Previous Predictions Page 9  Feb  2004 on..

4-28-04 pm service

For the days are numbered even as the hairs on your head are numbered. I know those days, sayeth your Father God, I know the shortness of time, I understand the things that are going on even though at times you understand not and yet should. Oh, I say unto you, know my word, get into my word and study my word. Look at the things round about that are taking place, the things that are coming to pass, the things that I have told you, ponder on them. Know the evilness of this hour, know the disasters that shall come, the tragedies that shall come, the calamities that shall come, understand these things and you shall walk in a peace such as the world does not have. Not only shall you walk in that peace, but you shall walk in the victory that I have given unto you. But if you look the other way, or you listen to those that are negative, those that do not know where you are at, those that do not hear from me, you will be caught in many of these traps. But I say unto you, know my voice, know my ways, walk according to my ways, be not fooled by the enemy, be not lured into the traps that he has set, but be the overcomer. For truly I desire to bless you, to bless you in every area of your life that you may walk in the fullness of the victories that I have for you.

Therefore, because of the shortness of the hour and the lateness of the time, therefore, know that my promises unto you shall be fulfilled even faster than you can think or imagine. For at times they shall even catch you off guard at how quick my promises are fulfilled unto you. Therefore, I say unto you, keep your eyes upon me, keep your eyes upon the things that I have spoken unto you, not only as a church, but personally, the things that are yours, the promises I have given unto you. For truly I have sent forth my word and I am watching over my word and they shall be fulfilled, for things shall begin to take place at a faster rate. Even in the world it shall pick up, my children, and so shall it be in my church, the pace, it shall pick up and you shall see things happen quicker than you have seen them in the past. Therefore, I say unto you, know my word like never before, know the lateness, the shortness of the hour and know how important it is to press in unto me with everything that you have, that truly you walk in the fullness of the victory that I have already given unto you. For it is a great hour my children for my church even though it is a troublesome time for the world, it is a great hour for my church. For truly they shall, they shall be victorious on every side; everything that they put their hand to shall prosper.

For as a baby cannot dress himself, neither can you walk through this time without my help. So lean not upon your own understanding, but come unto me and learn from me.

4-25-04 am service

I have washed you, yea; I have cleansed you in the blood of my son Jesus. I say to you this day, leave behind that old person, for many of my people continue to live in the worldly ways, I say to you, let them go, follow me, follow after me. Read my word, know my word, know what my word says about you, know my voice so that when I talk to you, you know that it is me speaking. For I say, I have a great plan for your life, a great and mighty plan, a great work, it is the time, it is the hour, but you need to let go of the past. You are no longer that person that you were when you came unto me, I say it is time to live in the present. Do not allow the enemy to rob that joy, do not allow the enemy to tell you that you are still that person, for you no longer are of this world, you are of my world, and I say to you, I have great things in store for you. So leave behind the past, live in the present, know my word, know my voice and follow after the things and the direction that I send you in.

For truly it is a great hour for my church, the greatest hour, the greatest hour my church has ever seen or experienced. It is a time of great blessings, yet it is a time for my children to bind together in unity like never before running forward with the vision, with the goal that I have placed in front of them. It is an hour to truly be about the Father’s business and to be doing the things that I have said for you to do. For when you are walking in my will, when you walk in my way, the blessings that shall overtake your life, they shall fill you to overflowing that you will not have any room to contain all that shall flood into your being. For it is a great hour my children and truly I am doing the things that I said I shall do in this hour and this time. For I am bringing in the harvest as I have said, it is so ripe my children, take the opportunity that you have each and every single day to share me with others. And as you are obedient unto my Spirit, you shall see even the coldest heart turn into a soft, soft, humble spirit. Therefore, I say unto you, know the things that I have spoken unto you, know that I have said all you have to do is be obedient and open forth your mouth and I shall do the rest. Be obedient unto my Spirit when I call you, when I speak unto you to speak unto others. For it is that hour my children, it is that time for that harvest to come in and I have need of you. For you are my hands, you are my feet, you are my mouthpiece, therefore, go and do the things that I have said for you to do. For it is that time, it is that hour, watch as you step out in obedience, watch as my word is fulfilled unto you and watch as the blessings overtake your life.

For truly it is a great hour when the manifestations shall come quicker, yes and they shall be even greater than has been seen before. For it is that time, that time Joel spoke about in his word when I shall pour out my Spirit without measure and it shall be far greater than any time, than any season that has been seen before. You shall walk, yes, you shall walk in plenty, you shall walk in blessings, you shall walk in the power, you shall walk in the anointing. For truly I am pouring it out upon all flesh, your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, yea, and you shall go forth, yea, and do the things that I, your Father God, have called you to do.

Be like one who continually drinks from the fountain of life, that fills themself over and over and over until it gushes out of them and splashes on others, that they too may receive what you have.

4-25-04 pm service

For it is not an hour to be lagging behind, but it is an hour to be doing the things that I have called you to do. It is an hour to be pressing in with all that you have to make sure that the oil in your lamps are full. For truly I am coming soon and it is not a day to be going around doing your own foolish things, but it is an hour to be doing the things that I have said. For does not my word say that there shall be storms in this hour and in this time? But only those who are wise and have founded themselves upon my word, the solid rock, they are the only ones that stand, the foolish they shall be blown over by the storms that come. Be not like the foolish, but I say, have your feet firmly planted in my word, unmovable, not moving when the storms come. For when you are grounded in my word those storms shall blow by as if it was nothing. Therefore, I say unto you, press in like never before; do not have the oil in your lamp even get low, but I say unto you, keep it filled, that it is filled to overflowing that you are ready when I return for my church.

For it is my desire even far greater than yours to pour my Spirit upon you without limitation that you may rise up and walk in the fullness of everything that I have for you. That you may be my powerhouse in these last days, that you may be the vessels that I can bring miracles, signs and wonders through. That you might be my mouthpiece, that you may speak to my people, that you may bring forth warnings, that you may bring forth wisdom, that you may bring forth counseling. For I have great need of you, sayeth your Father God, yea, and I desire to pour that spirit upon you without measure, I desire to fill you over and over and over. Therefore, open your vessels, receive the things that I have for you, for it is my pleasure, it is my pleasure to pour my Spirit upon you.

For when the wind of the Spirit blows upon the coals, the fire is far greater than when there is no wind.

The anointing that I shall bring unto you shall bring you through, you have nothing to be afraid of, says the Lord, for I am as close to you as where you are, says God. Let your heart arise and let your mind know today that I am your God and that I live inside of you and that I am strong, says God. And know that you are strong because I live inside of you, says the Lord. So be positive this day and know and have confidence that you shall overcome because I, the Lord your God, live inside of you. Be strong this day, say I am strong, says the Lord, say to yourself and know, declare it, that you shall overcome.

For behold, says the Lord, another, another river is flowing that is not of me, says God. But have I not planted you strong? Consider says the Lord; consider yourself and the strength that is within you. This other river is not of me, says God, but you can stand through it. Have you ever stood in a river, says God, and not been taken over because you took your stance and the water went by and you took your stance and you were not overcome? That is the strength that I give you, says God, this other river that is not of me will not knock you over.

So be firm, says the Lord, be firm this day, be firm in your stance, be firm in how you know me, says God. Be firm, be firm in what you believe, be firm in what you declare, let not your thoughts become any less than that which I have put and placed there and that is be firm.

4-25-04 at the altar after the pm service

It is a time of great restoration, a time such as my church has not seen before. From the very foundations of the earth I saw this time, sayeth your Father, yea, and I saw those that would be here to go forth in that time. I saw their hearts, they were a peculiar people totally dedicated to me, dedicated to my ministry, not to build their own fame, not to build their own glory, but to be my servants, they were willing to do the things that I said. And I knew that was the hour and the time that I, your Father God, could give unto them the fullness of my Spirit, the fullness of my power, the fullness of my ability, for they are not those that would misuse it. They are not those that would claim it as their own, but they are those that shall go forth in this last hour and bring in that harvest that is there. They will not fear the false, they will not fear the false dictator either, for they will know who they are, they are heirs to the throne of their Father, they are joint heirs with Jesus. They are equipped by the Holy Ghost, they have on their armor and they go forth in the faith that they have built into their lives that has grown to exceeding greatness. Oh, I say unto you, it is an hour, an hour that many would love to be here to see, to walk in it, but you are the generation that I choose. You are the people that I choose, and through you I shall do a work that will be my finest hour, my finest hour. For I have the vessels of gold, the vessels that I can work through to bring to pass those things that I desire to bring to pass. They will not run in the face of battle, they will not hover under the bed when the enemy speaks, but they will be like David’s mighty men and they shall rise up and run to the battle and chase the enemy off. They shall be powerful and they shall be anointed with an anointing that many have desired, but never received because of their hearts. Even though the world shall become a very evil place, a very dark place, a very troubled time on the right and the left, a troubled time before and behind, when things look like they are all falling to pieces, there shall be a light that will be so bright it shall pierce the darkness. And those that are open, those that are hungry, those that desire to come in shall see that light. They shall see my manifestations of my power through these lights and they shall come unto the light and they shall receive me and they shall receive those things that I have for them, that they may run along side you and do the work that you do. And the harvest shall not be lost, it shall not fall along the wayside, it shall not be destroyed by the enemy, for I, your Father God, have placed the laborers here, it shall bring in that harvest and you shall walk in great victory. So fear not the things that shall come upon the face of the earth. Fear not the trouble or the calamities or the pestilence or the sicknesses. Fear not the hurricanes and the tornadoes, the straight winds, the tidal waves, the typhoons, the cyclones, fear them not, but speak to them in the power and the authority and the ability that I have given unto you. For they shall not come nigh your dwellings, they shall not come with their disaster, they shall not come with their sicknesses, they shall not come with their pain, for as you speak my word they will go elsewhere. For they shall know your voice, for it shall be my voice and I shall speak and they shall tremble and fear and they shall depart. Many, many evil things shall come upon the face of the earth, but they are not for you. For you are my children and I love you, I love you; I love you with an everlasting love. And I shall be there for you and I shall comfort you and I shall strengthen you and I shall lift you up and I shall hold you in my arms, even as a father holds his child. And I shall love you and I shall love you that you shall know my love and go in my love and all that you do shall be in my love, for truly faith worketh by love. Now hear and listen and ponder the things that I have for you.

Do not be fearful of the hour or the time that you are living in. For does not my word say that there shall be perilous times in the end-times? You are in the end-times and truly there shall be perilous things that shall take place in the world, but I have said fear ye not, but trust me, trust my word, walk in my word, put your confidence in me, for I shall do all that I have said I shall do. I shall take you through in great victory, I shall give unto you the peace that you have need of, that you can walk, yes, that you can walk in the abundance of all that I have for this time and this hour. Know that you are mine and that my hand is upon you and I shall take you through these days in great victory. It is a victorious hour for my church, it is not an hour of defeat, but it is an hour where they shall rise and become all that I have said that they are, they shall be those giants and they shall conquer the promised land that I have given before them. And mighty are the things that shall take place for those who walk upright before me and who know my word and follow after the things that I have spoken unto them to do, for it is a great hour for my church. Therefore, I say unto you, keep your eyes upon the things that I have set in front of you, do not allow yourself to become caught away in the things of the false, the things of the world, but be caught away with me and my word, that truly you can walk in the abundance of what I have in store for you. For things are going to continue to get worse in Iraq and Afghanistan. You shall see as the gas continues to rise, so shall the prices of food and lights. The lights are close to a record high even right now. Frost has already killed some crops around the world and yet you shall even continue to see more of this. You shall see the tornadoes as they rise, as they become more deadly, as they become more powerful. You shall see the locusts and the grasshoppers as they are invading the drought land, you shall hear of this even more so. More fires and soon much larger ones. Shortages on gas which will cause prices to be even higher in many places. You shall see more freedom as it is lost by new restrictions. You shall see as they cut back in many police departments as the cost goes up and up. You shall also see welfare cuts because of the cost going up and up. More police walking or riding bikes because of this. You shall see as the fruit becomes very high, as vegetables also become very high because of the drought that is taking place, because of the lose of crops that is taking place. You shall see those prices rise. You shall see as the drought increases and becomes wider and wider. You shall see floods, shortages, lumber to skyrocket, fuel for winter to be even higher, hot, hot weather. You shall see as the terrorists attack even more so now. The polluting of water, heavy frost next week in different places, the killer type. You shall also see hail that will destroy crops. But do not be concerned for I have said that I am your God, and even if you live in those areas, I said as you call upon me, as you cry out unto me, I shall hear and I shall answer. Therefore, know who your God is and rise up into that position I have given unto you as a King’s kid. Stand in your rights and your covenant that I have made with you and watch as I, Almighty God, take you through. Therefore, know my word and the importance of my word and the importance of standing in my word. For truly even though there are perilous times in the world, I have overcome the world. Do not be concerned, for I have said you are not of the world, you are mine, you are mine and my hand is upon you. Therefore, fear not the things that shall take place nor fear the things that you shall see, but place your trust and your confidence in me your Father God.

4-21-04 pm service

I watch over my words to perform them, my words do not go out and return void, even though you may not get your answer, my words always bring back the answer. Believe my word and you shall receive your answers and you shall walk in the fullness of the things that I have for you. For truly I am not a man that I can lie, for I go before you and open doors that are closed, I make a way where there is no way. I cause you to rise up and become the overcomers that I have made you to be. I desire for you to walk in the fullness of the things that I have for you. I desire that you know my word, that you walk in the strength and the power and the unity of my word. That you have no fear concerning the things that are coming to pass, that you are not troubled by the things that you hear, that you know, that you are at rest in your heart, you know, you know, that truly you are the overcomer. You are a joint heir, you are of my kingdom, you are not of this world. Therefore, walk in the victory that I have given unto you, walk in the power and the might and the ability that belongs to you. Walk in it, walk in it, have the victories that are yours.

For it is an hour when my church will come into unity as one. For does not my word say, can two walk together except they be in agreement? How can you walk with me when you are not in agreement with my word? Or how can you follow my visions, my goals, when your visions and your goals are something different and they do not agree with what I have called you to do for this time and this hour? It is not a time to be doing your own thing, but it is a time to line yourself up with my word, to line yourself up with the things that I have said. That you can receive the fullness of the blessings that I have in store for you for this time and this hour. Oh, for truly my children, it is time to be in agreement with my word like never before, to have my word not only in your heart, but in your mouth at all times. Speaking forth my word as I have said, that truly you can walk in the victory that I have already given unto you. Therefore, I say unto you, line yourself up with my word, allow only you thoughts to think upon my word, allow only your mouth to speak forth my word and watch and watch as you see that victory quickly come into being. For when you are in agreement with me, oh, the mighty things that I can do on your behalf. Therefore, I say unto you, walk with me like never before, walk according to my word. Do not walk according to your own desire or your flesh, but walk according to my word, live my word, speak my word. For it is that hour my children where you need to walk in agreement with me. For the enemy seeks whom he can kill, steal, and devour and when you are not lined up with my word he is able to get in and get a foothold. Therefore, allow not this to happen, but I say unto you, line yourself up to my word.

Run, run, run to the battle, for the enemy flees from you. If you desire to whip him, then he will not come back. Chase him, run to the battle, run to the battle.

4-18-04 am service

There is nothing, absolutely nothing that is impossible when you walk with me. For when you walk with me, you walk in all the power and authority that I possess. I have given that strength, that authority, that power unto you my children and absolutely nothing can stand in your way. Oh, I say, the way of the world is not for you, the ways of the world will try to make you believe that you are defeated, they will try to stumble your toe. But I say to you, look not at that, look not at what the world says, but look at what I say. What does my word say? Enter into the things that I have already given unto you my children. Know what my word says, have my word in your heart and your mouth, speak my word to the circumstances. For I say to you, nothing, absolutely nothing is impossible when you walk with me. For I love you with an everlasting love, I have not put you out there to be defeated, I have put you out there to be a victor, and I say to you, the victory is yours. So walk with your head held high, continue to walk in the joy I have placed in your heart and know that I, your Father God, have gone before you and prepared the way, I have prepared that victorious road. I say unto you, step forward and claim it, for it is yours.

For the ways of darkness have been removed, the eyes of my people have been enlightened. My voice has become clearer and clearer and clearer to the ears of those that are hearing, of those that are listening, for those who are going my way and not trying to go another way. Yes, truly this is the hour; this is the hour that you may walk in the victories that I have for you. This is the hour when your eyes shall be opened to all the little things that the enemy is trying to do. You will have the wisdom; you will have the knowledge to overcome all of them. You will have the wisdom and knowledge to walk in the victory that I have for you. You will have the wisdom and knowledge to make the moves to bring forth those things that I have promised you. For I, your Father God, have opened doors wide, yea and the light is far brighter upon the path that you trod. Therefore, walk beside me; walk with me, for I have a way for you to walk in and as you walk in that way you shall walk in great victory.

4-18-04 pm service

For it is a great hour, far greater than most are seeing, far greater than most understand. And yet I keep telling them of the greatness of this hour, the blessings that only this hour could hold or contain that shall be poured out upon my people that they may walk in great victory, that they may see all the promises fulfilled before my church is taken out of here. Yes, it is a great hour, sayeth your Father God, oh so great, so keep your eyes upon me, not upon the circumstances, not upon the things that you hear, not upon the pressures of life. But keep your eyes upon me and upon my word and upon my promises, for truly you shall go through this time in great victory, you shall be the overcomers. Oh, walk, walk, walk as heirs to the throne of your Father God. Walk as my son Jesus walked, walk in the fullness of his power, the fullness of his might, the fullness of his ability. For it is that hour, it is that hour, therefore, walk, walk as if you understood what I am saying. Walk in the fullness of that hour.

Remove the word can’t from your vocabulary, for I do not have that word in my vocabulary. Therefore, speak my word; speak my word, for all things are possible to them that believe.

For it is time for the last laugh to be on the devil. It is time for the last laugh to be on the enemies that have fought you. It is that time, sayeth your Father.

For the taste of victory is sweet, but defeat is bitter, therefore, walk in the victory.

For many hear my word, they hear it, but they say no, no, no. Why do you say no? For truly it is yes, yes, yes.

Don’t let the devil use your mind for a garbage dump, do your spring cleaning, for it is time to clean up.

But you say to me, Lord, I listen to you, I do the things that you tell me to do. I say, no, no you don’t, you go your own way, you think you are doing the things that I told you, but you are doing the opposite of what I have spoken to you to do. I say listen, listen and hear me accurately, don’t interpret it in your mind as to what I am saying, but take heed to the words that I speak unto you and follow them. For it will mean life and health and prosperity and success in these days as they are getting darker. But if you continue to go your own way, you are only going to know hardships and sorrow and troubles. So I say, hear me accurately and don’t follow your own mind.

4-18-04 at the altar after the pm service

Be not disturbed by the things that you hear or the things that now come on the TV during the news time. Be not concerned over those things, for they are not for my people, therefore, they are not for you. But I have told you the days shall be more evil, for the evil of the world shall grow and grow and grow, and the troubles and the disasters and the calamities shall continue to increase. Even this month count the days here in this area that are 80 or above. Notice the warmth of the weather and how it is growing hotter and hotter. The drought is continuing and growing and growing and growing. The fires burning in the forest shall grow and grow and grow and the winds shall fan them and they will be concerned over the water, because unless they are near the coast, they have to use water that is in great demand. Things are not going to get better in the world; they are going to get worse. Iraq will get even worse than it is now, for all the peace talk means nothing. More trouble in the Mideast than you saw before, great trouble. You shall see all the things that I have been talking to you about as they begin to come to pass. Even the tornadoes, even though they do not touch down upon you, for I will not allow them to touch your property, are growing in this state, things that were once almost never heard of. And if they are growing in this state, you know they are growing in the states where that is normal and that is so. They are seeing more hail, more straight winds, more pestilence, more sickness and it is growing. For this is an evil hour, a time of great darkness for the world, not for my church, a time of trouble such as a woman in childbirth, for as you continue along, the labor pains shall grow and grow and grow. So shall the calamities, the disasters, the hurricanes, the tornadoes, the typhoons, the tidal waves, cyclones, oh, as the world looks they will shake their head, they will wonder why, why, for they refuse to look that the earth’s time is running out. The icebergs shall continue to melt and the coast, the shoreline, shall give up more land and more land and more land. Floods shall soon come into many of the cities that are very close, floods that will not go back, but every time high tide comes in, they will have a problem, they will be faced and forced to move. Many things are going to happen that are going to puzzle the scientists, they are going to puzzle people, but I have told you these things. I have forewarned you about the things that shall take place that you may walk in the victory that I have for you, that you may keep your eyes upon me and upon my word and upon my promises. That you do not move to the right nor to the left, but that you continue to press forward into the fullness of the things that I have for you. Costs shall continue to rise so fast that governments, even the national government, will not know what to do, how to get this money in to take care of these things, because they are giving it out faster than they are taking it in. They do not have a surplus, they just print and they print and they print, but other countries are seeing this and the value of the dollar goes down because of it and you become less of a threat to the other nations of the world. Oh, what a sad time, a time that did not need to be, a time that could have been avoided, but from before the foundations of the earth I saw this time. I saw the wickedness of the hearts of the people, I saw those whose hearts had waxed cold, who refuse to move, who refuse to do the things that I said and yet at times would say they are one of my children. My children do not act like that, many can say they are mine, but my children do not act like that. My children walk in obedience, my children walk according to my word, according to my promises. My children are blessed because they walk with me, because they believe my word, because I have become their Father and they love me with an everlasting love and desire to do the things that I say. They are my children and I will watch over my children, I will protect my children, I will take care of my children and bring them through this time victoriously. For the sicknesses shall not come to their house, the pestilence shall not come to their land, the water will not fail for them, food will always be there for them. I shall take care of every need that they have, for they shall put their total trust in me, and because they trust me, I will not fail them. I will cause things to come to pass that science, that great men, that even preachers will say cannot happen and yet it will happen and it will take place. For I shall provide for my children, I shall care for my children, I shall protect my children and they will walk in the blessings that I have. They will not fear the enemy, they will not fear the world, they will not fear the things that are coming, for they will rise up with boldness and step outside of their house and speak the word of God and the things shall go the other way. They will not come, they will not come there and the world will be watching, and as they look upon you and see you walking in the fullness of the things that I have said, they will come unto you and inquire of you. They will want to know this God that is able to provide for them, is able to care for them, is able to take them through this time victoriously. So listen and ponder and know the words that I have spoken to you this night. Let them be in your heart, for as you watch and listen to the news you shall see and hear these things coming to pass. There will be more warnings about the fish, about the air, about the pollution, about the lack here and the lack there and what the smoke is doing to the air. You will hear these things, but know this, I am with you, I am taking care of you, I am providing for you and I will take you through this time victoriously. So let your cares be upon me, let your confidence and your trust be upon me, let your faith be upon my word and the promises that I have given unto you and truly you shall walk in the victory.

4-14-04 pm service

Continue to walk forward with your eyes upon me, with your ears open to the direction that I am leading you in. Oh, I say unto you, walk tall, walk proud with your head held high, for I have called you a victor and a victor you are. Allow the enemy not to rob your joy, allow him not to enter into your mind telling you that you are defeated. For I say to you this night, you are not defeated, you are a victor. I say walk tall, walk tall, continue to listen to the direction that I give unto you and follow along the path that I lead you in. For I say to you, it is a great time, a great hour for my people, a time for my true church to be victorious. I say to you, know my word, know my word, know my word, follow after the things that I direct you to follow after. Do not concern yourself with the things of this world for they do not concern you, you are not of this world. But I say remain focused on the things that I speak unto you for that is where the importance lies. I say to you, I love you with an everlasting love and there is nothing that I will withhold from you. There is nothing that I would hold back from those of you who diligently seek me. I say unto you, hear what I say to you, pay close attention and be obedient.

For the eyes of the eagle can penetrate through the clouds and look at the storms. They rise far above, they soar, they look so gentle, so peaceful, that is how I desire my people to be. I desire for them to rise above all the storms, to see through them, to know the causes, that they may walk in the peace that I have given unto them. That they may soar, oh, far, far above all obstacles and be the victors that I, their Father God, have called them to be. So let your eyes be upon me and upon my word, live above the snake line, live in the place that I, your Father God, can go before you and do the mighty acts that I desire to do. That you may be blessed coming in and going out, that you may be the head and not the tail, that you may be above and not beneath.

4-11-04 am service

Let your eyes be steadfast upon me. Be not be moved by the things that the devil does nor the things that he says nor how he tries to operate, for anything that he does, is not, is not enough to affect you. Therefore, walk in the victories that I have for you, walk in the promises that I have given unto you, do not be moved off the path. For if you are moved off the path it is nothing but a hard time, a muddy trail. Stay on the path of life, walk according to my word, walk according to my promises, for they shall come to pass.

It is no longer time for my people to just get by, I say, it is a time for them to enter in and receive all the things that I have for them. All the blessings, all the health, all the prosperity, all the wisdom, no longer sit idle and just take the things that are hand fed to you, but I say to you, enter in and receive all the things that I have for you. For it is time my children for you to be victorious in every area of your life. I say to you, enter in, know my word, know what my word says about those circumstances in your life. Stand upon the promises that I have made unto you, for I say, they shall come to pass rather quickly now. It is a new time, it is a new hour, I say lack for nothing, but take heed to the things that I say unto you, and if there is any area of your life that you are lacking in, come, come to see me, for I shall give you all that you have need of. I say unto you, it is a new time, rejoice in the victory that lies ahead for you my children.

For yes, I have given you the best, I gave you my only son that you could have that life and that more abundantly, that you could walk victoriously as I have said that you are. For when he took away the keys from Satan I gave you all the power and authority, there is nothing too difficult for me to do. As you stand upon my word, as you call upon my name, I shall answer you; there is nothing too hard for me to do. For I am the same God that I was then and mighty, mighty are the things that are in store for this hour and this time. For I have given you my best my children, all that I have is yours, all that I have is yours. I have said you are the joint heir yet many times my children don’t walk as joint heirs. They don’t walk as the King’s kids that they are. It is the hour to rise up and walk as the King’s kids that I have said that you are, the overcomers that I have said that you are, the conquerors that I have said that you are. It is an hour to rise up and be bold in my spirit like never before and to speak to the enemy like never before in the power and authority that I have given unto you. For he is a defeated foe and there is nothing that he can throw at you that I am not able to overcome. For I have always been greater than him and I have said greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world. Therefore, rise up; rise up, rise up and walk in the power and authority that I have given unto. For I have given you the very best.

For you have come out of the tunnel and the light is so much brighter now. For it is like a spotlight upon the path that you walk. Therefore, walk closely with me and walk in all the blessings that I, your Father God, have for you.

4-11-04 pm service

Know that the times are getting darker everyday, but there is never anything too hard for me to do. For I have said that in this hour and in this time my light shines even brighter in the world and the great and mighty things that are in store for my church they are even beyond your understanding. Do not be concerned with the things of the world, for I have said you are not of the world, you are mine. You are my children and I shall protect you, I shall keep you safe, I shall be your guide in this hour and in this time. Therefore, press in unto me like never before, know my word like never before, know my voice and harken unto my voice and do the things that I, your Father God, speak unto you to do. For it is a serious hour and a serious time, it is not a time to be doing your own thing or doing your own agenda. But it is an hour to fulfill my will, the will that I have placed within your life, the calling that I have given unto you. It is the hour to rise up in my word like never before and to truly become all that I have said that you shall be. Oh, it is an hour not to slack off, but it is an hour to press in even more so, to set your eyes upon the goal that is in front of you, the prize that is in front of you and to strive, to strive like never before to reach that goal, to reach that vision that I have given unto you. For it is a great hour for my church and I shall fulfill my word unto them. Therefore, I say unto you, lose not sight of that which is in front of you, but keep your eyes upon me and press into the fullness of all that I, your Father God, have in store for you. For it is my desire that you are blessed to overflowing. It is my desire that you walk in perfect peace; it is my desire that your heart be filled with my love. It is my desire that you do not lack or want, but that you are filled to overflowing with my blessings. Therefore, I say unto you, draw closer unto me like never before, draw close unto me. For truly, my children, when you are close unto me, that is when you do not follow the ways of the world, but you follow my way. For you hear my voice and you draw close, you draw very close unto me and great and mighty are the things that I am able to do. But when you are in my word the enemy quickly flees, when you speak forth my word he quickly flees because he knows that you know, that you know, that you know the things that I have said shall surely come to pass. Therefore, I say unto you, press in even more so that you can receive all that I have in store for you in this hour and in this time.

Who knoweth the things of tomorrow only I, your Father, therefore, I speak unto you the things that shall come that you may, that you may hear, that you may understand, that you may walk in the fullness of the provisions that I have made for you, that you need not fear the things that are coming upon the face of the earth. That you may have an understanding, that you may walk in the blessings I have for you. That you may be the overcomer, the head and not the tail, above and not beneath, that you walk in the joy that I have provided for you, the peace that passes all understanding. Oh, I say unto you, I love you with an everlasting love and I desire to bless you far above all you think or all that you understand. But you must walk according to my word, you must walk according to my word, you must hear my voice and do the things that I tell you. Don’t do the things that you think, but do the things that I tell you and you shall walk in provisions such as you have never known, you shall walk in a joy such as you have never known, you shall walk in a peace such as you have never known, you shall walk in the fullness of the things that I have for you. For I love you with an everlasting love, and therefore, I tell you these things. I share these things with you that you might understand and know, that you might grasp on to them and walk with me in all the fullness of the things that I have for you.

Hear what the Spirit has to say to the churches. Hear with a fine tuned ear that you may understand, that you may press in, that you may walk in the victories that I have for you. That you turn not to the right or left, that you not speed up or lag behind, but walk with me, walk with me.

4-11-04 at the altar after the pm service

For the days of man are numbered and the days of the earth are numbered also, for this earth shall be no more, but a new one shall come down out of heaven. But fear not the things that shall take place between this day here and the catching away of my bride. For I shall keep you in the midst of great blessings, your table shall be spread in the presence of your enemies. I shall lead you by the green pastures, your cup shall overflow, goodness and mercy shall follow you and your enemies shall see this and their hearts will be tender and open. For my word declares even your enemies will be at peace with you. So fear not the things that shall come, but know my word. For if you know not these things, then troubles shall come to your door, lack and want shall come to your door, sickness and poverty shall come to your door, for you will not know what to stand upon. Do not be foolish, but build your house upon the rock, Christ Jesus, build your house upon my word, then you need not fear these things, for you shall be the victor, you shall be the overcomer. You shall be blessed, and as the world looks upon you, they will seek me, they will come unto me. Think not the words that you shall say, but let me speak through you, be my vessel, open your mouth and I will fill it, I will give you the words to say. For if you speak out of your own wisdom and out of your own mouth, even your life will be in danger. Learn these things, for you are moving into a real, real dark period, a time when the world will get more evil than you ever thought or imagined. It will be on your right, it will be on your left, it will be before you, it will be behind you and yet it shall not touch you. I will go before you and make a way where there is no way, I shall be the light upon the path that you trod, I will lead you and I will guide you. But walk according to my word, allow me to work through you, allow me to be your mouth, your hands, your feet, allow my Spirit to control your ears that you hear what the enemy is attempting to do and be not fearful of it. For you will always know ahead, for I will show you, I will lead you, I will guide you, I will direct you. We are in a place right now in history when America shall lose her face to the world, but remember you are not of this world, you are citizens of heaven and I will take you through this time victoriously. Be prepared to pray for and give healing unto the veterans that will come again to your website, but not with the old disease so much, but with a new one. For they will come, for your friend and my servant, Bluebaker, will search them out, he will send them. So prepare yourself, for this time it shall be multitudes that come, multitudes, great numbers. Keep your eyes upon me and upon my word, keep your thoughts and your meditation upon the things that I have said. Listen to my word as I give it to you and watch it in the news come to pass. How come you do not watch? How come you do not listen? For many things have taken place that your eyes have not seen yet. So I will show you again in even a greater, greater way that you will realize, yes Lord, that has come to pass. Listen carefully to the words that I give to you, meditate upon them. Don’t think the negatives, don’t think like the world thinks and by all means don’t speak the negatives nor speak like the world speaks, for you are not of this world, you are of my household. Know my voice, know it until it is so clear to you, that if I tell you to go on this road to the house number 136 and speak to those people my word, you will go there and you will see a great miracle, you will see things take place. Know my voice so loud and so clear, if I tell you to stop and pull over and wait, you will do that and the disaster will not come your way. If I say don’t get on the plane or don’t get on that train, know my voice, know my voice. For many things are taking place right now that they are not telling you about, but they will have to soon. But keep your eyes upon me and upon my word; let your ears always be open. They are closed when you are worried about your own situations. They are closed when you are worried about the things that are going on wherever you work. They are closed when you are caught up in the cares of the world. Don’t be like that, but let your ears be open, for if I cannot speak to you, how will you know what to do? This is a serious time, my children, it is not like it was fifty years ago, it is not like it was twenty years ago, it is not like it was one year ago. Know my voice, press in, know the difference between my voice and the devil’s voice, for he comes as an angel of light and many listen to that and go, and they say, well the Lord told me. No, I did not tell them, and if they knew my word they would have realized just from my word that it was not me, but it was him. Know my voice, know my voice, for truly I want to spare you of all the things that shall come to pass and there are some great, great evils, great disasters, there are some terrible things that are coming. But it is not for my household, but if my household will not listen to me, they could find themselves in the midst of these things. But if they listen carefully to the things that I say, it will be as if they never came, for you shall go through that time in great victory. Therefore, I say, listen, listen, ponder, know what I have said.

For when my word says, think on things that are lovely, think on those things that are pure, think on those things which are of a good report. It is because when you are thinking on those things you line up your thoughts with my word and you do not give place for the enemy to run away with your thoughts. For your mind is the biggest battlefield that the enemy has, when he can place those negative thoughts within you, it causes you to speak them forth. It is so important, my children, that you ponder upon my word, that you meditate upon my word and that my word is within your mouth. For when my word is within your mouth, you walk in total victory, you walk in total peace, there are no open doors for the enemy to get in when you think upon my word, when you meditate upon my word. Therefore, know the importance of my word and the things that I speak unto you. Many times my children read my word, and yet it is as if they had not read it at all, because there is no change, they do not see what my word says and they do not do what my word says. Those who are truly my children, they hunger and thirst after me. They spend time in my word, studying my word and what I have said and the promises that I have given unto them and they think and meditate upon my word daily. My word is within their heart and they speak it forth and they walk in victory because of it. Therefore, I say, if you lack or if you want or if you need anything, go to my word and start meditating on my word, start speaking my word, start doing what my word tells you to do and you will find a great change take place in your life. For those who have caught on and speak positive things, things that seem to be tragic come out with no problems whatsoever at all. It is because they have gotten a hold of an important part and that is speaking positively. For when you speak positively with my word you do not have any open doors for the enemy to use. Therefore, know my word and know that I have given unto you my word that you can truly walk in all the victories that I have given unto you. For you shall see that Iraq will be much worse now, because they know how to knockout our tanks. More Arabs are joining in the fight to drive us out. They have heard how we have used radiation in their country and to them it is like dropping the atomic bomb. Many shall need healing now on both sides because of this, and as I have said, I shall bring them unto you. You shall see as prices continue to go up more, the weather will be much hotter in most places now. Tornadoes, tornadoes, tornadoes, pestilences of many types, you shall see more sicknesses, you shall see the killer bees as they spread in many places, drought to worsen, grasshoppers and locust affecting many areas. You shall see far too many butterflies in many areas causing problems with fruit trees. More fires will be burning fanned by straight winds, more lose of freedom as people in office take away and do as they want, instead of what the people want. More troops will be needed now because of those becoming sick and because of the fighting. Military bases here in the USA to close and yet you need them more than ever. Oh, the foolishness of man and going his own way and doing his own thing and not coming to me and asking me or consulting me. For if they would ask, I would give them wisdom, does not my word say, if any man ask wisdom I shall give unto him liberally, meaning I shall not withhold from them who ask, I shall give it unto them. But the problem is they desire to go and do their own thing and not get my wisdom, not get my knowledge, and therefore, they shall suffer great consequences because of this. Know how important it is to know my word and to come unto me in every little situation even in your own lives, not only as a body, but as individuals to come unto me and ask of me wisdom and I shall give it unto you. In every area you shall not lack wisdom if you ask of me, for I have promised you that in my word. Therefore, know that at any time, any hour you lack wisdom, you come and ask of me and I shall give it unto you. And I shall show you clearly how to do things that you can walk prosperously, that you can walk in the total victory that I have given unto you. Know that it is a serious hour, yes, things of the world are going to become darker and darker and darker and troubles shall pile up on the right-hand and on the left. But know that it is only a sign of my coming soon. Therefore, it is an hour to set your house in order and to do the things that I have called you to do. To really press in with everything that you have got, that you can receive the fullness of what I do have in store for you. For truly it is a great hour for my church. I have said that they shall walk in great blessings, that the wealth of the heathen shall come into my true houses of worship and it shall be so in this day and in this hour, for I have a great work that needs to be done. The souls that shall come into my kingdom in this hour and in this time, for they shall see the handwriting on the wall. And they shall want to come into where it is safe and where they know they can be taken care of and not have any worry or anything to be concerned about, because they know that their God shall take care of them and supply for them. Truly it is an exciting hour, my children, yet at the same time it is a serious hour and it is an hour to know that, yes, I am coming soon and it is an hour to be about my business doing the things that I have called you to do. Therefore, I say unto you, know my word like never before, follow after me, hear my word like I have said. Oh, how important it is to hear my word and to harken unto my voice and to do what I have said to do. For when you do the things that I have said to do, it shall bring great blessings unto your household. Remember my word, my children, and walk according to my word, for therein shall you find great victory, therein shall you find great success, therein shall you find the peace that you shall need in these days, you shall have that peace, and oh, the time that we shall have together. For it shall be a glorious time, my children, you shall see the greatest revival the world has ever seen and mighty are the miracles, signs and wonders that shall take place. It is a great hour, yes; it is a great time.

4-7-04 pm service

For it is a serious hour, it is an hour to keep your eyes upon me, it is an hour to keep your eyes upon my word, it is an hour to keep your eyes upon the promises that I given unto you and said that I shall do. It is an hour to make sure that in everything you do that it brings glory and honor unto my name. For if you are doing things that bring not glory and honor unto my name, you need to look at your life and you need to change the things that need to be changed. For it is not an hour to be playing church nor is it an hour to be going your own way and doing your own thing. But it is an hour to walk in the way and the will of your Father God and to do the things that I have called you to do for this hour and this time. It is a serious hour my children, it is a serious time where you need to be pressing in unto me like never before. For the things of the world grow dim when you are spending the time with me, the things of the world fastly disappear when you are in my word and learning of me. Therefore, I say unto you my children, walk with me like never before, do not be deceived in this hour or this time. But I say unto you, know, know my word, know my voice, for you cannot survive if you do know not my voice, how can I lead you, how can I guide you if you cannot hear me, if you cannot understand when I speak to you. Therefore, I say unto you, know my voice, know my word, that truly you can walk in the fullness of all that I have in store for you. Keep your eyes upon my word, keep your eyes upon my promise, keep your eyes upon the vision and the goal that I have set before you. For truly it is an awesome hour my children, it is an awesome hour and mighty are the things that I shall do on behalf of those who walk upright before me. Be one my children who walks upright.

For the Lord would say unto his church, set your eyes upon me, great disasters, great disasters, great calamities shall come upon the face of the earth, they shall be far greater than man has seen before. Oh, the terrible times that lie ahead because of man’s foolishness, because of man running things and not allowing me to run things. Oh, the foolishness of those that read not my word, that look not at my word, nor listen to the warning in my word, for disaster shall come to their household before they turn to me. Oh, I say unto you, listen, listen with ears that are sharp, listen with a heart that is open, hear the things that I say unto you, know the things that I say unto you. Be not amazed as you look back, but let them be in your heart, for truly terrible things are taking place. Yea, even at this moment, sayeth your Father God, yea, terrible, terrible things are taking place, for man’s foolishness has caused many problems and many more problems shall come because of it. Oh, I say unto you, look unto me, put all your trust, all your confidence in me now, don’t wait for the times to get harder. Put your faith, your confidence in me now, walk side by side with me, for I shall walk with you. Yea, I shall strengthen you, I shall guide you, I shall love you, I shall protect you, I shall provide for you. I will be the light upon the path that you walk that you need not walk in darkness. For great darkness shall overtake the earth and men who love darkness shall enter in even deeper in their sins. Oh, my children, it is an evil hour, an evil hour, but I am more than able to take you through this time victoriously. I am more than able to supply all your needs. I am more than able to go before you and make a way where there is no way. Fear not, for your angels are charged round about you to watch over you, to protect you and to keep you safe. Therefore, walk with me, walk with me in the peace that I have for you, walk with me in the joy that is yours, let my love fill your heart. Know; know in your heart that I am fulfilling my word to you.

Prepare yourself to build, think soberly upon the vision that I have given unto you. Look round about you and begin to do those things that I, your Father God, have told you to do. For it is that hour, it is that time.

4-4-04 am service

Victory, victory, I say unto you, all there is, is victory for those that walk with me, for those that know my word, for those that hear my voice and understand the things that I am saying, victory nothing but victory. So do not look at the negative, do not look at the things that are taking place all over the world, but keep your eyes upon me and upon my promises to you. For truly you shall walk in victory, it shall be the greatest hour of the church. For I have given unto you that victory, I have made you the overcomer; I have made you the victors. Therefore, look not, look not, nor walk after defeat, but walk in the victory that I have given unto you, walk in the promises that are yours. For truly I go before you to make a way where there is no way and I open doors that are closed and I open doors that no man can open, but I walk with you that you may walk in that victory that I have given unto you.

Do not let down or give up on the promises that I have given unto you, but continue to stand firm in my word knowing that you already have the answer, the answer is already here. Therefore, I say unto you, know my word like never before, for even though the world is growing darker, oh, my light is growing even brighter. Therefore, walk in my word like never before, know the path that I have set before you. Do not go your own way, but do only the things that I have spoken unto you to do. For truly my children when you walk in my will, you walk in my ways; blessings upon blessings upon blessings shall fill your life to overflowing. Therefore, know what my will is for your life; know what I have said concerning my promises unto you. Do not give them up or let them go, but stand upon my word as I have said. For truly it is a victorious hour for my church, it is a victorious hour. Therefore, march forward with great joy within your heart knowing that I have already done the things that I have said that I shall do and mighty is the victory that you shall have, and oh, the blessings that shall overtake your life. They shall be so great that you will not be able to consume all that I have given unto you.

For there is a way that seemeth right unto man, but the end thereof is death. But there is a way of life, that way of life is walking with me, walking in my word.

4-4-04 pm service

Oh, how you put the devil on the run as you praise me and shout the victory. For you let him know where your stand is and how you are not going to move off of my word, and therefore, he flees because he is afraid of you. Oh, the power I have given unto you through praise my children, as you sing, as you shout forth my praises how the enemy flees because it pierces his ears and he cannot stand the pain, so he must leave. The victory that I have given unto you, for did I not always send the praisers ahead in the front of the army to praise me before the battle, oh, and victory took place my children. Know that I have given you this as a key that you can truly always walk in victory no matter what the circumstances are round about you. If you lift your voice to me, and praise me, oh, and as your heart is filled with great joy, oh, the victory that shall take place because the enemy shall flee when he hears you praise and shout my name. Therefore, know my children I have given unto you praise as a key, as a key, that the enemy always flees when he hears my praises ascend unto my throne. Therefore, I say unto you, in all things praise me, in all things lift my name on high, for truly I am your God and I have not changed nor will I change and I shall take you through each and every single step in great victory. Therefore, I say unto you, praise me at all times that you can walk in the fullness of my word.

Do not be afraid this night to lift up your voices and put that enemy to flight. Do not be timid or shy, for when you praise me the devil will say bye-bye.

For what are mountains, are they not only those things that you cast into the sea or you remove? What are the valleys, are they not the places that you fill up that you may walk in the victory that I have given unto you? Then what obstacle can stand before you? What can hinder you? What can slow you down? What can stop you? Nothing, nothing, sayeth your God, as long as you walk with me, as long as you believe my word, as long as you stand on my word, nothing, nothing can stand in your way. For you are the victors, for I have made you that. I have made you the overcomers and I have called you the overcomers. I have told you who you are and I have told you your mission here on earth and I have told you the things that you must do. Do you believe those things? Then go for them my children, go for them, for truly they are yours, they are your positions that I have given unto you in this life. And as you take those positions in this life there shall be greater positions in the life to come. Rise up, I say, rise up and go, rise up and do the things that I have called you to do. Rise up and be my mighty warriors, rise up and be the overcomers.

You can lead a horse to water but you cannot make him drink, but you are the ones that are thirsty, therefore, you come to drink. Behold I say unto you, drink, drink, drink until you are full.

4-4-04 at the altar after the pm service

Be not careful, but be ye almost reckless, almost reckless in a sense, sayeth your Father God. In that I mean exercising your faith as far as you can stretch it. Do not worry about it breaking, for faith does not break, people back off, but faith does not break. So stretch it, stretch it and stretch it and stretch it. For I am doing mighty things on your behalf, I am doing mighty things to bring in all of the promises that I have given unto you. I am causing things to come to pass much, much faster, and I have said, if you are not seeing it come to pass, look in the mirror, make some adjustments, then it shall come to pass. Be not fearful of the things that are taking place. For your blessings even in the supermarket will not cease even though things will change now. For they have done some flooding of the market to get rid of their things before the bottom falls out, and therefore, you have not seen everything that you shall see, but you shall see the prices as they go up. For as the price of gas goes up, so will the price of food, the price of clothing, everything will begin to climb up. Not in large amounts, but they will climb up, and when you add them all together, they will become a large amount. But fear not for I have said that I shall take care of you, I shall supply all your needs, I shall lead you to the places where you shall be blessed. For even in this area there are days even when you can be blessed on the gas, if you use your wisdom and use your knowledge, if you begin to combine your trips to different places, you will save abundantly. Oh, I say unto you, I desire to bless you, I desire to go before you and make a way where there is no way, I desire to open doors such as you have never seen before. Stop telling me how much the enemy is moving, how much he is working against you and start telling me what I have said that I am going to do for you. For I do not care what the enemy is doing, for he is a defeated foe, you are the victor, I care what you are doing and I desire that you walk in the fullness of my promises and stop allowing him to come in with an open door, a big smile and a welcome. Close the door; get angry with him, resist him and he will flee from you. You need not to be concerned about your jobs or the jobs that you are going to be looking for, for I, your Father God, shall see to it that you have those things, that you are not without. For I shall bless you, think of yourself as being blessed, think of yourself as being cared for, think of yourself as being provided for, for I desire to do that. Let me do the thinking, you think what I think, but let me do the thinking. For when you think and when you open your mouth, many times you undo everything that I am trying to do and you bring all these things upon yourself that you do not want. Let me do the thinking, let me do the thinking, stop worrying about little things that mean nothing, do not be concerned over them. For there are far bigger things taking place, and if you cannot handle the little things, when the bigger things come here, and some will, then you shall be affected in a way that will cause great, great disaster, great suffering, great pain. Put your trust in me, put your trust in my word. Can you show me one place in my word where I ever failed? Can you show me one place in church history where I failed? Can you show me one place where I have not done what I said I would do? I am not a man that I can lie, therefore, put your total trust, your total confidence in me. For even if you start on a trip, if you believe for great gas mileage, I will give it to you, I am not affected by the type of gas mileage your vehicle gets. I am able to increase that, I am able to bless you, and you may be shocked when you pull into the pump and can put only a gallon of gas in, when you think it should be empty. Oh, trust me, put all of your trust in me, put all of your confidence in me, cast all of your cares upon me, for I care for you, I love you, I desire to bless you, I desire to open the windows of heaven and pour you out blessings. I desire to cause the wealth of the heathen to flood in. Did you hear that word, flood in to you, to come, that you have abundance, that you are able to do the work that I have called you to do, that you are able to walk in that victory that I have given unto you. Many, many things shall take place, even as I have said, the things that you shall see before this month is over, many other things shall begin to take place now. It would be wisdom for them to pull all troops out, all Americans out, all those that are not Iraqis out, for it shall get worse there now. Oh, the foolishness of man, and yet man looks at it as a good thing, because if they can change some things they could get reelected or they could get elected. Oh, the foolishness of man, for they cannot keep the promises that they give to you, neither can they fulfill them, for they tell you things they are unable to do and you are fooled by those things. Put your trust in me, I am able to do the things that I say that I shall do. I will not break my promise to you, my word will not go out and return void, I will do those things that I have said that I shall do. So put all of your trust, all of your care in me, trust me, lean upon me, realize the changing that is taking place in the world is going to get worse. For they are looking for their leader, they are looking for the man of peace, they are looking for the man with the answers, and they do not know that they are in his camp and they are carrying out the desires that he wants done, his plans and we are headed towards that time very rapidly. But many do not think we are going to see this or see that or see this or see that before the church is taken out. And yet they look not at my word, they go to the thousand year millennial reign and claim that for now. You cannot claim that for now, that does not start now, but it shall start. But before that time starts, all the things that I have said in the Bible shall come to pass. You will see the disaster that shall take place here and the disaster that will take place there. You will see travel so unsafe that many people will not dare go on a trip. The world is becoming crazy in a sense. You will see as the gay marriages increase and increase and increase, for man has moved by the leading of the devil and changed things that only made it better for them without knowing they changed things. Oh, I say unto you, look to me, look to me. Do not listen to the news unless your heart is grounded in my word, unless you have faith, because you are going to hear terrible things that are taking place. If you thought this last week was bad, oh, oh, the things that are ahead, oh, the things that are ahead. But I warn you of these things, I tell you of these things, I make them as clear as I possibly can to you. And yet at times you do not understand them or you are looking for far greater things than I said to take place. Oh, they shall come, but not in your timing, for it is not time for some things to take place yet, but you shall see an increase in many things. The temperature, watch out, the temperature, the droughts, the famine. Listen carefully to the things that I have to tell you.

Too many times my children walk around with the weight of the world on their shoulders, that when I have said come unto me, I shall give unto you rest and to lay them at my feet and to walk in the freedom that I have given unto you, the peace that is already there for you. It is not an hour to be burdened down with the things of the world, but it is an hour to walk, yes, in all that I have given unto you. That means walking in the peace that is already yours that you do not worry, that you are not fearful of the things that shall take place in the world. For I have said that you are not of this world and that you are mine and it doesn’t matter what takes place in the world, but I shall be with you always and I shall take you through to the very end. I shall protect you and keep you safe, but you also must hear and listen unto my voice. Many times my people have their own agendas, and therefore, they go about doing their own thing and listen not unto my warnings nor do they heed my word that I have given unto them. And, therefore, many times they lose things or things are destroyed because they have not listened to my word and they have not listened to me because they have their own agenda in mind. Renew your mind by my word and do only the things that I have said. For my way brings life, but when you go your way it brings death my children, death in areas that you would never even imagine nor could you think. For the enemy when you least expect it will steal everything that you have because you have an open door where he can get in and work. Therefore, close every door on the enemy and walk in my word, walk in my will, walk in my way for therein my children shall you walk in the fullness of my protection. Therein shall you walk in the fullness of my peace; therein shall you walk in the fullness of all that I have. You shall walk in success like never before, you shall walk in the prosperity that I have said is yours. For I desire that you walk in everything that I have for you. I do not desire that you lack. I do not desire that you want. I do not desire that you go through troubles and hard times, no, that is not my desire. My desire is that you wake up and stand on my word as I have said and that you truly walk in victory that I have for this hour and this time. For have not I said that my church shall go through this time in great victory, that blessings shall flood unto them? Oh, I say unto you, it is not an hour to play church, it is not an hour to go about doing your own thing, but it is an hour to hear my words, to harken unto my voice and to do the things that I have said for you to do. For truly my church shall flourish like never before. You shall see the wealth of the heathen come into my church as I have said. You shall also see the souls as they come into my kingdom. Oh, for as they see the things take place in the world, they shall wake up and realize the shortness of the hour and they shall come unto me and my true houses of worship shall be filled to overflowing with those who are ready to serve me with their whole heart and they shall be on fire for me and desire to do the things that I have for them to do. It is an hour of greatness for my church and yet it is an hour of great trouble for the world. For you shall continue to see the drought as it continues to take place my children. You shall hear of the places where they have not been able to put their crops in and how much of a hard time they have had. For I have said that many areas shall have a lack of water, and that if they are going to be prosperous, they are going to have to move to where the water is. It is truly time that my children wake up and hear my voice and do the things that I have spoken unto them to do. For when I have said not to move south and you move south, what do you expect to come nigh your dwelling? How can you expect blessings to come upon you, for you are going the opposite of what I have spoken unto you to do? Therefore, I say unto you, do not learn the hard way, but listen unto my voice and do the things that I have spoken unto you to do. For I desire my children that you walk in my blessings. I do not desire the troubles that you walk in because of your disobedience, but does not my word say that it is better to obey then to sacrifice? What are you sacrificing when you are not being obedient unto me? Oh, I say unto you, know my word like never before, do not be one who is deceived. For the anti-christ shall come with great, great, great deception, he will make things sound so good that many people say I have no other choice but to follow him. And yet you have a choice, you can stand upon my word, you can declare the things that I have said, for therein you shall walk in victory. For even I have said, if you don’t have food on your table, if you ask I shall supernaturally supply that food if need be. There is nothing too hard for me to do. It is time for my children to really get their eyes off the world and on me. For I am your source, I am everything that you have need of, the world cannot satisfy you. It has nothing that can satisfy you, but I can satisfy you, I can give you everything that you have need of. Therefore, I say unto you, it is time; it is time to get your focus off the things of the world and to focus your eyes upon me. It is truly time for you to wake up and realize the things that I have spoken unto you. Do not take my word for granted nor take it lightly, but I say unto you, be one who listens and strives to do the things that I have said. For I love you my children and it is my desire, it is my desire for you to walk truly in the fullness of everything I have given unto you. I gave my only Son that you can have life and that more abundantly. If you do not have more abundance then you need to get yourself straight and in order with my word. For I have said that I give only good things unto you, and therefore, if you find bad things coming your way you need to look over your life and find out where you have opened the door for the enemy to work. It is an hour to truly hear my voice, to know my word like never before that you can walk, yes, that you can walk in the abundance of all that I have for you.

3-31-04 pm service

Don’t become discouraged, but let your heart be filled with my word and the joy of my word and the joy of the promises that I have given unto you. Know in your heart for a certainty that I shall fulfill every single one of them, that I will fulfill my word. It will not go out there and just disappear, but it shall come back with the answer and you shall walk in the fullness of the promises. So even though the world looks bad, even though things round about you are going bad, let your eyes be upon me and your thoughts and your mediation upon the promises that I have given unto you. Think on these things, for as you think on these things you shall go after them, and as you go after them you shall receive them. For an idle man receives nothing, be not idle, but be ye a doer of the word, go forth and do the things that I, your Father God, have called you to do, walk in the fullness of my promises. When you see the signs round about you realize it is just the end days, Satan does not win, the church is the victorious one. Therefore, rejoice, rejoice, be not troubled by these things, for if you are troubled by the things that you have already seen, oh, the great trouble, oh, the great trouble that shall come to your heart because things shall get worse. So, therefore, keep your eyes upon me and upon my promises and walk in the fullness of the joy that I have for you.

Even though there is great darkness in the world yet my light shines even brighter. Keep your eyes upon me and my word, for I have said it doesn’t matter what takes place in the world, but I am with you always no matter what. I have said, yea, in all things you are more than a conqueror, for the things of the world they do not concern you, they do not concern my children, for it doesn’t matter, in all things they walk in victory, in all things they are the overcomer, in all things they are more than a conqueror. Keep your eyes upon my word; walk in my ways that I have put before you. For I have said you are not of this world, you are of me, and therefore, you do not walk in darkness, but you walk in the light of my word. Keep your eyes upon my path, upon my word, upon the light that is in front of you and do the things that I have spoken unto you to do. For when you follow my ways, when you follow my word, you follow the best there is and great is the victory that you walk in. Therefore, keep your eyes upon me like never before, for truly I have great things in store for you. Therefore, do not look to the right or to the left, but keep your eyes upon the goal the vision that I have placed in front of you. Keep your eyes upon my word and truly walk in the fullness of all that I have in store for you.

For my joy is your strength, my joy is your strength; you receive that joy from my word. Not from TV, not from the things of the world, but my joy, my joy comes through my word, for it has been given unto you. Therefore, walk in that joy.

3-28-04 am service

It is a time of great rejoicing, a time of great joy, a celebration. For I say unto you, my word is coming to pass very quickly now and my blessings are being poured out among my people. I say there shall be singing and shouting and dancing in the streets, yea, even the meek shall become bold with their praises and the sober shall become celebrant. I say to you, it is a time of great rejoicing, be excited, know that my word is coming to pass, know that I am working mightily on your behalf even now as you stand praising me. I say to you, it is a great day in the Lord, it is a great time for my people. Oh, celebrate my children, be excited, know that I am doing mighty things on your behalf.

Know the power that I have given to you through my name. Know that at the name of Jesus everything must bow no matter what it is it must bow to the name of Jesus. Therefore, know my children the power and authority that I have given unto you through my name. Sickness must bow to my name, defeat must bow to my name, lack must bow to my name, everything must bow to my name. I have given unto you my word my children that you can truly walk in the fullness of what I have given unto you. Yet at times my children stand there in the midst of a circumstance with their mouth closed and speaking not forth my word. And many times they speak forth the negative things, they speak forth the things that the enemy can use against them and cause that victory to be held off. Be not like unto that my children, but I say unto you, have my word within your mouth, know the power, know the authority that I have given unto you. Do you not know that you are my children, that you are heir to the throne of Almighty God? Do you not know that there is not anything that I will withhold from you? I have given everything unto you. Therefore, I say unto you, allow not the enemy to come in. Allow not the enemy to cause confusion or to bring division unto you, but I say unto you, know my word and walk in the fullness of my word. For I have told you my children you are the overcomer, you are the conqueror, you are not going to be, you are. Therefore, I say unto you, it is time for you to rise up and to be all that I have said you are and to do all that I have said for you to do. For it is, it is my hour, it is my time and great and mighty are the things that are taking place on behalf of those who are walking in my word, who have my word within their heart, who have my word within their mouth and whose eyes are upon the goal, upon that finish line, they shall receive the prize. Therefore, I say unto you, know my word and walk according to my word.

Do not be disturbed by the many happenings that you see in the world, for you shall see many, many, many things take place now. They shall suddenly come and appear on the scene and your mind shall be quickened to the things that I have already told you. Let not these things trouble your heart, but rather yet set your eyes and your goal upon the promises that I have given unto you. Go after the things that belong to you. For it is your hour, it is an hour of great blessings, sayeth your Father God, an hour when I am pouring out my Spirit without measure. An hour when I am bringing in the wealth of the heathen that you may walk in that wealth, that you may go forth and do the things that I have called you to do. So set your eyes upon those goals, sayeth your Father God, know in your heart, yea, know in your heart that it is that hour and it is that time, yea and they are coming to pass. Walk in them, walk in them.

For as the birds return to the North and nest for the summer, so shall I move upon the hearts of my people that have moved into the false that they too may come back, yea and nest in my presence.

3-28-04 pm service

Do not allow your hearts to be troubled, do not become upset over the situations and the circumstances round about you. For if you allow these things to take place you cannot walk in the victory that I have for you. For your eyes are upon the things and not upon my word and upon my promises. Keep your eyes upon my word, keep your eyes upon my promises, I shall take you through these times victoriously regardless of the circumstances, regardless of the pressures, regardless of the things that are going on, I am more than able to take you through victoriously. So let your eyes be upon me, let your thoughts and your meditation be upon my word. Walk in my word, fulfill my word, draw strength and comfort from my word, speak my word, speak my word, stand on the promises, command the promises in. For I have given you that power, I have given you that authority, I have given you that ability. Walk; walk as an heir to the throne of Almighty God. Walk as my son Jesus walked, walk with me.

For Peter was walking on water until he saw the circumstances around about him. What are those things in your life that are causing you to not walk on the water? For I have said you are the overcomer, I have said you are the conqueror, therefore, I say unto you, walk as the overcomer, walk as the conqueror, get rid of the things that are hindering you or slowing you down or causing you to not receive the fullness of everything that I have said is yours. What is causing you to not walk on the water? For I have given unto you my word my children that you can truly walk in the fullness of everything that I have in store for you, there is no battle too great, for I have already won it for you. The victory is already yours; therefore, I say unto you, keep your eyes upon me. For when Peter took his eyes off of me that is when he began to sink. Keep your eyes upon me and you shall stay afloat and you shall walk on the water, as I have said, keep your eyes upon my word. For it is a great hour, it is a great time, and yes, I am fulfilling my word unto you. Therefore, do not lose sight of my promises, but keep your eyes upon me, keep your eyes upon my word that truly you can walk in the fullness of everything that I have given unto you.

But you say how will I know if I am walking that way Lord? By the words that come out of you mouth, listen to yourself. Are they victorious overcoming words or are they words of defeat?

3-28-04 at the altar after the pm service

It is your hour my children, yes, it is your hour even though the things of the world look not good. Even though you see many calamities, many disasters, much talk about war here and war there and war all over, yet it is your hour. An hour for you to walk in the victories that I have for you, an hour for you to be the overcomers that I have made you to be. An hour for my word to fill your mouth, to fill your heart that it goes out into the problems, that it goes out into the circumstances, that it goes out into the different situations and turns them around and causes them to be what you say they should be. For my word says you can call those things that be not as if they were and they shall be. Believe it in your heart, but do not cancel out the things that you speak by negative words, by speaking the problem, by speaking the situation after you have spoken the word, but stand on my word, do not be moved, be unmovable. For I said to you, stand like your feet were hardened in cement, do you remember that? Stand, and as you stand, the victory shall come your way, the finances shall come your way, the blessings shall come your way. You shall be exalted and people will look upon you and they will find favor, they will find favor. And they will come to bless you and they shall bless you and bless you and bless you even as they did all the way through the Old Testament to those that I called, to those that I anointed, to those that I chose even as it has been so all the way through church history. It shall be even greater this hour and this time. For truly great disaster shall come, and as you watch the things that shall take place throughout the spring and on through the summer months and on into the fall, you will see clearly that the time is the time of the end. Many will not see it and many will not want to see it, but do not be like them, be a believer, stand on my word, stand on my promises that I can bless you. For it you walk like the world, you shall be judged like the world. If you walk like the world, the calamities that come upon the world will come upon you. Do not walk that way, that is not the way that a believer should walk. Walk in faith, know my word, know the things that I have said. For it shall not get better out there, regardless of what they tell you, it is not going to get better. True, the antichrist shall set up his kingdom, and the things that he says out of his mouth will sound wonderful, they will sound great, they will sound like everything that you want in the natural here on earth, but realize he is a liar. He cannot speak the truth and he will break that, so do not listen to him. Be the overcomers, be the victors, be those that have their garments on and are ready to go. I shall bless you with finances such as you have not seen before. I shall bless you with people, people at times that will be hard to number or count, it will seem like there is no place to squeeze in one more and yet you will squeeze in twenty more. Oh, I say unto you, the things that I shall do shall be done quickly. Not that I am in a hurry, for there is time to do all of these things, but the things shall be done quickly. The stack of wheelchairs and braces and canes shall seem like it just shoots up until you realize we cannot put any more here cause we just do not have room or will take up room we will have need of. The Shekinah glory shall hover over you in such a way that even the sinner shall see it at times, it will look like the northern lights to him. And he will look and say what is that, are they on fire? No, it shall be my presence that fills this place as miracles; signs and wonders take place. As the deaf hear and lame walk and the blind see, as the dead are raised, as cancer flees and drops off, as all manner of sicknesses are destroyed and divine health flows into the bodies and they leave here walking in all the victories that I have for them. As the word of wisdom and the word of knowledge flows, they shall receive understanding from me and go to do the things that I have called them to do. And their wisdom and knowledge shall grow very quickly, it will run like a cheetah, it will surpass many that are just fumbling around and not pressing in, and oh, the work that I shall do in these last days. A powerful work, a mighty work, a work that will fill your hearts with great joy. A work that will cause you to love others in a way that you have never know before, with a compassion such as you have never had before and your eyes will be upon their needs and not upon your own needs. Your eyes will be upon the things I desire to get done in these last days and not on yourself. Oh, I will bless you, I will bless you and I will bless you, but you will be my servant and you will carry out my things, and because you do, great rewards, great rewards will be laid up for you in heaven. Do not fear the things that shall come on the face of the earth, do not fear those things, for what you have seen already is very small in comparison to what you shall see. The pestilence, the sicknesses, the drought, all those things shall increase, for I have told you even the ground will cry out because it will be so dry. These are the things that the world shall see; these are the things that shall come upon them. Now listen, listen, hear the things that I have for you. Listen and hear what shall come to pass.

For even though it is a troublesome time for the world, it is a great hour for my church as my word declares. They shall be victorious in every way; the wealth of the heathen shall come unto them. It is that hour; it is that time, for my true houses of worship shall be filled to overflowing with the people that shall flood unto them. It is the hour where those who are going to come out of the false shall come out. For I have said that there shall be those that shall come out in this hour and this time, for I am calling them back to the truth and their eyes are being opened to what they are around. For they are remembering my word and what I have said and the things that they are hearing are not lining up with my word, and therefore, their eyes are being opened. My church shall walk in great victory, they shall be the head and not the tail, they shall be above and not beneath. They shall rise up and be the giants I have said they are for this time, the mighty warriors, my great army that shall march forward in great victory. Oh, the praise that shall be heard as my people unite together as one for this end-time revival. For I am calling my church to unity like never before, not only to back each other up, but to draw together as one seeking my face in this end-time, the greatness of the things that shall take place because of that unity. Even though there shall be great things that shall take place in the world, the troubles, even so greater are the things that I, Almighty God, shall do. Miracles, signs and wonders shall be common in my household and mighty, mighty are the blessings that shall flood into my children. For truly it is an awesome hour, an hour that many, many have waited for and longed for, the time of that end-time revival. It is a great day, it is a great time, it is a great hour, and oh, the joy that shall flood the hearts of my people as they see my word unfold right before their very eyes. Know that you shall see more troops killed this week in both places in Iraq and Afghanistan. Oh, the foolishness of man, if they would only but come to me and receive my counsel many things would be turned around; many things would be different. But because of their pride and because of their own agenda they shall do the things that they desire to do and because of it loss shall take place. For Pakistan is not one who can be trusted. Many times when people say they are your friends, they are your enemies and you do not see behind the lines. But if you would come to me I would tell you, I would inform you of the things that are taking place, but yet you do not have time for that, you do not take time for that, so you say, you put on a big front to please those around. Oh, the deception that is taking place, for the enemy is a great deceiver, but those who know my word shall not be deceived. Those who know what I have said concerning this hour they shall not be deceived because their eyes are upon me, their eyes are upon my word, their eyes are upon the things that I said shall take place. Do not be fearful of the things you shall see in the world. Do not fear the diseases, do not fear the sicknesses, do not fear the pestilence, do not fear any of these things my children, but walk in my word. For I have said I shall never leave you nor shall I forsake you. I have said that I have given you power and authority over all these things, you just have to walk in that power, you just have to walk in that authority. Know my word like never before, know that these things shall take place, but you are not of the world, you are mine and my hand is upon you and I shall take you through these days in great victory. Therefore, fear ye not, but put your trust in me knowing that I, Almighty God, have given unto you my word, and yes, my word shall be fulfilled, it shall not go out and return void, but it shall do that which I have sent it forth to do. Therefore, fear not.

3-24-04 pm service

When you surrender yourself one hundred percent unto me, oh, what a mighty work I do on your behalf. For I say to you, you are no longer looking at the world for answers, but you are looking unto me for direction. Oh, I say to you my children, how I long to bless you, for it is a time, a great dark time for this earth, I say it gets darker by the moment. It is so deceptive, that you know not to believe the person to the left or to the right of you. I say to you, it is imperative that you know my word, it is imperative that you know my voice so that you can follow after the things that I speak to you. Do not listen to the world, I say it is better that you block out what you hear on the news or read in the newspapers, for the deception is greater than it has ever been. I say to you, listen, listen carefully to the direction that I give unto you, keep your spiritual eyes on the road ahead of you, on the goal that I have given unto you. Keep your spiritual ears open, pay attention to the things that I say to you, take heed. For the time is short and the world is getting darker and darker and darker and darker, but I say that my people shall be victorious, my people shall overcome those obstacles that the world tries to throw in front of them. I say to you, know my word, stand upon the promises that I have made unto you, for oh, so soon they shall come to pass.

For as the night and the day, so is my word, it does not change. Therefore, when you stand upon my word the only thing that can take place my children is victory. The only thing that can take place is what my word declares. Therefore, I say unto you, like never before in this hour stand fast upon my word no matter what is taking place round about you, no matter what thing the circumstances might say. Keep your eyes upon my word, have your feet as if they were firmly cemented in the ground unable to move. For those of my children whom are like that, they walk in victory every single day because they have my word within their heart and they are not moved when the enemy throws circumstances their way. They do not even blink an eyelash at them because they have already had my word and they know what my word says, and therefore, it does not affect them at all, be likened unto that my children. Be like those who have their feet planted as if it were like having cement in the ground, that when the enemy comes, you are not moved, you are not swayed from one side to the other, but you are steadfast standing on my word knowing that I have already given unto you the victory in every area. For I have said you are the victor, you are the overcomer, you are the conqueror. Therefore, I say unto you, know my word like never before, have it within your heart and stand upon my word. For truly it is an hour not to be swayed by the enemy, but it is an hour to know my word and to hold fast of my word. For truly I am fulfilling my promises unto you in this hour and this time. Therefore, stand on my word, know my word, have my word within your heart, have my word within your mouth and do what I have spoken unto you to do. For therein my children shall you walk in total victory.

3-21-04 am service

Continue to witness and give testimony of the goodness of the things that I have done in your lives, the blessings that I have bestowed upon you. For I say unto you, those seeds that you are planting are growing in individuals that you know not of. I say to you, this day many shall come and they shall come because of words that you have spoken unto other people. Other individuals that you have testified to shall repeat those testimonies. Oh, I say, you are planting many seeds without even knowing it. So I say, continue to do that, continue to tell the people of the good things happening in your lives. Continue to tell the people of the blessings that I bestow upon those who trust in me, those who enter in, those who know my word and stand upon my promises. Oh, it is a great day, a joyful day, for many are coming in, and I say unto you, those seeds are sprouting.

There is nothing that I will withhold from you my children. Didn’t I give you my only son that you could have life and that more abundantly? There is nothing my children that I withhold from you. For the love that I have for you goes beyond your understanding nor can you even phantom the depth of my love. For it is my desire that you walk in the fullness of what I have said I have in store for you for this hour. For truly I have said that the blessings shall flood my people. But if my children are not walking with me and not listening to my voice and doing what I have said unto them to do, how can they expect to be flooded with those blessings? For my word says one must walk in obedience according to what I have said and according to my word. Therefore, have my word within your heart like never before, quickly do the things that I speak unto you to do. For as you listen to my word, as you follow my word, as you follow my voice my children, I shall heap blessings upon blessings upon you. For it is that hour where my Spirit is being poured out without measure. It is the hour where my blessings are being poured out. The storehouses have been opened, the gates have been released and the blessings are being poured out. Therefore, I say unto you, receive what I have for you for this hour and this time. Do not miss out; do not miss out, for if you miss out it is not me, for I am the one pouring out. Therefore, receive what I have in store for you. Do not miss what I have for this hour and for this time for my church. Press in like never before, put your trust in me like never before, for truly my children I am doing all that I have said I shall do. Therefore, rejoice within your heart knowing that the promises I have given unto you they shall be fulfilled.

For the river that flows from my throne, there is no drought, there is no lack, for the current is always moving carrying you on to higher ground, carrying you closer to me, carrying you into the place that I desire for you to walk. For the blessings are there, the protection is there, the strength and the energy is there, everything that you have need of is there and that same river can flow out of you and touch others round about you, can draw them into the safety of the throne room, can draw them into the place where they are heirs and joint heirs just like you are, that can cause them to be everything that I want them to be. And when the fires of the enemy come, the river shall protect you. When the heat of the sun comes, the river shall protect you, for I am your river, sayeth your Father God.

Many can parish in the cold while looking upon the fire. But those, those that come into the fire and receive the purging and become gold they shall live.

3-21-04 pm service

Enter into the comfort of my love; enter into the place that I have for you this night, sayeth your Father God. For my warmth shall fill your heart, my warmth shall bring you joy, gladness and you will say, oh, I am so glad I came to the house of God. For I shall meet with you, yes, I shall meet with you, so keep yourself open, keep yourself ready, let me, let me minister to you.

For, yes, it is the hour where my name shall truly be exalted, where my name shall be praised and lifted on high. My people shall be filled with my praises that hearts shall flood with worship unto me. For they shall look back and they shall see all the things that I have done in their life and their hearts shall be filled with great joy as they look ahead with great expectation knowing what I have yet in store for them. For this is the greatest hour that my church has ever seen and mighty are the things that I shall do on behalf of my children who are seeking me, who are pressing in with their whole heart, who have their eyes upon the goal which I have set in front of them. For their hearts shall be excited with great joy knowing that they have everything that I have said they have in this hour, in this time. For their hearts shall be filled with great faith and they shall see like they have never seen before. For that confident expectation shall well up within their spirit like never before that they shall know without a shadow or doubt that the things that I have said they are already taking place and are here now. For truly my word has gone out and it shall be so, for my Spirit shall flood my true churches like never before. And yes, joy shall fill the hearts of my people as they experience the rain of my Spirit, as they experience the floodgates as they are opened and the flood begins to come. They shall experience my joy like they have never had before, and oh, the testimony it shall be as people see them bubbling forth. They shall ask why are you so joyful? And as they open their heart to them and share with them my love and share with them my grace and share with them my peace, and oh my, the hearts that shall be touched. It is an awesome hour my children, it is a great hour like you have never seen before and truly the things that I have given unto you, I have given them unto you that you can bless them, that you can shine, that you can be the giants that I have called you to be, the overcomers that I have said that you are, the more than conquerors that I have said you are. Oh, it is a great hour my children, for truly I am moving in a way that sometimes you do not see nor that you even know, but yes, I am moving and mighty are the things that I am doing on your behalf. For I say, yes, it is a great hour of praise, it is a great hour of worship. My children shall be filled; their hearts shall be filled to overflowing as praises flow out of their mouth to the throne of heaven. What a wonderful time, oh, what a wonderful time we shall have, it is that hour, it is that time.

For the fullness of my joy is filling my church, it is running over, it is bubbling over, it is filling their being that they may have the joy that is already given to them.

For great joy has been given unto you by the Holy Ghost. For it floods your heart that when people look upon you, they may see my love, they may see your contentment, that they may know, that they may know, that truly you are blessed.

3-21-04 at the altar after the pm service

You have done more than your work; therefore, that is why I have said unto you, that I will now carry you. I will now move mightily on your behalf, not only is it that time in the world, but it is also that time for you. It is your time of harvest; it is your time when all the promises will come in to you, when your barns shall be filled bursting at the seams. For I know you and I know your faithfulness and I know that will not go to your head, but will be used for my glory. I can trust you with those things, for I have watched you, I am proud of you, sayeth your Father, for if you have not heard it before, I will say it again, I am proud of you, I delight in you. And even though the times and the things of the world shall be very hard, a very dark time for the whole world, a sad time, a time of great calamities, a time of great disasters, a time of terrorism like you have not seen yet, a time when countries all over the world will hate you and despise you for my namesake, a time when it will look like how are we going to survive, but survive you will. And you will survive abundantly above all that you think or ask and you shall walk in the goodness of the land and you shall walk in the goodness of my blessings. For I will do those things that I have said unto you and I will cause them to come to pass that others shall see it. And as the miracles begin to take place on an accelerated basis, the multitudes shall come and I will not fail you, for I shall heal them, I shall deliver them, I shall set them free. I shall give unto them creative miracles; I shall give unto them miracles. I shall give unto them words of wisdom and words of knowledge that they may know how to apply the things that I have given unto you, that they also may walk in the blessings that you are walking in. For my end-time revival will be one of word and power, for it shall be by my Holy Spirit. Man will not be able to muster it up, man can shake himself like Samson shook himself, but nothing, nothing shall generate from that. For only by my Spirit, only by the Holy Ghost that fills you, only by the Holy Ghost that anoints you, only by the Holy Ghost that you have welcomed so freely into your midst, that you have loved so much that you have allowed him to have total freedom, only by him shall it be done. And already he is on your side, for you have opened the door to him, you have allowed him to come in, you have allowed him to move, you have not turned your back upon him and I will not turn my back upon you in this last hour, for I will move mightily, mightily on your behalf. Your mouth shall speak forth my words, there will be no fear in you whatsoever, so when it is a time for boldness, your mouth will speak boldness. When it is time for correction, your mouth will speak correction. When it is time for judgment, because people come against you and try to destroy you, your mouth shall speak judgment to them and great calamity shall come upon them. You will need not fear anything, for you will have my presence in such a way that all shall be joyous, all shall be victorious, you shall be those overcomers that I have spoken to you about. This shall not be for the world, for the world will have to come into the safety of the fold, they will have to come through the shed blood of my son Jesus. They will have to receive him as Lord of their life, they will have to walk according to my word and believe my word, even as you believe my word, even as you stand upon my word, they will have to do that also. And as they do I shall bless them, I shall bless them even as I bless you. But for the world itself it is a dark, dark, dark day, a dark hour, a time of great weeping, a time of great sorrow, a time of great calamity, a time of seeing things that make the weather bureau, that makes the other bureaus wonder what is taking place. And science, the scientists will call out the end is here, the end is here, we see the signs, but many will continue to go their own way. Many will ignore the signs that shall come now, for the signs that come now shall be far greater than the signs that you have had before. So listen, listen and understand what the Spirit has to say to the church.

Do not be concerned about the hour that you are living in nor walk ye in fear. For even as I guided Moses and I protected the children of Israel, I shall do the same for you. For do not I have an even better covenant with you than I did then? So do not fear, do not worry, do not be concerned about the day and the hour that you are living in, but put your trust in me. Know that I am your God, know that I am your Father, and even though there shall be troubles in the world on the right-hand and on the left-hand, I shall take you safely through without any problems whatsoever at all. Do not allow the enemy to cause fear to come into you, because when fear comes in faith goes out. Therefore, know what my word says, know that I have not given you a spirit of fear, but I have given you a spirit of a sound mind and my peace fills your being when you walk in my word. For the weather is still going to affect many places before all become warm, then in most places it shall go from warm to hot. You shall see more floods; food prices shall be higher because of the weather. Drought will be worse this summer in more places. Crops will be very slow getting in, in most areas. Iraq, oh my, bad, very bad. Troops are spread too thin causing great problems. Tornadoes shall come in like a lion spreading further into the East and the North. Whirlwinds shall destroy many areas, cyclones even larger. Straight winds tearing down buildings, electrical shortages. Plus you shall see the fulfillment of those things that shall come to pass before April ends. Do you even know what they are? Or have you already forgotten the things that I said would take place? For I tell you these things that you can truly know I am speaking to you and the things that I tell you come to pass. Be a good steward and study my word, know what I have said, know the things that I have spoken unto you. At times, yes, I know that the news just touches on it here or there, but it has taken place and I shall help you find the things that you have need of. For I have given unto you my word that you can know, that you can be aware, that you can be warned of the things that shall take place. Do not be caught up in the false that is going around, but I say unto you, truly know my word. For those who know my word they shall not be deceived, they shall not go to the right nor to the left, but they shall keep their feet upon the path that is straight and narrow. Harken unto my words, my children, hear the things that I speak unto you, do what I called you to do for this hour, for this time. Do not walk in darkness, but walk in the light of my word. For I have given unto you my word that you can walk in my guidance, that you can walk in the provisions that I have already made for you. Therefore, go not your own way, for your own way only brings destruction, your way brings defeat, your way brings lack, your way brings want. Therefore, follow me and my ways and walk in the things that I have already provided for you. For I have told you that there is not one thing that I will withhold from you my children. I have given unto you every single thing that you have need of to walk as the victors I have called you, as the conquerors I said you are, as the overcomers that you are. I have given unto you the keys to walk in every area that you can walk in the success that I have already given unto you. Therefore, no longer go your own way, but follow after me, follow after my word, follow after my ways, harken and hear the voice of your Father. For I desire to bless you, I desire, I desire that you walk in the fullness of my promises. Therefore, keep your eyes upon me, keep your eyes upon my word, go not your own way, but follow me.

3-17-04 pm service

For it is always a joy when you enter into my presence, when my heart is filled with your love and your presence I desire to move, oh, so mightily on your behalf. I desire to bring all things to pass that you may walk in the blessings that I have already given unto you. That you may be the head and not the tail, that you may be above and not beneath, that you can be an heir, that you can share your inheritance. Oh, that you can see the blessings, that you can see others as they come into the kingdom of God as miracles, signs and wonders flow from you to touch them to bring them into my love. Oh, I say unto you, you are blessed; you are blessed far above that which you know. You are blessed far above that which you expect, you are blessed. Walk in my blessings, for I desire to pour them out upon you. Walk, walk, walk in those blessings.

Oh, the great love that I have for you. It is my desire, my desire that you walk in all that I have for you that you do not miss out on anything that I have in store for you. It is my desire that you are pressing in with all that you have that your eyes are upon that goal that is set before you. Your eyes are upon me looking to me, for I am the author and finisher of your faith. I am the one whom there is nothing impossible for me to do. I am your all in all, I am the El-Shaddai, I am the alpha and omega, I am everything that you have need of and truly I desire that you walk in the fullness of my blessings, the fullness of the promises that I have given unto you. Therefore, I say unto you, continue in my word; continue to have my word within your mouth speaking the things that you desire. For truly I am watching over my word to perform my word my children. Therefore, have my word within your heart, have my word within your mouth. For truly, my children, it is an hour of great blessing, it is an hour where my promises are being fulfilled. Therefore, I say unto you, walk in my word like never before, set your eyes upon that goal like never before, be not moveable, but be ye therefore steadfast knowing the things that you are believing for you already have them, for my word declares that my children and truly it is so. Therefore, stand upon my word like never before, have my word within your mouth, have it in front of you, spend that time with me daily that you can be charged up in my word and that you can go forth in the victory that I have already given unto you.

For it is not a small thing that I do for you, for I have given you everything that I have, everything that you will ever need, I have given you my all.

Don’t be like a book that sits on a shelf gathering dust, but be a book that is picked up and it is opened and it is used over and over again and giving and giving and giving. That is what you are to be my children, you are to be giving, you are to be used by me to draw the people into my kingdom.

3-14-04 am service

Empty out those things in your mind that keep you from entering in with your whole heart. For I say unto you, it is important that you know the way that I send you, the direction that I give unto you. Know that I, your Father God, have gone before you and prepared the way. I say to you, leave behind those things of the world that cause you to look to the left and the right, but I say to you, look straight ahead, follow after the things that I have told you to pursue. Follow the direction that I have given unto you, the plan for your life. For I say to you, it is a fine hour, an hour where many things shall take place very quickly now. For I say unto you, my blessings shall be poured out in great abundance as never seen before. My people shall prosper, oh, they shall prosper and they shall be blessed as never before. So I say unto you, empty out those things in your mind and in your heart that keep you from entering into the things that I have for you. I say, enter in one hundred percent, keep your ears open to the things that I say to you, keep your eyes open to the things that I show you. For it is a great time, a great time, enter in and receive all that I have for you my children.

Know the power that I have given you through praise. For isn’t it so, that even in the days of the Old Testament, that the praisers went before the army before the battle and great victory took place? So is it when my people’s mouths are filled with my praises, when they are filled with my praises thanking me for the things that I have done and yet going to do. When they do not look at the circumstances nor do they look at the enemy that is in front of them, they look at my word and they begin to praise me. And oh, such great joy fills their heart; great victory takes place for my children. I have given unto you praise as a key to walk in great victory. For when you look at the problems you do not have a heart filled with praise, but when you look at my word your heart is filled with joy. Your heart is filled with great praise, and oh, the praises that ascend unto me. Therefore, I say unto you, follow after my word in everything my children, give me thanks, praise me, for when you praise me the enemy quickly flees. Therefore, I say unto you, praise me like never before in everything. Do not given into the devil, but rather lift up your hands and praise me, for when your heart is filled with praise there is no sorrow, there is no sadness, there is no void. Therefore, I say unto you, learn the power of praise and walk in my ways, walk in my word. For truly, my children, I have given unto you every key that you have need of to walk in the victory that is already yours. Therefore, I say unto you, know my word and know what I have said, and therefore, walk ye in the victory that is already yours.

Set your eyes upon the goal like an archer would set his eyes upon the target with his hands steady, unshakable, unmoving. For he knows the desire of his heart, he knows that which he is going after, I say unto you, be like that. For truly I have given unto you my word, I have given unto you my promise, there is nothing, nothing that can hinder that or stop that but you. Therefore, set your goal, set your goal, go after the things that I have given unto you. For the time is short, and if you are going to walk in the fullness of the things that I have already given unto you, you must set your goal, you must set your bow, you must take aim and you must go after the things that I have given unto you.

For all that glitters is not gold, all that sounds good is not my word. But know my word; know the gold that I have placed within that word, the gold that I can make out of you. Press towards that goal and truly you shall be that overcomer.

3-14-04 pm service

When you allow the Holy Spirit to come in with all of his fullness, then you shall walk upon the path that I desire you to walk upon. Then you shall be so filled with my power that you can go forth, and miracles, signs, wonders they shall follow you. For truly my word says that they shall follow the believer. So be so charged up, be so filled with the Holy Ghost that it bubbles from you and touches others round about you. That their lives can be changed, that their healings can take place, that your words are my words, miracle producing words, that your thoughts are my thoughts bringing forth deliverance, bringing forth wisdom, bringing forth knowledge. Oh, be so filled with the Holy Ghost, be so filled with the Holy Ghost, be so filled with the Holy Ghost that it shall bubble from you and touch others.

Be not fearful in stepping out in my Spirit, do not allow the enemy to bring fear upon you, but as you take that first step in walking in my Spirit, freedom comes in every area of your life. Therefore, I say unto you my children, walk in my Spirit as I have said. Be filled to overflowing with my Spirit, that as you walk in my Spirit, as you listen and do the things that I have told you to do, people around you shall be touched, yes, they shall be saved because of the love that shall radiate out from you. Therefore, I say unto you, walk in my Spirit like never before, allow my Spirit, as I have said, to engulf your life, to encompass you at all times. For through my Spirit I give you directions, through my Spirit I give you guidance, through my Spirit I am able to speak to you. Therefore, I say unto you, walk in my Spirit like never before, have your spiritual ears tuned, tuned to me that you can hear, that you can do, that you can receive all that I have in store for you. For truly this is a great hour my children, my Spirit is being poured out without measure and mighty are the things that are taking place in the lives of those who are open and ready to receive what I have in store. Therefore, I say, receive all that is in store for you my children, do not allow the enemy to cause distractions to come your way that you miss the things that I have. Therefore, keep your eyes upon me and what I said I shall do. For truly my children I am, I am doing all that I have said I shall do and great and mighty is the work that shall be done in this hour and in this time.

Don’t turn a deaf ear to my word, listen to what the Spirit is saying to the churches. For it is an hour that you must know what the Spirit is saying to the churches, that you must understand that you can walk in that victory that I have for you. Don’t turn a deaf ear to my word.

Let your hearts be filled with expectation, let them be filled with expectation, let your eyes be upon the promises that I have given unto you. Let your eyes be upon the promises that you desire, the things that you have asked of me, let your eyes be upon them, let it be settled in your heart. Know my word, speak the answer, speak the answer, don’t speak the situation, don’t speak the problem, but speak the answer, for as you allow my word to fill your hearts to overflowing, the answers shall all come. For you will know that I have given them unto you, I have given them to you freely. Freely you have received, freely give to others. Become my ministering servants that go forth to minister, lay hands on the sick, lay hands on the sick, let them be healed, speak forth a miracle, speak forth their answers. For I have given unto you that power, yes, I have given unto you that authority that you can go in my name, that you can do all things that there is nothing, nothing, nothing that is impossible. You can do the things that I have said that you can do, you can walk even as my son Jesus walked. Oh, I say unto you, it is that hour and it is that time, it is that hour, it is that time for you to walk in the fullness of the things that I have for you. So drag not behind, neither keep your eyes upon the circumstances, neither keep your eyes upon the problems, step out in faith. For I have given you many things, but you always reason it out and then step back and receive not what I have for you. Be bold, be courageous, go forth in my word, go forth in my word, for truly I have given you the promise.

3-14-04 at the altar after the pm service

For it is the sweetest hour that the church has ever seen. The fulfillment of my promises to them, the fulfillment of my word, for it is all coming together now, and as your eyes are upon the things that are taking place, you are seeing all the things that I have told you. You are seeing everything that I have laid out before you and told you to watch, for surely it shall come to pass. The cyclones, the tornadoes, the earthquakes, the straight wind, the typhoons, the tidal waves, just in that area alone you shall see the great increase and the great damage and even the lives that shall be lost as they get worse, and worse and worse, for it is that hour and it is that time. The electrical shortages, the price of gas, the cost of food, but do not let your thoughts or your meditation be upon those things, let your thoughts and meditation be upon my word. For I have told you that I shall take you through this time victoriously. I have told you that everything that I have promised to you shall be fulfilled before I take my church out. So do not, do not be afraid or do not think that you are going to miss it, for if you are pressing into the fullness of the things that I have for you, it will come to pass. No obstacle shall be able to stop it or hinder it or even slow it down. For you shall be like a red-hot knife touching butter, even though it is frozen, you will go through very quickly. Oh, how victorious you shall be, what great overcomers you shall be, for sickness shall flee before your face, demons shall tremble with great fear as you come on the scene. Obstacles will be gone, circumstances will be gone, confusion will be gone, doubt will be gone, worry will be gone, fear will be gone, for you shall be strong, you shall be steadfast, you shall be unmovable and you shall abound in my word. You shall be the overcomer that I said you shall be, you shall be an heir and a joint-heir and all that I have shall be yours and all my power shall be yours, all my ability shall be yours, all my strength shall be yours, all my wisdom shall be yours. For as you tap into the Holy Spirit you shall receive whatever you ask for, for as you come in Jesus name and ask me, I will do it. So do not worry, do not be concerned over the things that are going to take place, for I tell you about them beforehand that you know, that you see, that you understand. Even plainer have I told you now, telling you when by when they shall be fulfilled, that you may know that truly it is I, for man knoweth not these things, nor can man predict these things. For even the weatherman cannot predict, even though they have tried to bring storms in upon you, it has come upon them and not upon you. For I have given you my word, I have given you my promise, yea and I stand upon that word and I will not be moved. It shall come to pass, I will not change my mind, but make sure that you are grounded in my word, make sure you know my word, make sure that you are walking in my word, make sure that you are speaking my word. When you open your mouth do not let other words come out of your mouth, for I have told you they will come to pass far quicker than you desire. If you do not want it, do not speak it. Speak my word, speak the answer, speak the promise, speak the things that I have said. For I desire to bless you abundantly, above and beyond all that you ask, all that you think. And I shall give you favor with men, I shall give you favor that they will even lower their prices, that they will bend over to help you, that they will go out of their way to help you. They will not know why, but I will be the one behind it and I will be bringing the blessings to you. For I desire to bless you coming in, I desire to bless you going out, for I love you with an everlasting love and my love is being poured out upon you without measure that it can strengthen you and comfort you. That it can shield you and protect you, that you feel its warmth, that you feel my arms round about you, that you know that I am there regardless of the conflict, regardless of the circumstance, regardless of the problem that enemy tries to send your way. No weapon that is formed against you shall prosper, stand on my word, stand on my word, for when you resist the devil he will flee from you. I will rebuke the devourer for your sake. I will walk with you; I will be there to comfort, to strengthen to lift you up. Take my hand and walk with me in these days, sayeth your Father God, walk in my wisdom, walk in my knowledge, walk in the understanding that I have given unto you. For this is your finest hour, this is your finest hour; this is the hour that I have prepared for this generation. It is the finest hour; the hour just before my Son comes.

Yes, it is an hour to know my word, to know what I have said concerning my coming. For there are so many opinions by different people, they do not know what exactly is going to take place in this hour. But my children, who study my word, as I have said, and who ask for their understanding to be opened, I shall show them clearly what I have said in my word concerning my coming. Do not be deceived by the many doctrines that are out there, but study my word for yourself, know what I have said shall take place in these end-times. Know the signs, my children, that I have given unto you, that truly you can line up my word with what I have said, for man’s alignment is not always my alignment. Therefore, as you study my word and allow your heart and your eyes to be open unto me, I shall clearly show you, yes, I shall clearly show you what shall take place, if you will but open your heart, open your mind unto me, I shall show you. For many people are being deceived because they know not my word, because they have not studied it for themselves, they are deceived because they are ignorant. Be not one who is deceived cause you do not know my word. For I given unto you my word that you can walk in the blessings that I have for this hour, I have given unto you my word that you can walk victorious in every way. It is my desire, my children, that you walk in success as I have given it unto you. I do not desire that you walk in lack or defeat or want, I desire that you walk in the fullness of all that I have given unto you. Therefore, study my word; know what I have said. Know that many people shall be deceived in this hour, but it is because they do not know my word nor do they know how to stand upon my word in faith and receive what I have said is already theirs. Know that you shall see many things take place in the world, for there shall be bad weather across the nation. Iraq shall be very bad this coming week; you shall see Haiti as she backfires. You shall see the terrorists as they attack again. You shall see gas as it goes up this coming week. There shall be more pressure on those Christians who do not know my word. You shall see sicknesses; you shall see the diseases that are recorded in my word that shall take place in this hour. Do not fear these things my children, for I shall take care of you, I shall provide, even as I saw the four Hebrew children through the fire, I shall see you through to the very end. Therefore, rest in my word, do not worry about anything, put your trust in me, know that I have all things under control. Walk with me and know that I am here with you and I shall take you through to the very end. Therefore, walk with me like never before, hear my voice, harken to my words and walk in everything that I have in store for you.

3-10-04 pm service

For if I be lifted up in worship and praise I shall draw all men unto me. And as you worship me and as you praise my name, as you walk in spirit and truth, I move mightily on your behalf. And you shall see those men, yes, you shall see those women, you shall see the children, for they shall come, miracles, miracles, miracles, multitudes walking in the miracles that I have for them. For I have not forgotten my promise to you neither is it drawing dust on the shelf, for I am working mightily on your behalf to perform that, to bring it all to pass. Walk with me though, walk with me, don’t pull one way, don’t pull another way, walk with me, make it easier then it can come quickly. For truly it is the last hour and those things that I have promised must now come.

Therefore, keep your eyes upon me and upon my word and what I said I shall do. For truly mighty are the things that are taking place in my true churches and it shall only continue to become greater and greater and greater. The words that I have given unto them shall be fulfilled, the people shall come, miracles, signs and wonders shall be there as I have said and great is the move of my Spirit that they shall have. For truly it is that hour and it is that time. Therefore, keep your eyes upon me, keep your eyes upon my word, know my word, walk in my word, live my word, speak my word, for there is victory, my children, when you speak forth my word. Therefore, know my children, know what I have said, hear the things that I have spoken unto you, for truly I am working on your behalf.

Do not be like the one that puts something away and then years later stumbles on it, and with great amazement say, wow, remember this?

3-7-04 am service

As the earth experiences new birth in the spring, so it is happening in my churches. I say unto you, great new birth is taking place this very moment, many people are coming into my true churches, they are going to fill them to overflowing. Oh, I say unto you, it is like the swift spring river flowing, I say to you, it shall come as quickly. My promises shall be fulfilled very quickly, for my Spirit shall be poured out upon my true churches as never before. Oh, I say unto you, it is a time of great new birth, a time of rebirth for those who have already entered in, for those who have known me shall know me in a even deeper, deeper relationship. So I say unto you, enter in, know my word, know what my word says about circumstances in your life, know what my word says about those things of the world that continue to draw you. Allow them not to draw you in that direction, do not look to the right nor the left, but follow after me, seek me first. Oh, I say unto you, it is a great time for my church, a great time. Know the things that I say unto you, keep your spiritual eyes and ears open unto me that you may hear the directions I am taking you in, that you may see the things happening so that you shall not be discouraged. Oh, I say unto you, rejoice, it is a great time, a great time, enter in and receive all that I have for you my children.

For truly it is an hour of great, great fulfillment, an hour when my promises are being fulfilled on the right-hand and on the left-hand. For the path before you is straight, for the glory cloud hovers over you as you go, as you come, as you minister, as you walk. Press into the fullness of the things that I have for you, for you shall find, oh yes, you shall find great joy, you shall find an ability that you have never had before. You shall see the miracles, you shall see the signs, you shall see the wonders, for you yourself shall lay your hands on the sick and they shall be healed. Yea, even the blind shall recover and the lame shall walk and the deaf shall hear, for my presence shall fill you like never before. Yea and I shall go before you and continue to open doors that no man has had open before them, for they shall be open for you. For it is the last days, sayeth your Father God and many, many, many great things shall be done, for I, your Father God, shall pour out my Spirit without measure, yea and I shall fill you over and over and over.

For yes, it is an hour of great blessings, my church shall be prosperous in every way, so shall my children be also as they walk in my word. For if you see not the blessings upon your life, get into my word, walk in my Spirit, walk in the way that I have provided for you to walk in. Do not look at someone else and ask why don’t I receive like they receive? It is simply because you have not gotten into the flow of my Spirit, it is simply because you have not grasped a hold of my word. For I have given everything unto all that they can freely enjoy, but they must walk in the things that I have given unto them. They must walk in my word, they must walk in my blessings, they must receive what I have for them. Therefore, I say unto you, open your heart and receive all that I have. Be not one who stands on the wayside and does not receive what I have for them. But I say unto you, get into the river of my Spirit, bask in my love, oh for truly my children, I love you and it is my desire that you walk in the fullness of all that I have in store for you. It is a great hour, it is a great time, do not miss out on the things that I have, but I say unto you, jump in, jump in to the flow of my Spirit. Get into my word like never before, have my word within your heart that truly you can walk in the victory that I have given unto you. For you are my children and I desire that you truly walk in the fullness of everything that I have for you.

For as surely as the sun comes up and sets every day, so shall my word be that goes out. For it shall return with the answers that you have sent it for. So let your faith, let your trust, let it be in me, for I shall bring it to pass.

3-7-04 pm service

For it is a truth that my blood cleanseth you and you stand in my presence as if you had never committed sin. And any sin that you might commit I will freely forgive you of that sin as you confess it unto me, turn from what you are doing and walk according to my word. Therefore, because of this, sayeth your Father God, there is not one thing, no, no, no, not one thing that I cannot use you for. There is not one area that you cannot walk in victory; there is not one area where you cannot be the overcomer. For I have caused you to be my righteousness that you may stand in my presence without fear, without condemnation, that you may be joint heirs with my son Jesus. That you may be the overcoming ones, the victorious ones, the ones that bring in this last time revival, the ones that put the enemy under their feet once and forever. Oh, I say unto you, rejoice in the fact that the blood of my son Jesus has cleansed you from all sin.

For truly a fresh rain of my Spirit is falling on my true churches across the world, and those who do not have their umbrellas up, yes, they receive everything that I have in store for them. Those who have given all, surrendered everything, put down the walls, they shall receive my blessing as it falls upon them. As my Spirit falls upon them they shall not resist, but they shall give in and they shall receive truly all that I have in store. For this is the hour where my Spirit shall flow without measure my children and great and mighty are the things that shall take place. Miracles, signs and wonders shall take place in my true houses of worship because my Spirit is there, the anointing is there, the power is there, the authority is there, great and mighty are the things that I shall do. Therefore, I say unto you, come with your hearts prepared every time when you come into my house, be prepared to come and meet with me your Father. For I have said I am here and those who come shall receive of me, therefore, come ready to receive of me. Do not miss out on the things that I have in store for you for this hour and this day. For truly a fresh rain of my Spirit is falling and it is falling even right now. Therefore, I say unto you, do not be one who has the umbrella up and does not receive what I have, but I say unto you, be one who is soaked, be one who is saturated in my Spirit. For I desire that you truly flow and move and walk in my Spirit that you can become all, my children, that I have said that you are.

For the flood of this outpouring shall be so great it shall surpass everything that man may tell you. It will be like nothing that the world has ever seen, for my Spirit shall fill the vessels to overflowing. The power, the anointing, the abilities to go forth and do the work that I have called you to do shall be limitless. Nothing shall be impossible to them that believe, for you shall walk in a newness of power, a newness of authority which you have not had before. For the level of your faith shall be far greater than any faith that you have known in the past. For my word shall become so real to you that you will walk in the fullness of it, you will trust in the fullness of it. You will not need the other things that people will go after, for your total trust shall be in me, in my ability of the things that I have promised you to do. So I say unto you, be like the Shunammite woman and open every, every area of your life to contain the outpouring of the Spirit that I shall give unto you. Put not up your umbrellas, as I have said, but open, open, open the vessel, open the vessel, open the vessel, open the vessel. For if you come away from this outpouring even for one day, sayeth your Father God, in the same realm of the Spirit that you are in now, you have not received the things that I have for you. For no man will be able to stay the same after he has received what I have for him, but he shall become a giant that is able to go forth and do my work. For it is that hour, it is that time and I, your Father God, am pouring, I am pouring, I am pouring.

For as the Spirit is poured in, your mouth shall open and words that only I, your Father, can give, shall flow out far greater than the English language that you now speak. It shall be a floodgate and it shall flow and it shall flow and it shall flow.

Have you ever seen a floodgate when it was opened? Have you ever seen the power of the water as it went forth? Oh, the words, the words that come out of your mouth shall be so filled with power that you will need not worry about what you say. For my words, not yours, shall come forth and even the blind shall see, the lame shall walk, the deaf shall hear. Don’t walk by the funeral parlor, for the dead shall be raised. My power shall flow from you.

For you are on a path and the path is carrying you that you may climb to the heights that I have set before you, that you can walk in the fullness of everything that I have said. For it is not a hard walk, for that path carries you.

3-7-04 at the altar after the pm service

Have you noticed how quickly things are coming to pass now? For my word goes out and right away you begin to find answers, answers here, answers there, that others may see and come to the place of believing with all their heart. For I do these things to bring in the harvest that is out there, to set a fire so great it will burn up all the hay, all the wood, all the stubble, and pure gold shall come forth, vessels fit for the master’s use. For in these days and in this hour many things shall take place almost overnight, many will take place overnight, many shall take place instantly and you shall hear, you shall see and you shall know. So be not overly concerned of exactly when they took place, but you shall know they took place. For even those that come for their miracles shall receive them even faster now. And areas that look like they are very difficult, very unbelievable, shall come and make believers out of those that are doubters, make overcomers out of the weak, the feeble and those that cannot stand as strong as they should stand. For a weak army cannot, cannot be the overcomers for this hour, not that I do not do the work, but my army shall be strong, it shall be powerful. And the elements of the world, the false church, the false prophets, the demons and even the antichrist himself shall fear my true church. There shall be great rejoicing in the streets when I take my church home to be with me. There shall be great fear and great sorrow when they see you coming back with me. Oh, what a glorious hour you are now in, oh, what a glorious time it shall be. You will continue to see many things take place in the natural realm, cyclones, tornadoes, whirlwinds, earthquakes, floods and the list could go on and on. You shall continue, as I have said, to see the price of gas go up, for you have already seen the price that I told you would be here before the end of April. Know that I have told you these things, but you shall see to your amazement, if you are believing me, the increase in your gas mileage, you will notice that you are driving much more, yet using less gas. For I shall take care of my church. I shall lead you into the stores where the best sales are there for food. I shall protect your water, I shall protect you from all the new sicknesses and all the new disease, all the pestilence, from the killer bees, from the mosquitoes, I shall protect you from all these elements. So let them not bring fear into you heart. Be not foolish, but use wisdom and walk in wisdom and speak my word, know my word, for the things that you speak that are not my word, you shall also see come upon you very, very quickly. For the devil is working very hard also, but I am able to stop him, I am able to cause him to walk as one with no power, and in your life he is one that has no power, but walk according to my word, walk according to my promises, I shall bless you coming in, I shall bless you going out. I shall cause finances to flow into your house, if you are faithful with the finances that are flowing in now, if you are giving into my kingdom as my word directs you to give and you are not walking in foolishness that man has taught you, but you are walking according to my word, you shall not lack. You shall not lack regardless of what may happen in the world, you shall not lack, understand that and stand on the word that I have given unto you. For the enemy will try to cause you to back off my word, do not do it, refuse to do it. Take my word, arm yourself with my word, go forth with my word and conquer him, conquer his demon spirits, destroy his work, destroy the things that they are trying to do and they shall fear you, for my word has declared these things. Now ponder the things that I have told you and listen carefully that you may know the things that shall come.

For it is not an hour to walk in fear, doubt or unbelief, but it is the hour to walk in my word. For it is my word, my children, that shall sustain you through the days and hours that lie ahead. My word shall cause you to be victorious in every area of your life. You shall be the overcomer as I have said, you shall be the conqueror as my word declares, you shall be the head and not the tail, above and not beneath, know what my word has said. Do not allow the enemy to cause you to be down or discouraged or to look down upon yourself, but see yourself through my eyes, view yourself as I view you, for when your thoughts line up with my word, the enemy has no control whatsoever at all. For I have said unto you before, the greatest battlefield of the enemy is the mind. Therefore, I have said to renew your mind by my word and to have my word within your heart, that when the enemy throws lies you do not believe him, because you know my word and my word controls your every being. It is an hour, my children, to walk in my way, it is an hour to know my will and to know what I have called you to do, it is the hour to do what I have said. For even though the false in rising in the world, my true church is rising even more so. Miracles, signs and wonders shall fill my houses, yes; those who are mine shall receive of me like never before as they flood into my true houses as I have said. Great and mighty is the revival that shall take place as souls come into the kingdom of Almighty God, as they come to receive those things that they have need of, I shall meet their every need. Do not be fearful when you see the different troubles that are on every side in the world. The sicknesses, the pestilences, the diseases, none of these are for you my children. Therefore, know that I have given you power over all sicknesses, over all diseases, even over the pestilences, you do not have to be bothered in any area. Therefore, if you see your area getting bad in any one of those things, be sure to take power and authority over it and stand upon my word as I have said, for therein lies your victory. Know my word and know what I have said that shall take place in this hour and this time, for the world shall not be a good place at all. But I have said, my children, you are not of the world, you are mine and I am watching over you and I shall supply, I shall take care of you, I shall meet your every need. Therefore, truly harken unto my words, know my word like never before, do what I have spoken unto you to do, no longer be slack concerning being obedient to do what I have spoken unto you to do, but rather be quick and carry out my word as I have said. For truly it is my desire that you walk in the fullness of the blessings that I have in store for you. It is not my desire that you walk in fear, it is not my desire that you walk in defeat, it is my desire that you walk in the fullness of my word, that you truly rise up and be the victor that I have said you are. For truly, yes, it is a great hour for my church and my Spirit shall flow without measure. My people shall be on fire for me like never before, they shall seek me with their whole heart and they shall find me and the communion we shall have together shall be one that shall be so awesome. Therefore, know my word my children, know that I love you and I desire that you walk in the fullness of all that I have. Do not walk in fear, do not walk in doubt, do not walk in unbelief, but walk and live in my word.

3-3-04 pm service

It is an hour where my true churches shall be filled to overflowing. Yea, I say, it is that time when many shall come in, but be aware that many new churches shall start up and they shall profess to be of me, but I say unto you, beware of those churches they are not of me. For I have said that my true churches shall be filled to overflowing, I didn’t say that I was going to bring more churches into being. I say to you, beware, for they shall speak very closely to my word, but they will change the interpretation of many things. I say to you, keep your doors open, for they shall come, oh, they shall come, they shall come and your buildings shall be filled to overflowing. Yea, I say unto you, those promises that I have made to my individual churches shall come to pass very quickly now. For the time is getting shorter, but the pace of things is picking up rather quickly now. So I say unto you, be ready, be ready for the multitudes, for my true churches shall walk in great victory. They shall be greatly anointed and service after service people will be healed and set free and delivered. I say to you, know what my word says, be ready, be prepared to minister unto those that I send your way. Know that I have already prepared, I have opened doors that you thought may have been closed, I have opened doors people thought would never open, but I say to you, I am working very mightily on your behalf. I say to you my children, the victory is, oh so close, oh so close, be excited, be ready, for they are coming.

Set your heart like flint concerning the promises that I have given unto you, for truly my children, I watch over my word to perform it. Therefore, I say unto you, set your heart like flint; know the things that I have said I shall do and am doing even right now, even though at times you do not see it with your natural eyes, I am moving on your behalf. The angels have been dispensed to move on your behalf. Therefore, know that truly I am moving even though at times you do not see with your natural eye, but that my word says that you do not go by the things that you see nor the things that you feel, but you go by my word. Therefore, I say unto you, set your heart according to my word and according to the things that I have said. Allow not the enemy to come in and cause you to disbelieve the things that I have said, but I say unto you, set your heart even this night that you know truly that my promises shall be fulfilled unto you.

2-29-04 am service

It is the hour and the day that I have called you, for no longer will you sit on the sidelines wondering what direction to go in. For I say unto you, when you keep your spiritual eyes and ears upon me, I will lead you my child, I will lead you into victory. For I say to you, the time is short and the harvest is large, I say, it is time for a great work, a mighty work, I have called you for this hour, and yes, I shall bring many more in. But I say to you, it is a time for you to be prepared, know my word, allow my word to be in your heart at all times, let my word come forth from your mouth. For I say unto you, the harvest is, oh, so white, and the work, there is much to be done, this is what I have called you for. Do not sit on the sidelines, but enter in, enter into those things that I have called you to do. Seek me first, seek my face, seek my word, seek my wisdom, for I say to you, the time is now.

Look to my word, for my word has all the answers you have need of. It has everything that you shall need to sustain you through the days and the hours that lie in front of you. Therefore, know my word my children, have my word within your hearts. Study my word that you can be approved unto me a workman that needeth not to be ashamed. Oh, it is an hour to be diligent my children and to really receive all the things that I have in store for you. It is a time to set your eyes upon the goal that I have set in front of you, and to run like never before, pressing in with all you have to get the prize that is waiting for you. Therefore, know my word my children, study my word, know what I have said, know that I have given unto you the keys that you can walk in total victory in this hour, in this day. For it is my desire that you walk in the fullness of what I have in store for you. For I love you and it is my desire that you are prosperous, it is my desire, my children, that you walk in health, it is my desire that you receive all the blessings that I have in store for you. Therefore, I say, look, look unto my word, keep your eyes upon me and press forward to the things that I have in store for you.

2-29-04 pm service

Be not fooled now by the many things that are taking place, many things that they call religion, many things that they say are of me, be not fooled, but know my word, know my word. For if you know my word and understand my word and walk in my word, you will not be deceived by the evil one neither will you be deceived by the ambassadors that he has. For truly there are many, yea and even their names at times sound good, but know my word yourself. Do not rely upon what others say, first get into my word and know my word, that you know what I have said, yea and then as you listen and you hear, you can discern which is good and which is evil. You can understand what is truth and what is false and you can walk in the fullness of the things that I have for you. So keep your eyes upon me and upon my word, know my word, know my word.

For when one truly knows my word they are not easily deceived by the devil’s doctrines nor are they deceived by what he has planned for this hour and this time. For my word declares the things that are going to take place, and those who truly study my word and know my word, they shall not be caught off guard, but they shall be well aware of the things that shall take place. For I have said blessed are those who read my word, who study my word and know the things I have said. For they are not a mystery unto you, for I have revealed things unto you, as you open up your spirit unto me, I shall reveal even more things unto you in this day and this hour, for my word declares that my children. Therefore, I say unto you, know my word, do not be ignorant, but I say unto you, study my word for yourself, know the things that I have declared shall take place in this hour and this time. Even though there shall be troubles in the world, yes, even though the enemy shall deceive many good people, those who know my word shall not be deceived. And they shall walk in the light of my word and they shall have my truth within their heart and mighty are the things I shall do on their behalf. Therefore, I say unto you, know my word, be not ignorant, but know my word and the things that I have said shall take place in this hour and this time. For my word shall be fulfilled, it shall be carried out.

Remember the two-headed coin, for many were deceived by it, for it looked good until you examined both sides. Examine both sides.

2-29-04 at the altar after the pm service

You are living in a time when the Christian media, many of the magazines, TV programs have united together for a common cause. It is not my cause and you need to be aware and listen carefully and look closely at the things that they are saying. For they have gathered together names that are familiar to you, names that are recognized, but they have exalted themselves above my word. My word is the final authority, my word sets the patterns, my word sets the goals, my word is what shall bring the victory. The devil on the other hand brings forth his word, his theology, his doctrine, his teachings to sway people that they may be entrapped in the traps that he has for them, that they may be caught in these traps because he knows that men follow names. You see that in Corinthians when Paul taught them of their way of error in saying, I am Apollos, I am this, I am that. You need to walk by my word, you need to stand on my word, you need to know what my word has said, you need to stop being wishy-washy as you have been many times. You need to become strong in my word; you need to stop questioning my word. My word will come to pass, my word will not go out and return void, I watch over my word to perform it. Therefore, when man says this and man says that and it does not line up with my word, why do you listen to them, why do you follow them, can you not read the handwriting that is on the wall? Do you not see the spirit of deception whose father is the devil, for he was a liar from the beginning, understand not these things, for it is recorded in my word? For I have taught you and I have warned you and I have instructed you in the ways of righteousness that you may walk according to my word. Mark those, mark those I have said who cause division, who cause the body to separate itself and follow after the antichrist, follow after his system, follow after his teachings. Know my word, know my word. Ephesians 4:11 says, I, God, has placed into office, not man and yet today man is placing man in offices. Boards are placing people in offices, churches vote on who is placed in offices and yet you will not find that recorded in my word. No, no, no, that was not for the New Testament church, they were to know my word, act according to my word and follow my word, they were to do the things that I have told them. They were instructed if someone else comes with another doctrine, turn from them, have nothing to do with them, for most of them are not open to be taught, they are unteachable, for they know more than you know. You say how do you know? For they say they know more than I know, for they have written their own word, they have changed the things. What does my word say about those that add to or take away? They are not fearful of that, for they have been deceived themselves and walk in darkness and know not the light, for they walk not in the light. Walk in the light, know my word, be not deceived, but walk according to my word. For it is a great hour of deception, a great hour, the greatest hour that the world has ever seen, a great hour of deception. But if you know my word you will not be deceived, you will walk in the victories that I have for you. Even as the things that I have told you, you shall see come to pass, you have seen them come to pass. May of the things that I told you, you would see before April ends, you have already seen. Have I not proven my word unto you? Walk according to my word then; walk according to my word. Stop, stop, stop listening, stop following those that do not follow my word, that do not walk according to my word. I desire that you become the overcomers, the glorious church without spot or wrinkle, I desire that the labor fields be filled with laborers who speak the word of God, who speak the truth that the harvest can come in. I desire that you are filled with faith, that miracles, signs and wonders shall take place, that the people shall see the Shekinah glory of Almighty God, that you walk in all the fullness of the power, authority and ability that I have. Know my word, know my word, do not say I know your word and do not the things that I say. That is like calling me Lord Lord and not doing what I have said. Know my word, walk according to my word, for the hour is getting darker day by day, day by day. It is an evil hour, an hour filled with deception, an hour filled with trickery, an hour filled with all types of sicknesses and diseases and yet my church, my church shall go through this time in great victory. They shall be the overcomers, it shall not come nigh their dwellings, but know my word, know my word, listen, hear what I have to say.

Walk not in darkness, but walk in the light of my word. Those who know my word, they know the things that I have said shall come to pass. They know that the promises that I have given unto them shall be fulfilled. For they have a confidence knowing that I am Almighty God, and when I speak, it is the final authority and nothing else matters, but what my word has declared. Stand, therefore, fast upon my word and know that I have truly given unto you my word that you can walk in the fullness of what I have in store for my church for this hour and this time. I desire that my children receive all the blessings, all the rewards in this day and in this hour. For I say unto you, beware of Hollywood and their lies. Beware of the false unity man is pushing. Beware of the false teaching establishing the apostle as head, anointing teachers over pastors. Beware of the great storms and floods, the tornadoes, the earthquakes, the fires, the drought, the hot hot weather, cost of food going higher and higher, new sicknesses that shall develop, killer bees, bad music that comes straight from the devil, false anointings to tickle the ears of the people. For Iraq shall have another very bad week. A wakeup call for America very soon. Yet the church, the true church, shall walk in victory, they shall walk in the fullness of my word, they shall receive all that I have said I have set aside for this time and this hour. I say unto you my children, be very careful that you walk according to my word, for many take my word and twist it here and there to say what they desire to say, and because my children do not know my word, they are deceived and walk in great deception. Remember what my word declares my children, it says; try the spirits and see if they be of me. It also says, you can know a person by the fruit they are bearing. Many times people say great things and say how they are walking in my word and how great of a Christian they are, and yet if you truly took a look at their life and you looked at the fruits they are producing, you would find out otherwise. That they truly are not walking according to my word, that they talk the talk, but they do not walk the walk, nor do they walk in my word. For there is a fine line that has been drawn between the false and between the true, and those who look with open eyes and open hearts, they shall see the difference, for my word declares the difference between the two. Therefore, I have said it is important that you know my word that you are not deceived in this hour and this time, but that you walk in the truth that I have laid in front of you. It is not an hour to be foolish and to go about doing your own thing. It is an hour to be serious and to know my word and to do only the will of your Father, to walk where I have told you to walk, to do what I have told you to do. It is an hour where I require great obedience on my children’s behalf. Therefore, know my word my children and walk according to it. For it is a great hour for my church, it is a great hour, yes; it is a great time. Allow my faith that I have given unto you to rise up within you like never before. Truly have that confident expectation that what I have said, I shall do, I am doing even right now and shall do even more so. Therefore, allow joy to fill your heart knowing that your redemption draweth nigh, but also know that it is a serious time and I require great faithfulness on your part, great diligence, a time a seeking my face like never before. Know the shortness of the hour, know the shortness of the time, prepare your hearts for the things that lie ahead in the coming days and the coming hours, even in the coming months. Know that I have said you are not of the world, therefore, fear not the things that shall come to the world, but know that I have overcome the world and greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world. You have nothing to fear, walk with me and receive the blessings that are yours.

2-25-04 pm service

For it is the hour of my people, that they may walk in the fullness of the things that I have for them. That my promises may fill their life in every area, that they walk as the overcomer, the joint heir, as they walk on this earth, they walk even as my son Jesus walked. For truly there is great victory in this hour, sayeth your Father God, for you are not of this world, so the things of this world shall not affect you. Walk according to my word, walk according to my promise, walk as the victor, walk as the victor. Do not look at the circumstances, do not look at the troubles on the left, the troubles on the right, for they shall not come nigh your dwelling, but walk in the victory that I have given unto you. Set your eyes upon me and upon my word and upon my promise; walk in the fullness of the things that I have for you. Let the blessings fill your life, let the blessings fill your life, for truly two thousand and four does have more.

Do not lose out or miss what I have in store for you, but press in and know my word, know what I have said my children. Know that there is nothing, nothing impossible for me to do. Set your sights high, set them high that you can see, truly, my mighty hand move upon you in an awesome way. Do not think little anymore my children; think much bigger than what you think even right now. Speak forth my word, know what my word has said, for truly great and mighty are the things that I have in store for those who walk with me, who press in with their whole heart, who receives all that I have in store for them for this hour and this day. They shall be blessed  beyond their own thinking and mighty are the things that I shall do. Do not think small my children, change your thinking, think according to my word. Think, speak, talk, act as I have said you are and shall be, for therein my children shall you find an increase as you line yourself up with my word, you shall find an increase in every area of your life because you are aligned with my word. Do not think small my children, think big, for truly I am a big God, and yes, I desire to do mighty things on your behalf. Therefore, do not cut me short, nor lose out on what I have in store for you. Therefore, know my word; know what I have said. Walk as the overcomers, walk as the victors, for truly this is your hour, this is your hour as I have said, and you shall see as I said, two thousand and four there is so much more.

Many missed the blessings of two thousand and three. Do not be one that misses the blessings of two thousand and four, for truly they are much, much more.

2-22-04 am service

Come in out of the cold, sayeth your Father God, come into the warmth of my love. For I say to you, there is no need, no need to lack, no need to want anymore. For I say to you, come into me my children, come and ask of the things you have need of and I shall provide. I say to you, I shall shower, shower my love upon you, shower my blessings, so I say, stand not out in the cold, but come into the warmth of my love. For I say to you, only I can provide the things that you have need of. Look not to man, for I say to you, you shall become discouraged, it shall not be there, but come unto me. For I shall fulfill those promises that I have made unto you and you shall not want and you shall not lack and you shall walk in my blessings, my blessings that only I can provide. So do not stand out there, but enter in and receive those things that I have for you this day my children.

For I am your Father God, yes and I am your Father and there is nothing, there is nothing my children that I will withhold from you. Therefore, I say unto you, seek me, come before me, for truly it is I who have all that you have need of. I have everything that you will ever need or ever look for and you will find that when you come to me. Therefore, I say unto you, seek not the things of the world, but seek my face, seek my word, know my word, know me like never before that you truly hear and know my voice, that when I call unto you, you quickly answer and do the things that I would have you to do. For it is a very serious hour and a serious time my children and yet sometimes you take it very lightly and brush it off. No longer do that, but I say unto you, know the seriousness, know the shortness of the hour and the soon coming, my soon coming and prepare yourself for that day and that hour. Oh, I say unto you, draw closer like never before, know my word like never before that you can stand upon my word in every situation that comes in your life. That you stand upon my word and that you walk in the victory I have already given unto you. Watch the things that you say, speak only my word; speak only the positive things that I have told you to speak forth. Allow not the negativity to come out of your mouth, but I say unto you, only allow my word, that truly you can walk in the fullness of all that I have in store for you. It is an hour to draw close unto me. Know the closeness of the hour. Know the shortness of the time and draw close unto me like never before.

Be not fearful to step into the situations that I place before you; be not fearful to walk through those doors. Count not, count not, what you may feel is hardship, for there shall be no hardship, sayeth your Father God, there shall be nothing, nothing but joy, nothing but greatness, nothing but blessings. For you shall be the overcomer that I have said you shall be, for it is your hour, it is your time, there is not another hour, sayeth your Father God. So put not off things to a different time zone, off to the future, there is not another hour. For the things that I give unto you are for now and they shall carry you through until I take you out of here. Therefore, walk in the fullness of the things that I have for you, take advantage of them, for I have given them unto you, to bless you, to fulfill my word to you, to fulfill my promise to you. For if you receive not the things that I give unto you, you will question me, you question me and say where is it Lord when it is there, when it is right before your eyes. Take the things that I have given unto you, walk in my wisdom, walk in my counsel, walk according to my word, walk according to my promise, for truly you are the blessed ones.

For one apple will not make a pie, but if you take the other apples that I have given unto you, truly, you shall be blessed.

2-22-04 pm service

For truly it is an hour where my Spirit needs to flow out of you, for without that you cannot walk in my Spirit. It is an hour to walk in my Spirit and not to walk in the flesh. For I have given unto you my word as a guideline that you can follow. For truly when you walk in my word, you walk in victory and you walk in the blessings that I have in store for you. But when you walk in your own way, you walk according to what your mind thinks and according to what you think you need to do, you walk in problems and you do not walk in my blessings. Therefore, know my word my children and listen unto my voice like never before. For I shall give unto you directions that you have need of, that you can follow, that you can walk in, to possess the victory that I have given unto you. But if you are not walking in your spirit and if your spiritman is not in tune to me, how are you going to know what to do when I speak to you because your ears are not open? Therefore, I say unto you, know my word like never before, build up your spiritman like never before. Spend time daily praying in the spirit, spend time daily singing in the spirit that truly your spiritman can be, oh, so strong that you are a spiritual giant and anything the enemy brings against you shall be as nothing. Therefore, I say unto you my children, be full of my Spirit like never before, build yourselves up that you can walk and be the giants that I have called you to be for this hour and this time.

For know ye not that I have never given you anything and taken it back. I have given unto you many promises and many promises have gone by the wayside, for you discontinue standing upon my word. I say to you, know this night those promises are still open unto you. Call them in, stand upon them, call my word upon them. For I say to you, I have never taken them back and they are yours my children. Reach out and take them, possess them, for they are yours.

Arm your mouth with the seed of my word. Arm your mouth with the seed of my word. Let it be like buckshot, let it go out after those things that I have given unto you. Let it bring them into your being that you may walk in the fullness of the things that I have laid out for you, that you may enjoy them, that they be treasures unto you, that you may be able to reach out into my kingdom to do even more work. Arm yourself, arm yourself with that seed, let it be like buckshot, let it be like buckshot, let it go out and bring back those things that I have given unto you.

The pattern of a single shot is only the size of the bullet, but the pattern of buckshot depends on how much you load it. Therefore, load it, load it, load it, load it, load it.

For when you enter in and praise and worship me with your whole heart, it is a sweet sound in the heavenlies. I say to you, I am like the proud father who will leave nothing, absolutely nothing withheld from you. For I say, I long to bless you, I am that proud father, enter in with your whole heart. Know that I am your Father God and I am able to provide every need that you have. I say to you, spend time on that one on one praise with me. For I love you my child with an everlasting love and I shall never leave you nor forsake you.

2-22-04 at the altar after the pm service

For the signs of the end shall now become even clearer than they are. And as they watch their news and as they read their newspaper, my Spirit shall be dealing with their hearts and they shall be troubled by the things that they see and the things that they hear and they shall be looking for answers. My church shall have the answer. The false church will try to sweep this all under the table. It will try to tell them that good times are ahead, prosperous times are ahead, times when they shall walk in a realm that they have never walked in before, that there shall be worldwide peace. But my word has already told you that the antichrist would make these boastful statements, that he would lie and deceive many. But the signs he cannot stop, the earthquakes, the floods, the tornadoes, the hurricanes, the forest fires, the drought, the famine, the pestilence, he cannot stop that. You shall see that and the world shall see it very clearly. The Bible says there shall be wars and rumors of wars, he cannot totally stop that either, the signs will be there. You need to be in the place that you can tell them what my word says. You need to grasp and understand the things that I have shared with you and the things that I have told you. Because many, by looking the way they look, have to put these things off until a later time and date because they are not suppose to be here to see the things, so their catching away has to be at a different time, but not so with you. For you have seen exactly where I take the church out and you realize the things that must come before that time and you are aware of the things. Be willing to tell them, be willing to warn them, let them see the deception that they already walk in, the lack of knowledge that they have, even though they feel that they have knowledge. Oh, I say unto you, fear not the things that shall now come. For the things that shall come in 2004 shall shock the hearts of the world. It shall be a terrible time in many areas, great calamities, great things going on, and therefore, they will hurry to put their leader, their antichrist, into his position, because they think that he has the answer. Oh, foolish nations, foolish nations that know not me, that know not my word, that have no understanding, who search here for a verse and search there for a verse to prove what they are saying, and yet when you look at it in the context that it is written in, it does not fit where they are trying to place it. My word is very clear, very concise; it does not take a scholar to understand it. A scholar may help you with the understanding, but my word was written so simple that all can read it, all can understand it. You do not need some secret code; you do not need many of the things that they tell you. You only need an open heart, a heart that is willing to allow the Holy Spirit, who is your teacher and guide, to teach you, to show you the things that are there, to bring to your understanding the revelation that is clearly written in there. For it is not a mystery, at one time it was a mystery, but it is not a mystery any longer and many of the things that people’s eyes have been blinded to are now open. They are open that they can see and understand if they will do away with manmade doctrines, if they will do away with things that they have been taught that do not line up with my word, if they but take my word as the final authority, if they would try not to twist it or turn it or to make it say what it does not say, but walk according to it as it is written, they would walk in the victories that I have for them. You be there to tell them, you be there to show them. For as they have been coming to your site, so shall they soon now come to you. Not just one hundred, not just a thousand, not just a few thousand or many thousands, but you will see the millions, you will see that as they come and pass through, you will see that, for I have declared that unto you. It does not matter what man thinks, it does not matter what they say, my word has declared it. For if you were to look back, you would not have believed yourself that you would be where you are even today on your website, you would not expect that. But you shall see that grow even faster now than it has before until it becomes the number one watched, looked at, read website in the world. For I, your Father God, have declared that, that they may come and see and hear the words that I have said unto them. That they may read them over and over and over, that they may look at the fulfillment’s and realize there are prophets in the land and the prophets are telling them the truth, and the prophets that are not telling them the truth, are the ones that are lying to them and they are not seeing anything come to pass. Oh, I say unto you, prepare yourselves, for great things shall take place, not only here, but in your lives, in your family, in your community, throughout the world because of you and the calling that I have upon your life. Prepare yourselves, prepare yourselves. I shall furnish the funds that are needed; I shall flood finances into you like you have never seen before. Remember it belongs to me; remember to seek my face on where it goes, remember not to hoard it up for yourself, but walk in the wisdom and the knowledge that I give unto you. Put it to use in the places I tell you to put it to use in and do the work that I have called you to do. For it is that hour and it is that time, sayeth your Father God. Now listen to my word carefully, carefully listen, for these things shall come to pass.

Do not fear the hour, the time or the day that you are living in, but know my word, have my word as the first authority. For at times my children wait until it is their last resource and then come to my word and find what my word says. Walk in my word my children; know how important it is to have my word in front of you that you can call upon me. That you can walk in my word, that you do not have to walk in the problems of the world, but I have already given unto you the keys to walk in the victory that I have for this hour, for this time and for the day that you are living in. Therefore, know my word, have it be the first, first authority in your life, not the last. For many things shall take place in the world in this hour and in this time and fear shall fall upon many because they do not know my word, nor have they had it hidden within their heart. Be not likened unto them, but walk in the peace that I have given you, rest in my word in the assurance knowing that I, Almighty God, am with you and I shall take you safely through to the other side. For tornado season will start with a big bang. Flooding will be worse than planned for. The hot weather will come in early in many places. Gas prices will go up until they are past $2.00 a gallon. Food prices will rise with meat and chicken leading the way. Fill your freezer until the crunch is over. Frost will kill many crops. Drought will continue and grow worse. Gay marriages will score higher and higher. TV will cast more gay movies because of this. Water shortages in the South, Deep South and West will be the highest ever. Electric power will go up and up with shortages also. You shall see blackouts. Terrorists shall strike big and powerful. Unsafe air travel will continue. Crime rates shall go up. You shall see all this before April is over. Some areas will continue to get worse as the hot weather continues. Fires out of control because of the drought. Smog to killer heights in the bad areas. For the world it shall not be a good time, but for my church they shall walk in the power and authority and might and ability that I have given unto them. They shall walk in the victory that I have given unto them, my word shall be within their mouth and they shall walk in the fullness of all that I have. Therefore, fear ye not the things of the world. For as I have said time and time again, you are not of this world, you are mine. Therefore, walk as my children, walk in my word, know my word, know the things that I have said that shall take place. Do not walk in fear, do not worry, do not doubt, but walk in the provisions that I have already given unto you, for they are yours for the taking, all you must do is walk in them and walk and do as I tell you to do. Listen unto my voice like never before, harken unto my words, hear what I have said, for truly these things shall take place and no man can stop the things that my word declares shall take place in this hour and this time. Therefore, walk in my word, know my word and walk in the blessings that are for my church to walk in.

2-18-04 pm service

It is an hour not to be swayed to the right nor to the left nor to be troubled in your spirit concerning my word, concerning my promises, concerning the things that I have told you, the things that I have promised you. It is not an hour to be swayed, sayeth your Father God, for the spirits that move upon the face of the earth they seek out those that are being swayed, they deceived them, they lie to them, they come against them in a strong way, they cause them to turn from me. So let your mind and your heart be set upon me and upon my word. My word does not go out and return void; it will do those things that it is sent forth to do. Delays come not upon my part, sayeth your Father God, for I am not the author of delays. For my word is always on time, but delays come from those who begin to wander, who begin to be double minded, to think different in their heart, who are not steadfast, who are moved by every wind of the enemy that comes along. Be not like that, be not like that, realize, realize where it comes from, realize what is happening, realize what is taking place. For I love you, I love you, you are my child and I desire for you to be strong, I desire for you to be prosperous, I desire for you to walk in the victory. Yea, I know the many questions the enemy sometimes throws and runs through minds, do not answer those questions, but go to my word and speak my word. For it is my word, sayeth your Father God, that causes it to turn about, it is my word that causes the answers to come to pass, it is my word that will not go out and return void. So do not use your own words, do not use your own thinking even though they may be biblical, but come with my word. Arm yourself with my word, arm yourself with my word, let your mouth be a machine gun of my word, let my word go forth destroying the enemy, causing him to flee, causing the answers to come. Yea, it is a dark hour, sayeth your Father God, but even in the midst of all that darkness you have the light and that light shines upon that path that you are walking upon. You are not walking in darkness, you are not walking in confusion, you are not walking in lack, you are not walking in want, for I am your shepherd and I shall lead you and I shall guide you and I shall take you to the greener pastures that you can flourish. I prepare a table for you in the presence of your enemy, your cup runneth over, you need not fear the things that the enemy is doing for you are the overcomer, you are the conqueror. So set your heart right this night, sayeth your Father God, erase the doubts, erase the fears, erase the shortcomings and realize it is not me, for I will do what I have said that I will do. Therefore, gather up the things that I have said, fill up a bushel basket full of my promises, sayeth your Father, go to the bank, get the promises that belong to you. For truly, truly, I shall fulfill my word to you.

Is there anything, anything that is impossible for me to do? Would I withhold that from you, being that I have already given to you the greatest gift that I have, my son Jesus Christ? Are you not equal with him; are you not heirs with him? Then how would I withhold from you the very things that you have need of? For I have given unto you everything that pertains unto life and godliness. I have given to you my ability, my strength, my power, my might. Be not discouraged, let your heart not be heavy, don’t look, don’t look for the things that are not working, look at the things that are working. For the things that are not working shall work when your eyes are upon me and my word is in your mouth, it shall come quickly. For we don’t have a long time, and therefore, all my answers shall now come quickly, sayeth your Father, they shall come very quickly and I shall bring all things about. So fear not, I have not forgotten you neither have I overlooked you, neither have I set you aside, for I have great need of you, I have great need of you. Even Abraham the father of faith fought many battles, walked in fear at times, walked in disobedience, went his own way thinking that would work better, followed his wife’s advice and then he got his mind renewed to the place that he walked with me and became the father of faith. You also can rise up into all the fullness of all the things that I have for you and you can walk, yes, you can walk as I have said that you can walk. So fear not, but press in, for I love you.

Do not tell me how hard it is, do not tell me where you are at, do not tell me the things that you are failing in, do not tell me your problems. It is not that I don’t care, but I have already given you the answer, I have already told you that you are the overcomer, you are the victor. I have already told you that you win, I have already told you that you cannot be defeated, I have already told you that you are healed, I have already told you that you are powerful, that you are mighty, that miracles sign and wonder shall follow you. So why look at the things that you want to tell yourself, or why look at the things the enemy wants to tell you, or why look at the things that other people may say? Look at what I have said, for it is my word that shall come to pass.

My word coming out of your mouth is what unlocks the door to the victories. It is not what you feel, it is not what you see, it is not what you hear, my word, my word is what brings the results.

2-15-04 am service

Allow not your hearts to be troubled, but I say to you, allow that joy that I am birthing in your hearts to come forward. Come to church, come to my house with great expectation, wake up daily with great expectation, be excited about the promises I have made unto you. For I say to you, things are happening much quicker now, and all though you do not always see them in the physical realm, if you would keep your spiritual eyes and ears open to the things that I am saying to you, to the direction I am leading you in, you would see that I am doing a mighty work on your behalf. Be excited, be excited, come expecting and know that I, your Father God, shall bring forth, shall birth those promises that I have make unto you. Know that I, your Father God, love you with an everlasting love, I have given you all that you have need of. I have equipped you for every victory, for every circumstance that you stand against, I have equipped you with all that you have need of to be victorious. So I say unto you, be not troubled, but be excited, be joyful, know that I am here.

Let your eyes be steadfast upon me, let your meditation be in my word, let the things that I have written there speak to your heart the things concerning the end days. For truly you are in that time, sayeth your Father God, it is that hour and the handwriting is upon the wall. And as you listen and look you begin to see and understand even more so the things that I have told you. Therefore, keep your eyes upon my word, study my word, meditate in my word, know my word, walk in my word. For as you walk in my word, you shall walk according to the plan that I have for you. You shall not be fooled as many shall be fooled, but you shall walk with me and be the overcomers that I said you shall be.

For it is my desire to be your all and all, it is my desire to be your everything, but at times my children put up barriers, they put up walls and they do not allow me to get as close as I desire. Therefore, I say unto you, take down the walls; take down the barriers, that truly you can walk in the fullness of what I have in store for you. That I can be your all in all, I can be your everything that you do not lack or want in any area, but that you are filled to overflowing with me, with my word, with my joy, with my peace, with my love, with all that I have for you. It is my desire that you walk not in your own ways, but that you walk in my way, that you walk in my will and that you fulfill the things that I have called you to do. For it is an hour my children to draw close unto me, to know the things that your Father desires. Do not go and do your own things, but I say to you, follow my word, follow my ways. For my ways shall bring you prosperity, my ways shall bring you life; my ways shall fill your life with blessings that you do not have room to contain. Therefore, follow me, follow my ways, follow my will that you can truly walk in the fullness of all that I have.

2-15-04 pm service

For there is nothing, absolutely nothing, that I shall withhold from you, for I have given unto you everything that pertains unto life that you may walk through this time in great victory. That you may be the overcomers, that you may walk even as my son Jesus walked while on the face of the earth. For it is the hour and the time of great revival, sayeth your Father God, it is the hour it is the time of great outpouring of my Spirit upon all flesh. It is that time that I have spoken to you about, that time for the harvest to come in, so be not discouraged, be not discouraged, but press into the fullness of the things that I have for you. For truly you shall walk in great victory, yea and you shall see the promises that I have given unto you coming to pass. They shall fill you to the place that you shall not believe the things that I shall do for you. For I love you with an everlasting love and I desire to give unto you the things that I have promised, yea and I shall do it. So look unto me, keep your eyes upon me, look not at the world, look not at the things that are coming upon the face of the world, but look at me, for truly I shall bring it all to pass.

For, yes, truly it is the greatest hour for my church, for my Spirit shall flow without measure as I have said in my word shall take place in this last time revival, the end-time revival, great and mighty are the things that I shall do. For my glory shall fill my true houses of worship and mighty, mighty are the things that I shall do on behalf of my children. For many people read in my word about the day of Pentecost and think how great that must have been. But truly you have never seen anything like it shall be in this time, in this hour, for my Spirit shall flow without measure, and oh, the miracles, signs and wonders that shall take place in my presence. For the Shekinah glory shall fall even as I have said it shall fall. Oh, therefore, I say unto you, open up yourselves to me like never before, walk according to my word; prepare yourself for this hour and this time. Set yourself aside that you can walk upright and holy before me. For truly it is a great hour my children, it is a great hour for those who are walking with me, for those who know my will and are doing my will, for those who know my word and are walking according to my word. It is a great hour for them, for they shall be blessed, they shall experience my glory, they shall experience my Spirit without measure, for truly it shall fill my true houses of worship.

For the measure of things to come shall be so great, so plentiful that my church shall rejoice as they walk in the fullness of the things that I have for them.

2-15-04 at the altar after the pm service

It is an hour when you shall see great catastrophes throughout the whole world. It is an hour when you shall see the spirit of Sodom and Gomorrah as it continues to rise higher and higher and higher. For it is that time, it is that season, it is that age, sayeth your Father God. Let not these things trouble your heart, let them not affect you, but know these are the last days, that many things you shall see in these last days are recorded in my word and you will understand even greater the things that are taking place. For you will continue to see the European Common Market as it begins to flex its muscles now like never before and you will begin to see as they prepare to make a place for their head, for the one that shall run it. You shall see these things and you shall know the hour in which you do live. Let them not trouble your hearts, for that is for the world, it is not for you, it is not for my church. For the hour of the church shall be a powerful hour, an hour more powerful than the world has ever seen. For my Spirit shall be poured out without measure, miracles, signs and wonders shall flow fluently in my church. Man will not need to run here and there to receive the things that I have for them. For I have my ministers, I have those that are anointed and they will be able to have easy access to them that they may receive the things that I have for them. For my wisdom and my knowledge shall flow through them and they shall direct and they shall speak under my counsel and give wise counsel and many shall follow that, some shall turn away. Keep your eyes upon what I am doing, not upon the world, not upon the things of the world, not upon the false church, but keep your eyes upon me, upon my word, for you shall see all the disasters that I have talked to you about and you shall see so many more. For you shall see the drought as it continues to worsen, the heat as it continues to get hotter. You shall see the things recorded in my word, for you are living in that hour and that time. But set your priorities on the harvest field, set your priorities on those that shall come in with needs. Make sure that you are in the place that you can give them the things that they come for. Let my anointing stir within you, let my anointing flow from you, let my ability be your ability, let my signs and my wonders be your signs and your wonders. Seek not after signs nor wonders, but be one that gives the miracles, the signs, the wonders that I have that the blind may see, that the lame my walk, that the deaf my hear, that the dead may be raised. That all the miracles the people have a need of shall be met, that they may know that truly I am God, that I love them with an everlasting love, that I desire to meet every need that they have. That they need to come into the safety of the fold, for the time is short, for I have spoken, yes, I have spoken to the world, I have spoken to my church, but many go their own way and do their own things. They have not placed me first, I am way at the bottom of their list and yet they would think that I am first. I say unto you, make sure I am first place, seek me first. I will add all the other things unto you that you may walk in the miracles, that you may walk in the fullness of all that I have for you. Listen and ponder the things that shall come, hear, hear and know, sayeth your Father.

It is an hour where my children must know my word, where they truly must have it within their heart. For many times my children think they know my word, but when problems come, they know not how to stand and receive the victory that I have already given unto them. For my word says that life and death are in the power of the tongue, yet many times my children forget this and they speak forth the negative and receive the negative results. It is time for my children to truly know my word and speak only my word, for it is my word that brings the results that you desire. For if you are sick, do not speak sickness, but speak healing. If you are in poverty, do not speak poverty, but speak wealth, speak prosperity, speak my word and your situation must line up with my word. Know the power that your tongue has, speak only my word, for it is my word that shall bring life unto you, it is my word that shall bring success into your household. Therefore, know my word my children; know what I have said. For when troubles come, and they shall come, they shall come on the left-hand and on the right-hand in the world, and if you know not my word, how can you stand and walk in the pureness of the victory that I have already given unto you? Therefore, I say unto you how important it is for you to know my word and know the power, know the authority that I have given unto you. The enemy has no reign over you, but I have given unto you my word and my word shall bring you the victory that you have need of. Know that even though there shall be troubles in the world, you are not of this world, you have overcome because greater is He that is in you, than he that is in the world. Know what I have said my children. It is my desire that you walk in my blessings; it is my desire that you walk in the fullness of what I have given unto you. For I shall protect you in these days ahead, but you also must listen to my voice, and when I tell you to go here or go there, do not go your own way, but listen unto me, hear the things which I speak unto you that you can walk in the safety that I have for you. For you shall now start to hear about the tornadoes once again. There shall be flooding because of the snow that shall melt in many areas and yet there shall still be blizzards in other areas. There shall be earthquakes, strong winds, you shall see Iraq will become a very hotbed again this coming week. Know that things shall take place in the world, but know I have given unto you the keys to walk in victory. You need not fear these things that shall take place, but rather walk in my word, walk in the assurance of my word. For truly my children I am here, yes, I am here, even as I was in the days of old, I am here and I will provide for you. For even if there are times when you do not have food in your house, I shall supernaturally provide that food if need be and you shall not go hungry, no, but you shall eat bountifully and great shall be the miracles that shall take place. I say unto you, you shall see many things take place in the world, but fear not, fear not, fear not, know that you are not of this world, but you are of me. For Hussein is very sick, and if he dies, they will blame his death on America, know this my children, for many people will be enraged if he dies. But know that I shall protect my children, I shall keep them safe. So fear not the things of the world, but know my word, know me, draw closer unto me like never before, for it is a very serious hour, a serious time and it is an hour to draw close unto me.

2-11-04 pm service

For truly it is my desire that my children know my voice that when I speak unto them they know it is I talking to them and they quickly, they quickly do the things which I have spoken unto them to do. Oh, how it is my desire that every single one of my children knows and listens to my voice. For in this time and in this hour it will be very crucial to you to know my voice and to listen unto the things that I speak unto you. For I shall give unto you protection as you listen to me and as you are guided by the things that I tell you to do. Prosperity shall come into your being as you listen unto me and do what I have called you to do, told you to do. Oh yes, peace shall fill your being as you listen unto me. For I have given unto you the keys, my children, to walk in great victory in this hour and in this time. Therefore, know my word like never before. Truly, know my voice that when I talk to you, you do not second-guess it, but you know that you know that you know it is I who am speaking unto you. For truly it is an hour to not walk around in the dark, but to walk in the light of my word that I have given unto you. Therefore, know my word as I have said, for it is of utmost importance that you know the things that I have told you, that I have spoken unto you. For truly my children, I love you and it is my desire, yes, it is my desire that you know me, that you know my voice and that you listen unto my words.

As you walk with your eyes upon me, you walk on the road that I have set before you. And as you walk on the road that I have set before you, you walk in total victory.

For the learning of man is foolishness unto me. My word, my word is the truth; my word is the path upon which they walk. Walk ye therefore in my word.

2-8-04 am service

Let your heart be so filled with my love, for I have shed my love within your heart that you may shed it abroad, that it may reach out to those round about you. Study, study to see what my word says about love that you may walk in the fullness of all that I have said there. For when your brothers and sisters round about you see not that love, how can the world see that love? For the world looketh for my love, it looks for my compassion, it looks for those that know me to walk with them in love, to help them, to encourage them, to lift them up and yet at times they see not that love. Let my love flow from you; let my love be the controlling factor in your life. For faith worketh by love and without that love your faith does not work, you may say it works, but it cannot work. Allow my love; allow my love to flow from you.

Let not your hearts be so burdened down that you forget that place, that you forget that you can enter into my presence, that you forget that you can receive my love, my comfort, my joy, my peace, my protection, my encouragement. For I love you with an everlasting love, and yea, my love is not affected by the circumstances of the world. My love is always there for you, my peace, my comfort, my strength; it is always there. Therefore, forget not that place that you can enter into, that you can come unto me with all boldness knowing that I love you. Knowing that I am here, I am always here for, I have never left you nor neither will I forsake you, for you are mine and I love you with an everlasting love. Therefore, draw into that place in your time of need, draw into that place just to talk to me, draw into that place that I can comfort you.

2-8-04 pm service

For truly when you are filled to the top, you are filled with my love, you are filled with my joy, you are filled with my peace and there is nothing that the enemy can do to hinder or stop you from receiving all that I have, nor can he cause discouragement to come upon you. When you are truly filled with my Spirit, it does not matter what the enemy does; it has no effect upon you because you already know the victory I have given unto you. Oh, I want my children to be in this place where truly they are filled to overflowing, that when the enemy comes against them, it is as if they say, oh yes, that is just you devil, no big deal, because you already know that you have the victory. It is my desire my children that you are truly filled to overflowing. As I have said, my love is so important that you truly need to know my love and that my love flows out of you to others. For it is my love, my children, that can cause the coldest heart to melt like wax. Therefore, know my word; know that I have given unto you my Spirit to teach you into all truth. For if you know not or understand not my word ask your helper to help you, which is the Holy Spirit, for I have given him unto you as your helper, your teacher, your guide. Ask him to help you and he shall open up your eyes and you can truly know the truth and the fullness of what my word says. It is an hour my children for you to walk in great victory, for I have already given it unto you. Therefore, do not allow the devil to cause discouragement, do not allow the devil to bring disunity among you, but I say unto you, join together like never before. For truly this is the greatest hour for my church, it is the greatest time that they have ever seen or experienced. For in times past they thought that was great of what they had, but the move that I have for this time and this hour is even greater than any of them ever experienced and thought was wonderful, this time shall be even more so my children. Therefore, enter in with all that you have, receive all that I have for you, be filled to overflowing with my Spirit that truly my love, my joy, my peace flows out of you, it radiates out of you, that when others look upon you, they see me.

For the word of God is mighty, powerful, dividing, separating the flesh from the Spirit that you may walk in the fullness of the things that I have for you, that you may be all that I have told you that you are, all that I have caused you to be. For truly as you speak forth my word and as my word comes out of your innermost being, that word does not go out and return void, but it fulfills the things that it is sent forth to do. So cast not away your confidence, hang on to it, for it shall bring you that reward that you are seeking, that goal that you are going after, that thing that you desire in your heart. Keep my word in your mouth, keep my word in your heart, dwell upon it, meditate upon it, walk in it, speak it, speak it, speak it. For truly there is life there, there is life there, the zoe kind of life, the abundant life, the overcoming life. Walk in my word.

Roses are not always red, violets are not always blue, but my love for you shall never cease, it shall never end, for it is true.

2-8-04 at the altar after the pm service

Let your hearts not be troubled with the pestilence that shall come, for I have told you about them in the past. I have said unto you that surely they shall come to pass, but they shall not affect you if you are believing my word, if you are walking according to the promise that I have given unto you, you shall walk through that time in total safety. Realize that the storms of this winter are not over yet, even though you will be spared many things, many places shall not be and you shall hear about them and the trouble they have caused. You shall hear about the floods as soon as the weather begins to warm. You shall hear about all these things, for I have told you they shall come to pass. You shall see the increase in the drought, in the hot weather, the things that are ahead, the shortages, the high cost in food, even the high cost in gasoline as I have already told you. You shall see these things, for these are the signs of the end-times. Not only should your eyes be upon the world and the things that are taking place there, your eyes should be upon the things that are taking place in other areas. The economy, the jobs, the political race, for then you shall see and understand the minds of man and their wicked ways and what they plan to do and the program that they take and then they think I should bless America. No, America needs to bless me, for they have gone the wrong way, their days are numbered. But as for my church, it shall be a prosperous church, it shall be a church filled with power, a church filled with miracles, signs and wonders, a church that the world will want to come to, to find the God that supernaturally empowers them and gives unto them the things that they see them receiving. Oh, I say unto you, these days shall be great for my church. These days shall be the happiest days of your life, if you are looking at my word and my promise. If your eyes are on the circumstances, if your eyes are on the troubles, it will be a terrible time. Men’s hearts shall fail them because of fear. I have not given you fear, do not walk in that avenue, do not walk as the world walks, you are not of this world, you are my children and your home is heaven. Therefore, keep your eyes on the things above and not on the things on the earth. Press towards the goals that I have given unto you, for truly, many, many, many of those goals shall come to pass this year and you shall see the fulfillment of the things that I have said coming to pass very quickly. And then you will look back and say, it is worth it all Lord, thank you Lord, I am so glad you chose me. Now hear carefully the things that I have to say, for truly, you need to be aware of all the things that shall come to pass.

It is an hour to really know my word and to hear the things that I speak. Meditate upon my word as I have said. For many times my children hear my word and yet they do not meditate on my word, and therefore, it is not in their heart and at times they forget even the things that I have said because they do not mark it down, nor do they keep it in front of them to see the things that I have said shall take place. Be not one who does not know my word, but be diligent and study my word. Study the words that I give unto you, know the things that are going to take place. For many things right now are being done behind the scenes that you know not. But I say unto you, I shall reveal unto you the things that shall take place as I have said. Therefore, listen, be attentive, hear the words that your Father speaks unto you. Know that there shall be great troubles in the world on the right-hand and one the left-hand, but do not fear as I have said, for I have given you everything my children that you have need of. You do not lack one thing, cause I have made provisions for you, but you must walk in those provisions, you must know my word that you can walk in those provisions that I have made for you. Even though the violence shall rage even more so in the world, my people shall be protected. As they listen to my voice, I shall always give them directions as to where to go and where not to go that they can walk in my perfect protection. So fear not the crime that shall escalate in the world, but I say, know that I have given unto you my word. Trust me in all things, do not think you can do it on your own, but trust me, for my ways are always the better way to go. For you shall see an increase in many of the storms that shall hit many areas. The avalanches that I have talked about that you shall see, they shall be greater in some areas than others, because of the snow that has fallen in places. Great shall be the floods that shall take place. But do not fear if these things come near your house, for I said if you call upon me, I shall answer and keep you safe. Be reminded of my word, do not fall prey to the enemy’s tactics, but I say unto you, know the things that I have said. Know the power, know the authority, know the ability I have given unto you. For truly it is my desire that you know my word and that you have confidence in the things that I say, that you know without a shadow of doubt that I shall do that which I have spoken unto you to do. For it is a great hour for my church. My church shall be blessed coming in and going out, the wealth of the heathen shall come into my true churches, and the work that I have set before my people, the visions that I have given unto my people, they shall be fulfilled. My true churches shall have more than enough money to do the things that I have called them to do, to build the buildings, to be the ministry that I have called them to be, it is now time for that wealth to come in. For before the foundations of the earth, I have called into being the things that shall take place. It is a great hour to rejoice, knowing that truly time is short, the hour is at hand and your King is soon coming. Keep your eyes upon my vision and my goal that I have set before you, do not lose sight in the busyness of life and the things in the world, but I say, keep your eyes upon me and what I am doing and what I am going to do. Do not lose sight of the vision and the goals that I have given unto you, but keep them in front of you, that truly you can walk in the fullness of what I have. For truly my children I love you and I desire that you walk in the fullness of everything that I have given unto you. Therefore, know my word and do not walk in fear, but walk in faith, the God given faith, one that expects what I have told you shall take place, to take place. One who expects when you speak forth my word that the answer is already there. Walk in my faith, walk in my word, trust me, allow me to be your guide, allow me to teach you in all truth, for truly it is my desire that truly you walk, yes, that you walk in my will, that you walk in my ways that you can receive the blessings that I have in store for you.

Pastor said, "I feel that something is going to take place in Kansas this week." So let’s keep our eyes on Kansas.

2-4-04 pm service

Let the love I have placed in your heart flow from you, for circumstances, situations, problems should not affect that, for it is your choice to walk in my love. I have given unto you love that you may walk in the fullness of that love, and as you walk in the fullness of that love, then you walk even as my son Jesus walked while he was here on the face of this earth. Then you are touched by compassion, then my power, then my ability flows from you and it touches those round about you. For faith worketh by love, allow my love; allow my love to flow from you. Allow my love to speak from your mouth, allow my love to be the thoughts that you think and then you shall walk in the victory that I have for you.

For walking in love, my love, is one of the greatest commandments that I have given to you. Not only to love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your might, but also to love those around you even as I have loved you and have given my life for you that you can have that more abundantly. Know you not the power of my love? For my love covers a multitude of sins, my love remembers never again transgressions that you walked in, but forgiveness flows. And when my love flows, truly you walk in the fullness of my word, there is not one thing that you leave out. For if you truly walk in love, you walk in forgiveness, you walk as I have called you to walk and great are the victories that you possess because you walk in my love. Therefore, know I have given unto you my love that truly you can receive all that I have. Give my love unto others that they can see me through you and that they can have the same blessings that you have because you walk in my word, you walk in my love. For faith worketh by love, so if you have no love where is your faith? Therefore, walk in my love; know what my word has said that truly you can walk in the blessings that I have given unto you.

2-1-04 am service

How I love you my children, how I love you, I say to you, I shall never leave you nor forsake you. For know you not that you are so important to me that I have numbered the very hairs of your head? I say look not at the world, look not to the right, nor the left, but look to me for the answers. For I say to you, I have all of the answers my children and I shall lead you to great victory. It is the time of troubles when you look not to me but rely upon man or rely upon your own knowledge. I say to you, know ye not how much I love you? Come unto me, come unto me and allow me to guide you, allow me to bless your every move. For I say to you, I shall never leave you nor forsake you, for I love you with an everlasting love.

For the goodness of the things I have for you are far greater than what you are used to walking in. Therefore your level of expectation is not as high as it should be. For if your expectation, if your faith level is low, I cannot move on your behalf in a way that I desire to move on your behalf. So let your expectations be great, let your mind, let your mind run with the Holy Spirit and see the vision that I have for you, the goals that I have planned for my church, the victories that they shall win, how they shall be the overcomers. How they shall walk in all my power, all my ability, all my strength, all my might. How blessings shall flow in to them daily that they have more than enough that they are able to given into my work and do the things that I have called them to do. Lift up your expectations, lift them up high unto me and allow me to birth within you the visions, the dreams, the goals that I have for you, that you may run, yes, as an heir, a joint heir to the throne of Almighty God.

For it is my desire that truly my children know and understand who they are in me and what I have given unto them. The blessings that I have given unto them, the power and authority that I have given unto them through my word through my Son dying on the cross that they can have that life and more abundantly. It is my desire that my children truly walk in the fullness of what I have given unto them, but at times they walk short because they know not my word. Be not likened unto those who do not receive all that I have, but I say unto you, truly know my word and know what I have given unto you. Know what is yours my children, that truly you can walk in all that I have for you. That truly you can walk in the fullness of what I have given unto you that you can walk in the fullness of my word, that you can walk in the fullness of want I have called you to be for this time and this hour. Know my word and know what I have said concerning you my children. For I have said you are the overcomers, I have said that you are the victorious one, I have said that you are the head and not the tail, I have said that you are prosperous, I have said that you walk in health and total healing. Know what my word has said and walk in the fullness of my word. Do not fall short of my blessings because you know not my word, do not be ignorant, but know my word and know what I have said I shall do and run with the vision that I have given unto you like never before. For I have placed a calling upon you, and as you get that calling within your heart, as that vision becomes alive within your heart, you shall run like never before and truly receive what I have in store for you. Therefore, keep your eyes on my word, know what I have said concerning you my children, for I have called you blessed and so shall you be.

For a ring when it is placed upon your finger becomes one with you. It goes with you, it brings joy to your heart, it brings beauty to others, so is it so with my Spirit. For my Spirit encompasses you, it is within you, it goes with you and it provides for you all that you have need of.

2-1-04 pm service

Set your hearts now, sayeth your Father God, for I desire to lift you up, I desire to encourage you, I desire to heal your bodies, I desire to move upon you in a mighty way. But you need to set your heart, you need to be ready, you will need to enter in, you will need to prepare yourself.

Be not caught in the drought, but drink freely of the living water that I have given unto you. Drink freely of it; know that every day, every day I give you the strength for that day. That every day is your day, for I have created it for you that you may rejoice in it and be glad, that you may walk in the victory that I have for you. Be not fooled by the lies of the enemy nor the circumstances round about you nor the headlines in the news nor the TV news. For I give you the true news, sayeth your Father God, for you are blessed, you are the head, you are not the tail, you are above, you are not beneath. Change your thinking, walk, walk as a child of God, walk in all the fullness of all I have for you. Walk in the victories, for truly you already have the victory.

Be like a student who studies to achieve his goal. Study my word that you can be all that I have called you to be, that you truly know all that I have given unto you. Be one who studies diligently, for my word says, those who diligently seek me they shall find me. Lack not in any area my children, for I have given unto you everything that you have need of. For if you will come to me, ask of me, I shall give unto you. Know my word and know what I have said concerning this hour and this day. Know it is a time to be prepared, it is not a time to be caught unaware, but it is time to know the things that I, your Father God, have spoken unto you. It is time to know the things that I have called you to do, it is time to walk in the fullness of all that I have. Therefore, I say unto you, know my word like never before, do not just think that you know it, but truly know my word, that in every situation you turn to me and my word, that I am your first, your first, your first place to go to instead of the things of the world. Know that there is nothing to difficult for me to do. For truly I am God and I have all power and authority, and yes, I have given unto you that power and authority that you may walk upon the enemy and that you can walk in the victory that I have given to you. Therefore, know my word, do not be ignorant my children, but I say unto you, know my word like never before. Speak forth my word, have my word within your heart, have my word within your thoughts that truly you can walk in the victory that I have already given unto you. For I love you and it is my desire my children that you do walk as the heirs that you are to the throne of Almighty God. It is my desire that you walk in the fullness of all that I have already given unto you. It is already yours my children; all you have to do is walk in it. It is my desire that truly you walk as my word says and declares that you are. Oh, it is an hour to know my word and to know what I have said and to truly walk in my word. For yes, I am here my children, I am here with you even as I said, I am with thee and I shall be even unto the very end. Therefore, know what I have said, call upon me and I shall answer and I shall hear you, for it is my desire that you walk in the fullness of all that I have.

Can a man stop a waterfall in the spring of the year with the melting of the snow and the fresh spring rains? Neither can man stop this latter outpouring of my Spirit.

2-1-02 at the altar after the pm service

Let your eyes continually be upon me. Let your eyes and the meditation of your heart be upon my word and my promises, meditate on them, watch them, for truly they come to pass. And as you read and as you study and as you know that they have come to pass, your confidence, your expectation will grow and grow and grow, and because you are in my word, your faith shall excel. And as your faith excels you will be able to do the things that you have not been able to do before. You will be able to walk as giants in the land, spiritual giants in the land. Not those that just talk the talk and cannot produce, but you shall be a producer of the things that come out of your mouth. For it shall come from your heart and you shall believe the things that you speak and all of heaven shall move mightily on your behalf to bring them to pass, for you shall be speaking my word, not someone else’s word, but you shall be speaking my word. For there is nothing, absolutely nothing that you cannot turn around if you will but speak my word, if you will speak my word it has to turn and line up with my word and produce for you in the areas that you need production in. Therefore, do not be moved by the news; do not be moved by the things that shall take place, for I have told you it is a very evil hour. And it is not going to get better as some say, except for the time that the antichrist calls for a peace, but you shall know that it is a false peace. For many that will not line up with him even before the mark, he shall put pressures upon them that they will have to walk with him if they know not my word, if they know not the promises in my word, if they know not what I have said. Therefore, I say unto you, keep your eyes on the word, study the word, know the word, dig into it deeper than you ever have before, write your own commentaries on it that you have a better understanding of what it says, teach your children. For the evil hour will get more evil, it will get much worse, it will continually get worse, but that is not for you, that is for the world, it is not for you. I have for you a plan that causes you to be the overcomer, that causes you to be the victor, that causes you to be the spokesman that can speak to your family, that can speak my word, that they can see the miracles, that they can see signs, that they can see the wonders, that they will come into the safety of the fold, for being lukewarm will do them no good. For those who know not my word, for those who cannot believe now, for those who cannot stand now, it is expedient for them that they grow, that they get into my word and grow, that they do what my word says. For you do not have long before the pressures will be so great that you will be swept into the false because that will be an easier walk and because people will be lying and saying how good it is. That is not so, sayeth your Father God, for you shall see as the false falls apart, as they receive no answers for their prayers, other than lying signs and lying wonders, they will not see the things that my church shall be seeing. They will not be seeing the wheelchairs emptied out, they will not be seeing the blind seeing, the deaf hearing, the lame walking, they will not be seeing this, not in their churches, not unless it is fake. But I say unto you, it shall be in my church, it shall be in my church and my people shall be seeing it and those that are hungry shall be coming and receiving it and I shall supply and meet every need that you have. I shall open doors and some will own their own businesses instantly and only for a song. You will prosper; you will be in health, for your soul shall be prospering. Therefore, walk according to my word, walk according to my promises, do not fear the things that shall come, for these things must come to pass that the world may see and know that truly I am God, that it is not I, but it is the end of the cycle, the world’s time is running out. Now listen, ponder, think on these things that you may know, that you may understand, for truly they shall come to pass and they shall come to pass quickly, yea and you shall see it.

It is of the utmost importance to know my word, to hear my word and to do my word. For as you walk in my word you walk above the line of the enemy, and yes, you walk in the fullness of my power, anointing and ability that I have given unto you. For when you walk in my word you do not fear the things that are taking place in the world, but you walk in my peace, you walk in my joy, you walk in my love, you walk in my comfort knowing that I, Almighty God, am there and there is nothing that is too big for me to do, for you know my word. My word says that men’s hearts shall fail in this hour and this time because of the fear that shall grip their hearts. And the reason fear grips their hearts is because they, truly, do not know my word, for they are likened unto those who say they know my word and yet know it not, because their actions do not produce like those who are following my word. What kind of fruit are you bearing in your life? Is you fruit displaying that of my word, or is it displaying that of the world? It is an hour to be serious and to truly be following me with your whole heart, that truly when others see you in the world they see Jesus through you, they see me flowing through you and they desire to have what you have. It is an hour to walk in my blessings, but if you know not my word, you shall not walk in my blessings, you shall not be prosperous. But I say those who know my word and know what I have given unto them, they shall be prosperous in everything that they do. For even when businesses are failing all around on every side in the world, those who know my voice and who walk according to my word, I shall prosper them and their businesses shall flourish and those around them shall wonder what exactly makes them prosper. And as they come and ask they shall know that it is truly I, Almighty God, who causes them to prosper, it is their faithfulness unto me that causes them to prosper, it is because they are walking in my word that causes them to prosper. And, oh, the testimony that shall be given to those round about because of walking in my word. It is a time to know that I have said that there shall be perilous times in the world, but I am here to take you through these times in great victory, even as the Hebrew children as they went through the fire, I was with them, they did not even come out with the smell of smoke. So shall it be in this time and this age and this hour, my children shall not have that smell of smoke upon them, for they shall walk in the pureness of my victory as I have given it unto them. Know that you shall see many things in the world, you shall continue to see the unrest in Iraq. You shall continue to see the avalanches that take place in many areas, for this shall be considered one of the record years for avalanches, for they shall take place all over because of the amount of snow that has fallen in many areas. Avalanches shall cause great problems. But you do not need to fear these things, just know that I have given unto you my word and I shall protect you. As you call upon me I shall answer, I shall give unto you directions that you have need of to walk in my safety. Therefore, listen to my voice, know my voice, hear me when I speak to you. Do not just go your own way or do your own thing, but do my way for my way is best and my way brings you victory, my way brings you protection, my way brings you prosperity. Therefore, know my ways, listen to my voice, listen when I speak to you. For I have your best interest at hand, yes, I desire that you walk in my victory, I desire that you walk in the fullness of what I have. Therefore, just listen to me and I will give you the guidance that you have need of. For truly it is a great hour for my church, it is a great hour, even though the false is fastly rising, yet my church is rising even higher and my Spirit is being poured out even in a greater measure and mighty are the things that are taking place. For people shall come because of the miracles, signs and wonders that shall be taking place, they shall come just to receive the things that I have for them. It is that hour, it is that time. Look to my word for your strength, do not look to the world, but look to me, for I am everything that you have need of to walk in these days in great victory. Therefore, look to me, look to me, look to me, for I have every answer that you have need of.


[ Prophetic Word ]