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October 11, 2015 - 02:57 PM
Please pray for my cousin Patty's husband Bob. He needs prayer for his heart. He has crashed twice. I know jese will heal him. Thank you love Sandy
October 11, 2015 - 05:46 AM
We need your prayer to stop them from dividing Israel. There is a big push going on by the King of Jordan and 10 countries, plus America. Plus they want 1 Billion dollars for the damages they say we have caused. This is real Bad! Love, El Ben James, prophet House of Israel.
October 11, 2015 - 05:42 AM
We have many with the flue who need a healing. Would you please pray for them so we can get back in order. Thank you and God bless everyone! Love, The House of James's, England
October 11, 2015 - 05:37 AM
We ave asked 5 with cancer to come for prayer this morning. Would you please pray for them as they need a miracle in order to love. Thank you and God bless you and your ministry. Love, George from Poland
October 11, 2015 - 05:32 AM
Pray for the 5 who need a miracle for MS and Cancer who are coming today. Thank you and God bless you very much. We love your website! Love, Rev Bob from France
October 11, 2015 - 04:50 AM
Please pray for the 7 who are coming with aids. They need a miracle. Thank you and God bless you. Rev Sam from S. Africa
October 10, 2015 - 05:50 AM
With this new big push by the King of Jordan, 10 other countries and American for Israel giving up over half their country and millions of dollars for peace, do you think that tis will now or soon be the King's turning point where he becomes the antichrist? Its got to be soon with everything that is going on today. Love, Ben from Russia
October 09, 2015 - 12:49 PM
Being we cannot seem to keep the streets, schools, colleges, even police offers safe in America, how long before Marshal Law will take over there? Love, Sam from Ireland
October 09, 2015 - 12:45 PM
we love your program "A Talk With The Prophet". It is sure good to know we get the truth backed up by the Bible. Thank you! When do you expect the stock market to fall all the way? It has fallen close to 2000 points so far and no one is saying anything about it. Love, Sister Kate from England
October 09, 2015 - 12:40 PM
To the prophet Can you please explain mid-trib to me? thank you Rev Fisher from S Africa
October 09, 2015 - 12:38 PM
Question for the prophet Isn't Russia just setting up her spot in Syria so that after she hit America, she can start her march down against Israel? Love, Sir Frances from Spain
October 09, 2015 - 12:33 PM
I come read the prophetic word, the fulfillment page and the guestbook and tell my people all that God has done, all he is going to do and we rejoice and praise God. Thank you so very much! It is bad here but God is working very hard on our behalf. Please keep praying for us and we will keep praying for you. God bless you Love, Little John from Liberia
October 09, 2015 - 12:27 PM
Dear Mr Prophet, Why are so many people having a hard time seeing we are almost at the half way or 3 1/2 year mark now? Is it because to many do not believe the Bible and believe man more than God? Love, Rev Saul from Poland
October 09, 2015 - 06:16 AM
A good morning to all our friends all over the world. It is a very rainy day here on the East Coast but a much needed rain. The coffee pot is on and we have fresh cream puffs today and t is Friday and that means a nice weekend ahead with church and fresh prophetic news and "A Talk With The Prophet." We are in prayer for every one and we know God has heard us and that He has answered our prayers. Have a super great weekend in God! Love, Tom, Sue and the Gang from Maine
October 08, 2015 - 08:51 AM
Please pray for Connie as she needs a miracle. Cancer! We know that if you pray, she will receive her miracle. Thank you and may God bless you over and over. Love, Frank from England
October 08, 2015 - 07:03 AM
A good morning to all our friends all over the world. It is another cooler day but very nice. The coffee pot is on and we have fresh cupcakes today. Church services were wonderful and we know your services were the same. We are in prayer for every one and we know that God has heard us and that He has answered. Have a great day today! Love, Tom, Sue and the Gang from Maine
October 07, 2015 - 06:11 AM
a good morning to all our friends all over the world. It is a cool but nice sunny day here on the East Coast. The coffee pot is on and we have fresh cupcakes today and it is Wednesday and that means fresh prophet words and church. We are in prayer for every one and we know God has heard us and that He has answered. God bless you all! Love, Tom, Sue and the Gang from Maine
October 06, 2015 - 07:16 AM
Praise God for all He has done through your ministry. Thank you for all your help. We are so thankful. Things are not that good here and we see the signs of the end, and for that we are very thankful! Please continue to hold us up in your prayers. God bless you over and over Love, David from the Ivory Coast.
October 06, 2015 - 05:26 AM
A good morning to all our friends all over the world. It is a very nice Fall day here on the East Coast with sunny skies. Thank you for the prophetic words! The coffee pot is on and we have fresh donuts today. We are in prayer for every one and we know that God has heard us and that He has answered. Have a great day in the Lord! Love, Tom, Sue and the Gang from Maine
October 05, 2015 - 08:41 AM
Praise God for those two wonderful messages. Isis is making some powerful moves here and our country is not trying to stop them like they should be doing. Please continue to pray for us God is still doing a powerful work here and lives are being saved and changed. We are praying for you and your work. God bless you all! Love, Mary frm Kenya
October 05, 2015 - 07:10 AM
A good morning to all our friends all over the world. It was and is a beautiful day here on the East Coast. Church services were wonderful yesterday and so were both of your services. The coffee pot is on and we have fresh cookies today. We are in prayer for every one and we know that God has heard us and that He has answered those prayers. Have a super great day in the Lord.
October 04, 2015 - 05:14 AM
Can you pray for the 3 who have aids and need a miracle? Thank you so very much. We love your website and pray for you every day Love, Bob Jerry from S. Africa
October 03, 2015 - 09:28 AM
Please pray for the 3 coming with cancer tomorrow and need a miracle. Thank you for your great ministry to all of use around the world. You are so faithful and we love you! Love, Bro Rubin from Poland
October 02, 2015 - 12:43 PM
Dear Mr. Prophet, Would you clearly tell us why there is no Psalm 83 war! Isn't that Ezek 38-39? We need to understand this so we can settle it in our heart, Thank you and God bless you. Love, Bro Samuel Obadiah from Syria
October 02, 2015 - 09:16 AM
I come read the prophetic word, the fulfillment page and the guestbook and tell my people all God has said and all He is going to do, and we rejoice in the Lord and praise God for His faithfulness. Ezek. 38-39 is about to happen before our eyes. and America shall be judged. Then the rapture shall come to pass! Praise God for that! Please continue to pray for us and we will continue to pray for you! God bless you! Love, Little John from Liberia
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