen, don’t change the plans, don’t change the plans and if you need more land I have already given it to you and the buses will come and the trucks will stop and back up. Oh, the miracles, you will begin to make that pile that you haven’t even started in a sense, you started it and quickly removed it, and therefore, I haven’t been able to add to it, because you are the ones that have got to add those crutches, those wheelchairs, those blind canes, the miracles, the miracles, the miracles that shall come. The miracles, the miracles, the miracles that shall come, every one of you I desire to be a miracle worker, a miracle worker, then the Holy Ghost will be so powerful in your life that when you open your mouth it shall be the Holy Ghost speaking and the miracles shall take place. And you shall be like Paul when the vipers try to bite you, you will shake them off and no harm shall come to you. Oh, the hour, the hour, the hour, can you believe for it, it is here, can you believe for it, it is here, can you believe for it?
The Lord say be ready in season, be ready out of season, because I want to use each and every one of you, because the harvest is ripe, do you hear that, the harvest is ripe, the harvest is coming. Some of you people need to be healed, some of you people need to be delivered, some of you people need to be set free. I want each and every one of you to pray for them as this building gets fuller and fuller and as the new building comes you are going to see more miracles, signs and wonders, because I am going to use each and every one of you. For I need more people to help with the children, the Lord God says, cause we do not have enough people, because it is going to be double, triple, quadruple, the Lord God says. So be ready in season, be ready out of season, because I want to use each and every one of you. The Lord God says it is time to stoke your fire; it is time for each and every one of you to stoke your fires this morning, so come and stoke them.
2-11-18 pm service
As the revival fires burn don’t put it out, don’t put water on it, watch your mouth, for the things that come out of your mouth shall come back to you very quickly. So walk according to my word, walk according to my promise, and remember as you see the news and the things that are going on in the world, there are going to be many bad things, don’t even be over concerned, other than a heart of love for them, a heart that would say come safely into the fold. For it is that hour, it is that time and they have had the same opportunities as anybody else to go forward and to put those things behind, but they have chosen not to. And until they change, then disaster will be upon them just as well as upon the world, but if they have let their oil run out they will be left behind. But fear not the things that are coming, for I have promised you some promises far above and beyond anything you have thought of. And I will see to it that those promises are fulfilled that your joy is full, have you ever had your joy totally full or was it only back when you were a kid at a birthday or Christmas? I want your joy to be full, full, full, full.
The Lord says, just as in the hot summer months, when those that live in the cities that have no way to cool off seek out even the illegal ways to get cool, says the Lord. Those who in these last days shall draw nigh unto me to receive what they need, says the Lord, they will go through thick and thin to come find me, says the Lord, they will go through the bramble bush, through the fire to find me so they can receive what I have for them, says the Lord. Open it up, open it up, open it up, says the Lord, for they are coming.
For there is nothing that can stop this move that is beginning to take place and shall grow and grow and grow and grow and grow. For man cannot stop it, you can stop yourself from receiving by the things that you do and speak forth out of your mouth, yes, you can do that, but you cannot stop me from doing all that I have said that I would do. For truly it is up to you whether you want to receive the fullness of everything that I have for you, but it is my desire that you do, but you must speak forth my word, you must not allow blessings and cursing to proceed out of your mouth, for they cancel each other out and you do not want curses to come to pass. So put a guard upon your mouth and allow only my words to proceed forth, for you shall see those things come to pass and they will bring joy unto you, saith the Lord. For truly that is what my word has said and what I have told you and as you speak forth my word it shall come to pass and it will do all that I have sent it forth to do. For truly it is that time and it is that hour, allow me to fill you over and over and over to overflowing, do not let yourself get empty where your fire goes out, but be continually filled each and every day, for you knew that by - - getting into the word and spending time in prayer and talking with me, do not just do it on Sundays and Wednesdays and when you come together as a group, but meet with me each and everyday in your own houses that I can bless you, that I can move upon your behalf, that I can work even greater on your behalf than I am working now. For truly that is my desire for you my children in these days and these hours, for I desire to bless you like you have never been blessed before, but you must lay those earthly things aside, you must spend more time with me doing the things that I have called for you to do. Oh, I love you my children with an everlasting love, and even those things in the world will be so bad at times you won’t even want to hear about another sad thing to go wrong, but yet I will be moving on your behalf so much so that at times you won’t even notice, and yet with everything that is going on here it will be a joyful time and yet a lot of sadness for the world. So do not fear those things, for they are not for you, but they are to wake those up who are fast asleep, those who do not know the day and the hour they are living in, that they might have one last chance to turn unto me before it is too late. For when the door is shut it cannot be opened, for you see that in my word, as in the days of Noah so shall it be in the coming of me, saith the Lord. For truly it is that time and it is that hour, so walk with me and do all that I have called for you to do and allow me to fill you and fill you and fill you to overflowing, saith the Lord.
2-4-18 am service
For it is an hour of great darkness for the world, for when the world looks they only see through their fleshly eyes, they see not into the kingdom, they see not into the spirit realm, they understand not the things of God for their mind has never been renewed to the word of God and, therefore, they walk in darkness. They accept the things that their senses tell them, the things that they feel, the things that they smell, the things that they taste, the things that they touch, the things that they hear. They are not moved by my word nor do they know my word nor have they been set free by my word and, therefore, they make their evil plots of what they think they are going to do. And they tell those who have not renewed their mind the things that are going to take place and those things will not take place, for they are not recorded in my word and even at times my people do not realize this. For only the things that are recorded in my word shall come to pass, the fanatics, the lies, the falseness, that will not come to pass, my church shall be taken out before the worse comes as I have said. For I will not pour out my wrath upon my children, but the days are very short, very, very short and my people need to renew their mind and walk in the fullness, the fullness of the spirit realm. For if they walk in the fullness of the spirit realm the enemy shall not overtake them, he shall not overcome them, but you need to get rid of the fleshly realm once and for all. You don’t have two dogs living within you, if you do, you are not saved, for those who are saved are a new creation, a brand new creation and they have been set free and they can walk in that freedom. For I have given them that freedom, they are not moved by what their senses say, they are not moved by what the world says, they are not moved by the false, for they stand on my word for they know my word is truth and my word shall come to pass. Truly my word shall come to pass, but I say to you, press in, for many of you are not pressing in, you are living in the flesh realm and you are not of this world. For I have told you to separate yourself from this world, come out of this world, I have told you to renew your mind by my word so that you can think upon the things that I have said, that you can understand them, that they are clear to you that you can walk in the victories as an overcomer. The healing has already taken place in your bodies and you need to not run to the altar every five minutes for healing, for you have your healing and you walk in the promises that I have given to you, for my promises are true, my promises set you free, my promises bring you the total victory. So be not moved by what you see the world doing, be not moved by the calamities that you see coming upon the face of the world. For you have heard of the new torpedo that Russia has that she can loose from any place in the world and direct it to the very spot it wants to go with a powerful nuclear bomb. You know not the things that North Korea plans in their heart, you know not what Saudi Arabia shall do next or Iran or Iraq, but I do, I do, for I hold them within the control of my word, for they cannot go outside of that word. For I have told you in my word the very things that shall come to pass, so when you know my word, then you can stand in total victory, when you know my word you can be the overcomer, when you know my word. If it is not in your heart, put it in your heart, not out of your head, for your head is controlled by your brain and your brain is part of your senses, your brain tells you, you feel pain even when there is no pain, your brain tells you that. Renew your mind that the word is in your heart, that when you open your mouth the word comes out of your mouth that it brings miracles, that it brings signs, that it brings wonders. For truly the revival is on its way, its going great in many areas and soon it shall flood in here like a mighty rushing wind and then multitudes shall come, multitudes, multitudes, for I have said so. Stand on my word, stand on my promises and you shall see it come to pass.
For the things of the world are what we call sense ruled faith, if their sense feels it, hears it, sees it, they believe it and yet the only truth my children, the only truth is my word. If you do not believe my word over and above and beyond the sense knowledge, faith, you cannot receive. Believe my word, believe my word.
For truly it’s my word that brings forth truth and power, it is my word that sets the captives free, it is my word that opens the eyes of the blind and gives life unto those who have died. For truly it is my word that conquerors all things, it is my word that gives you the power, the strength, the ability that I have given unto you. See the key is, it’s all in my word and you can find it there and yet people know it not and they know not the things that I desire for them to know, for they are not in my word and yet my word was written specifically for you as my personal love letter to each and every one of you that you would have it, that you could be victorious, that you could be the overcomer, that you would be the victor. And yet at times my people believe the doctors word before my word and yet my word says you are healed, my word says you are set free, my word says that you are the victor. Will you not stand upon my word in these days ahead, for if you do not know how to stand upon my word things are going to get much, much worse and you need to know, saith the Lord. For truly there is great power and authority in my word and if you speak it forth you will watch how things will come to pass right before your very eyes. But you have to know it, you can’t just have it in your head, you have to have it in your heart that it is proceeding forth out of your mouth. Oh, my children, that you would get a hold of these things that you can be victorious and you can be all that I have called you to be in these days and these hours. For I love you with an everlasting love and I desire to take you through these days ahead victoriously, but you must, you must, you must walk according to my word, you must know how to stand upon my word, saith the Lord.
The Lord says this morning wake up; the Lord says this morning tell the devil to flee, because if you stand upon my word in the name of Jesus the devil must flee. The Lord God says this morning do a victory march, tell the devil you have the today, tell the devil that you are the son; you are the daughter of your Lord God. Tell the devil to go, tell the devil this church is going to have the victory. So do a victory march, allow the Lord God to move, and after the victory march, come to the altar to be renewed, to be restored, to be revived, because the Lord God says his revival fires are burning today and he wants to move upon you. So allow God to move today in your hearts and allow him his fire to burn within you. So do a victory march, dance, sing, praise him as you are doing it and allow the Lord God’s love to come within you.
For I say unto you, even as Paul said unto the Corinthians, I would speak spiritual things to you, but I am not able, because you are yet babes, you desire to fill and fantasize the flesh and yet you don’t desire to fill the spiritual that you can walk as giants, that you can be overcomers, that you could be victors. For the flesh still dictates to you, it tells you whether your in pain, whether you are sick, whether you are hurting and yet the Spirit is saying you have been delivered, you have been set free, you are healed. Why walk as babes, for strong meat only belongs to them that eat the meat, the strong meat and they are the ones that can discern both good and evil, the others can only discern evil. They are not able to discern the good yet and yet it is my love and my desire, I desire that you walk, yes, as full grown Christians, that you walk in the spirit realm that you won’t fulfill the lust of the flesh, that you are the overcomer, that you are the head and not the tail that you are above and not beneath. I desire that you become everything that I said you could be, for only then, only then do you become adults, only then do you handle the kingdom of God with the wisdom and knowledge that I give unto you. And you don’t handle it like many of the world handle it today, for they don’t know the kingdom of God. They don’t know my righteousness, they don’t have my understanding, they don’t have my wisdom and Hosea 4:6 is being fulfilled in their life, they are being destroyed for a lack of knowledge. I desire that you become all, all, all that I have said that you could be. I desire that you would get quickly into my word, that you stay in my word until my word moves from your head, from your brain to your heart that the heart overflows, that when you open your mouth my words, my words come out of your mouth, because that is what you believe, that is what you stand on, that is why you are a giant for me. For that is my desire, because the world is going to get darker and darker and darker and the only light, the only light that they are going to have is in the spirit realm and if they are not walking in the spirit realm they won’t see the light. The light will be there, the light will always be there, for I have promised you that I will never leave you nor forsake you, but you cannot see these things, you cannot feel these things, you cannot understand these things unless you walk in the spirit realm.
For I say unto you, even as a caterpillar is within its cocoon, it doesn’t know that it can fly, says the Lord, till it breaks out of its cocoon. So do my children don’t know they can fly in my word and stand on my word until they break free from the world, says the Lord. Separate yourself from the world that you can be everything that I said that you could be that you could walk on the water, says the Lord, that you could fly high like an eagle, says the Lord, that you can be victorious, says the Lord.
For God so loved the world that he sent his Son so that you could have everlasting life, God sent his Son into this world for each and every one of you that you might go nigh or lose your dwelling, so that you can have him with you. The Lord God says he loves with everlasting love, he wants to take you through these end times, he wants to be your Shepard. The Lord God says you have to allow him to direct your ways; you have to allow him to take you through these times. You have to allow him to deliver you; you have to allow him to set you free, free indeed, because once you allow him to do that you can move forward in him. Once you allow him to do that you can get into your spiritual place, for some of you are not in your spiritual place, because you have not been set free totally yet, because you are not allowing God. For the Lord God says you allow him to set you free, you will get closer to him and you will allow him to direct your ways, allow him to take you through financially, allow him to feed you, not just food but feed you with his words. Allow God to move upon you each and every day, allow his love to move upon you, the Lord God says.
2-4-18 pm service
For it is a glorious hour, an hour of great blessings for my people, an hour of great wisdom and knowledge, understanding, joy, peace, oh the pleasures that they shall have even though round about them they see the darkness, the things of the world and yet they shall be blessed. You shall be blessed and I shall watch over you and protect you and keep you safe, no fear, no fear shall enter your dwellings, no disaster shall come nigh unto you, for my angels shall defend you and keep you safe. But put aside anything that will trouble your heart and know for surety that you are mine and I love you with an everlasting love and I have charged my angels round about you to watch over you protect you and keep you safe. And it shall be so, oh yes, it shall be so and you shall see the beauty of all that you don’t yet see, but you shall see it, you shall know it, you shall understand it. For the things that I have yet ahead for you are the greatest, are the greatest, for always, always I save the best for last.
You shall be like the eagle and you shall soar above all the storms and you will be able to see the enemy far ahead. He will not be able to reach you, but you can reach him and hinder him and stop him, for you shall be far greater.
For truly, yes, my word shall carry you through to the end, my blessings shall shadow you around every corner. For if you are walking according to my word I will be pouring my blessings out upon you without measure, for yes, they have been saved up and stored up for this day and for this hour and they shall come into those who have been faithful, to those who have done the things that I have called for them to do, those who have stood upon my word and believed me with all their heart knowing that I would carry them through the days victoriously, and yes, victorious they shall be. So be like one of those, put all of your trust and all of your confidence in me, know that the things that are coming are not for you and, therefore, will not affect you if you are walking with me, if you are listening to my voice and doing all the things I have spoken unto you to do. They shall shake the world far more than anything ever before in time and many shall come unto me because of that. There shall be some that will hurt in their hearts and blame me for the things that are going on even though that is not the case. But many shall come in and for those who are standing according to my word I shall use them in a mighty and powerful way in this end time move. For you are of great need to me, saith the Lord and, therefore, I will move upon your behalf, I will heal, I will deliver, I will set you free so you can do all that I have called for you to do. All you need to do is stand upon my word and stand upon my promises and know that I, your Father God, will take you through these days victoriously, saith the Lord.
For many of my people are like Gideon, they see themselves as nothing and that is the teaching of the devil. For nowhere in my word do I say this, not even to him and he rose up to be a mighty warrior, rise up, rise up, rise up.
For I say to you, was there not two working in the mill, was there not two working in the field, was their not two sleeping in the bed doing the same things and yet only one was taken, says the Lord. Do not be imitators, but be real, says the Lord, don’t be an imitator, but be real, says the Lord, be real, says the Lord.
1-31-18 pm service
Let your spiritual mind be very active that you may understand the things that are taking place, the things that are going on from the moon right now on down to the things that you are hearing, the volcanoes, the threats, the politics, that you may know and understand clearly what is happening and what the time is. For you the time is extremely important, for if you know not the time, you cannot prepare yourself in the way that you should prepare yourself that you can walk in the victories that I have for you, that you can be the overcomer that I said that you should be. For as you look and listen you see many things that my word declares shall take place at this time and truly these things are happening now, now. Even in your small newspaper they warn you about a nuclear war, which will never come here, but yet they warn you, is that not fear, does that not cause panic, would you know how to answer them if they asked you? Know my word, know what my word says.
My truth shall prevail; it shall do everything that I have said it shall do. Not everybody will receive, for many do not believe, many walk around in unbelief and doubt, but those that believe, those that believe, they shall be the victors, they shall be the overcomers, they shall be the head not the tail, they shall be above and never beneath. Therefore, I say, walk with me.
Let your spiritual ears be open, for you are the one that allows that, not me, I have already filled you with My Spirit. When the Spirit talks to you be faithful, be obedient, do what he tells you to do, don’t sit there like you don’t know, for if you sit there like that it is impossible, yes, impossible for me to help you.
1-28-18 am service
For it is an hour of great joy for those that are walking with me, but it is an hour of great trouble for those that don’t know my word, for those that are not walking with me. For they do not understand the things that are coming to pass and they think they can pray them away. You cannot pray them away, it is that hour, it is that time, it is going to happen whether you like or whether you don’t like it, it will take place. But you can walk according to my word, you can walk with me and walk in the blessings and walk in the victories and walk in the joy and walk in the peace and know assured in your heart that you are going to win, that everything is going to be right. Even though you shall see Russia go to war very soon now, you shall see Babylon destroyed in twenty four hours, you shall see the great earthquake, you shall see these things, for I have spoken to you concerning these things and they shall come to pass, that does not mean that my church or my children cannot walk in great victory, that they cannot walk in peace and assurance, they can. But they can only do it if they know it in their heart, and not their head, that I am Almighty God, that my word is truth and that the things that I say shall come to pass. And I will watch over you and protect you and keep you safe, it shall not be like the false peace, for I shall put steak on your table if need be, I shall fill you with food if need be. I shall heal, I shall deliver, I shall set free, I shall do whatever it takes to cause you to be victorious. So fear not the world, don’t feel sorry for them, they are receiving their warnings, they are refusing to acknowledge them, they are refusing to accept them. But you accept them, you believe them, for as you do then you shall walk in victory, you shall be the overcomer and you shall see the great rewards that I have for you. You shall see not only this building so full that you can’t get anybody else in, but next one also and the one after that also. You shall see these things, because I, your Father God, have said that you shall and when you get up in the morning and grab your pants they will be heavy, because your pockets will be filled with money. You will be able to do what I tell you to do, for the wealth of the heathen shall come to you. So don’t look at the world and grumble, don’t look at the world and pout, put on the full armor, the full armor and walk according to my word, walk according to my promise and realize that the hour, the hour, the hour is very, very late, the hour is late.
If you read my word and do not read it in the negative, because the devil taught you to read it that way, my word has never been negative, but it is positive, it gives hope, it gives assurance, it gives peace, it gives healing. My word says accept my word, and what, destroy the people, oh no, no, but healed the people, healed the people, that is of everything, delivered them, set them free. So as you look at my word read what is says, listen carefully, ponder it, put it on the scale and weigh it out and make sure you hear clearly what I have said. For then you shall walk in the greatest victory that you have ever walked in, the greatest peace that you have ever walked in, the greatest assurance, yes, my word is truth.
For truly my word does not go out and return void, but it goes forth to accomplish all that I have said for it to do. For that is so in each and every case that my word is always fulfilled. So do not think, Lord, how are you going to do it, that is not for you to worry about, it is for you to just trust me and stand upon my word knowing that all of it is going to come into fulfillment before I take my church out. All the promises that I have given unto you shall come to pass. Yes, there are many who have forgotten about some of the promises that I have given to them and they need to grab hold of them to receive the fullness of those. For I am not talking just about those, I am talking about the promises that I have given to the church, the promises that I have given to the world that the revival would come before the church was taken out. Oh, you are just beginning to see some of these things come to pass and yet you have not seen them or experienced them in their fullness yet and yet there is time enough for me to do all that I have said that I would do. So do not worry or be concerned about how I am going to do it, but run with me, be ready for me to use you when I call upon you. For if you are not ready then I have to find somebody else and I cannot bless you because you are not ready, saith the Lord. So get ready, saith the Lord, get ready, for very soon I shall call upon you, for it is that time and it is that hour, saith the Lord.
The Lord says come to me all you weary and heavy burdened, for I want to take your burdens today. The Lord God says come to me, for whoever is sick and I shall heal you, come to me if you have diseases, for I shall heal you. The Lord God says he loves you; he wants to heal each and every one of you today because he loves you. He wants to touch you, touch you like never before, he wants his anointing just to drop upon you like a river so you can feel it like never before because he loves you. The Lord God says for his anointing is going to get deeper each and every week because the Holy Spirit is going to be here each and every week just like it has been stronger and stronger because the Lord God wants to bring you through whatever you are going through. The Lord God wants to get you ready for when the harvest gets here, the Lord God wants to get you ready because he is watering the harvest right now and those seeds are getting planted like never before. The Lord God say be ready so that you can run with him and not be weary, the Lord God says be ready because the harvest is going to need each and every one of my workers so that we can move forward, so that the people can be prayed for, so that certain people can be touched by me. So be ready, be ready for Campmeeting the Lord God says so that I can touch each and every one of you, be ready each and every week because my anointing is going to get stronger, be ready to be touched today, because I am here and I am ready to touch you, come all.
For I remind you again my word when spoken out of your mouth shall not go out and return void. My word spoken in silence through your head won’t bring anything to pass. You need to speak my word, did I not speak everything into existence, I didn’t say, oh that sounds stupid, I spoke it into being. And when you speak it into being, when you speak my word, when you speak my word all of heaven quickly goes into action, and if they have to create it, it won’t come to pass, it will do the things that I send it forth to do. Therefore, when you read it, when you read it out loud my word is doing a work within you that you see not. But, I say unto you, be bold, be as bold as a lion, a lion far bigger, stronger than the worldly lion, the devil and he will quickly flee from you. And if he has fled from you, guess what, you are not in a battle, you are not in a house of confusion, you are not in trouble, because it is all fled from you.
Listen carefully my children, for many things are taking place right now, as you see for even your newspapers are recording the things that are going on. You see the King of Jordan as he brings his restrictions, as he demands that you stay away from the temple, that you do not move Jerusalem. You hear America now saying they may change their mind, do they know not what this will bring forth, this will be the dividing of the land again. Once again I gave you that land, that land is your land and you have no right giving even a gravesite away to another country, that is my land. And when you divide that land, not only will you divide that land, but you will divide America and the great lakes will flow to New Orleans and disaster shall take place. Do you not see the volcanoes; do you not hear about the earthquakes, do you not realize that the plates underneath the ocean have shifted? Do you not see Russia on the move; does she not have her largest submarine setting off of North Carolina and South Carolina and Virginia? Things are ready to take place, you need to receive your Messiah or you will spend the three and a half worse years that you have ever had hiding in a cave to be safe.
The Lord God says come to him this morning with all your needs, because when you sit back you are allowing the devil to get his way. So come to him and allow him to move upon you today. The Lord God says so come and do not allow the devil to get his way. So come, come, come.
1-28-18 pm service
For my love for you is overflowing, it is overflowing that I can bless you even more than I have been blessing you, that I can show you the victorious life before I take my church out that you can see and fellowship with the multitudes that I shall bring in, that I can bless you coming in, that I can bless you going out, that you can be the head and not the tail above and not beneath, for that is my desire. For even though the world is going the wrong direction, yet my church, my church is waking out of their sound sleep and more and more shall awake and come alive, and as they begin to come alive multitudes, multitudes shall come in. And as those multitudes come in everything becomes easier, everything for the laborers with be here and they will be able to bring in the harvest, they will be here to support and strengthen. So when disaster is happening on the right hand and on the left hand you will be rejoicing knowing that your name is written down in my Lamb’s Book of Life, of knowing you are going to heaven, that eternity is going to be filled with even more blessings than anything you have ever thought of or heard of. It shall be a glorious hour, an hour such as man has never seen or known. For many write books and say they have been to heaven, and never have been there, there are those that have, but many times man wants to gain fame and fortune and I can’t use him. So don’t be like that, don’t be like the ones that are still sleeping that have still got their heads in the sand and don’t know what is going on. They don’t know what tomorrow holds, for some of you sitting right here, you know what tomorrow holds, for I have already showed you, you know the things that are coming to pass and you don’t fear them, you walk very closely by my side. Watch the news, watch the news, for many disasters shall now come to pass and realize the things that will take place right after Babylon falls. Don’t go to those areas under any circumstance, stay clear of them and you shall be safe.
Make sure you hear from me very clearly on every place that you are going to that I can keep you safe, that I can watch over you and protect you. Listen carefully, follow my directions, for truly things are going to change all over and change suddenly and things that you once could do and be safe you will no longer be able to do. But as you walk very closely by my side I shall keep you perfectly safe, but now is the time to know my voice, for my children know my voice.
Just as fast as a drop of dye changes the whole color of a cup of water, so too shall the world change as fast as that drop of dye, so when the bottom falls out, says the Lord, my windows of heaven open up upon you and you shall have whatever you have need of, says the Lord. But don’t travel, do not travel, do not travel to other places to seek refuge, to seek strength, to seek wisdom, for it is found here, says the Lord. For you shall be destroyed if you flee, says the Lord, stay put, stay strong, stay strong in me, says the Lord.
For you are far safer than you realize, therefore, I have said don’t go looking for other places that you think are safe, for I have told you, you are safe here. For who would want to challenge an army of angels with their swords drawn when there head and shoulders above you, wisdom would tell you to back off, back off. For I have you in the safety of my hand, I will watch over you, I will protect you, I will keep you safe, just do the things that I say. Listen, listen, for I have kept you safe when other place haven’t been safe, I have caused the sun to shine upon you when other places were receiving rain. I have kept the floods basically away from you when then there could have been great floods I have done all that I said I would do and much, much more. So do not allow any fear to enter in, but know you are safe.
1-24-18 pm service
Great expectations are flowing inside of the hearts of my children, their expectations are far greater than they have ever been and the blessings are far greater and the miracles and the healings and the signs and the wonders they are all far greater. For you can see the mighty hand of God upon the things that are going on, they echo throughout all the earth and even though you can cast your eyes over on the negative side and see the things that are happening to the world, yet my word, my word is being fulfilled and those with their eyes upon me are seeing the fulfillment. It is a great hour, saith your Father God and you should be seeing it in your paychecks, in the grocery store, every place you go you should see this. For things are taking place that people did not feel would ever take place again, but truly they are and I am not talking about the work of the devil, I am not talking about the negative, I am talking about my work, for it is my work that I have said I shall fulfill.
The excitement, the excitement of what my people are hearing from me, what they are hearing through the Spirit is bubbling over and they are talking with others and that excitement is catching a hold of them and they are expecting me to move mightily on their behalf. But yet I still have that group, that group that don’t expect and I do not know if they shall catch a hold of this yet. But if my people who are called by my name shall pray, shall pray and seek my face then I can pour out My Spirit upon all flesh.
If you lived in a city that was filled with crime, that it was unsafe to walk on the streets, would you lock your doors? My word says that immediately, immediately when you hear my word the devil comes to steal it, why aren’t you locking your door? Why is your door unlocked?
For the thief comes but to steal kill and destroy and he is always looking for a way in and yet my people at times are not careful and give him those ways that he can get in and steal from them and they know it not. Oh, that you get a hold of my word and you walk with me more closely than you are right now, that you put a guard upon your mouth that you do not allow the enemy to get in, in that area, saith the Lord. For there are many that are allowing this to happen, but if you put a guard about your mouth it would not happen, saith the Lord. It is up to you, you can allow the enemy to steal from you or you can take your place as heirs and joint heirs of the throne of Almighty God and put him in his place. You can stop him and make him repay for everything he has stolen, but you must know my word, you must know how to stand upon my word, you must know how to use my word, you must know how to speak my word. And you learn that by getting into my word, by drawing closer with me.