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November 23, 2015 - 07:16 AM
A good morning to all our friends all over the world. We had some snow this morning so I guess winter is here. The coffee pot is on and we have fresh cookies today. Church services were wonderful and so were both of your services. We went to prayer for Bro Do, but Randy sure did a great job and was glad he was back Sunday night. We are in prayer for every one and we know God has heard us and that He has answered those prayers. Have a great super day in the Lord! Love, Tom, Sue and the Gang from Maine
November 22, 2015 - 07:09 AM
Are we seeing chapter 13 of Revelation being fulfilled before our eyes right now? Love, Syhands from Spain
November 22, 2015 - 07:06 AM
Please pray for us because as bad as it is with Isis its worse here. They are slowly taking over and there is nothing we can now do about it. Love, Frances from Germany
November 22, 2015 - 06:54 AM
We have 7 coming who need miracles. # with cancer, 3 with MS and 1 with RA. We thank you for your prayers and your website. God bless you! Love, Bro Jim from S. Africa
November 21, 2015 - 07:54 AM
Please continue to pray for us as Isis is still trying to kill our people. Our life of freedom has been taken away from us. Please don't be fool by taking in these people and trying to help them. We love you and we are praying for you and your website. God bless all of you! Love, Mindy from France
November 21, 2015 - 07:39 AM
Can you please pray for the 8 who are coming for prayer? 2 have cancer, 3 with RA and 3 with MS. Thank you and may God bless you over and over! Love, Elisabeth from England
November 20, 2015 - 08:15 AM
I come read the prophetic Word, the fulfillment page and the Guestbook and tell my people all God is doing and all He said He would yet do. We tell our people and rejoice in the Lord. people have got to be seeing that the coming of Jesus for His church is very close now! Isis is heavy in this country and at times it seems like they are in control. Please pray for us as we need your prayers. We are praying for all of you! Love, Little John from Liberia
November 20, 2015 - 08:09 AM
A good morning to all our friends all over the world. Its another beautiful day here on the East Coast and it is Friday and that means a nice weekend ahead. The coffee pot is on and we have fresh ream puffs today. Can't wait for the prophetic word coming Sunday with all that is going on! We are in prayer for every one and we know that God has heard us and that He has answered. Have a great weekend and be in church! Love, Tom, Sue and the Gang from Maine
November 19, 2015 - 08:01 AM
Hi Tony, We have gone to prayer for Sandy's grandmother and we know that God can give her a miracle. We are looking for a good report! Love, Bro Don
November 19, 2015 - 07:59 AM
A good morning to all our friends all over the world. It is a very nice day today here on the East Coast. Church services were very good last night and we know yours were too. The coffee pot is on and we have fresh cupcakes today. We are in prayer for every one and we know that God has heard us and that He has answered those prayers. Have a super great day in the Lord today. Love, Tom, Sue and the Gang from Maine
November 19, 2015 - 05:01 AM
Hi Everyone. Please pray for Sandy's Grandmom Edith. She's in hospice and they aren't giving her a lot of time. But we know God can. Praise God. Thank you and God bless you all. Love, Tony
November 18, 2015 - 08:50 AM
Please pray for us here in France. Our president is doing all they can but we foolishly allowed them in felling sory for them and this is what we get in return. Please pray that America helps more than just talk as Russia is trying to work their way in and that would be very bad. Thank you! Love, Alice from France
November 18, 2015 - 06:51 AM
A good morning to all our friends all over the world. It is a cloudy day here on the East Coast today. The coffee pot is on and we have cupcakes today and it is Wednesday and that means church and fresh prophetic Words. We are in prayer for every one and we know that God has heard us and that He has answered. Have a great day today! Love, Tom, Sue and the Gang from Maine
November 17, 2015 - 08:42 AM
Thank you for your prayers for our people on Sunday morning. Every one of them was tested and all received their miracle. Praise God and God bless you and your ministry. Love, Bro Fox from S. Africa
November 17, 2015 - 07:34 AM
Thank you for the two powerful messages as it encourages, strengthens and uplifts our people. We are seeing growth and people are being saved. We still have problems but right now it is better. Thank you for your prayers. We are also praying for you. Please keep us in your prayers as we need them. God bless all of you! Love, David from the Ivory Coast
November 17, 2015 - 07:23 AM
A good morning to all our friends all over the world. The weather is beautiful with clear blue skies. The coffee pot is on and we have fresh donuts today. Thank you for the fresh prophetic news! We are in prayer for every one and we know that God has heard us and that He has answered those prayers. Have a super great day in the Lord Love, Tom, Sue and the Gang from Maine
November 16, 2015 - 07:07 AM
Thank you for your two powerful messages again. We sure are seeing the signs of the end. People need to get ready to meet God before it is to late. Please continue to pray for us. We are praying for you daily and He is answering! Love, Mary from Kenya
November 16, 2015 - 07:03 AM
Warning, warning! ISIS has warned that a same type attack shall come to Washington DC< New Your City, Texas, Cal and Az. The more you attack us, the more we will attack you; and Russia will also taste the touch of our attack on them. The Pope says the end of the world is here, get ready to see God face to face. From the world News
November 16, 2015 - 06:49 AM
A good morning to all our friends all over the world. Its another beautiful day here on the East Coast back into the high 60s. The news is busing big time and the Pope gave his first speech that the End of the world is here. I am glad our Catholic friends now know what we've been telling them for 5 years now. The coffee pot is on and we have fresh cookies today. We are in prayer for every one and we know God has heard us and that He has answered. Have a great day in the Lord! Love, Tom, Sue and the Gang from Maine
November 15, 2015 - 07:30 AM
Can you pray for 22 people who have MS, RA, Aids and cancer. This is our miracle day and thee people need a miracle. Thank you and God bless you. Rev John from S> Africa
November 15, 2015 - 06:12 AM
Could you please pray for 5 people who have aids and need a miracle? Thank you and may God bless you over and over. Love Bor Fox from S. Africa
November 15, 2015 - 06:04 AM
Please pray for the 5 who are coming for miracles today. We have 3 with MS and 2 with cancer, Thank you and God bless you and your ministry. Love, Elisabeth from England
November 13, 2015 - 07:39 AM
Dear Mr. Prophet, We see that the experts are now saying what you have already told us, that the stock market will crash before the end of the year. Can you tell us just ho bad it will be, and what to do with our money? Thank you and God bless you and your ministry. Love, Tony from N.J.
November 13, 2015 - 07:36 AM
I come read the prophetic word, fulfillment page and thee guestbook and tell my people all that God has said and all He is going to do, and we praise the Lord. It is still bad here but God is moving in a powerful way for us. We still need your prayers and we are praying for you. We are very proud to be partners with you and your ministry. Thank you for that powerful news letter. Love, Little John from Liberia
November 13, 2015 - 06:49 AM
Dear Mr Prophet, Will there be a war between the Blacks and Whites here in America because of all this crazy stuff or will those who play sports speak up and stop this craziness? Thank you! Love. Billy from S. Cal
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