Isaiah 61:11

For as the earth bringeth forth her bud, and as the garden causeth the things that are sown in it to spring forth; so the Lord GOD will cause righteousness and praise to spring forth before all the nations.

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January 14, 2016 - 07:43 AM

  Your books and studies have been the greatest blessings to me. Don Gossett was my number one until I read your first book that I ever read. Now 15 books and 24 studies later you are by far the most anointed and blessed minister I have ever read. Thank you and God bless you!
Love, Pastor Holmes Williams D.D.
The People's Cathedral, Barbados
Delete entry # 1026
January 14, 2016 - 07:32 AM

  A good morning to all our friends all over the world. It is a somewhat nice day, but cold. Church services were wonderful and we know your services were the same. The coffee pot is on and we have fresh cupcakes today. Thank you for the fresh prophetic word! We are in prayer for every one an we know God has heard us and that He has answered. Have a great day in the Lord Jesus!
Love, Tom, Sue and the Gang from Maine
Delete entry # 1027
January 13, 2016 - 09:58 AM

  Thank you for those two powerful messages and the new news letter. My that was very powerful and exactly what God showed me. I knew man could not do it, but God could. Tank you and may God bless you and your ministry. You are a true Prophet!
Love, Rev Albert Harmmershine from Poland
Delete entry # 1028
January 13, 2016 - 07:10 AM

  A good morning to all our friends all over the world. It is a less snowy day today nnd we only had to clean up a little. It is also Wednesday and that means church and fresh prophetic words. The coffee pot is on and we have fresh cupcakes today and the fire place is burning. We are in prayer for every one and we know that God has heard us and that He has answered those prayers. Have a super great day in the Lord today!
Love, Tom, Sue and the Gang from Maine
Delete entry # 1029
January 12, 2016 - 07:42 PM

  I feel refreshed ready for a new start praise god
Delete entry # 1030
January 12, 2016 - 11:10 AM

  Praise the Lord for that! I am so glad to hear it and better yet I can't wait to see myself. It is always fun to watch and I have thoroughly enjoyed it these last few years. I prayed for good weather too! Best of all I love to see you prove everyone wrong! God bless you brother!
Love David
Delete entry # 1031
January 12, 2016 - 07:40 AM

  Praise God for those two very good services by David and Randy. Trust pastor is feeling fine. We are in prayer for him and missed him. Things are very tight here as Isis gains support and our people seem to be afraid of them. Please continue to pray for us as we need your prayers.
Love, David from the Ivory Coast
Delete entry # 1032
January 12, 2016 - 07:35 AM

I woke up this morning feeling like a teenager. I threw over a 100 passes through my tires hanging in the back of my yard and did not feel any soreness of stiffness We win!. It was wonderful. The smart money better b e on us!!
Love, Your Friend PM from C
Delete entry # 1033
January 12, 2016 - 07:27 AM

  Good morning to all our friends all over the world. It is a cold wintery day here on the East Coast. I had to plow this morning and I may have to plow again. The coffee pot is on and hot with fresh donuts. Thank you for the prophetic word! We are in prayer for every one and we know that God has heard us and that He has answered those prayers. Have a super great day and stay warm!
Love, Tom, Sue and the Gang from Maine
Delete entry # 1034
January 12, 2016 - 05:15 AM

  To my friend that is down: God loves you and we love you. I believe you need deliverance and we can help with that. If you can come to the chat or come see us in church we can help you even more. I will pray and bind them up for now but please come see us so we can help you even more. And remember you are a winner!
Love David
Delete entry # 1035
January 11, 2016 - 06:52 PM

  I fill like such a failure anymore I don't know how much more I can take I'm at my breaking point I feel like everyone hates me and doesn't want me around
Delete entry # 1036
January 11, 2016 - 02:43 PM

  We have gone to prayer for you. Pastor heard about it yesterday and called me right away. We try to watch closely as we know you are busy. I prayed that you would get one more chance and you did and the whole team played better even tho B did a good job filling in. I believe you will see a big change. You will not have any more type of that kinda pain. We have prayed and I know God has moved upon your behalf. We can see how much you love doing what you do. We always are watching when we can. We are always here for you when you need us! We love to see how God moves again and again. We always love hearing from you!
Love David
Delete entry # 1037
January 11, 2016 - 01:45 PM

  Hi David,
I am sorry for not keeping in contact more with you. I was very thankful for your prayers. I am in need of prayer again. They say I have developed RA and it effects me when it rains and the weather is cold or damp. I am alright for half hour and then I start tightening up. Then it is bad! They would like to retire me, but I am not ready in my heart. If you could pray for me, it would be a great blessing to me. The news will be blabbing it all over soon and that makes it harder to play as the others then know where to attack. Please if possible ask God for a miracle for me? Thank you! PM from C
Delete entry # 1038
January 11, 2016 - 10:39 AM

  Thank you for those two powerful messages as they are wonderful. Our people really enjoyed them. We are in prayer for you and your ministry every day. Please keep us in prayer as we need your prayers. God bless you and your ministry.
Delete entry # 1039
January 11, 2016 - 10:32 AM

  A good afternoon to all our friends all over the world. It is a nice day here but bad not far away. The coffee pot is still on and we do have cookies. Church services were wonderful and so were your services. we are praying for every one and we know God has heard us and that He has answered. Have a super great day in the Lord!
Love, Tom, Sue and the Gang from Maine
Delete entry # 1040
January 11, 2016 - 04:27 AM

  I'm trying it just seems every thing just keeps attacking Me I'm praying all the time
Delete entry # 1041
January 10, 2016 - 08:08 PM

  As the Body of Christ we need to remember this! A brother who has been hurt in his spirit is harder to be won than a strong city, and arguing is like the iron gates of a king’s house.Proverbs 18:19 NLV Love Randy
Delete entry # 1042
January 10, 2016 - 05:08 PM

  We are in prayer. Put all of your trust and confidence in the Lord. Choose to follow Him 100% percent and He will not let you down. He loves you and His desire for you I to be an overcomer. Don't look at the circumstances, and give God the thanks and praise that he has already taken you thru this time victoriously.
Love David
Delete entry # 1043
January 10, 2016 - 01:41 PM

  Hi I'm just really down lately about money and getting ready for a divorce I could really use some prayers
Delete entry # 1044
January 10, 2016 - 06:05 AM

  Please pray for the 7 we have coming who need a miracle for cancer. Thank you and God bless you.
Love, Elisabeth from England
Delete entry # 1045
January 09, 2016 - 05:17 PM

  Hi everyone. Please pray for Luca Paciente he's 8 years old and needs healing from cancer. Thank you and God bless you all. Love, Tony, Sandy and Gabrielle
Delete entry # 1046
January 08, 2016 - 10:57 AM

  Me and my are cooks and baker. I just retired from the Air Force afyter 30 years cooking. We would like to do the cooking and baking for your college when it gets done. We just need quarters and a little money. I make enough on retirement pay to live very well. Love the Lord with all our hearts. Am only 48, good health and filled with the Spirit. This month is my last month in the service and was wondering.
Love, Master Sargent John and Katy Felon
Delete entry # 1047
January 08, 2016 - 10:50 AM

  To the Prophet
Is the church going to wake up now?
Will they start listening to the true Prophet now?
Or will the shaking have to come first?
Thank you and God bless you!
Love, Rev. Paul from S> Africa
Delete entry # 1048
January 08, 2016 - 10:27 AM

  Dear Thomas family,
God had promised that there would be jobs here for those who would come. There is a link on the main page for jobs here. There are defenitely good jobs here and we can help you with Tha if you would like. We have one family already who moved here last year and God blessed the with a better job Tha they had before. You can email us directly if you would like more information on specific types of jobs. God had blessed us here and our people especially. I know He will move on your behalf. Please let us know how we can help further. God bless you!
Love David
Delete entry # 1049
January 08, 2016 - 09:10 AM

  Are there jobs in your area if we wanted to be near you? We have 3 children 5, 7, and 9. We want to be near your church during these last days as we feel that is where God wants us.
Love, the Thomas family
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